How the wives of gangsters dressed in Italy. Gangster party: DIY costumes and looks

What is there to hide: there are periods in history when crime bosses set fashion. In terms of style, the most striking example of gangster fashion is the 20-30s, the era of Prohibition in America. Organized crime then not only emerged from the shadows, but ascended to completely new level. Mafia bosses became respected members of society. The main characters of the American gangster saga, such as Al Capone from and from New York, are outstanding characters in their own way.

These gentlemen understood: power rests not only on fear, but on respect and admiration. Respectable bandits dressed according to their status: the more expensive the suit, the more powerful its owner. The style of the cool mafia greatly influenced the trends of the 20s and 30s of the last century, and even the designers who worked in the echelon high fashion, were forced to create clothes based on gangster clothes.

The perfect suit is the pride of any gangster

The mafia boss's main pride was a suit made of excellent silk, perfectly fitting and impeccably tailored. The godfathers had a particular weakness for brands such as Oxxford, Brooks Brothers and Gieves & Hawkes. High-end clothing turned gangsters into trendsetters; the mafiosi demonstrated the style of a successful and powerful person, a respectable businessman with a position in society.

Double-breasted suits with peaked lapels were popular in criminal circles, often dark shades. Striped suits are still associated exclusively with gangster fashion. The silk shirt, tie and handkerchief had to match each other and harmonize with the suit. In their quest for ideals, mafiosi often went to extremes: they wore suits with wide stripes or daring tartan, tied incredible ties and widened their shoulders to the point of impossibility. Because a grandiose silhouette is the key to respectability and impressiveness.

An indispensable attribute of the mafia style of clothing is a hat.

Another remarkable element of gangster fashion of the 30s. Soft felt hat“Fedora” or “Homburg” was chosen to match the suit. It could be brown, grey, black or white, with wide brim, a crease at the top and a silk ribbon around the crown. A feather tucked under a ribbon was considered especially chic. The angle of the hat depended on the mood and character of the person wearing it. Al Capone's favorite brand, Borsalino, remains the gold standard of luxury today.

Shoes and leg warmers

Perfectly polished two-tone boots, black and white or white and brown, are a true symbol of Prohibition era style. The wealthy gangster took great care of his shoes; the shoes of a serious person were well made and always polished to a shine. The most respectable mafiosi wore premium shoes from Salvatore Ferragamo.

Gaiters were originally created to protect shoes and ankles from dirt and water; they were made from flax or canvas, depending on the season. In the 20s and 30s, they reached the peak of fashion among gangsters. Gaiters were fastened under the heel and fastened at the side; mafia style setters preferred buttons exclusively made of natural pearls.

Gangster fashion accessories

In addition to expensive clothes, hats and shoes, gangsters were given numerous accessories by status - luxury items designed to emphasize the owner’s quality of life.

Without hesitation, respected mafia bosses proudly wore diamonds the size of golf balls. They loved to throw diamond dust in their eyes. Diamond ring, watch chain studded with diamonds, diamond pin for neckerchief, dazzlingly shining cufflinks... Too much? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it shines! Al Canone complemented his wardrobe with a Jagersfontein ring with an 11.5-carat diamond and worth $50,000. Throwing crunches left and right was considered necessary: ​​what can you do, image... Thick wads of money should have been kept in sight so that they would look more elegant, Banknote clips made of sterling silver or inlaid with precious stones were used.

Every self-respecting gangster was accompanied by a spectacular female companion (and sometimes two or three). Mafia bosses preferred to appear in public in the company of famous actresses and socialites. Hottie on the right, hottie on the left and a real don completely packed. What more could he wish for, except perhaps a good lawyer?

October 6, 2016

You won’t surprise anyone anymore with an ordinary party without any stylistic idea. More and more people are trying to organize celebrations in quite original ways: either by choosing an unusual venue, or by relying on exotic entertainment, or by giving preference to costumed events.

There are many themes for a costume party. Here everyone chooses according to their preferences or capabilities. But the main thing is that the style of the evening really matches the declared one.

One of the most popular party themes is. This period is still considered romantic and mysterious. And if we take into account all the paraphernalia of that time, then this is generally perfect solution for the celebration. In addition, this theme is universal, because it is suitable for different ages: both children and adults will be happy with such an evening. The gangster style will fit well into name days, New Year’s festivities, and corporate fun. What can I say, even weddings are held in this design.

If your choice is a gangster party, then you should pay special attention not only to the design of the room and dishes, but also to the costumes. They should, if not completely, then at least partially correspond to the chosen era. And since it is quite problematic and expensive to provide all invited guests with outfits, it is better to warn them in advance about the dress code. And to save money, instead of buying a ready-made outfit, invite them to create it themselves, using what they have at home, or purchasing the necessary materials as little as possible.

And now advice from website everyone who wants to create their own unique image for the Gangster Party.

1. Mafia outfit: acceptable and not

Most people associate Chicago in the 1930s with luxury, good taste, weapons and mafia. Therefore, when creating an image, it is necessary to take these points into account. In order for the appearance to be recognizable, it is necessary to pay close attention to many details.

It is clear that luxurious outfits are not cheap. To achieve the desired effect without spending a lot of money, you should use materials that are more budget-friendly, but no less effective.

Party outfits in gangster style should not be flashy or provocative. The best optionelegant dresses and costumes. It should be noted that too revealing clothing is also not encouraged. Otherwise there are no restrictions.

2. Men's suit for a gangster party

The image of a Chicago mafioso is not difficult to create. This does not require any special skills or special materials. In almost every closet you will find those wardrobe items from which you can put together a wonderful suit.

First of all you will need classic suit. It can be either pure black, brown, dark blue or white, or with horizontal thin stripes of a contrasting color. Many people will find something similar, from a wedding, for example. If you don’t find exactly that color, it doesn’t matter. Other colors are also suitable: the main thing is that they are not too bright and catchy, because the mafia style is restraint and efficiency. Ideally, a three-piece suit would be suitable, with not only a jacket, but also a vest. But you can wear a vest without a jacket, just like a jacket without a vest.

If nothing suits you at all, rent a suit.

The next item is the shirt. Many will also find it in their wardrobe. The main thing is that it is monochromatic and matches the color of the suit: they can be either the same color or contrasting. It’s better if it’s cotton or silk (in case you have one lying around).

Well, where would we be without a tie? Even, red, white, gray or silver without patterns or unnecessary details are suitable. But if neither you nor your friends have a tie, then you can safely replace it with a bow tie. In this case, you don’t need to buy anything special. It’s not difficult to make: you need to fold a small rectangular or square piece of fabric like an accordion and sew it in the middle, forming a butterfly. Next, the resulting element should be secured directly to the shirt or to an elastic band that will be hidden under the collar of the shirt.

Very important subject The costume includes a wide-brimmed hat. It is unlikely that you will be able to make this accessory yourself, so you should arrange a total inspection not only in your closet, but also in the closets of your friends. Straw and leather hats are not suitable. And felt or fabric water is what you need. If the hat is not the same color as the suit, then to create a single ensemble, you should attach a thin ribbon of the same color as the selected outfit to it.

If we talk about shoes, the ideal option would be patent leather shoes with a round toe. But since nowadays it’s quite problematic to find them, you can wear any classic shoes, which you will find. The main thing is that you should not try to wear sneakers or moccasins, even if they are black. Such a choice will completely destroy the image and give it absurdity.

3. Women's costume for a gangster party

It’s even easier for ladies to make a costume from scrap items and materials, because the choice of outfits for them is much larger.

To begin with, they, just like men, can wear a classic pantsuit black, brown, dark blue or white. Instead of trousers, a pencil skirt will work well. But few people choose this option. Most people prefer a dress.

A dress for a party in the style of Chicago of the 30s gives room for creativity. You can, without thinking too much, wear a black cocktail dress. It will also look luxurious in combination with the appropriate accessories.

And you can take a good look at your wardrobe. There will probably be dresses made of chiffon, satin, silk or velvet. The length can be very different: from very long to the floor and to knee level. But it would be difficult to call such a dress gangster - it will still need a little modification. A few meters of fringe or rhinestones with sequins are suitable for this. If we talk about fringe, then you should trim the dress with it at your discretion. You can put it only on the bottom of the dress, or add a little in the sleeve area. Or you can spend a little more time and trim the entire outfit with it in several rows horizontally. But this is not important either. You can trim it with fringe in absolutely any way you like, the main thing is that it looks beautiful.

For some dresses, fringe is not an option, since under its weight your decoration can lose its shape and look like a bag. Then self-adhesive rhinestones will come in handy for a budding clothing designer. There are, of course, those that need to be sewn on, but this is time-consuming and irrational. You regulate the number of rhinestones used yourself. They can be attached randomly, or you can lay out some kind of pattern. But in any case, their shine and shimmer will create the necessary luxurious ambience.

The dress is good, but other items of clothing are equally important. A fur cape or boa would be a beautiful addition. If you don’t have one like this at home, you can unfasten fur collar from winter coat. It will also look decent. Alternatively, you can use a lightweight chiffon scarf, but it will only be appropriate in warm time year with a chiffon or silk dress. But you can safely throw a boa over your shoulders or wrap it around your neck at any time of the year. Moreover, the color scheme here can be very diverse.

But while you can do without furs, you can’t do without gloves. They will add elegance and sophistication. Only real craftswomen can sew them on their own, but the rest will have to use their own or borrowed from their friends. IN this suit will be very appropriate long gloves made of opaque material, and short lace ones.

As for shoes, any high heels in the same color as the dress will do. No desired color? Then choose classic black ones.

Since we're talking about legs, it should be noted that stockings or tights are suitable for the gangster style. fine mesh. Stockings with a horizontal stripe at the back will look especially plausible. And the openwork garter, neatly peeking out from under the dress, will add piquancy to the look.

A real lady's accessory is a headdress. For the image of a mafia girlfriend, cute little hats decorated with a large feather are suitable. But if you couldn’t get a hat, then instead you can safely use a small piece of thin edging in pure black or decorated with lurex or rhinestones. A feather is also attached to it. Instead of a feather, you can attach a small veil to the hat.

Another option is to wear an elegant hat with a wide brim. But such a headdress will be appropriate only if your image is directly of a lady connected with mafia affairs, and not just a gangster’s girlfriend.

4. Must-have accessories for a gangster party

As with any stylized party, you need your own specific accessories, which you can also make yourself.

For men, a thick and long cigar will look cool. It can be rolled out of any paper, painted in the appropriate color and glued in the middle with a thin gilded strip of paper. A homemade cigar should be dense so that it does not crumple in your mouth, so roll the paper carefully, leaving no free space inside. And for women, a long thin mouthpiece is suitable, which is also easy to make from colored paper, twisting it into a thin tube, narrowed at one end.

When using a classic suit, an essential accessory is suspenders, which must match the color of the suit itself. They perfectly emphasize the figure (especially the athletic one) and are suitable for both men and women.

Weapons are the attribute that can save even the worst outfit. After all, that is exactly what it is business card gangster style. Naturally, we are not talking about real weapons, but toy or fake weapons will be just right. For women, small pistols are suitable, which can be effectively pulled out of a clutch bag or tucked into a garter. For men, larger pistols are suitable, or even better, a Thompson submachine gun.

Decorations are a separate item. Guys can use cufflinks and massive rings. Well, the fair sex has plenty to roam around: very long beads that can be tied in a knot, elegant necklaces with sparkling stones imitating diamonds, gold chain with an eye-catching pendant. Regarding earrings, then special requirements no: they just have to go well with other jewelry.

If you find a cane with a beautiful knob at home, then feel free to use it when creating an image.

Don't forget that little things matter too.

As you can see, creating a gangster costume yourself is not that difficult. And it will require minimal financial investment. Just don’t forget that any little thing can affect the impression of your outfit. Therefore, do not forget about appropriate makeup and demeanor. If any of the above is not in the spirit of the chosen time, then the image will turn out in best case scenario simply incomplete, and at worst simply ridiculous. So listen to the advice offered, but don’t forget about your imagination and creativity. In any case, the costume must be original and different from others. So experiment!

Bright, dynamic, dangerous - this is how you can briefly describe the gangster style of clothing. A male gangster is necessarily dressed in a stylish and very expensive suit, with a headdress and accessories. His companion prefers a lush and chic dress. Together they are invincible!

How it all began

Most people associate the word “gangster” with the criminal circles of the 20s, 30s and 40s of the 20th century in the United States. Gangsterdom dates back to 1919, when the production, sale and transportation of alcohol was banned in the United States. Despite this, the use of “forbidden fruit” has not stopped. Alcohol could still be purchased for a lot of money. And this was done by gangsters who quickly got rich and turned into really wealthy people- the “cream” of society.

Possessing immodest capital, representatives of mafia circles considered it a given to dress impeccably and respectably. This is how it appeared certain style in clothing, which all gangsters adhered to. Surprisingly, Chicago criminals can safely be called trendsetters in high fashion.

Gangster style - perfection in details

The gangster style presupposes enormous freedom of choice, but the main criterion for the outfit is pretentiousness and high cost. Smooth materials expensive fabrics, genuine leather and the presence of a stylish outerwear– it’s so expensive, pretentious and gangster-like!

Dress code for men

- Immaculate suit. To imitate a gangster to the modern man you need to forget forever about carelessness in clothing. Classic two or three double breasted jacket- Here perfect choice!

White shirt. The beau monde of that time preferred white or plain, perfectly ironed shirts made of smooth, high-quality material. Occasionally, in gangster fashion, it was customary to wear shirts with thin vertical stripes.

– Bow tie or tie with shiny threads. The butterfly was used in very rare, but special occasions. A more casual choice was a dark-colored tie, sometimes with shiny threads, which added sparkle and charm to the gangster look.

- Accessories. Lots of shiny, beautiful, and most importantly - crazy expensive accessories. Suitable for gangster style big clock, stylish cufflinks, expensive rings and everything that “enriches” the owner’s appearance.

- Patent leather shoes. Carefully polished shoes from genuine leather with big round noses were in great demand among Chicago mafiosi.

Dress code for women

The gangster’s girlfriend is his support and inspiration for new victories. Her appearance should complement the image of a crime boss.

- Dresses. Dresses – necessary part wardrobe for a gangster's companion. Depending on the occasion, you can choose a cocktail or floor-length dress. The color of the outfit should be dark or black in order to look just as stylish and expensive compared to your man. Evening dresses chic, embroidered with sequins, rhinestones and beads. The silhouette of the dress is predominantly fitted and straight.

- Decorations. Following their men, flappers (as they were often called for their loose dress) chose the most expensive jewelry with real or imitation diamonds. Feathers, embroidery, miniature hats and handbags made the ladies' appearance theatrical and unusual.

Bright makeup. This is an indispensable attribute of a female gangster style. Thanks to cherry or red lipstick and black eyeliner, the mafioso's companions looked even more feminine and sexy.

The modern image of gangsters is very dramatic, but, unfortunately, not as expensive and dangerous as the style of the criminal predecessors of that century. You can still stick to the gangster style. The main thing is not to forget about important details that will add ambience: large cigars, suspenders, silk scarves and hats. An extravagant look, self-confidence - without this it is impossible to imagine a gangster style!

Retro style belongs to a special category of fashion that is always relevant. Each period of the past left its mark on history, therefore, through things related to it, a connection with the present day is expressed. From large number fashion trends The Chicago style looks especially bright and attractive. This is typical women's fashion from the 1930s. If you have a desire to shine at a fiery party or become the center of attention at festive event, then a Chicago style dress is the perfect choice.

Fashionable style was first noted in Chicago, recognized as the criminal capital of America. In the 20s, gangsters dominated here, luxury and free morals reigned in society.

30s of the XX century in world history associated with the global economic crisis. Were closing industrial enterprises, banks went bankrupt, people lost their jobs. So the time has come Great Depression. Luxury was no longer available to most people, and this immediately affected women's wardrobe. The basic style of clothing has become laconic, strict and rational. Fashion trends were built on an organic combination of restraint and elegance. In return precious stones and the abundance of furs began to use bright, intricate jewelry.

What do Chicago style dresses look like? Photo

The fashion trend is divided into two periods. The appearance of the style dates back to the very beginning of the 20s. After the First World War, fashion was characterized by modesty and restraint. The clothing covered the knees and sometimes reached the ankle. Long sleeves and a small neckline were mandatory. Main sign early period style - original cylindrical cut with a low waist. The straight silhouette does not highlight the chest and waist area, but it does highlight the hip line well.

The second stage of the development of the style took place under the harsh conditions of Prohibition. This time is vividly represented in the film “The Great Gatsby”. It reflects the rapid onset of an era of decaying morality, loss moral values and enchanting jazz.

The 1930s Chicago style dress is frank and bold, bordering on daring. The length of the products has noticeably shortened, revealing the lovely lady's legs. The emphasis has shifted to narrow waist And broad shoulders. The lengths and styles of sleeves became varied and were made in the form of wings, lanterns, and tulips. Women boldly exposed their shoulders and arms, choosing dresses with thin straps.

The neckline noticeably deepened, cutouts were added on the back, and a cowl collar appeared. A variety of shapes and silhouettes affected the upper part of the dresses. The fitted model with a turn-down collar was very popular light shade. High clasps similar to men's shirts, lush frills, ruffles, thick gathers. Gained particular popularity V-necks combined with an extended shoulder line.

The previously lowered waistline has returned to its natural position. The slightly tight silhouette and bias cut of the dress made it possible to beautifully emphasize the smooth lines of the body. Fashionable looks carried subtle notes of femininity and sexuality.

To sew dresses in the Chicago style, velvet, satin, silk, chiffon and other fabrics with a rich texture and noble appearance were widely used. The models are decorated with fur, lace, embroidery of rhinestones, sequins and beads. An indispensable attribute of the style is the fringe that frames the hem of the dress. All together creates a bright, memorable image.

Fashion accessories in Chicago style

Retro models, created in the spirit of gangster times, are distinguished by a simple and laconic cut. The restraint of the dresses was more than compensated for by the bright, varied decor. In the 1920s, women wore luxurious fur capes, feather boas and cascades of sparkling jewelry.

During the Great Depression expensive products have become inaccessible to most women. Therefore, they were replaced with artificial pearls, rhinestones and gold-plated jewelry. Long beads were twisted into a knot under the chest or thrown over the back, drawing men's attention to the deep neckline.

In the 1930s, dresses became shorter, boldly revealing female legs. Black fishnet stockings have become especially popular. A mandatory attribute of the Chicago look were long gloves made of delicate silk or velvet. Models with wide bells were considered especially popular. The shoes featured a characteristic round toe and low, shaped heel.

Another eye-catching element of the Chicago-themed set were the headpieces. Women wore hats that looked like small pillboxes or deep bowlers with narrow brims. For Chicago-style fringed dresses, ribbons or headbands decorated with feathers, flowers, and sequins were chosen.

Who suits Chicago style dresses?

Absolutely all women can wear spectacular clothes in a retro spirit. For those with non-ideal shapes, models from the early period of the style are well suited. Loose fit, slight slack at the hips and long sleeves successfully hide the fullness of the body and disturbed proportions.

Slender, thin girls can safely choose a dress for a party in the style of Chicago, dating back to the 30s. Candid models show off slender legs and all the charms of a graceful silhouette. And if you have broad shoulders and a figure that resembles an inverted triangle, then in a dress from the Chicago era you will look simply perfect.

The length of the outfits is chosen based on individual characteristics addition. Mini or short models that slightly reveal the knee are suitable for young slender women. For full ladies The best option is from mid-calf to ankle.

How to create a stylish look?


The first sign of Chicago images is femininity and beauty. Therefore, you will need a simple, fitted dress with a slightly lower waist and multiple decorations. First of all, it is a thick fringe, which is used to trim the hem of a skirt or décolleté area. Other design options: stones, beads, sparkles, lace, fur.

For sewing Chicago dresses, fabrics made from natural silk, delicate velvet, shiny satin or airy chiffon are best suited. Products in black, wine, blue, lilac and other noble colors look organic and stylish.

Chicago style long dress is good for significant events And holiday celebrations. IN short models convenient to dance and have fun at fiery youth parties, stylized in a retro spirit.

Chicago style wedding dresses are far from the usual classics. The bride has the opportunity to improvise in creating her outfit. Looks stylish fitted dress length just below the knee, tapering downwards. The low-waisted model made of shiny flowing fabric looks especially impressive. TO wedding dress White or flesh-colored fishnet stockings and tall, narrow gloves made of silk or lace are suitable. A fluffy boa and a string of pearls will complete the bride's look.


On your feet, wear elegant round-toe pumps fastened with a strap. The glass-shaped heel is low and stable. It is quite possible to replace the Chicago shoe option with a modern high stiletto heel.


  • A handbag that looks like a postal envelope and is carried in the hands.
  • On the head is a small hat or headband decorated with flowers or sequins.
  • A long string of pearls wrapped several times around the neck. You can wear several gold plated chains or necklaces with artificial crystals.
  • The shoulders are warmed and decorated with a fur stole.
  • On the legs are dark stockings or tights with a fine mesh.
  • The long, graceful mouthpiece in the hands is another bright, noticeable touch.

Main trend fashionable style: a set of shoes, a hat, gloves and a handbag is kept in the same color scheme.

Makeup and hairstyle

In the 30s, short haircuts were popular. Therefore, the hair is carefully placed in smooth hairstyle and securely fixed with varnish. For convenience, you can use a wig. If you don't feel like hiding long hair, place your curls in beautiful hairstyle and varnish.