Find out about pregnancy by basal temperature. Folk methods: how to determine pregnancy without a test at home in the early stages. Correct measurement of basal temperature

In addition, it makes sense to measure BBT when planning the sex of a child, to increase the chance of becoming pregnant or to general development– understand the processes taking place in the body and communicate with a specialist in the same language.

It makes no sense to measure the basal temperature once. To be able to draw conclusions and monitor changes in female body requires long-term follow-up over several months. For clarity, they draw up a graph with which they are shown to the leading gynecologist. The doctor will be able to note all the points that interest you and explain everything in detail.

To make the correct conclusions, according to the schemes provided by you, can only qualified specialist. There are many nuances that go through the calculations and determine the various deviations.

To obtain reliable data, you should use a number of rules:

  1. Take measurements in the morning without getting out of bed. Time fluctuations should not exceed 30 minutes.
  2. Enter the thermometer rectally for 5-10 minutes.
  3. It is preferable to use a mercury thermometer. It is forbidden to move in this case. .
  4. Repeat the procedure daily for at least 3 cycles.
  5. All changes and concomitant factors (colds, diarrhea, medications) should be recorded on a schedule.

We measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

If a woman has been charting changes for several months basal body temperature, it will not be difficult for her to determine an early pregnancy from it.

In a normal cycle, the graph displays 2 phases: stability and a sharp increase followed by a decline.

  • Phase 1 - the first 2 weeks of the cycle. In this period, the basal temperature is relatively balanced (36.3 - 36.8 degrees) and does not have sharp drops;
  • Phase 2. Basal temperature jumps to 37.1 - 37.3 degrees for 3 - 4 days before ovulation and keeps at maximum levels. Then, about a week before menstruation, it goes down - from 37.0 degrees to a minimum mark of 36.3 - 36.5 degrees.

If the basal temperature did not drop before menstruation, but sticks to the mark of 37.0 degrees or higher, the probability of pregnancy is high. Information is not guaranteed and a test or visit to a doctor is required. Basal temperature monitoring is more suitable for determining safe and auspicious days than to determine early pregnancy. There are many factors affecting temperature changes - disorders, mobility, change climatic conditions, change hormonal background, an increase in body temperature in general.

BT in the early stages

An increase in basal temperature is characteristic of the entire period of pregnancy. Most women stop keeping records when they find out about their situation. On early dates basal temperature corresponds to the indicators of the first days of ovulation - 37.0 - 37.3 degrees. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which is activated simultaneously with ovulation. If conception does not occur, with the release of the egg, its level also decreases, lowering the basal temperature. In the case of pregnancy, the production of the hormone continues, thereby maintaining a high temperature.

How to chart your basal temperature and why

Scheduling is necessary for visual display activity of the internal genital organs of a woman. On it, you can make calculations and consult with your doctor on pregnancy and diseases. It is much easier to show ordered data than to explain it yourself, especially if you yourself are not sure what is happening.

Using the graph, you can determine the following points:

  • The time of maturation of the egg, which makes it possible to calculate the days safe sex and vice versa - favorable period for conception;
  • Maturation of the egg and subsequent release from the ovary. Elevated basal temperature in the middle menstrual cycle means ovulation;
  • Find out the features of your endocrine system;
  • Calculate the date of the onset of menstruation;
  • Assess the production of hormones by the ovaries;
  • The absence of an increase in temperature at the expected time of ovulation may indicate pregnancy. Couples seeking early conception, this information is quite useful;
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs and inflammatory processes, also lead to an increase in basal temperature. It becomes possible to define them on early stages and take timely measures for treatment, without waiting for pain.

You can create a chart in two ways:

  • Computer Applications

Specialized programs online or downloaded from the network provide the opportunity to keep electronic records. This is comfortable for women who are well versed in computer technology and who do not need outside help for filling.

  • On your own on paper

It is preferable to keep records manually - faster and there is no need to print out in advance to provide the doctor. In addition, not all women have sufficient computer knowledge.

To draw up a schedule, you need a notebook in a box and a pen. A standard coordinate system is drawn with X and Y axes.

The x-axis marks the interval from the first to the last day of the menstrual cycle. Their number is individual. At different women, due to age, heredity and disease, menstruation can go with a difference of 18 to 40 days. The standard is a cycle of 27 - 29 days for a healthy body.

On the Y axis are marked temperature indicators. The minimum temperature will be a degree below your usual temperature. In most cases - 35.6 degrees. The maximum indicator should be taken with a margin - 37.5 degrees. It is necessary to take into account the fact that there are people with high or low body temperature. This affects both the usual methods of measurement - under the arm or through the mouth, and rectal. Therefore, you can not use the temperature prescribed in the handbook. If up to this point you have not been interested in your standard body temperature, measure it for several days in a calm state in a way convenient for you (mouth or armpit). Having found out the initial parameters, draw up a schedule.

Chart example #1 (click to enlarge)

Chart example #2 (click to enlarge)

Having a blank, you should wait for the start of a new one. monthly cycle and start filling: having measured the temperature in the morning, put the appropriate mark on the graph, and so on every day. By comparing the data of several cycles, a pattern will be found in which the temperature increase will occur in certain period that belongs to you personally. In the following tables, this moment is indicated by a vertical line and is called the ovulation line.

To determine the schedule of days of safe sex and days favorable for conception, you must use the following scheme.

The spermatozoon is viable for 3-4 days, and the egg cell is viable for 1-2 days. Having determined the moment of the onset of ovulation, it is necessary to count back from it the days of the existence of an active spermatozoon. Then add the days of its viability to the moment of release of the egg. The resulting period of time is characterized by the highest probability of becoming pregnant. The rest of the days are supposedly safe for having sex without additional funds contraception. Naturally, no one can guarantee a 100% guarantee.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


If thoughts of pregnancy appear, the first thing every woman goes to the pharmacy. Modern tests determine the "interesting position" with an accuracy of 99%. True, not early. And not everyone has the opportunity to promptly purchase such a test.

What to do in this case?

The body will not deceive: how to determine pregnancy by its condition

Pregnancy affects every woman differently.

But, as a rule, they are the same for everyone ...

  • The chest is enlarged. This happens due to the action of sex hormones. The mammary glands “wake up” for a future meeting with the child - the chest fills up and becomes especially sensitive, and the nipples become brighter and more painfully sensitive (although this may be before menstruation). If menstruation has passed, and the chest is still unusually enlarged, there is reason to think.
  • Heaviness in the lower back and lower abdomen. Again, in addition to pregnancy, these signs are also characteristic of premenstrual days.
  • Weight gain.
  • Nausea. Especially the morning one. The most striking sign of the 1st trimester. But toxicosis is not characteristic of all expectant mothers. At the same time, if it occurs simultaneously with other signs of pregnancy, then morning sickness may well indicate that another life has arisen inside you.
  • A sharp exacerbation of the sense of smell. Expectant mothers, as a rule, begin to react sharply to smells. Even those that have long become familiar. May irritate the odor fried food, fish in the store, etc.
  • Changes in taste preferences. Salty cravings are not necessary at all: the changes can be completely unexpected. For example, you want chalk, coffee grounds or herring with jam.
  • Mood swings. They are also characteristic of expectant mothers: gaiety sharply flows into tearfulness, that into hysteria, hysteria back into gaiety, then into anger, etc. True, it is worth noting that stress, dissatisfaction and fatigue, sometimes even outside of pregnancy, create similar “miracles” with women (especially before menstruation).
  • Increased drowsiness, weakness, occasional dizziness. When is born new life, mother's body begins to spend more strength- now not only for themselves, but also for the development of their child. Therefore, the former endurance falters, and sometimes you want to lie down even after climbing the stairs.
  • Increased appetite. This is also natural during pregnancy - after all, you have to eat for two.
  • Pigmentation. This symptom does not appear in all expectant mothers, but very often - pimples and freckles, various spots appear on the body, which are formed due to changes in the hormonal background and an increase in the level of melanin. There are many cases when changes even affect the hair - they begin to curl or, on the contrary, straighten. True, as regards the latter case, it manifests itself already in a later period.
  • Frequent urination. As you know, an enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on bladder, which explains such urges. But not in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Change in the nature of menstruation. They may become scarcer, more abundant, or not come at all. And they can come for 1 day with “smearing traces”.

Of course, the appearance of these symptoms, even in their totality, is by no means cannot be considered 100% confirmation of pregnancy. This is just an excuse to seek advice from a gynecologist and confirm your "position" or lack of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without a test at home?

The temptation to experience the cherished "2 stripes", of course, is great. But it makes sense to conduct such “research” only if there is already a delay in menstruation - that is, after 2 weeks of conception .

How to check whether it happened or not happened at an early stage?

  • . Usually girls use this method when planning a pregnancy. The meaning of the method is the difference in basal temperature. Given temperature increases markedly on ovulation days and then slowly decreases before menstruation. If there is no such decrease, and the basal / temperature on the 1st days of the delay is at the level of 37 degrees and above, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Important: temperature measurement should take place at the same time (approx. - in the morning, before getting out of bed) and, of course, with one thermometer.
  • Iodine and urine. Test scheme: wake up, collect the first urine in a clean glass container, drip 1 drop of iodine into it (using a pipette) and analyze the result. It is believed that at interesting position» The iodine will collect in one drop directly on top of the urine. But if iodine spreads and settles at the bottom, then it’s too early to buy booties. True, in this method, much depends on the density of urine (high error of the method) and on the intake of medicines.
  • Iodine and paper. Test scheme: we collect the first urine again in a clean container, dip a piece of white paper into it, wait a few minutes, pull out and gurgle a drop of iodine on it. Evaluation of the result: when staining the "parchment" in purple- there is a pregnancy, in blue - no. Again, the error of the method is high.
  • Soda and urine. Test scheme: we collect the first urine in a clean glass container, pour ordinary soda there (no more than 1 tsp), wait for the reaction. Test score: soda bubbled and hissed - no pregnancy. The reaction is calm - you are pregnant. The basis of the method, as in the previous case, is the determination of the acidity of the material. Urine future mother usually alkaline, and, accordingly, there can be no violent reaction upon contact with soda. If soda gets into an acidic environment (approx. - in the urine of a non-pregnant woman), then the reaction will be violent.
  • We boil urine. The “test” scheme: we collect morning urine in a transparent and refractory container and, putting it on fire, wait for it to boil. Then immediately remove and cool. If there is a precipitate, you are pregnant. In its absence, the liquid will remain clean. Note: sediment can also appear if there are problems with the kidneys or with the urinary tract.

We determine pregnancy in the early stages - folk methods

The unknown is the worst. Therefore, until the moment when it will be possible to determine pregnancy with a doctor or with the help of a test, the most various methods. Including "grandmothers".

How did our ancestors determine pregnancy?

  • Urine color. In the morning and in the evening, as our great-grandmothers also noticed, the urine of the expectant mother acquires a dark yellow color.
  • Flowers and urine. Not very romantic, but fun and authentic. In any case, our ancestors thought so. So, we collect urine all night and morning, and then we water our garden flowers with it. If they bloomed in full force, we can assume that there is a pregnancy. You can also water a home flower: if it gives new leaves and grows up, then the result is positive.
  • Ficus. And again about flowers. If your old ficus is suddenly “born” with new shoots or leaves, expect an addition to the family (according to legend).
  • Pulse. We lie down on our back, look for a place that is 7-8 cm below the navel and lightly press our hand to the stomach in this area. A pulsing sensation means pregnancy. Ancestors considered this pulsation to be the heartbeat of the unborn baby. In fact, it means only the pulsation of the vessels, which intensifies in " interesting period» due to good blood circulation of the pelvic organs.
  • Onion. Another fun method. We take 2 onions and plant them in 2 glasses, respectively signed: the left one - “yes” (approx. - pregnancy), the right one - “no” (its absence). Waiting for bulbs to germinate. Which will germinate first by 4 cm - she will give the answer.
  • And, of course, dreams. Without them, nowhere. According to them, many of our ancestors practically predicted the future, clarified the past and studied the present. So, a dream about ... fish was considered a 100% sign of pregnancy. It doesn't matter which one or where. You can catch it, keep it, eat it, buy it, etc. The main thing is fish. It should be noted that laughter is laughter, but even in our time, which is quite free from superstitions, many mothers say that this is a “dream in the hand.”
  • Recipe from medieval literature. Pour morning urine into the container and add wine to it (approx. - proportion 1: 1). If the liquid remains clear, you are pregnant.

Of course, there are no medical grounds to consider these methods correct. All of them are based on the superstitions of our ancestors.

When a woman suspects that conception could have occurred, and it is not possible to use a pharmacy test, the question arises of how to determine pregnancy without a test.

It is worth paying attention to your well-being and the behavior of the body, perhaps there are some changes. And you can use the methods of traditional medicine.

It is not difficult to determine pregnancy without a test at home. You need to pay more attention to your body, sensations.

You can recognize the conception that has occurred by certain manifestations:

  • . The absence of menstruation on time always suggests possible pregnancy. However, the symptom may indicate the development of a disease. The opposite case is also possible, when menstruation occurs after the onset of conception.
  • swelling and. At conception, changes begin in the mammary glands. They become more sensitive and larger, they can change their shade of the nipples. So in the body of a woman begins preparation for the future feeding of the child. Breast augmentation and an increase in its sensitivity is possible with PMS - or with the development of a number of diseases, for example, mastopathy.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Nausea often occurs early in pregnancy either on its own or as a precursor to vomiting. It may be the beginning of the development of toxicosis in a pregnant woman. Similar manifestations are possible with mild poisoning or exacerbation of existing diseases. gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis.
  • Dizziness. The head may be spinning after conception due to hormonal changes. The symptom is complemented by a feeling of clouding of consciousness. May be due to overwork or stress.
  • Increase in body temperature. A slight increase in indicators, up to about 37.5 degrees, for several days may indicate a conception has occurred. The reason is the implantation of a fertilized egg in the tissue of the internal cavity of the uterus. The organism perceives the embryo as foreign body so the immune system kicks in. Hyperthermia may indicate the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body.
  • . When a fertilized egg is introduced into the wall of the uterus, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen. This pulling sensations, which are complemented by gravity. There may be slight bloody discharge, deterioration in general well-being and malaise, soreness in the umbilical region.

What else indicates conception?

You can list a number of other factors in a woman's body:

  • Increased sleepiness. A sign by which one can suspect that conception has happened. There is a restructuring of the body, are created the necessary conditions for the development and growth of the embryo. As a result, a lot of energy is wasted and the woman lacks strength. Drowsiness and weakness occur. These same symptoms may indicate overwork, lack of vitamins.
  • Change in taste, smell. Probable sign the onset of pregnancy. A woman smells differently, her taste preferences change.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. Frequent urination is another manifestation of the onset of pregnancy. However, it does not occur immediately after conception. Small trips to the toilet increase closer to the second trimester, when the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder. Otherwise, the sign may indicate the development of cystitis or other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Vaginal discharge. After conception, the work of the body is radically rebuilt. From the genital tract of a woman, mucus without a specific smell or color can be released. Bad smell or a color other than clear indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Increase in body weight. After conception, toxicosis does not begin in everyone. In the absence of nausea and good health appetite improves, the woman drinks more fluids. This leads not so much to weight gain, but to the accumulation of water in the tissues and the appearance of edema.
  • Mood swings. The sign will help to recognize the onset of pregnancy without doctors. Increased irritability, aggressiveness or tearfulness is a consequence of hormonal changes. Symptoms may also be a manifestation premenstrual syndrome, but in this case occur monthly.
  • Change in libido. An increase or decrease in sexual desire explains the increased production of sex hormones.
  • Pigmentation. A symptom characteristic of late dates pregnancy. However, it can also appear immediately after conception due to a hormonal surge.

How to determine pregnancy without a test?

Urine check

The method also involves the use of urine and iodine. It is necessary to prepare a strip of paper and soak it in the morning portion of urine so that it is completely saturated. Next, put a drop of iodine on the strip. If the iodine stain has changed Brown color on blue or purple, then the woman is pregnant.

For the greatest accuracy of the test, several conditions must be met:

  • Careful hygiene before the procedure.
  • Only freshly collected urine is suitable, it should not stand in a container.
  • Iodine does not drip from a height, but as low as possible to the surface of the paper.

Methods with iodine have no scientific justification. However, according to women, the method is working.

Use of baking soda

A home pregnancy test can be done using baking soda. The method is based on the acid-base balance of urine, which shifts towards alkaline at conception.

To recognize pregnancy, you need to put a teaspoon of soda in a container with morning urine and watch the reaction:

  • Hissing, the formation of bubbles in the liquid - no pregnancy.
  • Lack of reaction and soda settling to the bottom - pregnancy is likely.

Alkalinization of urine and positive result possible with kidney disease, the predominance of vegetables in the daily diet of a woman.

Basal temperature

The use of iodine, soda, urine is not always perceived as a serious technique. More realistic.

The method involves measuring the temperature in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Spend 2 days before the day of menstruation.

What is the essence of the method? After ovulation and before menstruation, there is a decrease in basal temperature to about 37 degrees. With indicators above 37, it is likely that conception has occurred.

For the accuracy of the result, the temperature must be measured for several days with the usual mercury thermometer. Keep for at least 5 minutes oral cavity and at least 3 minutes in the rectum or vagina.

Measurements are taken only in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting up in bed. No sudden movements are recommended.

If there was sexual intercourse the night before, any medications were taken medications or alcoholic drinks, then the result will be invalid.

On the video about the first signs of pregnancy

Are online tests correct?

If normal pharmacy test for pregnancy is not available, you can use the possibilities of the worldwide network. Many sites offer online tests to accurately determine the presence or absence of pregnancy.

If you soberly look at the offer, then diagnostics through the monitor, of course, is impossible. At the heart of such tests are a number of questions that need to be answered. This is information such as the presence of nausea in a woman, swelling of the mammary glands, pain in the lower abdomen. Well, if such a service is free, it makes no sense to pay for paid services of this kind.

You can determine pregnancy without a test and doctors at home if you carefully consider your well-being. A combination of a number of symptoms will indicate that conception has occurred. The most reliable are a medical pregnancy test, a blood test for hCG, or a visit to a gynecologist for diagnosis.

Every woman who is interested in this question wants to find the answer to it in as soon as possible. And each has its own reasons for this: someone with trepidation and hope expects even the slightest hint of pregnancy, and someone is shocked by the mere thought of it or suspicion. Fortunately for both, there are many ways to find out pregnancy and confirm your guesses. The most faithful, fast and fairly reliable of them is. They are easy to use, inexpensive, available in every pharmacy and simply amaze with their variety: electronic, interactive and the simplest test strips.

How to accurately determine pregnancy without a test?

If you don’t have a test with you, but you want to find out as soon as possible, start measuring your basal temperature (during pregnancy, it exceeds 37 degrees for about two weeks and beyond). This method is even more reliable than testing, so you can even start with it. The main thing is to carry out measurements correctly so that the results are as reliable as possible. And also keep in mind that the method of measuring basal temperature may be valid only for women with a regular menstrual cycle and good reproductive health (if there are no inflammatory and chronic processes in the pelvic organs).

More precisely, the question of whether you are pregnant or not, the gynecologist will be able to answer you after examination on the gynecological chair. And they are unlikely to be mistaken (especially in the early stages) - clinical methods for diagnosing pregnancy: a blood test for hCG and ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor.

How to determine pregnancy at home without a test

However, what to do when neither a pharmacy, nor a test, much less a gynecologist (we can’t even talk about a laboratory) is at hand? To do this, take a closer look at yourself, to all the changes taking place in the body (if any). The first signs of pregnancy - and the signs of pregnancy in the first month - will help you find the answer to your own problems at home. exciting question: Is there life inside of you? Among the earliest pregnant women with experience and doctors call a feeling of malaise, fatigue, drowsiness, a cold-like condition, increased urination, minor pain in the lower abdomen, increased vaginal discharge, engorgement of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity of the breast, change taste preferences and even the nature of the stool (constipation or diarrhea may begin). Just keep in mind that it's all just indirect symptoms and they cannot be taken as a final verdict. Many of these signs may accompany some painful conditions or be a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

And finally. If you do not observe absolutely no signs of pregnancy in yourself, and it is not possible to check by any of the methods mentioned, but there is still a suspicion of fertilization that has taken place, you can try the old grandmother's methods. To do this, you may need simple improvised means, which are almost always in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet in any home, and sometimes you can determine pregnancy without a test without any special devices and substances at all:

  • Method 1: you need to lie on your back on a flat surface, relax and, putting your finger to the navel (and according to some sources - 7-8 centimeters below its level), feel if there is a pulse. If a pulsation is felt inside the navel, then you are pregnant, and, accordingly, if nothing is felt, then no.
  • Method 2: collect urine according to all the rules in a clean vessel and gently drop iodine on its surface. If the drop is delayed for some time, then the test should be taken as positive, and in the absence of pregnancy, iodine will immediately dissolve in the urine.
  • Method 3: soak a piece of paper in your own urine and put a drop of the same iodine on the sheet - and analyze the result. A color change to blue indicates the absence of pregnancy, and positive test must be considered if the color has changed to lilac or purple.
  • Method 4: prepare a "cocktail" of your own urine and natural wine. Thank God, you won't need to drink it, but you will have to consider the reaction. If the final product of your experiment is cloudy or curdled, then you are unlikely to be pregnant. Otherwise, the mixture of urine and wine remains clear. If you consider such a “test” a perversion, then you simply do not know what else can be done to determine pregnancy at home without a test! Get ready...
  • Method 5: boil the urine previously collected according to all the rules, bringing it to a boil. Then pour into a transparent container and take a closer look. During pregnancy, a flocculent sediment forms in it after this, and in its absence, the urine will remain light and transparent. Naturally, there is no guarantee that the resulting flakes are not the protein present in the urine. But in general, none of the described methods can be considered reliable.

To believe such folk diagnostics or not is up to you to decide. But you can check it - it's at least funny.

The method of detecting pregnancy by basal temperature is taken into account only in the presence of an ovulatory cycle. Some pathologies and health disorders give an increase in basal temperature by long term, in the absence of menstruation against this background. One of good examples can serve as hyperprolactinemia - a disease characterized by increased production of prolactin. This hormone is responsible for the course of pregnancy and lactation, and only during such a period should it have increased rates.

Jumps up and down the basal temperature on the graph in different phases of the menstrual cycle can be explained different amount hormones produced by the pituitary gland in the first and second phases of the cycle.

Menstruation always causes an increase in basal body temperature. During this period, the temperature will fluctuate within 37 degrees. The period before ovulation is characterized by a lower temperature.

After ovulation, the basal temperature rises to five tenths of a degree, and its increase lasts until the start of the next menstruation, gradually decreasing.

The first phase in all women differs in different durations, but the second, luteal, always lasts about 12-14 days. Therefore, if after ovulation, when there was a jump in temperature, BT indicators are high for more than 14 days, then this may indicate pregnancy.

We repeat that this method is informative in the presence of ovulation in the cycle.

If a woman becomes pregnant, menstruation does not occur, and the basal temperature remains elevated. If BBT decreases, this indicates a lack of sex hormones responsible for normal development pregnancy.

If pregnancy occurs, the charts of many women show a one-day drop in temperature down - this is due to implantation recession, when fertilized egg embedded in the lining of the uterus. This period may also be accompanied by implantation bleeding, when a small amount of spotting caused by damage to the endometrium. Such phenomena usually occur 7-10 days after ovulation. More profuse bleeding - clear sign pathology, which does not tolerate postponing a visit to the doctor.

Implantation retraction is not described in the specialized medical literature, but still such a phenomenon is observed in some women, and therefore is taken into account by physicians, but only as a secondary symptom.

Implantation retraction is explained by the following reasons:

  1. The production of progesterone, which declines in the second phase, causes a jump in temperature graph up during pregnancy.
  2. Estrogens lower the temperature during pregnancy. It is the imbalance of these hormones that causes the implantation dip in the temperature curve.
After pregnancy, the basal temperature graph becomes three-phase, during the second phase of the cycle there is an increase in temperature, which is caused by increased production of progesterone after the attachment of the fetal egg.

The measurement of basal temperature is one of the criteria that determine the normal functioning of the ovaries and reproductive female system generally. However, the reliability of the method will be 100% if you have a stable rise in temperature after ovulation on your chart, you had sexual intercourse on the days accompanying ovulation, and the basal temperature remains high performance more than 14 days after it.

In this case, it is necessary to confirm your confidence with a test purchased at a pharmacy and not delay a visit to the gynecologist.