Christmas tree craft made of candy. DIY Christmas tree made of sweets and rain

The Christmas tree is a symbol of the New Year - one of the most favorite holidays for children. What else do kids love? Of course, sweets ... Today you will see great idea about how to combine these main attributes and give good mood friends and loved ones.
Pretty easy to make a simple Christmas tree from any sweets (truffles, chocolate, candy or even marmalade), you can even make it together with your baby.

First master class

2. I take wallpaper (width 1.5 m) - so as not to miss the height for sure. All my Christmas trees are 30-35 cm long. For such a height, 2 m long tinsel is enough. We make a compass from a pen and a thread, draw a semicircle with a radius such as the height of the tree.

5. We twist the cone from the semicircle - the wall is double. We glue. I glue with hot glue, because. it gives additional rigidity to the base, and it is not necessary to dry it. We make a base from foam plastic (or foam plastic) - we circle the bottom of the cone, cut it out. At the bottom, we bevel one edge so that it can then be inserted into our cone. We remove the bottom to the side, it will come in handy a little later, it can be pasted over with the same wallpaper.

6. We glue the tinsel in a circle all on the same hot glue.

7. Then glue the candy. If the candy is light, you can glue it on double-sided tape, but I have heavy ones, so I glue it on the tip of the package. Then you don’t need to tear off the candy, you can just pull it out from the other side.

We glue the candies not quite in a full circle, because. the tinsel will need to be passed along the glued candy tails to the second row and further in a spiral.

9. We do everything in parallel - we glued a few sweets, followed by tinsel.

10. When everything is pasted over, we cut the tinsel, if necessary, and that's what we get! If anyone manages to glue the bottom on hot glue - that's great, I didn't succeed. I got out of the situation as follows: I have a penoplex 2 cm high.

11. If you have an asterisk or beautiful bow, or something else to decorate the crown - well, if not (like mine) - we take a floristic (or ordinary, but rigid) wire and make a star!

12. We fasten the tip of thin golden tinsel to the beginning of the star, then wrap it around the wire along the entire frame, cut it off, and glue the end of the tinsel on the other side.

13. It turns out such a beauty!

14. We fasten the star to the crown.

15. We decorate with beads - carefully glue the first bead into the base of the star, then we wrap the Christmas tree along the sweets with beads and at the end we also carefully glue the last bead at the base.

16. It turns out such a beauty! It took about 2 hours for everything about everything, 30-40 cm of one and a half meter wallpaper, a piece of foam plastic, 800 gr. sweets, 2 m of silver tinsel, 65 cm of thin gold tinsel, 1 floristic wire, about 2 m of beads, 1.5-2 pieces of 15 cm rod for a glue gun and, of course, fantasy!))) All success in your creative endeavors!

DIY candy tree. Second master class

To create a candy tree, you will need:

500-600 grams of sweets in a bright wrapper (in this case used a truffle in a golden wrapper);

Thick cardboard;

Glue, scissors, double-sided tape;

Christmas decor (rain, a small star for the crown). The color of the candy wrapper should not match the color Christmas decor. If you decide to use rain, then pick it up with a short "pile" so that the candies are not inconspicuous.

The process of creating a Christmas tree from candies:

First of all, you need to thick cardboard make a cone - cut a semicircle and wrap it. Glue the edges with superglue, which glues securely and sets quickly. Cut the bottom of the cone into strips, bend it inward and stick a circle on top, which will help make the base as stable as possible.

Advice: inside the cone you can hide a small machine or soft toy, only it is necessary to think over the Christmas trees that open them.

Next, glue the cone with double-sided tape, remove both protective films. Next, glue a row of candies on the bottom. Candies must be pressed very carefully to the adhesive tape, otherwise they will quickly fall off. And in this case, it is desirable to choose light in weight. If you decide to use heavy chocolate candies, then they can be glued on.

Decorate the top of the Christmas tree from candies - glue a light star (made of wood or foam) on top, then mask the top with something suitable.

Such a New Year's candy can become great gift for your loved one!

Christmas trees turn out very beautiful, stylish and of course very tasty! Making them is not difficult at all, but it will take patience, work And accuracy! The process can involve children– they will be delighted!

I have Christmas trees middle size - 35 cm in height not counting the spire. You can change the size of the Christmas tree, candies and decorations at your discretion, and I will only share two basic principles for making them. So let's get started...

You will need:


Whatman - 1 pc.

Simple pencil + eraser

Glue gun (or polymer glue)


Sweets in a Golden wrapper "Autumn Waltz" - about 1.4 kg

Tip "Star" 10 cm high. (I have Fuchsia)

Gold acrylic spray paint (or can + brush)

Christmas tree beads 3 m long (I have Fuchsia)

For the GREEN Christmas tree:

Sweets in a green wrapper - about 900 gr.

Tip "Star" 10 cm high. (I have Purple)

Tinsel with medium pile 2 m long.



1. Let's make paper base for the future Christmas tree - cone and bottom (for greater stability). We cut the standard drawing paper into 2 parts: we put aside one of them - we will no longer need it. On the rest of the drawing paper, draw with a ruler (or a compass if the Christmas tree is small) half a circle with a radius equal to the height of the Christmas tree. Those. I have a tree tall, so I took the radius 35 cm. Next, we cut out our blank and cut it in half - we will make 2 cones out of it at once. We glue the cut parts so that we get a cone. From below, you can fasten it with a stapler, for greater reliability. I use a hot gun because it's fast, simple and easy enough. If you use a polymer or some other glue, you will have to briefly squeeze the glued surfaces and wait until they grab.

2. We make a bottom for cones from scraps of whatman paper. To do this, we circle the circle of the resulting cone or draw a circle with a compass (measuring the radius of the cone). Then we draw another circle, retreating about 1.5 cm from the borders of the first circle. We cut out along a larger circle and cut these 1.5 cm with a thick fringe. We bend fringe and glue the bottom into the cone so that the bent fringe is inside cone.

Everything - our preparation is ready. Now choose your favorite Christmas tree and start making it.


1. Color the cone in Golden color using acrylic spray paint. The best thing to do is on the street, like on the balcony. Before spraying, the paint can must be carefully shake up. It is better to lay a newspaper under the cone so as not to stain everything around. Spray paint evenly onto the cone from a distance of about 15 cm (see instructions) and let dry up. If there is no aerosol, then you can apply gold with a brush acrylic paint, gouache, etc. or decorate the cone with wrapping paper, fabrics, tapes, etc.

2. We begin to stick sweets on the cone in a circle using a glue gun. If the sweets are heavy, then tape, PVA glue, etc. they can’t do it here - you need a strong fast-acting glue.

3. We continue to stick candies on the cone in rows almost to the very end (I left about 5 cm for the spire).

4. Glue the tip on the top of the Christmas tree. Since I have a tip on a long stem, I glued it on top with another row of sweets.

5. The Christmas tree is almost ready, it remains only to dress it up. Gently glue Christmas beads on top of each row of sweets, close each row in a ring, pruning beads (i.e. do not lay out the beads in a spiral to be more accurate).

An article about how to quickly and unusually make a Christmas tree with your own hands. This craft will be a great decoration for your home or a gift for your loved one.

Handmade gifts are becoming more and more popular. With great interest, parents make crafts for kindergarten, school with their children, give unique things to relatives, colleagues and friends. Naturally, the best christmas decoration At home, a Christmas tree made of paper, sweets, tinsel glasses or napkins is considered.

Today we will get acquainted with some ways in which you can make an unusual, but very beautiful Christmas tree with your own hands. We will use the simplest and most inexpensive materials.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of sweets and improvised materials: photo

List of materials:

  1. base (cone)
  2. Candies,
  3. Tinsel,
  4. Glue,
  5. Scissors,
  6. Decorations (bows, balls, stars).

For the base, you can take everything that will hold the cone:

  • special styrofoam figures
  • cardboard
  • colored paper
  • an empty box from the same sweets that are planned to be used as decoration
  • Anything that comes to mind and comes to hand

A variant of a Christmas tree with a cone made of plain paper and sweets: diagram, description

  1. We take any colored sheet, fold it to make a cone, fix the edge with glue and remove the excess with scissors. The base is ready.
  2. We pass to the tinsel. Starting from the base, we pass the glue with dotted movements and from above, we wind the tinsel spirally to the very top. If there is an asterisk in size suitable, then you can fix it.
  3. Candies are attached to the Christmas tree around, using glue or thread. It is advisable to use 1-3 colors of candy so that it is harmonious and not sticky.
  4. If there are any balls, bows or other decorations, then we attach them at the very end. Specially fixing in those places where the space was visually formed.

This is the most fast way make a Christmas tree with your own hands. Estimated production time is up to 10 minutes.

  • The base of the Christmas tree can be decorated with cotton wool, thus creating a “snow effect”.
  • For lovers american style perfect red bows around the perimeter.
  • We do not limit our imagination and do as our inner voice tells us.

This chic gift for the New Year grandmother, teacher, aunt, sister. The most popular sweets are raffaello, ferroroche, although from ordinary caramels it also turns out a sweet, sweet Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree made of colored paper: photo, description

Christmas tree handmade from colored paper

For the manufacture of paper christmas tree we will need:

  1. paper (what will more paper, all the better),
  2. Glue,
  3. Scissors,
  4. Pencil or pen
  5. Decorative materials for decoration.
  • We cut out a circle from paper, with which we make a cone for our Christmas tree.
  • by the most simple option will paint the Christmas tree with any colors and
    for volume, add a few beads, securing them with glue.

The tree is ready.

Also, after we have made a cone, you can cut a huge number of small circles, each of which we attach to the Christmas tree with glue, spreading only half of it, and bending the other a little. As a result, we get a voluminous Christmas tree.

How to make a cute Christmas tree out of paper snowflakes and mini barbecue skewers: instructions, photos

Christmas tree option paper snowflakes and wooden skewers for mini barbecue.

  • Cut out snowflakes, as shown in the figure below, of different diameters. The top is the smallest, and then we increase the radius of the circle by 1.5 - 2 times. How do you like the splendor of the Christmas tree. The more we increase the diameter, the more magnificent the tree.
  • Cut the snowflake to the center of the circle. Cut out a segment at the top of the snowflake 1/3 of the circle. From the second snowflake (middle) cut out 1/4 of the circle and from the third (bottom) cut out 1/5 of the circle.
  • We glue the edges of the snowflakes so that we get cones, as in the figure below.
  • We string snowflakes on a skewer and get beautiful Christmas trees that are suitable for decorating a festive table and interior.
  • The skewer can be stuck into fruits, dishes, into a piece of foam, as in the figure below. It all depends on your imagination.

Christmas tree made of paper palms: instructions, photos

Interesting and unusual can be called a "Christmas tree made of palms." These can be the pens of family members or students of a school, a particular class or group.

There are many options. The ideological purpose of such a Christmas tree is to unite a certain number of people.

In order to make a Christmas tree from the palms, we need:

  • glue,
  • marker,
  • scissors and
  • several sheets of paper (the number depends on what tree we want to see in the end). Small - up to 7 palms, medium - 12-15, large - more than 20.

We take a person’s hand, draw a contour, cut it out and paste it on a wall, whatman paper, a cone or something else. We do this until the size of our Christmas tree suits us as much as possible.

For the top, you can cut out a star, and decorate around the entire perimeter with tinsel or small balls made of contrasting color paper. Thus, we will create the effect of a smart Christmas tree.

From such palms you can make various shapes to decorate houses, kindergartens and schools.

Craft - Christmas tree from the pages of a magazine

Another one of unusual crafts- "Christmas tree from a magazine."

A magazine with at least 200 pages and glossy pages is ideal. The thick cover can be removed. And now patience and time.

  • We bend each upper right corner of all pages towards us at 45 degrees.
  • All bottom corners that go beyond the borders, wrap up.
  • We fold the remaining pages of the magazine in the same way.
  • It turns out an accordion. When it comes to an end - we see interesting Christmas tree, which can decorate any office all year round.

Christmas tree from old unnecessary children's coloring pages: manufacturing description, photo

Do not rush to throw out your child's already colored magazines, because the New Year is ahead and everything will come in handy for us. So,

  • we take the usual cone made of paper, which we have already fallen in love with,
  • glue,
  • scissors and
  • coloring, which we cut as much as possible long stripes, 3 cm wide.

From it we will now make a garland. We fold our strips and glue them together horizontally, after that we make vertical cuts along the length of the entire garland in half the width and with a frequency of no more than 5 mm.

We create the effect of a “comb”, after which we simply paste it around the cone of the entire Christmas tree. Thus, the "teeth of the comb" turn into the "sharp needles" of our Christmas tree.

There are a lot of ways to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from paper, we examined the simplest and at the same time the most unusual.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree-topiary from napkins: instructions, photos

I want to say right away that a Christmas tree made of napkins always differs from other crafts in its visual airiness and tenderness. Some do not immediately manage to understand what material it is made of.
Topiary lovers will really like this version of creating a Christmas tree with their own hands. In order to make a topiary tree, we need the following materials:

  1. Napkins,
  2. foam cone,
  3. glue gun,
  4. A decorated rod that will hold our Christmas tree (often they take an ordinary tree branch and disguise it under decorations),
  5. small pot,
  6. Gypsum (gypsum plaster is also suitable),
  7. Beads on a string or other decorations.
  • We mix gypsum with water, pour the mixture into a pot, fix the holder for the Christmas tree in it and put the cone of our Christmas tree on it.
  • With the help of templates, we draw circles on napkins and bending the edges, we make “mini-roses” from each napkin.
  • Next, each decoration, using a glue gun, is applied to the cone, filling the entire space.
  • You can put a few of these "Mini Roses" on top of our pot to arrange all our crafts in style.
  • We wind tinsel (beads on a string) around the entire perimeter of our Christmas tree, everything that looks beautiful will do.

Our do-it-yourself napkin tree is ready.

Napkins for this yo Lacks can be the same color or you can take 2 colors and combine them beautifully. Including your imagination in this project will give excellent results.

If you are not a fan of topiary, then a napkin Christmas tree can be made on a regular cardboard cone, completely repeating the above process. Another version of the Christmas tree from napkins.

DIY Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne: photo

DIY Christmas tree from a bottle of champagne

For the manufacture we need the following materials:

  1. Champagne bottle
  2. Tinsel,
  3. Glue gun and glue.

A simple gift can be originally decorated if you take a bottle of champagne, glue the tinsel dotted with glue and decorate additional accessories.

We will succeed, inside which there will be a surprise - a bottle of champagne.

Making a Christmas tree from plastic bottles: a photo, a diagram and a description of the manufacture

At home, the most common method is to make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles. List of required:

Making a Christmas tree from plastic bottles
  1. Green plastic bottles
  2. Paper,
  3. Glue gun and glue stick.

  • We turn the sheet into a tube to get a diameter of 1-2 centimeters.
  • We cut the bottle into strips 2-5 centimeters wide and no longer than the one that wraps our paper tube.
  • We cut the plastic strips perpendicularly to get a “comb effect”.
  • We dig an even edge with glue and attach it around a paper tube.
  • The longer the needles of our Christmas tree, the more beautiful.
  • It is advisable to calculate the length so that the bottom is wider than the top, while maintaining the proportions of a real Christmas tree.

You can leave the craft as it is, or you can decorate it with additional accessories made of paper, cardboard or other materials.

You can hang on such a Christmas tree real Christmas balls, only small size so our craft will look more realistic.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many ways to make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

The main thing is to show imagination and try.

Do-it-yourself gifts always delight much more than ordinary figurines bought in a store.

Making crafts with children brings not only joy, but also real benefit, because during such classes mutual understanding of the parent and child is formed, tactile sensations develop.

Ideas for creative Christmas trees with your own hands from improvised materials: photo

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree options from plastic bottles

Do you want to do something for the New Year 2017? Then a do-it-yourself candy tree master class will come in handy for you. It will take very few materials, accuracy in execution, and now on your holiday table adorned with a sparkling Christmas tree.

If you have just started to get involved in needlework, then for you, as for beginners, there are step by step photo the simplest Christmas tree. To make it, prepare:

  • 700 g of sweets in green packaging;
  • 3 - 4 candies in a different contrasting package (in our case, it is yellow);
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • sheet of cardboard.

1. On a piece of cardboard, unfold and draw on it with a simple pencil circle. This can be done with the help of a compass, and with the help of an ordinary round dish. Cut out the circle.

2. Draw a triangle extending from the center to the edge of the circle. Cut it out.

3. Fold the cone by gluing the edges with adhesive tape (possible with glue). Our base for the Christmas tree is ready. Let's get to her outfit.

4. Pick up any sweets, the main thing is that they are bright. Start with the bottom tier, taping each candy vertically. Finish the bottom row and go up.

5. Start the next row so that the candies of this row overlap the previous tier a little. Glue the entire Christmas tree in the same way. Add one candy with a contrasting wrapper to each row.

6. The top of the Christmas tree can be decorated with a chocolate figurine or a carved star.


In the same way, as described in the previous master class, you can make a Christmas tree, but with a base from a bottle of champagne.

You will need:

  • an empty bottle of champagne;
  • bilateral cattle;
  • 500 - 700 g of sweets.

  1. Carefully wipe the glass of the bottle with a dry cloth, otherwise the tape will not stick.
  2. Starting at the base, stick a strip of double-sided tape onto the bottle. You can "wrap" in a spiral, or you can in parallel rows. As you like.
  3. After sticking the adhesive tape, tear off the top layer of the adhesive tape and glue the candy tails in a row, placing them vertically. Repeat the step for each row. Try to make sure that the top row of candies slightly overlaps the bottom one.
  4. The top of the bottle can be decorated with a flat candle or a paper star.

Video: gift champagne

If you want to give someone a bottle of champagne on New Year or you just don’t want to come to visit empty-handed, then you can decorate a bottle of champagne as a souvenir and it will look like a Christmas tree.

Watch the video, which describes in detail how to make a Christmas tree from candies based on a bottle of champagne.

Ideas for the New Year

Can be used as a Christmas tree base cardboard cone, a bottle (and not necessarily champagne), a reel, a wooden base. They are the most comfortable. As for sweets, there are so many options that at first you can even get confused. Play around with the materials and try to make the most a simple Christmas tree and then you can't be stopped.

DIY Christmas tree with the addition of tinsel round candies with mesh backing
Multi-colored small candies as the basis for the Christmas tree creative christmas tree For a present

Such a do-it-yourself candy tree, the master class of which anyone can master, will come in handy on new year holidays when everyone wants to create something colorful and beautiful. Create your little masterpieces with pleasure, and if everything is ready, then read,

For the holiday, you always want to decorate the house somehow in a special way, beautifully and in an original way. To create a special atmosphere in your home, such a small Christmas tree made of sweets can easily be made with your own hands!
The manufacture of all the types of Christmas trees we have collected from sweets will require a minimum of materials and time!

  1. The first option is the simplest. To make it, you need thick paper (its dimensions depend on the desired size of the Christmas tree), decorative "rain" and double-sided tape, scissors.
    First you need to make a cone of thick paper. Then glue double-sided tape on the edge of the cone in a circle, on which to glue the rain. Glue another layer of adhesive tape a little higher, on which we will already attach sweets. Alternate the next layers in the same order - rain-candy. And after a couple of minutes beautiful Christmas tree ready!

    And here are other "models" of this Christmas tree. In this case, ribbons were used instead of rain. Please note that if you use candies with bright candy wrappers, the Christmas tree turns out to be very stylish!

  2. This Christmas tree can be both decoration and original way how to give your favorite candies for the holiday. In order to make such Christmas tree need color double sided paper, tape, candy and tape (or stapler).
    Fold small pieces of paper in a zigzag pattern to create cells. Fold the strips as shown in the photo and fasten them together with a stapler. Make a small triangle out of paper and wrap it around the outline of the candy. You can decorate the design with a ribbon, tying a bow at the top and a Christmas tree made of paper and sweets is ready!

  3. In order to make this Christmas tree, you need paper, from which we will make a cone and decorative mesh(or ribbon) for decoration.
    All you need is to stick on double-sided tape to the candy cone, leaving no gaps. Cut the decorative net into pieces different sizes and shapes and fill in the remaining space with them. Despite some randomness of manufacture, the Christmas tree turns out to be very stylish!
  4. A kind of "herringbone" can be made even from a bottle of champagne! You don't even need to decorate the top! Using double-sided tape, attach the sweets without leaving gaps, and decorate the neck with a ribbon bow and voila!

  5. But the real queen is a chocolate Christmas tree! The only disadvantage of such a Christmas tree is that you won’t use any glue and tape here. The cone can be made of paper, cover it with baking paper on top, cover the sheets with caramel (very quick and easy to prepare: mix sugar with water and heat the mixture), until the caramel is dry, attach sweets to it, as shown in the photo.

    These are truly delicious candy Christmas trees you can cook with your own hands in just a few minutes. We talked about how to make other decorations in the article.