How can you help a teenage girl build her self-confidence? How to help a teenage girl not worry about her figure

The text is based on European studies and takes into account world experience psychological work with teenagers. 56% of girls lose their confidence during puberty. Girls often blame themselves for failures, apologize for expressing their opinions, pay too much attention to other people's words and fixate on mistakes. Defeat uncertainty by using the “growth mindset” principle.

If it seems to the daughter that she cannot improve something in herself, she is unlikely to want to do something new in the light of possible difficulties. Psychologists call this phenomenon "fixed thinking" and it is more common in girls than in boys. Whereas the “growth mindset” is the understanding that success can only be achieved by making an effort. Listening to praise only for results, the girl will decide that only the outcome of the case is important, and not the process, and will worry about failures. If you praise her for her efforts, you will help her feel proud of herself and the tenacity with which she achieves her goal. This approach is called "praising the process." What can and should be praised for a girl:

● For different approaches to the solution. “I’m impressed with how many solutions to this problem you found!”

● For finding new tasks. “I am proud that you were not afraid of difficulties”

● For perseverance

Teach your daughter the principles of growth mindset. If a girl sees that her parents are not afraid of difficulties, learn from their own mistakes, respect themselves and each other, this encourages her to do the same.

Joint activities for mother and daughter

A good option the answer to the question "How to increase self-esteem of a teenager?" is practice. You can do it together game exercises to help your daughter believe in herself.

Puberty is a difficult time, and a girl just needs to be sure that everything will be fine and that her parents or adults will always support her. If you want to go through this together, then tell her about how you went through it yourself. transitional age when you were a girl like her. This will help you improve communication between you.

Women's Talk: Sharing Stories

If you admit to your daughter that even as a parent, you faced the same problems, it will help her sort out her own feelings. Tell her how you have outgrown this period, and she will understand that she will cope with the difficulties. If it is difficult to express thoughts without preparation, try exchanging letters. The main thing is to find a way to support the development of communication. Share your experience with your daughter in the field of personal care, hygiene products, caring for the figure and skin. For example, give advice to use pads during "critical days" and show where to store them - make this locker available to both of you.

Target fixation

If a teenager has a fixed mindset, then he has confidence that he is who he is, and nothing can be changed. This creates problems when life is challenging: if a girl feels she has to do Furthermore, with which she can handle, the teenager feels the hopelessness of this undertaking.

Growth mindset - important tool, it will help your girl cope with the challenges that puberty brings with it. Tell her about this method, explaining that the brain develops like muscles - through exercise, practice and overcoming difficulties.

How to use the growth mindset

Ask your daughter to tell you about one of her goals in life. Give her advice. Break the problem down into simple pieces. Highlight, for example, 3 steps that she will achieve this goal. Go to the result gradually together. Be sure to celebrate the completion of each stage together and do not scold the girl if something did not work out right away! Continue to support your daughter, remind her that all obstacles are surmountable: you just need to make an effort, do not despair and do not waste your time on trifles.

Example of an idol

Your daughter will face challenges with more self-confidence if she has right attitude to failure and an understanding of the importance of perseverance in solving problems. Teach her to use the example of an idol. This is an important point, revealing the idea of ​​how to increase the self-esteem of a teenager.

If you know who your daughter's idol is, spend some time researching his biography. Focus your daughter's attention on how her idol overcame difficulties on the way to success, how he coped with difficulties and what role perseverance played in this. Remind your daughter about this when she has some kind of trouble.

Proper Praise

Praise for the process is important. Praise your child for how he copes with difficulties! This method is more productive than praising the mind or beauty of a teenager. Change the habit of praising not the result, but the process. It's hard, but keep practicing and you'll be fine! Notice how often you praise your daughter throughout the day. For example, she came home with a good grade, and you said: “What a smart girl you are that you studied so hard for this test,” instead of: “Wow, you are so smart!” Start tracking your habit. It will be easier.

Information about the principle of "growth mindset" and how to increase self-esteem of a teenager during puberty, is on the site (, created by experts to help parents.

1 Always 2014 Confidence & Puberty Survey - on line survey with 1,300 females ages 16 to 24 2 Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan. Women Who Think Too Much: How to Break Free of Overthinking and Reclaim Your Life. New York: Holt Paperbacks, 2004.
2 Reprint edition.
3 Blackwell, Lisa, Kali H. Trzesniewski, and Carol S. Dweck. "Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement Across an Adolescent Transition: A Longitudinal Study and an Intervention." Child Development 78.1 (2007): 246-63. Print.
4 Gunderson, Elizabeth A., Sarah J. Gripshover, Carol S. Dweck, Susan Goldin-Meadow, and Susan C. Levine. "Parent Praise to 1- to 3-Year-Olds Predicts
5 Master, Allison. “Growth Mindset.” interview. 16 Apr. 2015
6 Gunderson, Elizabeth A., Sarah J. Gripshover, Carol S. Dweck, Susan Goldin-Meadow, and Susan C. Levine. "Parent Praise to 1- to 3-Year-Olds Predicts Children"s Motivational Frameworks 5 Years Later." Child Development 84.5 (2013): 1526-541. Wiley. Web. 24 July 15.
7 Dweck, Carol. Promoting Growth Mindsets. digital.
8 Simmons, Rachel, and Simone Marean. "Growth Mindset." telephone interview. 9 Apr. 2015 7 Mackey, Allyson P., Alison T. Miller Singley, and Silvia A. Bunge. "Intensive reasoning training alters patterns of brain connectivity at rest." The Journal of Neuroscience 33.11 (2013): 4796-4803.

Let's take a look at an ordinary eighth grade of an average school, where girls of 13-14 years old study. They are the same age, but they look completely different. For each of them teenage years- a serious test, the first step in the development of femininity and sexuality. In the experience of relationships with peers, parents and other adults, a girl develops a certain idea of ​​herself: what she is, what her body is, whether she likes it. Conventionally, teenage girls can be divided into several categories:

Young beauties

Their body has already succumbed hormonal changes they have become physically attractive to men. But these girls have not yet accepted the changes in their bodies and have not realized their sexuality. It is difficult, unusual, and sometimes unpleasant for them to catch the interested glances of classmates or adult men. They are embarrassed about their sexuality and don't know how to deal with it.

Celebrity Followers

They actively maintain pages on social networks, posting photos, imitating Taylor Swift, the Kardashian sisters, models from glossy covers. They don’t quite understand what they are doing, pouting their lips, making up their eyes, putting on tight T-shirts and ultra-short shorts. They just repeat after their idols without seeing/understanding the underlying sexual context. They are not ready to be sexual for real (which is good, of course, due to their age, but causes dissonance in perception). Indeed, on the one hand, they give a signal to men “Look how attractive I am!”, And on the other hand, they just play a game, try on a sexually rich image. It is enough for them to collect likes and admiring comments, without any "continuations".

Mature Lolitas

These girls know perfectly well what men want and expect from them. They already understand the full power of femininity and use their advantage. Lolitas understand what men like, that their body is attractive, and what power it gives them. They look forward to looking older so that they can easily enter clubs and be accepted into older companies.

Ordinary schoolgirls

They have not yet been affected by strong changes in appearance and they themselves are in no hurry to join the competition of the “most attractive”. Instead of spending a lot of time and energy discussing high schoolers about what to wear and how to get their mom to let them dye their hair, they are busy with their studies/hobbies/informal interests. This does not mean that they are exemplary students. But their energy is still being spent in a different direction - music, sports, hand-made, communication with girlfriends. Relationships with a touch of flirting and sexuality are still out of their field of interest.

And now, these “so different”, although the same age girls study in the same class and sit at neighboring desks. They can exist as parallel universes that never intersect, but conflicts can arise between them. Yesterday's children begin to defend their adulthood, build social ties, create informal groups. At the point of relationship with the opposite sex, the first love tragedies, unrequited feelings and quarrels with close associates are born. At the age of 13, girls fall in love once and for all. They are ready to fight for the attention of their chosen one, resorting to aggressive behavior if another girl gets in the way. The competition between classmates for the place of the "star" in the class is fierce. In this race for informal leadership, such “ugly” methods as harassment or boycott of dangerous competitors are involved.

Hearing insults or ridicule that, say, Anya is too thin / fat is not surprising in the society of teenage girls. While the guys sort things out, building their hierarchy based on physical strength and the general level of "coolness", girls act differently. They play more cruelly, excluding the rival from the social circle, setting the others against her and sowing many complexes in her. I immediately remember the series "Gossip Girl" with her best girlfriends Blair and Serena. Other girls became outcasts if they fell out of favor with their best friends.

You don’t want to imagine that your daughter could be in the place of an outsider, an “ugly duckling”, who will be expelled from the team just because the “star” of the class so desired. But this may well happen, so it’s better to prepare your daughter in advance how to resist attacks and organized bullying in the classroom.

Ridicule of bodily changes and the first manifestations of sexuality can leave traumatic consequences if the girl is left without the support of loved ones. To deal with ridicule external changes, the girl needs support in the face of her parents. Especially in need of support are "young beauties" who can get in the way of "Lolit". Doubting themselves, not accepting their body, girls can take offensive comments about their appearance as a common truth.

IN adolescence girls are very sensitive to the opinions of others. During this period, many complexes and clamps associated with the sexual sphere can develop. When a girl feels uncomfortable in her body, not ready for change, her complexes are projected onto others. Ridicule, sharp jokes of classmates and even careless words of parents are taken to heart, as a reflection of internal complexes and self-doubt.

Every girl can become a victim of peer bullying. To cope with this, her mother's support on the path of becoming her femininity can help her. Of course, it can be very difficult for you to accept the fact that your little daughter is becoming a woman very quickly, is too attentive to her body, and suddenly begins to be interested in how boys will like her.

Age 12-13 years old - just the right transition period when the energy, previously directed to the study of the world and development (study, circles, hobbies), changes its direction. The period from 6 to 12 years can be called a lull, when the interest in learning and interacting with the world wins the list of priorities. Teenagers to replace cognitive activity comes the so-called genital stage, when hormonal and physiological changes. The energy of the libido manifests itself in sexual interest in opposite sex. A change in the direction of libido can affect school performance and relationships. Teenagers have completely different interests. It is more important for them to find their place among their peers, to feel their importance and attractiveness. Requests to “get stupid things out of your head” and go back to textbooks will not work, they can even turn your daughter against you. Threats, the use of punishments and force, which, unfortunately, many resort to in such a situation out of desperation, will not help here either. The only way out is the transition to a completely new level of relations between mother and daughter. Your support and understanding will help the girl not to abandon her studies and not go "in all serious ways."

Changes in the body and head of a teenager can no longer be stopped, the libido energy will look for an outlet, but you can help learn how to cope with it. Help her accept her new self, “grow” a sense of self-sufficiency and a healthy level of self-esteem, learn self-reflection and building personal boundaries. With such a protective "arsenal", your daughter will never become a victim of bullying at school or an informal company.

Principles of raising a teenage girl:

Self-acceptance is the first step in a harmonious relationship with the body.

We are all different. Someone by their constitution cannot be thin like Kate Moss, have a model height or Blue eyes. Beauty manifests itself in different ways. If you just tell your daughter, “It's okay! Not everyone is born a model!” It doesn’t help her understand that she doesn’t need to conform to some pattern or package herself in imposed standards. Accepting herself as a person, with her own characteristics, she can learn from your example if you create a solid foundation of respect in your family:

  • Definitely take your daughter. You have to be very careful with teenagers' feelings. Respect their personal space and emerging "adulthood". At the same time, not forgetting that a child still lives in an adult body, who needs words of approval and support. If she considers herself fat, help her switch to a healthy diet, support her endeavors to play sports or dance.
  • Just listen. Adolescents do not like being questioned and required to "report" details. personal life. But at the same time, it is very important for them to be heard. Be there and be ready to listen and support her without criticism and condemnation. You may want to give advice, to say, "I know better, don't repeat my mistakes." Then you will devalue those fragile experiences that are so important for your daughter now.

Self-sufficiency and independence

The greatest gift you can give your daughter is to help her develop a sense of self-sufficiency. The supportive message you can convey to her at this level is “You can do it!”. So that she is not afraid to be herself, to show herself real. Teenagers suffer from self-doubt and low self-esteem. When your daughter doubts herself, repeats to herself “I can’t, I can’t”, it is you who can “disenchant” her. After all main secret success is to try, to start doing. Support your daughter in her ideas and endeavors. To instill in her the confidence that she is loved and beautiful right now, and the assessments of others are far from always objective, perhaps precisely by such an attitude towards her, and not by talking about it.

It is important and necessary for teenagers to try their hand and achieve success. Help your daughter if she asks for it, but if you see that she is doing something well on her own, do not interfere, while paying attention to her success. A child develops a sense of self-worth if there is support in the parents nearby. Remind her that you appreciate and love your daughter just for the fact that she is. And never! Never laugh at her! No matter how ridiculous and trifling her problems may seem to you, they are very real and meaningful to her right now. They are very important to her. A girl who is confident in her own worth will not have to look for confirmation of this by pleasing others. A girl with healthy self-esteem does not need to prove anything to anyone. The stronger the inner core, the less the need to look for external confirmations. It is you who can help her to strengthen it.


The ability to hear your desires and live the present is the foundation of a person’s mental health. This contact with inner world, with true needs worth their weight in gold. Teenagers seek new experiences to see if something is right to be with. Let the daughter experiment with the choice of clothes, hairstyle, cosmetics. These are her ways to know yourself, to try on different images. Let her open herself in different areas, support her initiative, she needs to feel internally free, “catch” the state of “I can”, “I will succeed”.

Personal boundaries

Actions that later regret for a lifetime are committed under some kind of pressure. But this happens because the teenager did not know what he really wanted. He allowed to cross the boundaries of his body, personality, principles, values, he could not protect them, he conceded. Explain and do not get tired of repeating to your daughter that she does not owe anything to anyone. That she doesn't have to agree to sexual relations so that the guy does not go to another. That her desire / unwillingness is the main indicator, no matter what others demand from her. In any relationship, she should first of all be comfortable and safe.

You can help your daughter not be embarrassed about her body and survive if someone at school tries to make fun of her by going through adolescence "storm and stress" next to her. It is very important for a teenager to feel independent and adult. But even more valuable for him, in addition to self-respect, is to know that you are always ready to help him. A self-confident girl who treats sexual manifestations and flirting as something natural and beautiful will be difficult to convince of the opposite.

How to conceive a girl? This question is fundamental for some couples. For them has great importance the female sex of the unborn child. And if a couple already has a son or several sons, then the desire of the parents to conceive a girl cannot be described in words. There are several methods to get closer to what you want.

A woman has a uterus and two ovaries. When the hormone begins to be produced, the egg grows. Every month, the egg is released from the ovary (the moment of ovulation) and begins to move through the fallopian tubes. Its target is the uterine cavity.

In some women, several eggs can be released at the same time. In this case, spermatozoa fertilize them all. If there is a connection between two eggs, then twins are born (in the case of the presence of three eggs - triplets). If a fertilized egg divides into two, twins are born.

Usually monthly cycle equals 28 days. However, the number of these days may be less or more. The blood flow lasts for about five days. According to the abundance of discharge, the very first day of bleeding is noted. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, on day 14. Its beginning can be determined by . In the first half of the cycle, it decreases. When the temperature rises sharply by 0.5 degrees, it means that ovulation has begun. A woman often feels tension in the lower abdomen.

Let's talk about men next. They are responsible for the sex of the unborn child, as they have the necessary set of chromosomes. Sperm in men is stored in the testicles, which are packed into the scrotum. Their function is to maintain a constant temperature in the testicles. It is less than 36.6˚. The male hormone is responsible for the production of sperm and its accumulation. During ejaculation, approximately 3.5 grams of semen is released. This amount contains about 300,000 spermatozoa.

The sperm and egg are involved in the process of conception. The egg contains one X chromosome. The sperm carries two chromosomes: X and Y. When the fusion occurs, the female chromosome joins the male. As a result, the following combinations are possible: XX or XY. With a combination of XX, a girl is born, with XY, a boy.

Spermatozoa X and Y are different in appearance and capabilities. Type X has an oval head and great power actions. Such spermatozoa live longer than X. However, in quantitative terms, X spermatozoa are less than Y.

View Y has a round head. It is characterized by great fragility, high movement speed and short life span. There are more Y sperm than X.

After the moment of connection of the egg and sperm (the moment of conception), the new united egg begins its division. The result is a zygote. This is where the development of the fetus begins.

If conception does not work, then the shell of the uterine wall exfoliates. At this point, the woman begins menstrual bleeding. At this time, the woman is tormented by malaise.

The first method: how to conceive a girl by ovulation

The time of ovulation, the speed of spermatozoa movement and their lifespan are taken into account. It is clear that male spermatozoa are very active, but not tenacious. A day after sexual contact, they die. Female chromosomes are slower. But they have the ability to live for several days. If you have intercourse on the day of ovulation, then you are more likely to get a boy. What days to conceive a girl? If you want to give birth and raise a girl, sex should be planned a day before the expected ovulation.

Calculating the exact day of ovulation is easy. It divides the cycle in half. That is, for a cycle of 28 days, the day of ovulation is 14. To more accurately determine the day of ovulation, a measurement is taken basal body temperature. You need to do such actions for several cycles in order to find out as accurately as possible the time of release of the egg.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

  1. The cycle begins to be counted from the first day of the appearance spotting. Throughout the cycle, there are favorable and unfavorable days.
  2. The next four days are considered safe, you can not get pregnant at this time. If we take into account the 28th calendar cycle, then it is impossible to get pregnant from 1 to 9 days. At this time, the woman feels a slight malaise and some weakness.
  3. The next five days are considered conditionally safe. Due to the features female body ovulation may occur different time. That is, conception these days is still possible.
  4. Then the next four days come, during which there is a high probability of XX merging, that is, getting a girl. This is justified by the good viability of female chromosomes.
  5. The onset of ovulation and its first day. At this time, the egg has already matured and left the ovary. This is the most favorable day for conceiving a child in general.
  6. After ovulation within 4 days, it is very likely to get a boy. Since the activity of Y-chromosomes is very high.
  7. This is followed by four conditional safe days, due to the proximity to menstruation.
  8. The next five days are considered sterile for sex. Pregnancy will definitely not come. The only thing that a woman experiences at this time is pain and discomfort. Sexual intimacy Because of this, she may not be happy. Often for the female sex during menstruation, there are outbreaks of irritability and aggression.

The described method is characterized by good reliability.

To summarize, in order to conceive a girl by ovulation, you must:

  1. Keep the amount of sperm to a minimum.
  2. Change the microflora in the vagina.
  3. Carry out conception before the onset of ovulation.

Second method: by blood

Some people believe that the blood of the parents is responsible for the sex of the child. In this case, the youngest and, accordingly, the most healthy sex by blood wins. If the mother's blood is younger, then a girl will be born. The opposite is true for dad.

The essence of blood renewal is as follows. In the human body, blood is completely renewed at regular intervals. For men, this period is 4 years, for women - 3. To determine which blood is younger, you need to divide the age of the father by 4, and the mother by 3. Whoever has a smaller balance, that blood is younger. Future child will have the healthiest and strongest blood.

Such calculations are acceptable if in people's lives there were not some dangerous factors, which include:

  • Deep and severe trauma.
  • Big blood loss.
  • Operation performed.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Abortion.

These factors disrupt the blood renewal cycle. Therefore, for reliability, the countdown must be made from the date of the factor.

The third method: according to the Chinese calendar

What days can you conceive a girl? The Chinese invented a special calendar that gave information about the gender of the unborn child. The sages believed that a woman in different ages, in a different month can conceive a child of a certain gender. The calendar invented in China is also popular in our country. The table has the following rows, columns and data. At the top is the age of the woman, on the right is the probable month of conception. At the intersection of these two columns, the letters M and D are indicated. M is a boy, D is a girl. Accordingly, if you choose the age of the mother and the month of conception, then you can get the sex of the unborn child. Using the calendar is easy. If there is a boy at the intersection, and the parents want a girl, then you need to choose another month for conception.

Fourth method: according to the Japanese calendar

The Japanese calendar is a bit similar in definition to the Chinese one. Only it consists of two tables. The first table is based on the date of birth of the parents. The month of the birth of the man is indicated on the top, and the month of the birth of the woman is indicated on the left. At the intersection of rows and columns, a non-random number is given. It needs to be identified and remembered. It will be needed for the second table. The month of conception of the child will be looked over according to the second table. In the same place above there is a figure from the first table. There are columns in the middle of the table, they have red and blue crosses. Whose crosses are more, that floor will appear in this pair.

Fifth method: according to the Slavic method

This is where the calculations come in. If a woman wants a girl, she needs to wait for an even number of years and conceive a child only on even days of the month.

Another interpretation. To get a girl in the future, you need to add the number of the month of conception to the age of the mother. It should be an even number. If it's odd, then it's a boy.

In addition, it is believed that it is necessary to conceive a girl only during the day. In this case, the entire initiative should come from the woman.

Sixth method: according to a certain diet

Its meaning is that you need to eat only certain foods. Proponents of this method believe that food creates a certain environment in the body, which greatly affect the gender of the child. If a man eats only healthy food and refuses bad habits, then the quality of his sperm will increase significantly. Likewise, if a woman leads correct image life, her chances of getting healthy offspring only increase.

  • 4 months before conception, sugar, meat, potatoes and salt should be significantly limited.
  • A woman needs to eat food rich in calcium and magnesium. These elements can be gleaned from carrots, cucumbers, beets, onions and some other vegetables.
  • You also need to eat milk, fish, fruits (with the exception of bananas and peaches), any vegetables, eggs, seafood and rice.
  • Under the strictest ban all harmful products.

Seventh method: according to the Erickson method

According to the method of the scientist in the laboratory, sperm analysis and the necessary filtration are carried out. For the birth of a girl, those spermatozoa that move noticeably fast are removed from the sperm. These are the male chromosomes. The purified sperm is injected into the vagina. As a result, the egg can only be fertilized female chromosomes. Accordingly, a girl will appear.

This new method. Not everywhere it can be done.

Method Eight: Mental Attitude

Maybe someone will consider it pointless, but the technique works. It is necessary to psychologically visualize the girl at the planning stage. A mother must always represent her baby. Her dreams should be completely immersed in thoughts of a girl. Mom has to the smallest details imagine your daughter: her hair, eyes, lips, height, character. We know that thoughts are material. And if you try, you can program your future daughter for yourself.

Ninth method: according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar has been popular since ancient times. Many historical events took place on lunar calendar. According to it, you can choose the most optimal days for the birth of a girl. So according to the named calendar, the moon passes through the necessary female sign every 2.5 days. TO female signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Cancer. It is also possible to get pregnant with a girl when the moon is in Capricorn, Pisces and Scorpio.

Tenth method: by blood test

The clinic determines the blood type and Rh factor. The analysis is given at the planning stage. After the Rh factor of both parents is compared. When a couple has different Rh factor They have been unable to conceive for years. The situation is exacerbated by women Rh negative, under the influence of which spermatozoa are simply rejected in the body. When the Rh factors are the same, then the birth of a girl will be more likely.

  • A woman should not experience an orgasm, otherwise the formed alkaline environment will kill the X-sperm.
  • Carry out conception a few days before ovulation. Male chromosomes won't live to see X.
  • After ovulation, you can not go for sexual intercourse or you need to carefully protect yourself. At the time of abstinence, it will take more than two days. If less time passes, then the Y chromosome will overtake the X.
  • Try to keep petting and foreplay to a minimum. Lower your arousal rate.

Another tip: to increase the acidic environment in the vagina and increase the chance of getting pregnant with a girl, you need to do a vinegar wash. To do this, two tablespoons of the liquid are dissolved in a liter of water. The induced solution can not be stored before use for more than two hours. It is advisable to use it immediately.

In what position to conceive a girl

To get a girl, you need to achieve the pose of the least penetration. This category includes the following: "in a missionary way"; "spoon"; the man is on top, and the woman is located with her back to him.


  1. If the fetus has a rapid heartbeat, then it is a girl.
  2. If a woman is drawn to sweets, then there will be a daughter.
  3. If the shape of the abdomen goes up, then this is for the female sex.
  4. If the expectant mother constantly wants to sleep - to the girl.
  5. If the fetus moves in the lower abdomen, then this is a princess.
  6. Mom sleeps on her right side - for the birth of her daughter.

If the sex of the child is vital for the couple, then you can use pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, which is carried out during IVF. The sex of the unborn child will then be clear in advance, since the fertilization of the egg takes place in a test tube by a specialist doctor. But for IVF there must be certain indications. This opportunity is not available to all couples. In addition, IVF costs a lot of money.

The listed methods do not give an absolute guarantee that a girl will be born. And if, contrary to expectations, despite the efforts, a child of the wrong sex (a boy) was born, you should not anger God and get upset. Any child is the greatest joy and gift.

How to help a girl increase her self-confidence

All people can be divided into two categories: active and self-confident and, on the contrary, indecisive and timid. Most often, the latter trend is typical for girls. Parents, noticing this in their daughter, begin to worry about her insecurity and. If your child is not the soul of the company, is afraid to show his own emotions in public, and you want to help your daughter change and increase self-confidence, then this article is written for you.

The formation of self-doubt depends on at least two aspects: the temperament of the individual and her upbringing. Uncertainty is the most common trait human nature. By the way, this feature is typical for every person, but not everyone demonstrates it. In many girls, the formation of uncertainty proceeds in the form of a special psychological reaction. As a rule, it manifests itself by about four years, and intensifies after ten years. Shy and insecure girls over the years may become more withdrawn and not sociable, preferring loneliness. Most often, their circle of friends is limited; later than their peers, they begin relationships with young people. And all because they avoid visiting various public places, but if this still happens, the girl acutely feels all her shortcomings, holding herself even tighter. At the same time, she does not notice personal advantages, being afraid to demonstrate them in order to avoid getting into ridiculous situations. Because uncertainty is fear of the future. This fear is constantly scrolling in thoughts and becomes a harbinger of upcoming failures and criticism. Thus, there is an obsessive fear, entailing stiffness in everything. So how can you help your daughter gain self-confidence?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the main factors influencing the formation of uncertainty. One of them may be a feeling of persistent anxiety. The problem of this lies in the upbringing of the girl. Frequent reproaches and nit-picking in relation to the child do not give good result. With reproaches, parents remind the girl of her shortcomings. Therefore, any situation must be resolved only peacefully. Excessive guardianship can also cause an inferiority complex. So, everything should be in moderation.

Helping a girl increase her inner confidence is not so difficult. Pay attention to how your communication flows. Try to give your child more time, start conversations on various topics and answer all her questions. Take on the role of a friend. Strive to go out with your daughter more often, so you increase the chances of becoming her confidence and sociability.