Two simple ways to make an interior Christmas tree from buttons with your own hands. Original New Year's decorations made of buttons: Christmas tree decorations and balls

Buttons of all sizes, shapes and colors are a universal material for various crafts with your own hands. Today we offer you several interesting ideas how to do new Year decoration from buttons. Making toys from buttons is a simple and exciting process, so you can safely involve children in such a creative activity.

New Year's decorations made of buttons: Christmas tree decorations and balls

You can make a variety of different things from buttons Christmas decorations in the form of figures of Santa Claus, a snowman, Christmas trees, snowflakes, wreaths, as well as balls that can be used both for decorating a Christmas tree and for holiday decor interior

To make a button ball, you will need:

  • foam ball, polystyrene, polyurethane foam or floral sponge;
  • pins with bead-shaped heads (optional glue);
  • regular buttons with holes;
  • ribbon

The ball itself can be purchased from polystyrene or foam plastic in online stores, from a floral sponge - in flower shops, and you can even make a ball from polyurethane foam yourself, although the process is not easy, so it will be easier to buy. Alternatively, you can use a fabric ball tightly filled with padding polyester. If, for the safety of children, you plan to use glue rather than pins, then you can take any ball - plastic, rubber, tennis, to which you can glue buttons.

Depending on what buttons you will use, the ball will need to be pre-dyed or left in its original color. For example, if you want to do New Year's toy from white and beige buttons, then leave the ball white, but if you want to make it bright red with a green ornament, then it’s better to paint the foam from a spray can.

Attach with pins or glue a loop of ribbon or string, by which the ball can be hung on the Christmas tree. Then carefully pin button by button to the ball. You can combine colors and sizes of buttons, attach buttons to one another. You can fill the space between the buttons with pins.

More options for Christmas tree balls made of buttons:

Buttons can be strung on thread or wire in a certain order to create figures of snowmen, men or small Christmas trees.

Here is a small master class on how to assemble a little snowman on a string.

You can also glue buttons onto some kind of base, such as sticks to create a snowflake, a cardboard circle to make a wreath, and the like.

More examples of Christmas tree decorations made from buttons:

Decorative Christmas wreaths made from buttons

Christmas wreath on the door - popular holiday decoration in Western countries. Most often, wreaths are hung with outside doors of the house. Nothing stops us from inheriting the tradition and decorating the interior with wreaths for the holidays. A button wreath can be made in several ways.

Buttons can be glued onto a cardboard circle, like this:

To make a voluminous wreath from buttons, you can sew a cover, fill it with padding poly, and sew buttons on top.

Small Christmas trees made of buttons

Small cone-shaped Christmas trees look great in the interior.

In order to make such a Christmas tree, you will need:

  • a cone made of polystyrene foam, polystyrene or thick cardboard;
  • buttons;
  • fabric or colored paper(optional);
  • pins (or glue, wire, thread and needle).

The process is identical to creating Christmas balls with buttons. If you are using a cone made of polystyrene foam or other foamy material, you can attach the buttons to the base using pins. If you have a cardboard cone, then you can sew on the buttons with thread or fasten with wire. You can also use glue in both cases. It is better to pre-paint the base in green color or cover with green cloth or paper.

Button garlands

It's very easy to make a long button garland. It will take some time, but so unusual decoration It will look very interesting on the Christmas tree or indoors.

Pictures and postcards with buttons

Buttons look cute New Year's paintings and postcards. The plot is very simple - a decorated Christmas tree, a snowman, Christmas balls, snowflakes. Buttons can be sewn to fabric or glued to paper. A small frame or mat for a picture will highlight the image beautifully. For cards, also use ribbons, beads, braid and cords.

A small master class on how to make a postcard with a Christmas tree from ribbons and buttons with your own hands:

Pre-New Year preparations, just like the celebration of the New Year itself, give many pleasant moments and impressions and lift your spirits. At this time, we are planning where and how to celebrate the holiday in a special way, decorating the house, and of course, racking our brains about what gifts to give to our loved ones. Fortunately, nowadays there is no shortage in choosing New Year's gifts - you go to the supermarket and your eyes run wild from the options and offers, the only question remains is the price and the capacity of your wallet. But it is not at all necessary to make expensive gifts for the New Year; they can also be very cute trinkets. Especially reverent and dear to my heart There will be handmade gifts. The person receiving such a gift will be very pleased to know that they thought about him and that this gift was made especially for him. New Year's gift a Christmas tree may become a banal one, but not an ordinary one, but one made with your own hands. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and make an original Christmas tree from scrap materials: thread, coffee, sweets, New Year's rain.

In our master class we suggest making a Christmas tree from buttons and tailor's needles. Creative Christmas tree, made with your own hands, will look very unusual and original and will complement the New Year's ambience at home. A Christmas tree made of buttons can be presented as a gift to loved ones. Do Christmas tree quite simple, the main thing is the desire to find more and different buttons. If there are children in the house, the process of making a Christmas tree can be done jointly. Surely kids will really enjoy sorting through the colorful buttons and then gluing them on. The only thing that should be excluded for safety reasons is the step of decorating the Christmas tree with needles, and instead you can glue beads, for example.

So, let's start making a Christmas tree.

Necessary materials:

- cardboard;
- a piece of burlap;
- multi-colored buttons;
- tailor's needles;
- stapler;
- hot glue;
- ribbons of different colors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Roll a cone from cardboard and secure it with a stapler. Trim the edges so that the cone has an even base.

2. Wrap the cone in burlap. We fix the fabric with hot glue. Instead of burlap, you can use any other fabric of your choice. We fold the edges of the fabric inward and secure with hot glue.

3. Glue the buttons to the cone. It is most convenient to glue the buttons with hot glue, or you can also use quick-drying super glue. It is advisable to take buttons different color, diameter and texture, then the Christmas tree will look more interesting and elegant.

4. We stick tailor’s needles with beads at the end along the perimeter of the Christmas tree. This way we imitate Christmas tree needles.

5. We make bows from ribbons and decorate the Christmas tree with them. We attach the bows to the Christmas tree using tailor's needles. If desired, the Christmas tree can be additionally decorated with rhinestones, beads, sequins, this will make it even more elegant.

6. Christmas tree ready with your own hands. As you can see, it won’t take much time to make it. Now all that's left to do is find appropriate place to decorate the house or to determine the new owner of the Christmas tree. You can also make a Christmas tree from

It’s quite simple to make, and any child can surely cope with this task.

What will you need for your job?

Firstly, multi-colored flat buttons of the most different sizes. It is advisable to select them in one color scheme, but you can experiment with different combinations colors.

Secondly, a strong thread. It is convenient to use yarn for knitting of small thickness. We select a suitable needle for the thread. Everything is ready, you can start working.

First we think about exactly what ours will look like. From the buttons with our own hands, we select those that suit us in size and color, arrange them in a row or stack them on top of each other, imagining how the craft will turn out.

Be sure to select several black or brown buttons of the same (small) diameter to make a trunk out of them.

We begin our work with the manufacture of the barrel. We sew the buttons to each other as we would sew them to fabric. If the buttons are not fixed well enough, they will slip off and the Christmas tree will constantly lose its shape. It is convenient to use buttons with not two, but four holes, which are best sewn crosswise.

We sew the first button of the Christmas tree crown to the last button of the “trunk”.

Gradually string all the buttons onto the thread.

Decorate the top with a button unusual shape, bead or bow made of satin ribbon.

For such a Christmas tree you will need a thin, but thick cardboard(not too hard so that it doesn’t break at the slightest bend), glue, buttons, pins, beads or seed beads, other decor as desired and available.

How to complete the craft:

Roll the cardboard into a ball and glue it to the side. Trim the bottom of the cardboard bag so that you get a cone.

Place a bead or small bead on each pin (if they do not have decorative heads) and pin the button onto the cone. The buttons should cover the entire surface of the cardboard. If there are gaps anywhere, use beads on pins or the smallest buttons to disguise them.

Glue a large button with a bright pattern on top; a small star-shaped Christmas tree decoration, a pompom, or a fluffy bow will also work.

Helpful advice: for the base, you can take not a cardboard cone, but a cone made from a floral base for bouquets or foam.

Attention! Instead of pinning each button onto a pin, you can glue them (see top photo).

Flat Christmas tree made of buttons

For such a Christmas tree you will also need cardboard (hard only), buttons, glue and string for hanging.

How to complete the craft:

Cut out the base of the Christmas tree from cardboard (its silhouette can be either naturalistic or the simplest - a large triangle).

Glue the buttons close to each other, trying to alternate them by color. Distribute the buttons so that they fit as tightly as possible, without gaps. If there are still gaps between the buttons, you can stick the smallest buttons or small beads on them.

WITH reverse side Glue a loop of cord or ribbon onto the Christmas tree.

Helpful tip: d For the basis of such a homemade Christmas tree, you can use thin plywood rather than cardboard.

New Year's crafts for primary schoolchildren

Master class: DIY button panel “Herringbone”

technology teacher of MBOU "Ground School No. 2" Olga Vladimirovna Burova.

Christmas tree
Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!
They are always green
Your young needles
They never drop.
Oh, what a dress the Christmas tree is!
On the last day of December!
Like among her needles
Festive balloons are lit!
Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!
Oh, how cheerful New Year,
If Santa Claus is funny
Gives gifts to everyone!
K. Dayan

This lesson will be useful for: for younger children school age, older children, teachers, technology teachers and primary classes, for those who love creativity.

- gift, interior decoration;
- production of panels using waste materials.

Purpose of the lesson:
to shape students’ creative abilities and talents for handicrafts by expanding their horizons and creating conditions for creative self-realization child's personality.

- form cognitive interest to arts and crafts;

Develop individual abilities of students;
- develop artistic taste and focus on the quality of products.
- introduce the basics of application;
- contribute to the formation of comprehensive developed personality;
- see in not the right things benefit.

Materials and tools:
glue gun;
glue "Moment";
universal napkin;

Manufacturing stages:

Let's prepare the buttons that have already accumulated in the box for a long time. It’s a shame to throw it away, but they’ve been lying idle for a very long time. We take it out of the frame. back wall and glue a piece of paper to it.

For the Christmas tree we need a template. Its shape can be any.

Our template is the simplest, which is made by folding a sheet in half (symmetrical cutting).

Cut out a Christmas tree from a universal napkin. Any fabric can be used.

Apply glue. Small droplets, scattered.

Glue it to the sheet. Using a glue gun, we begin to fill the Christmas tree with buttons.

The space between the buttons can be filled with different beads and sequins.

The Christmas tree turned out to be elegant. The mood is festive!

We decorate the background of our panel. Glue sequins onto “Super Glue”. You can continue working with a glue gun.

Snowflakes are glued. The work is finished! All that remains is to insert the frame. If such a pano is performed on plain cardboard, then can be used as New Year cards.

And now our panel is ready! You can put it on a chest of drawers, or you can hang it on a wall.

Here it is, our Christmas tree...
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.

A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
We are all dancing for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

V. Donnikova
Thank you very much for your attention!!!
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