Halloween party for adults. Themed areas at the party. Halloween Room Decor and Decoration Ideas

The celebration of Halloween has long been in the order of things - on the night of October 31 to November 1, few people look with surprise at young people dressed up in evil spirits costumes. Some people celebrate Halloween in a nightclub, but many prefer to "clubbing" house party. How to make your Halloween party a success?

The key to anyone's success celebratory event- This careful preparation. To keep everyone happy during the holiday, a Halloween party should be planned in advance. What needs to be considered first?

Let's start with the decoration of the room. A Halloween party must be atmospheric (after all, this holiday is valued precisely for its frightening surroundings), and the atmosphere is created by the interior. Draperies in black and orange fabric, pumpkin lanterns, artificial webs, paper silhouettes of bats and ghosts on windows and walls, all sorts of scary things from a joke store - everything will be used! You can read more about decorating your house for Halloween in our article "".

You need to take care of the food in advance. The pulp left after making a pumpkin lantern can be used to prepare Halloween dishes (a pumpkin pie or casserole will decorate your holiday table wonderfully). And you can decorate a confectionery product with a web of chocolate syrup or “bloody” icing. Another traditional Halloween treat is this.

Even the most ordinary dishes can be served in the spirit of the holiday. For example, salads can be laid out not in salad bowls, but in scraped halves of pumpkins. Ice for cocktails can be made not in the form of cubes, but in the form of ... fingers! To do this, fill a rubber glove with water and put it in the refrigerator. When the ice hardens, douse the frozen "hand" warm water to remove the glove. And then defiantly break off finger after finger and put it in a cocktail. By the way, when making a list of cocktails for a party, do not forget the Bloody Mary. The "witch's potion" is also suitable - punch in a bowler hat.

Well, what's a Halloween party without a dress code? After all, the atmosphere is created not only by the interior and the laid table, but also by the participants themselves. Therefore, it is worth notifying guests in advance so that they come to fancy dress. You can not limit yourself in the choice of costumes, but you can make a more narrowly themed party: for example, everyone dresses up only as heroes of fairy tales or comics.

Another option is a party in a madhouse: half of the guests are patients, half are orderlies and doctors, drinks are served in beakers and eat ascorbic acid. It is advisable to prepare beautifully designed invitations for guests in advance, in which, in addition to the time and place of the party, wishes for a dress code are indicated.

But no entourage will save the party if you don't know what to do with the guests. There are many options, it all depends on the company and its preferences. Practically a win-win- This mass games and competitions, for example, "Crocodile" ("Pantomime"), "Twister", etc. (Several examples of games and contests for Halloween can be found in). Just do not forget to modify them a little for the holiday, for example, to guess only “terrible” words in pantomime.

For calmer companies, "Mafia" is suitable. Also modified - because you have a Halloween party. Instead of the mafia, let there be vampires, instead of the sheriff - a hunter for evil spirits (Van Hellsing, Buffy ... yes, anyone!). You can organize a game of "Mafia" based on some horror movie, and all players will be its heroes.

Speaking of horror movies. You can organize a movie marathon at the party - when will you be able to watch all the episodes of A Nightmare on Elm Street in a row? Just before watching, make sure that in which case you have somewhere to accommodate guests for the night - perhaps after such a dose of "horror films" some will be afraid to drive home through the dark streets.

A girl's company can tell fortunes, because fortune telling is one of the traditions of Halloween. You can even arrange a session of spiritualism, but be careful: there is always a chance to pull someone into our world, who then will not be easy to send back. Why take the risk?

And most importantly: a Halloween party is sure to be successful if you want it. Even the most exquisite dishes and chic costumes will not help create a festive atmosphere if you are not in the right mood. So tune in for fun (frightening fun) and everything else will follow!

All Saints' Day or Halloween is a holiday that recently came to us from the West. And if it is alien to the older generation, then young people, teenagers and children fell in love with this fun party evil spirits. After all, if you are afraid of something or someone, then the easiest way to overcome your fear is to laugh at it. Therefore, Halloween is becoming more and more popular every year.

For the holiday, people dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts, prepare sweets decorated in the style of All Saints' Day, and Halloween contests are the most interesting part of the celebration for children. Here we will dwell on them in more detail. Especially for you, a selection of fun themed entertainment. Here you will find options for different age categories participants. Most of them do not require any special props, which means they can be held at home, on school holiday or at a party without much preparation.

It will need several rolls of toilet paper. This is a long time ago famous game, but nevertheless it does not lose its popularity. After all, it is simple to conduct it, and the result is quite fun. Yes, and the mummy - an image from the other world, fits the theme of the holiday very well.

How to run a contest? Participants are divided into several teams. Each team has two people. One of the participants becomes, and the second wraps it toilet paper starting with the feet and ending with the head. The mouth and eyes should remain open. This is a game of speed, but do not forget that the team that breaks the paper leaves the game.

pumpkin crab

Prepare two large pumpkins. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants, the start and finish of the distance are indicated. The child lies down on a pumpkin and in this position goes the distance, moving his legs and arms like a crab, then returns in the same way to the start and passes the pumpkin to the next participant. The team whose members complete the path the fastest wins.

hungry monster


  • a large sheet of thick paper or large cardboard box with a painted monster;
  • balls or balls.

At the monster, a hole is pre-cut in place of the mouth. The essence of entertainment is to feed the monster. Children should put as many balls as possible into the mouth of a hungry monster. Participants can be divided into teams, or you can make an individual competition, where each participant will play for himself.

Who is scarier


  • inflatable balls (as many as participants);
  • felt-tip pens or markers.

The task of the contestants is to make a scary face out of the balloon. A certain period of time is given during which the players paint the balls. At the end of the allotted time, guests vote for each of the “works”. Whose face gets the most votes is the winner.

apple bobbin


  • basins of water or ropes;
  • medium-sized apples (donuts, bagels).

The essence of entertainment is to catch the maximum number of apples from the bowl with the help of the mouth. The hands remain behind the back.

If this version of the competition does not seem very suitable to you, you can try to slightly change the conditions - hang apples on ropes and invite participants to eat them at speed. Again, without the help of hands. Well, a completely modified option is to replace the apples on the ropes with bagels or donuts. It won't be quite an apple spool, but that doesn't make it any less fun.

Tail trait


  • thread or rope;
  • pencil;
  • bottle.

We take all the props in multiples of the number of participants. The rope is attached to the participant's belt so that it hangs down from behind to the level of the knees. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope. The task of the contestant is to lower the pencil into the bottle without helping himself with his hands. The winner is the one who manages to do it faster than the rest. What is interesting here is not so much the result as the process of getting the pencil into the bottle. For the competition, pick up a fun musical accompaniment.

Maniac letter

You will need:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Such an option more suitable for schoolchildren who already know how to read well and use scissors without the help of adults. It can be carried out in home environment, because it does not need a lot of free space.

Children are divided into two or more teams. Their task is to cut out letters and words from newspapers and magazines, and make a scary letter out of them. Whose letter according to the voting results will be scarier, longer and more interesting, he is declared the winner.

Catch the witch


  • several bells;
  • shawls or scarves for blindfolding.

Among the participants in the competition, two witch hunters are chosen, they are blindfolded. Those who get the role of a witch pick up bells and mingle with other participants. The task of the hunters is to catch the maximum number of witches in a certain period of time. The most dexterous hunter is awarded with a prize. The competition is quite mobile, so it is better to hold it in a spacious room so that the kids have somewhere to scatter. While the hunters are catching the witches, put on a fun, upbeat tune.

Dracula's meal


  • red juice (cherry, tomato, pomegranate);
  • glasses with straws.

Each contestant is given a glass of “blood” and a straw. The task of little Dracula is to empty the glass as quickly as possible. The fastest participant is awarded the honorary title of a real Dracula. As a prize, you can issue an appropriate medal, badge or diploma.

Collect the Halloween hero

  • images of ghosts, witches, vampires, pumpkins, cut into pieces. Thematic puzzles are also suitable.

Participants are given pictures, and they collect them at speed. Whoever collected the fastest is the winner. Such entertainment is perfect for preschoolers, because it is quite simple.

pumpkin explosion

Necessary props

  • a large board, a piece of cardboard, or just a free wall;
  • green paper;
  • orange balloons;
  • question cards;
  • small sweets;
  • threads.

We throw candy into the balls, after which we inflate them and tie them. We fix the balls in such a way that a pumpkin of balls is obtained on the wall or board. From green paper, cut out a ponytail for a pumpkin.

Participants take turns taking cards with questions and answering them. These may be questions from school curriculum, on the theme of Halloween or based on a book or movie. The one who answered correctly gets the right to burst any balloon and take the candy. To make it more interesting, you can put sweets not in all the balls or replace some of the sweets with other small souvenirs. And for entertainment, add confetti or sparkles to each balloon, which will effectively scatter when the balloon bursts.

This children's competition on Halloween is not as easy to implement as the previous ones, but the delight of children from popping balloons is worth a little effort.

guess the ghost

To organize this entertainment, one white sheet is enough. Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms. Then we put a sheet on one participant and let the opposing team into the room. The child should try to scare the opponents with a terrible sound “Oooh!”, And their task is to guess who it is by the sound. Which team guesses more “ghosts” wins.


Props are several soft toys in the form of bats. They can be replaced with cardboard figures.

One of the children hides bats in the room, and the other participant must find all the figures using hints. Hints are formulated in only two words - either warm or cold, or close or far.

Figures for the competition can be not only in the form of bats, it can be any item associated with Halloween - a pumpkin, a witch, a cross, a monster. And you can use several holiday characters at once.

Cardboard figures are easier to hide - they are light and can be attached to furniture, curtains, chandeliers. Use pins or double-sided tape to attach.

Looking for a couple

It is necessary to prepare several pairs of images drawn or printed on paper. It could be pumpkins the bats, crosses. The competition is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that here the children need not only to look for figures, but to pick up a pair for them. One figurine from a pair is given to the child, and he must find the second. Whoever makes the maximum number of pairs is the winner.

This option is well suited for the smallest participants.

scary monster


  • paper;
  • pencils or markers.

The game can be played with both toddlers and older children.

The essence of the game: each participant is given a piece of paper and he draws a monster's head on it. Next, the sheet is folded so that the drawing is not visible, and the participants exchange drawings. The next step is to draw the torso and arms, and hide the drawn again. We exchange leaves and draw the legs of the monster. The drawings are then unfolded and shown to the public. Lots of fun guaranteed! And another plus of this entertainment is that there are no winners and losers - work on monsters is carried out jointly. But, as an option, you can vote for the ugliest monster.

Color the monster

Prepare in advance printed coloring pages with images of monsters, bats, pumpkins or other attributes of the holiday.

This type of entertainment is suitable for any age, because coloring pages come in varying degrees of complexity. Three-year-olds can be offered to color a simple pumpkin, and a schoolchild will be able to paint an image of a devil with small details. This competition can be held both for speed and for the best drawing.

Creepy makeup

Mommy's cosmetics dark shades: shadows, pencils, lipstick.

It’s worth mentioning right away that cosmetics are unlikely to be usable after the holiday, so we choose something that we won’t be sorry to throw away later)

Participants are divided into teams of two people and draw each other's make-up, corresponding to the theme of the holiday. The team with the most original makeup wins.

Third wheel

For this competition you will need a selection of pictures. Two pictures from the set must correspond to the theme of Halloween, and the third is selected randomly. We divide the children into teams, take turns showing them the selections. Their task is to quickly shout out the name of what is shown on the thematic picture. This entertainment option is suitable for preschoolers.

How to reward the winners and participants?

For competitions, it is necessary to prepare not only props, but also prizes. Here are a few goes small and inexpensive gifts winners:

  • small soft toy in the form of a holiday hero: a ghost, a bat;
  • sweets. These can be ordinary sweets, or you can bake or order cupcakes decorated with the image of a cobweb, pumpkin, monster or ghost;
  • carnival masks with scary faces. Such props will surely come in handy at the holiday;
  • medals for “The Best Monster”, “The Best Ghost”, “The Coolest Witch”, etc.;
  • letters. The meaning is the same as the paragraph above;
  • small souvenirs with symbols of All Saints' Day.

These are just a few ideas, the list goes on. The main thing is that none of the participants is left without a prize, and the holiday was fun and unusual!

Room decoration: The room can be arranged in dark colors. Be sure to decorate with bats, pumpkin lanterns can be made a little later and used as decoration.

Can be placed on pieces of furniture and the floor of body parts: a severed hand, eye, finger, etc.

Also in the design, you can use small spiders and snakes, leave "traces" of the presence of magicians and sorcerers: a black cat, a toad, a raven.

To create a mysterious and mystical atmosphere, it is better to illuminate the room with candles.


It is also advisable to agree with friends in advance that everyone will come in costumes. You can arrange a witches' sabbath, or a meeting "In the middle of nowhere", or just a ball of evil spirits.

To intrigue friends, you can cook for everyone original congratulations, in which to warn about getting there carefully, because there are so many extra ears around - they can overhear and interfere.

Scary joke:

During the event, you can try to scare your friends.

Sitting in the middle of the room and setting a pumpkin lantern in the center, tell each other scary stories in turn. Then suddenly put out the candle in the lantern and scream in a terrible voice.

Of course, if there are no particularly impressionable participants.

Food and drink for the holiday:

  • For food and drinks, you need to come up with original names: traditional blood - tomato juice or any other red drink, swamp slurry - if the drink is green.
  • Dishes can be called like this: "The Eye of One-Eyed Jack", "Kruger's Fingers", "Horns and Hooves".
  • Each dish served can be accompanied by a mysterious story: where did you get the main ingredient, how did you get it. For example, to talk about a terrible battle with Krueger, in which it turned out to cut off his hand.

style predictionsHalloween:

After that, you can hold “terrible” relay races, various games and contests, a comic quiz, and draws.

At the end of the event, there are traditional predictions: either positive, asserting that everything will be fine, or comical, which will be much more interesting and fun.

Predictions can be placed, for example, inside baking, decorated in the form of spiders. Thus, spiders will appear on the table - predictors, on the "catch" of which a lot of effort was spent.

Games and contests for friends' Halloween party

1. "The scariest mask"

The main task: to decorate the mask.

Small images of insects, body parts, bones act as decoration. Everyone is given ready template and glue to attach your chosen designs.

2. The game "Sweetness or trick"

Prepared in advance cards with various comic tasks: crow, stick your head out the window and howl long, sing a song, etc. They are placed in a carved gourd. In addition, notes with various penalties are being prepared.

Each participant is given several small sweet things - sweets, chewing gummies. The facilitator invites the participant to pull out the task from the pumpkin. After the participant has familiarized himself with the task, the facilitator asks him: “Sweetness or trick?” In the first case, he gives one of his sweets, in the second he completes the task.

The one who runs out of sweets the fastest is considered the loser.

The one who lost must complete the penalty task.

3. Game - fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed

Similarly to the old Scottish custom, one can comic fortune-telling for the betrothed.

For this, everyone unmarried girls they give each an apple and a knife with which they will cut the peel from the fruit. Having cut off the peel, the girls throw it over their shoulders. According to the position of the fallen cleanings, the first letter of the future husband is determined.

You can arrange all possible names in the form of a memo and in comic form hand over to each fortuneteller to search for a betrothed. You can also even indicate its approximate coordinates in a comic form (for example, your betrothed Pavel is located in three flights on a broomstick to the north).

4. Game "Get the apples"

Several apples are placed in basins of water, preferably with tails. The task of the participants is to get an apple without the help of their hands and eat it as quickly as possible.

Of course, it is desirable to provide also a towel to wipe the faces of the participants.

5. Pumpkin Relay

Since the pumpkin is the main attribute of the holiday, the expediency of its use for competitions is obvious.

The relay is held in two stages:

  1. Creating a festive symbol - Jack's head. To complete the task, each participant needs to distribute a knife and a small pumpkin, from which all the pulp is first removed, and then the face is cut out. A candle is inserted into the center of the pumpkin.
  2. Carry a pumpkin with a lit candle so that the flame does not go out.

6. "Garlic necklace"

Everyone knows that fighting vampires requires garlic and aspen stake. In our case, it will be garlic.

The task of the participants is to collect 13 heads of garlic, pre-arranged in different places rooms, and make a garlic necklace out of them, tying them with a thread.

7. "Find a couple"

Pre-cook 20 cards, which depict various attributes of the holiday in two pieces: two pumpkins, two bats, etc. They are laid out in four rows of 5 cards.

Two people are involved. Each participant opens two cards. If they match, he takes them for himself and makes another move. In case of a mismatch, the cards are turned over, and the turn passes to another participant.

The player with the most cards wins. The loser performs a penalty task, which was agreed in advance.

8. "Witch's potion"

Pre-prepared list of necessary ingredients for the potion. For example, 5 spiders, 3 mandrake roots, dragon claw. All necessary components laid out in advance throughout the room.

The task of the participants is to prepare the potion faster than the others, having collected all the components.

9. Terrible Relays

Relay races adapted to the theme of the holiday:

  • "Run on a broomstick" - witch competition;
  • "Each finger has its own nail" : on the image of the hand, glue the nails on each finger;
  • "Find a Pair" : disassemble all the "eyes" - painted tennis balls - in pairs;
  • "Delicious drink" : as quickly as possible through a double straw, drink a glass of "blood" - tomato juice or any red drink.

10. "Scary bag"

The bag in which they are various items, is transmitted in a circle to ominous music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands gropes for some object in it and tries to guess what kind of thing it is and where it came from.

The game must comply with the condition: the story must be scary.

11. "Creating sculpture"

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, a “sculptor” and “clay” are selected.

Each sculptor must create a sculpture that matches the theme of the holiday.

For a better manifestation of fantasy, you can use paints and additional items. You can create a sculpture with the help of two or three people.

12. "Word game"

Since Halloween is a holiday of evil spirits, then you need to choose words that describe evil spirits. For example, vile, terrible, terrible, etc.

Whoever has the last word wins.

He is given the right to take out the main dish of the evening - "Pumpkin Pie"

13. "Damn, rooster and soldier"

All players are divided into two groups and discuss in advance the task for the losing team.

Each group agrees who they will show: a trait - they imitate horns on their heads, a rooster - they shout “Kukurek” and clap their hands on their sides, or a soldier - they stand at attention.

Having made a choice, both groups line up opposite each other and at the same time, on a signal, show the one they have chosen.

IN various combinations different actors win: the devil is afraid of the rooster, the rooster is afraid of the soldier, and the soldier, in turn, is the devil.

Play up to three points. The losing team takes a penalty task.

14. "Haunted Volleyball"

Two teams of two people participate, who stand at the edge of the table against each other. Each team is given two balloons, total - 4 balls.

The task of the participants is to throw the balls on half of the opponents so that they do not fall to the floor.

You can complicate the task: move the balls without the help of hands.

15. Dance competitions:

  • "Broom Dance" - a broom is passed around the circle to the music, the one who has a broom when the melody stops must dance a waltz with it.
  • "Count Dracula" - while music is playing on the street during the day, everyone is dancing, Dracula is sleeping (specially selected person). Night falls, the music stops, Dracula goes hunting. All participants stand still. If Dracula notices that someone has moved, he takes him to his lair and turns him into a vampire, who, with the onset of the next night, will go hunting with Dracula. The game continues until the most persistent participant is revealed.
  • "Reincarnations" - quickly change into a different costume to the music.

16. "Ghost Contest"

Participants are divided into two teams that "howl" the motive of some well-known melody.

The task of the opponents is to guess the name of the song.

17. "Boat of fate"

In China, traditionally on this evening, the monks make the boats of Fate, which are sent to sail at dusk, along with a lit candle installed on them.

How to Host a Kids Halloween Party

How to organize a kids Halloween party.

Halloween - great occasion arrange an unusual fun holiday for children. The New Year is still so far away, and with the onset of autumn and cold weather, you want something bright and unusual even more.

In America on the night of November 1, children different ages, dressed up in costumes, go around the neighbor's houses, jokingly threatening "purse or joke" and collecting sweets. In Russia, Halloween was interpreted a little differently and more often it is celebrated at home. cheerful company children.

So if you want to arrange interesting holiday for your child and his friends, then the following ideas for children's holiday Halloween will be useful to you.

1. Prepare outfits and masks.

If the child is still small, when choosing a Halloween outfit, keep in mind that the child should be comfortable. It is better to limit yourself to accessories - a witch's hat, a hoop with "horns", a hat with "ears". An older child can take part in choosing a costume. Let it be your favorite cartoon character or fictional character. Mom can only support the idea and help pick up an outfit for Halloween. You can also make a simple face painting or cut with your child suitable mask from cardboard. The holiday will be more interesting if the parents are also in appropriate outfits.

photo http://www2.fiskars.com/

2. Come up with entertainment.

Examples of games for children on Halloween:

- “jump over the fire” - we make a symbolic fire, for example, a cardboard cylinder with red flames glued to it.

- “catch a bat” - cut out a bat, tie it to a thread, someone holds the thread on outstretched hand, while standing on a chair, the other participants blow to make the bat swing, the blindfolded player tries to catch it.

- “draw the eyes of the monster” - we draw monsters on sheets of paper and attach them to the wall, the players take turns trying to finish the drawing blindfolded.

- “dance with a broom” - the players stand in a circle, one of them holds a broom, turn on the music, the children dance, passing the broom to each other, the participant whose broom remains in his hands when the music ends is out of the game, and wins the one who remains in the game last.

photo http://www.makoodle.com

3. Decorate the house.

It is worth starting with the fact that the main colors of Halloween are white, bright orange, purple, dark green and, of course, black.

The atmosphere of the Halloween holiday will help to create its unnamed attributes - black cats, bats, spiders and cobwebs, ghosts, mummies, skeletons, skulls, witches. And also colorful autumn leaves, candles in candlesticks, small pumpkins - everything that personifies autumn. You can also decorate the windows for Halloween by cutting out funny silhouettes with your child and sticking them on the glass.

photo http://keep.com

4. Consider serving.

When the house is decorated, do not forget to pay attention and festive table at Halloween. The same tips for decorating a house will help to decorate a table in Halloween style. Interesting napkins, unusual candles and oranges with "muzzles" of pumpkins, placed on the table, will create a cheerful mood.

photo http://wantsandwishesdesign.blogspot.com

5. Prepare interesting snacks.

The main dish can be baked stuffed pumpkin. You can find examples of Halloween appetizer designs below.

photo http://www.sunset.com

photo http://www.myrecipes.com

photo http://www.mouthsofmums.com.au

6. Decorate glasses for drinks

Another opportunity to emphasize the specifics of the holiday.

photo www.studentsoftheworld.info

photo http://www.healthybonesaustralia.org.au

7. Carve a pumpkin.

Not a single Halloween can do without a pumpkin, with a muzzle or other figure carved into it.

photo http://tipsaholic.com

It is very easy to cut a pumpkin according to the template. To do this, print out a template for carving a pumpkin for Halloween, lightly moisten it with water, attach it to the pumpkin and glue the edges with tape. Make deep cuts along the edge of the entire design, then remove the template and cut through to the end.

photo http://www.myhalloweenland.com

8. Prepare gifts.

You can notify your little guests about Halloween by mail by sending each invitation made with your child. For example, you can “age” the paper in tea and singe the edges over the candle to give the invitation a more “sinister” look. And in the text indicate that there will be a costume party.

Also prepare small gifts for guests. Something symbolic that will remind you of an interesting children's holiday for a long time - a keychain in the form of a spider, jelly worms, etc.

photo http://www.shelterness.com

9. Take unforgettable photos.

Be sure to save for children the memory of the holiday in photographs. After all, you all prepared and tried so hard! Having ordered photography of a children's holiday from a professional photographer, you can relax and fully devote yourself to the holiday, and later make photo albums and give them to guests.

How to arrange holiday party on Halloween?

Halloween is a relatively new holiday for us, but it has already managed to fall in love with many of its bizarre traditions. We do not yet fully understand all the rules and customs of the holiday, but we are happy to organize parties and celebrations in the style of Halloween. dress up in creepy costumes, arrange contests and gatherings, scare friends - Halloween is a great occasion to spend time fun and unusual.
If you are also one of the fans of this holiday, it is possible that you also want to throw an unusual and creepy party at home. There are many ideas for Halloween. The main thing is to prepare in advance and approach the matter with ingenuity.

Here are some Halloween Party Ideas

1. First of all - decide on the theme of the party

Of course, it must be something scary, but you can choose a specific theme, decorate the house accordingly, and ask invited friends to choose their costumes in this style.
For example, you can arrange a vampire party ...

Or a haunted house party...

If you have a favorite horror movie, you can arrange the whole party in his style, distributing roles among the guests. For example, if you love The Walking Dead series, you can throw a Halloween party in this style, spending the evening among the zombies and the main characters of the series.

Another idea for Halloween could be a fairy tale themed party dressed up in costumes. fairytale heroes and decorate the house accordingly. Thus, you can spend the evening in the circle of Snow White. Peter Pan, Cinderella. Rapunzel, Ivanushka the Fool and other characters.

And, of course, you can just arrange a costume party, without limiting your guests and yourself to the theme. Thus, each guest will be able to come up with some original suit. At such a party, you can also arrange a competition for the most unusual and creative costume.

2. Invitation cards.

If you are throwing a party for a certain number of people, great idea on Halloween it would be to send them or hand them in person invitation cards. If you're ready to make them by hand, it's best to do it early. If the holiday is being prepared for children, you can also connect your child to the production of invitations. It is easier, of course, to buy such postcards in ready-made, but doing it by hand will be much more original. Here are some postcards for inspiration.

3. We decorate the house and set the table.

This is one of the main elements of a successful party. Try to make your house as scary as possible and come up with original snacks. Here are some ideas.

4. Come up with a program.

Write a Halloween script. Think about what you will do and how you will entertain guests. It all depends on who you're throwing the party for. If for children, then you need to come up with children's contests and buy prizes for the winners. You can also order the services of a magician or a clown.
For adults, you can also come up with different programs. You can, for example, get together and organize a horror movie marathon. You can arrange fortune-telling or comic evocation of evil spirits. Or you can just organize a dance. Like children, adults can come up with various competitions. Here are some ideas:

Catching apples
This is perhaps the most popular Halloween game overseas. For this game you need a bucket or any other container with water and apples. We put the apples in the water. According to the rules, you must catch the apple with your mouth without using your hands. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner.

mystical bowl
For this fun, you will need several wide vases, pots, or any other similar utensils. You will also need grapes and pasta (you can think of something else). The essence of the fun is that the guest is blindfolded and told scary story, saying that in the vessel, for example, the eyes of a vampire. And ask the guest to check. He sticks his hand into a vessel of peeled grapes, thinking they are eyeballs. And pasta can be turned into worms in this way.

You can play your favorite party game, Pantomime, but add a little festive atmosphere and guess, for example, only scary characters or famous killers.
In fact, many standard games can be applied to a Halloween party by adding some scary elements. You can, for example, play the Mafia, replacing the mafia with a vampire clan or a pack of werewolves.

5. Musical arrangement

Whatever Halloween scenario you come up with, a suitable musical sequence will be appropriate. The ideal music could be, for example, the music of Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie. You can also find horror movie soundtracks, which are often pretty creepy too. In addition, you can turn on movies or cartoons like The Nightmare Before Christmas by turning off the sound. It can also add to the atmosphere.

Halloween ideas can be listed and listed. This holiday is great because you can take absolutely any idea and turn it into a Halloween party with some spooky accents. There are no limits for fantasy and original thoughts. Experiment with Halloween ideas by trying something new every time. We are sure that you and your guests will remember this day for a long time. whole year until you surprise them with something else.