Children's poems about my family. Poems for children on the topic: "Family"

The administration of the site “site”, represented by the Yargunin family, cordially congratulates you on the holiday - International Family Day.

We all know that the family is a unit of society, which was, is and will be an indicator of the development of society and the state as a whole.

The well-being of families determines the healthy development of the country. And this is the health of the nation, low crime, demographic and economic growth, etc.

Now it's time to combine all these topics into one - family.

Dedicated to all families of the planet:

WITH International Day families!

Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

I want my friends to say about you:
How nice your family is!


At home

It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
IN a good place native -
It just pulls me home.

A. Barto

Family is a word that will tell us a lot.
The family will show us the path of life from birth.
And every moment, no matter what the moment was with her,
There are no more magical, dearer moments.
Family is with us always and everywhere,
It means a lot in every destiny.

IN family circle

We are growing together as a family
All your roots are in the family circle,
And you come into life from family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

What could be more valuable than family?

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
sitting at festive table,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

Parents are wiser in everything
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land
Who's playing?

A. Shibaev


Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!

Loved you without special reasons

Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

I'm taking care of mom and dad

I'm taking care of mom and dad
Dad complains:
- Something
I'm tired of work...
Mom too:
- I’m getting tired,
I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,
I'm strong
I can!

O. Bundur

His family

Vova has a D with a minus -
Unheard of!

He didn't move at the board.
He didn't pick up chalk!
He stood as if made of stone:
He stood like a statue.

How will you pass your exams?
The counselor is worried. —

Your family, father and mother,
Reproach at a meeting
The director will be there in person!

We have a good twenty five
And three excellent families,

But by your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She's raising a student
Doesn't help the school.

So what does my family have to do with it? —
He says sighing. —
I get deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would have endured reproaches
I wouldn't show it
But there is a question about family -
He won’t hurt his family!

They will reproach mom:
"We have a good twenty-five
And three excellent families,
And you are alone - bad mother!» —
The director will tell you personally.

Vova sadly looks into the distance,
A stone lay on my heart:
I felt very sorry for my mother...
No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell his mother: “Don’t be sad,
Rely on me!
We must be transferred
To a good family!”

A. Barto


Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

O. Bundur

And the sun plays (with its rays on the river),
And the cat plays (with a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya plays (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),

And dad plays (on a copper trumpet),
And grandfather (playing with his grandson in the hut).

And the grandmother washes her grandson’s diapers.
Grandma is probably playing with laundry?

About love

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!

O. Bundur

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land.

What is family?

What is family? I'll tell you a secret -
This is mom and dad who are dearer than anyone else in the world!

These are walks with them, trips to the sea,
This is brother and sister, the one with whom I am in a quarrel.

These are grandparents, pies and sweets,
But of course, that’s not why I love them!

What is family? This is my happiness!
Where I am always needed, where there is kindness and participation,

Where they understand me and wait for me in any weather.
I love you more every day, year after year!


What is comfort?
So filled the house? –
This is when they sing
A song before bed.

What is comfort? –
This is pie, milk,
This is when they get up
Joyful and easy.

What is comfort? –
This is diffused light
This is when you get tired.
If there is no one.

What is comfort? –
This is when the family
This is when they live
Father, mother and me.

O. Bundur


Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet pie
And give me a little yarn,
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
He will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,
He will tell you about forest herbs...
We're close, waddle a little
Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,
Calm song will sing
On tiptoe he will go out furtively
AND good dreams will call!

And the wind rushes through the windows,
I think I haven't slept for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!

M. Takhistova



Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family.

M. Schwartz

On Family Day!

Family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Glow with love!

May families be cheerful
Sounds children's laughter,
Kind and joyful
Holiday for everyone!

Love flourishes
Around the Earth!..
Peace to your home
And in every family!

E. Morozova


It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was getting ready for dinner!
Grandfather will lay it out
What I learned from the newspapers
Adjusting my glasses
What did you dry?
Sage bunches...
Father and mother -
ABOUT important work,
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hiking...
And about the test
Today I...
It's evening outside,
And in the house there is FAMILY!

Everything is very simple! Because if you ask a little child what a family is, then the child, without hesitation, will list everyone living with him under the same roof, including his pets.

This is not surprising, because a child’s perception of the world is much simpler and natural, and therefore the child considers everyone he loves to be his family.

At the same time, for children, the family is a well from which values ​​for the future are drawn. adult life. It is here that our children learn responsibility, respect, compassion, and sincerity.

And that portion of love that little man receives in the family, serves as the foundation of his happiness. And growing up precisely on this foundation, he will build his relationships with people and the world around him with the same love.

That’s why, it seems to me, we try to read poems about family to our children. So that they can once again feel our unity and love. We realized how strong the ties that bind us are.

Well, in the end, simply because the poems are good. These are the kind and good poems about family for children that I have selected for you on this page.



I'll give you the task now.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandfather, grandmother and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And cleanliness, why?
We have two mothers in our house
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.
And the youngest is me,
What kind of family do we have?


"Family is WE"

Family is WE. Family is me
Family is my dad and mom,
Family is Pavlik, my dear brother,
Family is my fluffy cat,
Family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my mischievous sisters,
Family is godfather, aunts, and uncles,
A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit,
Family is a holiday around the round table,
Family is happiness
Family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!


Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my kin.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My dad
I learned to fly on it
And I was able to become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds swayed.
And the leaves were ringing,
Like bells
When I have
Chicks appeared... (G. Dyadina)


"Family History"

My parents have no time for me in the spring.
Home renovation is a major concern.
They are busy as if after a flight
They returned to the house with the whole family.

I take out our old album,
I look at bright pictures
Cracked, as if in cobwebs,
And I freeze over the colored sheet.

Here is my great-great-great-grandfather looking at me.
I wonder who he once was:
A hunter, or maybe a soldier?
Hurries somewhere at sunset.

I tease my dad every evening:
“Dad, tell me,” and he all: “Tomorrow, tomorrow.”
It's a shame, I want to know about dinosaurs.
I love stories like this!

Everyone should know about their family.
I look carefully at my ancestors:
They sit and hold branches in their wings and paws...
I am their descendant - a gray sparrow! (Arkady Mlynash)


“And family is everything”

And family is home,
These are two and a third,
And maybe the fourth one,
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines
In the desired envelope,
If separation waves
A sad wing.

And family is light,
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates your whole life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where there are neither last nor first,
Where is both joy and sorrow -
Always in half.

And family is everything.
It gets colder without her
Lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
More dear in the world,
Nothing, no matter what you think
And no matter how brave you are... (I. Yavorovskaya)



Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet pie
And give me a little yarn,
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
He will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,
He will tell you about forest herbs...
We're close, waddle a little
Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,
He will sing a calm song,
On tiptoe he will go out furtively
And good dreams will come!

And the wind rushes through the windows,
I think I haven't slept for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much! (M. Takhistova)



Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family. (M. Schwartz)


“Family is happiness, love and luck”

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
We want our friends to say about you:
What a good family this is! (M. Langer)



It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was getting ready for dinner!
Grandfather will lay it out
What I learned from the newspapers
Adjusting my glasses
What did you dry?
Sage bunches...
Father and mother -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hiking...
And about the test
Today's - I...
It's evening outside,
And in the house there is FAMILY! (V. Drobiz)

Family is what keeps us together
After all, she is not afraid of splashes
life waves,
Will protect you from cold and rain
will protect.
Family is our fortress and faithful
our shield.
Family means children and marriage.
What could be stronger than these
strong bonds?
Here everyone is understandable and very
we love you
In its own way, it is expensive and irreplaceable.
We wish you to be real
It's great if relatives - with
We wish unity always and in everything,
And may happiness fill yours
friendly home! (Tatiana Dementieva)


"His family"

Vova has a D with a minus -
Unheard of!

He didn't move at the board.
He didn't pick up chalk!
He stood as if made of stone:
He stood like a statue.

- How will you pass the exams?
The counselor is worried. —

Your family, father and mother,
Reproach at a meeting
The director will be there in person!
We have a good twenty five
And three excellent families,

But by your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She's raising a student
Doesn't help the school.

- Well, what does my family have to do with it? —
He says sighing. —
I get deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would have endured reproaches
I wouldn't show it
But there is a question about family -
He won’t hurt his family!

They will reproach mom:
"We have a good twenty-five
And three excellent families,
And you alone are a bad mother!” —
The director will tell you personally.

Vova sadly looks into the distance,
A stone lay on my heart:
It became, mom, I’m very sorry
No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell his mother: “Don’t be sad,
Rely on me!
We must be transferred
To a good family!” (Agniya Barto)



Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes. (Oleg Bundur)


"Loved you for no special reason"

Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support. (Valentin Berestov)


"At home"

It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
To a good native place -
It just pulls me home. (Agniya Barto)


"Family circle"

We are growing together as a family.
We are putting down our roots in the family,
And we boldly enter life from a friendly family.
In the family circle we create life.
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.


“Family is a great happiness!”

Everyone in the world
There must be mom and dad -
Those who are more obedient than everyone else
And the naughtiest ones.

Everyone in the world
There must be brothers, sisters...
So that life is fun
And from colorful smiles.

Everyone in the world has:
Children, birds, animals,
There must be those who are dear -
Dear family!

Everyone in the world
There must be mom and dad
Family is a great happiness -
The best gift! (Natalie Samonii)


"Someone has a sister"

Someone has a sister
Someone has a brother:
The notebook has a brother notebook,
And the sister of the magazine is the book.

The cup has a brother, a glass,
The hand has a sister leg.
And the ladle is Lozhkin’s brother,
Their sister is a cook.

It's good if you have a sister
It's good if you have a brother.
The family lives more joyfully
If kids grow up in it!

... But the family lives more friendly,
If the children in it are obedient. ! (Natalie Samonii)


"My grandmother told me"

My grandmother told me:
- “Family is the most valuable thing!”
And bull* is smarter than everyone else,
She's a mother too.

My grandmother told me:
“Family is the most valuable thing!”
What to be angry, to be offended
And it’s no good to quarrel.

My grandmother told me:
- “Family is the most valuable thing!”
What if the family is friendly,
That life is a hundred times more beautiful:

That life is a hundred times more beautiful!!!
And I agree with the boule:
Family is the most important thing! (Natalie Samonii)


“Who is the most important person in the family?”

I asked my dad:
“Who is the head of the family?”
He smiled back at me
And he said: “Two-headed snake!”

“What kind of snake?!” - I was indignant -
What kind of jokes are you making?!”
Dad suddenly hugged mom
And he said: “She and I!”

I understand that this means -
Equality in the family
And she added: “Sorry,
You forgot about me!"

Everything has changed over the years,
I have become more mature.
The house is now managed
The head himself is a three-headed serpent! (Natalie Samonii)


"Family is children"

Family is children
And let on the planet,
And in the memory of the heart, and in the eyes of children,
Always remains
Good sun,
Light tenderness is a family hearth.
Children play here
Warm and cozy.
Here they see you off to life,
But first, they give.

"Family warmth"
So what if the house has no roof?
The main thing is that it has a family.
They live there: under the floor - mice,
In the house - mom, dad, me.

So what if it’s cold in the house,
So what if there is no money...
Hunger walks through the pots,
Yesterday the lights went out...

The windows are broken with stones,
The water supply is frozen,
Utensils = only a sieve...
And this is how we live. Here.

Blanket and pillow
Our true friends...
Mom and dad are beggars,
Forever a poor family. (E. Zhernova)


"Family happiness"

Family comfort: conversations, smiles,
Farewells, meetings, hugs of hearts,
Love and warmth, despite mistakes,
And next to the children is the best father!

Family life is like moving uphill:
It’s pleasant and difficult, but it’s easier with two people!
It is enough to throw away thoughts of a quarrel,
And suddenly a rapid rise begins!

Family sea - unrest, shake-ups,
Gusty winds, tormenting rain...
And it seems that the outcome will be unhappy,
But the day looks more like an accident.

Family ties are silent strings,
Their dear hearts will hear their song.
The melody of the harmonious solar-lunar
They will fill each other to the end!

Family happiness is so close to the answer!
It’s so easy to give each other warmth,
Trust the connection of hearts without reserve,
Love fiercely and unceasingly! (Alevtina Surovtseva)


This is the selection I came up with. The poems in it, it seems to me, have one thing in common. One the main point– they show kids the invaluable importance of family in a person’s life.

For a child, family is a talisman, a storehouse of knowledge and a springboard into adulthood. And for you and me, for adults, this is a small, quiet and cozy island where you can hide for a while, gain strength and recharge positive energy. Do you want to return to childhood for a while and feel your mother’s warm palm on your head?

It is in the circle of family that we find understanding and support, love and care, and we feel liberated and protected.
Family is our hearth, in which the flame of hope burns. And so that it doesn’t go out, and we always have somewhere to warm up, we need to support it. And make your personal contribution in the form unconditional love, patience, respect and understanding. Including reading poems about family to children. After all, it’s good and a strong family– this is our true wealth.

Didn't I bore you too much with moralizing? Well, forgive me if anything happens! I'm not out of malice. 🙂 Don’t leave, look at other poems on our website. And not only poetry, we have a lot of interesting things!

The section presents poems about family from various Russian authors. Touching poems They will teach the child to value, respect, protect the family and will not leave either adults or children indifferent.

What is family for each of us? This is the foundation from which we emerge into adulthood. It’s not for nothing that they say that so much in a person is influenced by family, family values, foundations Therefore, it is no coincidence that so many modern and classical poets dedicated their work to the family. In this collection of poems you will read both classical works and the work of modern authors. Take care of your families, strengthen them!

Oleg Bundur

Mom and dad - arm in arm,
And he comes with me - by the hand,
There's a brother in dad's arms,
He himself is too small to stomp.
And passersby pass by
And passersby -
They're looking
And they seem to be about us
They say to each other:
- It’s immediately obvious that it’s a family!
Dad, mom, brother and me!

I'm here again, in my family
Sergey Yesenin

I'm here again, in my own family,
My land, thoughtful and gentle!
Curly dusk behind the mountain
He waves his snow-white hand.

Gray hair on a cloudy day
They float disheveled by,
And my evening sadness
It worries me irresistibly.

Above the dome of the church domes
The shadow of dawn fell lower.
O other games and fun,
I won't see you again!

The years have sunk into oblivion,
Then you went somewhere.
And it’s still just water
There is a noise behind the winged mill.

And often I'm in the evening darkness,
To the sound of broken sedge,
I pray to the smoking ground
About the irrevocable and distant.

If everyone is happy in the house
Oleg Bundur

Dad looks in the mirror:
How does the sweater fit on him?
Mom catches dad's gaze:
Is dad happy or not?
Dad is happy and mom is happy,
Well, that’s what I need:
If everyone is happy in the house,
So there is peace and harmony in the house!

Marina Tsvetaeva

Children are the glances of fearful eyes,
The sound of playful feet on the parquet,
Children are the sun in cloudy motifs,
A whole world of hypotheses of joyful sciences.
Eternal disorder in the gold rings,
Sweet words whisper in half sleep,
Peaceful pictures of birds and sheep,
That in a cozy nursery they are dozing on the wall.
Children are an evening, an evening on the couch,
Through the window, in the fog, sparkles of lanterns,
The measured voice of the tale of Tsar Saltan,
About the mermaids-sisters of the fairy seas.
Children are a rest, a short moment of peace,
A reverent vow to God at the crib,
Children are the world's gentle mysteries,
And in the riddles themselves lies the answer!

If there is a child in the house...
Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

Barefoot happiness
Came running awake.
Kiss instead of “Hello...”
If there is a child in the house.

Hugs mommy -
Such pleasure.
Like the sun in July
Warms the soul.

Chocolate eyes,
Raspberry flavor sponges.
He runs without fear
With a teddy bear in his arms.

Mom and dad are nearby.
My brother and toys are nearby.
For us he is the most - the most
Cat, Bunny and Piggy...

Barefoot Miracle
Came running awake.
Happiness is light from everywhere,
If there is a child in the house...

Oleg Bundur

Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed
Because on Sunday
Mom makes pancakes
Dad washes the tea cups
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes!

Mommy, look how I can do it
Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

Mommy, look how I can...
I let go of my hands and stand.
Do you think I don't feel sorry for you?
What are you, I love you more than anyone!

Yes, this is a cool car.
Where did you find such beauty?
See, I'm your little man
You recently gave birth to me...

Do you remember, mom, last spring
I was sitting in your tummy.
She stroked me with her hand,
I immediately calmed down and went crazy...

Are you angry that I don't sleep at night?
Mom, I'm used to not sleeping with you.
It's just the connection between us
Don't take me to my bed...

It's not boring on your knees,
Can I lie quietly?
I know you will take my hands,
And you will kiss your palms.

Mommy, do you remember, our summer?
The first time I saw you
Your tears even flowed,
I watched, holding my breath...

Mommy, I remember everything and I know
I just can't speak
I adore you and dad
how good it is to live in the world.

My brother is so good
He plays and sings with me,
He dances and claps his hands.
And he gives you compote from a bottle...

Mommy, what are those pictures?
Let me push the buttons...
What you can't take other people's photos
Use the “Delete” button to delete?

Okay, take me to bed
I finished my milk, I’m obedient...
Kiss my eyes sweet-sweet.
It's great that you are my family!

Poems about family for children. 22 best selected poems about family

Why do you think poems about family are among the most popular? Even more popular than poems about mom or dad? Everything is very simple! Because if you ask a little child what a family is, then the child, without hesitation, will list everyone living with him under the same roof, including his pets.

This is not surprising, because a child’s perception of the world is much simpler and natural, and therefore the child considers everyone he loves to be his family.

At the same time, for children, the family is a well from which they draw values ​​for their future adult life. It is here that our children learn responsibility, respect, compassion, and sincerity.

And the portion of love that a little man receives in the family serves as the foundation of his happiness. And growing up precisely on this foundation, he will build his relationships with people and the world around him with the same love.

That’s why, it seems to me, we try to read poems about family to our children. So that they can once again feel our unity and love. We realized how strong the ties that bind us are.

Well, in the end, simply because the poems are good.


I'll give you the task now.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandfather, grandmother and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And cleanliness, why?
We have two mothers in our house
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.
And the youngest is me,
What kind of family do we have?

"Family is WE"

Family is WE. Family is me
Family is my dad and mom,
Family is Pavlik - dear brother,
Family is my fluffy cat,
Family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my mischievous sisters,
Family is godfather, aunts, and uncles,
A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit,
Family is a holiday around the round table,
Family is happiness
Family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!

Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my kin.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My dad
I learned to fly on it
And I was able to become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds swayed.
And the leaves were ringing,
Like bells
When I have
Chicks appeared... (G. Dyadina)

"Family History"

My parents have no time for me in the spring.
Home renovation is a major concern.
They are busy as if after a flight
They returned to the house with the whole family.

I take out our old album,
I look at bright pictures
Cracked, as if in cobwebs,
And I freeze over the colored sheet.

Here is my great-great-great-grandfather looking at me.
I wonder who he once was:
A hunter, or maybe a soldier?
Hurries somewhere at sunset.

I tease my dad every evening:
“Dad, tell me,” and he all: “Tomorrow, tomorrow.”
It's a shame, I want to know about dinosaurs.
I love stories like this!

Everyone should know about their family.
I look carefully at my ancestors:
They sit and hold branches in their wings and paws...
I am their descendant - a gray sparrow! (Arkady Mlynash)

“And family is everything”

And family is home,
These are two and a third,
And maybe the fourth one,
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines
In the desired envelope,
If separation waves
A sad wing.

And family is light,
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates your whole life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where there are neither last nor first,
Where is both joy and sorrow -
Always in half.

And family is everything.
It gets colder without her
Lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
More dear in the world,
Nothing, no matter what you think
And no matter how brave you are... (I. Yavorovskaya)


Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet pie
And give me a little yarn,
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
He will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,
He will tell you about forest herbs...
We're close, waddle a little
Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,
He will sing a calm song,
On tiptoe he will go out furtively
And good dreams will come!

And the wind rushes through the windows,
I think I haven't slept for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much! (M. Takhistova)


Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family. (M. Schwartz)

“Family is happiness, love and luck”

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
We want our friends to say about you:
What a good family this is! (M. Langer)


It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was getting ready for dinner!
Grandfather will lay it out
What I learned from the newspapers
Adjusting my glasses
What did you dry?
Sage bunches...
Father and mother -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hiking...
And about the test
Today's - I...
It's evening outside,
And in the house there is FAMILY! (V. Drobiz)

Family is what keeps us together
After all, she is not afraid of splashes
life waves,
Will protect you from cold and rain
will protect.
Family is our fortress and faithful
our shield.
Family means children and marriage.
What could be stronger than these
strong bonds?
Here everyone is understandable and very
we love you
In its own way, it is expensive and irreplaceable.
We wish you to be real
It's great if relatives - with
We wish unity always and in everything,
And may happiness fill yours
friendly home! (Tatiana Dementieva)

"His family"

Vova has a D with a minus -
Unheard of!

He didn't move at the board.
He didn't pick up chalk!
He stood as if made of stone:
He stood like a statue.

How will you pass your exams?
The counselor is worried. -

Your family, father and mother,
Reproach at a meeting
The director will be there in person!
We have a good twenty five
And three excellent families,

But by your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She's raising a student
Doesn't help the school.

So what does my family have to do with it? -
He says sighing. -
I get deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would have endured reproaches
I wouldn't show it
But there is a question about family -
He won’t hurt his family!

They will reproach mom:
"We have a good twenty-five
And three excellent families,
And you alone are a bad mother!” -
The director will tell you personally.

Vova sadly looks into the distance,
A stone lay on my heart:
It became, mom, I’m very sorry
No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell his mother: “Don’t be sad,
Rely on me!
We must be transferred
To a good family!” (Agniya Barto)


Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes. (Oleg Bundur)

"Loved you for no special reason"

Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son,
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support. (Valentin Berestov)

"At home"

It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
To a good native place -
It just pulls me home. (Agniya Barto)

"Family circle"

We are growing together as a family.
We are putting down our roots in the family,
And we boldly enter life from a friendly family.
In the family circle we create life.
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

“Family is a great happiness!”

Everyone in the world
There must be mom and dad -
Those who are more obedient than everyone else
And the naughtiest ones.

Everyone in the world
There must be brothers, sisters...
So that life is fun
And from colorful smiles.

Everyone in the world has:
Children, birds, animals,
There must be those who are dear -
Dear family!

Everyone in the world
There must be mom and dad
Family is a great happiness -
The best gift! (Natalie Samonii)

"Someone has a sister"

Someone has a sister
Someone has a brother:
The notebook has a brother notebook,
And the sister of the magazine is the book.

The cup has a brother, a glass,
The hand has a sister leg.
And the ladle is Lozhkin’s brother,
Their sister is a cook.

It's good if you have a sister
It's good if you have a brother.
The family lives more joyfully
If kids grow up in it!

... But the family lives more friendly,
If the children in it are obedient. ! (Natalie Samonii)

"My grandmother told me"

My grandmother told me:
- “Family is the most valuable thing!”
And bull* is smarter than everyone else,
She's a mother too.

My grandmother told me:
“Family is the most valuable thing!”
What to be angry, to be offended
And it’s no good to quarrel.

My grandmother told me:
- “Family is the most valuable thing!”
What if the family is friendly,
That life is a hundred times more beautiful:

That life is a hundred times more beautiful!!!
And I agree with the boule:
Family is the most important thing! (Natalie Samonii)

“Who is the most important person in the family?”

I asked my dad:
“Who is the head of the family?”
He smiled back at me
And he said: “Two-headed snake!”

“What kind of snake?!” - I was indignant -
What kind of jokes are you making?!”
Dad suddenly hugged mom
And he said: “She and I!”

I understand that this means -
Equality in the family
And she added: “Sorry,
You forgot about me!"

Everything has changed over the years,
I have become more mature.
The house is now managed
The head himself is a three-headed serpent! (Natalie Samonii)

"Family is children"

Family is children
And let on the planet,
And in the memory of the heart, and in the eyes of children,
Always remains
Good sun,
Light tenderness is a family hearth.
Children play here
Warm and cozy.
Here they see you off to life,
But first, they give.

"Family warmth"
So what if the house has no roof?
The main thing is that it has a family.
They live there: under the floor - mice,
In the house - mom, dad, me.

So what if it’s cold in the house,
So what if there is no money...
Hunger walks through the pots,
Yesterday the lights went out...

The windows are broken with stones,
The water supply is frozen,
Utensils = only a sieve...
And this is how we live. Here.

Blanket and pillow
Our true friends...
Mom and dad are beggars,
Forever a poor family. (E. Zhernova)

"Family happiness"

Family comfort: conversations, smiles,
Farewells, meetings, hugs of hearts,
Love and warmth, despite mistakes,
And next to the children is the best father!

Family life is like moving uphill:
It’s pleasant and difficult, but it’s easier with two people!
It is enough to throw away thoughts of a quarrel,
And suddenly a rapid rise begins!

Family sea - unrest, shake-ups,
Gusty winds, tormenting rain...
And it seems that the outcome will be unhappy,
But the day looks more like an accident.

Family ties are silent strings,
Their dear hearts will hear their song.
The melody of the harmonious solar-lunar
They will fill each other to the end!

Family happiness is so close to the answer!
It’s so easy to give each other warmth,
Trust the connection of hearts without reserve,
Love fiercely and unceasingly! (Alevtina Surovtseva)

Family is the most precious thing a person can have. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about family. Here you will find beautiful and romantic expressions about married life and children, as well funny statuses about family.

A wedding is a birth new family. Some strive to play a magnificent and luxurious wedding, others prefer a modest ceremony. Only when getting married, couples must understand that it doesn’t matter what their wedding was like, what matters is what theirs will be like. living together. For a family to be happy, you need not only to love, but also to be able to give in to each other. They say that a family becomes real when children appear in it. This statement is not accidental, because love must continue.

A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day. (A. Maurois)

For a marriage to be successful, spouses must make daily efforts to maintain it.

So that the family can develop -
We need to create marriages
Not the one you want to go to bed with,
And with the one with whom you want to get up!

A real family gives you strength to live and wake up every morning in a good mood.

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. (Faina Ranevskaya)

If everything is more important, then there is no need to rush. This means the time has not come yet.

Marriage is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to get between them. (Sydney Smith)

IN happy marriage spouses will stand up for each other.

Work - labor force. Evenings are for family. (Gina Wilkins)

Evenings are meant to be spent with family.

My family is my castle.

The more trust, the more stable the fortress.

True love helps you endure all hardships.

Loyalty is the key to a long and happy life family life.

Family is a priceless gift. It needs to be protected, not destroyed. (Susan King)

Whoever destroys a family has no right to be called a Human.

A wife must trust her husband. But what about it? In family life, the main thing is trust. Otherwise, family life is simply unthinkable. (A. Vampilov)

And the husband, in turn, must tell the truth.

You can't replace children, you can't replace family
Money, career, friends, yourself.
Family is where you love and believe,
A picture of happiness, care, peace.
Spiritual intimacy, the secret of longevity,
The fight against all diseases, hope and light.
And let something go wrong and doubts,
Family is a talisman for good luck and victories!

Family is the greatest wealth a person can have.

A family is strong if the moment of happiness is repeated many times. (V. Havel)

A happy family consists of happy moments.

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

There are as many masterpieces as there are families in the world.

Family is what is worth waking up for every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them...

Family is what makes life worth living.

There should be either two artists in the family, or none. (I. Alferova)

If one is an artist and the other is a spectator, this is no longer a family, this is theater.

With meaning

Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities. (A. Schopenhauer)

And also have a fresh breakfast in the morning and wear clean, ironed shirts...)

Spouses must be able to give in to each other, then their relationship can be called love.

In family life, the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long. (A.P. Chekhov)

Over the years, love develops into a habit.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family unhappy in her own way. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Family happiness is similar - busy weekdays and happy evenings, but everyone has their own misfortune.

In family life, the most important screw is love. (A.P. Chekhov)

To prevent the family from falling apart, this screw must be constantly tightened.

If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults...

In a family without children, it becomes boring and spouses begin to find fault with each other.

FAMILY is happiness, love and luck,
FAMILY means trips to the country in the summer.
FAMILY is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
FAMILY is work, caring for each other,
FAMILY means a lot of homework.
FAMILY is important! FAMILY is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about you:

I really want all families to be strong and to say about each of them “What a good family this is”!

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state.

In it, mom is the President, dad is the Prime Minister...)

Good spouses have the same goals.

And one desire - to be together forever!

Family is not a place where everything is perfect, but where they forgive each other!

There are troubles in any family, but not everyone knows how to forgive them.

A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night they forget that they are spouses.

Friends by day, lovers by night - these are the ideal spouses.

Don’t complain to anyone about your man, because, most likely, tomorrow you will make peace, and in the eyes of your friends he will remain a “bad person” who does not deserve respect.

It's too late to complain when the choice has been made.

If you take Love and Fidelity,
add to them the feeling of Tenderness,
multiply everything by years,
it will turn out - FAMILY!

Love and loyalty are the main components of a family.

The only thing you should worry about is your family, and let him worry about the rest!

Only people close to you are worthy of your worries.

About a happy family and children

A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly. (O. Balzac)

You need to get used to each other before marriage, not after it.

Pledge family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness. (E. Zola)

Family happiness lies in simple things.

A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. (A. Maurois)

It seems that happiness always flies by very quickly.

Family starts with children. (A.I. Herzen)

Children are an “attribute” of a real family.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...

Spouses are people who understand each other without words.

A good woman, when she gets married, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.

For a family to be happy, the wife must be wise.

The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes. (G. Nicholson)

In marriage, it is important not to focus on the little things.

The main idea and goal of family life is raising children. Main school Education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

For children to grow up to be worthy people, they must be raised in a loving family.

IN happy family the wife thinks that the money is taken from the nightstand, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that it was found in the cabbage.

You don't have to know the truth to be happy...

It is better if there is only one leader in the family. And it’s better if this “someone” is love.

Spouses should be ruled by love.


The best way to test a man’s fidelity is to ask his sleeping husband a question in the morning: “Will you go to yours or stay with me?”

Oh, it’s scary to hear the answer...)

That family is strong
Where the cross is on the letter "I"
Where the word “WE” rules, where there are common dreams,
Where there is prosperity and comfort,
Where children run around happily
Where it always flares up again
Such passionate love!

In a family there is only “We” and there is no “I”.

If you meet faithful husband- ask him for an autograph.

And each one went to ask for an autograph from her husband...))

A woman in a family is like a translator: she understands both baby babble and drunken delirium.

A married woman is generally unique creation, she raises her own children and takes care of her mother-in-law’s son...

Take care of yourself - don’t look at your husband’s phone... Take care of your husband too. Put yours away!

If you have nothing to hide, then you don’t have to hide your phone!

An ideal family - dad works, mom is beautiful!

No, well, if that’s the case, then I want to get married and want children...)

To my phrase “You’re my sunshine!” My son, dog, cat came up to me at once, and just in case, my husband looked out from the corridor...