Bad cat's claw instructions for use. Indications for the use of a cat's claw: what are the instructions and safety measures

Trade name of the drug Preparation "KK" CAT'S CLAW®

Dosage form
Coated tablets

Active ingredient:
Uncaria tomentosa bark dry lyophilized extract (Uncaria tomentosa (Willd) D.C.,
0.8% of the amount of alkaloids in terms of mitrafilin) ​​20.0 mg
corn starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, silicon dioxide, sodium benzoate;
shell: hypromelose, propylene glycol, deionized water.
Capsules: 4-0-B-d-galactopyranosyl-B-glucose monohydrate, magnesium silicate, magnesium octadecanoate, silicon dioxide; capsule size #1: pharmaceutical gelatin type A and / or B, lid: D&C Blue#, D&C Yellow#3, Titanium Dioxide; frame: titanium dioxide

Coated tablets: round shape from light brown to Brown interspersed, covered with a transparent shell. The smell is weak, specific.
Capsules: gelatin capsules, hard, cylindrical shape with hemispherical ends; capsule body white color, cap green. The content of the capsules is a powder from pinkish gray to light brown with a slight specific odor.

Pharmacological properties
The drug of plant origin, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antioxidant effects.

Indications for use
Diseases associated with disorders metabolic processes(arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis), diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, colitis, etc.), diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, period breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.

Dosage and administration
Inside, 1 tablet or 1 capsule 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Duration of application is 3 months. An increase in the duration and repeated courses of treatment is possible in consultation with the doctor.

Side effects
Allergic reactions are possible.

To date, overdose phenomena have not been observed.

Interaction with other drugs
Not described.

Release form
Coated tablets. 45, 100 tablets in a plastic bottle made of high density polyethylene. Instructions for use are placed under the lid. 10 tablets in a PVC/A1 foil blister. 1, 5 or 10 blisters are placed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.
Capsules. 45, 100 capsules in a plastic bottle made of high density polyethylene. Instructions for use are placed under the lid. 10 capsules in a PVC/A1 foil blister. 1, 5 or 10 blisters are placed in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Storage conditions
Coated tablets, capsules: at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a dry, dark place.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years
Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.

JSC Laboratories Indukimika. Lima, Peru. St. Santa Lusila 152-154. Urban Villa Marina Chorillos.
Representation in Russia: Center LLC traditional medicine"Juno"

Instructions for use:

Cat claw- a dietary supplement with a general tonic and immunostimulating effect, used with increased physical activity And mental stress and unacceptable eating disorders.

Classification and useful properties

Cat's claw is a perennial plant that belongs to the Rubiaceae family. The plant is a tree-like vine, the habitat of which is the tropical forests of South and Central America, as well as the shores and foothills of the Amazon in Peru. The length of the vine reaches 50 m, its thickness is 15-20 cm. useful substances reaches maximum numbers. The roots of the Cat's Claw are preserved for the preservation of the plant and its subsequent reproduction. It takes up to 20 years for one vine to mature.

Scientists have long appreciated the rich composition of the healing substances contained in the fibers of the plant, and determined their immunostimulating effect. To date, the full composition of the Cat's Claw plant has not yet been studied, and all of its healing properties.

Now the main research on the properties of the Cat's Claw is carried out in the following areas:

  • Influencing cancer cells;
  • Influence on AIDS viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus;
  • The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of depressive disorders, syndrome chronic fatigue.

The main biologically active components of the Cat's Claw bark are alkaloids, among which are isopteropodins and pteropodins, uncarins, mitraphyllines and isomitraphyllines, rhynchophyllines and isorhynchophyllines, phenols and polyphenols, plant steroids, bioflavonoids, organic acids, quinic acid glycosides and many other components.

The unique healing properties of the drug are due to the group of oxyindole alkaloids (isopteropodins) contained in its composition, the action of which is aimed at activating T-lymphocytes that destroy neoplasm cells in body tissues. Substances in the composition of the Cat's Claw activate the processes of phagocytosis in tissues, normalize the balance of immunoglobulins in the blood, improve the rheological characteristics of the blood, while significantly reducing the risk of developing thrombosis in the vascular bed. Cat's claw has an anti-inflammatory and cytostatic effect. The active components of the drug contribute to the destruction of viruses in the body, disrupting the mechanism of replication of their DNA structures.

The Amazon Indians knew about the healing properties of the Cat's Claw for a long time and used powder from the dried bark of vines to treat gastrointestinal diseases, relieve symptoms of colds, viral infections, stimulate sexual function in men (treatment of erectile disorders and impotence). Powder from the bark of the cat's claw vines has been successfully used to treat arthritis and cancer.

Scientists and researchers have become interested in the plant relatively recently. During the study, the mechanism of action of the active components of the drug was determined. Active plant components, working at the cellular level, have a powerful immunomodulatory effect, restoring the functional activity of the body. In its healing properties, Cat's Claw surpasses widely used medicinal herbal preparations: Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus), Pau d'Arco (ant tree), Shiitake mushroom, Golden root.

Application of the drug

Cat's claw, the use of which is justified for allergies, viral infections, inflammatory processes of various localization and etiology, also has a powerful immunostimulating effect in oncological diseases, activating the body's defense mechanisms (destruction of neoplasm cells by T-lymphocytes).

To date, the drug has been successfully used to stabilize the body's hormonal levels, treat gastrointestinal ulcers, bacterial and viral infections. Prophylactic administration of the drug helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body. Among other diseases in the treatment of which Cat's Claw is used, the application also covers:

  • diabetes;
  • Arthritis;
  • Prostatitis, sexual dysfunction;
  • Symptomatic complex premenstrual syndrome, various gynecological diseases;
  • Myalgia (muscle pain) various etiologies;
  • skin diseases;
  • Blood circulation disorders, thrombosis, blood clotting disorders;
  • Mental disorders, stress, depressive syndromes.

Cat claw - effective remedy elimination of the consequences of intoxication of the body medicines, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Side effects and overdose

Cat's claw in modern medicine used as a biologically active additive in complex therapy various diseases to maintain the protective functions of the body. When taking Cat's Claw, the instructions for the drug determine the dosage and duration of the course of administration. To normalize the protective functions of the body and the restorative effect, the instruction recommends using 1 capsule of the drug 2 times a day with meals. The dietary supplement is available in capsules containing 500 mg of the active substance. Currently available in packs of 100 and 180 capsules.

When taking Cat's Claw, the instructions do not indicate possible side effects. The main contraindications for taking Cat's Claw are:

  • Childhood;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • It is not recommended for use in patients with donor organs in order to avoid rejection processes.

Despite the safety of the drug, it is recommended to take the supplement in consultation with the attending physician, who will determine the optimal dosage and course of treatment.

The drug has a bright immunomodulatory effect, so it is not recommended to be combined with other drugs of a similar effect.

immunomodulatory properties.
2. Prevent or slow down the growth of cancer cells - oncoprotective properties.
3. Normalize functionality of cardio-vascular system, prevent thrombosis and regulate blood pressure - a cardioprotective property.
4. Cat's claw removes toxins from the intercellular space and from the intestines - a detoxifying property.
5. Anti-inflammatory properties.
6. Promotes accelerated healing ulcers - antiulcer properties.
7. Antiparasitic properties.

Functional action of the cat's claw

The most important functional effect of Cat's Claw preparations is the activation of phagocytes (immune cells), which neutralize the active action of cancer cells, stop their division and "put them under control" immune system. Cat's claw normalizes the level of immunoglobulins in the body - antibodies that neutralize the activity of foreign agents. And this means that preparations of the Cat's Claw normalize the phagocytic link of our immunity - the basis of the immune system.

Among other things, these drugs activate the production of immune mediators, which provide "communication" or information transfer between immune cells. Thus, Cat's Claw ensures the coordinated work of the immune system to protect the body. And this is a difficult job: the system "receives" a signal that a foreign element has invaded the body, it identifies it, "determines" methods for neutralizing this element, "transmits a command" to the appropriate immune cells and they do the work, after which the immune system "commands" others cells to remove the foreign agent from the body.

Cat's claw contains proanthocyanidin, which neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, which slows down the cellular aging process.

Cat's Claw preparations, thanks to the alkaloid rincofilin (part of the liana bark), help to improve the rheological properties of blood, which prevents thrombosis. Improving the rheological properties of blood "relieves" the load from the heart muscle, which makes it easier for her to work.

Triterpenes, polyphenols and plant styrenes, which are part of Cat's Claw, slow down or completely suppress the division of cancer cells, as well as inhibit inflammatory processes.

Glycyretinic acid and glycosidic glycyrrhizin as part of this vine stop the division of viruses in cells by destroying their genetic material.

Facts about Cat Root

In the mid-80s of the last century in Peru, for four years, studies were carried out on the effects of Cat's Claw on the human body in the complex therapy of various oncological diseases. Investigations took place 700 patients. The successful results of this work were presented at an international congress in Lima in 1988.

Scientists at Mlan University found that Cat's Claw inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus. These studies were carried out on seven volunteers. The five who took the preparations containing Cat's Claw saw noticeable improvements. Moreover, in initial stage manifestations of this pathology disappeared. These studies were carried out in 1992, and in currently the condition of these patients is stable.

Cat root indications and contraindications

Preparations from this plant are used:
- in immunodeficiency states;
- with autoimmune diseases (including lupus erythematosus);
- with immune diseases;
- in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies (Crohn's disease, ulcers, gastritis, hemorrhoids, candidiasis, dysbacteriosis ...);
- for infectious diseases (including acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections)
- with neurodermatitis;
- in diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including arterial hypertension);
- for the prevention of oncological diseases and with them;
- with chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
- with chronic fatigue syndrome;
- in depressive states;
- with herpesvirus pathologies;

Contraindications for Cat Root:
- individual intolerance to the components of drugs;
- periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Cat root instructions for use

Our preparations based on this plant have clear instructions for use, which we advise you to study before using the drug. But there are general recommendations.

During the period of taking drugs, drink water - at least 1.5-2.0 liters per day. Water carries trace elements throughout the body (acts as a "transport"), which increases the effectiveness of Cat's Claw preparations.

How to choose Cat Root preparations

We will provide advice to help you right choice when buying a drug.

First, pay attention to the percentage of Cat's Root in tablets or capsules of the drug, since, as a rule, this plant is used with others and its content in the drug is scanty, and the price is high.

Secondly, evaluate the drug based on the duration of the course of therapy. It happens that a ten-day course is priced the same as a monthly course.

Thirdly, keep in mind that the coarse grinding of the Cat's root, which is usually present in tablets, is poorly absorbed by the body, for this reason we advise you to buy preparations with this plant in capsule form. In addition, the capsule protects the crushed bark from external influence air and drug a long period retains its properties.
We do not recommend buying Cat Root in liquid form, as it will alcohol solution or saturated with chemical preservatives.

Cat root price and how to buy

We offer you to buy preparations of this plant in our store in three ways:
- call our manager and order the drug;
- place an order "through the basket";
- self-delivery.
Delivery in the regions of Russia and abroad without delay in as soon as possible, form of payment - at your choice.

Cat root reviews

Fedor Mironovich Ch., 74 years old, St. Petersburg
"I don't know the best drug to maintain health than NSP's Cat's Root. My granddaughter "introduced" me to this drug, she is my doctor. Four years brings me jars every three months and I drink them. From the age of 70, my health improves, the years go by, and I feel better than 4 years ago ... "

Egor Alexandrovich N., 57 years old, Novosibirsk
"I took two courses of chemotherapy (lung cancer), during this period I used Cat's Claw with the probiotic Unibacter. Doctors were surprised that after these courses my immunity remained in working condition and my recovery is going at a good pace ..."

1 year ago

An amazing plant with a mysterious name grows in America - cat's claw. It has general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. In our country, we can only meet cat's claw as an active biological supplement. Indications for its use and others important aspects We will discuss in today's article.

Liana grows on the coast of the Amazon and in other parts of the tropical regions of the American continents. Her escapes appearance resemble the claws of a cat, hence the name of the plant. The inner part of the bark has healing properties.

Cat's claw has a unique composition, but most of all in this plant extract there are organic acids, bioflavonoids, steroids.

The properties of the cat's claw are inextricably linked with the component composition. This tool is recommended for people who are daily subjected to exhausting physical and mental stress.

On a note! In practice, traditional healers and supporters of alternative medicine recommend cat's claw in order to treat malignant ailments. Also, this supplement has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the benefit of the remedy?

The rich component composition makes it very useful for human body cat claw. Reviews of doctors about the use of this dietary supplement are different. But most qualified specialists believe that taking cat's claw to strengthen the immune system is possible.

Do not forget that herbal supplements are not among the pharmacological preparations. You can take cat's claw in combination with prescribed pharmaceuticals.

To the number useful properties cat's claw should include:

  • relief from allergic reactions;
  • activation of the body's immune defenses;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses;
  • improvement of the condition in inflammatory processes of various origin and localization;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers.

As part of complex therapy, cat's claw is used to cure a number of ailments and pathological conditions, in particular:

  • arthritis
  • diabetes;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • myalgia;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • intoxication;
  • dermatological ailments;
  • thrombosis.

Important! Cat's claw is often used in the treatment of cancer. This biological supplement improves overall well-being and enhances the body's defenses. Cat's claw is especially useful after radiation or chemotherapy.

About dosage in detail

A dietary supplement with an unusual name is sold over-the-counter. Despite the environmental friendliness and absolute herbal composition of the cat's claw, it should be taken only after consulting with a specialized doctor and carefully reading the annotations.

To date, cat's claw is produced in various pharmacological forms. You can find the supplement in the form of dried herb, oil extract, ointment, tablets or capsules.

Which of the above forms to choose, only you decide together with the doctor. For preventive purposes, to strengthen the body's immune system and increase stamina, cat's claw is taken twice a day, 1 capsule. It is advisable to take the supplement with meals so that all the components contained in the cat's claw are better and more fully absorbed.

The daily dosage and duration of the treatment course is determined only by the attending specialist, taking into account the age of the patient, his physiological features and health status.

Important! Special attention people suffering from malignant diseases should be contacted to receive cat's claw. But you don't need to self-medicate. To take pharmacological drugs and other methods of treatment to be effective, clearly follow all the instructions of the doctors.

Cat's claw: contraindications

Even the ancient healers who lived on the banks of the Amazon discovered amazing properties And healing power cat claw. The inner part of the bark of the creeper, which is used today for the preparation of dietary supplements, was regarded by many as an effective contraceptive.

IN modern world no one has conducted such experiments, however, during the gestation of the fetus, it is strictly forbidden to take such an additive. Experts who have studied this dietary supplement have come to the conclusion that it has a reducing effect on the reproductive organ, and therefore spontaneous abortion may occur during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to take cat's claw during breastfeeding. Do not forget that the product contains alkaloids, which are considered plant poisons. This dietary supplement should also not be taken by children at an early age.

Experts also warn people who have suffered surgical interventions associated with the introduction of donor organs. Of course, the side effects of the cat's claw are not so dangerous, but in the presence of donor organs, you need to be careful not to provoke their rejection.

On a note! In some European countries cat's claw was classified as a potent substance, so it is not commercially available. For example, in Germany you have to take a doctor's prescription to buy a supplement.

Dietary supplement "Cat's Claw" is able to have a strengthening and protective effect on the body's immune system, which is often weakened due to lack of physical activity, irregular nutrition, and environmental features of a modern city.


The bioactive complex "Cat's Claw" is designed to effectively support the immune system, which reduces its activity in conditions of a generally unfavorable environmental situation, reduced physical activity or frequent eating disorders.

The Peruvian liana Uncaria Tomentosa, which is called the Cat's Claw because of the peculiar shape of the thorns and leaves, is one of the most powerful plant-derived immunomodulators. The active substances of the bark of this vine increase the life of the cells of the immune system and maintain their functional usefulness. Under the influence of the alkaloids of the bark of this liana, macrophages, T-lymphocytes (especially those that directly destroy foreign microorganisms and tumor cells) are activated, and the synthesis of immunoglobulins is normalized. The active substances of the cat's claw liana reduce the risk of thrombosis, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also increase the release of special molecules by immune cells - cytokines. These molecules have antiviral activity (interferon), and also stimulate the movement of activated cells to the site of inflammation. The ability of the bioactive substances of the bark of the cat's claw vine to tone up the body's natural resistance system underlies the scientifically proven fact that it destroys tumor cells.


Various viral infections, including HIV infection
. chronic and acute inflammatory diseases
. different kinds intoxication, decreased functional activity of the liver
. fungal infections
. immunodeficiency states, Crohn's disease.
. malignant neoplasms and benign tumors
. condition after radiation and chemotherapy

Mode of application: adults 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of dietary supplements, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Is not a medicine.

Best before date: 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Storage conditions: Store at room temperature, in a dry place out of the reach of children.

Certificate of state registration No. dated December 23, 2005

The quality and safety management system of Artlife LLC is certified in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000, HACCP and GMP.

bark of uncaria hairy 460 mg. Excipients: starch, talc, magnesium stearate.


Bark extract of the Peruvian tree liana "ipsapa ietegowa" with a huge healing potential

Many people cherish the fantastic and all same a plausible belief that nature has, of course, created a universal herbal remedy that should be sought somewhere in the depths of tropical forests, as yet untouched by civilization. Perhaps someday we will discover this mythical plant. Until then, we have Cat's Claw...


It has an antioxidant (protective) effect on cell membranes, actively binding free radicals;

Stimulates various parts of the immune system, primarily oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity of neutrophils, normalizes the level of immunoglobulins (antibodies), promotes the destruction and elimination of tissue and circulating immune complexes;

It has a pronounced antitumor effect due to the activation of the functions of cytotoxic lymphocytes and macrophages;

It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal action;

Promotes normalization blood pressure and the level of sugar in the blood, delays the formation of cholesterol plaques, regulates hormonal balance, indicators of "red" blood, alleviates the symptoms of menopause;

Improves the rheological properties (fluidity) of blood, microcirculation in organs, prevents thrombosis;

It has a moderate diuretic and choleretic effect, normalizes the intestinal microflora;

It activates the process of removal (excretion) of toxins, waste products by the body, protects cells from the toxic effects of medicinal, domestic and industrial poisoning, radiation damage.

By medicinal properties bark extract cat's claw surpassed such well-known plants as echinacea, ginseng, shark cartilage, ant tree (pau darko), eleutherococcus and others. Scientists have shown that the effectiveness of the use of the bark extract of this wonderful Peruvian liana in many diseases is due to the pronounced antioxidant (protective), antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of its mixture of highly active alkaloids.

The antitumor effect of the extract and preparations based on it is provided by the alkaloid isopteropodin, which activates the functions of T-killers, macrophages and enhances the functional activity of neutrophils. Another active ingredient- glycoside glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid are able to block the reproduction of viruses in cells due to the disruption of the synthesis of their DNA and RNA; proanthocyanidins, which are also part of the plant bark extract, being one of the strongest natural antioxidants, block free radical processes in the body; polyphenols, triterpenes and sterols enhance the action of the cat's claw as an antioxidant, and also have anti-inflammatory and cytostatic (antimutagenic) effects, and the alkaloid rinkofillin improves the rheological properties of blood, reducing the likelihood of thrombosis in the vascular bed.

For many centuries, Peruvian Indians have used the bark and roots of this vine to protect the body and get rid of various diseases. This unique and one of the world's longest plants, Cats Claw, is named after the thin, curved, cat-like thorns that allow the vine to climb out of the darkness of the rainforest towards the sun. Numerous studies of recent decades have shown a pronounced integral healing effect extract of the bark of the cat's claw in diseases of the immune and digestive systems, metabolic disorders and hormonal balance, viral and bacterial infections, in the treatment and prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms, arthritis, bronchial asthma and others. Well-known naturopaths Suggest using preparations from the cat's claw as an alternative to aspirin for the prevention of thrombosis and the prevention of cardiovascular accidents.

Dr. R. Gerber emphasizes that preparations made from the bark of incanonosa lentenosa have extremely low toxicity even when taken in high doses by patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the joints and intolerant of traditional medicines. medicines due to numerous side effects called by them.

Dr. Orlando Garcia received positive results from the effects of the bark of Cat's Claw in patients with a wide variety of diseases, while he found that Cat's Claw interacts synergistically with vitamin C and much better reduces the side effects of concomitant chemotherapy. The author of this manual has been using the healing properties of this plant for more than ten years in his practice, enhancing its effects with a complex of enzymes, vitamins C, E, and selenium.

An international symposium held under the auspices of the United Nations in 2000 named Cat's Claw as an important component of the anti-cancer diet.

Thus, Cat claw- a truly botanical treasure, perhaps even more valuable than Dr. Klaus Keplinger, who discovered the value of this tropical plant for Europeans in 1974, originally thought. According to Dr. Brest Davis, Cat's Claw is a world class herb that can contain and treat underlying pathologies while speeding up the healing process when combined with concomitant therapies.


Various types of viral infection ( complex treatment viral hepatitis, chlamydia, herpetic infection, HIV infection);

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes of various localizations;

A variety of man-made, household and drug intoxication, poisoning, radiation and chemotherapy;

Immunodeficiency states of various origins;

Bronchial asthma, various kinds of allergies and immunopathies;

Complex treatment of malignant neoplasms, benign tumors (fibroadenoma, myoma, prostate adenoma, cysts in various organs, leukemia, malignant tumors);

Dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus;

Inflammatory and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joints and soft tissues (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, synovitis, myositis, etc.);

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, dysentery, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome, non-

premenstrual syndrome disorders menstrual cycle, pathological menopause;

Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in men and women;

Eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin conditions;

venous circulation disorders, varicose disease, haemorrhoids;

It can also be used for acute and chronic psycho-emotional stress, astheno-depressive conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome;

It can be applied topically as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic agent for burns, wound, ulcerative, purulent processes, epidermophytosis, conjunctivitis, etc.


as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, take from 3 to 6 capsules per day 30-40 minutes after a meal with a glass of water for 2-3 weeks. According to the doctor's prescription, the dosage and duration of taking the drug can be increased.

In the first 3-5 days of admission, a short-term exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible: if necessary, consult a doctor or reduce the dose of the drug.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: individual intolerance to the original product.

Attention: when using preparations from Cat's Claw, one must take into account that it has contraceptive properties. A relative contraindication is the presence of gallstones.