Small vascular network on the face. Effective cosmetic procedures for rosacea. What is couperosis

The main reason for the formation of rosacea on human skin is a local expansion of the corresponding vessels or a pronounced thinning of the epidermis, which leads to their translucence. There are many pathological and physiological states that can cause such changes.

Factors provoking the appearance of a capillary network:

  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin against the background of atrophy of its upper layer.
  • . Mesh patterns often appear with the corresponding pathology of the lower extremities. They can be considered harbingers.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • genetic predisposition.

The causes of the appearance of a capillary network on the face, legs and other parts of the body can be intertwined. It is not always possible to accurately establish the main pathology-provoking factor.

Additional situations that increase the chance of the corresponding symptom occurring are:

All these factors affect the general well-being of a person and indirectly take part in circulatory disorders, a decrease in the elasticity of the vascular wall.


Capillaries permeate the entire human body. This affects the localization of the pathological process. A capillary network can appear on the skin of any part of the body. Much depends on the lifestyle of a person, the characteristics of his body, genetic predisposition.

For example, sedentary work or prolonged standing in one place will lead to the appearance of a capillary network on the legs. Excessive exposure to the sun will cause the formation of a visual defect on the face.

The most common grid localizations are:

  • On the chest.
  • On the stomach.
  • On foot.
  • On the face (cheeks, wings of the nose, area under the eyes).
  • On the back.

Local expansion of capillaries on the body can be a symptom of more serious diseases of the internal organs. The appeared mesh on the skin sometimes indicates a violation of the protein-synthetic function of the liver.

A visual defect can be localized in the abdomen and migrate to the lower back. If a mesh appears on the chest, it is worth additionally undergoing an examination by a rheumatologist. Some vasculitis and systemic connective tissue diseases may also be accompanied by a corresponding change in vascular elasticity.


Couperosis on the body is one of the varieties of telangiectasias. The more familiar name for this phenomenon remains “ spider veins". Depending on the initial type of the affected blood pathways, they are:

  • Arterial.
  • Capillary.
  • Venous.

The capillary mesh on the legs is more often of the third type. The defect on the body is usually mixed. The formation of a network on the face is mainly due to the expansion of capillaries.

Depending on the visual features, they distinguish the following types telangiectasias:

  • Arachnids.
  • Tree-like.
  • Point.
  • Linear.

Varieties of the corresponding pathology mainly do not affect the process of their treatment. You can get rid of the problem in a conservative or minimally invasive surgical way. It all depends on the characteristics of each clinical case.


The appearance of a vascular network on the body can be completely invisible to the patient. key role the root cause of a particular visual defect plays in the clinical picture.

Capillary mesh on the legs caused by varicose veins will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Edema.
  • Heaviness in the legs.
  • Color change of the spider vein from red to purple.

The mesh that develops against the background of liver failure may be accompanied by other manifestations of dysfunction of the corresponding organ:

  • General weakness.
  • Yellowing of the skin.
  • Weight loss.
  • Disturbance of consciousness and others.

In most cases, capillary nets do not cause much discomfort. They create a visual defect that lends itself well to correction. The main thing is to consult a doctor and choose best method treatment.


How to remove the capillary mesh on the legs, face and other parts of the body? modern medicine proposes to remove the corresponding visual defect in different ways. The choice of a specific method is carried out on an individual basis, depending on the characteristics of a particular case.

Gels and ointments

Ointment is one of the simplest and available funds to combat capillary networks. However, it is worth remembering that not every gel or cream can completely solve the problem. It all depends on its root cause.

Popular in the treatment of rosacea are:

  • Troxevasin. This healing gel with pronounced angioprotective properties. It protects superficial vessels, prevents damage to their walls. The drug reduces the permeability of the endothelium, making it more elastic.
  • Heparin ointment. It's not used that often. This effective ointment from the capillary network on the legs with varicose veins veins. It promotes the resorption of blood clots or the prevention of their formation, reduces the activity of the local inflammatory process, and reduces pain.
  • Cream Active against capillary network. It is an external application. Helps to reduce the permeability of superficial vessels, reduces the activity of the inflammatory process. Also good for acne.

Treatment with ointments is symptomatic and does not always guarantee a good result. If it is not possible to remove the capillary grid, then you need to use other methods.

Ozone therapy

The essence of the method is the use of an ozone-oxygen mixture, which is injected directly into defective vessels. They are growing. This is one of the popular non-traditional methods treatment of capillary mesh on the legs, face and other parts of the body.


The method is similar to the previous one. A special solution or substance is injected into the lumen of the vessel, which provokes the adhesion of its walls. Getting rid of capillary nets by the method is carried out without scars and incisions.


How to get rid of the capillary network on the legs and other parts of the body? One of effective methods remains photocoagulation. Its essence lies in. Its radiation absorbs hemoglobin, which is accompanied by further gluing of the vessel lumen.

It is possible to remove spider veins on the face, legs or any other part of the body in 1 session. You must first consult with your doctor.

Folk methods

Treatment with folk remedies of the capillary network is purely auxiliary. Alternative medicine suggests topical application of jojoba oil, crushed currants or grapes.

Such treatment contributes to a partial improvement in microcirculation, but does not guarantee a full effect.

Capillary mesh in children

Capillary mesh can occur on the face of a child. Why should she be afraid? It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with hemangioma - a benign tumor that develops from blood vessels.

Most often in children, meshes appear on the face. The progression of the corresponding symptom in a child from the first days of his life should alert parents. Methods for treating pathology in children in this case depend on the etiology of the process. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time to verify the main cause of the visual defect.


If a person has spider veins or meshes on his chest, back, legs and other parts of the body, you do not need to immediately panic. In most cases, a visual defect does not pose a threat to health. It is only necessary to identify its root cause and carry out appropriate treatment.

Modern correction of the condition with the help of a laser, ozone therapy and other progressive methods allows painlessly and without a trace to eliminate unpleasant capillary nets.

The prognosis for patients after such treatment is very favorable. In rare cases, minor scars and scars may remain. They are formed when large sizes defect and the presence of aggravating factors (liver failure, diabetes mellitus).


There is no specific prophylaxis against capillary networks. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to influence the main pathogenetic mechanism of development - a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels with their expansion.

The fight against such a process is based on several aspects:

  • Balanced and complete nutrition. The diet should include vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the vascular wall.
  • Dosed physical activity. Regular exercises ensure the normalization of microcirculation. Vessels contract better, which increases their elasticity.
  • The use of angioprotectors. There is on the market a large number of drugs that help strengthen the walls of capillaries. The choice of a specific medication should always be agreed with the doctor.

The capillary mesh is not too much of a problem. However, it cannot be ignored. When rosacea occurs, you need to find out its cause and choose the best method of treatment.

Useful video about vascular networks on the legs and their treatment

More than 90% of women are faced with vascular problems: varicose veins, spider veins on the legs, but the most noticeable manifestation is, of course, the vascular network on the face - skin rosacea. Daria Kokoshnikova, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist, English brand specialist, will tell you how to achieve an impeccable complexion without spots and redness professional cosmetics Medik8.

Causes of the appearance of spider veins

The main manifestation of rosacea of ​​the skin is a red vascular network and vascular "asterisks" on the wings of the nose, cheeks and chin. Couperosis most often occurs in people with fair and sensitive skin. When blood circulation in the vessels increases, they expand, but the connective tissue presses on them from the outside. Over time, the elasticity of the connective tissue fibers and the vessels themselves decreases: they remain dilated and become visible on the face.

The owners are very sensitive skin often there are redness or inflammation, accompanied by burning, tingling, itching. Redness can occur anywhere on the face. At first, the manifestations are temporary, but gradually become permanent and become more noticeable due to vascular changes. This is already the real rosacea. If the redness is large in area, or in several places, the diagnosis is "diffuse rosacea".

Cuperosis, that is, pathological vasodilation, is caused by:

  1. Frequent exposure to the sun, abuse of the solarium contribute to damage to the vascular wall and persistent expansion of small vessels on the face and body.
  2. Smoking.
  3. Working in conditions sudden changes temperature.
  4. Baths, hot baths and saunas lead to increased blood circulation in the skin, thereby provoking vasodilation.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (especially chronic diseases veins).
  6. Women's diseases leading to hormonal imbalances. Some hormonal contraceptives provoke the appearance of rosacea.
  7. Stress also worsens the condition of the skin, can cause rosacea.

As you know, everything that we eat is reflected on the skin. Provoke rosacea:

  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • coffee and strong black tea;
  • marinade, canned salinity;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcohol in large quantities, of course, provokes the disease;
  • excessive consumption of spices;
  • abuse of spicy or hot food.

Sensitive skin, prone to irritation and redness, needs careful, but at the same time gentle care: Daily cleansers should not contain alcohol additives or irritants.

How to get rid of rosacea: "face test"

To date, in the arsenal of cosmetologists there are tools that are really able to cope with the problem of vasodilation, which have not only therapeutic, but also persistent preventive effects. We decide to try the Red Alert Anti-Redness cream-gel from the English brand Medik8. Red Alert Anti-Redness has antioxidant properties, strengthens the capillary wall and the walls of small vessels, and reduces redness of the skin - not only on the face, but also on the body. And it contains the highest dosage of the active ingredient - vitamin K.

In general, Red Alert is the very first development of the Medic8 brand. The cream appeared in 2004, since then both serum and facial wash have been added to enhance the healing effect.

First done enzyme peeling With fruit acids(papain, bromelain), "burning" the keratinized layer of the skin. Sometimes - according to indications - mild chemical peeling, depending on the severity of the problem.

Since black dots on the face - comedones - another common problem skin, although not directly connected with the vessels, it is also better to get rid of them at this stage.

Then a special serum is applied - preparations based on vitamin K2 and terpenone, horse chestnut extract and vitamin C are indispensable here. In general, vitamin C is very useful for facial skin, and every self-respecting brand must have a product based on it. Only, according to the expert, you need to apply vitamin C in the morning - this will energize the skin for the whole day.

After the vascular-strengthening serum, a cream is applied - and at the same time a facial massage is done. By the way, massage can - and should - be done by yourself, at home, every evening. And do not believe those who say that you should not stretch and touch your face once again - massage improves blood circulation and tones muscles.

Dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist Daria Kokoshnikova along the way explains that sometimes rosacea (or rather, sensitive skin and weak blood vessels) is inherited: "In general, half of skin problems are hereditary: we inherit both skin type and its reactions to the environment."

Persistently warning against bathing and sunbathing without sunscreen, the specialist also does not advise "covering up" an uneven complexion: "Properly selected Foundation, of course, better than a tan - but you should not get carried away with cosmetics: anyway, this is only a temporary relief, masking the problem.

It is necessary to treat rosacea with a course - 7-10 procedures every 3-4 months. It is important that vitamins K and PP enter the body, you can drink a course of ascorutin - it strengthens blood vessels. All this will achieve a more even complexion, remove strong redness.

If you want to solve the problem radically - that is, hardware methods - cauterization of blood vessels with a laser. The laser removes dilated vessels and "stars", but not forever - if the skin is not taken care of, new redness will appear.

After the procedure, the skin remained oily for a long time - the active serums were based on jojoba oil. But the next day, the result was also evident on the face: even, smooth skin, redness paled a little. Of course, the vessels did not disappear after one time, but progress has clearly been made - so, if you are not lazy, it is quite possible to maintain a normal complexion.

Every woman, however, like a man, will not be happy when she notices on one not the most beautiful day a vascular network that does not disappear on her face - rosacea. These red streaks on the face are not a disease, as many believe, they are. cosmetic defect, which, however, can spoil our mood along with the appearance.

Still: red spots on the face, a network of red capillaries, acne with a purulent top - not much pleasant ...

However, before you desperately begin to cover this disgrace with creams, disguise it with powder, or use any procedure to remove spider veins, take an interest in the causes of rosacea, it is quite possible that by finding one of them, you will find a solution to your problem.

Causes of dilated vessels on the face - rosacea

  1. First of all, the appearance of rosacea on the face is preceded by problems with blood vessels. In the subcutaneous layer, blood circulation is disturbed, small blood vessels dilate, and areas of red skin appear on the face “on a permanent basis”. Moreover, most often this “beauty” is acquired by the nose, chin and cheeks - the zones most actively exposed to the environment.

Most often, this phenomenon is experienced by people who have thin, dry and sensitive skin to various irritating factors. Although the owners of oily, more tight skin they may also notice single dilated vessels, especially on the wings of their nose.

Therefore, if your vessels are weak, fragile and sluggish, have lost their elasticity, vascular network on the face will not keep you waiting long.

  1. At malnutrition, human "weakness" and unhealthy way life begin to suffer internal organs and well if they're only through this cosmetic problem signal that something is wrong with your body. And the bad thing is that many often do not pay attention to such signals ...
  2. Endocrine diseases, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines and liver, hypertension - all these problems can “give a signal” through dilated vessels on the face.

  1. Couperose may appear with hormonal imbalance, as well as after you have taken hormonal contraceptives.
  2. Active and active lovers need to know that this not only ages and dries out the skin, contributes to the loss of elasticity, but also affects the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of rosacea. Ogorodnikov often also does not bypass this problem.
  3. Many lovers stay for a long time, after a while they will be able to notice a mesh that has appeared on their faces blood vessels due to excessive exposure to high temperatures. From this, lovers of bathing themselves, and bath attendants, as well as cooks of restaurants and canteens, workers of "hot shops" are not insured.
  4. Not only hot air, but also cold, wind, frost provoke the expansion of capillaries on the face. This affects many merchants and everyone who spends a lot of time in the fresh cold air.
  5. We also will not "discard" the genetic predisposition. If your parents have pronounced rosacea, it is likely that you have inherited this “feature” of the skin ...
  6. Anyone who is fond of various and especially aggressive cosmetic procedures, it is important to understand that their skin can become dehydrated, thinner, blood vessels can be injured, the sensitivity of the skin and capillaries to environmental influences increases.
  7. they probably know that tobacco has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels (including the smallest capillaries on the face), only they think little about it, dragging on another cigarette ...
  8. Alcohol. Who doesn't look familiar puffy face A "professional" lover of alcohol with a pronounced vascular network on the skin? Although "non-professionals" should not be hopeful - even a moderate amount of alcohol often contributes to the appearance of a vascular network on the face.
  9. And a few more reasons for the appearance of rosacea: spicy and too hot food, as well as silicon deficiency.

Silicon - with the help of this mineral, the commands of the brain to expand and narrow reach their intended purpose, that is, the vessels "hear" them. If the body does not receive enough silicon, its place is taken by calcium, which is "deaf" to the commands of the brain. In addition, due to the lack of silicon, the vessels are fragile, brittle, and have lost their elasticity. Here is another significant reason for rosacea.

Based on these 12 reasons, the treatment of rosacea becomes more meaningful. If you find that the appearance of a network of vessels on the face contributed to internal problems health, cancel all your cosmetic procedures, they will not bring any effect, you need to get rid of your underlying disease.

5 steps in the treatment of rosacea

  1. Determination of the causes of rosacea and their elimination. In this situation, it is worth contacting several specialists, they will help to understand the reasons.
  2. Change and normalization of nutrition and lifestyle.
  • Remove without regret from your diet spicy, spicy dishes and seasonings, chocolate, canned foods and pickles, foods, alcoholic drinks, including beer, limit yourself to drinking fatty foods, cheeses, sour cream and liver.
  • Move a lot, you can do fitness.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid steam rooms or saunas that are too hot, do not take hot showers, and try not to stay in extreme cold for long periods of time.
  1. Taking special preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes aimed at strengthening the vascular walls. Such preparations should contain, C, P, polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega 3 type, silicon. To strengthen the vascular walls and improve the condition of the vessels, you will need: rutin, grape seed oil, collagen, extracts of plants such as echinacea, blueberries, mimosa, chestnut, myrtle.

Nutrition for rosacea should also include Jerusalem artichoke, peas, oatmeal and buckwheat, corn, beans - these foods are rich in silicon.

To strengthen blood vessels, eat something from this list every day: tomatoes or spinach, or rose hips, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, cherries or blueberries, chokeberries or sweet peppers, walnuts, currants or oranges. If you eat them with the skin, your body will get more vitamin P.

  1. The use of products that give an anti-couperose effect - masks, creams, serums.
  • Any procedure with a face with enlarged pores should be carried out with caution, gently acting on the skin. Products that contain alcohol, mint, aloe, menthol, cloves, honey or eucalyptus will not work for you. Do not take care of the skin with creams containing fruit acids, as well as film masks.
  • Do not wipe your face - with rosacea it is contraindicated!
  • Use masks containing clay with caution.
  • Apply any product with your fingertips, watching the reaction of your skin.
  • After washing your face, pat it dry with a towel instead of rubbing it.
  • You can make a good choice in favor of collagen masks, they will not only make the skin more elastic, but also remove mimic wrinkles.
  • Use scrubs and peels rarely.
  • With rosacea, give up manual facial cleansing, facial massagers, steam inhalations. But lymphatic drainage massage for the treatment of rosacea is very good - it will reduce the redness of the skin, improve the outflow of blood.
  • Be sure to protect your skin with SPF when you go out in the sun.
  1. Dilated vessels can be removed using procedures: laser therapy, photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, electrocoagulation, ozone therapy.

Treatment of rosacea at home

If you add folk remedies for rosacea to the above tips, you will complement and enhance the effect of the treatment. You can, of course, eliminate visible vessels on your face with a laser, but you still need to strengthen them. If your capillaries are elastic, in good shape, your blood flow will be within the normal range and no nets and redness will appear on the skin. To do this, you can make masks with your own hands, as you can see, the choice is large enough:

Night mask for rosacea

Take in equal proportions: dandelion root, sophora, calendula (flowers) - all in the form of extracts, mix with the same amount of grape seed oil and spread the resulting mask over the entire surface of the face. You can remove excess with a soft cloth.

Day mask against rosacea

Take in equal proportions: cypress seeds, extract of mimosa flowers and blueberries, galangal roots, needle leaves and grape seed oil, mix everything well and apply to the skin. Soak a washcloth in hot water and cover your face with the mask. The mask is washed off with warm water, after which your usual cream is applied to the skin.

These masks should be applied every 2 days for two months in a row.

We make winter masks for rosacea

Mix vegetable oil (, peach, or grape seed oil) with lanolin (everything is taken in 1 tsp), add talc or starch to the mixture in a small amount. Apply the resulting slurry on your face for 15 minutes. It is washed off either with plain warm water or chamomile decoction. These masks should be applied before going outside.

Cooking a mask with raw potatoes from redness of the face

Take 1 raw potato, peel it and chop it with a blender or grate it. Apply the resulting slurry to the skin of the face for 10 minutes. The mask is removed with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

We make masks from fresh berries from the vascular network on the face

1 tsp potato starch mixed with fresh berries (strawberries, lingonberries, raspberries,). On pre-cleansed skin, the resulting mixture is generously applied for 20 minutes.

Couperose cream at home

There is absolutely no difficulty in preparing such a cream. Even if you do not have a special cream for rosacea, you can take your usual day cream for face skin and pour a well-crushed ascorutin tablet (composed of vitamin C and rutin - vitamin P) into it.

Tonic for every day from dilated vessels on the face

Chamomile (2 tablespoons) is brewed with 500 ml of water, infused, filtered and cooled. Then take two tablets of ascorutin, grind them well and pour into the broth, stir and use the product as a tonic in the morning and evening.

Compresses from rosacea

  • Scald the parsley with boiling water, squeeze the juice out of it and mix it with milk. Soak a piece of gauze in the resulting mixture and apply on the skin of the face for 30 minutes. Every other day, apply such a compress - this will help strengthen small vessels on the skin.
  • Mix 200 ml of boiling water and 3 tbsp. dried chamomile, let the infusion cool and pass it through a strainer or gauze. After wetting a piece of plain cloth in the infusion, apply it on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Infusion from rosacea

Pour in a thermos 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. black chokeberry berries, 2 tbsp. mistletoe leaves and the same number of hawthorn flowers. Let the infusion sit for a while. Use it in 100 ml. three times a day. It will also help strengthen the small vessels in the skin. You can also wipe your face every day with a leaf of aloe - this procedure will enhance the effect.

Do not dismiss the unpleasant vascular network on the face, because this is one of the most painless signals of internal health disorders. They are worth doing if you do not want all your attention to be occupied with the treatment of more serious problems than rosacea after a short time.

Beauty and health to you!

Broken capillaries on the face look unaesthetic, it is quite difficult to hide these areas with the help of decorative cosmetics. As the disease develops, it turns into a real problem - not only of a physical nature, but also causing psychological discomfort. In addition, such a symptom may indicate the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. Find out how to remove capillaries on the face.

Capillaries burst: causes

The disease, which is characterized by the expansion of capillaries, the appearance of vascular networks, is called rosacea. On the face, small vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, so the hemorrhage becomes clearly visible. Most often, the cause of the development of a disease in the face is a hereditary predisposition or age-related changes in the walls of blood vessels. Over time, their elasticity, the ability to respond to external factors, is lost. But also in young age broken capillaries can be observed on the face. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • skin injury;
  • abrupt change temperature regime: prolonged exposure to frost or hot dry air, frequent visits to the sauna or bath;
  • hormonal imbalance, including during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, during puberty;
  • prolonged stress and nervous overexcitation;
  • malnutrition and smoking.

Couperosis is more common in women with fair skin. Bursting blood vessels appear on the wings of the nose, forehead, chin and cheeks. An untimely visit to a doctor in case of a broken capillary on the face leads to the rapid spread of the problem, dryness and aging of the skin of the face. From a slight red dot on the skin, a serious disease of the circulatory system can develop.

Preventive measures

Preventing red capillaries on the face is much easier than then dealing with the problem:

  1. First of all, daily skin care is necessary with high-quality, properly selected cosmetics. They should contain the following vitamins: C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, E - promotes the healing of microtraumas and accelerates regeneration, P - protects the skin from negative external factors, K - improves blood circulation in the vessels. Do not injure the skin with a hard towel and aggressive scrubs. Do not use cosmetical tools containing alcohol and fruit acids.
  2. Are capillaries bursting on your face? Rational proper nutrition contributes to the prevention of the development of the disease. Minimize the consumption of fatty foods, hot spices, coffee, alcohol. Strengthen blood vessels foods such as red fish, walnuts, rose hips, currants, greens, cabbage, spinach, vegetable oils.
  3. If you are prone to reddening of the skin of the face, use a UV cream in the summer and protective agent during the cold season.
  4. Do not abuse hot salon procedures: compresses, body wraps, steam baths, etc. It is undesirable for a predisposition to the appearance of a vascular network to visit saunas and baths.
  5. If the prophylaxis was not carried out on time and the capillaries on your face burst, how to get rid of a skin defect? An effective measure to combat rosacea is facial massage, for example, the Japanese practice of Asahi promotes lymphatic drainage, strengthens the muscles and blood vessels of the face. It is not recommended to use ice cubes for massage if the capillary on the face has burst.
  6. Multivitamin complexes will help enrich the body necessary elements to improve blood flow and vascular elasticity.

Creams and ointments for rosacea

How to remove capillaries on the face? Unfortunately, the only method of complete elimination of the vascular network and a preventive measure re-development rosacea is complex treatment a cardiovascular disease diagnosed by a doctor, which is the root cause of the expansion of capillaries on the face. But reduce redness and improve appearance skin will help modern creams and ointments. They accelerate metabolic and regenerative processes in the skin, which helps to reduce the appearance of the vascular network. These drugs include:

  • heparin ointment;
  • "Ascorutin";
  • "Troxevasin";
  • cream "Aven Dirozeal";
  • "Bioderma Sensibo";
  • medical cosmetics "Lierak".

The result of using the cream for rosacea is clearly shown in the photo.

Gymnastics for the face from the vascular network

Burst capillary on the face - special exercises will help lymphatic drainage, and together with a properly selected cream, they will enrich the skin with nutrients, relieve inflammation and redness of the skin. Perform daily such a gymnastic complex:

  1. Pull out the lips with a tube, hold for 5 seconds.
  2. Yawn wide. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Raise and lower the skin of the cheeks at a fast pace with your palms.
  4. Run the fingers of both hands along the massage lines of the face.
  5. Smile showing your upper teeth.
  6. Inflate and then retract your cheeks.

Couperose laser treatment

Removal of capillaries on the face with a laser is one of the most effective cosmetic methods treatment of broken blood vessels. One painless session is enough to “burn” the damaged capillary and make it completely invisible. After the procedure, temporary reddening of the skin in the area of ​​laser treatment is possible. Recovery period includes designed by a beautician individual plan professional care behind the skin.


An effective method of treating vascular networks on the face is the photorejuvenation procedure. Its essence lies in the direction of high-intensity light pulses on the affected areas of the skin. Under the action of the rays, coagulation, or "gluing" of blood vessels occurs. After the procedure, the intensity of the manifestation of the disease decreases. And after a few days, the capillaries on the face completely disappear.


The mesotherapy procedure is the introduction directly into the affected area of ​​the skin of vitamin preparations that help improve blood flow and reduce inflammatory processes. To achieve the result, you need to take a course of injections, which is usually 10 sessions once a week. Moreover, each procedure includes multiple injections, since it is necessary to inject 3 ml of the drug at 0.2 per injection. advantage this method is that in addition to eliminating bursting vessels, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, skin turgor improves, and healthy color faces.

Folk remedies for broken capillaries

Reduce redness and improve general state facial skin will help recipes for homemade masks and lotions based on medicinal properties plants. How to remove capillaries on the face with the help of folk remedies? Here are some helpful recipes:

  1. Significantly reduce the manifestation of broken capillaries lotion from medicinal herbs: chamomile, marigold, string, horse chestnut, yarrow or green tea.
  2. Use cosmetic clay in the form of a face mask. But with rosacea, such a remedy cannot be covered with a film. The warming effect will only worsen the condition of the vessels. Leave the mask outdoors until complete drying then rinse with warm water.
  3. Improve the condition of blood vessels various oils. Mix a tablespoon of olive, grape, linseed oil with starch or talc until a thick mass forms. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Wash off with a decoction of chamomile.
  4. Effectively copes with redness of the badyaga face. Dilute it with water to a mushy state and use as a face mask.

Both home and hardware methods of treating rosacea will not eradicate the problem, but will only eliminate the symptom in the form of unaesthetic manifestations. For long-term effect it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease using medical diagnostic methods, undergo a course of treatment, regularly perform preventive measures. If even small capillary bruises occur, consult a specialist, as self-treatment can lead to the development serious violations the cardiovascular system of the body.

If your cheeks blush with embarrassment, that's cute. And if a persistent blush appeared due to dilated capillaries, there is nothing good
Cuperosis is not only an aesthetic defect, but a disease. After all, dilated vessels and fragile capillaries do not convey to the skin the necessary nutrients and oxygen, which is why it begins to dry, thin and age prematurely. In addition, rosacea increases the manifestations of skin sensitivity: itching and inflammation.

Couperose can bring a lot of negative emotions to its owners, because a bright red-blue vascular network can ruin even the most sweet face, which means mood. However, a cosmetic defect is the flowers of rosacea. Berries - early wrinkles, rosacea and others dangerous diseases. Therefore, prevention and treatment of this phenomenon should be started as early as possible.

Causes of the appearance of a capillary network on the face

First of all, why does the face turn so red, without adding beauty and aristocracy to a person?
Basically, the problem occurs due to the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin, but may be related to health.

Dilated capillaries most often stand out on the nose, cheeks and chin. They occur when small blood vessels lose their elasticity due to circulatory disorders in the skin, expand and burst.

✔ Often, such weakness of blood vessels - hereditary problem women and men with thin skin prone to allergies and irritations.

Cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins, diseases of the liver and digestive tract and also negatively affect the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, making them weak and brittle.

✔ Degrade the work of blood vessels and hormonal disorders. Couperosis often occurs in women during periods when the balance of hormones changes dramatically, especially during pregnancy and menopause, as well as when taking oral contraceptives.

Wind, frost, stuffiness and heat also cause rosacea. That is why dilated capillaries can be seen on the faces of workers in hot shops: steelworkers, cooks, bath attendants, as well as those who, on duty, spend a lot of time outdoors in the wind: merchants, policemen.
Is that why Santa Claus has a red nose?

A sharp change in air temperature(from a steam room to an ice hole, rubbing a steamed face with ice, from heat to frost and vice versa). For vessels whose walls have lost their elasticity, this is detrimental.

✔ “Red-faced” becomes a person and in moments of stress, because during an emotional shake-up, the vessels are compressed, and the blood pressure rises.

How does couperosis manifest?

Cuperosis is a consequence of circulatory disorders in the upper layers of the epidermis. Stagnation in the capillaries, the blood exerts a constant load on their walls, they do not withstand and, losing elasticity, become brittle.

Dryness and flaking always accompany rosacea. Due to the fact that the blood stagnates in the capillaries, it does not supply skin cells with required amount oxygen and useful substances, poorly removes metabolic products from them.
As a result, the cells begin to divide more slowly and renew the upper layer of the skin, it becomes thinner and drier, wrinkles appear, the complexion acquires a pale grayish tint.

Couperosis begins imperceptibly and is manifested at first by unnatural reddening of certain areas of the face, their itching, hypersensitivity and burning.
If preventive measures are not taken at this stage, and the moment is missed, a network of dilated vessels appears on the skin of the face and body, which doctors call telangiectasia.

Couperosis most often affects women and people with fair and sensitive skin.
Do not think that the vascular network on the face can only appear at a certain mature age. Even a young girl can suffer from this problem.

Where to run, what to do?

Having found a vascular pattern on the face, many perceive it as a cosmetic defect that is masked decorative cosmetics or they rush to dermatologists and cosmetologists, whose procedures do not get rid of rosacea, but only eliminate a cosmetic defect.

To permanently get rid of rosacea, it is necessary to find its cause.
Fragile vessels can serve as symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to start treatment with a visit to the therapist.

What diseases can rosacea warn about?

✔ Hormonal disorders: if the vascular network appeared simultaneously with abrupt change body weight (you have gained or lost a lot of weight), unusual mood swings, sleep disorders, or menopause, it will not hurt you to contact an endocrinologist.

✔ Sex gland dysfunction can also cause rosacea. It is worth visiting a gynecologist.

✔ Onset of hypertension. Consult a cardiologist or therapist if your blood pressure is elevated (140/90 mmHg), if the blood pressure readings on both arms differ by more than 10, if the pressure changes over the course of one day.

You should consult a doctor even if you feel well. When the pressure returns to normal, the couperose network will decrease, and timely treatment prevent heart attack and stroke.

✔ Inflammation of the sinuses. If rosacea occurs during or after a cold, your nose is constantly stuffed up and snoring has appeared, you need to see an otolaryngologist.

✔ Cuperosis can be the result of enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, varicose veins, liver diseases, allergies and many other pathologies in the body.

The rosacea mesh itself is not dangerous, but its location can seriously threaten health.

If it is located on the internal parts of the organs: in the lungs, stomach, urinary tract, genitals, nasopharynx, etc., this creates a threat of internal bleeding.

Ways to get rid of the vascular network on the face
at home

You can get rid of redness different ways.

home remedies

  • contrast procedures. They will help with rosacea by washing with warm water, rubbing the skin with pieces of ice (you need to freeze infusions of sage and chamomile).
  • Tomato - green tomato will effectively help to remove the vascular network and stars from the face. Its pulp must be applied for fifteen minutes on the face.
  • Badyaga masks also help to get rid of the vascular network. It is necessary to dilute the powder in hot water until a slurry is obtained, then apply for twenty minutes on the skin of the face.
  • Juice from a fresh burdock leaf. Squeeze out the juice, soak gauze in it and apply as a compress, applying to the face for fifteen minutes.
  • Nettle. It must be boiled and cooled. Wipe with a solution of the place on the face where redness is present twice a day. The first procedure must be carried out before applying makeup, the second after removing it.

Wipe problem areas on the skin of the face apple cider vinegar during the day.

Homemade masks will help get rid of the capillary red mesh on the face:

1) Aloe :
- aloe leaf
- tea infusion
Cut off an aloe leaf and hold it for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
Before going to bed, brew strong tea with which to wipe your face. Then lubricate the problem areas with a cut aloe leaf.
After drying, apply nutritious cream.
A slight burning sensation may occur. If the burning sensation does not go away within 2-3 minutes, then it is better to stop the treatment.
Repeat the procedures 10-12 times in 1 day.
2) Infusion of parsley :
On early stages the appearance of stars, you can try parsley infusion. It must be applied in the form of compresses to the affected areas, for this, pour a few sprigs of parsley with boiling water, then let it brew for about 20 minutes.

3) Parsley with milk :
- 3 tablespoons of parsley
- 0.5 cups of boiling water
- 0.5 cups of milk
Pour boiling water over parsley (greens or roots) and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then strain and dilute with milk.
Make compresses on the face 1 time per day for 30 minutes.

4) Kuice bikifrom decoctions of herbs:
Linden blossom
– sage
– calendula
- green tea
- yarrow
- chamomile
Take herbs in equal proportions.
Pour boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and make compresses after 1 day, for 2 weeks.

5) Freshly squeezed juice mask:
- sea ​​buckthorn
- gooseberry
- cowberry
- viburnum
- cranberry
- currant
- strawberry
- raspberries
Squeeze the juice from the berries, if there are different berries - take in equal amounts.
Combine the mixture of juices with starch in a ratio of 1: 1.
Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes.
Then wash off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
Do this mask 2 times a week.

6) Mask for oily and porous skin:
- 1 teaspoon cream
Mix the ingredients and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

7) Clay mask:
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon cream
- clay
Mix lemon juice with cream, add clay. You should get a thick slurry.
Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

8) Potato mask: with its help, even our great-grandmothers struggled with the vascular network on the skin. Potatoes have unique soothing properties and correct use will help to make the symptoms of rosacea less pronounced.
Use fresh potatoes (no special heat treatment is needed) - peel them and grind them in a blender to a mushy mass.
Apply the resulting mass to problem areas of the skin with rosacea (10 minutes is enough), then carefully remove the potato residue with your hands.
Wash your face with moderately warm clean water without rubbing your skin with a towel.
8) Mask based on glycerin and talc: proven treatment for rosacea. It is recommended to use it before going outside in the cold season. The mask will help to "neutralize" the effect of contrasting temperatures on the vessels and skin.
To prepare the mask, use vegetable oil, glycerin, talc, ready-made chamomile decoction: mix vegetable oil and glycerin (1 teaspoon of each ingredient), add a little talc (less than half a teaspoon, mix thoroughly and apply on problematic skin.
Wash off after 15 minutes with chamomile decoction.
9) Cream with the addition of ascorutin: treatment of rosacea on the face with folk remedies involves not only the use of food and improvised ingredients. To this end, you can purchase the simplest baby face cream and mix it with a crushed ascorutin tablet.
The resulting product should not be kept in the refrigerator. It can be used as a replacement for regular skin day cream.
9) Pleasant compress based on chamomile: Chamomile has been used for rosacea for a very long time. Treatment with folk remedies without its decoction is almost impossible. It is used to wash off masks and how independent remedy.
Use dry chamomile. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile with boiling water (1 cup), let the broth cool, then strain.
Moisten a napkin or sterile gauze with the cooled and cleaned decoction and leave it on your face for about 15 minutes.
Washing after the procedure is undesirable for some time. Healing properties chamomile begin to act gradually.
But it’s not worth “scrubling” the skin with scrubs, gels and foams with an exfoliating effect. Vessels can burst if the skin is scratched or stretched. It is better to cleanse the skin with soft white clay, kaolin.

There is also such a simple recipe: brew a couple of tablespoons of dry chamomile in half a liter of boiling water, cool, strain, add 2 tablets of crushed ascorutin (vitamins C and P) and wipe their face several times a day

If you use such masks and compresses regularly, then you can easily and quickly get rid of the vascular network.

pharmacy cosmetics - anti-couperose tonics, serums and creams will help with this problem only if they are applied in courses.

Most often, doctors prescribe ointments and creams to their patients. See that they include: lemongrass, Japanese mint and rosemary.

Most popular:

  • cream "Bark";
  • cream New line;
  • cream Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream;
  • cream Janssen Vitaforce C Skin Complex;
  • ointment "Rozamet";
  • ointment "Couperose A +";
  • heparin ointment;
  • ointment with oil and calendula extract.

You can get rid of the mesh at home, but you should not expect instant results - you need to be patient and then the result will not be long in coming.

Ways to get rid of rosacea on the face
in beauty salons

If folk funds did not provide visible result, then you can contact a beautician who will offer you several options for getting rid of such a problem.

Electrocoagulation , carried out in beauty salons, is ineffective and painful with dilated capillaries. After the procedure for a long time you will have to sit at home - wait for the scars and swelling to heal.

Peeling. With a tendency to rosacea, mechanical peels and fruit acids are harmful. Preferred enzymatic peeling - deep cleansing the skin with plant enzymes.
Ordinary and vacuum cleanings are also not the best option. Better - ultrasonic cleaning.

Photothermolysis(vascular laser) and phototherapy bring about a more tangible effect. The procedure takes a few minutes, anesthesia is not needed, and after it a period of rehabilitation is not required.
The doctor selects the length of the pulsed light depending on the stage of rosacea. Under the influence of the laser, hemoglobin dissolves, the walls of the vessels stick together and go deep under the skin.

Ozone therapy refers to those methods that help some, and for others become a waste of money. Cosmetologists find it effective only with a slight rosacea.
Ozone therapy does not leave scars, age spots, skin defects. With the help of a microneedle, a mixture of ozone and oxygen is introduced into the vessels, which leads to the complete disappearance of the rosaceous network from the skin surface.

Contraindications: myocardial infarction, thyroid disease, alcohol intoxication, diabetes mellitus.

A good cosmetologist will not hide the truth from the patient: it is better to remove dilated capillaries in the salon before the onset of severe cold weather and before hot weather approaches.
The best time is in autumn and spring.

To consolidate the results, experts advise courses of mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage massage and taking vasodilator drugs.

Skin care features

Care for skin prone or predisposed to rosacea should take into account the fragility of blood vessels. They can not be stretched and shaken, to increase blood circulation in them.

Cosmetic care also has features. She is not suitable for any cosmetics, but one that is marked "for sensitive skin"


  • alcohol-containing and drying agents;
  • procedures and components that enhance blood circulation;
  • fruit masks and any products with fruit acids;
  • contrasting washes;
  • wiping ice areas with rosacea;
  • honey, menthol, aloe, eucalyptus, clove, anise, dill oils;
  • film masks;
  • clay masks with caution - watch the skin reaction, it should not turn red;
  • scrubs, peelings with coarse particles;
  • chemical peeling;
  • manual cleaning;
  • steaming the skin of the face, warming masks and compresses, hot inhalations;
  • bath and sauna are possible only at minimum temperatures, the face must be covered with a damp towel;
  • massage vacuum and manual.

The composition of cosmetics should contain vascular-strengthening ingredients: extracts of wild myrtle, ginkgo biloba, cypress, galangal, blueberries, olives, mimosa, needles, kupena, sophora, green tea, horse chestnut, lemongrass, sweet clover.

Cosmetics for rosacea-prone skin should contain vitamins, especially vitamins P, K, A, E and C- they strengthen the vascular walls.

Nourishes and moisturizes sensitive skin rema with linoleic acid. And directly on areas with rosacea, you need to apply a special cream with rutin, arnica extract, vitamin C.

Daily Care

✔ Skin cleansing it is better to carry out base oils of good quality. Ideal oil from grape seed, mixtures and infusions of oils.
An infusion of avocado oil on calendula flowers is effective for evening skin cleansing.

✔ For washing use infusions of herbs of calendula, chamomile, yarrow, horse chestnut, horsetail.

✔ Lotions from these herbs are useful. Apply to face for 20-30 minutes. The temperature of the infusion is room temperature.
Moisten gauze or cotton wool in the infusion and apply on the face, only on problem areas.

✔ If you cleanse your face with oil, then washing should be of better quality than usual.
You can soak for 10 minutes in the infusion crumb rye bread, then knead with a fork and wash this gruel. If there is time, apply again and leave for 5 minutes on the face.
It turns out a tonic and nourishing mask.
For dry skin types, the crumb can be soaked in milk or cream.
All types skin suit sour milk (but not sour!) or kefir.

Rinse off the mask with boiled water or infusion of herbs at room temperature, gently pat the skin dry with a towel.
Let the face and neck dry for 3-5 minutes and then apply a healing gel that strengthens blood vessels - Troxerutin - to problem areas. After the gel has been absorbed, complete the treatment with a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

Aromatherapy for rosacea

With weak capillaries, oils are needed that strengthen them:

Essential: myrtle, cajuput, parsley, cypress, geranium, chamomile, immortelle, wild carrot, rose, tea tree, lavender, rosewood, neroli.

Basic: almond, rosehip, avocado, jojoba, apricot, kukuya, macadamia, hazelnut, grape seed, tamanu, calendula oil infusions, borage oil, evening primrose.

Unsuitable with rosacea essential oils eucalyptus, cloves, anise, cinnamon and dill.

✔ Helps to reduce the appearance and stop the development of rosacea massage with rosewood oil of the collar zone.

Beneficial facial massage(soft, stroking) with a mixture of jojoba oil (50 ml) and essential oils of rose and blue chamomile (5 drops each). The natural elasticity of blood vessels is restored, the complexion improves.

Couperose mask: yogurt (50 ml) + essential oils of neroli and juniper (5 caps each) + rosemary (2 caps). Wash off after 15 minutes with boiled water or herbal infusion room temperature. You can do it once a week.

Oils must have high quality, do not forget to study the contraindications and test for an individual reaction.

Nutrition for rosacea

The diet should be aimed at strengthening blood vessels.


  • fresh juices melons (and pulp), feijoa, dogwood, infusions and rosehip nectar;
  • greens, fruits and vegetables;
  • oily sea fish
  • grape seed oil;
  • green tea.

Take extracts of chestnut, blueberry, mimosa, arnica, echinacea, myrtle.

Eliminate or minimize the use of sour cream, liver, cheese, yogurt, chocolate, coffee, pickles, citrus fruits, alcohol (especially red wine), spicy. Don't overeat!

Vitamin therapy: as already mentioned, rutin, potassium and ascorbic acid are needed.

Potassium reduces permeability and increases the density of vascular walls, and also protects our skin from aging, while maintaining its elasticity.

Rich in potassium: thyme, marjoram, basil, oregano, celery, parsley, clover, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and cauliflower, mushrooms, tomatoes, turnips, green beans, prunes, plums, strawberries, kiwi, blackberries, avocados, olive and soybean oils, rye, oats, wheat husks, green tea.

Vitamin C necessary for the formation of collagen, which reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries. In addition, ascorbic acid constricts blood vessels.

Rose hips, garlic, cabbage, currants (black and red), red pepper, etc. are rich in vitamin C.

Rutin strengthens capillaries and prevents permeability and fragility of their walls.

Contained in buckwheat, pomegranate, flower pollen, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant fruits, wild rose, bananas, chokeberry and red mountain ash, St. John's wort, walnut and etc.

You can buy a pharmacy venotonic and vasoconstrictor drug Askorutin containing rutin and ascorbic acid.

Prevention of rosacea

It is believed that red stars appearing on the skin of the face and body are hereditary, so if your relatives have them, you can safely consider yourself at risk.

If you are predisposed to rosacea, start the prevention of the disease as early as possible, preferably from the age of 15. Avoid factors that provoke rosacea.
Worth paying close attention on the skin of their children and teach them how to care for it from a young age.

If you are at risk, but at the same time you strongly do not want to acquire an unhealthy blush, urgently change your lifestyle.

✔ Quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol are extremely detrimental to vascular system.
Having a high penetrating ability, alcohol molecules from the oral mucosa enter the bloodstream and are quickly delivered to the vessels of the face, causing their short-term spasm and then expansion.
Such a “shake” is harmful to vessels that have lost their tone, and can trigger the development and exacerbation of rosacea.

✔ Avoid hot food and drink. Avoid caffeinated drinks and soda. Instead of black tea and coffee, drink green tea - it tones the blood vessels.
Berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, freshly squeezed citrus juices or homemade lemonade are also good.

✔ Refrain from spicy and spicy foods. From food, vegetable oils and fatty sea fish, rich in vitamins A and E, as well as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, have a vasoconstrictive property.
In addition, citrus fruits and forest berries rich in vitamins P (raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries) have an excellent effect on the vascular wall.

✔ Beware of wind and frost. Sharp temperature contrasts and bad weather, weak vessels can not withstand and burst. Therefore, in winter, always protect your face with a special weather cream containing fats and oils.
To harden the vessels, every morning wipe the skin of the face with a piece of ice (only for a short time!).
You can use alternating washing with warm and cool water (but not ice and hot, because skin prone to rosacea does not like strong contrasts).
Make chamomile compresses - this strengthens the capillaries.
And before going out into the cold, apply on your face for at least half an hour. fat cream, which will protect the vessels from the cold.

✔ Do not steam the skin, forget about baths and saunas. If you can’t live without a bath, then at least go there less often and sit in the steam room for no longer than 10 minutes, while throwing a terry towel over your face.

✔ Take vitamins K, P and C. This is especially important in winter. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin K reduces the permeability of their walls. Vitamin P reduces capillary fragility.
Nicotinic acid with niacin also worked well.

It is worth noting that salon procedures and home methods are not enough to remove the capillary network and return the vessels to their former elasticity.
In order to effectively get rid of them forever, you need to eat right and be in the fresh air more often.
based on materials,

Beauty and health to you!