Makeup brushes. What is needed for what? Detailed analysis. What nuances should be taken into account when choosing a brush for powder

Most of the brushes included in the kit should be made using natural bristles, because. brushes with natural bristles are best for working with powder products. Synthetic fiber brushes are great for working with oil-based products. But the most important thing when choosing brushes is the quality of the brush. The bristles of most brushes should be dense, with a smooth, silky texture, and the hairs should fit snugly together.
Powder brush. The powder brush is usually large, round or flat, and should be soft and smooth. Usually it is made from squirrel or marten hair, but it is better if it is made of synthetic material - they are smooth, bacteria do not linger on them, the hairs on such a brush fit snugly against each other. A plus for a synthetic brush is that it is easier to care for and more durable. The powder brush should be large, but not huge - with such a brush you will not be able to apply the powder evenly over the face. Ideally, if it is fairly flat with rounded edges, you can reach the right places, it is more convenient to apply on the face, and it will not collect too much powder on itself.

fan brush Excess, for example, powder or eye shadow is brushed off with a fan-shaped brush. This brush is optional, but no makeup brush set is complete without a removal brush.

Blush brush A blush brush is usually flat in the shape of a spatula, rounded, with short, even, smooth hairs on the sides and long in the center for even distribution of blush on the cheek (pony, squirrel), 2-3 cm wide. It is more convenient to apply blush with this brush, emphasize the line of the cheekbones, if you do not need a “full cheek” blush. If the brush is too large, the strokes made with it will be wider than necessary and the applied blush will look unnatural, so apply the blush carefully. If the brush is too small, then the coating will be uneven, stripes.
contour brush The best contour brush is a smaller version of the blush brush and should be soft and thick. Designed for applying, blending or contouring with dry concealers.

Brush for tone and liquid corrector This is a small flat brush with a flat tip. To apply tone and correctors, brushes with artificial bristles are used, because. natural absorbs too much cream and stick together. In addition, artificial bristles will allow you to apply the texture more evenly. Choose the size of the brush for the tone, taking into account the fact that you will use it to the greatest extent for applying corrective foundation on dark places under the eyes.
Eye shadow brush There are tons of eyeshadow brushes out there! It is advisable to have several eyeshadow brushes, i.e. separately for dark, separately for light shadows. With a small brush, it is easier to make a neat shading. You will need at least two different eyeshadow brushes. Flat, thin and resilient with a delicate bristle serves for uniform application of shadows, conducts sharp lines. The rounded eye shadow brush is ideal for applying eye shadow to the upper and lower eyelids, applying eye shadow along the eyelashes and toning the eye socket.

Eyeliner brush This brush is also optional in the set. This brush is ideal for fine, neat line when working with liquid, dry, gel eyeliner.

Lip brush Lipstick brush - flat brush with fine tip. The quality of the lip brush is not unimportant - the bristles should not come out of the brush and not become loose. This brush will allow you to quickly, easily, accurately and accurately define the contour of the lips, apply lipstick or gloss.

Eyebrow brush Of all the brushes in the set, this is the stiffest brush and must be nylon to keep the bristles stiff and stable. The shape of the brush is flat, bevelled. With such a brush, you can draw an eyebrow line, and it will look much neater and more inconspicuous than just a pencil.

Kabuki brush The most popular brush Distinctive features Foundation & Veil Kabuki is a thick, dense, smooth and soft bristle that gives perfect coverage - dense yet completely weightless and invisible on the face. The pile of this brush has different length, the longest hairs make up the middle of the brush.

When buying, test the brush. Check the brush for elasticity. To do this, bending all the hairs, sharply release them, if the pile has returned to its original position, then the brush is strong. In order to find out how quickly the pile starts to fall out of the brush, it is necessary to sharply draw it across the palm of your hand 10-15 times. various directions. If left on hand a large number of hair, the brush will last a very short time. Well, at the end of the test, lightly brush the brush over the face to check if it causes discomfort to the skin.

And most importantly, do not forget that makeup brushes need high-quality permanent care- it is necessary to treat the brushes with a special cleaner or wash them with shampoo once a week or at least once a month. Dry brushes should be in a horizontal position.

Photos taken from, Yandex


As practice shows, the main role in creating an even tone of the face is played not even by the quality of cosmetics, but by a properly selected powder brush. And when applying powder with a low-quality brush, even luxury cosmetics look like a mask. There are several subtleties good choice brushes.

Brush shape and size

Depending on the shape of the brush, there are the following types:

cone - suitable for applying all types of powder, evenly distributes cosmetics over the surface of the face even over foundation, can be very thin layer.
flat brush (or kabuki) - a small brush with tightly knit bristles, suitable for applying mineral and loose powder, as it captures particles of mineral makeup well and carefully distributes them over the skin. Kabuki helps to apply even layer Not even good quality powder. A real kabuki brush has a short handle (no more than 3 cm in length). True, such a pen is not convenient for everyone, but after a few uses you will get used to it.
fan with a thin base - used to brush off excess particles of shadows, blush and powder from the face. At the same time, the applied makeup is not smeared. This brush is not required element women's cosmetic bag, but very comfortable. Large fan-shaped powder is also used when applying a thin layer of powder on the face.

A powder brush should be soft, fluffy, and large enough to spread makeup all over the face without missing an inch.

Natural material or synthetic?

The choice of brush material depends on the texture of the makeup you are using to create the look. natural materials(hair from goat, squirrel, pony, sable) are suitable for applying dry cosmetics, while the liquid texture will clog the pores of the pile and ruin the tool. But synthetic pile is unpretentious in care, does not collect bacteria on its surface, is cheaper and lasts much longer than natural.

Important: For girls who are allergic to animal hair, it is better to give preference to brushes made of synthetic materials.

If you definitely want to have a brush with natural bristles in your arsenal, it is wise to contact an allergist, using an allergen test to find out which animal furs have allergic reaction and choose a safe pile type.

They are the most expensive makeup tools, but at the same time the highest quality. They are smooth, elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch.

brush quality

brushes good quality cannot be cheap. When buying a powder brush, it is better to use the services of real stores, and not Internet resources. It is important to choose a brush of optimal softness for you, as well as literally feel, hold in your hand what you are going to pay a considerable amount for.

Give preference to brushes cosmetic brands: they strive to maintain a reputation, they test brushes for hypoallergenicity, they comply with quality standards.
Check the tightness of the pile. To do this, squeeze the pile with two fingers and see if there is a gap between it and the mount.
The pile must be neatly and evenly cut, the presence of protruding hairs that stand out from a uniform mass is not allowed.
The bristles should be firmly attached to the base, the brush should not shed when used. You can slightly pull the tips of the villi - none should remain in your fingers.
The metal clip that holds the pile on the handle should not hang out.
Take the brush in your hand and make a couple of light movements with the brush - check how long and thick the handle is for you.
The pile should not leave traces of paint on the skin.
The brush should be soft so as not to scratch the surface of the skin and not cause irritation. Skin sensitivity is an individual matter, so before buying it is important to check the brush in action, and not blindly trust the seller's assurances of the softness of the product.

If the skin is dry and problematic, you only need a soft brush.

Which brush to choose - professional or regular? Professional brushes, even if they are not the most expensive, are created taking into account all the requirements and quality standards. You can use non-professional powder brushes, but the brushes supplied with the powder usually do not differ high quality and can occasionally be used only as a duty tool.

How to apply powder correctly?

Dip the tip of the brush into the powder container, lightly tap the edge of the powder box or lid to remove excess. The powder is applied massage lines from the middle of the forehead towards the ears, then from the nasolabial part to the cheekbones and chin. The powder should be distributed most carefully in the nose area.

Powder brush care

Makeup artists change the brush as soon as it gets worn out. It also needs to be washed regularly. Special products are sold for cleaning brushes from cosmetic residues, processing them in without fail follows the natural pile of the brushes. And here synthetic materials can be cleaned well with baby shampoo, soap or wet wipes. Wash your brushes at least once a week. And if the skin is prone to inflammation, it is better to rinse the brush after each use.

TO special means cleansing instructions for use are attached. If using shampoo, dilute a small amount in warm water. Dip the working tip of the brush into the solution and in a circular motion move the brush gently, avoiding moisture on the base of the pile.

Next, blot it with a towel and leave to dry in a horizontal position under acute angle(less than 45 degrees). The villi sticking out separately must first be smoothed so that after drying the shape of the brush remains correct. Never put a wet brush into a glass. IN vertical position moisture flows to the base of the bristles and destroys the glue, with which the bristles are fixed on the base of the instrument. This will cause the hairs to fall out.

How to store a powder brush?

Some girls keep a set of their brushes in special cups in an upright, open position. This is convenient, but does not exclude the impact of moisture and dust on the brushes, which reduces their service life. It is more practical to store brushes in special cases or cases. Some powder brushes are equipped with special caps that keep them from exposure to the environment.

If you follow these tips when buying and using a powder brush, you will extend its life and get even tone faces.

January 13, 2014, 11:09 am

Makeup artist, "Restart your beauty" service consultant.

Last time we talked about, today, as promised, we give an overview of the best, according to the expert, powder and blush brushes.

In fact, I did not just combine these two categories. They are interconnected. And in principle, if you choose the right brush, then it will be possible to both powder your face and apply blush and even emphasize your cheekbones. So.

Powder brush should be soft and loosely stuffed. But sometimes it happens that on the contrary, you need a densely stuffed brush or even a powder puff. This is in case you need to fix the makeup for a long time - for some kind of solemn event, for example.

Brush from Real Techniques duofiber collection

A brush that gives the thinnest coverage is the so-called duofiber brush. In it, the pile is located in two rows, but only it works top part. And so the coating is very voile. good brushes for this - or brush from the Real Techniques Nicks Pics set. These brushes can also be used for blush and touch up.

Brush Real Techniques Travel Collection

The most versatile brush (gives medium coverage) that I love and use for powder, blush, and correction is Brush from Real Techniques Travel Collection. She is very successful, in my opinion. Most often, I use transparent loose powder (and in principle, all makeup artists work either on translucent powders, or on very light ones), because it does not lay down as a mask and does not overlap the color of the foundation, which is very important.

Brush Bdellium tools 957

Brush, which tightly imposes powder - this is. This is a kabuki brush, very dense. In general, it is suitable not only for powder, but also for applying a mineral base (powder).

Separately, I will note my most-very favorite blush brush- This is a brush "squirrel tail" from. It is gentle, unpretentious, fluffy and so delicately and correctly conveys blush that you are unlikely to become a nesting doll, even if you try hard. I use it for blush most of the time, 90% of the time.

Powder brush by Avon

P.S: But if you want a brush just for powder, then don't worry and buy an inexpensive brush. In fact, this is not a product of the first importance for the face. I have a budget powder brush from Avon and Farmasi- They also do a great job and are inexpensive.

Powder brushes Farmasi

That's all, next time I'll tell you about brushes for face correction A. Stay tuned! :)

The choice of brushes, as well as cosmetics, is determined by the individual request: a spatula for a dense foundation will not be useful for those who use only powder, and the softest brush may be useless against tightly knitted blush. But on general recommendations will be able to collect a good basic set brushes, which then, having gained experience, can be supplemented. And yes, it is important to remember that brushes can be used for other purposes (concealer - for lipstick, and vice versa), and this is the main charm.


Strictly speaking, duofibers are a class of brushes for different types products: shadows, blush, foundation creams, highlighters and more. Brushes with both natural and synthetic bristles can be different forms and sizes, but they are all very delicate, so the best tool for thin application and thorough shading is not found. It is worth starting acquaintance with them, perhaps, with the famous MAC 187 - with it, even a blood-red pigment like Nars Exhibit A can be imagined as a natural blush.

Angled brush

Arrows are most often drawn with a beveled brush - this form is really ingenious and allows you to draw fairly even lines even for beginners. Of course, it is also possible to simply bring her eyes up, and she is also the best suited for drawing eyebrows. You can find such a brush in the corresponding division of almost any brand: at least in the well-established L’Etoile, at least in Bobbi Brown.


Funny short kabuki brushes are designed to work with densely packed products. The thickest, ball-shaped pile, like this Givenchy, applies bronzers, powders, blush well, and it also manages, as they say, to polish the skin - therefore, it is especially convenient to rub complex textured things like cream powder with such a brush.

For a deep tone

The most common brush shape for such products is a spatula, or "tongue"; Every brand, even a small one, has one. But the "star" Shiseido 131 brush for a dense tonal unexpected shape: dense, artificial fiber, with absolutely flat cut like the top of the kabuki has been cut off. It perfectly drives in the most viscous textures, and it is physically impossible to leave unshaded strips of cream with it - and spatulas often sin with this.

For shading shadows

The right eye shadow brush can inspire experimentation for those who have never thought about approaching eye makeup before. Complex transitions of shades and the same haze in smoky eyes it is impossible to make a bad - or inappropriate - brush. Softness, elasticity, some fluffiness, not trimmed, but gathered edge and small size are important at the same time. Many people call the classic MAC 217 the best option, but Evgeny Cosmetics Crease Brush, created by makeup artist Evgeny Lukyanenko, is praised even more by experienced people.

For blush

In general, a blush brush, as we will explain below, can be replaced with a neat powder one. But if you find one, a specialized one is still worth buying. If you choose a fluffy bevel, it will be convenient for contouring and, while a more sophisticated concept with a “broken” handle, like Japonesque, will not only simplify life, but also open up new horizons - tools inspire no less than shades.

For a manicure

Ideally, no one can ever paint their nails with a bubble brush, but not everyone is dissatisfied with this. Especially critical to the quality of application is to acquire a nimble, flexible and flat brush made of artificial fiber to correct the border at the cuticle and remove varnish from the skin around the nail. If there are also plans, a brush for thin lines will also be useful - they are usually marked “for eyeliner”.

For powder

Such a brush should be large and soft so as not to pick up too much product and quickly spread it over the face. She, of course, can be applied not only with powder: for bronzer and highlighter, she is also quite suitable, and if you choose a medium-sized brush, you can apply blush with her - some, quite convenient, blush brushes are just smaller copies of powder ones.

For lipstick

It is convenient to apply a new lipstick straight from the tube, but when it is worn down, it takes a lot of time to accurately stain. To avoid the latter and approach lipsticks and glosses of complex texture, you should get special brush. You can choose any artificial pile and suitable form: it is convenient to paint over small lips with a small brush. A separate bonus of lipstick brushes is their compactness: most often they are made foldable and are equipped with a cap that allows you to carry them with you everywhere.

Eyebrow comb

How important are shaped eyebrows, we already. If in a set with eyebrow gel or wax suitable brush if you haven’t invested, it’s worth buying a separate one (however, if you don’t use gel or wax, it’s also worth buying). Of the entire list, it is perhaps the least versatile and will fit only for combing eyebrows and eyelashes. On the other hand, you can't replace it with any other brush.

Depends on three factors: good cosmetics, skillful hands make-up artist and properly selected brushes. With a general understanding of the laws of make-up, creating a competent make-up is not a problem, but it is important to understand what tools you need to work with. Professional set of makeup brushes looks like a serious arsenal: in a large apron with many sections, dozens of types of brushes of different shapes are designed to point to each segment. Right choice brushes for each zone provide makeup with a completely new quality - it looks more voluminous and professional.

There are only two rules in choosing brushes: give preference to natural non-allergenic materials and choose the right manufacturer. In the review of the site - only the highest quality, durable and skin-friendly makeup brushes.

Brush for applying tone

Application brush foundation looks like a regular one, but without fluffy pile. It is flat, elastic, with a domed top, wide. Smooth spatula helps distribute Foundation, eliminating excess, and also works on the areas around the eyes and problem areas.

The Body Shop Concealer Brush provides a smooth and gentle application of makeup. It is comfortable, medium in size, ideally distributes the liquid foundation in a thin layer and provides a natural effect.

The Dolce & Gabbana Foundation Brush with a flat profile allows you to apply makeup without smudging. The synthetic bristle of the brush is considered the best option for working with liquid foundations.

Foundation brush L "Etoile

The L "Etoile" foundation brush is a flat, synthetic, true classic of the genre. High-quality materials and Made in Japan production are its main trump cards.

Powder brush

The powder brush is the largest of all makeup brushes - round and dense, with even edges or a flat edge. It is used with both compact and loose powder - it is dipped into the product, lightly shaken off and easily "driven" into the skin. The main stereotype of applying powder is smearing it on the skin. You need to start applying powder from the center of the forehead, moving down to the cheekbones, and so on to the chin. With a light movement, walk along the nose and cheeks.

Brush self made Jane Iredale Natural Goat Hair Powder Handy is the perfect tool for applying pressed foundations. With all the versatility of the brush, it is especially good for applying powder - it “takes” the optimal amount of the product and distributes it evenly. Thanks to its compact size, it is convenient for outdoor use.

The Clinique Powder Brush is an easy-to-apply powder brush that evenly distributes both loose and compact powder. Also, the tool is suitable for feathering the borders of the coating. The brush perfectly models different coverage intensities.

Big round brush IsaDora is suitable for applying compact and loose powder. The brush is made from natural hair according to the technology of compliance with all sterility standards.

The Bourjois short fluffy brush made of natural bristles allows you to quickly and evenly distribute powder not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Bonus - original design and mini format.

Brush for applying blush and blending

The blush brush is very similar to the powder brush, but slightly smaller in diameter. The classic shape is round, oval or domed. Designed to highlight the cheekbones and designate the relief, visually changing the oval of the face. Blush is applied in the middle of the cheek at ear level, and then gently shaded.

Makeup brush from Dior's Bird Of Paradise make-up collection – not only professional tool, but also the main beauty fetish of the season. Provocative red color and elegant design make this professional tool a favorite accessory.

Blush brush Vivienne Sabo with a flirty design made of nylon. Petite, delicate, soft, it is suitable for applying dry blush, as well as for reducing borders.

fan brush

The brush, as the name implies, looks like a fan - thin at the base, with a fan-shaped pile. Designed to brush away excess eye shadow, powder and blush from the face for a neat look.

A classic of the genre, a fan brush with a thin and soft bristle "Oriflame", convenient for removing excess make-up and crumbling particles. Evens out make-up in two touches. Material: natural pile, aluminum, wood.

Eyebrow brush

Eyebrow brush corrects their shape, helps to gently comb the eyebrows, giving them a well-groomed look.

Combined brush for eyebrow correction L "Etoile

Combined brush for eyebrow correction "L"Etoile" with natural bristles not only gives the eyelashes a more even look, but also provides additional volume.

Eyeliner and brow brush

The brush for eyeliner and eyebrow correction is very thin, with one sharp end and beveled bristles. It is with this brush that a thin line is drawn at the base of the eyelid with eyeliner or shadows, and the shape and intensity of the eyebrows are also corrected. The brush is dipped with a thin part into the product, after which a line is drawn with it. Eyebrows corrects along with another tool - a pencil, comb, shadows, etc.

Eye Shadow Brush Angled IsaDora with an angled tip draws precise lines and gently applies products with an angled tip and natural bristles optimum rigidity.

Eye shadow brush

A thin brush with an applicator - a flat or fluffy brush - is designed to create the main accents on the eyes: color, depth, transitions, shadows. The most common option is a flat brush - it is convenient to work through the upper and lower eyelids with it. The domed shape is designed for applying shadows along the eyelashes and toning the eye socket.