Happy birthday to the head of the personnel department. Happy birthday greetings to the head of the department

See also:
Russian poems
Texts of funny congratulations to the boss
-Happy Birthday Poems
Funny birthday greetings to a colleague
Happy birthday mother
-Sms fun - texts
-Toast to the boys
-Toasts about love
Poems m Tsvetaeva
Beautiful congratulations to a colleague in verse

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
Congratulations, congratulations!
Your day has come today!
I wish you rest
Tired of work!

Are you talking about papers today?
Forget business.
Happiness, joy, courage,
And smiles on your lips!

Congratulations Staff Member!
Lots and lots of staff

Only exceptional footage.

You always work beautifully
Strengthening the strength of the team.
different days for you
bright and clear,
May this holiday
It will be wonderful!

Congratulations on the day of personnel officer postcard
Lots and lots of staff
It ran through your office.
But they achieved a place as a reward,
Only exceptional footage.
You love working with people
You don't judge them by their looks.
You always work beautifully
Strengthening the strength of the team.
different days for you
bright and clear,
May this holiday
It will be wonderful!

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
Today is an unusual holiday -
Today is staff day!
Let the salary be decent
Let the work be easy.

We wish you sincere fun
To make it easy on the soul
Be in a good mood
Always fly high!

Congratulations to the personnel officer in verse
You are a real recruiter
Skillful, experienced, intelligent.
Let not your face be darkened,
Do things prudently.

Respect your superiors
Strive for career growth
And never be discouraged
Then everything will be easy in life!

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
Personnel is our everything!
The truth is known
We wish you easy
fast, interesting

And with zeal always
Work from the heart!
Never be sad
Let the worries go!

Happy anniversary congratulations
Today, on the day of the personnel officer,
We sincerely wish:
Work to be easy
The boss was sane!

To never be afraid
Reports and bad weather,
To be lucky in everything always,
And, in general - just happiness!

Poems about personnel officer
The time has come to congratulate you -
Today is Personnel Day!
I want, my friend, to glorify you,
Your work is not easy

As it may seem.
So let you always be lucky!
I want to smile more often
Less problems and worries!

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
You are employees of various enterprises,
Institutions, firms, factories!
May your life be pleasant
After all, you work for the people.

Good health, good luck,
So that the boss is patient, -
It means a lot at work.
In work worthy, painstaking!

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
You - personnel worker,
Today is your holiday!
By the way, you are a hunter
And always be like that!

Work you hard
Hands down!
Let the faithful be near
Reliable, good friend!

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
Dear recruiters, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, heads of HR departments of organizations!
Let me heartily congratulate you on professional holiday- Happy Personnel Day! We sincerely wish you a good working mood, creative passion, patience and understanding for those who are looking for work, successful work and good relationships with those who have already found it in your organization!

Congratulations to the woman personnel officer
You are even on your holiday legal
Follow the footage
And let your phone call
It will only be congratulations.
After all, a birthday is a bright holiday,
And accept congratulations
A million different gifts
The only ones I could pick.

Cool congratulations happy personnel day
Your day, personnel officer,
Finally arrived:
You are in your business
Real creator!

And we, without a doubt,
We wish you simply:
Good luck, luck
Career growth!

Congratulations on the personnel officer's day
You, as a staff member,
Accept congratulations!
You have hundreds of green bills,
In general, do not count the money!

Personnel is our future
So work harder!
Your life will be happy
And to the problems - be simpler!

We wish you an excellent mood, a stable, decent income. So that you don't have to be sad and despondent, Driving a cool foreign car. So that we never bend under difficulties, There is always a reason to smile, We congratulate our boss, We wish you all the heights in your career!

Let things go great
Happiness also in personal life,
For your boss
We wish you clear days!

In the morning the sun shines brightly for us,
The best mood
But life is still beautiful
It's the chef's birthday today.

With all our hearts we wish you happiness,
Love and every success,
Let bad weather bypass you
And in the life of joy and laughter!

Live wonderfully, be cheerful
And don't get bored at work
Be healthy in Siberian
And raise our wages!

We don't need another boss
Kinder you - we will not find!
Only with you our team is friendly,
Without you - fade, disappear!

And on your beautiful birthday,
We want to congratulate you all!
And you, about us, do not forget -
As in a good, so in a bad hour!

Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you!
Wishing you lots of love!
Pure, sincere, mutual and beautiful!
May your days be filled with love!

So that everything always works out!
So that recognition comes, success!
And you always succeeded
You were simply the best in the world!

The boss has a job
Always start off
To be a major note
For wit on the table khryas

Calm down for divorcees
No more blah blah blah
Their world is too thin ..
To give without dough

alcoholics rascals
And another bunch
Pay them mere crumbs.
bastard creditors

The rest of the tail with a gun
Forget old grandma
It's Indian summer already..
Too sanctions and bout
: -)

Today is a sad and happy holiday...
After all, it happens sometimes in life.
You are glad to meet with youth, but childhood ...
It is now gone forever.
So let the ringing laughter not stop today,
And let happiness flow like a river.
Today you are the happiest of all
After all, this holiday is yours and only yours!
Let your friends stay with you
Do not leave in Hard time.
And I ask you never forget
That in this life someone always needs you!

The drum beats, the flute is poured.
Snow covered the asphalt and the ground.
Let's celebrate this event
In the snowy, frosty hours of February!

What's the event? And you look:
Who is there on a beautiful horse?
Head and Deputy -
Guides to a great country!

Straightforward, likes to read a lot.
I was able to increase my loan portfolio.
Let Alexandra be happy with the road,
And let April shine in February!
We wish you love, optimism,
To not be afraid of snow and frost.
Faith in colleagues and constructivism
In the smell of joyful fiery roses!

When the boss has a force majeure in his office,
And with him now it happens very rarely,
Write poetry, have a sincere conversation,
Set the horns on him with his girlfriend Sveta!

Today is a special day for us
After all, the boss celebrates his birthday,
We wish you health. Every time
Let luck await in business!

We wish you to believe in miracles,
After all, all ages are submissive to miracles!
Let heaven give happiness
Be bold in your work and be agile!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of the woman - the head of the department

Celebrated its first 55 years, our leader - head of department. Dear _________________!
With a feeling of deep respect, we congratulate you on a glorious date in your life. Yours for many years labor activity associated with our company, with the family team. You are always distinguished by high demands on yourself, high responsibility for any task assigned, sincere and good relations to people. you are always in the thick of things, do not separate yourself from the life of the team of the department and the enterprise.
You have a wonderful family, beloved grandmother and mother, wonderful friends. Happiness to you, health and kind recognition of people. What is our happiness? It's a new dawn, it's a new day. Happiness - in human love, in communication with people dear to you, in overcoming life's hardships, in the joy of work. To be happy means to save your face, your convictions and your human dignity. You have all this, our dear birthday girl!

Congratulations to the boss on the anniversary in prose

Dear leader! Today we sincerely want to congratulate you on your Anniversary! I would like to note that for all of us you are not only a talented leader, but also interesting interlocutor, a friend who knows how to support in difficult times and sincerely rejoice at our successes. Your every word is important to us and your every advice is valuable! You managed to rally our team, in which each of us works with great desire and good mood!
We sincerely wish you good health, for long years life, good mood and prosperity! Let your plans come true, and, be sure, we will make every effort to ensure that your ideas always come true!

Retirement wishes for boss

We want to say words of gratitude for how firmly and precisely you have guided us in our work. You scolded for miscalculations, and praised for good luck. You were honest and strict. At the same time, we were understood and encouraged. Your contribution to us as individuals is invaluable. Thank you! We are not afraid to look ahead because you taught us how to win!

Poem congratulations to the boss on his birthday

May the weather be beautiful
Mood, many friends!
And let nature please you,
The world smiles every day!
You are the best boss for us,
And we strive to be your best!
We don't make big promises.
We commit to fulfilling the plan!
We observe discipline in work,
And on vacation - drive out the twist!
We want to say a lot of words to you
Wishing you happiness and joy!
Never be sad in vain
Do not grow old, but always look younger!
In general, be our chief, our happy,
And in business you will succeed in everything!

Congratulations to the boss in prose

Gentlemen, let me congratulate the outstanding and successful person, our brave boss and skillful leader with this exceptional holiday! To be a leader, a model for all of us, to lead people - not an easy task. But our boss handles it easily and naturally! We wish you to grow and improve in the professional field, financial stability and creative ideas, harmony in your soul and understanding! Coziness, warmth and comfort at home! And most importantly, health!

Personal congratulations to the boss

Dear ___________ (name)! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! We are glad that we have such a leader who can professionally assess the situation and find the right way out. Thank you so much for your talent as a leader. We wish you a positive mood for many, many years to come, so that the daily difficult work will be easy for you!

Congratulations to the head of the production department of the plant on the 55th anniversary

Our dear Ivan Ivanovich! Your work biography began in our team, in our team, and yours continues. professional growth. After graduating from the _____________ Institute, you entered the plant in 1919 as a foreman. Foreman, senior foreman, head of the section, deputy head of the shop, head of the shop, and currently - head of the production department of the plant. An organized leader, an enterprising worker, you are able to quickly respond to certain problems that arise in the process of production. Under your leadership, production of new equipment has been mastered in production. You are a real talented leader, you solve all production issues competently and on time, enjoying well-deserved respect and authority in the company's team. A good and reliable comrade, attentive, demanding, sometimes tough, you have the tact of communication, taking into account the individuality of each employee.
We told you about you - our leaders. These are not words of flattery, but words of appreciation and gratitude to fate for giving us the opportunity to work alongside you for many years.
Please accept our heartfelt wishes: good health to you, Have a good mood, success in work for the benefit of the plant,
vigor and strength to overcome all life's troubles.
Congratulations to the head of the power department of the plant on his 60th birthday
Despite the fact that the mean lines of the welcome address cannot reflect the whole multifaceted life of a person, we will try to tell our guests the main milestones in the life of our hero of the day. Our hero of the day is already working at the enterprise

Happy birthday to the boss

Well, today is your birthday!
Not enough time to tell everyone, alas ...
And this is not a fawning at all!
No need to flatter when the boss is you.
As a navigator, you guide our ship
Through storms and storms the work is challenging.
There is a calm, there is an emergency,
But you can win all this!
Yes, and your team - at least where!
We said all this without joking...
We worked perfectly, yes!
If the boss is good, the team is good too!

Dear _____________ (name)! From the whole team we congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you good health, success, happiness and prosperity! So that your inexhaustible energy does not end, and your optimistic mood supports our team! Since February 23 you!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss in words

With deep respect we want to congratulate you!
As a skilled leader, we love and honor you!
With confidence, hold the helm in your hands,
And the collective ship is not afraid of a squall of wind.
We are all a friendly team, and you are our captain!
Thank you that fate has given us such a boss!

Congratulations to the head of the bank

Dear (--)! Friendly team congratulates you on this wonderful holiday! With all our hearts we want to wish well-being and prosperity, financial stability, positive attitude, creative ideas and angelic patience! Let the Guardian Angels touch the road you are walking on! Peace and health to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations to the boss on promotion

We have one boss
Not the boss - just a treasure!
Fair, not scandalous
In the team - peace and harmony.
And quite naturally
He must move on
And on the career ladder
Get up a step.
Well, it is necessary, then it is necessary -
And the order is ready:
With promotion
We want to congratulate you!
The team is proud of you
And he wants to keep it up!
Glorify yourself with deeds
Don't give up, win!

Birthday greetings to the boss

Dear our birthday boy! On this bright and rainbow day, let me express our love, gratitude and delight! In our turbulent times, you are a model of balance, justice and understanding! We are proud to work alongside you and under your leadership! Good luck in everything, good health and continued luck! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss from employees

Today is an important day at work
It's the boss's birthday today!
We are in a hurry to congratulate him
And express great admiration!
We wish you this day
Health, happiness and love of course,
And what would be at work every day
For you it was fruitful and successful!

Congratulations to the head of the personnel department

Allow me to congratulate you on your birthday!
There are very good phrase: "Cadres decide everything." And you, as the head of this division, are adequately fulfilling your task in resolving this issue. Thanks to this successful selection personnel, our company continues to work and successfully produce products. On this special day, we want to wish you to please us more than once with your talent to choose the brightest stars for our team. Be healthy and happy! Good luck and good luck to you all!

Happy birthday to the head of the shop

In honor of your birthday, our dear leader, we are your employees, we want to say:
Lead a team
You are well, not the first year,
Your decisions are right
Even if people are offended.
You are always in a creative flight,
For us, you are like a father.
We are ready to work
Evenings and weekends.
We will say directly and without flattery:
We are behind you, like behind a wall,
For a birthday, together, together
Let's just drink one!
Yes, only one at a time, since you, our esteemed boss, and everyone knows this - very strict, and with regard to violators of labor discipline - irreconcilable. A lot of kind words You deserve today - as a production worker, organizer, leader, who has given decades to his native enterprise, but today we want to note something else - your concern for our team, for each worker, because in such a difficult, difficult time it is very important not to forget about a person, especially when he's in trouble. Stay healthy and, as always, high level humanity!

Congratulations to the boss comic in verse

Our boss enters the office importantly,
The team writes a pirouette right away!
Today we gathered to congratulate the boss,
We take this issue seriously!
Everyone thought about the gift together,
How to congratulate us more interesting!?
And we decided to compose a big verse,
After all, there is no such thing in the world!
Treat congratulations calmly,
We tell you from the bottom of our hearts, only with love!
Let your business go better
To increase the salary of the team!
And please feel sorry for the employees
Pour some vodka for all of us!
Well, better than vermouth, martini,
Meet a girl in a bikini!
So that you will soon be stunned,
With cherished requests stuck!
On it, so that you can be distracted longer,
And from the affairs of the workers finally broke away!
To give us less orders,
To celebrate the holiday (birthday) more fun!

Congratulations to the boss from business partners in prose

We are sincerely glad to congratulate you on a significant date!
Thanks to our fruitful cooperation, our enterprises are flourishing, and the number of our customers is constantly growing! We are confident that you will continue to be a stable, reliable partner, which will further strengthen the reputation and enhance the image of our companies!
We wish you good health, great family happiness, increasing well-being, wonderful friends and the speedy implementation of all your plans and ideas into reality!

Personal congratulations to the boss on his birthday

Dear ___________ (name)! Congratulations on your birthday! Accept our my sincere congratulations! We wish you that your life is full of fun, laughter and joy! So that the heart is forever young! I wish you health, success and happiness in your life! Happy birthday!

Congratulations to the boss pension fund Happy birthday

Dear (). Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday! You devoted all your knowledge, energy and experience to the development of the fund, the preservation and strengthening of its scientific and production potential. We sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, successful and fruitful work.

Happy birthday to boss

We highly respect you
And we express hope:
Don't leave us.
Without such a boss
We'll be gone at the same time.
We will cherish you, groom you,
Do all the work
With zeal, joy, smile,
Definitely five!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss from employees

Let your age always only tell you about the percentage of those frontiers and heights that have yet to be achieved. We wish you stability in business and well-deserved victories. May all projects turn into good and prosperity. happy days you and the best years.

Congratulations to the boss on his birthday

Congratulations from a friendly team
We send you this joyful day,
May your whole life be bright and happy,
No matter how hard it is.
You know how to make difficulties friends,
This experience is invaluable to us.
And so we heartily congratulate
Happy birthday here and now.

Happy New Year greetings to the boss in verse

You are a great boss,
May the year not be empty!
Brings great success
Let all the hindrances go away!
Partners strongly respect
And shake hands together!
Colleagues always listen
And the star shines brighter for you!
And be everywhere in solid honor,
At meetings, at home, at work!
And one praise awaits in everything,
A lot of income and good!

New Year's greetings happy new year the best boss

Dear boss! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year!
I wish you to achieve great results in the New Year, implement your plans and bring all your ideas to life! May the New Year strengthen your happiness and bring only the best into your life! I wish you joy and good mood all 365 days a year!

Happy birthday greetings to the woman foreman

Our dear (). We heartily congratulate you on your birthday. We are very happy to be there and share in half all the difficulties and joys of our profession. We wish you real female happiness and a clear smile, we wish you to go forward in any situation and always feel confident.

Official birthday greetings to the boss

You are the helmsman, our most important!
Always in care and work.
But on your birthday, glorious holiday
Soar in the clouds too!
And happy birthday congratulations,
We sincerely wish you
Let the cup of life fill
Success whirlwind brings to dreams!

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of the boss in verse

On the Day of the Anniversary, we want to say directly
You have accomplished a lot
We only have your work
Reap with success!
By planning, you set hearts on fire,
We are ready to accept any project with a bang!
There is no better director in the world
And how wonderful your children are!
And at sixty you are charming, cheerful,
So accept congratulations from the bottom of your heart!
Good luck to you in everyday life and in dreams,
But don't forget business!
Health, long life, good luck!
Implementation of any task!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the boss

Our captain
We wrote congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
To congratulate you on your anniversary!
And we wish you all
Health, joy, dreams!
So that our ship is led as before,
Reliable, competent, successful!
We wish you universal love,
And a whole ocean of passions!
And let on your horizon
More good news to come!

Congratulations to the boss beautiful

We are very pleased and proud to work in the ranks of your company. Thanks to your sensitive leadership, she has reached such great heights in business. We wish you good health and personal family happiness in your life. We are proud of you.

Congratulations to the boss 52 years old

Dear our (). Accept congratulations from your colleagues with wishes. We wish you to simply live, love the dawn and steadfastly meet any adversity, love the whole world that surrounds you. May your every day be bright and happy.

Congratulations to the boss in verse

I want to wish the boss only good luck today
Wealth, happiness and love to boot!
To be accompanied by success in everything!
Let there be beauty, fun, ringing laughter in the house!

Congratulations to the boss on the anniversary

Dear ____________ (name, patronymic)! Congratulations on your anniversary! We sincerely wish you further successful leadership of our team! So that health does not leave you, success to you and good luck!

Congratulations in verse on the Anniversary to the head of the motor depot

The boss is fair and the motors are friend!
He recognizes all iron horses by sound!
From a friendly team to a glorious anniversary
Wishing you happiness and accident-free days!
Health and success in troublesome work,
And the roads are good, less likely to be under repair.
So that the clock works, everything is clear, without failure,
From the bottom of my heart I wish my own car depot!

Congratulations to the boss on the anniversary

Today, on a special sunny day
We are all here to congratulate you!
And we want to postpone all your urgent matters
And leave for a while!
You are the leader, the boss, you are our Anniversary!
You have made a great team!
So let luck, love and fuse!
They burn with fire and give energy!

Happy birthday to the boss with best wishes

Happy birthday to an excellent leader, an unsurpassed strategist and the best manager! Let kind congratulations and wishes of happiness will flow and please your ears every minute of this beautiful Day!

New Year's greetings to the boss

We wish you a new year
Tiger courage and strength,
So that your desire for work
You were more than rewarded;
So that the team is devoted,
Loved you and proud of you
So that each of your new breakthrough
He became an example for everyone.
We wish you patience
Good luck with everything and health.
Always stay there
Where you are surrounded by love!

Happy birthday to the boss official

Our team wishes you, our dear director, to live in the world whole century. May life always be kind and tolerant to you. May there be many more sweet spring dreams in life, and may there be peace and grace in the family. Happy birthday.

Congratulations to the head of the gas section of the electrical shop on his 65th birthday

Today the head of the gas section _______________ celebrates his anniversary. Around he works in our workshop. During his work, he proved himself to be a very competent specialist, perfectly knows all the gas facilities of the plant, an excellent welder. He is not afraid of physical work - despite his age, he freely "cracks down" on oxygen and gas cylinders.
A good family man, together with his wife - an intelligent and beautiful woman, who also works at our enterprise, raised children, and now they are helping to raise two grandchildren.
Our hero of the day is an avid fisherman, unlike other fishermen, he catches only big fish. The workshop team wishes you, _____________, all the best, health, so that there is still work, your demand, respect from colleagues and relatives. Let these years not frighten you - they are your wealth and reward, they are your wisdom, maturity, but not old age!

Happy birthday greetings to the boss from colleagues

The team of our company would like to congratulate you on this significant day! And wish you inspiring creativity and creative inspiration, gigantic health and an unchanging sense of humor! Happy birthday!

Anniversary congratulations poem

Our respected and determined boss. We want to wish you, on your birthday, that your path be pleasant and uncomplicated, may the flute in the heart of love not stop. And we, in turn, as a friendly working team, will help you to sing your songs to July.

New Year's greetings to the boss

Let with the blows of chimes
Troubles all go away
Let it shine with happiness
Our boss tonight!
Everything in the past is bad
We won't remember
IN New Year new
We want to wish you!

Congratulations to the head of local government

The Board of the Development Institute, on behalf of all members of our team, is pleased to congratulate you on your birthday. We wish happiness, health, prosperity to you and your loved ones, new creative success in scientific activity and new great achievements in your service to our Motherland.

New Year's greetings to the boss

Happy New Year to congratulate you!
How wonderful the snowflakes are spinning
And there are no barriers to happiness!
I wish you much health
Fateful victories and awards!
May your friends always understand you
And relatives help in everything!
Let the New Year bring into your life
Only joy all year round!

Congratulations to the chief

I will send congratulations to the chief -
Main as your status among us.
Let no evil regrets visit you,
Embellishment lights will not deceive you.
Only real smiles
Only heartfelt words
You will be given by relatives, relatives,
To make your head spin with happiness.
our catalog :

Happy birthday, congratulations to the boss woman! I wish you that no worldly blizzards and snowstorms affect your home. I wish you an easy and responsive character. Good and irreplaceable friends, faithful husband and loving children. May colleagues always be friendly.

On your birthday, I wish my dear and respected boss: let the world give you its bright colors and unforgettable moments. Many discoveries and amazing journeys for you. May everything you want come true in this life. Let the cherished dream come true.

On my birthday, I want to wish my boss a lot, but before that I will say that the whole team loves and appreciates you. You are not just a reasonable, wise, competent and successful leader, you are also a beautiful woman and mother. You always manage to look great. Always and always remain so.

Happy birthday, dear boss! I wish you to combine such difficult tasks in life as managing a team, being a caring mother, loving wife, a friend to his colleagues, a wise mentor, and just a beautiful woman!

Our department manager
You are like an angel and a guardian
You will always understand. You will always help
Tell me something if you can
Thank you for everything
And on my birthday we say:
Good luck, happiness and health,
We wish you with love!

Let words always be backed up by deeds,
We wish you, head of the department!
We also wish you Happy Birthday
Unknown in life was to laziness!
Cases to be solved any "on time",
And a ray of optimism in the soul so as not to go out!
May luck always accompany you
And be a good boss us!

You work hard and skillfully
No wonder the head of the department!
Everything goes well in your hands always,
And do not be afraid of grief, do not worry!
Let it continue to be all the way!
Now, on your birthday,
We wish you many long years
Live in abundance, without grief and without troubles!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Wish you a lot of success
You, you are our leader,
Keep the department you strictly!
May luck be with you
Without her, nowhere!
Happy birthday
Be happy always!

You have been in charge of the department for a long time,
And all of you are so clever and skillful!
We are definitely happy to work with you.
And we don't need anyone else!
Happy birthday today congratulating,
We beseech you, leader,
Live long, always be happy
And we will always respect you!

You are a very necessary worker,
In any enterprise
Today we give flowers
Well, let's pour some champagne
To drink for the personnel officer,
In honor of his birthday!
We wish you happiness for ages

To get out of business,
The personnel officer helped the chief.
All found experts.
And the work is clean.
For your work - credit.
Let success lead you forward.
There will be happiness, no doubt!
Happy Birthday!

It's your birthday!

We wish you all now!

Congratulations on your birthday
Dear, from the heart!
you are still beautiful
And, as before, they are good.

In business, you are undoubtedly a pro,
You are a brilliant recruiter
Let it be only for your joy
At work every moment.

Women's happiness, patience,
Peace, joy, wealth
And great inspiration.

HR is hard work
For a beautiful lady.
But you're doing great
Behind the barrier.

On your birthday we wish you
Happiness and luck.
Make easy decisions
And know no doubt.

To work, you take people,
And less often you leave without work,
My friend, cast off your tired look,
After all, you are a recruiter by profession.
Today is a holiday, your birthday,
But wait before the toast,
'Cause I'll tell you how much I respect
And I wish you happiness, joy!

You accept, you dismiss
You manage staff.
You clearly know your business.
Manage skillfully.
Today is your birthday.
And we are the whole crowd of you
Congratulations collectively.
We wish you happiness and love.

Glorious work, personnel officer
We wish you straight!
For people to work for us
All are adequate! could
So that you conduct the selection as it should.
Well, today everyone who is nearby,

We wish you good luck in everything!

Personnel worker, a beautiful person,
On her birthday, we wish you love
May she be happy and sweet
Receive the support of all your loved ones,
Let it not get sick and be cheerful
Let work give her an incentive to life,
She succeeds, she can do a lot
And he will definitely find good shots!

I want to wish you warmth in my heart,
So that joy gives you every day,
And so that you always bloom with happiness,
Like the most beautiful flower in the world!

Always be healthy and laugh more often
Never know sorrow or trouble!
I wish you true love from the heart
And many beautiful and colorful years!

In labor you fill
Every page
happy birthday congratulations
Today is a personnel officer.

You have your own personal scanner
He is not subject to the minds,
Nature gives such a gift
Only to you, personnel officers.

You work as a personnel officer, you have been for a very long time,
Not dusty and calm, your business is going on,
Your whole card file is in order,
No wonder you chose to work with personnel.
With a pure soul and a share of admiration,
I wish my friend a happy birthday.
Stay longer: prudent and smart,
Always be smart in life!

Personnel worker, pro in his field.
You know by heart the Labor Code.
I am glad to congratulate you all our friendly office
Sincerely, sincerely on your birthday.
We wish you happiness and big salaries.
More prizes. Peace and good.
You take from life everything you need.
And may tomorrow be better than yesterday.

Frames do the job
Become her face.
You're hunting for them
To keep things going.
May success be with you.
Do not be bored, look, not a day.
And let happiness not pass.
Happy Birthday to You!

The personnel officer of you is wonderful,
You are responsible, smart,
You are beautiful and beautiful
Let dreams come true!

Happy Birthday,
Good luck and good luck to you
To be in the mood
Never be sad!

Excellent staff and wonderful woman happy Birthday. I wish you successful work, mutual understanding in dealing with people, respect, career development and good mood, great opportunities in life, good luck, luck, true love and immeasurable happiness.

You, dear personnel officer,
Happy birthday, congratulations
pleasure to you
Let the work deliver.

You always look great
You don't have an eye - a diamond,
Alcoholic, lazy
You can recognize for once.

Need a smart recruiter
To keep things going the way they should.
Who would go to work like that?
It won't be okay without you.
May success be with you.
You are a pro, no doubt about it.
Optimism in your mood
I wish. Happy Birthday!

May this birthday be
Filled with happiness and goodness!
Let the mood go up
After all, the sun is shining outside the window!

May all cherished desires
Implemented soon!
I wish you love, understanding,
Health and good days!

Happy birthday. Let there be no harmful factors in your life, let no dress code be able to overshadow your beauty, let your career grow rapidly, let the team be responsible and friendly, let your every day be successful and successful.

The personnel officer is a special businessman!
He is an angel, he is a god!
You will be issued, or fired,
Spare no arms and legs!

Work would not boil
If the shots were "poor"!
Our respect and honor!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Birthday! Perspectives!
Prosperity forever!
To be loved (th) and happy (th)!
So that luck comes to the house!

You communicate with a smile!
All clients - in places!
Personnel officer, company assistant,
Her right hand!

Prospects and good luck!
Be healthy, funny!
Solve problems easily
No problem or reason!

Happy birthday congratulations
Our golden recruiter!
We wish you a lot of vivacity
Wisdom to sanctify the face!

You are our wonderful businessman,
Personnel flow to us like a river!
Great work, not in vain -
We appreciate it sometimes!

Good health to you!
Be happy forever!
Let it shine at the head -
Guiding star!

You are our wonderful worker,
Wise and forward!
Intuition is like happiness!
Personnel - prospects are a magnet!

Happy birthday congratulations!
Our dear recruiter!
For the company to flourish
To keep the staff small!

Good health, strength!
May you always be lucky in everything!
Life becomes unbearable
Vacation dear will save you!

File cabinet. Personal things.
At work since morning.
You pick your shots!
Everyone is crazy about you!!

You are a great recruiter!
And helper of all lords!
happy birthday congratulations
Our wonderful guide!

Happiness joy, love!
In wisdom always drown!
You will receive an award soon!
Just don't be sad anymore!

Happy birthday congratulations.
Dear our man!
Let from end to end -
Life will become more successful century!

Our HR is excellent!
And all is well!
Frames - just no problem!
How she does business.

Let smiles, good humor,
Give the sun, air, laughter!
Do not fall into global thoughts!
Anyway, you are the best!!

Personnel officer, like a bird and
Work - "just right"!
Seemingly small in stature
And at work - an acrobat !!

The file is all right
All things are done!
The frames are all like charging,
Always in a hurry!

Happy birthday, our joy!
Let your destiny bloom!
Happiness, joy and success -
You totally deserve it!!

Congratulations, congratulations!
Your day has come today!
I wish you rest
Tired of work!

Are you talking about papers today?
Forget business.
Happiness, joy, courage,
And smiles on your lips!

We are very lucky in life
Have such a personnel officer
Let all the enemies out of spite
Everything in your life will be cool!

HR is the most important
And set to succeed:
He selects frames
Having studied from all sides.
Will then issue a verdict:
Delete or approve.

I will tell you in spirit:
"I want to wish now
Lots of happiness without worries
And in a career an easy take-off!
Well, also kindness,
Happiness, joy, love!

Personnel officer! How to evaluate your work? You keep questionnaires and notes in files, and every working hour you solve piles of pressing issues. But today we urge you to take a break, put a cup of aromatic tea and wish you a happy birthday! Let the years fly by, leaving behind a trail of victories and fulfilled hopes!

"Fresh blood", progressive thoughts,
It takes time to live, work!
You will do this, personnel worker,
You can get into the top ten as always!

On a holiday, we praise you,
We wish to fall into childhood sometimes,
To be happy like a child
Fill the years with good health!

HR is always on the job
Every day in a new care,
Those to accept, and those to fire,
You don't have to argue
But today is an autumn day
Prizes can only be expected
After all, today is your holiday
Our dear staffer.

You are our wonderful worker,
Wise and forward!
Intuition is like happiness!
Personnel - prospects are a magnet!

Happy birthday congratulations!
Our dear recruiter!
For the company to flourish
To keep the staff small!

Good health, strength!
May you always be lucky in everything!
Life becomes unbearable
Vacation dear will save you!

You are a very necessary worker,
In any enterprise
Today we give flowers
Well, let's pour some champagne
To drink for the personnel officer,
In honor of his birthday!
We wish you happiness for ages
Let there be magic in life!

Congratulations on the personnel officer's day

Frames decide everything that has been proven
Us world practice more than once,
You are HR specialists
Success depends entirely on you.
You in the office not only drink coffee,
You are the right hand guide,
Only professionals serve in the personnel department,

Everyone knows that personnel officers
There are no trifles in work.
Sometimes you need to be in the office at the moment
Find the required document.
And hold a meeting with the applicant,
And record in the labor record.
We wish you success from the bottom of our hearts
And congratulations on a big holiday!

More importantly, there is no work with personnel,
And there are many benefits to society from you.
You know a lot about employment
Officer, do your duty.
Responsibility is big - to work
All employees are accepted according to the Labor Code,
And in that your merit is great,
Congratulations on HR Day!

The order and in the personnel the strictest accounting -
Your merit, without embellishment,
The authorities are definitely lucky with you,
You are just an ace in your business!
And you get tired, like any person,
From the data of questionnaires and books,
Relax in the company of friendly colleagues,
Celebrate your holiday, recruiter!

With employees from the very beginning
Meet in the personnel department.
We always honor personnel officers,
Everyone is aware of the responsibility here.
Questionnaires, resumes, interviews, tests,
You will find a place for everyone
All day care, important things.
And on your holiday - and honor to you, and praise!

HR is always on a pedestal
Everywhere you respect, honor,
You always know everything about the staff.
It gives you a special status,
Frames decide everything, which means
Your contribution to the success of the entire team is great,
Health, happiness, joy, good luck,
WITH wonderful holiday you staffer!

You are professionals, personnel officers,
You work hard, from the heart,
Thanks for the staff
We are in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish everything is ok
Both at work and in the family always,
Health, prosperity, prosperity,
Good luck, fruitful work!

Frames decide everything, so it was, is,
And it will be so, life has proved it,
Great responsibility and honor
Be in the Human Resources Department
On this holiday we wish you
To please the soul with the results,
Family so that there is time and business,
So that the salaries of personnel grow!

We've been waiting for this day for a long time
And that date has finally arrived.
We congratulate you on the day of the personnel officer
Employees of the personnel department.
In all matters, may you always be lucky,
Let them love you in the work team,
Personnel records will be in order,
And your life is on the positive!

Happy HR Day
I sincerely congratulate you
I wish you a good companion
In life - gather your thoughts.
And believe in miracles, thinking about the best
And smile every moment
Be interesting, sincere, and smart,
Make the right impression!

Make the personnel officer happy
Maybe all in just a moment,
And what are we to the personnel officer
Can we give in return? fate
Full of earthly troubles
Joy, love, worries!
It's only worth wishing
And guess together.
Patient, kind magician,
Get off your papers
And accept a bouquet from us
Congratulations and hello!

Today is the day of the personnel officer, psychologist and connoisseur
Human souls, characters, motives.
I sincerely congratulate you, without going from afar,
I wish you hundreds of happy days!

There are many different secrets, you can't count them in your work,
Working with people is difficult, interesting.
There is skill and experience, and - do not take the words for flattery.
You are the best recruiter, I can honestly say!

Today, cadres decide everything and everything,
But who selects these shots?
Monitors, reports, corrects,
Sick days and vacations.
Of course, this is a staff member,
To the severity of reporting hunter!
For those people who know a lot
I proudly raise my glass today!

You show diligence
Go deep into everything
And all personal data
Keep it like the apple of your eye;
Everyone - from the director to the carpenter -
Congratulate feel attracted
Happy Staff Worker Day!
Well, well, I'm no exception! Well, let's pour champagne,
To drink for the personnel officer,
In honor of his birthday!
We wish you happiness for ages
Let there be magic in life!

Happiness and joy to you, personnel officer,
Let's say today we're all straight!
It's your birthday!
And all of us are not too lazy to congratulate
you with this date! Thank you to say
What could you once work to take us!
May you have only happiness
We wish you all now!

Glorious work, personnel officer
We wish you straight!
For people to work for us
All are adequate! could
So that you conduct the selection as it should.
Well, today everyone who is nearby,
Happy birthday to you!
We wish you good luck in everything!

Frames do the job
Become her face.
You're hunting for them
To keep things going.
May success be with you.
Do not be bored, look, not a day.
And let happiness not pass.
Happy birthday congratulations to the personnel officer cool happy birthday to you!