The most expensive fur coat ever. The most expensive fur coat

Since ancient times, furs have been in great demand among different segments of the population, in different time performing various functions. Animal skins were the first material for primitive man's clothing. Later, furs became an important part of the turnover, a measure of calculation, as well as an integral symbol of high status, material well-being and luxury. Although today many famous people world have abandoned clothing made from animal skins, products made from high-quality natural fur remain in trend, and their cost continues to grow actively.

We bring to your attention the top 11 most expensive furs in the world:

7th place: Arctic fox fur is a material in demand in the elite circles of society. Its history draws its roots from ancient Rus', famous for its wide abundance of furs, where the arctic fox was in rather high demand. Modern "know" does not cease to give preference to this material. As you know, in nature, a polar fox can have two colors: blue and white, and the first type is much less common than the second, which affects its value. Blue is the fur of the color of an overcast sky of varying degrees of saturation. Light blue foxes have thick guard hairs with white at the base and a blue ending, which gives the overall picture the effect of a bluish veil. Long-haired fox fur is very warm, comfortable and lush, so designers often opt for it to create luxurious models, the average cost of which ranges from 2-6 thousand dollars.

fur coat:

6th place: Marten fur - material with long history, By appearance very reminiscent of more expensive sable fur, but with a slightly less dense awn. It has long been a value in Rus', and in European countries, where sable is not found, it successfully occupies its niche. The color palette of the color is very rich - from gray-smoky to rich brown. The hairline of the marten has a thick undercoat and a long pile, which makes products made from this material very wearable. The skins obtained in winter are especially valued, since during this period the fur is the thickest, longest and most beautiful. The main feature of marten fur is hypoallergenicity, which is due to a well-ventilated structure that does not accumulate dust particles caused by allergies. Products made of practical, warm and pleasant to the touch marten fur material are estimated on average at 3-7 thousand dollars.

marten coat:

5th place: mink fur- the material that is currently in the greatest demand among manufacturers fur products. Usually it is positioned as ideal in terms of price-quality ratio. Fashion on given type material has been introduced Hollywood stars in the 30s of the twentieth century. Silky and soft fur cover with thick downy and protruding outer hair is light, highly wearable, practical and retains great view Very for a long time. IN Lately mink fur is subjected to all sorts of experiments: it is dyed in the most various colors, lasered, cut, plucked, bleached and matched with various materials. The leaders in the production of this material are Scandinavia and North America. Mink color has a huge number of tones and semitones. The cost of an elegant fur coat made of high-quality fur of this animal can vary from 4,000 to 15,000 dollars.

mink coat

chinchilla coat:

3rd place: Lynx fur is a rare and extremely expensive type of fur, characterized by a unique color in its beauty. Only the soft white belly of the animal is of value, and the material with pronounced black spots is considered the most expensive. Fur coats made entirely of lynx fur are extremely rare, most often it is used to decorate products from other fur materials. The cost of such luxurious clothes, depending on the name of the designer who created it, ranges from 50-250 thousand dollars.

lynx coat:

2nd place: Sable fur is perhaps the most famous material in Russia, although not every resident of the country can afford it. The pride of Russian furriers since ancient times and before today considered a symbol of wealth and luxury. Sable fur has the status of the best in the world in terms of density, quality and appearance. The color of the hairline of this furry animal is so beautiful that designers use its skins exclusively for in kind. The most valuable and, accordingly, the most expensive among all sable skins is the fur of the Barguzin sable, which lives on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. In terms of its structure and abundance of shades, it leads the environment of other fur-bearing animals. Particularly appreciated is the color of chocolate color interspersed with gray hair and with a down, iridescent blue tint. By the way, it is he who enjoys the greatest popularity among world-famous couturiers. The average cost of one skin of this animal is 1.5-2 thousand USD. So, after some calculations, we can assume that even a small sable coat will cost 50-60 thousand dollars, and for a luxurious coat you will have to pay about 250 thousand US dollars.

1st place: Vicuña fur is the most expensive fur in the world, made from animals living in Peru belonging to the genus of llamas. The wool of this animal is highly valued for its remarkable properties: it is very soft, thick, thin and at the same time perfectly protects from the cold. Vicuña fur coats are made extremely rarely, mainly high-quality woolen fabric is produced from it, the meter of which is estimated at 3-5 thousand dollars. For this reason, only eminent brands sew clothes from this fabric. For example, the widest range of vicuña fur products can be seen in the collection of the Loro Piana fashion house. With regard to the extraction of vicuña fur, in the past, as a rule, a sparing method was used, which consisted in shearing animals. Later, the extermination of vicunas began to increase rapidly, but after a sharp decrease in their numbers in the 60s. XX century, it was decided to return to the way of the ancestors.

  • Beaver fur coats
  • Fox fur coats
  • Sable fur coats
  • Lynx fur coats
  • Fur jackets
      Fox and arctic fox vests
      • Mink vests
    Children's fur coats Blackglama Large size New fur coats Mink cross-section Fur coat sale Hooded Tailoring of fur coats


    The most expensive fur in the world

    Today, all kinds of salons, boutiques and exhibitions can deservedly be proud of the huge number of products made from the fur of various animals. Since our climate is quite severe, a fur coat made of natural fur will be very useful for winter. This is from a practical point of view. However, how not to talk about practicality, but natural fur is elegant and respectable. Today, fur coats are bought not only by high-income people, but people of average income also have the opportunity to purchase it at a reasonable price. The price of the product depends on what fur it is made of, on the quality of this very fur, the manufacturer and other factors. If your dream is a mink coat, then it is worth remembering that mink is the most expensive fur in the world. Or is it still not true?

    In fact, the most expensive fur in the world is vicuña. The habitat of this animal is South America, and it belongs to the genus of llamas. However, fur coats are not sewn from their fur, it is used to produce high-quality woolen fabric.

    But the fur of the Barguzin sable is the leader among the most expensive furs in the world, from which the most expensive fur coats are sewn. It is also known from history how valuable sable fur was in Rus'. Thanks to its color scheme and texture, it successfully leads among the furs of other fur-bearing animals. In general, varieties of sable a large number of, but the fur of the Barguzinsky is the most valuable and darkest in color. After all, what darker fur, the higher its price. The Barguzin sable lives in the Baikal forests. Its fur is close to dark chocolate in color with some graying and blue down. For the beauty and color of the skin of this type of sable, he was given the name "soft gold". It also owes a significant price for its name. One skin of Barguzin sable at international fur auctions can reach a value of 1300 dollars.

    To the most expensive fur in the world, in parallel with the fur of the Barguzin sable, experts also include chinchilla fur. Chinchilla is a small furry animal from South America that lives in the Andes. Since she lives at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above sea level, she has such fur, thanks to which she is able to survive in harsh conditions. She has thick and thick fur, besides a very original color. She has a dark back, which turns into bluish-gray sides, which in turn have smooth transition into a white belly. More valuable are wide skins of excellent quality obtained from young individuals.

    Let's be honest: every beautiful lady dreams of throwing a luxurious natural fur coat over her shoulders. For their tailoring, the fur of vicuña, mink, chinchilla, sable, arctic fox, silver fox, lynx, rabbit, etc. is used.


    Probably, now many fashionistas will be confused when they find out that the most expensive and valuable in the world is vicuña fur. This animal belongs to the llama family and is considered the most valuable in Peru. The state emblem of this country depicts a graceful vicuña. Noble animals live in the highlands. In the mountains, they survive thanks to the soft and warm wool. It was she who almost became the reason for the disappearance of the mentioned animals from the face of the earth. The skin of the vicuña is very thin and soft. However, fur coats from this fur are sewn very rarely, more often they make woolen fabric, a bit reminiscent of cashmere. A meter of such material costs about $3,000. That is why luxury clothing from the most valuable fur Vicuñas are made only by famous fashion houses.

    Barguzinsky sable

    Perhaps this is the most expensive and valuable domestic fur. It makes very beautiful products the color of chocolate, sometimes with glimpses of gray hair of a bluish tint. At a recent auction in St. Petersburg, the fur of this animal was constantly growing in price. As a result, each skin was sold for $1,300. This is a record price for a sable. Thus, a sable fur coat costs at least $200,000. However, the price of the product depends not only on the quality of the fur, it is also influenced by the exclusivity and the name of the author. It is known that famous designers fashion houses fur products are made to order, as a rule, in a single copy. Sable skins are often referred to as black gold. Exquisite fur received this name for its beauty, unusual colors, softness and solid cost.


    According to experts, the most expensive fur coats are also made from chinchilla fur. It is also often called the most expensive. Chinchilla has very thick fur. An ordinary fur-bearing animal from one hair bulb only one hair grows, while a chinchilla has 60-80 at once! The height of the villi is 3 centimeters. So far, it is produced very little, so it is especially appreciated. This is confirmed by the prices for chinchilla outerwear. The most expensive fur coat, the price of which can exceed $ 100,000, is not available to everyone.


    Undoubtedly, this is the most popular of them, lightweight and durable. Fashion for them was introduced by Hollywood stars in the thirties of the last century. IN last years this fur became the subject of experiments fashion designers. It is plucked, cut, dyed in various colors, using the latest technological developments of dressing. The most expensive one costs over $20,000.


    Many people think that the most expensive fur coats are made from lynx. The largest and most beautiful are the Scandinavian lynxes. Interestingly, the most valuable is fluffy and

    soft white belly. The more distinct black spots on it, the more valuable the fur. Lynx fur coats are sewn exclusively from side skins. This fur is practically not subjected to processing. Such a fur coat can cost more than mink and even sable. The reason is simple - the lynx is a rare and cautious animal, they are not bred anywhere, and it is extremely difficult to obtain a license to shoot. The most expensive lynx fur coats will set you back over $100,000.


    Today we consider the most expensive fur coats. These include marten products. This is a fur that has been used by man for a very long time. Outwardly, it is very similar to sable, but not so thick. In Rus', the mentioned fur has always been of value, and in Europe, where sable is not found, it successfully occupied its niche. Differs in wide colors- from light gray to dark brown. It has a thick and fluffy undercoat and a long silky pile. Especially valuable are the skins mined in winter time when the fur is especially thick. A spectacular, light and warm marten coat will cost you a little over $ 7,000.

    Back in antiquity best furs were given to tribal leaders or priests. IN modern society the situation has not changed much: fur coats from the most valuable furs can only afford wealthy people. The cost of such products is estimated at tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of course, not every fashionista can replenish her wardrobe with them, but still it will be interesting for many to find out which are the most expensive fur coats in the top 10.

    Sable fur coat for 1 million euros

    A fur coat created for the autumn-winter 2015 show by designer Karl Lagerfeld impressed fashion admirers from all over the world with a record price of 1 million euros. The product has become a clear confirmation of the fact that the Fendi fashion house always creates only best models fur clothes.

    To create a luxurious fur coat, the designer used sable fur, which outraged animal rights activists from around the world. But Karl Lagerfeld ignored all the accusations directed at him. He considers his creation a real work of art.

    Such high price a delightful fur coat is due to several factors:

    • to create it, 36 skins of dark sable were used, the fur from which is the most expensive in the world;
    • the material was subjected to special expensive processing to give it an incredibly beautiful shine;
    • the fur coat is decorated with a luxurious white orchid made of fur.

    It is worth noting that sable fur coats, created by not so reputable craftsmen, will cost from 60 to 250 thousand dollars, which largely depends on the quality of the fur, its color and style of the product.

    For fur coats made from lynx fur, you will have to pay from 60 to 200 thousand dollars. Products made from the skins of the Siberian lynx are most valued. Their high cost is due to the fact that only the abdomen area can be used for tailoring. white color covered with black spots. The cost of the product to a large extent depends on the spotting: the larger it is, the higher the fur is valued. In addition, the lynx cannot be bred, and the shooting of wild animals is allowed only under a license, which only largest companies engaged in the preparation of fur.

    Fur coats made from chinchilla fur look luxurious, which get the third place in our list. They are estimated at a minimum of 20 thousand dollars, and their maximum value reaches 200 thousand US dollars. Chinchilla coats are very beautiful, and created by the hands of talented designers, they become a real exclusive. The fur of the animal has different shades, between which there is a smooth transition, so the products from it are simply delicious with a magical wavy effect.

    Fourth place went to mink coats. For products made from this fur, they ask from 4 to 15 thousand dollars. Mink coats are very popular because they are the perfect combination"price quality". The fur from this animal is very light and soft, and the thick undercoat provides reliable protection by cold. In addition, mink products have such important properties as wear resistance and excellent appearance, which persists for many years.

    In fifth place in our top was a marten fur coat. The fur of this animal resembles sable, but has an awn of less density. For products made from marten skins, you will have to pay from 3 to 7 thousand dollars. Fur is valued for its high wear resistance and practicality. Products from it are warm and elegant. In addition, there are many colors of marten fur, ranging from gray-smoky to rich brown. But main feature marten fur coats is their hypoallergenicity: the fur has a unique ventilated structure, so that dust particles do not accumulate in it.

    The sixth place goes to products made of arctic fox. They have very sophisticated look and are very popular with wealthy people. A fox fur coat can cost from 2 to 6 thousand dollars. More expensive is fur that has a blue color, which is quite rare. Fur coats made of polar fox look very impressive, so they are often created by the most famous couturiers, preparing new collections for shows. Products made from the skins of this animal are also very warm and comfortable.

    Since ancient times, ermine fur has been used to create outfits for royalty. Snow-white products created from the skins of this animal have a luxurious and elegant look. But this fur is not so easy to get. Only animals that live in cold regions have an ideal white color. Ermine fur looks luxurious and is considered an elite material. Fur coats made of it are valued at 2,000 to 5,000 dollars. The relatively low price is due to the fact that ermine fur cannot be called wear-resistant, and products made from it require special care.

    The eighth position in the top 10 most expensive fur coats goes to products made from black-brown fox fur. They began to gain popularity in the 20th century. Silver fox fur coats, which have a dark color, very effectively emphasize the snow-white skin of ladies, which is why they are popular with wealthy fashionistas. Products made of thick, lush, long fur perfectly protect from the cold, have high wear resistance and retain their original luxurious look for a very long time. To buy a silver fox fur coat, you will need to spend from 1 to 3 thousand dollars.

    Many fashionistas dream of beautiful fur coat from a beaver, which costs from 1 to 2 thousand dollars. This product gets 9th place in our list. The fur of this animal is very soft and pleasant to the touch. It is lush and very thick, thanks to which the products created from it have a stunning look. Beaver fur coats perfectly lie on the figure, emphasizing the fragility and grace of the ladies. Also, beaver fur is valued for its high performance. It is one of the most wear-resistant materials, and due to its unique properties easily transfers moisture. A beaver fur coat is an excellent protection against the cold.

    The final place in the top 10 most expensive fur coats goes to products made from raccoon fur. This material is wear-resistant and reliably protects from the cold. Raccoon fur in natural color is rarely used to create fur coats. Often it is given other shades, so that products made from it look much more beautiful. The fur is very fluffy and light, has a harsh awn and soft underfur. A fur coat made of such material costs from 1 to 1.8 thousand dollars.

    Today there is a fairly diverse selection of fur coats made of natural fur. That is why fur products are so popular in our country, where winter reigns most of the year. The choice is so wide that the eyes run wide.

    It just so happened with us that the expensive one has become an indicator of the status and well-being of its owner. How to determine from what fur it is sewn from the appearance of a fur coat and, in general, which fur is the most expensive? First, let's see a photo of the fur of expensive fur coats.

    Every fashionista wants to know what the fur of expensive fur coats looks like and what advantages it has. We know some for sure: it is soft to the touch and it looks stylish and glamorous, regardless of the style of a fur coat or vest.

    What do the most expensive furs in the world look like?

    Let's make a rating of expensive furs, which are most often used for sewing fur coats that our ladies love so much. And let's see why the price of fur products varies so much and what it depends on. So, which fur is more expensive than all furs and which fur coats are the most expensive?


    By right, this is the most glamorous animal. Many fashionistas have a fur coat or other lynx fur product in their wardrobe. And if not a product, then at least clothes with inserts from this fur. However, such a fur coat is expensive, because the lynx is unique in its color: black spots on an orange-brown skin. That is why lynx fur coats are difficult to make from faux fur which further increases their price. The larger and brighter the speck is, the greater the contrast of the product, and the higher its price and more expensive clothes from such material.

    The lynx is a rare animal, so a fur product made purely from the skin of a lynx will be very expensive, which allows fashion designers to dream up. Outerwear with inserts of lynx skins is now common, whether it be a collar, vest, cuffs or belt.

    Barguzinsky sable

    There are many species of sable, and despite the subspecies, the fur of this animal is expensive. But the Barguzin sable is most valued among buyers. Fur coats from this fur have many advantages. Its skins have a special chocolate color he is soft. And how it shines! It is worth noting that Russia is the only manufacturer of this fur.

    Buyers are ready to shell out a tidy sum for one of the most expensive furs. The lowest cost of this fur is 60,000 dollars - about the cost of a knee-length coat made of Barguzin sable fur, and floor-length fur coats are valued at more than a hundred thousand. But such fur products are worth the price, because they look luxurious.


    This animal lives in the expanses of South America. His fur is one of the three most expensive natural furs. After all, it is very thick, and its pile is thin. By right, it is one of the warmest. The chinchilla coat is popular because of the gradient color of the villi - they can shimmer from silver to.

    From chinchillas you can sew a variety of models and styles of fur coats. This is one of the reasons for the high demand for this type of fur. The simplest products made from the skins of this animal can be purchased for about $10,000, while the most expensive cost about $100,000. And the price also depends on the brand.


    One of the most expensive furs is vicuña fur. This is a breed of animals that live in the Andes and is a kind of llamas. But for tailoring fur coats, these animals are not specially caught in the mountains, but are grown in Peru. Vicuñas are not whimsical, it is thanks to their warm and thick fur that they can withstand cold and strong winds.

    Products made from such expensive fur are quite light, because the skins of these animals are thin, although warm. Such a fur coat will look elegant, regardless of tailoring. However, today furs with similar characteristics are practically used for sewing fur coats - they are made of high-quality fabric, somewhat similar to cashmere. For a total of about $3,000, you can buy square meter such material. However, you can see and purchase coats made of such fur from the collections of some famous brands and model houses.


    Most common natural fur. After all, in it the ratio of quality and price is directly proportional. Expensive mink fur is durable in use and wear-resistant. The lady in it will always look presentable and elegant.

    One of the advantages of this fur is that it has several colors and different length and the thickness of the villi, which depends on the subspecies of the mink. Recently, clothing designers are increasingly experimenting with this pile. In fur salons for short fur coat from this animal you will be asked for at least $ 15,000.


    You can talk about expensive furs endlessly, because this is an ancient craft and important element outerwear. Such a conversation cannot do without mentioning the marten. There are about 8 subspecies of this animal, and stone and pine martens and 2 more species live in Russia. Partially they are found in Europe and China.

    IN Ancient Rus' skins of martens were used as an exchange currency equivalent to gold. This type listed in the Red Book of Siberia, which is why martens are not bred artificially. This is one of the reasons why her fur is so highly valued, because it is mined in nature. And the cost of a simple marten fur coat classical style estimated at about $3,000.

    arctic fox

    These animals are also called polar or arctic foxes. The dressing of fox skins since the times of Ancient Rus' has been considered one of the most profitable and valuable fur trades not only in Russia, but also in the world. The villi of the fur of this animal are long, which is why the fox fur product looks chic and expensive, because it is pleasant to the touch and comfortable in it.

    Blue fox fur is much more expensive than white fox fur. And it looks much more luxurious.

    A fur coat made of such expensive fur can be compared in terms of wear resistance with a mink product. After all, it can be worn for about 10 seasons. The price, again, corresponds to the quality. Outerwear from fox fur costs about 2,000 to 6,000 dollars. But connoisseurs of fur do not look at the price when buying, first of all, they see a quality product in front of them.


    Expensive ermine fur in tsarist times was bought and worn only by the families of kings and kings. After all, even then the fur of this animal was expensive. But due to the frequent catch of these valuable and rare animals, they began to disappear and ended up in the Red Book. The skins of ermines living in the cold northern regions are more expensive, because their skin is clean and snow-white. The color of ermine fur directly depends on its habitat.

    There are also bicolor animals: the back is brown, the rest is white. And their tails are always black. There are about 26 species of stoats in total. Such beauty costs up to 5,000 - 6,000 dollars.


    We have reviewed the most expensive furs. Including vicuña, sable, chinchilla, mink, arctic fox, ermine, lynx, marten. Nowadays, many designers and fashion houses make works of art out of fur products. It is up to you to decide which fur coat to buy from, because each of the expensive furs has its own advantages, but one thing unites them: they all look gorgeous.

    Now, knowing the list of elite furs from which elegant products you can safely go shopping. Indeed, with such a variety and sophistication of expensive natural furs, every self-respecting girl and woman can create their own unique style.

    Video: TOP most EXPENSIVE FUR in the world