Health - what is it? WHO definition of health. By crying a baby, you can determine the nationality of the mother

5-7 days after the birth of the baby, the mother and baby are discharged from the hospital. In the first few days after you are discharged, you will receive home visits from a nurse and a pediatrician. They will examine the newborn, tell you what to do and how to do it. in the first month of a child's life. But if you have any questions, be sure to ask!


In the first 12 hours of life in the hospital, the baby is vaccinated against viral hepatitis, and after 3-7 days - against tuberculosis (BCG).


During the first month of life, the child grows by an average of 3 cm, and the weight increases by 600 grams. It's already after the baby has lost weight after childbirth.

Weight loss after childbirth occurs due to the fact that the circulatory system is rebuilt, the kidneys begin to work, digestive system and so on. Approximately 10 days the body of the child is mastered, and only then the baby begins to gain weight.

Many mothers carefully monitor the weight of the child, weighing him before and after feeding, strictly monitor weight gain and table indicators. But actually Excessive scrupulousness is sometimes harmful.

All tables are averaged data, which you don’t need to chase at all. A hungry child will definitely let you know about his desire to eat.


Breast milk - the best food for a newborn especially in the first month of life. It serves not only food, but also drink. Therefore, there is no need for supplementary feeding until at least 6 months if the mother has enough breast milk.

Newborn saturated usually after 15 minutes vigorous sucking. During this time, he manages to eat 60-70 grams of milk (this is almost a fifth of the baby's weight!). It is not recommended to keep the baby at the breast for more than 25-30 minutes.

If the baby overslept feeding, do not wake him. And do not disturb the baby if he fell asleep during feeding. Remember that overfeeding a newborn is even worse than underfeeding, as the small ventricle can hardly cope with large amounts of food.

Try to teach your child to take a nightly break in feeding for 5-6 hours. This will not only allow you to relax at night, but also help to form correct mode sleep and wakefulness of the baby.


The first week of my new life outside of my mother's tummy the child usually sleeps most of the time(up to 20 hours a day). The newborn sleeps on the back in the pose of a frog, legs spread out bent at the knees, arms in the elbows. In a dream, the baby may shudder and twitch his arms and legs - this is completely normal!

Usually a newborn wakes up every 2-3 hours, to eat, but some dormouse may doze off even while eating. If the newborn is full and feels comfortable, then during wakefulness he dangles his arms and legs.


The baby reacts to heat and cold in the same way: begins to move actively. If the child freezes, then his activity begins to decline. Taking air baths, be guided by the movements of the baby: while the child is active, he is pleased, as soon as he slows down his movements, the baby freezes.

You need to take a newborn in your arms correctly: so that the baby's body rests on your arm, your elbow is under the head of the crumbs, and with your other hand, hold the baby's legs. You can not take the baby by the hands or so that the baby's head does not have support.

The baby needs your touch to be aware of his body, so pet your baby more often. Talking to your child and stroking him, you develop in him a desire for communication.


The child already in the first month of life distinguishes smells. If the smells are very obvious, then most likely the baby will close his eyes or even sneeze, despite the fact that the smell can be quite pleasant.

If you drop something sweet on the tongue of a baby (for example, you have been prescribed a sweet medicine), then it will smack, and if it is bitter, then the baby will curl up.


first week of life baby can't hear very well therefore, it is not at all necessary to tiptoe around the apartment. The auditory nerve of the newborn is still developing.

But from a sharp and loud sound, of course, the newborn is frightened, shudders, frowns, tries to turn to the source of the sound, and may even cry.


The baby perfectly distinguishes between light and darkness. From bright light, the baby squints, even if his eyelids are closed. The vision of a newborn is not yet able to readjust to near and far objects in the first month of life.

The ideal distance is 25-30 cm. Based on these recommendations, hang toys on the crib, thereby developing the child's curiosity.

At the end of the first month of life, the baby will begin to consciously look at the adult who approached him, and perhaps even reward you with his charming toothless smile.


  1. After eating, you need to raise the child and keep in for a while vertical position so that the air swallowed during sucking comes out.
  2. To prevent or relieve bloating(all newborns suffer from this, since the crumbs' digestive system is tuned to work in new conditions), stroke the baby's tummy clockwise or, laying it on the tummy, stroke the back. If this is not enough, give the baby dill water or special medicines. If the navel sticks out when the baby cries, consult a pediatrician, it may be an umbilical hernia.
  3. Treat the umbilical cord with green, it should not turn red or swell. Crust off umbilical wound should fall off two weeks after birth.
  4. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and requires careful care. Wash the baby after bowel movements, treat the skin with baby cream, powder.
  5. Bathe your baby every day before going to bed in an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  6. Constantly change the position of the newborn during sleep. It is impossible for him to sleep all the time on one side or only on his back, because due to the still soft skull, the baby's head can be deformed.
  7. Walk outdoors.
  8. Try to do all the procedures at the same time to shape the baby's daily routine.

If the baby is crying, don't panic, find out reason for crying. It can be:

  • dirty diaper
  • hunger or thirst
  • bloating
  • baby can be hot
  • baby needs your attention

Most of the activities of a newborn are reflexes. The child still does not know how to consciously respond to stimuli, control his actions, but nature took care of this for him with the help of congenital reflexes.

The baby can (newborn reflexes):

  • Search reflex (Kassmaul). If you stroke the cheek, the baby will turn his head to touch.
  • Proboscis reflex. If you quickly touch the baby's lips, he immediately rolls them up and pulls them forward.
  • Sucking reflex. If you give the baby a pacifier or breast, the baby sucks rhythmically.
  • Grasping reflex. If you give a newborn your finger in a tiny hand, then the baby will squeeze it.
  • Support and automatic gait reflex. If you hold the child upright, lowering the legs to hard surface, then he even takes a few steps.
  • Protective reflex. If you put the baby on his tummy, he will turn his head so that he can breathe.
  • Moro reflex. With a loud unexpected sound, the child will spread his arms in different sides and then return them back.
  • Reflex Galant. If you run your finger along the spine of a newborn, then the baby will arch, while straightening the leg in hip joint.
  • Crawling reflex (Bauer). Lying on the tummy, the baby imitates crawling if you press on the feet.
  • Palmar-mouth reflex (Babkina). If you press on the palm of the little one, he will open his mouth and turn his head.

Many of these reflexes fade by 3-4 months. But the presence of these reflexes in the first month of a child's life indicates proper development central nervous system newborn.

However, do not panic if suddenly the baby does not want to demonstrate all the reflexes. Perhaps the child just wants to sleep and, instead of the expected reaction, responds with crying.

By the end of the first month of life, the child will get used to the new conditions: it will clearly focus on you, respond to your voice and even make some sounds in response. And the most pleasant bonus - a four-week-old baby already knows how to smile!

Tell us how your baby behaved in the first month of life? How often did you feed him, bathe him?

In Rus', it was believed that the newborn still belongs to an alien world. Having come into the world of people, he needs to be humanized, “finished”, like some kind of material from which it is necessary to fashion, “create” a person.

Umbilical cord cutting

The umbilical cord, according to the ancient Russian obstetric tradition, must be cut at a certain distance from the abdomen, for example, in some areas a distance of three fingers was accepted. There was a belief that if the umbilical cord of a newborn girl is cut closer, then, becoming an adult, she will be windy ... They cut off the umbilical cord on some solid object: a boy on an oak block so that he was strong, or on an ax handle, so that he could better use an ax, or on a book to be literate. The girl's umbilical cord was cut off on an alder chopping block so that she would be industrious. The umbilical cord was tied with flax, strand, mother's hair. Then the mother would hide the umbilical cord somewhere in the yard. When the child was 5-6 years old, he had to untie the umbilical cord himself, which spoke of his mental capacity. If the child could not untie the umbilical cord before the age of 6, then it was considered stupid, “hopeless”.

Burial of the placenta

The exit of the placenta, the child's place, the placenta, was considered as the second birth, while the child remained among people, and the placenta returned to another world. The funeral ceremony was performed: children's place they washed, “dressed” (wrapped in a clean rag), supplied with food and usually buried in the place where the birth took place. In order for more children to be born, the burial place was showered with grain, watered. Thus, burial ensured a new birth, supported a continuous exchange between ancestors and descendants, non-humans and humans.


During the ritual washing, the newborn was separated from the world from which he appeared: alienness was washed away from him, in order to then “sculpt” a person. In the northern Russian regions, washing took place in a bath: the child was steamed, his softness was brought to the limit, after which the midwife stroked the baby's head, trying to make it rounder, squeezing the nostrils so that they were not too wide and flat. After bathing, the child was wrapped in an old, dirty shirt of his father. After all, it was the old and worn things that personified the continuity of generations, the transfer of values ​​from the elder to the younger. So, during wrapping, dressing, the child was attached to the cultural sphere, endowed with human characteristics.


At the end of the birth, the midwife went to the priest to arrange christening. Only in exceptional cases, when the child was very weak and threatened with death, did the church allow the midwife to perform the rite of baptism herself and give the baby a name. The child was usually named after the saint whose memorial day was the nearest “in advance”, or the child was named after a deceased or living relative: boys, for example, were often named after their grandfather. The name determined not only the behavior of a person, but also his physical state. There are widespread ideas that if a child is weak and sick, his name should be changed, although it was not customary to change the name in general.

Transferring a child to godparents

Godparents redeemed the baby from the midwife, after which they went to church with the newborn. The path to the church seemed dangerous, since the child in the period between birth and baptism was considered especially vulnerable: he was already isolated from the sphere of the alien, but not yet completely included in the world of people. On the way to church, godfathers must follow a number of instructions: walk quickly, do not turn around, do not talk, do not urinate, etc. The act of baptism was likened to a birth, that is, during the christening, a “real” birth took place. That's why great importance was given to the day of christening, time of day, position of the child's body and peculiarities of his behavior during baptism. Among the gifts that the godparents prepared for the newborn, a cross, a belt and a shirt were obligatory. It is these objects that distinguish a person (one's own, baptized, alive) from non-humans (strangers).

Getting a share

An important condition for human life is the acquisition of a share (part) life force from the general stock, which was distributed among all people. On the one hand, the share of each is predetermined from above, and on the other hand, the share is not only given, but also taken, and the person himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Many signs indicated the presence or absence of a share in a baby: if a child is born face down, it will die soon; if with long hair on the arms, on the legs or in the "shirt" - will be happy; with a twisted umbilical cord - there will be a soldier; a daughter who resembles her father, or a son who resembles her mother, are happy.

Often the share was embodied in the main dish of the christening dinner - porridge. All the heads of families in the village were invited to the christening, and each took with him after dinner a little porridge for his children. So each child of the village received his part of the porridge, his share after the next redistribution.

"Finishing" the child

It was assumed that the child was born “raw”, therefore, in some areas, all newborns were subjected to “finishing”, “finishing”: the child was put on a shovel and put in the oven, like bread, or imitated such planting. Sick and weak children were “re-imagined”, “remade”: the mother stood in the place of the childbirth taking place and dragged the child up to three times through the collar of her shirt from top to bottom. Also, sick babies were dragged through a hollow, a split tree and other holes (for example, a collar), symbolizing the entrance to another world, where the child temporarily returned to be born again.

How to understand why a recently born baby is crying?

Should I call a doctor immediately or will I be able to cope on my own?

These questions are often asked by young mothers on forums and social networks.

The reason is ignorance of the rules of conduct. The baby is learning to live in a new space. Parents have no experience with strangers. Learn how to understand the baby, what to do to alleviate his suffering. Learn to adapt to each other.

Why can a week-old baby cry? Reasons and recommendations

Newborn children tend to attract the attention of others with a cry: they do not know how to express their needs in a different way. The crying of a baby is a manifestation of the body's reaction to pain, hunger or fear.

It is more difficult to determine the cause of a cry in a baby up to one month old. This is a period of active adaptation of the body to a new environment for a newborn child. The older the fool, the easier it is to identify the source of anxiety. After saturation, a one-month-old baby falls asleep for 1.5-2 hours. It is not uncommon for a fed infant to have other reasons for crying (such as colic).

Depending on the character and temperament, each baby shows discontent in its own way. There are temperamental children who react to minor discomfort with tens of decibels of screaming. Quiet is another matter. Patient crumbs are focused on themselves and do not seek to capture the attention of those around them. A common reaction of introverts is grunting and whimpering.

Additional help is reading the "language" of the infant's body:

  • flexion and extension of the legs;
  • hand waving;
  • facial muscle movements.

Crying child: what to do to overcome hysteria?

Many mothers are concerned about the question: “Should I take the kids in my arms?”. The answer depends on the adaptability of the infant and the cause of the discomfort. If the source of discomfort is not eliminated, it is useless to calm the child.

A time-tested technique is to take the baby in your arms, and sing a lullaby while rocking. As an option, put music in the style of “relaxation”, melodic classics. The baby will fall asleep quickly. back side problems - the baby learns to manipulate adults.

A prerequisite for stopping the cry is an even mood. Parents are strictly prohibited from shouting, threatening and waving their arms. In this case, the natural reaction of the crumbs is increased crying, increased intracranial pressure and temperature.

An incomplete list of motives for screaming:

  1. hunger;
  2. weather dependence;
  3. overflowing with impressions or insufficiency;
  4. unsuitable conditions for sleep and wakefulness;
  5. negligent attitude towards parental responsibilities;
  6. inattention, fatigue and insecurity of young parents;
  7. sensations of the crumbs caused by painful manifestations:

How to understand the cause by the sounds of a crying baby under one month old?

There are several techniques that study the crying of newborns. Experts observed the behavior of babies at home. The cries were examined for persistence, duration, irritability, and frequency of sounds. An interesting observation: no characteristic differences were found in newborn boys and girls.

Types of baby cry

  • whimpering: intermittent, monotonous; it is immediately evident that the child is pushing to produce sounds;
  • invocative: by the nature of the tones it is similar to a whimpering one, but the baby is crying without visible effort;
  • plaintive: quiet, continuous, hysterical, grunting sound;
  • intense: powerful, loud, often starts with a low timbre, gradually moves to high sounds, often with choking.

The nature of the cry depends on the cause.

  1. Crying from hunger begins with the whimpering of a child. If there is no response, the volume increases and the frequency decreases. On last stage The scream turns into a continuous roar.
  2. Crying from pain - plaintive, if the malaise is mild - whimpering. In sudden onset pain, the timbre and volume are intense. Sometimes crying goes into a hysterical phase. An immediate reaction is required from parents if crying suddenly stops - this is alarm signal requiring parental response. Better to call an ambulance.
  3. Crying from fear begins with the sounds of the upper register: loud, often immediately with choking.
  4. Crying from discomfort not related to pain - whimpering.

What to do when a newborn baby cries often?

In fashion - recommendations to adhere to a strict regimen: get up by the clock, feed, walk, bathe. This is taught in schools to young mothers, advised when discharged from the hospital, written in books and the media. Many guides explaining the reasons for the behavior of the baby. In practice, young parents are faced with the ineffectiveness of recommendations.

The human body is a complex system, each person has its own characteristics. The recommendations of pediatricians are based on statistics. Behavior specific child different from peers. Parents should take into account the achievements of pediatricians, but draw final conclusions - taking into account the individuality of the baby.

How do most babies report hunger, inappropriate conditions, diaper rash, colic?

Signs of hunger in a newborn baby

A common cause of undernourishment of the crumbs is the lack of experience of the parents. The body of a temperamental child with good heredity requires a lot of energy. In a sickly and quiet baby physical activity below, the need for mother's milk less pronounced.

The causes of malnutrition include the scarcity of milk production. It is important for mothers to identify the cause of crying in time by adding to the diet artificial mixtures. Another source of crying - profuse regurgitation milk during or after feeding.

The baby shows hunger by behavior:

  • makes sounds resembling grumbling;
  • starts to act up;
  • turns into loud and almost continuous crying.

Characteristic signs of crying: a newborn baby opens its mouth and smacks its lips slightly.

There are two verification methods.

  1. Attach a bent little finger to the lips of a child lying in a stroller. If the baby is hungry, it will inform him restless behavior, turning the head in different directions, stretching the body after the finger.
  2. When the mother takes the baby in her arms, the baby is restlessly looking for the breast.

Climatic conditions

In adults skin covering is a barrier that prevents overheating or hypothermia. In infants, the function of heat transfer is in the formative stage. Infants react sharply to any change in temperature.

Some babies tolerate heat well, but are sensitive to coolness, while others are the other way around. One of the “barometers” for determining temperature parameters is the wrist of a newborn baby.

The characteristic signs of hypothermia include: first - plaintive crying, then - the occurrence of hiccups. The hiccups periodically turn into a sobbing cry.

The appearance of the skin is pale. When applying the palm - a noticeable cooling of the skin of the child.

A newborn baby who is overheated has purple skin. Instinctively, a newborn baby kicks its legs and waves its arms. If the baby is swaddled, it will begin to bend. Manifestations of overheating - loud choking crying.

Some infants weather dependent from birth. They react sharply to phenomena to which the baby, due to little life experience, has not adapted:

  • thaw to frost;
  • heat to cold.

Important indicators: wind force, pressure, air humidity.

Diaper rash in a newborn baby

Common cause of crying wet diapers. About gastric emptying (or Bladder) a newborn baby reports grunting, which gradually turns into an intense cry. If the parents do not react quickly enough, irritations occur in the perineum, buttocks and leg creases. To relieve itching, the baby pulls to the priest and combs the genitals.

A sign of wet diapers: the child twists, fidgets on the bed, trying to move to another place. If the hands are free, the fold or edge of the diaper is enough.

  • instead of reusable diapers use gauze, cotton diapers, old sheets;
  • after each emptying of the bladder (or stomach) - lubricate wounds and diaper rash special cream or medicinal product.

If skin irritations are noticeable, but no wounds appear, use special diapers (with biological products) intended for night rest.

Crying from colic

Colic is pain in the form of spasms, to which a newborn baby reacts by crying. Typical for children from birth to 3-4 months. When feeding, the baby swallows air. The baby eats a lot: enzymes do not have time to digest all the food entering the stomach. Gases are formed. As the body adapts, the quantity and quality of enzymes begins to correspond to the mass of food.

Every child has characteristics and the period of colic. For some children it is early in the morning, for others it is in the afternoon, and for others it is in the evening. With colic, most babies drop their breasts and start screaming.

External manifestations of anxiety from colic: redness of the skin, a loud choking cry. Released from the diaper, the baby swings his legs and arms with great energy.

The method of calming is in finding a position that brings relief to a newborn child. One child calms down in a classic position: lying in a horizontal position in the mother's arms. Others prefer the “column” position (when the baby’s head rests on the parent’s shoulder or rests on the chin).

A good result: put something warm on the newborn's stomach, such as an ironed diaper or a warm heating pad. Alternatively, tie a woolen scarf around the body.

This is the most probable causes explaining the constant crying of children under the age of 1-3 months. Parents need:

  • to study the achievements of specialists;
  • monitor the condition of the newborn child;
  • check with your pediatrician regularly.

A newborn child is considered to be one month old. This month is special transition period from the intrauterine existence of the fetus to life in the world of people. The kid has not yet got rid of many innate reflexes, sees poorly, hardly blinks and is not at all adapted to new conditions. It exists only in close connection mother and is completely dependent on her. During this period, the child tends to have many interesting features which he will lose as he grows up.


Newborns cry without tears. This is due to narrowing or less commonly blockage of the lacrimal glands. Instead of the usual crying, the baby screams loudly, expressing anxiety, pain, hunger or discomfort. Scientists have proven that while crying, the baby copies the intonations and accent of the mother, overheard by him in the womb. This is also evidenced by the results of a scientific study in which 60 children were involved with their parents: 30 speaking French and the same number speaking German. French babies have been found to cry with increasing intonation, which is typical for French, and the children of German women - with a descending, which is typical of German.


In the skeleton of a baby, there are more than 300 bones, while the skeleton of an adult consists of only 206. However, this is quite simple to explain - some bones of a newborn grow together in the course of strengthening and growth.

Respiratory system

A baby, unlike adults, can breathe and swallow at the same time. This makes him look like an animal. The baby uses this amazing ability for up to about 9 months, while the formation and complication takes place. articulation apparatus and lowering of the larynx.

Another amazing property characteristic of infant breathing is that children breathe several times more often than adults. For comparison: the respiratory rate of an adult is about 20 times per minute, a baby at the age of one year - 33 - 36 times, an infant - from 30 to 45 times per minute.

In addition, newborns do not know how to breathe through their mouths. They will learn a much-needed skill only at the first nasal congestion: during a cold or an allergy.

Eye shape and color

The size of children's eyes remains the same for life. That is why the eyes of a baby seem so huge and deep to us. But the nose and ears tend to grow throughout life. In addition, it is surprising that every child, with rare exceptions, is born with gray or blue color iris. This is due to a temporary lack of a pigment called melanin. Already in the process of growing up, the color of the eyes acquires a constant shade, this happens by about six months. ()

Swimming ability

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

The fetus spends all the time of its development before birth in the aquatic environment, so more than 90% of babies retain the swimming reflex. It is thanks to him that the baby is able to swim and dive, making floundering body movements. The baby's body helps to conserve oxygen for the lungs and heart by slowing down blood flow to the fingers and reducing the heart rate. little heart by as much as 20%. If the reflex is not consolidated, it will be lost by 3-4 months. ()


The baby's heart beats incredibly fast - with a frequency of up to 130 - 160 vibrations per minute. During crying, the frequency can reach 200 beats. For comparison, the heart rate of an adult is 60 - 80 per minute.

visual features

The vision of a newborn is still an insufficiently studied phenomenon. Only recently, scientists have refuted the theory that the baby sees the world flat. In fact, a three-dimensional image is available to him from birth.

Otherwise, science is adamant - the baby does not see very well, only 25 - 28 cm, which will approximately be equal to the gap from the mother's nipple to her eyes. The first couple of weeks after birth, the baby perceives the surrounding reality in black and white, and only by the third week after birth begins to gradually distinguish colors. Any child prefers bright colors and large drawings, it is easier to focus on them.

Another interesting fact- Babies blink much less often than adults: only 1 - 2 times per minute. So far, medicine is not able to find the causes of this physiological feature.


The baby's food habits are formed as early as 7-9 months of the mother's pregnancy and are finally fixed by the first year of the baby's life. It has been proven that the baby is more pleasant with the already familiar smells and tastes that entered his body earlier - with breast milk or within amniotic fluid. This physiological feature explains why newborns breastfeeding get used to complementary foods faster than those children who were fed with artificial mixtures.

Meteorological dependence

Blonde babies are more responsive to change weather conditions than their brunette peers. Hypersensitivity twins and twins are different, premature babies. This susceptibility increases even more after illness, stress and vaccinations.

Just like that little man comes to our world. Don't be surprised or upset if it doesn't meet your expectations. In just a few weeks, you will learn to understand your baby and communicate with him in the language of views and gestures. The newborn adapts to the world around him: he will learn to cry, smile charmingly and joyfully walk at the sight of you.

Moms take note!

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