Subsidy for kindergarten what documents to collect. Compensation for the absence of a child in kindergarten. Refund for attending a preschool

The stay of a child in kindergarten can be a serious cost item for parents. But part of the costs can be reimbursed by the state. How is compensation for kindergarten processed in 2019?

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Not every parent can afford self-education children to school. As a rule, the mother needs to go to work when the baby reaches 1.5-3 years.

The child is registered in kindergarten. But the payment for staying in a preschool educational institution can be very tangible for the family budget.

Given this fact, the state is ready to reimburse part of the costs. How is compensation for kindergarten processed in 2019?

General points

Due to this, the cost differs. Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273 predetermines the amount of compensation for the payment of a preschool educational institution, and the amount of payment for a kindergarten is also specified here.

The maximum amount of the fee for a stay in a kindergarten:

Regional authorities have the right to approve their own fee for preschool education, but not more than the maximum amount under federal law.

At the same time, throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the parents of the baby can receive a certain reimbursement of the monthly costs of paying for the kindergarten.

The federal law defines the limit of such compensation, but it says that the regions have the right to increase the amount of compensation at their own expense.

For example, children who are paid for disability or a child from poor family can visit kindergartens for free, if it is ratified by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that at the state level, a bill was considered to compensate for the lack of a place in the preschool educational institution. But no such law was passed.

But the constituent entities of the Russian Federation got the opportunity to appoint compensations at their level if a mother, due to lack of a place in a kindergarten, is forced to stay at home with a child 1.5-6 years old.

So from the moment of birth, the child must be registered with the Department of Education at the place of residence, with a view to subsequent distribution to kindergartens.

Moreover, children are first only registered. Upon reaching a certain age of the child, on the basis of an application from the parents, a referral is issued to a preschool educational institution with a free place at the place of residence of the family.

How to calculate correctly

  • the number of children in the family who attend kindergarten;
  • average payment for attending a preschool educational institution.

It is important to understand that the total number of children in the family can be any, compensation is due only to attending kindergartens:

To determine the average amount of the fee for attending a preschool educational institution, the following calculation procedure is applied:

  1. The total monthly payment is set.
  2. The number of working days in a month is determined.
  3. The total monthly payment is divided by the number of working days.
  4. The amount received is multiplied by the number of days the child actually spent in kindergarten.
  5. From the amount of the actual payment made by the parents, the percentage of compensation is calculated.
  6. The resulting value becomes the amount of the compensation payment transferred to the applicant's personal account.

When they list

Compensation for payment for the services of a preschool educational institution is provided on a declarative basis. Therefore, if the parent did not apply in the prescribed manner, then one should not expect a refund.

At the same time, the provision of a compensation payment does not mean exemption from payments. Payment must be made according to the payment schedule and in full.

Video: how to get compensation for kindergarten

If the kindergarten benefit has already been calculated, how is the amount paid out when the reimbursement arrives?

They pay compensation in the next month after payment, provided that they have been submitted Required documents. All parents whose children attend kindergartens are entitled to compensation.

But refunds may be denied. For example, the reasons might be:

  • presented not full package documents;
  • documents are not provided to the DOE in a timely manner to the Department of Education;
  • parents are exempted from payment of d / s;
  • children's institution does not have the proper license.

The nuances of registration through the State Services

Apply for compensation parental fee for kindergarten is possible not only with a personal appeal to the leadership of the preschool educational institution. Parents have the right to submit an application through the State Services portal.

To do this, you will need to register on the regional portal and be a registered user of the State Services of the Russian Federation portal.

Click here to fill in the online application form, to which the scans are attached. necessary documents. The application is sent directly to the Department of Education of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Verification of documents is carried out in the order of interdepartmental interaction with other structures.

The result of the service is the provision of payment or reduction of payment by the amount of compensation.

For the second child

All parents are entitled to compensation for kindergarten fees. When assigning a payment, the financial condition of the family does not matter.

But the applicants often misunderstand the calculation procedure. So, in their opinion, for the second child in the family attending kindergarten, 50% of the compensation should be paid, and for the third - 70%.

In fact, the amount of compensation depends on the number of children attending the kindergarten. If two children from the same family visit the child care institution, then the payment will be compensated in half.

But if only one child goes to preschool, then compensation is assigned for one child in the amount of 20% of the payment.

The total number of children in a family is not taken into account. Larger size compensation is allowed only if the corresponding norm is established at the regional level.

What share of the fee is reimbursed from the budget depends on what kind of child it is in birth order:

  • 20% if he is alone;
  • 50% for the second;
  • 70% for the third, fourth, etc.

Children younger than:

  • 18 years;
  • 23 years old if they are a full-time student.

Compensations of 50% are given in departmental kindergartens of the Ministry of Defense:

  • disabled parents;
  • conscript soldiers;
  • employees of kindergartens;
  • and liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

If there is a right to compensation for several reasons at once, only one of them is paid. The one with the larger size is chosen.

Compensation will only be awarded if educational institution received a state license.

Governing Laws

  1. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012, part 5 of article 65.
  2. No. 124-FZ "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" dated 07/24/1998.
  3. Federal Law No. 76-FZ, also Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 555. The Ministry of Defense reduced the payment by Order No. 862, which was issued on November 24, 2014.
  4. No. 388-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of accounting for and improving the provision of social support measures based on the obligation to comply with the principle of targeting and apply the criteria of need" dated 12/29/2015.

The amount of the full payment is determined by the regional authorities. They also establish additional criteria for families that determine eligibility for compensation.

What documents are needed to make a payment

Compensation is received by a parent who has signed an agreement with a preschool institution. He needs to write an application addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution. And he already sends this information to the educational and social protection authorities. You can also make a payment on the State Services Portal.

There is no strict application form, they differ in different kindergartens.

Such information is required:

  • full name of the institution;
  • Full name of the parent;
  • and child;
  • their address;
  • request for reimbursement of part of the parental fee;
  • the number of children in the family;
  • account number and bank details for transfer.

A list of documents is attached to the application.:

  • passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • marriage certificate (if the surnames are different);
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • other documents giving the right to compensation;
  • bank statement with details.

Money is not issued in cash. Therefore, if there is no bank account, it must be opened.

In some regions, compensation is given only to needy families. Thus, the number of applicants for payment is reduced.

The level of income that you need to confirm varies in different regions of the Russian Federation.

But if this requirement is present, you must submit a certificate of family income for the last three months to receive compensation for kindergarten.

If the right to compensation arises not because of the number of children, another list of documents will also be needed, for example:

  • serviceman's certificate;
  • disabled person;
  • liquidator, etc.

A certificate of family composition is issued on the form 9. This is an extract from the house book, which shows:

  • to whom it was issued;
  • who else is registered in the apartment;
  • and what are the relationships between them.

Form 9 is issued in several places:

  • in the passport office of the ZhEK, HOA, etc.;
  • in the department of the migration service;
  • at BTI;
  • or local government.

If the work schedule of these organizations is inconvenient, you can contact any office of the MFC. You can also order the form through the public services portal.

Help is provided free of charge. You need to have a passport and a certificate (or an extract from the USRN) on the ownership of housing with you.

Features: when applying to the passport office of the HOA, housing office, etc. You do not need to confirm ownership, since they have this information.

The document does not have a certain period actions, but over time, the composition of the family may change. As a rule, Form 9, which was issued no more than a month ago, is suitable for compensation. A copy is not taken from this certificate, the original is given.

Copies are made of all documents. The manager compares them with the originals and stamps the kindergarten. The originals are returned and copies are attached to the application.

The state compensates parents for part of the cost of kindergarten in order to reduce the financial burden. The amount of compensation is determined by the number of children and criteria for family income, which are different in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In 2016, all parents and legal guardians of the child had the opportunity to receive compensation for payments for the child's education in kindergarten. The refund of payment for kindergarten is also in 2018: 20% for one child, 50% for two children and 70% for three children (or more). However, since January 1, the law in this area has undergone certain changes that you need to know about. Now not everyone can get part of the money back.

Who is eligible for a refund?

Parents who receive income not more than 150% of living wage(established by the state minimum amount for living), about 14,000 rubles. Thus, the total family income (for example, 4 people, two adults and two babies) should not exceed the amount of 58,000 rubles. This is the most significant change from 2016. Please note that depending on the region, the amount may vary.

Also, since January 1, 2017, kindergarten fee refund operations have been suspended due to new changes. The exception is persons who, in addition to the return payment, received monthly child allowance.

Changes in the calculation of compensation for kindergarten fees come into force on January 1, 2017. Who is entitled to a refund of money spent on food for children? What percentage? Where to apply for a refund?

Documents for a refund of payment for kindergarten

A parent or guardian can apply to the authorities responsible for this area of ​​​​activity - social. protection or MFC ( Multifunctional Center) with a claim for compensation. You must provide a documentation set in which you want to add data about financial position family and their income.

List of information to be provided:

  • Identity document;
  • Birth certificate of the child;
  • Testimony of other children (when there are older brothers or sisters);
  • Paper from the institution where the son or daughter will receive training;
  • A document on the composition of the family (must be taken from the Housing Office);
  • For legal representatives who are not parents, a document confirming the decision to transfer custody;
  • Information about the state of the family financial plan for the last three months that preceded the month of submission of documents.

Terms of interest accrual in 2018

If the documents are submitted before the specified date, the calculation of the percentage of the refund for the kindergarten payment will begin from the moment when the payment procedure was suspended, that is, from January 1. If an appeal is submitted later than the specified date, the money will begin to be credited directly from the moment the appeal was made. The refund amount for kindergarten meals will be paid throughout the year (12 months). After this period of time, the documents must be updated.

Do not forget that local governments have the right to establish fringe benefits. Based on this, in different regions of the country, the total family income and a number of other informative data may differ slightly. For this reason, it is necessary to contact the structures responsible for this field of activity. Employees of institutions will advise those who apply and answer questions regarding this topic.


In 2018, the refund for kindergarten payments has undergone a number of changes, but in general, the procedure has remained the same. There have been no changes for privileged categories. The beneficiaries are: children of military personnel, kindergarten workers, disabled people, Chernobyl liquidators.

IN Lately Due to the economic crisis in our country, it is very difficult for many young parents to support a child, even if the baby goes to kindergarten and both parents work. That's why state aid, provided in the form of compensation for payment for a kindergarten, is a good help for a young family, especially if the parents decide on a second and subsequent child.

Refund for attending a preschool

The amount of the payment is set as a percentage of the monthly kindergarten fee. In addition, the amount of the payment depends on the number of children in the family:

  • for the first child attending a kindergarten, the amount of the payment is 20 percent, i.e. out of every 100 rubles spent on paying for a preschool educational institution, 20 rubles will be returned to you
  • for the second baby, the return will be 50 percent, that is, out of every 100 rubles, the state will return 50 rubles.
  • for the third child, a payment of 70% is due, out of every 100 rubles - 70 rubles are returned.
  • for subsequent children, the amount of compensation will be the same as for the third.

At first glance, it seems that it is not difficult to calculate the amount of the payout (just subtract 20%, 50% or 70%), however, as in any calculations and calculations, there are subtleties here. The calculation takes into account exactly as many days as the baby attended kindergarten. So, if for some reason the son or daughter was not in the kindergarten, then compensation for these days is not due. In order to find out the exact amount, you need to do the following:

  1. First, calculate how much one day of stay in kindergarten costs. To do this, you need to divide the amount that you pay for visiting the kindergarten every month by the number of working days in the current month. For example, the fee is 1000 rubles, and there were 20 working days in a month. We divide 1000 by 20 and get 50 rubles.
  2. Next, you need to multiply the resulting number by the number of days that the pupil visited the preschool educational institution. For example, the baby visited 15 days out of 20, therefore, 50 * 15 \u003d 750 rubles.
  3. And the last step is to divide the amount received by 100 and multiply by the percentage that is returned depending on the number of children, i.e. for the first child - 20, for the second - 50 and for the third and subsequent 70.

It should be borne in mind that even if the baby does not miss the kindergarten, the amount of the refund will be slightly different, because the number of working days each month is different (there are 20 in one month, and 23 in the other). It should also be borne in mind that only that part of the expenses that was spent on the maintenance of the child is returned. For all additional expenses, such as repairs, the purchase of new toys, etc., compensation is not charged.

The amount of tax on compensation

Now the situation has changed and the deduction of tax from the final amount of compensation has been canceled at the legislative level. Although this is a small, but still help from the state, at least some, but savings. Thus, a small amount is saved every month on the abolition of the tax on the return of money. For example, the amount of compensation amounted to 160 rubles, of which 13% was previously withdrawn in the form of tax, namely 20 rubles 80 kopecks (160 * 13/100 \u003d 20.8), after the withdrawal, the parents received an amount equal to 139 rubles. 20 kop. Now the young family will receive the full amount of compensation for the maintenance of the baby without any deductions.

Making an application for compensation

Submission of documents for compensation is the most important part, because even one incorrectly executed certificate can deprive the family of the provided benefits and everything will have to start all over again. To receive the return of money spent by the state, parents first of all need to collect a small package of documents, namely:

  • application for compensation for payment for kindergarten;
  • a certificate confirming the composition of the family;
  • documents that certify the identity of the parents;
  • a document confirming the birth of a child or children;
  • bank account number to which the money will be transferred;
  • a document that confirms that the baby is on the waiting list for a child care facility.

All documents must be copied and sent along with their originals to the head of the preschool educational institution. Parents need to ensure that the date of receipt of documents is recorded in a special journal, which is in every preschool institution.

The payment is transferred monthly, but parents need to take into account the fact that the money for current month will be credited to the account only in the next. For example, you will receive a payment for November in December, and for December - in January.

Compensation for missing a child in kindergarten

With an increase in the birth rate, the queue at the preschool educational institution does not become smaller. Therefore, such a situation, when the date of the desired enrollment in kindergarten came up, but the places were not given - very frequent occurrence. Mom has to sit up on maternity leave or give the baby to private garden. Both options deal significant damage. family budget, especially if the couple decided to have a second child.

Few people know that if the state has not provided a place in a preschool educational institution, compensation is due in some regions. The amount of the payment, as well as its very existence, are not established at the legislative level and depend only on the decision of the regional authorities. If a similar payment is accepted in your subject, you will have to prepare the following documents.

Today, in many regions of Russia, there is a shortage of places in municipal kindergartens, so parents are interested in how to get compensation for paying for a kindergarten and whether there are various benefits or compensation payments in the absence of a place.

Here are the laws that are in force today, which describe the rights to receive benefits when enrolling in a kindergarten and receiving compensation:

  1. about education.
  2. about the establishment of benefits for low-income families.
  3. on benefits for citizens with children.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 862 on the provision of benefits to military personnel.

These are the main regulations, which reflect the procedure for submitting documents for enrollment in preschool and ways to receive various payments for different categories citizens.

What is eligible for compensation and what are the goals of this program

This program is social support parents to improve the demographic situation in the country. According to the provisions Federal Law No. 273, parents can arrange compensation when placing a private and municipal kindergarten. However, there are different nuances when visiting each type of institution. The following is subject to compensation:

  1. Food cost.
  2. The cost of child care and supervision.

As for educational services, they are paid voluntarily by parents, so there are no grounds for returning this amount. There is a special paytable.

Important! If your kindergarten requires payment in without fail more than provided for in Art. 31 paragraph 4 of the Federal Law No. 273, then you have the right to contact the control and audit bodies or the police to resolve this issue.

Additionally, there are compensations for not providing children with a place in kindergarten. However, this is not true for all regions, but only for those where there is a shortage of places in kindergartens.

Compensation for not providing a seat

According to Federal Law No. 81, a woman receives income while on parental leave for a year and a half. Then she can write an application for an extension maternity leave without content. This usually happens if it is not possible to arrange a child in a preschool. In some regions, it is possible to receive a certain amount from the regional budget if the child could not go to kindergarten due to lack of free places.

Important! From time to time, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation discuss the issue of providing money to families in which the child did not go to kindergarten, since there are no free places in these institutions in the regions. Last time a compensation payment in the amount of 5 tr was discussed. However this law was not accepted. However, in some regions there are programs on the basis of which a small amount can be received.

Grants are processed in the department of benefits and social payments. Usually it is located in the district administration. It is required to call there to clarify whether this benefit is valid in a particular region. In case of a positive answer, it is required to clarify the list of documents for registration. Usually this:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. Child's birth document.
  3. Documents confirming being in the queue.
  4. Marriage certificate if available.
  5. Certificate confirming that you are on maternity leave.
  6. Written refusal to enroll, indicating the reason.
  7. Family statement.
Important! In some regions, a property qualification is presented to candidates. The total family income must be less than the established value. Therefore, you will additionally have to present a certificate of income for the last 6 or 12 months.

Who can receive this benefit

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all children living in Russia have the right to attend a preschool institution. In fact, about 40% of children receive a place during the distribution of vouchers, the remaining 60% have to wait for a place to appear. This problem due to the lack of kindergartens. Although the costs to parents are identical, and possibly higher, if the child does not attend preschool, Federal Law No. 273 does not include payment. But it allows it to be provided to the regions. Here are some examples of cities where parents are paid money if they are not provided with a place in kindergarten:

  1. Krasnoyarsk - 3709 rubles.
  2. Kirov - 2500 rubles.
  3. Perm - 5295 rubles.
  4. Samara - 1000 rubles.
  5. Tomsk - 4000 rubles.

As for compensation when attending a kindergarten, it depends on how many children attend this institution and how much you have to pay. The amount of payment is set by the regions separately in each case.

Video - How to get compensation for kindergarten

Who has privileges in the distribution of vouchers

Art. 55 and 65 of FZ-273 provide for benefits when enrolling in a kindergarten. They are also indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 862.

  1. Orphans.
  2. Children of law enforcement officers, the Investigative Committee and the prosecutor's office.
  3. Children of persons who were the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other man-made disasters.
  4. Military children.
  5. Children from disadvantaged families.
  6. Children from large families.
  7. Disabled or handicapped children.
  8. Children of employees of educational institutions.

Important! Families that fit the above parameters receive half of the money spent on attending a kindergarten. At the same time, there are no requirements for the number of children, the payment is the same in all cases.

Also according to hit priority queue relevant for children who are brought up in families that have fallen into a difficult life situation.

The main types of compensation when attending a kindergarten

As mentioned above, there are regional and federal compensation payments. At the same time, parents can receive two types of it at once, if it is provided for in a particular region.

Important! Parents do not have the right to overestimate the cost of visiting preschool education. According to Art. 65 FZ No. 273, maximum size daily payment cannot exceed 80 rubles if the child is in kindergarten part-time and 100 rubles for a full shift.

This requirement is relevant for a private kindergarten too. If the organization exposes inflated prices, then an audit by government agencies is necessary. If fraud is detected, the kindergarten management will be held accountable by law.

federal payments

According to the current legislation, not all families whose children attend kindergarten can count on this payment. If the total family income exceeds 1.5 minimum wages / person, then no compensation is due. When using the services of a private babysitter, payments are also not made.

When calculating the subsidy, only those days on which the child was actually in kindergarten are taken into account. So, if payment was made for a full month, but as a result of illness, the baby visited the institution for only 2 weeks, then compensation will be made exactly for 2 weeks.

Here's how the calculation works:

  1. Initially, the cost of one day of being in kindergarten is calculated. To know it, you need to divide the teacher's salary by the number of days in a month.
  2. The number of days the child was actually in kindergarten is multiplied by the cost of one day.
  3. The resulting amount is divided by 100 and multiplied by a factor. According to the current legislation, it is 20%, 50% or 70%. In order not to divide by 100, you can immediately multiply the amount received by 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7.

There are also separate regional payments.

Regional compensation payments

Here is what is included in these payments:

  1. Reimbursement of part of the funds for meals in a preschool institution.
  2. Compensation for not providing a seat.

The amount of payment is established by local governments. How exactly to get this subsidy must be specified in the departments of social protection.

Important! All types of compensation payments are made quarterly. Documents for compensation can be submitted personally to the responsible department or through the accounting department of a preschool institution.

What documents must be presented to receive compensation payments when visiting a kindergarten

To receive compensation, parents must provide the following:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. Marriage certificate, if available, and documents confirming the birth of children.
  3. Application of the established form.
  4. Income statement.
  5. Details for the implementation of the transfer.

Only parents can be applicants. It should be noted that applications are only accepted from working parents. Today, many citizens are arranged informally. In this case, you need to write an explanatory note, which indicates that you are working unofficially, indicating a specific company.

Important! The subsidy is paid within one year. Next, you need to re-apply to the department of social payments for filing required package documents.

Kindergarten reimbursement application

The current legislation has developed a form that must be completed in order to receive this subsidy. It requires the following information:

  1. Indicate if the first, second or third child is eligible for compensation.
  2. Write the child's name and date of birth.
  3. Indicate the number and name of the preschool institution where the child goes.
  4. Write your passport details indicating the authority that issued it and the date.
  5. Prepare an inventory of the documents attached to the application.
  6. Date and sign.

After consideration of the application, a decision is made on granting the right to receive a compensation payment. If the decision is positive, then payment data is entered into a special register. When the pay period starts budget resources are distributed among families who have submitted applications and a complete package of documents.

Video - Compensation for kindergarten. How to return money

If the child attends a private kindergarten

For obvious reasons, the cost of attending private kindergartens is higher than municipal ones. However, parents cannot receive an amount higher than that provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. So, when attending a private kindergarten, you can receive no more than 1610 rubles per month on the basis that the maximum cost of one day of being in kindergarten is 100 rubles, and the number of days when the child actually attended the institution is 23. In this case, the maximum coefficient is taken , which is 70%. It is relevant for families where three or more children attend kindergarten.

Important! When submitting an application, it is additionally necessary to provide a license for a private kindergarten for the right to carry out this activity. In the absence of this document, you may be denied payment.

Tax deduction for attending kindergarten

According to the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to receive a tax deduction for paying for the services of preschool institutions. Documents must be submitted independently or through the employer. There are various nuances when applying in one way or another.

Ways to get benefits

Allows you to receive a tax deduction independently or through the employer. Below are the main differences.

RegulationsIn the Federal Tax ServiceThrough the employer
Receipt periodAt the end of the tax period
In the same year that the costs were incurred
Reason for receiving tax deductionDeclaration 3-NDFL, application and others statutory documentationRequired documents and application
Deadline for checking documents3 months (Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)1 month (Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
AdvantagesReceive money in fullQuick consideration of the application and the implementation of the transfer
FlawsVerification takes a long timeMoney comes in parts, depending on the tax base, the rest must be requested at the FTS office

Grounds for obtaining a tax deduction

The essence of this benefit is that parents can return 13% of the paid funds for attending kindergarten. However, it is necessary to have a tax base. That is, the parents of the child must be officially employed. The absence of a tax base does not give grounds for making compensation payments in this case. Who is eligible for the tax deduction:

  1. The existence of a tax base.
  2. The period of receipt of income by the applicant must correspond to the period of attendance at a preschool institution.
  3. A complete package of documents has been provided.

According to the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum amount of payment is 50 thousand rubles per child. If two children attend preschool, the maximum amount is doubled.

If you decide to apply to the Federal Tax Service on your own, then you need to write not only an application, but also draw up a declaration in the form. In the absence of special skills in its preparation, it is recommended to contact specialized companies. For a small fee, they will this work. Further, you only need to submit an application and a declaration to the FTS department in person or by mail.

What do you need to get a tax deduction?

You must attach to the declaration additional documents which include the following:

  1. A signed agreement with a kindergarten, where there is a clause on the provision of educational services.
  2. License for the right to conduct educational activities.
  3. Receipts, checks or other documents confirming the costs incurred for the fact that the child attends kindergarten.
  4. Applicant's passport.
  5. If a spouse appears in the payment documents, then you will need to provide a marriage certificate.
  6. Child's birth document.
  7. Confirmation of official income with a certificate.

If you are not ready to independently collect this package of documents, then you can contact the accounting department at the place of work and write an application for a tax deduction. Further, the accountant himself will draw up everything necessary and request documents to be sent to the Federal Tax Service.

Important! The application must indicate the full name of the department of the Federal Tax Service, the applicant's data, including passport, contact phone number and details for the transfer of funds.

Any non-compliance with the requirements or an incomplete package of documents is the basis for refusing to provide this payment. Thus, it is recommended to cooperate with specialized companies that will help you submit a full package of documents in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation on the first try.

Video - Payments from mother capital for kindergarten

Most Common Questions

Parents have many questions about the calculation of compensation that lawyers can answer. However, their services are expensive, so it is better to find similar information on the Internet. Below are answers to typical questions regarding receiving this type of payment.

Can a guardian receive money when a child attends kindergarten?According to the provisions Family Code RF and Art. 53.2 FZ-273, only parents can receive this compensation. If they were deprived parental rights or died, then the right to receive funds has a guardian who has been appointed by the court or the department of guardianship and guardianship
If the parents themselves refused a place in a kindergarten, can they receive compensation for not providing a place?According to the current legislation, as one of the documents for obtaining such regional payment, you must provide a certificate from the education department or kindergarten in which you are on the waiting list. This certificate must contain information that the child was denied a place due to the lack of free places. If the parents themselves refused the voucher, then compensation is not paid.
Is it possible to receive compensation for not providing a place in the absence of a child in the queue for kindergarten?Parents who do not put their child on the waiting list for admission to kindergarten cannot claim compensation.
Is it possible to receive compensation for all the time that the child goes to kindergarten if the application is submitted after a few months?FZ-273 allows you to receive compensation not only from the moment of application, but also 6 months before its submission
If the employer does not pay personal income tax, can the employee apply for compensation?No, because there is, in fact, nothing to return from. The absence of a tax base is the basis for refusing to provide a payment
Is it possible to request several types of deductions at once in an application to the Federal Tax Service?Yes, the declaration, which is provided for receiving a deduction, may contain several benefits at once. However, it is necessary to provide that there is a complete package of documents for making the required payments.