Prayer statuses in Arabic. Charming and spectacular ligature with a special meaning is a tattoo in Arabic with translation

Arabic tattoos are attractive

IN Lately more and more people put on the body arabic tattoos. The reason for this is that the Arabic language is considered exotic and the Arabic script is considered cryptic. Therefore, when a person tattoos in Arabic, it is believed that he is filled with an aura of this exotic and mysterious. The same can be said about tattoos in Chinese or Hindi, for example.

For others, arabic design tattoos have a special meaning - love for Arabic culture or Arabic origin. Perhaps the passion for the Arabic language woke up after visiting Egypt, Morocco or other Arab countries.

Some people just love the elegance of the Arabic script and the way the letters intertwine beautifully into words.

Here are some Arabic words and inscriptions Fortattoo:

Angelina Jolie tattoo in Arabic: means "determination"

Rihanna tattoo in Arabic: "Freedom in Christ"

"Love" in Arabic

"Love" in Arabic

"Hope" in Arabic

"Hope" in Arabic

"God" in Arabic

"God" in Arabic

"Freedom" in Arabic

"Freedom" in Arabic

"Family" in Arabic

"Family" in Arabic

"Peace" in Arabic

"Peace" in Arabic

In Arabic, letters are written differently than, for example, in Russian. Not knowing this can lead to serious confusion and to disastrous mistakes that could have been easily avoided.

Here are a few general rules:

Arabic letters are written from right to left, not from left to right. If you try to write Arabic letters from left to right, you end up with a bunch of meaningless characters that native speakers can't understand.

- Arabic letters are usually "associated" with adjacent letters in a word. It gives the writing an elegant and flowing appearance. It is similar to handwriting in Russian or other European languages: the letters are connected to each other so that they are written faster. The difference, of course, is that Arabic is ALWAYS written that way. If you do not connect the letters correctly, the resulting words will look very ugly in the eyes of those who speak the language. (Note, however, that there are a small number of letters that do not join on the left.)

Do not trust unreliable sources when choosing lettering for tattoo. I have seen many who come to me with a tattoo sketch supposedly made for them by their “native speaker” friends, but in reality they barely speak Arabic and have a vague idea of ​​the rules of spelling and grammar.

If you have received an electronic copy of an Arabic tattoo design that you like, please make sure it is in image format or in PDF format. It is better to leave it as it is and not try to get text from the inscription in the picture. The fact is that some editors are not properly configured to display Arabic characters, and in the end, instead of text, you can get krakozyabry output. This will not happen with image files or PDF documents.

Here are some more Arabic tattoo ideas:

"Peace" in Arabic

"Faith, Hope, Love" tattoo in Arabic

Your name in Arabic

Many people want to get a tattoo in the form of their name or the name of their boyfriend / girlfriend. There are several "correct" ways to transliterate names in Arabic, so don't be surprised if you see several alternative spellings, depending on who you ask. That is why it is extremely important to choose a design along with someone who can figure out which options are the most common, or most appropriate for spelling your name.

Some general information about the Arabic language:

Arabic is spoken today by more than 300 million people worldwide. Arabic is the official language in 26 countries. There are many dialects (such as Egyptian, Moroccan or Levantine) of the Arabic language, but these are usually only spoken. For a tattoo, you must have a sketch in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is also known as fus-ha. This is the official colloquial language used in the media mass media, in education, politics and religious ministry. Interestingly, this official version has not changed much over the past 1200 years, with the exception of a number of new words (“television”, “internet”, etc.). This is partly why the language is very special, and this is one of the reasons why tattoo in arabic.

How does Islam view tattoos?

First of all, it needs to be clear that not everyone who speaks Arabic is a Muslim. There are many Arabs who are Christians, Jews, or atheists. Like all other languages, Arabic itself is not religious.

Conservative Muslims generally do not like it when there are tattoos on the body in any form. As a rule, there are two reasons for this: firstly, they believe that they should refrain from causing any harm own body. And secondly, they believe that tattoos are associated with pagan rituals idol worship. Islam (like other religions) has many currents within it, and there are many Muslims who don't have a problem with tattoos. The same is the case with conservative Christians and Jews who are against tattoos.

The bottom line is that as long as you don't put something offensive on your skin, most religious people probably won't care one way or the other. Therefore, it is best not to apply tattoos on the body in the form of verses from the Koran or the sayings of the Prophet.

What to do after you have chosen a design

Once you have found a design you like and are confident that the translation is correct, you need to take your sketch and contact the tattoo artist to discuss the details. Ideally, the master should already have some experience in applying arab tattoos. If finding such a person is too difficult, try asking the tattooists themselves. Make sure the person understands the lettering (top, bottom, right to left, or left to right). Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a mirror image of the original on your skin.

Of course also has importance right choice artist.

Visit a few studios and talk to the people who work there to get a general idea of ​​their experience. It will also give you the opportunity to see and understand how much work they have, how clean the salon is, and check out samples of their previous work.

- Resist the temptation to immediately "stuff" a tattoo at every opportunity. You have the right to think carefully about your decision and choose the right artist.

— look previous work made by the artist. Even if you are going to get a tattoo for the first time, you do not need to be a professional to understand whether the tattoo is well done or not.

- Ask friends who already have tattoos to give you recommendations, tell you which tattoo artist is good and which is not.

Where else can you find Arabic tattoo design ideas?

You can find a person who is a native speaker of Arabic, or who speaks it professionally. If everything is done correctly, then arabic tattoos will decorate your body and attract the attention and views of the people around you. Just remember important points described above, so that later long years enjoy your tattoo.

It's incredible necessary thing if you are going to travel to the resorts and cities of the Arab countries. Of course, in many resorts in the world, you have enough knowledge in English, and sometimes only Russian, but this does not apply to the resorts that we are talking about. In many Arab resorts, only Arabic is familiar and common, so this phrasebook will be an indispensable tool for you.

Here are collected the most common topics for conversation and all sorts of frequently asked questions.


Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yesنعم naam (quince)
Noلا la
Thank youشكرا shukran
Pleaseمن فضلك athos
Sorryآسف athos
I don't understand لا افهم Ana Ma Bethham
What is your name? ما اسمك shu ismak?
Very nice يسعدني ezaiak
Where is the toilet here? أين التواليت؟ fine al hamam
Where do you live? أين تعيش؟ aesh fane
What time is it now? ما هو الوقت؟ spruce sah kam
I'm in hurry. Ana mustazhil.
Do you know English? Taarif inglizi?
Who? Min?
What / what? Ay/ayy
Where? Vine?
Where? Ilya vine?
How? Kif?
How many? Caddesch?
When? Mata?
Why? Bream?
What? Shu?

At customs

At the station

Walk around the city

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
guide dalIle
driver SAEC
Taxi Taxi
bus bass
car saiYara
airplane tayYara
ship, boat kareb
camel dzhEmal
donkey hmAr
airport matAr
port minAa
station mahatta
ticket bitAka, tazkara
registration tasjil
stop here! Stana ghena
there henAc
Here ghena
change (money) mablyak baakyn
Where is the? as-souk al ghura duty free hair dryer tugad?
directly alatUl
back uara
take it slower beshuish
hurry up Asraa
how much does it cost to get to...? bekAm tausIlya lel…?
I want to go to the market. Ana Aiz arUh e'su


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 sipher
1 wahid (wahad)
2 itnan (itnin)
3 talata
4 arba-a
5 khameez
6 sitta
7 saba-a
8 tamania
9 tizaa (tes-a)
10 ashara
11 hidashar
12 itnaashar
13 talattashar
14 cart tashar
15 hamas taashar
16 sittatashar
17 sabataashar
18 taman tashar
19 tiza tashar
20 ishrin
21 wahid wa ashrin
22 itnan va ashrim
30 talatin
40 arbaain
50 khamsin
60 sitin
70 sabba-in
80 tamanin
90 tiza-in
100 mia (meya)
200 mitein
300 talatmeya
400 arbameya
500 hamsameya
600 sittameya
700 sabameya
800 tamanimeya
900 tisameya
1 000 alpha
2 000 alphen
3 000 talattalaf
100 000 mit alf
1 000 000 million-an

At the hotel

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What is the priceكم يكلف bicam hut?
Cashالنقدية fulus; nukud
Cashlessلغير النقدية andi kart
Breadخبز khubz
Waterماء water
Fresh squeezed juiceتقلص عصير جديدة asyr fresh
Sugar / saltالسكر / الملح sukkar/malech
Milkحليب khalib
Fishسمك Samak
Meatلحمة lyakhm
Chickenدجاجة sales
Muttonلحم الضأن lahm haruf
Beefلحوم البقر lyahm bakar
Pepper / spicesالفلفل / التوابل fylfil / bharat
Potatoالبطاطس sweet potato
Riceالأرز ruz
Lentilsنبات العدس adas
Onionالبصل basal
Garlicثوم tum
Sweetsملبس halaviyat
Fruitsثمرة favakia
Applesالتفاح tuffs
Grapeالعنب anab
Strawberryالفراولة phrase
orangesالبرتقال burtukal
Mandarinالأفندي kelemantina
Lemonالليمون limon
Pomegranateالعقيق rumman
Bananasالموز muses
Peachesالخوخ hoh
Apricotمشمش mish-mish
Mangoمانجو manga

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Check please (bill)يرجى التحقق من (حساب) hysab
Tea coffeeالشاي / القهوة shay / kahwa
Instant coffeeقهوة فورية nescafe
Soupحساء shuraba
Olivesزيتون zeytun
Saladسلطة lettuce
Grilledمشوي mashvi
Friedمشوي mackley
Boiledمسلوق maslyuk
I do not eat meat!أنا لا أكل اللحوم! ana ma bakul lyakhma!
Vermicelliشعر الملاك shaaria
Pastaمعكرونة pasta
Stuffed pepperمحشو الفلفل fylfil mehshi
Sandwichسندويتش sundwish
Cheese / sour cream (sour)الجبن / يفسد كريم)خمر) jubna / laban
Beerجعة bira
Wineالنبيذ nabid


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Policeالشرطة shurta
Ambulanceسيارة إسعاف isaaf
Hospitalالمستشفى mostascifa
Pharmacyصيدلية sidalia
Doctorطبيب tabib
I got sick / I got sick Ana Marid / Ana Marida
wound, wound jArah
blood ladies
temperature harara
sunstroke Darbat ShYams
diabetes sukkari
allergy hasasiya
asthma Azma
pressure dAgat

Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
night leil
day nHar
afternoon baad dohor
yesterday mbArech
day before yesterday Awwal mbareh
Today al Yum
Tomorrow bukra
day after tomorrow baad bukra
What time is it now? kam essAa?
Hour elvahida
Two hours assAnie
Noon mountAsaf ennagAr
Midnight mountAsaf ell
A quarter to ten El Ashra Ilya Rubie
quarter past six assAdisi varubie
half past five elkhAmisi walnUsf
five past nine ettisie wa hamsu dakAik
twenty to three esAlici Ilya Sulsi
Sunday elAhad
Monday elesnEn
Tuesday elsoulasAe
Wednesday alArbie
Thursday eyakhamis
Friday elgeumue
Saturday essaybit
January eve essany
February Shbat
March ezAr
April nissan
May iAr
June KhazirAn
July TamUz
August ab
September sibteembar
October tyshrIn el Awwal
November tyshrin essany
December kan Unal Awwal
Winter shitaa
Spring rabie
Summer safe
Autumn harif
On Tuesday fi yom essulasAe
this week fi gas lusbua
Last month fi shagr elmazi
Next year fiseIni elkadimi

Greetings - This theme includes a list of phrases needed to greet and start a conversation.

Standard phrases - a list of the most common words and questions that are most often used in a conversation.

Station - so that you do not feel discomfort while at the station in a foreign country, which is associated with a language barrier, use this phrasebook topic.

Passport control - passing through control at the airport, you need to know a number of phrases and answers to questions translated into Arabic, just here these phrases are presented.

Orientation in the city - in Arab cities there are a lot of people and intersecting streets, in order not to get lost, you will need to check the route to your destination with passers-by. This topic will help you with this.

Transport - so that you do not have problems with public transport and taxi, use this topic.

Hotel - when checking into a hotel, be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer some questions, their translation and translation of other necessary phrases are in this section.

Emergencies - anything can happen in a foreign country, to make sure, use this topic from Russian-Arabic phrasebook. Using the words and phrases from this topic, you can call for help, call the police or ask passers-by to tell an ambulance that you feel bad.

Dates and times - the translation of words denoting date and time.

Purchases - using this section, you can make any purchases anywhere, whether it is a market or an expensive jewelry store. Here are collected all the necessary questions and phrases for this.

Restaurant - in order to call the waiter, place an order, find out what this or that dish includes, you need to know Arabic or just use the words from this topic.

Numbers and figures - every tourist should know how to pronounce this or that number in the language of the country in which he is resting. Just the translation of these figures and numbers is collected in this section.

Every day, Islamic statuses and quotes are gaining more and more popularity. At the same time, they are used not only by true Muslims, but also by people who believe in other gods. What is the secret of this growth in popularity? Why is society so drawn to the poetry of the East? And what Islamic lines can be called the standard of beauty and eloquence?

The wonderful world of the East

Endless sands and golden sunsets have long been a favorite topic for oriental writers and poets. After all, it was in them that an amazing culture was born, based on faith in Allah and the power of the desert. Over the long centuries, she learned to harmoniously combine the courage of warriors and the mystery of oriental women.

And thanks to this, it attracts the eyes and hearts of people from other countries. That is why today Islamic statuses are so popular in many countries of the world. Especially among young people, who at all times have been the most sensitive and receptive to the tenderness of the lines of poetry.

So, consider Islamic with meaning, life, about faith, as well as about love.

Wisdom hidden in the Qur'an

So, it should be noted that many famous Muslim sayings are taken from the Koran. And this is not surprising, because it is main book Islam. And it is in it that all the most important ideas of this religion are collected. For example.

  • “Do good deeds, just as the great Allah did good for you. And do not wish to spread evil on the earth, because Allah will not tolerate such people.
  • “Tell others: Allah has commanded to always do only what is right.”
  • “The punishment for the evil done is only an equivalent evil. However, the one who can forgive and achieve peace in his heart will receive the highest award from the Almighty."
  • “Whoever wants happiness in this world, let him become a merchant. Whoever desires bliss in the next, let him embark on the path of abstinence and piety. Whoever wants to find both worlds, let him look for the answer in teaching and knowledge.”

Miraculous lines of Islamic writers

Also, many beautiful Islamic statuses are taken from the lines of the greats and writers. At the same time, they can describe both serious life dilemmas and simple love sighs. And here is proof of that:

  • “Sadness and pleasure come from the mind, greatness and fall come from the mind” (Abulkasim Firdousi).
  • “Earthly joy is only a moment. Before the great eternity, she prepares the doors” (Ibn Sina).
  • “Why do people always strive for earthly wealth? After all, such greed is the path to sacrilege!” (Al-Mutanabbi).
  • “Do not put evil at the basis of all affairs! Otherwise, the root will rot, all the fruits will be lost ”(Saadi).

Islamic statuses about life

The wisdom of the East knows no bounds. Over the long centuries of its history, the Arab people have written thousands and thousands of great lines. Many of them are examples of how to act in a given situation. They can be compared with good advice, repeatedly tested in practice. So, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to overestimate their significance.

For example, we give the following Islamic statuses about life, with meaning:

  • “The joy of life cannot be divided along religious lines. I carry Islam, I am a true Muslim, but I am devoid of pride. I respect other religions, because my people choose their own faith.”
  • “Love for Allah is the highest feeling. Everything else is just its fruit.
  • “Through life it is necessary to go with the one who will lead the weight to the gates of Paradise. With the one who all supports his and your Iman! Only his intentions will be sincere, and worthy of praise. Only he will love you for the sake of Allah.”
  • “A wise man was asked: “Which Islam is true?”. He thought and said: “The one who feeds the hungry and greets all the acquaintances and strangers"(Imam al-Bukhari).

Islamic statuses about faith

Muslims are very devoted to their religion. That is why in Islamic culture there are so many verses and aphorisms dedicated to faith in Allah.

So, some of them praise the heavenly king, others talk about his strength, and still others teach what faith should be. But all of them are beautiful and unique in their own way, and therefore, they are a vivid example of Muslim culture.

  • “If your heart hurts a lot, do not rush to extinguish it with deceit. And it is better to pray quietly, because He hears everything. He is Allah who heals wounds."
  • “Having become a servant of Allah, a person will never become a slave to his desires.”
  • “The love of Allah is so great that He never abandons a person who is looking for a grain of truth. He always directs his actions, opening before him the gates of knowledge of Islam.
  • “In Islam there is no difference between a man and a woman in relation to Allah. Therefore, they will receive the same reward for their righteousness and an equal punishment for their transgressions.”
  • “Prayer is the best medicine that can heal the body, soul and mind. That is why Muslims should never forget her.”

Beautiful statuses about love

Not less than popular topic is "Islamic love". Statuses about this great feeling often originate from poems and poems by famous Arabic poets. However, there are also folk creations, whose beauty and consonance are in no way inferior to the works of the masters.

  • “Love governs everything. In everything that the Almighty has created, from small plants to the largest animals, there is love.”
  • “For the sake of love, people are ready not only to pay a dear price, but also make the biggest sacrifice.”
  • "Just as thorns are inseparable from rose petals, love is associated with sadness."
  • “The heart is like an empty vessel - if it is not filled with love, vices and suffering will soon settle there.”
  • "In the pages of the Qur'an, love always looks like a sign from Allah."

Useful Muslim phrases in Arabic with translation الله أكبر - Allahu akbar (Allah akbar) - Allah is Great (Greatest). Praise (takbir). Used when a believer wants to remember the greatness of Allah الله عالم - Allahu alim - Allah knows best (Allah knows best) عليه السلام - Alayhi salam (a.s.; a.s.) - Peace be upon him. It is said after the names of the prophets, messengers and higher angels (Jibril, Mikail, Azrael, Israfil) الحمد لله - Alhamdulillah (Al-Hamdu Lil-Lah) - Praise be to Allah. This is how Muslims often comment on something, for example, when they talk about success and when they answer the questions “how are you”, “how are you?” Lord of the Worlds! Peace be upon you (greetings) أستغفر الله - Astagfirullah - I ask forgiveness from Allah ّجِيْمِ - Auzu billahi min ash-shaitani r-rajim - I resort to the protection of Allah from the accursed (beaten) Satan أخي - Ahi - (My) brother بَارَكَ اللهُ - BarakaAllah - May Allah bless you These words should be pronounced before any important matter(Sunnah - say this phrase before eating, before washing, at the entrance to the house, etc.) lahu khairan (JazakAllahu) - May Allah bless you! A form of gratitude, an analogue of "thank you." At the same time, “Jazak Allahu Khairan” is said when addressing a man; "Jazaqi Allahu Khairan" - when referring to a woman; “Jazakuma Allahu Khairan” - when referring to two people; "Jazakumu Allahu Khairan" - when referring to several people Short answer: "Wa yakum" (وإيّاكم) - and let him reward you too, "wa yak" - (male), "wa yaki" - (female) إن شاء الله - InshaAllah - If it is the will of Allah - Yahdikumullah - May Allah guide you the right way! لا إله إلاَّ الله - La ilaha illa Allah - There is no God but Allah (there is no one and nothing worthy of worship except the One God Allah). The first part of the shahada ما شاء الله - MashaAllah (Masha "Allah) - So Allah willed; Allah decided so. Used when commenting on any events to express submission to the will of Allah, to what He predetermined for a person. They also say "MashaAllah" when praise someone, admire someone's beauty (especially a child) so as not to jinx it greets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.) They say at the mention of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him سبحان الله - SubhanAllah - Most Pure (Most Holy) Allah. Everything that happens or does not happen is by the will of Allah, who has no flaws. Muslims often say “SubhanAllah” in conversation or to oneself to remind (to someone or oneself) about this سبحانه و تعالى - Subhanahu wa Ta "ala - Holy is He (Allah) and Great. These words are usually said after pronouncing the name of Allah أختي - Uhti - My sister في سبيل الله - Fi Sabilil-Lah (fi sabilillah, fisabilillah) - On the path of the Lord

~ About love - in Arabic ~
25 the most beautiful sayings with the translation!

1. When two people with the same dreams meet, they succeed.
عندما شخصين مع نفس الأحلام، وأنهم جميعا الحصول عليها

2 Don't reject people who want to be with you. Perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments life.
.لاترفض الناس, الذين يريدون ان يكونوا معك
.فربما سيكونون وحدهم من يقف معك في اصعب لحظات الحياة

It is not so important to be near the one you love, how important it is to be in the heart of the one you love.

4 You need to live for the sake of those who need you constantly, not temporarily.
علينا أن نعيش من أجل أولئك الذين بحاجة لنا باستمرار، وليس فقط مؤقتا

5 هناك سعادة واحدة في هذه الحياة، ألا وهي أن تَ
There is one happiness in this life - to love and be loved.

6 عالمه أجمل
Clever man won't love the most beautiful woman in the world, he will love the woman who will decorate his world ...

7 It doesn't matter what time of year it is, what the weather is like outside. Only one thing is important for me: that YOU and I are together!
بغض النظر عن وقت السنة ، والطقس خارج الشباك. شيء واحد مهم بالنسبة لي: هو ان نكون مع بعض ،أنت وأنا

8 different nationalities- this is just an occasion to think about how beautiful your children will be.
جنسيات مختلفة - هذا مجرد روعة تفكير لانه سيكون لديكم أطفال جميلة

Every person deserves to be loved just like that. Just because he's around. Just for being there.

10. Most short cut to the heart of a person is sincerity ...
أسرع طريقة لقلب الرجل - هو صدق

11. A real man comes into your life with a pure heart and despite quarrels and problems, remains in it forever...
الرجل الحقيقي ياتي اليك بقلب نقي. و على الرغم من المشاكل و الخلافات . سيبقى في القلب الى الابد

12. I am with you and in sorrow in joy, I will always be there ...
أنا معك في الحزن إلى الفرح، وسأكون دائما هناك

13. And in the end, the Almighty will keep your relationship with someone who really deserves to be in your life.
في النهاية سوف يبقي الله سبحانه وتعالي علاقتك مع شخص يستحق حقا أن يكون في حياتك

14. Eyes do not know how to lie, like the heart - to be silent ...
عيون لا يمكن أن يكذب، وكذلك القلب - الصمت

15. There are borders between countries, but there are no borders between Hearts...
هناك حدود بين الدول, و لكن ليس هناك حدود بين القلوب....

16. Beautiful things don't last long, but they can leave beauty in the heart!
الاشياء الجمِيلہ لا تدوُم لكنّ قد تترُك جمالٌ بالقلبّ لا يُمحئ ~!

17. The one who really loves will go through everything, but will not miss his own.
أي شخص الذي يحب حقا، تمر عبر، ولكن لن نفتقدها

18. Dreams created together come true twice as fast.
الاحلام التي خلقت سويا تتحقق مريتن اسرع

19. Where there is loyalty and respect, there is a lot of love and tenderness...
حيث هناك ولاء واحترام، وهناك الكثير من الحب والحنان

20. Love each other now, there will be no other life...
الأن يجب أن نحب بعضنا البعض، لأنه لا يوجد حياة أخرى

21. Love is when, letting go of a person, the heart screams: "Don't leave. I can't live without you." And you say out loud sincerely: "Be happy and take care of yourself"
الحب هو - عند ترك الإنسان, يصرخ قلبك: لا تذهب عني, لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. وأنت تقول بإخلاص "أتمني لك السعادة وحافظ علي نفسك"

22. If you speak to a person in a language that he understands, you are speaking to his mind. If you speak to him in his language, you speak to his heart.

إذا ما تحدثت مع رجل ما بلغة يفهمها، فإن الكلام يدخل عقله، أما إذا ما تحدثت إليه بلغته، فإن الكلام سوف يدخل قلبه

23. To love means to live the life of the one you love ...
الحب - يعني أن تعيش حياة شخص تحبه

24. لا تتوقع ان الوضع سيكون اسهل و الا لن يكون لديك وقت.

Don't expect it to get easier, easier, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you won't be able to...

25. ياله من شئ رائع أن يكون بجانبك من يحميكى
It's good to have someone who cares for you...

# _vostok - Arabic

#quotes@prekrasnyj_vostok - aphorisms and expressions

#harmony_relationships@prekrasnyj_vostok - about love and psychology

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