Read conspiracies for children's obedience. How to use spells to force a child to be obedient

Current page: 10 (book has 19 pages total) [available reading passage: 13 pages]

For the father to be kinder to the child

When you salt your husband’s food, read the following plot:

The salt disappears and your anger melts.
Salt doesn't scream at me
And you, servant of God (name), are upon us,
Servants of God (your and your son’s names), don’t shout.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the stepfather does not offend the child

Cut off a lock of your husband's hair and throw it and three knives with wooden handles into boiling water. Then read the special spell words over the boiling water in which hair and knives are boiled:

In a dark hut,
Neither in the sun nor in the moon,
Not under a bright star,
The beds are not standing
And wooden floors.
People sleep there and don’t wake up,
They don't break their fast on Easter
Their arms and legs do not rise,
Mouths do not open in speeches.
So would it be with the servant of God (name)
Hands would not be raised
Lips did not open in swearing,
He wouldn't swing his legs,
I wouldn't scream.
Everything would be according to me, the servant of God (name),
And I missed the children, the servants of God (names).
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

(Naturally, if you have one child, then you replace the words “servants of God (names)” with the words “servant of God (name)” or “servant of God (name).”)

Then pour the water into a jar and place it in the corner of the room for three days. After the specified period has expired, take the water to the cemetery and pour it onto the ground.

To prevent your stepfather from raping your daughter

Alas, such terrible things happen. Therefore, any mother should insure herself just in case and, if she has already decided to get married a second time, protect her daughter by reading a special conspiracy. This spell is read over any drink on the third day of your life together with the second spouse. Immediately treat your husband to this charmed drink. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How Christ was born, died and rose again
And how true it is
It will be so true
That my husband is crafty
Temptation will not bribe
And my husband will not destroy my daughter.
How true it is that Jesus Christ has risen,
It is so true and true that God preserves her.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the mother does not abandon her children

If such grief happens in a family, then the Lord Himself commands you to help the unfortunate little ones. Alas, there have always been cuckoo mothers who didn’t give a damn about their own children. I have been approached more than once by grandmothers who were forced to raise young children while their mothers were having fun somewhere. Crying, they asked for help for the sake of their grandchildren to bring the runaway mother home.

Return to the wind

Come to the house where the unfortunate mother lived, and, opening the window (window), read the following plot into it:

The mare cries for her foals,
Sheep by lambs,
Everyone cries for his child.
Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary wept
According to His Son Jesus Christ.
You too, servant of God (name), cry for your children,
At your home, at your doorstep. Amen.

Refund on food or drink

As soon as the unlucky mother appears in the house, treat her with food or drink that you have pre-arranged. The spell words are as follows:

The she-wolf's lair,
The bear has a den,
A bird's nest,
Cattle barn
And you, servant of God (name),
Know your home. Amen.

How to remove hatred between brother and sister

It is very sad for parents to watch how brother and sister swear and quarrel with each other, like strangers. They can be reconciled with the help of this conspiracy:

Holy Most Pure,
Holy Mother of Sorrows,
The Mother of God descends from Heaven,
From the Heavenly side, from the ninth Heaven,
From His Throne, with great help to us
Goes into the white light
He will give birth to one soul and forgive another.
Let him also forgive the servant of God (name),
He doesn’t remember any grudges, he doesn’t think about guilt,
The door does not close from her, does not lock the bolts,
Doesn't turn his back to her,
He doesn’t frown, his eyes don’t sparkle.
How the Lord forgives us, forgives us our sins,
He blesses us with love,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Forgive the servant of God (name),
Don’t keep evil in your memory,
Remember her with kind words, love her and miss her.
The Blessed Virgin Mary holds a dish,
There's eternal love on that platter.
Come, love, to the blood of God's servants (names).

So that the son does not go against his father

This plot is read on an even day of an even month. His words are:

Lord God, most merciful,
Drive away Your servant (name) from malice,
For You yourself said in Scripture:
“Honor your Father!”
Have mercy on him from blood feud
And ban forever and ever
He has to fight against his father.
King David came to you,
Quiet and meek, and his meekness
Let it flow into Your servant. Amen.
The chicken doesn't peck the hen,
The eggs don't hit the fish.
So let the slave (name) not go against his father.
The slave (name) would speak “quietly”
I would listen to my father in silence,
I wouldn't raise my voice
I didn’t break God’s commandment.
The sheep reproaches the wolf
Firewood burns,
Let the son also submit to his father.

So that children don't fight with each other

This conspiracy is read for children who have not yet turned thirteen years old. It can be recommended to mothers whose children constantly swear and fight with each other. In one night, you need to swap the shoes of all the children in the family three times, and in the morning put all the shoes in one pile, saying:

How can these shoes stand in one place?
This is how children agree.

To prevent children from quarreling with each other

Then at the same time you need to give the children the charmed milk. The words of the conspiracy are:

How did this milk boil and how did it cool down?
So that (children's names) cool down in the quarrel.

Speak foul language

If your child learned rude words somewhere, sit him on a chair in front of the icon, stand facing him, and let him spit three times in a cup of water, and you say:

Hula from the blue mountains
From hell from the old devil,
From a small imp.
The servant of God (name) entered the mouth,
From mouth to spit, from saliva to spit.
I'll take it to whoever finds it.

Then pour this water onto the road.

If a mother does not allow her son to live with anyone

Speak to the water and give this water to mother. They spell water like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Water is water, queen of the whole world.
You wash the bottom, rinse the roots,
You wash away rotten stumps from the banks.
There is a pike fish in your kingdom,
Her teeth are iron
Eyes of tin, bites of glass.
That pike has plenty of moss, sand, water grass,
Eats with iron teeth.
So it would be with the servant of God (name)
The pike fish grabbed all the arrogance, all the evil,
I swallowed all her nagging and nagging,
It didn’t bother me to live with my fiancée.
How this fish is silent in water and on land,
Doesn't groan, doesn't moan, doesn't scream,
So would my mother, servant of God (name),
She was silent, towards my betrothed
She didn't grumble or scream.
Grandfather Vodyanoy, Father Morskoy,
Give your slave (name) some water to drink
From a mute pike fish.
Word to action, from water to branch,
For a full month, for any time,
For every hour, for every holy minute.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Conspiracy to love and respect children

We all want our children to love and respect us. A special conspiracy can help with this. It is read over food or drink, which they then treat their children to. The spell words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Under the side, under the foliage,
I have three saints,
Three messengers of God, three deliverers.
Saints and patrons opened my soul,
God's helpers for me,
The servant of God (name) was asked:
- Why are you, God’s servant (name), suffering?
- Saints, deliverers, softeners of hearts,
Help me, God's servant (name),
Soften the heart of God's servant (name)
For every day, every hour, every minute.
Let him feel sorry for me, his mother,
Let his soul ache for me
Now, always, for all God's times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

From quarrels between children and parents

This plot is read when yours is sleeping. disobedient child. His words are:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of Mary,
You are the Salvation of the world and Hope,
Be merciful and supportive to me,
Meek and merciful.
Heal my sadness
Destroy worries and send me Your help.
And how the disciples followed You,
So that my children would follow me too.
They listened to me, they looked at me,
They wanted to do what I told them to do.
They didn’t raise their voices against me,
They didn’t stare at me with evil,
They loved me, they pitied me
And, as disciples of You, they did not dare to disobey.
If only we could be humble and meek
And they are quick to obey.
How your disciples respected you,
So that the children don’t offend me either,
Lamb of God, Jesus, help
And turn all our quarrels into strong peace.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

For children's obedience

They read at the blessing of water and drink this water naughty children:

I submit to the Lord God,
I will pray to Mother Theotokos.
This day - this hour,
Early in the morning, late in the evening.
I woke up on a holy island,
I approached the mother river.
There is a pike in the river, it takes out the keys with its jaw,
And the lord of the river counts those keys:
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,
Archangel Uriel, Yegory the brave,
Razoil, Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Kuzma, Domian and Cyprian,
Justinia, Nifant, Marof.
All of you twelve saints, come
And help me in my trouble.
With the holy lips themselves,
With holy hands, pacify (names).
To God's respect, to angelic humility.
Shut their lips with blasphemy,
Calm their riot.
Holy Father Ostafie,
Holy Father Naumie,
Put everything in holy places
Live according to God, don’t do bad things.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

So that children love and feel sorry for their mother

Unfortunately, we live in a time when few people remember family values and children, following the lead of their friends, quickly stop obeying and respecting their parents. So that nothing like this happens in your family and your children are kind and obedient, read the following conspiracy:

I look at the icon, crossing myself.
On the icon is the Mother of God Mary.
She presses the Christ Child to her breast,
She suffers for Him day and night with a holy soul.
So that my children love me too,
They pitied, cherished, did not scold,
The words of evil are against me,
God's servant (name) did not speak.
There is a golden city, a maiden sits above it,
She holds a golden bird in her hands.
The girl is thirty-five years old,
Among people and people purer than silver,
Purer than pure gold.
How kind people love
Pure silver and pure gold,
So let my children look at me,
I am loved and will never be forgotten.
My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.
What I said, what I didn’t say,
The Lord will take it, word will cling to word,
He will add, by His mercy He will not leave me
It's up to once, from this hour.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that children will respect you

If your child doesn’t put you in a penny, read a special spell in the morning and evening until you notice changes in his character. The spell words are:

I believe in One God,
Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Mother Theotokos stood behind the Throne,
I read the first law of the Lord God,
She honored her father and mother and did not contradict her.
Saint Ivan, Her teacher,
He taught, spoke, advised.
There are fiery words in God's Scripture,
You can’t drown those words with water,
You can’t erase it with an alatyr stone.
Said by God and punished:
“To honor your father and mother,
In short, don’t offend them with deeds.”
Whoever breaks that commandment
He will destroy his immortal soul.
I ask you, Archangel Michael,
I pray to you, Archangel Gabriel,
Read this commandment to my daughter yourself,
With your holy lips,
So that she respects me and never offends me,
Me, her mother, who gave birth to her and baptized her.
Dissolve, Lord, all evil,
Cleanse their heart and forehead -
My children, My servants (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy for the selfless and devoted love of children for their mother

Stand on the threshold front door, facing the apartment, and read the plot directly from the book, so as not to mix up the words and make mistakes. When you read, under no circumstances should you

interrupt. In addition, there should be no animals near you at the time of the ceremony, so try to remove them from the house during this time. The spell words are:

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed,
And I will go, crossing myself.
I'll walk on mother earth,
I will be covered with the sky, I will wash myself with dew,
I'll girdle myself with stars,
I bow to four sides.
No one can cover the sky
Put out the clear dawn
And count all the frequent stars.
So none of my children can do me,
To offend your mother, to think evil,
Dashing to think, raise your hand,
Use your tongue in a dispute.
Lord, take away their longing for me,
According to their mother, according to God's servant (name).
How they screamed for my milk,
My mother's tit was missed
They grabbed me by the hem, they ran after me,
They didn’t leave my hand,
She left - they grieved,
She came and was greeted joyfully,
Everyone, as one, called me mom,
I was both food and water,
It would be so now and always,
For all eternity,
The kids would miss me
I was greeted with joy
They would call me mom
They looked into my eyes and didn’t want to leave.
Lord, King of Heaven,
You love Your Mother of God,
Don’t let my children hurt me either.
Be you, my words, strong, sculpting
For now, for centuries, for all time. Amen.

So that the daughter does not forget her mother

Everyone knows the cases when adult daughter I left home and forgot about my mother. To prevent something like this from happening to you, read this conspiracy:

The river has black water, the water has yellow banks,
And there are thresholds at my house.
If only my daughter's legs could walk
To me, God's servant (name).
My daughter would honor me
I wouldn't forget my old mother,
In sorrow, in illness, she did not leave,
How I missed her,
How the mare yearns for her foal,
A sheep according to its lamb,
Blueberry on the nest,
And my daughter on her porch and on me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

If the son forgot his mother

To be honest, this happens quite often. The following conspiracy can help this grief:

I, servant of God (name), will open the window,
I call my son
I'll call him to the door.
Take away, Lord, my anxiety.
I can neither eat nor sleep,
Don’t suffer for an hour or half an hour.
I throw myself at the white walls,
I rush to the dark windows.
I don't see the moon or the sun,
Everyone would cry at the window.
Go, tears, and bring him
Whom I gave birth to and whom I nourished with milk.
I can't see the white light
Without a clear son falcon.
Lord, find him and bring him,
Take a peek, wave your hand.
Mother of God,
How you missed your Son,
I knew no peace either day or night,
Until I saw my dear son.
Give to me, God's servant (name),
To see my son
Press it to your heart.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that children grieve for their mother

Pull out a slingshot-like rod from the broom and, moving it along the threshold, read a special spell nine times in a row. The ritual is carried out for three days in a row. The spell words are:

I, servant of God (name), impose a seal of sadness
To the zealous heart of your child
For me, my mother.
Wherever you go, whoever you walk with,
And he wouldn’t lose his memory of me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Another conspiracy to make children grieve for their mother

Read the spell words over food or drink, which you should then treat the child to. The plot is like this:

How the Child Christ fell to His Mother
And how over the years He did not forget Her,
I didn’t offend with words, I didn’t betray with deeds,
So that my child does not betray me
And she didn’t forget.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy to bind children to their parents

The morning after the Nativity of Christ, before you wash your face, say these charming words:

The Mother of God has a Son,
And I have (child’s name). Amen.

Having said this, light the candle near the Nativity of Christ icon and let it burn out to the end. As soon as it burns out, you can wash your face and have breakfast.

So that no one can offend

Take your undershirt and put it under the full moon. In the morning, when the dew falls, take the shirt and put it on immediately. Walk until it dries from body heat. When the whole family has had dinner and leaves the table, take off your shirt and wipe the table with it, saying:

How do they hold this table?
They gather around him,
This is how my children would stay around me,
We were never offended for anything.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

If you do this, the children will not offend you. Don’t wash your shirt for forty days.

If a son hits his mother

Cast a special spell on food or drink for your son, and he will never fight again. The words of the conspiracy are:

Lord, You pray in heaven,
And we pray on earth.
Like no one can gray poppy
To rise from the black earth,
So from now on my son, slave (such and such),
He will never be able to offend me.
The dead don't raise their feet
They don't kick anyone.
The dead don't raise their hands
And they don’t beat anyone with their hands.
So that my son doesn’t wave his arms and legs,
He never beat me or offended me.
God, help me, (such and such) servant.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

To prevent children from raising their hands against their parents

If children beat their parents, you need to read a special spell over the soap, which is then quietly thrown to the cruel children. The spell words are:

As soon as this soap is washed off your face,
So soon evil will leave God's servant (name).
How soap foam does not stay on the forehead,
So let not anger rest on God’s servant (name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or touch the deceased and say to yourself:

Like this dead man
Hands don't rise
They don’t clench into fists,
So would it be with the servant of God (name)
On me, God's servant (name),
Hands didn't go up
They didn’t wave, they didn’t clench into fists.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If children raise their hands against their mother

A mother who is offended by her children must heat the bathhouse on the last day of the lean month. When the water in the cauldron boils, you need to throw a pebble into it, saying:

Like this pebble out of water
Won't rise to the top
So it is with the servant of God (name)
Hands on me, God's servant (name),
They will never rise.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If a daughter hits her mother, then you should say:

So the servant of God (daughter’s name) will not rise.

So that children obey their parents

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the sea-on the ocean there is a swordfish.
She walks fast on the water,
And behind her the whole family
Her fish is swimming.
Which way will she turn?
The whole race of fish will follow her there.
So would my children (names)
They followed me everywhere
Listened to me
And they loved me.
And where will my foot turn?
My child will go there.
I talk to my children
For twelve years
And from now on there is no hindrance in my business.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against children's hatred of mother

Take seven new ones, beautiful towels, such that those to whom you give them would not want to throw them away or sell them. Go to the church and give these towels to the poor, as you usually give alms, after reading the following conspiracy over them:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will go, servant of God (name),
Yes, on a wide street,
In the clear sun, in white light.
I will be illuminated by God's light,
I'll be surrounded by a gray cloud,
I will be showered with clear stars.
And how the month in the sky cannot be stopped,
So do I, the servant of God (name),
Don't poison my children
Don't offend, don't drive away from home,
Can't call it a bad word.
Cry, their soul, suffer,
There is no peace day or night
For me, for God’s servant (name),
Now and forever and endlessly.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Take the anger out of your son

If the son looks at his parents like a beast, swears in vain and ignores all good admonitions, take a bunch of keys from different locks and put them in a pan of water. You should boil the keys at noon, eight o'clock in the evening and three o'clock in the morning and leave the pan on the stove. In the morning you need to wash your son with this water and give him something to drink; here you will have to cheat, but there is still no other way out. The ritual is performed three times in a row during a declining month (note this Special attention, since by performing the ritual during a growing month, you will only aggravate the situation). After that, buy your son three new clothes (one after the other, don’t delay). Things can be the cheapest - it doesn't matter. Give the new clothes to your son with your left hand and, looking into his eyes, read the following conspiracy to yourself:

Like a fish is silent
So keep quiet.
Just as the keys don’t shout at their lock,
So don’t yell at me, your mother. Amen.

Conspiracy for filial love

I will stand, crossing myself,
Blessed with the icon.
There is a lake in the middle of mother earth,
There are dumb fish, blind crayfish, and water toads.
Among them there is white fish,
Servant of God (name).
There is water around the fish.
With the white fish, the servant of God (name),
My son is always nearby.
Just as there cannot be a dead body without earth,
Just as fish cannot swim without water,
It can't be like this
My son is without a mother, a servant of God (name).
Miss me, honor me, don’t leave me in my old age.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

If your child lies all the time

Secretly from your child, read a special spell over food or drink, which you then treat him with. The ritual is performed three times in a row, and after that your child will forget about his vice. The plot is like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Two brothers and three sisters came:
Zakhary and Macarius, Daria, Marya and Natalya.
They spoke with tongues, lips, moved their cheeks,
They whispered, muttered, reprimanded,
Three times, many times they spoke
The servant of God (name) has a tongue,
They put a silence on this tongue.
And you, tongue, don’t say too much, don’t shout,
And you, little tongue, keep quiet,
So to say something good to the tongue,
And keep silent about bad language.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 28 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For children's obedience

For children's obedience

From the letter:

“Mother Natalya, a woman gave me your book for two days; as soon as I started reading it, I immediately decided to write to you. I ask you to pray not for wealth, not for my husband, not for health - I have all this. My husband is kind, we have our own company and don’t need anything, but we have a problem, our children (they are twins) are very disobedient, angry, vindictive, brawlers, sneakers and do everything the opposite. They call both me and their father names, and we no longer know what to do. We took them to a psychiatrist - everything was fine. Our father Leonty spoke to them - all to no avail. The house was consecrated for us, they pray for them both in the temple and in the monasteries. We sacrificed a lot and prayed ourselves, but they only got worse. We tried to punish them, my husband had a heart attack because of this, and they laughed as if a demon had really possessed them.

I’m ashamed to admit, but I can’t lie to you, I’m even afraid of them, because they have no inhibitions, no concept and at least some respect for those who are next to them. I understand that you are not raising our children and that, probably, we ourselves are to blame for something, or maybe this is our cross. If you know a prayer for obedience, I beg you, write it in the next book. With great respect."

They read at the blessing of water and give this water to naughty children:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I submit to the Lord God,

I will pray to Mother Theotokos.

This day - this hour,

Early in the morning, late in the evening.

I woke up on a holy island,

I approached the mother river.

In the river, a pike takes out the keys with its jaw,

And the lord of the river counts those keys:

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,

Archangel Uriel, Yegory the brave,

Razoil, Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Kuzma, Domian and Cyprian,

Justinia, Nifant, Marof.

All of you twelve saints, come

And help me in my trouble.

With the holy lips themselves,

With holy hands, pacify (names).

To God's respect, to angelic humility.

Shut their lips with blasphemy,

Calm their riot.

Holy Father Ostafie,

Holy Father Naumia,

Put everything in holy places

Live according to God, don’t do bad things.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.


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For rashes in children This is a small red rash on the baby's body. Speak into some water and wipe three times. The rash will go away. Just as a candle in a church melts, so too will you, the disease, fade away. Just as the dawn comes and goes in the sky, so you, sickly one, leave the servant of God (name). Amen.

From the book of Feng Shui. Practical advice on every day author Khorsand Diana Valerievna

For measles in children They knock on the threshold with a broom and say three times: There is no measles in this house and there is no illness in this house. I sweep it away with a broom and lock the case. Amen.

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Obedience According to the biblical account, God told Abraham to offer his son as a burnt offering. He began the ritual without hesitation, but, fortunately, it turned out that God was only testing the righteous, and in fact no sacrifice was required. The summary of this story was as follows:

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Fright in children Children with nervous shock (fear) with convulsions are given 7-10 drops of valerian in a teaspoon of water 5 times a day. In addition to drops inside for epilepsy, bathe the child in a warm decoction of valerian roots: a handful per 1 liter of water. This bath is done every other day

Prayers for children's obedience. Prayers to all saints and ethereals heavenly powers about admonishing a child

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to each by Thy Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be Apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words.

You yourself, who act all in all, have accomplished many holiness in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising the most holy your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayers for children's obedience

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, unworthy of a servant (name). Lord, in Your merciful power are my children, Your servants (names). Have mercy and save them, for Thy name's sake. Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that they committed before You. Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten their minds with the light of Christ for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless them at home, at school, on the road, and in every place of Your dominion. Lord, protect them under Your holy shelter from a flying bullet, poison, fire, from a deadly ulcer and vain death. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from all illness, cleanse them from all filth and ease their mental suffering. Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health, chastity. Lord, multiply and strengthen them mental capacity and the bodily strength You bestowed on them, Your blessing on the pious and, if You please, family life and shameless childbearing. Lord, grant to me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant (name), parental blessing for my children and Thy servant at this time of morning, day, night for the sake of Thy name, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Prayers for children's obedience. Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh for the admonition of children

The Monk Sergius, with his feat of prayer, managed to enlighten an entire people. They pray to him to return the lost to the true path.

O heavenly citizen of Jerusalem, Reverend Father Sergius! Look upon us graciously and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven. You are a mountain in Heaven; We are on earth, below, removed from you, not only by place, but by our sins and iniquities; but to you, as our kin, we resort and cry: teach us to walk in your way, enlighten us and guide us. It is characteristic of you, Our Father, to be compassionate and to love mankind: living on earth, you should not only care about your own salvation, but also about all those who come to you. Your instructions were the reed of a scribe, a cursive writer, inscribing the verbs of life on everyone’s heart. You did not only heal bodily illnesses, but more than spiritual ones, an elegant physician appeared, and your whole holy life was a mirror of all virtues. Even though you were so holy, more holy than God, on earth: how much more are you now in Heaven! Today you stand before the Throne of the Unapproachable Light, and in it, like in a mirror, see all our needs and petitions; You are together with the Angels, rejoicing over the one sinner who repents. And God’s love for mankind is inexhaustible, and your boldness towards Him is great: do not stop crying to the Lord for us. Through your intercession, ask our All-Merciful God for the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant Cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanity and schism, affirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith.

Even though you are unworthy of such a father and intercessor, you, an imitator of God’s love for mankind, made us worthy by turning from evil deeds to good living. All God-enlightened Russia, filled with your miracles and blessed by your mercies, confesses you to be their patron and intercessor. Show your ancient mercies, and those whom you helped your father, do not reject us, their children, who are marching towards you in their footsteps. We believe that you are present with us in spirit. Where the Lord is, as His word teaches us, there His servant will be. You are a faithful servant of the Lord, and I exist everywhere with God, you are in Him, and He is in you, and moreover, you are with us in body. Behold your incorruptible and life-giving relics, like a priceless treasure, may God grant us miracles. Before them, as I live for you, we fall down and pray: accept our prayers and offer them on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive grace from you and timely help in our needs. Strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and confirm us in the faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers. Do not cease to rule your spiritual flock, gathered by you, with the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who struggle, raise up the weakened, hasten to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and guide us all in peace and repentance, end our lives and settle with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you now rest joyfully after your labors and struggles, glorifying God with all the saints, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The easiest way to do this plot is when the child is 2-3 years old. This will protect you in the future from the child’s manifestation of so-called hyperactivity and complete absence perseverance. After the conspiracy, children grow up obedient and calm. But in principle, you can make a conspiracy later, when you are faced with the problem of disobedience (this problem most often appears at 6-8 years of age or at 11-13 years of age).

The conspiracy is absolutely white; nothing bad will come from it to either you or your child. The conspiracy is partly pagan, partly involves Orthodox forces, like many others ancient conspiracies from our people. For the first time in written sources, conspiracy was used in the 15th century.

To carry out the conspiracy, you need to take your child's pants. The pants begin to talk, and after that the child must put them on and walk in them (the longer the better) until washed. You also need three candles that you bought in the church (you need to buy candles specifically for this plot).

The conspiracy should only be carried out if your child has already been baptized. The plot can be done at any time of the day, during any phase of the moon and on any day of the week, except Friday and Sunday. The effect of the spell usually appears within three weeks.

Conducting a conspiracy to obedience a child

Place the candles in a triangle, and place the child’s pants between them (so that nothing from the candles gets on the pants). Light the candles clockwise, and then say the words of the spell, learned by heart, three times:

“From candle to candle, the holy light shines, and between the candles it illuminates everything. And just as the holy light shines on the thing of the servant of God (the name of the child), so he will become obedient, calm and polite, as a child should be at his age. And in the wind, and in the air, understanding will come to him, may the Lord grant him good deeds. The sun will encourage the servant of God (the name of the child), may he best child, kind and reasonable, polite and respectful of parents. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

And after this, the charmed pants must be given to the child so that he can wear them; he must go outside in them.
Especially for www.

Small and adult children sometimes cause a lot of trouble. Each of them has its own character, which is not always possible to cope with. Change behavior in better side A simple plot to make a child obey will help. He will calm a capricious baby, push an adult son or daughter to do the right thing, and protect him from harm.

Using spells you can force a child to be obedient

A naughty child can be placed in a corner. Thanks to special negative energy corner he will calm down, but he should not stand there for more than 15-20 minutes. As the punishment time increases, the baby will lose the energy of his own biofield, which can lead to apathy and loss of strength. Such measures are not suitable for an infant.

If always calm child suddenly became capricious, nervous, sleeps poorly, then there is a high probability of the evil eye. Before you begin a conspiracy to obedience a child, the evil eye must be removed. Signs of the evil eye:

  • moodiness;
  • poor sleep;
  • deterioration or lack of appetite;
  • constant crying for no apparent reason;
  • increased fearfulness;
  • restless behavior;
  • fever in the absence of illness.

If there is no evil eye, and the child is capricious, then a conspiracy or obedience ritual will help.

The ritual during bathing is very useful for children.

A child under 3 years old is well calmed by a spell when bathing. Water itself has the ability to relax, and together with words it is especially effective. Such a conspiracy will call the child to obedience, the baby will become more willing to obey his mother and will be less capricious. While he is splashing in the water, mom needs to read:

“The water flows, calls for it, flows around all the pebbles, the right way chooses. Water - water, give (name) intelligence and strength to drink, give your son (daughter) obedience, respect for parents. Amen".

Such a ritual cannot harm small children, but it has great benefits. When reading the plot, the baby is poured with water from the palm.

On the key

If the child is preschool or younger school age suddenly changed his behavior, became disobedient and stubborn, moved away from his parents and shows irritation when trying to talk to him, then it’s time to use a spell to obedience children. To perform this ritual you need:

  • key to the new lock;
  • church candle.

The ceremony should be performed by the mother; this can be done on any day, regardless of the lunar phase. If the child is not baptized, then he needs to be baptized.

The candle is lit and the key is passed over the flame so that it warms up slightly. Then they bring the key to their very lips and read the plot in a whisper:

“Just as a key closes a lock, so I close the disobedience of God’s servant (child’s name). And from now on he will honor and love and obey his parents unquestioningly. And this key will become a pledge. Amen".

The words are spoken three times, and the key is hidden in the child’s room so that he cannot find it by accident. The best option- In the bed.

Ritual for holy water great way for obedience

Our wise grandmothers difficult moments life has always resorted to the help of the church. To perform this ritual, you need to go to the temple and light 12 candles at the icon of the Sorrowful Mother. After praying for the child’s health, buy holy water and return home.

They chant water before going to bed:

“Water-water, Queen of the Sea, praise to you, water. To my child, God’s servant (name), for health, physical and mental.”

After reading the conspiracy to obedience the child, cross yourself and spit over your left shoulder 3 times. Go to bed, and in the morning add this water to your food or drink. Very soon the baby will become obedient. The ritual can be repeated several times.

Rituals for adult children

Many mothers know well how difficult it can be to communicate with teenagers. IN puberty When the level of hormones in the body is elevated, such children can become completely uncontrollable. Their character changes noticeably the worst side. Teenagers stop listening to their parents, snap, be rude and behave defiantly. In that difficult period boys and girls can do stupid things that you want to protect them from. Family magic will come to the rescue - conspiracies and rituals.

A spell for a daughter will help if the girl is in adolescence doesn't listen

If a girl in adolescence stops obeying, gets involved with bad company and does not pay attention to the words of her parents, then very soon she can get into trouble. To prevent this from happening, you can perform a special ceremony and read the plot “on the trail.”

The ritual is performed by the mother on the waxing moon. Before your daughter goes out for a walk in the evening, you need to scatter salt (accidentally) in the hallway so that the child is forced to step on it. After the girl leaves, take her slippers, place a footprint next to her in the direction of the room and read the spell:

“The earth under the feet of God’s servant (name) is burning, her soul is crying, and her heart is aching. My heart aches for my mother, for her tears, and it will not calm down until God’s servant (name) returns home. Key. Lock. Stone".

Collect the salt in a linen bag or wooden box and store it in a secluded place.

The daughter will feel anxious and worry about her mother’s condition. Very soon her behavior will change.

The ritual for a son should be used only in extreme cases

When a teenager gets involved with bad company, and parents feel restless, an obedience ritual will help. The ritual is associated with the suppression of will, therefore it is used only in extreme cases when there is no other way out.

The spell is recited on the son’s clothes when he is not at home. To do this you need to take:

  • trousers or sports trousers which he wears constantly;
  • rope or twine made from natural materials;
  • church candles according to the number of years;
  • salt.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. Twist the candles together to make one large candle and light it. Salt is poured into a spoon and calcined on a candle flame with the words:

“Salt is a curse, a charm, purified by flame, washed with tears, preserving a mother’s pain, remember my words.”

When the salt has cooled, pour it into your pockets. Tie the trousers with a rope with a hex:

“I tie the knot, the will, I bind the servant of God (name). You respond to your mother’s call, you obey your mother, you repent of your bad deeds. I am changing my quarrelsome character to a submissive character. Key. Language. Lock".

Tie 3 knots in total. This must be done carefully so as not to wrinkle the item, and in the morning give it to your son to put on. Extinguish the candles with your fingers and store them together with the remaining salt in a secluded place.

For a daughter-in-law to love her mother-in-law, you need 13 candles

When the son gets married and there is no way to live separately, the mother-in-law has another child - a daughter-in-law. Relationships with a new family member do not always go well. In this case, the wise mother-in-law will find a way out. There is a special ritual that helps to find mutual language with his son's wayward wife.

You need to go to church without being baptized and without praying to buy 13 candles. When leaving the temple, the mother-in-law needs to look back and whisper the words:

“I leave all quarrels behind, I bless my daughter-in-law with love. Amen".

Come home, wait until all household members have gone about their business, lock all the locks and light the candles.

They say about fire:

“I slander my daughter-in-law, even though I can’t stomach her. Let all our anger disappear and sadness leave the family. Whatever the mother-in-law tells her daughter-in-law, let her not refuse. As the daughter-in-law speaks her word, anger will not fill me. Let my daughter-in-law love me and not ruin her marriage with dirty tricks. He won’t lose his temper, he won’t scream, if he wants to, he’ll just wilt. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Take the cinders out of the house and hide them. Repeat the ritual after 13 days - 13 times in total. It's long, but very effective. The daughter-in-law will begin to listen to her mother-in-law’s advice, find reasonable compromises and become a real member of the family.

On the Internet there are a lot of the most different conspiracies and rituals for children's obedience. Not all of them are worth using. Conspiracies to suppress the will of a child are fraught with consequences. Psychics often face the problems of adults who were deprived of their own will in childhood. These people grow up to be “mama’s” children and are not able to start a family. Using rituals with attributes that are stored, you need to free your adult child from their influence in time. To do this, it is enough to reveal the secret and tell your son or daughter about the ritual that was once performed.