How to understand that you like a girl. Likes and reposts. She tries to be there and help

She constantly looks at you, laughs at your jokes, and seems a little uptight when she's around you. You don't know for sure if she's flirting, if she likes you as a friend, or if she doesn't like you at all. Whether you're in love with this girl and dying to know if the feeling is mutual, or you're just wondering if she likes you, there are several ways to check if a girl likes you or not.

    Follow her position. If a girl likes you, she will try to face you. If a girl openly turns to you, then she is ready to communicate with you. If a girl has a "closed stance" like having her arms or legs crossed, she's most likely shy or nervous when talking to you, but she might just be giving you a sign that she's not interested in talking to you.

    Pay attention to eye contact. If a girl likes you, she will most likely look at you for a few seconds or look away as soon as you look at her. Each of these options is a sign that this girl is interested in you. If a girl quickly looks away, it often means that she is worried or just not ready to reveal her feelings to you, but you can still be attractive to her.

    Pay attention to the context. The interpretation of body language depends on the context. For example, if you are talking with a girl alone, her touching your hand for a few seconds can be perceived as flirting. However, if she just pats you on the shoulder to get your attention and let you know that your friend is looking for you, you can hardly say that she is flirting, she is just trying to help.

    • If you are talking animatedly about something, the girl may look at you without breaking eye contact, but this does not always mean that she likes you. Maybe it's just her reaction to the conversation. However, if a girl maintains eye contact for a long time without talking to you, if she looks at you but turns away as soon as you look at her, she is most likely interested in you.
  1. Pay attention to whether she is trying to touch you or get closer. If a girl likes you, she will try to touch you, because this is a way to flirt, albeit a very obvious one. Thus, the girl draws conclusions about how you react. For example, she may take your hand when you say something funny, "accidentally" touch your shoulder or arm, or gently place her hand on your knee.

    • Not all girls feel comfortable touching a guy. In this case, you should not immediately take everything personally and think that she does not like you because she did not try to touch you. Maybe she's just nervous. If you like a girl, don't be shy, try to break the physical barrier between you yourself and see how she reacts.
    • She may find other ways to touch you. For example, playfully hitting you on the arm. Such a "friendly" gesture may be a disguised attempt to touch you and get closer, but without your friends noticing.
  2. Notice how often she "accidentally" hugs you. This is especially important if she only hugs you. Hugging is a friendly, affectionate way to get closer to a person and touch them without showing off your flirting skills. If you like a girl, hug her back, but if you don't want her to be delusional about you, politely refuse her.

    Pay attention to whether it copies your movements. If a girl constantly imitates you (for example, if you fix her hair, and after a few seconds you notice that she also corrects them), most likely, she is subconsciously copying your movements. This may indicate that she likes you.

    Notice if she's pulling her hair. If she playfully twirls a strand of her hair around her finger or just touches her hair frequently, she's most likely flirting.

    Watch for signs of anxiety or agitation. If a girl feels sympathy for you, she will touch her lips, collarbones and neck to draw your attention to these areas of the body. She can even make up her lips with lipstick in your presence.

    Pay attention to whether she smiles at you. This may be her signal to you that she feels comfortable and cozy in your presence. If a girl likes you, she will laugh at your jokes (no matter how funny they are).

  3. Strike up a conversation with her. This great way understand how much you are interested in her. During the conversation, try to pay attention to whether she makes any hints and shows you signs of attention, whether she tries to talk to you in a romantic tone. In addition, she can show her sympathy by often nodding to you and repeating some of your phrases.

    • To start a conversation, ask her questions that cannot be answered in one word. For example, about classes, about work, about pop culture. It could be something as simple as "what do you think of this band?" or “how was your day?”
    • Don't be upset if the girl you like doesn't try to start a conversation with you. If she likes you, she can be very shy and nervous when interacting with you. Even if she seems to you confident girl Of everyone you know, she may have had a bad experience in the past, or she is not yet ready to chat with you, but she will most likely be happy to have a conversation if you start it first.
    • If you are already in friendly relations It's pretty easy to start a conversation. In this case, the most effective method understand that she likes you - pay attention to body language to see if she treats you differently than other friends.
  4. Be careful. If you like a girl, do your best to remember any details she mentioned. Listen carefully to what she says so that you can bear it in mind in the future.

    • For example, if she told you about her favorite band, try to randomly "remember" one of that band's songs the next time you talk. She will be surprised that you noticed this! Even if she doesn't feel for you romantic feelings, she may start to look at you when she realizes how carefully you treat her.
    • In addition, a personal conversation - a great opportunity evaluate body language, so keep an eye on her actions and pay attention to light "accidental" touches.
  5. Let the girl know that you like her. But only if you are sure of your sympathy and think that she likes you too. This is a simple step that may seem complicated, but if you are interested in a girl, and you are almost sure that this is mutual, the easiest way is to ask her out on a date with the certainty that she will agree.

    • You can let her know how you feel by saying something like, "I really enjoy being friends with you, but I'd like to be more than friends."
    • Don't tell her how you feel if you just want to know if she likes you. It will be very hurtful and cruel, besides, it will undermine her confidence.
    • A girl may like you, and yet you may not see any of the above signs. The best way to clarify the situation is to try to spend more time with her and observe how the relationship develops between you.
    • If a girl is very shy, it may be difficult for her to start a conversation with you in person. But, perhaps, she will dare to talk with you online. If you are easy to communicate online, but in real life she is embarrassed when she sees you, most likely she likes you, but it is hard for her to show it to you in person. So, try to test her: smile at her and ask some simple questions. general issues like how her day went.
    • If you like a girl, don't flirt with others. If she sees you hugging another girl or flirting with others, she will assume that you treat her like everyone else and stop trying to get your attention.


    • If a girl seems reserved and avoids you, you don't have to give up right away because you could very well be wrong. Instead, relax a bit and give her some time and space. She may be interested in you, but she may feel awkward in public. In this case, most likely, you should be more delicate when expressing your sympathy.
    • If a girl is definitely trying to avoid communicating with you by any means, for example, trying to get away from the conversation, even if you are in the company, it is very likely that she knows about your sympathy, but she does not feel anything for you. There is also the possibility that she is simply reacting in this way to overly direct hints from you. In this case, it is worth taking her silence and ignoring as a signal that it is time for you to step back and leave her alone. You can try flirting with her again in a couple of weeks. If she still reacts negatively, it's best to stop trying.

The question of how to find out if a girl likes you is of concern to most modern men. In an era of increased mobility, feminism and emancipation, there is still an opinion that a man should always take the first step in romantic relationship. The question is not what actions to take, it is extremely important to realize whether the object of your sympathy likes you.

AND we are talking specifically about the non-verbal signals that a woman gives. Indeed, for sure, not everyone is able to openly express their feelings, many expect decisive action from the intended partner.

Try to follow how the girl behaves, because many of the things that speak of her sympathy, she does not just instinctively, but on purpose so that you notice!

How to tell if a girl likes you through body language

Before a man and a woman openly demonstrate their feelings, they must have managed to communicate using body language. This is one of the most available ways how to determine that a girl likes you or her behavior does not indicate anything. But not everyone knows how to recognize them and interpret them correctly. It is worth familiarizing yourself with this cipher in more detail.

By look

What do we notice before proceeding to communicate with a person? His look. He can be affectionate and gentle, indifferent and aloof, uninterested or modest. This is what will help answer the question of interest.

Signs of sympathy in the eyes of a girl:

  • She constantly monitors the movement of the object of her sympathy, tries to control it with her eyes, from time to time, along with such behavior, she can show some kind of detachment, trying not to betray her passion;
  • The eye contact between you is long enough so that at a certain moment she has time to show shyness;
  • Catches the man's gaze and tries to flirt with him with a glance;
  • In a personal conversation, her pupils are slightly dilated. According to psychologists, when we look at something we like, our pupils involuntarily dilate.

By hair

With the help of hair, a woman can show not only her sympathy and sincere interest, but also to issue their sexual desires. In men like this nonverbal cues other gestures come forward, for example, they can straighten their collar or tie. The question remains, how to understand whether a girl likes you based on such gestures?

If the following options accurately describe her behavior, then she shows indifference to a man:

  • Long and carefully goes through strands of hair, sometimes stroking them;
  • Bares his neck, which shows his openness and trust;
  • Occasionally, he twists a lock of hair around his finger, while coquettishly glances at the object of his sympathy.

On the lips

Her lips will never mislead and accurately tell about her desires if:

  • She smiles quite often. At the same time, he pays special attention to a certain man;
  • Licks lips, often trying to do it imperceptibly. It is this action with psychological point vision indicates a desire to look more attractive and desirable in the eyes of a guy;
  • Bites from time to time lower lip, while fleetingly immersed in his fantasies and reflections.

By body position

It is quite difficult to clearly answer how to find out that a girl likes you precisely by her postures. Some of them may have their own habits, manners, but with all this, if she does the following things without hesitation, then this indicates the highest degree her interests:

  • When talking with a man, he always looks into his eyes, while not betraying his indifference and disinterest, looking at his watch or phone;
  • When talking, she tries more and more to narrow the existing distance between partners, which indicates her calmness, confidence and desire;
  • While sitting, her legs are slightly directed towards her interlocutor, this is easy to notice if you look a little closer;
  • Actively gestures, trying to interest the interlocutor even more, at the same time showing his emotionality and cheerfulness;
  • Sometimes he can shake his shoe or trace the rim of the glass with his finger with light movements.

It is difficult enough to interpret the behavior of women. But it is precisely this, together with other signs, that will help answer the question of how to find out if a girl likes you or not. Experts in this field highlight several key points that every man should pay attention to.

By touch

Tactile sensations play a big role for us, it is by the nature of touch that you can determine the sympathy of a girl, tell about her true intentions. With the help of them, they can attract the attention of a guy, show their trust in him, try to give some non-verbal signs and express their love.

We note a few various options touches and the meaning of each of them:

  • She does not resist when a man takes her hand, and at times she can do it herself. Talks about interest and mutual feelings;
  • Can blow invisible dust particles off his outerwear, which betrays her desire to take care of a man;
  • Unconsciously takes the guy's hand in his own, can lightly pinch his wrist with his hands during a conversation;
  • From time to time, she can put her hands on the man's shoulders or take him by the arm.

For her attention

No woman can create the appearance of indifference if the object of her sympathy is nearby. If we talk about how to find out if a girl likes you by the signs of her attention, then you should definitely pay attention to the following. When she enters the company of mutual friends or colleagues, she immediately looks for a guy with her eyes and will seem excited until she completes this task. Most of all, she gives her attention to the object of sympathy.

Consider the surest signs of how to check if a girl likes you.

  • Attention to you;

She is unlikely to miss at least one of your jokes, and even the whole evening she will praise only the object of her sympathy. Such a girl will carefully listen to any conversation of a man, and it does not matter to her at all what he will be about.

  • Discussion of your persona;

Everywhere she discusses only the man who is interesting to her: with friends, relatives, colleagues. Surely her questions sometimes led to a dead end even the most tolerant person.

  • Reaction to your humor.

Even if the partner’s joke is not entirely successful, then she will not give any kind. Of course, one should not say that she will express her feelings too strongly. positive emotions. They will be sincere and a little with notes of understanding.

Let's be careful!

Every woman wants the object of her sympathy to have equivalent feelings for her. Therefore, one should not hesitate and think about everything for too long, considering all possible situations and ways to solve them. It is advisable to show more sincerity and interest, but in no case should you cross the acceptable line, showing that you have known each other for many years and thoroughly know all her needs.

We single out two of the most effective ways of all that will help resolve this issue.

1 way. Try to smile at her without pursuing any goals, it is desirable that special reasons for this was not. If she responds with a smile, then she probably likes you.

2 way. Flirt a little with another woman in front of her. What is her reaction? Despite the fact that she will carefully try to hide her displeasure, a change in mood will give her away, she will become more nervous, her breathing will seem rapid. In addition, after such a conversation, she will certainly try to attract attention.

Every woman wants to keep her mystery and be the standard of beauty for a man, to feel his manly shoulder and warmth. She often tries to hide her true feelings, however, sign language can always expose even the most skilled craftswoman.

Discussion: 15 comments

    Thank you, I read and understood by what criteria to understand that a girl likes me. I caught her by the gestures of her lips and hair))

    I realized that the girl likes me by her attention to me, she constantly laughed at my jokes, constantly paid attention to me in the crowd and asked mutual friends about me.

    It was enough for me to see her look, and after that I realized that she was not indifferent. Well, then I just approached her and we started talking, and then we went on a date. Several years have passed, and we are still together.

    Thanks for the tip, I took your advice on body language and voila, I found out that my colleague from work liked me, suggested that she go to the cinema with me and she agreed, I will continue to see how it goes.

    Mine was constantly picking at her hair and straightened her hair at the sight of me. Well, I decided to go up to her and offer to go somewhere, well, she agreed. We are still meeting

    Hi all! Listen, I need help! I can’t start a dialogue with a girl, and I think this is the most important thing. Outwardly, I am sympathetic, there are no problems with this. But how will it come to communication, I'm at a loss, where to start the dialogue ??

    Damn, the most important thing is not to listen to stupid advice, but just get together and go up to her and tell her about your feelings. And there come what may, refuse? Well, okay, find another, the main thing is not to worry and not be shy !!!

    Damn, guys, in our country, because of you, there is a demographic crisis ahaha))) What are you chewing snot? They just quickly approached and started to conquer the girls, why do you need to build some guesses? Most girls like bold, arrogant (the main thing is not to be confused with rudeness!!!), and those who are not shy! In short, go ahead and don't doubt yourself!

    What else is needed here? Just look her in the eyes and everything will be clear!!!

    Friends! Really, gather your strength and stop being shy! Just start giving to the girl you like, and you will understand everything yourself, whether she likes you or not. And do not tell her any crap and be imposed.

    Guys, girls need men, not sissy who sit on the forum or read articles on how to please a girl. They just gathered all the courage into a fist, approached her and offered to go to a cafe, and there they already looked at what and how!

    Well, as if everything is clear. But what if I only see the girl I like at work?

    Shouldn't I invite her to the stllovka?

    I'm here. If all such alpha males have you forgotten here

When a guy has sympathy for the fair sex, he will inevitably be interested in the question of how to find out that a girl likes you. Many young people are embarrassed to ask directly. Therefore, it is worth observing the behavior of the girl. Then it will become clear whether she is experiencing. There are signs that help more likely to recognize mutual interest.

In contact with

How to know if a girl likes you?

There are methods to test a girl's sympathy. Among them:

  1. Look into her eyes and smile. It needs to be done spontaneously. If she answered you with her smile, this is a positive sign.
  2. Try to flirt a little with the other in front of her. Be careful, otherwise you can only worsen the situation. Watch her reaction. Interest in you and jealousy can give out irritability, rapid mood swings, rapid breathing. Girl might try to switch your attention to myself.

The arsenal of ways to tell a guy about your sympathy is quite large for the beautiful half of humanity. Young people cannot always notice the signs and signals that ladies send them. Girls use verbal and non-verbal ways. You just need to take a closer look.

By behavior

Asking the question - how to find out if a girl likes me, it is recommended to analyze her behavior. Key feature sympathy is flirting.

If she laughs in front of you, tries to accidentally touch you, enter into a dialogue, then she is interested in you.

Do not forget that every girl is individual. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the following rules:

  • some girls are attracted by the process of flirting and more often they do not have serious interest in the object;
  • other girls do not understand at all that they are flirting and do not notice this behind them;
  • there are modest girls who are too shy to use such signals of sympathy;
  • if the girl is shy, but you have reason to believe that she likes you, pay attention to the hidden signs;
  • she can become stiff in your presence, starts blushing when you talk to her or just make eye contact;
  • a girl can constantly adjust clothes, a bag, fiddle with a bracelet, and so on - with these signals, the lady unconsciously tries to communicate her interest in you.

The girl changes outwardly: it can be clothes, makeup or hairstyle. If before she practically did not make up or did her hair, and now she constantly looks literally perfect, she probably wants to please you.

There are girls who almost always look perfect. Therefore watch for possible changes appearance will take some time. Keep in mind that a lady can transform not for you, but for another young man. This sign is more of an addition than a key proof that a girl likes you.

By words and intonation

When wondering how to find out if a girl likes you, pay attention to her intonation and words. Analyze her manner of speaking to others and to you. Are there any changes in her voice? During a conversation, it can adapt to your speech, change the volume and pace.

Pay attention to what she says:

  1. Tells about himself or tries to get to know you better. In a normal situation, this is a sign of the girl’s sociability, but if there are other signs of interest in you, this becomes additional evidence.
  2. If she's asking about your exes, she might be trying to figure out if she's your type.
  3. If she constantly talks about her past relationships, then more likely she needs a friend, not a boyfriend.

A clear sign of sympathy is the mention in the conversation of plans for a joint future. For example, if she, as it were, by chance, notices that they should go to a new movie together. The girl is waiting for an invitation to the cinema from you, and you are interesting to her. Therefore, you should not continue to remain indecisive, wondering how to find out if a girl likes you or not.

A phone conversation can also be a sign of her interest in you. No matter how busy the girl is, no matter how tired, for the guy she likes, she will always find time. If she enjoys talking to you on the phone, she probably cares about you. When there is a pause in the conversation, she tries to find new topic to continue the conversation.

By non-verbal cues

Body language says a lot about a person. By non-verbal signs one can judge the presence or absence of sympathy for a young man:

  • if a girl looks indifferent, in your company her arms are often crossed and she does not look at you, this indicates her indifference;
  • when a lady tries to catch your eye, leans closer in your direction during a conversation, this can be regarded as signs of sympathy.

Look how the girl behaves in your presence. Many, wanting to impress and attract attention, behave quite confidently. She may look at you or pretend to be more busy. important matter. Then she seeks to seem touchy to you or wants to make you feel jealous.

If a girl looks indifferent, do not immediately think that she is indifferent to you. After all, sometimes she behaves like this because of embarrassment and ignorance correct behavior next to you. Some girls are so nervous that from the outside they seem indifferent. You can reveal the presence of sympathy for you if you make the lady relax in your company. Once she sees that she can trust you, she will act more interested.

When a girl, sitting, turns her body towards you, this indicates her interest in the conversation. Even if this is a standard conversation on casual topics, you can judge by the movements of the body how open she is in front of you.

Among the signs that indicate that a girl likes you are:

  1. During the conversation, she looks into your eyes, trying to catch your gaze.
  2. The body is turned towards you.
  3. Her toes point towards you.
  4. Whenever possible, she tries to reduce the distance between you, does not miss the opportunity to touch you.

She may be doing it unconsciously. On a subconscious level, the girl wants to show her interest in you.

How to understand by correspondence that she sympathizes with you?

Apart from external manifestations many young people are interested in how to know if a pen pal likes you. Reveal at a distance female sympathy not easy. But there are criteria that can show how interesting you are to your interlocutor. How to understand that a girl likes you by correspondence in VK? The signs that will be listed apply to all in social networks. It is only important to pay attention to the features of communication:

  1. How quickly a girl responds to your messages. It is worth taking into account that she may simply be busy in this moment time. However, if she always replies for too long, she probably isn't that interested in talking to you.
  2. Does she write first when you appear online. If she's waiting for you to text her, she might just be too shy to take the initiative.
  3. A large number of likes and comments from her to any of your posts indicates that she is showing interest.
  4. Pay attention to what she writes. Gives detailed or monosyllabic answers, willingly answers questions. When used in abundance "clearly" and "clearly" you can think that she does not care about you;
  5. Is she being honest with you?

These signs will help bring some clarity and tell you if the girl has an interest in you.

How to check the attitude of a classmate towards you at school?

Many boys think about how to find out if a girl likes you at school. After all, there are modest and shy girls, and there are those who do not have problems with communication. To find out if a girl likes you, pay attention to her appearance.

It has already been noted that some girls begin to dress differently, make up and do their hair in order to attract the attention of a young man they like. But it's also worth watching to see if she blushes when you're around. This is one of obvious signs female sympathy.

She may blush at your glance or during a conversation. If this happens only when communicating with you, then it's not the lady's shyness, but her interest in you.

matter the following signs that a girl likes you:

  • does she look at you when you don't notice it;
  • at an unexpected moment, turn around at her, and if you catch her eyes on you, perhaps she is not indifferent to you: she may blush, sharply look away and no longer look in your direction;
  • if, passing by you with her friends, she laughs, perhaps she is trying to attract your attention;
  • if a group of girls are trying to push her towards you and laughing, they probably know that she likes you;
  • if at the same time she begins to be embarrassed and tries not to meet your eyes, then she is not indifferent to you.

When wondering how to check if a girl likes you, be sure to pay attention to whether she is trying to give you a gift.

If she presented you with a pot made with my own hands in a mug or a pen with the logo of your favorite sports club, which means she is trying to show her sympathy for you. So the girl wants to make a good impression.

Useful video

In the following video, we offer you to take 6 tests that will help you find out if a girl likes you:


  1. The best way to find out if a girl likes you or not is to ask her directly.
  2. If you are embarrassed to ask such a question, then you should just watch her behavior to find out that the girl likes you.
  3. You will definitely see the difference between communication and her behavior with other people and with you. As long as she likes you.

How to know if a girl likes you? It's quite simple: you have to become observant. Watch how the girl behaves, what she says and how she does it. Remember all this, and then draw a conclusion. If you can't tell if a girl is giving you increased attention, then simply compare her behavior with the behavior of any other woman in your company.

External signs

How to know if a girl likes you? You need to carefully study the person who, in your opinion, pays increased attention to your person. How to do it? See what she does and how she is with you. Body language can say a lot about a person. Perhaps your chosen one feels uncomfortable under your gaze. She closes herself, crosses her arms, and starts twirling a strand of hair around her finger. Why are girls so preoccupied with their hair the moment they're being looked at? Because female hair attractive to men, and the girl instinctively stands out, trying to make her perfect hairstyle even cuter.

Girls rarely come first, especially to unfamiliar men. Therefore, a person who is interested in you will carefully examine you, may pass by every now and then, but will not speak. This is fine. The girl is waiting for the man to make the first move.


Wondering how to know if a girl likes you. Very simple. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. This is where you should look for the answer. If a girl looks at you incessantly, and when you respond to her gaze, then she looks away - this is a sign of interest. But modest girls they don't do that. They study their prey carefully, but hidden, that is, with peripheral vision or in fits and starts. If you notice that a girl is very carefully studying the interior next to you, then this may also be a sign.

It's very easy to tell if a woman likes you just by talking to her. Do not listen to the words, look into the eyes. If she does not look away, or quite often lowers her gaze to your lips, this is green light. If the girl does not concentrate her gaze on your face, but looks as if through or over her shoulder, then you are clearly not interested in her.

Increase in body temperature

It is difficult to control your emotions, but it can be learned. But it is simply impossible to control your physical reactions. You can't force your pupils to narrow, you can't force yourself to calm down in a second. And if the excitement can be overcome, then it will not be possible to lower the body temperature by the power of thought. How to know if a girl likes you? Touch her. If her hand is very hot, then the probability that the girl is not indifferent to the object with which she communicates is high. But you can understand this without touching. Be observant. If you've asked a girl out on a date and you're sitting in a cool cafe, and your companion keeps throwing back her hair and fanning herself with a menu, this sure sign sympathy, which gives the subconscious, the person sitting in front of you.

Body temperature rises especially strongly from prolonged touch. For example, you hold a girl by the hand, and her palm sweats. This is a sign that your companion is not indifferent to you.

Attention to hands

How to know if a girl likes you? Pay attention to her hands. They can tell a lot about their owner. When a person is worried, he involuntarily starts to twist something. It can be a ribbon on a jacket or a bag lock. If a girl is sitting with a glass, then she can turn it in different sides. Such actions help a person to relax. So, the girl is worried when talking with the guy. Such nervous excitement can manifest itself not only in this. If there is nothing at hand, the girl may begin to actively gesticulate. It is too sure sign that she's partial to the guy she's talking to. But be careful. If a girl has her arms crossed, then she feels insecure. In this case, you should change the subject of the conversation. If the position of the girl’s body has not changed, then your personality is simply unpleasant for the interlocutor. Perhaps the person sitting in front of you is afraid of you. Moreover, this can be a manifestation of interest, only hidden.


You can not understand the feelings of your chosen one? How to understand that a girl is not serious about you? Listen to what she says. Girls love to rant about it and without it. They love the process. If your chosen one talks about her problems and turns to you for help, this is a success. So you really care about her. But if the fair sex never asks you for anything, and indeed, she doesn’t talk about problems, perhaps there is no proper trust between you. Be careful. It is simply necessary.

How to know if a girl likes you? See how your chosen one behaves when you speak. Does she laugh at your jokes, does she look into your eyes. Or maybe she has her head in the clouds and pays attention to you only when she is directly addressed. Don't count it bad sign. Perhaps the sound of your voice captivates the girl and immerses her in dreams.

personal information

How to check if a girl likes you? One of the easiest ways is to listen to what questions she will ask. A girl who likes you will be interested in where you studied and what you work with. She will willingly listen to the speeches of the interlocutor, ask all new questions. With the same zeal, the person answers your questions. Moreover, a girl can tell funny episodes from childhood or her own without hesitation. student years. Openness and trust - that's what characterizes sympathy. If a person is unpleasant to you, you will not share personal information with him. Therefore, appreciate what you heard from a beautiful person.

Collection of information

How to understand the sympathy of a girl by her behavior? One of the most good methods ask your friends if anyone has asked about you. If they say that the girl is interested in you, finds out where, with whom and how you live, you can be sure that they like you. She can make inquiries, but not openly, but collect information piecemeal from your friends. The questions will be so veiled that their meaning will not immediately be able to reach. And if your loved ones do not have the proper insight, then it will be quite difficult for you to find out true motives young person. After all, she could ask for information not for herself, but, for example, for her friend.


How to conduct a test "Does a girl like you"? Very simple: touch it. If this action caused a strong reaction, then the answer is considered positive. The girl can quickly withdraw her hand or remove it from the table. If you hit a lady with your shoulder, she may recoil. The main thing is that the interlocutor does not remain indifferent. The touch of a pretty person is compared with a discharge electric current, of course, in a figurative sense. He strikes both.

If you have known a girl for a long time, you freely take her hand, hug her in a friendly way, but you cannot understand from the reaction whether she likes you or not, then try to touch her cheek. You can disguise such a gesture by the fact that you remove a strand of hair from her face. This gentle can not go unnoticed. The reaction will follow immediately. And if it is embarrassment or coquetry, know that the girl is disposed towards you.

How else can touch work? You can touch a girl not by accident, but intentionally. And the person must understand this. Squeeze or hug. If a girl does not resist, but reaches for you, then the answer to the question of whether she likes you is quite obvious.


How to understand if a girl likes you? Signs can be different and one of them is flirting. Of course, a girl can flirt without any far-reaching intentions. But the fair sex, of her own free will, will never flirt with a person who is unpleasant to her. Flirting is a form of female entertainment. With it, girls assert themselves and have fun. Therefore, it is not always worth taking this form of coquetry seriously. But still pay attention to the girl is worth it. If the lady herself came up to you, playfully looks into your eyes and twists a strand of hair, talk to her. And at the same time look at all her non-verbal signs. A girl can professionally control her gestures, but it is very difficult to control her voice and facial expressions. Therefore, the true reaction to your person becomes clear after 5 minutes of communication.

Can a girl flirt with a guy she's not interested in? Maybe, but it won't last long. If the person who is initially interested in you quickly loses interest, ceases to be crafty and does not smile, it means that you are not so attractive to her up close.


How to ask a girl if you like you? Most The best way- pre-cause jealousy. Find a friend of the person you seem to care about and talk to her. You don't have to spend a lot of time talking, just five minutes is enough. Most importantly, get involved in the conversation. Be interesting and smile. If your flirting is interrupted by a girl who cares about you, that will be fine. Consider that you have found the right moment to find out how the girl treats you. Do you think that the moment is not the best? It only seems. Sincerity from a person can be achieved in the most unexpected situation. The girl will be offended that you pay more attention to your friend than to her, and she can declare this openly. Such a statement sometimes sounds veiled, in a joking manner. But you should remember that there is some truth in every joke.

Of course, jealousy should not be abused. Otherwise, the girl will decide that you do not like her, and you are looking for more suitable option. But from time to time to warm up the relationship in this way makes sense.

Social media

How to know if a girl likes you? This is more difficult to do in writing than in reality. Girls show their interest in social networks by placing "likes" on photos. This is how some ladies prefer to get acquainted. They take the first step and wait for the guy to text them. In this situation, you should not find out if the girl really likes your photo. Try to be original, get to know each other and start a conversation.

A familiar girl on social networks can not only like you, but also leave flattering comments. For example, speak well about your figure or appearance, be interested in your hobbies in private messages. For example, you posted a photo in which you are standing on skiing. The girl may ask where you ride and how well you know how to do it. It seems that such a dialogue is similar to friendly communication? Right. Few girls can make the first move on their own. Their job is to start a conversation, but a decisive invitation to a date should only be expected from a man.

If a girl is indifferent to you, then she will not show any activity. You won't get "likes" or messages from her. And on your attempts to start a dialogue, she will unsubscribe with monosyllabic sentences that will in no way contribute to a long dialogue.

Although it is easy to meet the opposite sex these days, for many it is still a difficult task. If you like a girl, don't miss your chance.

In this article, you will learn 7 signs that a girl likes you. The material also describes in a concise form the specific steps and sacrifices that a man will have to make in order to become more popular with the female. The article is aimed at a wide target audience.
All men want to be liked opposite sex but lacks confidence. Namely, this quality helps you feel easy and at ease during communication, which is more likely to write you down in the ranks of interesting interlocutors. And so that you can feel free, you need to analyze the seven signs described below that a girl likes you.


The first of the signs of how to find out that a girl likes you. No wonder they say: the eyes are the mirror of the soul. By shining eyes, it is easy to understand that a girl likes you.

Each representative of the weaker sex has her own special look when she feels good in the company of her beloved man.

You need to install it. Some seem thoughtful, some are cheerful, and some of the girls do not betray their interest in the look at all.


If we talk about how to find out that a girl likes you, then it’s worth talking about the pose. Depending on whether she is sitting or standing, she may differ. But you can notice a slight tilt of the body or toes in your direction. Again, this does not yet say one hundred percent that she likes you. It’s not enough why she sits or stands like that, there can be a huge number of reasons. Therefore, we advise you to focus on your inner feelings.

Changing manners

Usually this moment is hard not to notice more or less observant man. She talks to her friend and talks about nothing. But suddenly you appeared on the horizon. Her shoulders automatically straightened (or vice versa, contracted), her voice became louder (or quieter), and the tone of the conversation also changed.

How exactly the girl’s speech pattern changes depends on many factors: her hunger or satiety, cheerfulness or drowsiness, character, and even the weather.

But often the emotional state shifts towards activation. It is also possible to change in the opposite direction. But it's hard not to notice.


Special attention pay attention to intonation. They are very difficult to fake, and therefore the actors for the most subtle transmission emotional state trying to get through it. For example, a tremor in the voice can be heard no matter how the person smiles. Again, each girl has unique changes in intonation, and therefore one must be a good psychologist. But on this basis, you can figure it out, even how to understand that the girl in the video likes you.

Changing the semantics of speech

Simply put, in your presence, the girl dramatically changes the set of words that she most often uses. Those expressions that she just does not use suddenly begin to be heard in her speech. Or vice versa, they disappear.
The style of speech may change completely.

In general, train observation, because it is necessary to notice changes.


Yes, exactly what men often do not notice. But if you learn to see them and use them, you can understand a lot of things. Alas, if you do not have experience in communicating with the female sex, then it is very difficult to recognize hints. Yes, and the phrase can be perceived as a false hint. Considering 7 signs of how to understand that a VK girl likes you is impossible. But by hints you can understand a lot of things even in Internet correspondence.


Here is the most telling sign. If a girl is constantly almost imposed on you with kindness after meeting, then perhaps she is breathing unevenly towards you. Or the second option - begins to try to seem better in your eyes, and therefore behaves unnaturally.

What does it take to please girls?

Everyone is interested in learning how to please girls. And the most best secret now you will know. If you are wondering if the opposite sex likes you, then most likely not. Why? Because men who are popular with women are well aware of this.

Given your self-doubt, because of which such questions arise in your head, it is worth seriously working on this problem. All the above signs, objectively speaking, are purely individual. It is unlikely that you will be able to more or less understand something, and even if thoughts come to mind, uncertainty will still not allow you to act. Therefore, articles that focus exclusively on nonverbals can be considered harmful.

We train purposefulness

It is this quality, manifested now, that determines your self-confidence after a while. If you have an experience of achievements, then you will automatically begin a previously unfamiliar business with greater joy and calmness.

It is not necessary to focus on girls right now. First you need to become the guy that they like.

So focus on the three most important things:

And the scheme is extremely simple. We take into account all of the above. Then we just do what the girls like and forbid ourselves what they don’t like. Yes, it's difficult. The concept of "like / dislike" is different for everyone. This is also worth considering.

However, water does not flow under a lying stone.

It is much more constructive not to think about whether you like it or not (one hundred percent cannot be verified even after 10 years of married life), but simply work every minute to improve relations.
The last point is very important. You should not try to please, but work on relationships. These are similar things at first glance, but in the first case, you completely abandon yourself. Good relations will be only when both your interests and the views of the girl are equally taken into account.