How to make a small t ribbon bow. Paper technology. Photo options for bows from ribbons for discharge from the maternity hospital of a girl

Today we want to give you a master class on a satin ribbon bow, designed for both beginner craftswomen and more experienced ones. It will describe how to beautiful decoration with which you can decorate gift box. There will also be presented schemes for folding bows to decorate the New Year tree, instructions for making hairpins, also decorated with bows. Photo finished products you can see below.

Below is a selection of videos in which needlewomen show several ways to form bows from material such as satin ribbon. Explains how to make this product classical pattern and how to make a bow original form which would look great on a paper gift box. It also shows how to do gift options and even to decorate the hair.

How to make a satin ribbon bow: the easiest way

In order to make a gift bow, i.e. one that can decorate a gift box, you only need a strip of satin ribbon. WITH

first you need to lay out a strip of satin ribbon desired length, then the first ring should be formed. Next, you need to make ten more rings in the same way, the number of component rings depends on how pompous the bow is intended to be. After all the rings are ready, it is necessary to tie the rings inside with a narrow ribbon. Then you should straighten the resulting rings. It remains only to attach the finished bow, and the work can be considered completed.

For attaching to a gift

There is another option for making a festive bow, with which you can not only decorate a gift box, but also attach it directly to a gift. For work you will need: a wide and narrow satin ribbon, a lighter, a needle and thread, as well as scissors and glue.

First you need to cut off two identical wide strips of satin ribbon, then glue the edges of each blank. Then both blanks must be connected and compressed in the middle, then they must be sewn. Then the middle should be wrapped with a thin narrow tape and secured with threads. It is advisable to singe the edges of the tape with a lighter so that the threads do not bloom.

To decorate a Christmas tree or Christmas presents

To decorate new Year gifts or just attach unusual decoration on the Christmas tree, you can make a bow from a thin satin ribbon. For work you will need: a thin plain satin ribbon, floss threads and an embroidery needle, paints for drawing a pattern on fabric, beads.

First you need to cut a piece of tape of the desired length, then a stencil should be made on cardboard with the image of Christmas trees, toys, snowmen. Then the stencil must be placed on a satin ribbon and paint is applied to the ribbon in places where the contours of the drawings are indicated. Also, beads and other decorative elements can be sewn along the edges of the ribbon. After the ribbon is decorated, it is necessary to mark the middle and tie a bow. The middle of the bow can also be decorated, and the product is ready.

How to make a satin ribbon bow for hairpins

With the help of a bow, you can also decorate hair clips. To do this, you need to purchase a satin ribbon three centimeters wide, cut it into segments six centimeters long. Then, from a tape of a different color, four segments one and a half centimeters long should be cut. The edges of all parts must be singeed.

Next, you need pieces cut from wide tape, fold in the form of bows, i.e. the side parts must be bent towards the center and the middle parts must be secured with threads. Then pieces of ribbon of a different color should be sewn around the centers of the main bows. After that, the bows can be glued to the hairpins.

From a decorative thin ribbon

Beautiful bows are obtained from decorative thin tape, for this you need to cut off a piece of such a tape, cut the edges at an angle of 45 degrees, then at a distance of three centimeters from two edges, twist the ribbon and fix it with glue.

Next, you need to fold the ribbon, putting the edges of the ribbon on top of each other, and fix them with glue. Then you need to glue the top fold, securing it in the middle. In the middle, you can glue one or more beads, and the decoration is ready.

Satin ribbon bows. Master class with step by step photo

Shabanova Marina Gennadievna, teacher primary school, MBOU Sarasinskaya secondary school, Sarasa village, Altai district, Altai Territory
Material Description: This material will be useful to teachers, educators additional education, parents. Work can be done with middle and older children school age. Decorations self made exclusive and very popular. Bows in the modeling technique with the addition of a flower in the kanzashi tsumami technique are easy to make, the product can be completed in one session.
Target: improving skills in the technique of tsumami kanzashi.
Tutorials: to form skills and abilities in the manufacture of jewelry using the kanzashi technique.
Developing: develop attention, Creative skills and aesthetic taste fine motor skills and an eye gauge.
Educational: bring up careful attitude to work.

To work we need the following materials and tools:
- satin ribbon white color 2.5cm wide - 70cm;
- satin ribbon 1 cm wide with polka dots / any color - 40 cm;
- white satin ribbon 1cm wide - 9cm;
(The length of the tape is given based on for one bow!)
- rubber bands - 2 pieces;
- acrylic half beads - 2 pieces (can be replaced with a button, beads, bead);
- sewing threads;
- sewing needle;
- lighter (candle);
- ruler;
- scissors;
- tweezers, clamp;
- thermal gun.

Rules for labor protection when working with scissors:
1. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.
2. Work with well adjusted and sharpened tools
3. Put the scissors with the rings towards you, and with the closed blades away from you.
4. Do not leave cutting tools open.
5. Watch the blades move as you cut.
6. Pass the scissors rings forward, holding the closed ends.
7. Do not play with cutting tools, do not bring to the face.
8. When working with scissors, do not walk around the office. Work at the table.
9. Use these tools only for their intended purpose.

Rules for labor protection when working with a needle:
1. Store the needles in a specific place (special box, pad). Do not leave them at the workplace (table), in no case leave them in the fabric, do not take needles, pins in your mouth.
2. Pieces of a broken needle are collected and handed over to the teacher. If the needle breaks at home, then its fragments must be wrapped in paper and thrown away in a safe place.
3. Pass the needle in the needle bar and with thread.
4. Do not stick the needle into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains.
5. Do not sew on upholstered furniture (armchairs, sofas, etc.) at home. Do not leave a needle in the product.
6. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.
7. Know the number of needles, pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check their number, be sure to find the lost needle, pin.
8. After finishing work, the product is neatly folded and stored in a specially designated place.

Rules for labor protection when working with a candle and matches, a lighter:
1. Remove loose hair.
2. Do not lean low over the flame of a candle or match.
3. The candle should be in a glass or tin container.
4. Do not throw burnt matches into the trash, but put them in glass, tin dishes.

Rules for labor protection when working with a thermal gun:
1. Do not leave unattended.
2. During operation, place the heat gun on a stand, and do not lay it on its side.
3. Work only with a serviceable tool.
4. Do not touch the tip of the gun and touch the hot glue.
5. At the end of the work, turn off.

Prepare pieces of satin ribbon in the following sizes:
- white satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 2 pieces 20 cm long,
- satin ribbon 1 cm wide with polka dots / any other color - 2 pieces 20 cm long;
- satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 6 pieces 5 cm long.

We impose a ribbon with polka dots on a white satin ribbon 20 cm long in length. Let's focus on the middle. We process the edges of the tape over the fire of a lighter or candle, soldering the tapes together.

We do two things.

There are many ways to make a bow. In order for the work to move faster, I connected the elements of several.
We put the edges of the tape on top of each other with a slight smell and sew with a basting seam. Thread in two additions.

Without cutting the thread, we also sew the second part. Both parts of the bow are on the same thread. We do not cut the thread!

By bending the ribbons in half, we outline the middle of each.

We connect the fold line and the seam line. We pass both tapes with a basting seam in the reverse order.

We tighten the thread, make two or three turns along the seam line and fasten with a few stitches. Cut the thread with scissors. It turns out such a bow.

For a flower, you will need 6 pieces of satin white ribbon 2.5 cm wide. We fold the segment at a right angle, we try to make the sides of the angle equal.

We turn the workpiece by connecting the points AA and BB. I solder the petal blank in the corners to make further work easier.

We fold the petal in half along the length with the satin side inward.

Bend each side lengthwise outward. We solder the edge with a lighter or over a candle fire.

It turns out here is such a petal.

We make 5 more petals. Only 6 petals.

Apply hot glue to the base of one of the petals, attach the second, fix the tweezers.

Sequentially glue the rest of the petals. We fasten the first and last together with hot glue.
The flower is ready. We add the middle.

WITH reverse side hot glue bows fix the elastic band.

A piece of white satin ribbon 1 cm wide and 9 cm long is fixed with hot glue in the middle of the bow on the front side.

We make a double turn and fix the edge of the tape with hot glue.

We fix the flower in the middle of the bow with hot glue. Our bow is ready!

We make a couple for it. Now you can dress up!

Holidays and solemn events constantly accompany our lives, and there are regular occasions to give gifts. Agree, it would be great to learn how to pack them beautifully? has already offered, and today we offer instructions for tying bright creative bows for a gift!

Ribbon bows

To make gift bows from ribbons, you will need satin ribbons, or pieces of braid or fabric that “does not fray”. For some designs, you can use paper, thin plastic, fixing the components with a stapler or glue.

Strict horizontal bows are perfect for stylish minimalist gift wrapping. In this case, you can use several tapes of different shades.

From scraps of multi-colored ribbons, you can make such a cute bow:

We make larger lush bows according to the following schemes:

We do a bright contrasting bow of two narrow and one wide ribbon as follows:

You can tie a gift with real hair bows. Delicate, beautiful and reminiscent of school childhood! This option is great for wrapping a gift for a teacher.

Ribbon and ribbon animal bows

For gift wrapping for children and themed celebrations, we use the idea of ​​animal bows. See what a cute elephant or bunny you can make!

The dog breeder will be pleased to receive a gift decorated with an elegant dog muzzle.

Paper bows

Fold paper ribbons for quilling or strips of colored paper in the form of various rings, cut out an inscription with a wish or anniversaries. Pin them together for a personalized gift bow.

From paper curls you can collect large flower, in the center of it there is a place for a wish, additional decoration.

We make a holly flower from many cut out paper circles. We turn them into a cone and glue them along the edge. Then we collect in the form of a flower.

Paper bow with - simple and beautiful!

If you really want to surprise your loved ones with your original packaged gift, then you should familiarize yourself with detailed diagrams cutting, folding and attaching extraordinary bows. Let's take a look and get to work!

Even a child can make such a bow: fold the paper “in a fan, fasten it with a thread - and the bow is ready! In doing so, you can use colored paper, newspaper and magazine clippings, wallpapers, geographical maps.

Men's bows

For a gift to a man, we are preparing a special bow. It can be a gift decoration with a tie or suspenders.

A paper bag with a gift inside can be made in the form of a shirt with a tie. Use colored ribbons or paper.

As wrapping paper and a bow, you can use the shirt itself. See what you can do!

Jewelry for a gift from natural materials

A bow made of grass or straw is an original and simple solution.

Combine decoration and bouquet - great idea. We decorate the gift with fresh flowers!

Use fresh green leaves and branches to decorate the gift.

We decorate the gift with a vintage masterpiece: sequins, a beaded flower and a real feather.

Unconventional Solutions

The gift can simply be closed with a button.

A gift related to photographs, or a gift for a photographer, it would be very useful to decorate with an old photographic film.

You can make fabric packaging and a bow from a single piece of fabric.

How beautiful to wrap round gift? A piece of cloth with a handle and double rows of bows will do.

When a pie is given, it is usually brought on a baking sheet in a towel. And what if you add a work of your culinary art beautiful packaging? edible gift can be decorated tissue paper and decorate with a "bow" of spoons.

Combination of simple bows

Everything ingenious is simple. If you do not want to spend a lot of time tying an original bow, do a lot simple bows. The main thing is to observe their harmonious combination.

flower bows

Flowers are always bright, solemn and tender. Therefore, we take note of decorating gifts with flower bows.

We make a flower from two different ribbons.

simple paper flower

From paper, you can make a flower with leaves according to the scheme:

gentle voluminous flowers can be made from crepe paper or regular napkins.

See what kind of flower can be made from ordinary newsprint.

Fabric flowers are very similar to real ones. If you “burn” the edges of the fabric, you can get the effect of real petals. Similar flowers can be made from plastic bottle heating its edges.

We hope that our ideas will surely inspire you to create. wishes you and your loved ones pleasant gifts!

Photo sources:

The bow, probably, initially served only as a hair decoration. But over time, he found a lot of other appointments. This and decorative element for gift wrapping, and decoration in the interior, and an accessory in the wardrobe, and even a premium attribute. Therefore, the fashion for bows in their various manifestations never goes away. And, perhaps, the most popular and most spectacular are bows from satin ribbons.

Satin ribbon bow: the most popular types and methods of creation

It only seems at first that the bow is also a bow in Africa: tied with ears the ends of the ribbon or thread. But in fact, there are a huge number of bows. At a minimum, these are classic, strict, tiered, two-color, openwork and floral, although there are many other, more sophisticated types of bows.
This decoration can be made colorful, bright, sparkling, golden-silver. Or vice versa - tie a plain strict bow.

Pink bows Satin ribbon bows with beads

In addition to satin, additional details are often used to make bows. It can be tulle, wire, feathers, braid and other elements that will help turn gift wrapping into a unique work of art. And having mastered some basic secrets knitting bows, you can learn to decorate anything. You just need to choose the most appropriate style option for this elegant decor.

You can even pack a cake with satin bows!

So, the most common and simplest in execution, which does not require additional skills and materials, is the classic bow. Of the materials and tools for its manufacture, you only need scissors and a satin ribbon.

First, a piece of satin ribbon of the required length is cut off. After that, the ribbon is folded as usual before knitting a bow. After that, the ends of the tape are crossed, one of which is pulled into the resulting ring. The knot is tightened and the tape is neatly straightened. But you need to be careful not to wrinkle the ribbon while knitting the knot. Such a simple satin ribbon bow can decorate the elements of a formal suit, as well as business style accessories.

Satin bow decorations
Satin bows on shoes

Even a restrained strict version of the bow looks interesting. To make it, you will need materials and tools: a piece of satin ribbon, a small piece of ribbon for decoration, glue with which you can glue the fabric, and scissors.

A beautiful satin ribbon bow decor will transform any thing!

First, a ribbon is prepared, the length of which is sufficient for the intended size of the bow. The tape is folded in the usual way, but without tying. Instead, the joints are fixed with glue, and then carefully smoothed out with your fingers. A strip of tape prepared for finishing is wrapped around the joint area. The ends of the decorative tape are glued on reverse side. Such a very simple and cute bow from satin ribbon can serve as an excellent accessory when decorating clothes, handbags and shoes.

Original satin ribbon bows

In addition to simple strict options You can also make a multi-layer bow from a satin ribbon. So, many people like the original tiered bows. They are pretty easy to tie. with my own hands. This will require: a satin ribbon 15 cm long (width - 4 cm), an 8 cm piece of ribbon (width - 3 cm), a piece of satin ribbon 6 cm long (width - 2 cm), thin satin braid and scissors.

The color of each type of tape is selected to taste. The size of the blanks can also be changed. The length of the ribbon is selected according to the size of the gift box.

Satin ribbon bows on boxes

So, first the ends of the tape are drawn up. The ribbons are folded in such a way that on the widest ribbon, which is at the bottom, there are more narrow tapes. Then the resulting blank is tied in the middle with a braid so that there are elongated ends that will fix the bow on the box.

With the help of a fork, you can beautifully tie even the tiniest bow.

You can also make a brighter two-color bow. It is very easy to make and looks very stylish. To make it, you need to stock up: a satin ribbon of the color you like (width - 4 cm), a satin ribbon of an additional color (width - 2 cm), a narrow satin ribbon like braid, glue for joining fabrics, scissors and a stapler (but you can do without it ). Width, length and color of ribbons can be varied.

First, a ring is formed from the widest tape, the ends of which are fastened with glue. The braid is superimposed on the formed ring and the ends are fastened again. The resulting workpiece is smoothed, fixed in the center with glue or a stapler. The blank is tied with a long braid so that there are ends for tying the gift box. Such a bow is a bit like a paper bow, especially if all the necessary actions are clearly observed.

Delicate color and stylish design

Looks extraordinarily elegant and one more beautiful bow from a satin ribbon - openwork. He is also called Dior, after the great couturier. But to make this spectacular bow it takes a little more effort. But the materials are standard: a long satin ribbon, glue for joining the fabric, scissors and a stapler (also not necessary).

First, the tape is cut into pieces right size. From the cuts obtained, rings are glued, which must be superimposed one on top of the other. The basis is a tape with cut ends. After that, the resulting workpiece is fastened in the center with glue or a stapler. The junction is closed with a piece of tape. You can, if desired, attach a bow to a gift box with a long braid.

As the embodiment of the present spring holiday looks like a flower bow that can decorate any, even the most sophisticated gift. Of course, this is a very complex decorative detail, but the bow itself turns out to be extremely beautiful. And for its implementation, you only need a tape of the intended size.

First on a large and index fingers a ring is formed from the tape. Such rings must be made at least ten. But the quantity can be changed - it all depends only on the intended splendor of the decoration. All rings made are tied in the center with a braid. It remains only to spread the "petals". After that, the miracle flower is attached to the gift box. Everyone will love his look.

In addition to gift wrapping, you can easily decorate a hairpin or hair band, headband or bracelet with such bow flowers. For work you will need: satin ribbon yellow color(at least 1 meter long), yellow ribbon (1 m long, half a centimeter wide), organza ribbon leopard print(at least 1 meter long), tape Brown(half a centimeter wide, half a meter long), glue (such as PVA or glue gun) and simple gum for hair.

Carefully wrap the tape on a strip of cardboard 8 cm wide. After that, the scroll must be removed from the cardboard and sewn in the middle, pulling the thread and cutting off the edges. Places of cuts must be singeed over the flame of a candle. It remains only to assemble the bow with a needle on a thread and stick it on an elastic band. Such an accessory will not only securely fix the hair, but also adequately decorate them.

Satin bows and lace - a luxurious combination!

There are a huge number of types of satin ribbon bows. You can make lush, twisted, terry bows. And if you seriously take up this art, then, probably, you can find a variant of a bow for every day and for any outfit!

Videos DIY satin bows

A bow is a classic way to decorate a gift. All kinds of shapes, sizes, colors and design methods - all this gives the gift a certain solemnity. How to make a ribbon bow? For this you need patience, skillful hands and a little imagination. Do not hesitate - all your efforts will pay off with a more than happy birthday smile.

We make a bow from a ribbon - we create a festive mood!

volumetric bow

If you want to get a very lush bow, then it is better to use a ribbon made of a relatively rigid material.

  1. We turn the tape into several rings. Their length depends on how you planned the future bow - large or small.
  2. We slightly smooth out our loops and cut off a little material from each corner (see image).
  3. We straighten and fold the tape again so that the rectangles we cut out are placed in the center.
  4. Now you need to drag the middle of the rectangles with tape or wire (as an option, fasten with a stapler).
  5. In turn, begin to straighten the loops in one direction or the other.
  6. Let's fix the rings and the bow is ready!

Traditional butterfly bow

Classics of the genre. Such a bow will equally perfectly decorate both gift wrapping and a bouquet of flowers.

When creating such a bow, it is important not to wrinkle its sides.

  1. Divide the tape in half. We form loops of the same size on each side of the tape segment.
  2. We cross both loops with each other: the right one will become left, and the left one will become right.
  3. We lower the left loop from behind down.
  4. Pull the loop forward and pull the bow exactly in the middle.
  5. Straighten the sides and ends of the bow.
"Strict" bow

  1. Cut off a piece of tape and glue the edges together.
  2. Lightly smooth the ring with your hand.
  3. With a piece of the same ribbon, but shorter, wrap the middle of the ring, hiding the place of its attachment.
  4. That's all!

Bow in several layers

In order to create a similar bow, you need three different, but matching ribbons.

  1. Arrange the pieces of ribbon in such a way that the widest one is at the bottom, and the narrow one is at the top.
  2. Cut the ends of the ribbons with a corner towards the middle.
  3. Tie the ribbons down the center with a thin ribbon. Leave its ends long at the back so that you can attach a bow to a gift.

Bow of two ribbons

Very cute bow. Having mastered the technique of creating a bow from two ribbons, it can be used not only for gift wrapping, but also for decorating hair accessories.

  1. Take two ribbons of the same length but different widths.
  2. Connect a wide tape into a ring and secure with glue.
  3. Wrap a thin ribbon around the ring from a wide ribbon and also fasten it with glue.
  4. Wrap around the middle of the double ring and tighten into a knot. Don't forget to leave long ends- with them you will fix the bow to the package.

How to make a ribbon bow - stylish Dior

Having carefully looked at Dior, it can be noted that it is a kind of complicated version of the “strict” bow.

  1. You will need four pieces of tape - one longer than the other.
  2. Roll the smallest part into a ring and fix its edges with glue.
  3. Connect the ends of the remaining ribbons in the same way.
  4. Set the ribbons to size and tie in the middle with a ribbon. Tie it into a knot, leaving long ends.

Flower bow

  1. Take the end of the tape and, stepping back a few centimeters, twist it once.
  2. Holding the twist with two fingers, make a loop out of the tape and also secure it with your fingers.
  3. So continue to form loops until the “degree of splendor” of the bow satisfies you.
  4. Tie the place where the loops are fastened with a thin ribbon.
  5. Carefully straighten the bow.
Peony bow

Making a peony bow almost completely repeats the stages of forming a voluminous bow. The fundamental difference is only in the last step.

  1. Glue the ends of the tape.
  2. Cut off the corners of the rectangle diagonally.
  3. Move the thin gaps of the tape to the middle and tie this place with a thin ribbon.
  4. Make cuts on both sides of the workpiece.
  5. Make several of these blanks in the same way. Then fasten them with a ribbon in the middle.
  6. Spread the "petals" of the flower.

How to make a bow out of a plastic bag

Sometimes fantasy works wonders, and such original ideas making a festive bow from a plastic bag.

  1. Take a couple of identical (preferably) plastic bags. They are also popularly called "t-shirts"
  2. So, put the "t-shirts" in one pile and cut off their handles.
  3. Now, starting from the outer edge, start cutting out the “snake” from the polyethylene squares (see diagram 2).
  4. Wrap plastic tape around your palm and tie up the center of it.
  5. Cut off the connected sides of the bow with scissors and straighten it.
  6. You can start decorating gift wrapping.

bow bud

  1. Fold the tape with loops in one pile. The more loops, the more magnificent the bow.
  2. Tie the workpiece in the middle with a thin ribbon.
  3. Straighten the button.

Now it will not be difficult for you to make a bow from a ribbon. Armed with new knowledge, you can safely start creating original and unique packaging for the birthday boy. Good luck!