Permanent make-up, choose hardy cosmetics. Secrets of permanent make-up. Permanent makeup for oily skin, eyebrows, eyes, lips

To make the shadows on the eyes look as bright and saturated as in the palette, use the so-called “substrate” for them, it will create a background for the shadows and enhance their durability. Here are the most common options cosmetic products, which can be found in most cosmetic bags and used as a "substrate".

Foundation or concealer set with powder

This classical technique in makeup, and despite the fact that progress has already gone ahead, this method still does not lose its effectiveness. Therefore, if there are no other special products at hand, apply a thin layer of foundation or concealer on your eyes, and then blend a small amount of powder on top with a fluffy natural brush. Then apply eye shadow.

In this way, you will make the skin around the eyes more uniform, removing unnecessary shades, and the shadows will have the color that you see in the palette. Keeping eye makeup with such a “substrate” during the day will also be better than without a base at all.


Choose an eyeliner that matches your future makeup, apply to the entire surface of the moving eyelid, or only to the outer corner, and blend the borders. The shadows applied on top will become more saturated and much more persistent.

If the pencil has waterproof properties, blend it immediately as you apply it, otherwise it may have time to gain a foothold and shading will become impossible.

Base for shadows

The easiest and most common way to prepare your eyes for makeup is to use. Apply it with your fingers all over upper eyelid, shading to the eyebrows, and also do not forget about the lower eyelid if you plan to apply shadows from below.

Specialized bases can additionally care for the skin around the eyes, such as Urban Decay Anti-Aging with a moisturizing effect. In addition, eyeshadow bases provide eyelid tone alignment, shadow fixation, light shading and color saturation.

Gel eyeliner

If you have a gel eyeliner that you love to draw on, try using that as a base under your eye shadow as well. Gel eyeliners come in a variety of colors, so you can choose a shade for any makeup, but black eyeliner is most often used, which makes any color of the shadows darker and more saturated.

Gel eyeliners as an eyeshadow base provide a particularly long-wearing eye make-up. Use a flat synthetic brush to apply eyeliner to the mobile eyelid and blend the edges with a fluffy brush. After that, apply shadow, gently imprinting the color into the "substrate".


Lovers of black kayala and tinted eye mucosa can be recommended to use such a pencil as a base for shadows. After staining the mucosa, apply kayal to the space between the eyelashes, and then shade the entire eyelid with it. Blend the edges with a fluffy brush, and then fill the eyelid with shadows desired shades. Thanks to the use of kayala, the shadows will become more saturated and last as long as possible. You can read more about using kayal.

autumn season differs in that you are equally likely to suffer from both heat and piercing cold winds. And this is if you do not remember about the rains and other precipitation. And this is fraught with spreading mascara, floating eyeliner and other "artistic stains" on the face.

So the question of keeping the make-up intact throughout the day becomes an edge. However, there are a number of ways to achieve a permanent effect at home. Here are 10 steps to long-lasting makeup this fall.

Autumn makeup - trends 2017

To begin with, it is worth deciding what is fashionable this fall? Fortunately, fashion trends suggest both maximum naturalness in makeup, as well as bright, unusual color combinations. Make-up in style will be especially relevant Japanese geishas With bright lips, cat arrows and not feathered shadows over the border of the moving eyelid.

Simply put, being stylish this fall is really easy. Let's take a closer look at the main color accents season autumn-winter 2017.


A large selection of possible images and styles will allow everyone to find an image to their liking:

  • As mentioned above, pleasant pastel shades shadows of pink and beige tones are still relevant, especially in combination with the same lipstick and blush.
  • Aggressive dark tones with eyeliner and spider legs lashes.
  • Bright accents and arrows only on the lower eyelid are the hit of the season.
  • "Cat" arrows in classic version or mega-popular, combining two lines of red and black or gray and red.
  • Bright strokes without shading borders. You can safely use any contrasting shades without shading the borders, or simply apply a bright stroke of one saturated and bright shade above the line of the moving eyelid.
  • Another fashionable accent is a thin line drawn with a pencil on a fixed eyelid.


Perfectly contoured and/or thick eyebrows will go with the past summer days. Naturalness and again naturalness. Now, to be in trend, you just need to comb your eyebrows with a brush and style them with gel. Some women of fashion do not even correct their shape with tweezers.


Color accents on the lips pleasantly please with their variety:


The maximum naturalness and here manifested itself in full. A delicate pink blush or bronzer is in fashion. Ideal would be the use of tints and creamy blush. Is it true, evening make-up allows more bright colors combined with expressive lips in the style of the nineties.


Contouring and aggressive matting are a thing of the past. Radiant, slightly dewy skin, not overloaded with tone and highlighters, is in fashion.

Making permanent makeup

So, we figured out the main trends. And, fortunately, they can greatly simplify the procedure for creating long-lasting makeup at home. In principle, the basic rules are unchanged, if you want a permanent make-up, use waterproof cosmetics and a make-up base. However, there are a number of tricks, which you can find below.

First step: preparing the skin

It's no secret that the quality of the applied makeup and its durability will depend on the preparation of the skin. And it is very important to take into account the type of skin, so that later you do not observe "streaks" or "cracks" on your face. But in any case, the first steps are cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

  • Oily skin

Before doing makeup oily skin It is important to get rid of excess sebum. Therefore, before applying the base, do not forget to wipe your face with tonic again to degrease it. And only after it dries, start applying decorative cosmetics.

  • Dry skin

Makeup for oily skin has a diametrically opposite rule. Since before applying the base or tone, it is necessary that skin covering was adequately hydrated. Otherwise, you risk getting a craquelure effect on your face.

Second step: base

Of course, the makeup base is not the most beneficial product for the skin. However, if you want the make-up to last all day and not be "afraid" of changes in temperature and humidity, you can't do without it. The main thing is to distribute it as much as possible. thin layer before applying makeup.

Third step: tone

Ideal are tinting agents marked "oil free". They have a lighter texture and are easier to spread over the skin. Plus, you will avoid the feeling of a mask on your skin.

Fourth step: powder

Be sure to set the tone with powder. Even if you have used the lightest of foundation creams or CC/BB cream. Otherwise, you risk seeing streaks on your face even with dry skin.

Fifth step: blush

Use creamy blush or tints. Moreover, they are especially relevant in the fall of 2017. In addition, they retain color saturation longer.

Sixth step: eyebrows

As mentioned above, eyebrow care this season is especially pleasant. It is enough just to shape it with a brush and fix it with a gel. Try to avoid wax-based fixatives if a sunny day is expected. If the eyebrows still need color correction, then use wax pencils. They are more resistant and are not afraid of moisture.

Seventh step: shadows

The main rule is the base under the shadows. IN last resort, you can apply the shadows in several thin layers, alternating dry and creamy. This will make them more durable.

Eighth step: eyeliner

The best way to keep the outline or arrows intact throughout the day is to use markers. Unlike eyeliners and pencils, they do not flow and retain color saturation longer. And to make the effect even more durable, just apply on top of the shadow of the same shade.

Ninth step: ink

The base for mascara is necessary element for fixing even in the case of waterproof mascara. However, if it is over, you can resort to a little trick.

To do this, lightly powder your eyelashes and then apply mascara. Next, the eyelashes should be combed and the procedure repeated. Try not to overload the tips of your lashes in an attempt to make them as long as possible. Otherwise, you risk finding black dust on your cheekbones in a couple of hours.

Tenth step: lipstick

Despite the fact that clear contours are a thing of the past, lip pencil should not be forgotten. Because if you apply it over lipstick, and then another layer of lipstick, you can significantly extend its "life" on your lips. Or you can just use tints to get a fashionable line of "kissed" lips plus durability.

Here are some tips from professional stylists for those who appreciate long-lasting makeup:

  • Layers. For the effect of persistent makeup, cosmetics should be applied in as thin layers as possible, alternating dry and powder products with creams and gels.
  • Makeup fixer. Spray it on the skin in a thin layer to fix cosmetics. By the way, you can use for this thermal water.
  • Lip balm. If you are using a long-lasting lipstick, be sure to bring a clear balm with you to avoid overdrying.
  • Water long-lasting cosmetics. Contrary to popular belief, it has several species that have various properties, on which the final effect will depend:
  • marked "Waterproof" - such products can easily survive rain or snow, as they ideally protect against external influences. However, don't count on their staying power if you sweat;
  • mark "Long Lasting" - they have very persistent and bright pigments that are tightly fixed on the skin;
  • marked "Water Resistant" - and these products perfectly cope with the moisture released by the skin. Therefore, unlike cosmetics with the first mark, their use is possible in the summer. Moreover, they practically do not protect against the influence of the external environment.

And finally. When creating the perfect long-lasting makeup, one should not forget that sooner or later it will have to be washed off. Otherwise, in one of the stories about girls wearing makeup for several days, you will also appear. Therefore, to begin with, take care to purchase special means for washing.

They will help to gently cleanse the skin without causing irritation. At the same time, they will be able not to overdry it. Do not think that you can cope with the help of some washes and scrubs. Give preference to two-phase means. They completely remove even the most persistent pigments of cosmetics. At the same time, they nourish and moisturize the skin, helping it stay young and healthy.

There is often confusion with the concept of " long-lasting makeup": many people call the procedure that way. permanent makeup when a special organic dye is injected into the skin at a certain depth. Such makeup remains on the face in any conditions - after all, the upper layers of the skin are stained, but now we are talking about another type of persistent makeup - the one that is used for the most solemn occasions. It can be a wedding, another important event or a holiday when it is necessary that the make-up lasts for a long time and does not lose its durability in any conditions. With such makeup, you can withstand heat and humidity, work hard, move quite actively, and not be afraid that lipstick will be smeared or mascara will flow.

Majority well-known manufacturers they assure us that their cosmetics are very resistant, but such assurances are not always true. However, the durability of makeup can be achieved if you know some of the rules for applying it, and also use the “right” means. Many women, at the mention of long-lasting makeup, begin to think of waterproof cosmetics: this known way- so you can maintain the brightness of the appearance for a long time, and in almost any conditions.

But such cosmetics are not very useful. And it’s not even safe: it clogs pores, the skin stops breathing, and rashes and others may appear. allergic reactions. Therefore, you should use it as little as possible, and only in certain situations: for example, if you urgently need to “shine in all its glory” on the beach or in the pool, or arrange a stunning photo shoot in the rain. But here you also need to know that, having decided on a similar experiment with your skin, you can fail: waterproof cosmetics are not afraid of water, but do not tolerate fat - those who have oily skinshould be on their guard.

Permanent makeup without waterproof cosmetics: some rules

The rules are simple, but it takes a little more time to comply with them than usual. Do not consider this time wasted: it is better to give yourself a little attention than to be upset later because of early skin aging, or to treat skin problems with expensive means.

Many experts recommend taking a closer look at Long Lasting products: these two English words, in general, mean about the same thing - “long-term, long-term, long-term, long-term”, etc. These products contain ingredients that allow cosmetics to adhere well to the skin, and make-up lasts much longer.

Sebum interferes with any cosmetics - it can dissolve it, so the skin must be moisturized before makeup, and the eyelids should be lightly powdered. Eye shadow will last longer and look brighter when applied with a damp brush.

And in order for the pigments to better fix on the skin, it is applied to a cleansed and moisturized face. light cream-gel - the basis for makeup: this is also necessary in order for the surface of the skin to become smoother and of the same color. You can cleanse your face with a tonic or lotion; then apply a non-greasy moisturizer, and after 15-20 minutes, gently remove its excess with a napkin.

The basis must be selected according to the type of skin, like any cosmetical tools: There is different types make-up bases - with silicone, co reflective particles, fluid - light and quickly absorbed, etc. In order for the base to penetrate into the pores, after applying it, you must immediately, for several minutes, apply a damp soft tissue or a towel, and only then apply loose powder or Foundation.

As a rule, for the skin around the eyes you have to use a special corrector (concealer), and this is also a whole science. Let's talk about some aspects of its use briefly. Solid corrector suitable only for young girls, and in older women, mimic wrinkles stand out more sharply because of it. Don't use corrector yellow color, otherwise the bluish "circles" under the eyes will turn into green. Peach shades are more suitable here: they mask dark areas well, but they must be used correctly so as not to get an orange color. There are also correctors for acne masking: they include anti-inflammatory components. On areas treated with a corrector, it is recommended to apply powder of a lighter shade.

Mascara is still better to use waterproof - especially if the eyes are often watery.

Correctly doing eyebrow makeup is not as easy as it might seem. Not all women even know how to choose a color. Of course, brunettes are easier - they usually choose between black and dark brown, but blondes need to be more careful: too dark eyebrows in combination with blond hair, they look unnatural, but chocolate, gray, light brown or dark beige shades can be used - it’s good if the eyebrows are on tone darker hair, But strict rules in this sense, no. different shades brown with a slight tint of red will suit red-haired women.

The durability of lip makeup depends not only on the type of lipstick, but also on how it is applied. There are a lot of long-lasting lipsticks in stores today, but they often dry out the skin of the lips, so if you wish, you can do without them, or use them less often. First, it is better to apply a moisturizing balm to the lips so that the skin becomes soft, and then a lipstick base (although foundation is also suitable), and a little regular powder. Then the lips are outlined with a pencil, painted with lipstick - it is good to use a brush - and blotted with a napkin.

And you can also paint your lips according to this scheme: first, apply a little lipstick in a thin layer, shade this layer with a lip pencil, and apply lipstick on top, as usual. A special light cream is also suitable - the base for lipstick: it will last much longer, and the lips will look brighter.

What should be cosmetics to create a lasting makeup

If you need to do persistent makeup quite often, it is better to choose special cosmetics - one in which there are more coloring pigments than in ordinary ones. So the color lasts longer, but for those who do not like brightness, this may not be suitable. In any case, it is worth knowing that powdered products are less resistant than creams, mousses and gels. For example, it is better to choose liquid blush if you do not have oily skin; in the latter case, blush in the form of powder, loose or compact, is suitable. No matter how persistent the makeup is, the face will still sweat - especially at "active" events or in hot weather, and sebum will also stand out. You can gently blot your face with a paper cosmetic tissue, lightly powder sweaty areas loose powder, but it is better to use thermal water. Make-up will be refreshed and become brighter, and sweat will disappear; after spraying the face, it is better to wait until the moisture dries itself. In general, you need to use thermal water as often as possible: then, even after a busy day, your makeup will look fresh and bright.

Permanent makeup eyes, eyebrows and lips for oily skin and another - this is what girls most often dream of who want to look good from morning to evening or for several days. The problem of “disappearing” shadows and floating foundation is always a concern, especially during a hot period. But everything is not so hopeless - there are cosmetics that will help you make permanent makeup at home for a wedding and other important events.

Permanent makeup for oily skin at home

How to make long-lasting makeup for oily skin at home? First of all, I would like to note that professional decorative cosmetics are more resistant than mass-market cosmetics. And it is in professional lines that they produce products that “prolong the life” of makeup.

But the durability of makeup also largely depends on the type of skin. The fact is that all persistent cosmetics contain silicone, which, evaporating during application, forms an invisible film. This film does not allow moisture to pass through, but at the same time it is fat-soluble. Therefore, for owners oily skin, alas, you can not do without regular powdering.

Waterproof makeup is very drying to the skin. Silicone particles, evaporating, pull it together. Therefore, girls with dry skin should thoroughly moisturize their face before applying makeup. With such cosmetics creates a lifting effect.

Let's take a closer look at what tools you should have in your arsenal for long-lasting makeup. First of all, this. Exists various shades and in different textures. Apply to the face before applying make-up. Makes the skin matte, preventing oily sheen. There is also special agent, a type of makeup base that blocks sebaceous and sweat glands. Usually applied to the problematic T-zone.

Setting powders also eliminate the shine of oily skin by absorbing secretions from the glands. Can be applied on the face or over eye shadow and blush. Usually such powders are transparent and have a crumbly structure.

Permanent make-up for oily skin for the whole day - video

Permanent eye makeup

Eye shadow base for long-lasting eye makeup. Prevents shadows from rolling and does not allow the skin of the eyelids to shine. It differs from the makeup base in a less aggressive composition, since the skin of the eyelids is delicate, and it needs special approach. To keep the shadows longer, apply them in several layers with stuffing movements.

Permanent lip makeup

Foundation for long-lasting lip makeup. Evens out the skin of the lips, preparing it for applying lipstick or gloss. Be careful, delicate skin lips are easy to dry out, so use a moisturizing lipstick or gloss along with the base. A little trick: to increase the durability of lip makeup, apply lipstick on the lips, blot with a dry tissue, lightly powder and apply another layer.

And the final stage of persistent makeup is a fixing spray. It covers the skin with an invisible shell, protecting makeup from damage. external influence(rain, snow, water, etc.). Permanent makeup should be removed from the face with special fat-dissolving agents - milk, tonic, lotion. Don't forget to apply moisturizer to your skin.

Remember that waterproof cosmetics clog the pores of the face, preventing the skin from breathing. Therefore, do not abuse persistent cosmetics, because you already look great! 🙂

How to make permanent makeup - video

To feel confident and be irresistible on important event, in addition to a perfectly fitting dress, shoes with a stable heel and perfect manicure must have super resistant makeup. We will tell you how to do long-lasting makeup correctly. High-quality decorative cosmetics can “live” on the face for a really long time. What means are considered the most hardy? Let's find out what cosmetics, according to experienced people, you can make a truly lasting makeup at home.

Choosing durable cosmetics

Permanent make-up products are divided into the following types:

  • Waterproof (waterproof). Everyone knows the representatives of this category - waterproof carcasses. These products are able to repel water from the outside. In addition to mascara, there are shadows and foundations marked waterproof.
  • Long-term (long lasting). In such products, the pigments are held together by silicone-based compounds. Products marked long lasting are rich in color and high term"life" in makeup.
  • Waterproof (water resistant). These long-lasting make-up products are moisture-resistant human body, that is, to sweat.

Please note that the inscriptions on cosmetic products like “24 hours” of durability or “12 hours” of color is best indicator, obtained as a result of testing the means. As a rule, the average result will be noticeably lower. Next, we will tell you which decorative cosmetics consider the most reliable representative of the fair sex.

The most long lasting mascara

For long-lasting eye makeup, pay attention to the following mascaras:

  • Diorshow. Does not flow, does not crumble, but not waterproof, therefore resistant wedding make-up it will not be possible to create with her, she will not stand touching moments with tears of happiness. The price is about 1600 rubles.
  • Lumene Blueberry Curl. Waterproof mascara, not afraid of neither snow nor rain, not amenable to washing off with soap. To remove it from the eyes, you will need a special tool for removing persistent makeup. The cost is about 400 rubles.
  • Shiseido Perfect Mascara. Doesn't smudge or smudge in any weather. Lengthens and perfectly separates, the cilia become stiffer and hold their shape. Does not form lumps and does not crumble. You can buy it for 1400 rubles.

The most reliable eyeliner

Some girls cannot do without eyeliner in their make-up. Permanent eye makeup will provide the following eyeliners:

  • Master Precise by Maybelline. The thin tip of the liner brush allows you to draw graceful lines. Very hardy: up to 12 hours your hands will be in their original form. The price is 350 rubles.
  • MAC Superslick Liquid Eyeliner. Waterproof eyeliner designed for professional make-up. The latex applicator makes it easy to draw the finest lines. The cost is about 900 rubles.
  • Inglot Amc Eyeliner Gel. Gel eyeliner, presented in a wide range of colors, including red and turquoise shades. Holds very securely even on oily skin. You can buy it for 750 rubles.

The most long lasting lipstick

The following lipsticks can provide long-lasting lip makeup:

  • Dior Addict Extreme. A wide palette of shades from nude to bright and saturated and very high pigment durability. It is easy to apply and lasts 3-4 hours, then the shine disappears, and the pigment still remains on the lips. Its price is about 1200 rubles.
  • Max Factor Lipfinity. Super resistant liquid lipstick. After a couple of minutes after application, the lipstick hardens, forming a dense coating. On the lips, it feels uncomfortable, but it will look decent without rolling, not imprinting and withstanding meals, so it will not let you down at an important event. The cost of lipstick is about 500 rubles.
  • Rouge coco chanel. Presented in 30 shades. It lays down evenly, does not dry the lips, calmly lasts for half a day, providing long-lasting lip makeup. The price is about 2000 rubles.

Ultra-resistant bases

Flawless and lasting facial makeup will provide:

  • MAC Pro Longwear Foundation. Lasts up to 15 hours on skin weather. Creates a perfectly even coating, the shade can be chosen for both snow-whites and dark-skinned girls. It has a satin finish and is very economical consumption. The price is about 1500 rubles.
  • Estee Lauder Double Wear. Really resistant makeup will provide this foundation. Hides all imperfections, mattifies and looks natural on the face. You can buy it for approximately 3000 rubles.

The most durable eye shadow

If you want the applied shadows to not crumble, lay down evenly and easily and stay “like nailed” all day, pay attention to the following products:

  • Pupa 4 Eyes Palette. A palette of 4 shades harmoniously matched to each other. The texture is soft and smooth. The price is about 500 rubles.
  • Masterpiece Color Precision. Creamy eye shadows are presented in 7 shades with mother of pearl. Very stable, do not roll during the day, applied evenly.
  • Yves Rocher Duo Couleurs Poudre. Duo powder shadows, do not crumble, are stable. The price is about 700 rubles.
  • Pupa Duo Luminys. The baked double eyeshadow can be applied both dry and traditional. wet way. The cost is about 600 rubles.

The best eyeshadow bases

The base will allow the shadows to last even longer and not lose their brightness. Girls recommend the following eyeshadow bases:

  • ArtDeco Eyeshadow Base. The base has a delicate cream shade with a barely noticeable shimmer. The shadows applied to this base do not roll and last all day. The price is about 300 rubles.
  • Too Faced Shadow Insurance. Even the most “capricious” sparkles will stay on this base all day, the base is applied easily and economically. The cost is about 500 rubles.
  • MAC Prep+Prime Eye. The base enhances pigmentation and durability of shadows. After applying this base, the shadows are distributed easily and do not fade all day. You can buy it for approximately 900 rubles.

Apply permanent makeup

Regardless of whether you have to perform long-lasting wedding makeup, daytime or long-lasting evening makeup, use the following recommendations:

  • Before applying makeup, degrease the skin. Even the highest quality cosmetics can roll down due to exposure to the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Use the base for make-up. Girls with dry skin should choose a moisturizing product, and those with oily skin should choose a mattifying product. A product with shimmering particles is suitable exclusively for owners perfect skin faces.
  • If you want to get a dense coverage, choose foundation cream-fluid marked Foundation. Such a tool is able to qualitatively camouflage skin imperfections.
  • When covering the eyelids with shadows, use a wet method. To do this, moisten the applicator in water, and then apply shadows to them. So they last even longer.
  • To prolong the wear of the shadows, apply a primer under them. The base under the shadow will ensure the smoothness of the skin of the eyelids, while remaining “invisible”. It evens out the color of the skin of the eyelids and fills in all the wrinkles, making the application of shadows easy.
  • To increase the durability of lipstick, makeup artists recommend applying it on top of a pencil: draw a contour with a pencil to match, and then fill the entire surface of the lips with it, cover your lips with lipstick on top.
  • For some events, for example, a wedding, you need to be 200% ready. Permanent bridal makeup quality cosmetics, can be additionally set with a make-up fixative spray, such as NYX Matte Finish. This tool will reduce the oiliness of the skin and fix the cosmetics on it.

To remove “hardy” cosmetics from the face, you need a special tool for removing persistent makeup. It should be a liquid that contains oils, for example, two-phase ones. And what proven super reliable products do you have in your makeup bag? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Video: How to make permanent makeup