What is a puffy face or pastosity: causes and treatment. Swelling of the face and other diseases. Methods of treatment at home

A swollen face is not always a sign of a strong friendship with alcohol. Often, this problem occurs in women with impaired metabolism or slow work endocrine system. Also, swelling on the neck and face can report chronic diseases, allergic reactions, and some other body problems.


The most common causes of swelling on the face are problems with the excretory system or chronic diseases. Here you can add sleep in the "wrong" position, bad habits, and even genetics. According to statistics, every second girl whose mother suffered from a swollen face, the same problem occurs at the age of 35 years.

At the same time, with swelling under the eyes, less common causes of the problem cannot be ruled out:

  • Accumulation of adipose tissue and fiber under the skin. As a result, whole stagnant pits with unextracted lymph and blood are formed on the face. Visually, this can be represented as balls with purulent secretions under the main layers of the epithelium.
  • Hypertension. Another common cause of edema is high blood pressure. Most often this phenomenon occurs in women over 45 years of age or during menopause. Thus, the body is trying to rebuild and check the "working capacity" of its protective functions.
  • Breakdown. Do not be surprised if, after a scandal or other nervous shock, your face is swollen around the lips and eyes. The “culprit” is the endocrine system, which threw too much adrenaline into the body. He slowed down the rate of excretion of fluid and began to accumulate it in all accessible parts of the body. The most common areas are the eyes, mouth and legs.

But, unfortunately, such simple reasons edema is a rarity. And sometimes it is almost impossible to independently diagnose the cause of swelling.

chronic diseases

By the appearance of edema and the area of ​​​​their localization, you can determine which organ or system is asking for help.

Consider how you can conduct a primary diagnosis by color and swelling area:

  • In diseases of the kidneys, swelling is located mainly on the upper part of the face. They are very small, dotted, but there are many of them. The characteristic color is bluish-white, when pressed, the skin can even turn slightly blue for a couple of seconds.
  • If swelling of the eyelids of the face appears, then this is a sign of abdominal dropsy, lymphoma, or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Immediately make a reservation, when diagnosing a serious disease, along with swelling of the face and eyelids, temperature should also be observed. In the case when the thermometer stubbornly shows 36.6, carefully look at the proteins. You may have conjunctivitis.
  • Red, large swelling of a random location on the face signal about some kind of liver disease. The most common is liver failure. The localization process is very fast. Already a couple of hours after the onset of the first symptoms, cyanosis of the lips and dizziness are added.
  • Bags under the eyes, swelling of the bridge of the nose and upper face indicate heart failure. Also, the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is the redness of the proteins and the blue around the nasolabial fold.
  • With hypertension, the swelling is large and red, if you press on them, then a permanent white mark will remain. A similar tissue reaction will be to any nervous shock or mental illness. Sometimes it is a symptom of psychosomatics. The body's reaction to a stressful situation is similar.

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, then go to see a therapist as soon as possible. In most cases, the puffiness disappears during the day, but returns with new force. If the swelling on the cheekbones and cheeks is gone, this is not always a remission.

Renal and cardiac edema

The easiest way to recognize it is the renal edema of the face: they are large, light, the main place of localization is under the eyes and around the nose. The kidneys are an organ of the excretory system, and when some kind of malfunction occurs in the body, they immediately let you know about it. Puffiness of this kind is not always a sign of a disease (although it is worth checking).

Causes of kidney edema:

  • Lots of fluids before bed. Enough to drink a glass warm water- this will help cleanse the digestive tract. Tea, coffee, especially alcoholic drinks. They slow down the excretory system and provoke the accumulation of fluid.
  • Heavy food. In the evening you can not eat a lot of salty, fried, smoked. It also slows down the elimination of toxins and water, dehydrates the body and overloads the stomach.
  • A large amount of sodium in the body. Its salts enter the body with food and mineral water. Sodium is an essential trace element, but exceeding the allowable content in the blood provokes the appearance of edema around the eyes and slows down the kidneys.

Along with this, we must not forget that renal soft tissue edema in the face and neck can also be a symptom of a serious illness. In particular, it is pyelonephritis, toxic damage to organs, liver failure, nephropathy and others.

Cardiac edema is different from renal edema. The legs begin to swell first, which is typical - both feet inflate symmetrically. The accumulation of fluid occurs as if from the bottom up - from the feet to the face. They need to be able to distinguish from kidney ones, because, in all cases, these are signals about incorrect operation of cardio-vascular system.

Symptoms of cardiac edema:

  • Slow development. Swelling can reach the face in only a week.
  • Along with puffiness, shortness of breath, palpitations are also observed.
  • The swelling itself is red, dense and large. If you click on them, they will turn white and stay that way. long time.
  • The skin in places of swelling is cold, sometimes moist.

The most common cause of cardiac edema is high or low blood pressure. Also pay attention to where you first noticed swelling. If on the legs, then the left ventricle is affected, if in the area chest- that's right.

Age changes after 40

Swelling of the face after 40 years and during menopause is a “common” thing. They appear as a result of a violation of lymphatic metabolism. How does age-related puffiness differ from painful:

  • The skin does not redden and does not turn pale in the affected areas. She just swells up and gets cooler than before.
  • Swellings appear at any time of the day and do not go away for a long time. It can be in the evening, afternoon or morning - on average, they last up to several days.
  • Parts of the body swell asymmetrically.
  • When pressing on the swelling, a large hole remains, which does not change its shape for a long time.

According to doctors, this is the most difficult type of edema. It's almost impossible to get rid of them. standard set medicines. To find out the cause and treatment options for the disease, contact a phlebologist (this is a specialist in veins, arteries and blood vessels).


Edema during " interesting position» most often occur at night and appear on the face and legs. Hormones are raging excretory system does not keep up with the changes in the body. It is worth noting that for pregnant girls, a similar phenomenon may indicate chronic disease and even endanger the life of the fetus. Most likely it is hetosis (one of the forms of toxicosis).

First of all, these edemas are dangerous for the unborn child - due to the poor outflow of fluid from the tissues in the body, pressure is disturbed, and the child begins oxygen starvation. A pregnant girl at this time may suffer from swelling. internal organs and not even suspect the danger.

In what cases is swelling during pregnancy dangerous:

  • If puffiness is accompanied high blood pressure, loss of strength, nosebleeds and redness of the whites.
  • In case of shortness of breath. Difficulty breathing after climbing stairs should not be confused with shortness of breath when lying on the bed.
  • At the time of testing in the urine, at least the slightest amount squirrel.
  • In addition to the nose and other parts of the face, swelling extends to the legs, arms, and back.

Alcohol and bad habits

A swollen face after a stormy party is a common thing. Moreover, it is one of the simplest and most common symptoms of a hangover. The kidneys and liver are affected by toxins, which is why they cannot perform their direct functions normally.

Why does the face swell from alcohol:

  • Toxins found in alcoholic beverages block the body's ability to distribute fluid normally. As a result, moisture, instead of being excreted, is redistributed into the voids under the skin. Hence the involuntary secretion of selz, runny nose.
  • In connection with the poisoning of the kidneys and liver, the body tries to get rid of intoxication on its own. The result is a decrease in blood volume, a slowdown in the lymphatic system and dry mucous membranes.

To get rid of swelling on the face after alcohol poisoning, doctors recommend drinking brine (this is not a joke, this drink contains a large amount of electrolyte salts necessary to increase the amount of blood) and only after that drink plain water.


Swelling of the neck and face is also considered the main symptom of an allergy. Symptoms of histamine puffiness:

  • Fast flow. At first redder face, after the scarlet spots begin to descend down the body from top to bottom. Depending on the allergen and its amount, swelling can spread within a few hours or a couple of minutes.
  • Discomfort. The face hurts (often the nose, cheekbones and cheeks), the neck and chest begin to itch.
  • Allergy after an insect or snake bite is often accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, hallucinations.

Until the body gets rid of the cause of intoxication, this puffiness cannot be removed. But you can muffle the itching a little and bring down the temperature. If we are talking about a snake bite - it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible (if possible, it is advisable to photograph the bitten reptile).

Bruises and injuries

Spotting and swelling after trauma, operable or other invasive intervention - normal phenomenon. So the body is protected from aggressive external factors. Such edema occurs after tooth extraction, fights, with some dental diseases (in particular, flux), and other similar influences.

In what cases is swelling traumatic:

  • Edema after peeling, biorevitalization, dry cleaning or mesotheoapia. In all these procedures, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged. In the process of regeneration, it swells and becomes painfully red. By the way, photorejuvenation leaves the same effect.
  • After tattoos and tattoos. When a colored pigment is driven under the skin, the body tries with all its might to reject it. Here work is responsible for puffiness immune system. Redness and swelling disappear a week after the session.
  • After beauty injections, implantation of gold threads and other invasive cosmetic procedures.

Treating them just doesn't make sense. In places of edema, the work of blood vessels is disrupted, some of them are destroyed. You need to give your body time to recover. The maximum that you can do is to eat more vitamins and ensure yourself a quality rest.


The disease when the face swells due to infection is called infectious mononucleosis. This is a fairly rare disease, which is divided into two types:

  • Reticuloendothelial.
  • Lymphatic.

In both cases, the nasopharyngeal mucosa suffers and the face becomes puffy. The cause of the disease is the penetration into the body of a large number of pathogens. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable - it goes away on its own, like chickenpox or measles.

Swelling of the face and eyes in the morning after sleep

This is absolutely normal reaction body to wake up from sleep. During sleep, blood and lymph actively flow to the face, and with a sharp rise, these fluids simply do not have time to be discharged. In addition, the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Drinking plenty of water at night.
  • Sleeping on your stomach or on a pillow that is too high - the cervical vessels are pinched, which interferes with normal blood circulation.
  • Fried or overly salty foods for dinner.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, as mentioned above, slow down the outflow of lymph, causing swelling around the eyes.

How to remove swelling on the face?

If the cause of puffiness is an injury or other relatively minor cause, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem at home. But, when edema is a symptom of a disease or an allergy, then a comprehensive approach should be taken to solving the problem.

How is puffiness of the face treated?

  • Special treatments at the spa. one of them the best technicians An infrared sauna is considered to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body.
  • Physical loads. Excellent reviews about the special lymphatic drainage dance - it can be done even by those who have never played sports. Stretching, simple gymnastics and yoga also help the normal distribution of lymph.
  • massage techniques. Here are used special massages that have an effect similar to physical activity.
  • Medicines. They are used in the treatment of allergic edema, as well as puffiness, as a symptom of a disease. Can only be prescribed by doctors.
  • Compresses.

Salon procedures

Before removing swelling from the face in beauty salons, you need to consult a therapist or phlebologist. In the case when they did not find any critical conditions of the body, you can seek help from a cosmetologist.

In the salon from edema is used:

  • Mask with hyaluronic acid. It increases skin turgor, thereby beneficially affecting blood flow. Already after the first procedure, a positive effect is visible.
  • Mesotherapy with soft rollers perfectly copes with the problem of severe swelling in the eyelids.
  • Fillers. These are injections of nutrients under the top layer of the skin. The technique helps to get rid of constant puffiness on the cheekbones and around the nose.

Diuretics for swelling of the face

Let's just say that this is the worst way to treat swelling. In fact, you are simply slaughtering the symptoms with aggressive drugs. Among these, Furasemide washes out calcium and is addictive, Veroshpiron is a modern analogue of Furasemide and Trifas.

These tablets can only be used in the form of emergency therapy - they can be drunk once and only if the swelling of the face needs to be urgently eliminated. For example, you need to go on a date or an interview, and you are swollen. Just get ready for frequent runs to “powder your nose.”

They have contraindications, be careful. Such drugs are strictly forbidden to use in any oncology, diabetes during pregnancy and lactation.

home remedies for puffiness

The first thing to do if your face is swollen is to wash contrast shower. This will “reanimate” the vessels and restart the lymphatic system. First wash with warm water, then ice. At severe swelling short-term immersion in a cold bath helps a lot. Take water in a flat container and dip your face into it.

  • Often fatigue or lack of proper sleep manifests itself as edema. Visually remove the effect of "sleepy panda", massage of the eyelids and nose with a special steel ball will help. Many famous companies(Garnier, L`Oreal and others) supplement such products with useful substances.
  • The old "old-fashioned" way to get rid of edema is to put slices of raw cold potatoes on your face. You need to keep such a “mask” for at least 15 minutes. After flip reverse side and repeat the procedure.
  • To prevent swelling, drink sage tea regularly in the evenings and linseed oil in the morning. This is especially true after childbirth and with age-related changes. Both drugs contribute to the strength of blood vessels, the normalization of the lymphatic system and the strengthening of the nervous system.
  • Swelling of the eyes after vomiting can be quickly removed with cold spoons. Cool the cutlery and apply it to the eyelids. Hold the metal on the skin for up to 10 minutes. If necessary, repeat.
  • Fresh juices have an effect on the body similar to tablet diuretics, only they do not have side effects. Fresh carrots, beets and greens (parsley, spinach, celery) are especially recommended.
  • With swelling from insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps), heparin ointment will help. It should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area and left until absorbed. Refresh layer every 2 hours. This will relieve itching and speed up the healing of the wound.
  • To eliminate "salt" or renal edema, Tsitsulin advises to drink a glass of parsley decoction after meals. It will remove toxic substances and speed up the metabolism. This method is also great for relieving hangovers.

Unlike the opinion on the forums, badyaga categorically cannot be used to treat edema. It is an aggressive irritant and can only aggravate your situation.

How to get rid of swelling on the face with masks

  • Clay. Absolutely any available types will do: blue, white, pink, green.
  • With potatoes. As mentioned above, it helps to strengthen turgor and tighten small wrinkles. For greater effect, mix the potato mass with chilled apple puree.
  • Vitamin and oil. If the cause lies in insufficient nutrition of the skin, improper metabolism or bad habits, then you can even remove the swelling coconut oil and Tocopherol.


To prevent the appearance of swelling under the eyes, prolong youth and remove the effect of swollen eyelids, lymphatic drainage facial massage will help.

Apply to cleansed skin nutritious cream- this will facilitate the movement of fingers on its surface and provide an additional restorative effect from the procedure.

  • Movements start from the top of the forehead. By massage lines need to in a circular motion move your fingertips. From the forehead to the nose, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner, from the cheeks to the temples.
  • After you need to work vascular network. To do this, pat on the skin for a few minutes. open hand. The movements should be very soft, but confident. In progress lymphatic drainage massage no burning or pain should be felt.
  • It remains to draw several times from the top of the forehead to the chin, from the eyebrows to the cheeks and from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. At the end of the session, a cooling gel can be applied to the skin.


If the swelling does not go away for a long time after the masks, special compresses will help speed up the outflow of lymph. Most importantly, they must be cold.

Options for compresses from edema:

  • Chamomile. 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are taken on a weave of water. Boil until boiling, then remove the solution and cool in the refrigerator. Keep a compress from this tea for at least 20 minutes.
  • To eliminate the tumor after being hit by the most the best option will make a mask of ice cubes. Only it can not be kept on the skin for a long time - the blood flow will be disturbed. It is better to make a compress and briefly apply it to the affected areas.
  • It is believed that tissue compresses with vitamins and hyaluronic acid help well. This also includes funds with gold and extracts from algae. The main thing is that they have a cooling effect.

For cancer, diseases of the endocrine system, rehabilitation after surgical interventions, you should consult with your doctor before using any of these methods.

Puffiness of the face occurs due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. What is behind this phenomenon? Why does the face swell, what methods exist to eliminate puffiness?

The causes of facial swelling in women are divided into two groups. The first group - swelling of the face occurs due to health problems. Internal diseases - frequent factor puffy look. What malfunctions in the body cause puffiness?

  • Failure of the endocrine system;
  • Allergy;
  • Arthritis, rheumatism;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Problems with the genitourinary system;
  • Damage to the veins.

The second group of reasons - swelling of the face are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. In this case, the woman observes a swollen face after sleeping. Why does my face swell in the morning?

  1. A small amount of sleep negatively affects the functioning of the body, which causes swelling.
  2. The food is unbalanced. A puffy face in the morning can cause overeating before bedtime, an improper diet, a diet full of fatty and spicy foods.
  3. A hot climate provokes swelling of the face.
  4. Stress, chronic overwork are often companions of edema.
  5. On the eve of sleep there was a long crying.
  6. Alcohol consumption. Large doses of alcohol often cause swelling on the face, in the morning after a fun evening, an unattractive appearance is observed.
  7. Passion for drinks that actively remove water from the body. Coffee and tea enhance the diuretic mechanism, the body receives a signal from the brain that it is necessary to accumulate fluid.

What else causes facial swelling? The source of a puffy face can be pregnancy and the misuse of certain cosmetics. How to get rid of swelling of the face? Let's consider various methods.

Salon methods

If swelling of the face occurs not due to external factors, but due to illness, then in addition to the main treatment, the problem can be eliminated with the help of latest developments cosmetology. The specialist will select the procedure that is most safe for the body. How to remove swelling from the face salon methods? Main methods:

  1. Miallifting. Helps to get rid of the problem with the help of electrical impulses. To remove swelling of the face with this procedure, you must reach the age of thirty.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage. Allows you to remove water from the tissues, makes the facial oval more clear.
  3. Darsonvalization. Treatment of puffiness by the method of hardware cosmetology. The skin is exposed to high-frequency current, as a result of which oxygen saturation occurs, the facial contour is smoothed.
  4. Lifting. When puffiness appears after a certain age limit and keeps on a regular basis, then transformations in the body may be the cause. You can get rid of swelling on the face caused by aging with the help of skin tightening. Oxygen lifting is the most popular among women.
  5. Mesotherapy. The introduction of injections, gels into the skin.

home methods

When the face swells due to the wrong lifestyle, then you can deal with the problem with home remedies. What can you do on your own at home?

Self massage

How to remove puffiness after sleep? In the morning, you can use the method of self-massage. It is convenient to use at home and in the morning. Time will take 15 minutes. Massage is carried out by light tapping, stroking, pinching. The main lines are on the cheekbones, forehead, under the eyes. You should choose the following movements:

  • on the cheekbones - from the top of the cheeks down to the lower part of the jaw;
  • on the forehead - along the lines of the bridge of the nose parallel to the superciliary arches;
  • under the eyes - from the outer region of the eye to the inner corner.

The final movement on the cheekbones is from the wings of the nose along the zygomatic bone.

To consolidate the result, you can use an ice cube. After sleep, it is recommended to carry out a cube of frozen chamomile or cucumber juice along the above massage lines on the cheekbones and forehead. Exposure to cold increases the tone of the skin, which reduces stagnant movements in the tissues. It is recommended to do such self-massage regularly, especially after sleepless nights, abuse of spicy and salty foods, and drinking alcohol.

Applying masks

Can be used at home special masks. How to relieve swelling with homemade masks? We offer you to get acquainted with effective recipes.

Potatoes are boiled in their skins, cooled to room temperature, wrinkled with a fork and applied to the facial area. Potatoes should be warm, but not hot. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. When you need to quickly remove swelling from the face, but there is no time, it is not forbidden to use raw potatoes. The root crop is applied for two minutes, and then replaced with new pieces. The procedure time is 6-8 minutes. You can make a mask at home twice a week.

If the face is swollen after a feast, then a sour cream mask can be used to eliminate the consequences. To do this, mix fresh herbs in the amount of a teaspoon and two tablespoons of sour cream. Apply for 15 minutes.

Parsley is known for its high anti-edema properties. Greens are finely cut and added to boiled potatoes. Keep the mask for 15 minutes. Another option is to chop parsley to a very fine state and mix it with brewed black tea.

A cloth napkin is moistened with a decoction of calendula and chamomile and spread on problem area. After five minutes, the skin must be wiped with an ice cube. Then the manipulation with a napkin and ice is repeated. Such a compress is convenient to do after sleep.

There is a cold compress option. To do this, gauze is lowered into a fairly cold water, wring out and apply on the facial area. Hold the gauze for about two minutes. You can pour a decoction of chamomile or sage into the water. Effective and invigorating procedure, it can be done after sleep.

Experts do not recommend the use of diuretics to combat puffiness. The reason for this is the leaching of nutrients, especially calcium. But you can try natural teas from lingonberry leaves, birch buds, mountain ash.

How to remove swelling from the face additional ways? The following

  1. It is advisable to drink only clean water, the use of other drinks should be minimized.
  2. It is worth giving up alcohol. In women, the use of alcohol is reflected on the face, over time, this deficiency will not hide any way.
  3. The diet should be free of salty, spicy and fatty foods. With severe swelling, it is best to use a salt-free diet. Sometimes only the establishment of nutrition helps to cope with swelling after sleep.
  4. Daily sleep should be at least eight to nine hours. The surface on which the head lies should not be too soft and high. After sleep, it is useful to wipe the skin with ice.

With severe swelling that does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Why does the face swell? What caused the problem? This could be a signal internal disease, then drug therapy will be needed to eliminate it.

Edema of any etiology indicates the accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular spaces and internal organs human body and are general and local. Facial edema is classified as local and becomes noticeable if approximately three liters of excess fluid has accumulated in the body.

A similar phenomenon may be a consequence of a malfunction of one or more organs.


Causes of swelling of the face may be related to:

  • With heart disease. In case of malfunctions in the work of the heart muscle, the picture of edema is as follows: the patient's face becomes swollen and flabby, dense when touched, while the skin practically does not move. This happens in the late afternoon and may be accompanied by shortness of breath. Edema of cardiac etiology is always accompanied by an increase in the liver.
  • WITH bad job kidney. This reason is the most common explanation for why the face swells after sleep. Renal edema is found in the morning hours and is localized mainly on lower eyelids. The face and eyelids become soft, watery, swelling on them can be easily moved from one area to another. With kidney problems, peripheral edema of the extremities, chest and abdomen and high blood pressure can be observed.
  • With insomnia and stress. Swelling of the face and eyes in the morning may develop as a result of sleepless night, drinking alcohol before bedtime and severe overwork.
  • WITH allergic reaction per row food products, facilities household chemicals, plant pollen, insect bites, some antibiotics and medicines. Angioedema is often accompanied by a rash, itching, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, the patient may lose consciousness.
  • With disease (thrombosis) of the superior vena cava, manifested in the difficult outflow of blood from the head. The face becomes bluish.
  • With long exposure to the sun. Swelling of the face from the sun is localized on the forehead, in the area of ​​​​the eyes and eyelids.
  • WITH inflammatory processes flowing in the tonsils, oral and nasal cavities, as well as in the teeth, leading to stagnation of lymphatic fluid in the lymph nodes located in the lower jaw. As a result, both bilateral and unilateral edema can develop on the right or left side.
  • With osteochondrosis. Swelling of the face can cause osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The patient has swelling upper eyelids and cheeks, hearing and vision worsen, there is a feeling that the head is filled with liquid.
  • WITH surgical intervention : swelling of the face after surgery is inevitable and finally disappears only after a few weeks.

If the problem occurs regularly, it is necessary to go through a series diagnostic studies and determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. In the case of a diagnosis, the patient must necessarily begin treatment of the disease that provokes edema.

How to remove swelling from the face

If the cause of frequent swelling is an unhealthy diet and wrong image life, you should adjust your diet as soon as possible and revise your daily routine. For this you need:

  • Eat right, drink as much as possible clean water and sleep for at least eight hours.
  • Reduce salt intake to a minimum or follow a salt-free diet for some time.
  • Exclude from your diet foods that help retain fluid inside the body: do not eat canned food, smoked meats and fried foods.
  • Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible that contribute to the removal of excess fluid: carrots, apples, watermelons, citrus fruits.
  • Avoid late dinners.
  • Regularly take decoctions and infusions that have a diuretic effect (knotweed, lingonberry leaves, birch buds).
  • Remove swelling with special masks.
  • Apply contrast baths (alternating applying hot and cold gauze to the face). Each application should be kept for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe the swollen face with ice cubes made from decoction medicinal herbs(St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, linden, sage). It is best to perform a massage in the morning: it perfectly tones the skin and helps to eliminate both general puffiness and bags under the eyes.
  • Allergic edema provoked allergic rhinitis, can be easily eliminated by washing the sinuses with a warm solution sea ​​salt(a teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of water).

Mask Recipes

A mask against edema will help to quickly correct the situation. Here are just a few of the tried and tested recipes:

  • A tablespoon of grated parsley root and strong tea leaves are mixed and applied to the lower eyelids. Withstand a little more than a quarter of an hour. If there is no tea leaves, you can do with one parsley.

On the upper eyelids, you can put small napkins with cooked gruel. The use of fabric contributes to a more effective penetration of the healing composition deep into the dermis and increases the effectiveness of the mask: swelling passes faster, and the skin acquires additional tone.

  • Quickly remove swelling from the face (especially after visiting the beach, in the heat) will help raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, it is washed off with warm water. Instead of gruel, you can use potato juice: they moisten clean gauze and put it on the skin for the same period.
  • Dill-sour cream mask will effectively eliminate morning swelling: a teaspoon of finely chopped dill is mixed with two of the same spoons of sour cream and kept on the face for 15 minutes.
  • Ordinary buckwheat is no less effective. The groats are ground with a coffee grinder, placed in a small linen bag and dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes. A chilled bag of cereal is applied to a swollen face.
  • Relieves puffiness after sunburn sheet mask soaked in freshly brewed green tea. It must be held for 20-25 minutes.

What to do if the face is very swollen and itchy

Green tea masks quickly and effectively relieve swelling

It is necessary first of all to understand the causes of this condition. Most often this happens:

  • Due to the wrong selection of cosmetics and skin care products. In this case, it is only necessary to abandon the use of problematic products of the cosmetic industry.
  • Due to heightened sensitivity to heat or cold. Such people should be especially careful: avoid prolonged exposure to the scorching rays of the sun and not stay outside for too long on frosty and windy days.
  • Due to the unexpected effects of certain drugs . In case of skin rash, itching, redness skin, edema, you should stop using them, informing the doctor about it.

Swelling of the face (whatever time of day they occur) is a very alarming signal that must be taken into account, since sometimes they eloquently indicate the presence of a serious illness that must be dealt with.

With the regular appearance of edema, the patient needs to get advice from several specialists as soon as possible: a therapist, a cardiologist, an allergist and an endocrinologist.

The word "pasto" comes from the Latin "pasta" (dough). This condition of the face occurs due to swelling and friability. Pastosity occurs due to a violation of the outflow of fluid from the body. Often the cause is a violation of the lymphatic system. A pathological disorder also occurs due to thinning of blood vessels and capillaries, an excess of sodium ions, or high blood pressure. This article describes how to remove puffiness from the face.

Video - How to remove swelling of the face: tips from an osteopath

Causes of puffiness

Pastosity may be due to common causes or negative processes. Most often, swelling of the face appears due to diseases of the internal organs or disruption of the endocrine system. This leads to fluid retention. But there are other factors of puffiness of the face, the reasons:

  • feature of tissues due to heredity;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • stress;
  • allergic predisposition;
  • long period of medication;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • long-term use of diuretics, which then leads to a reverse reaction;
  • the presence of chronic inflammation (conjunctivitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • taking sedative and glucocorticoid drugs;
  • improperly selected diets;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • starvation;
  • incorrect position of the head during sleep;
  • long work at the computer;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine and many other factors.

The appearance of swelling of the face in women: the causes may be different. For example, due to menstrual cycle, pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives. For some ladies, pastosity appears due to cosmetics, especially sensitive skin reacts to the poor quality of the product.

The appearance of swelling of the face in a man: the cause may be age-related changes organism after thirty years. The number of hyaluronic acid that binds water. As a result, free fluid appears in the tissues. Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages also causes puffiness of the face, but men suffer more for this reason.

The appearance of puffiness of the face in the morning in women: the reasons for this are various. This may be due to the liquid drunk the day before in large volumes. Pastosity sometimes occurs during pregnancy, menopause. An important role is played by diets, according to which very little protein is consumed or age-related changes in the body.

The appearance of swelling of the face in men in the morning: all of the above factors that are suitable regardless of gender can be the causes. Pastosity can appear due to excessive smoking. Nicotine causes spasms of blood vessels and increases their permeability.


Puffiness of the face: causes and treatment (it depends on many factors) in women and men may vary slightly. Nevertheless, the general picture of the appearance of pastosity is the same. Many lead the wrong way of life. The reason may be malnutrition, insomnia or fatigue.

Pastosity of the face often appears after eating spicy, fried and fatty foods or daily lack of sleep. In winter and spring, the body lacks vitamins, which can also cause swelling. If you exclude many negative factors, then you can get rid of pastosity, if these are not serious diseases.

How to remove puffiness from the face? Do not drink a lot of fluids at night, give up alcoholic beverages. Their abuse is immediately reflected on the face. The daily proportion of salt in the diet should be significantly reduced. It is necessary to abandon spicy, fried and fatty foods, or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

In case of lack of sleep, restore a normal sleep pattern - at least 8 hours. Visit daily fresh air, at home - ventilate the room. Work at the computer should end three hours before bedtime. It is necessary to “feed” the body with vitamins of groups B, A, C, PP and P. All of them are found in large quantities in blackcurrant, sea buckthorn, carrots, fresh cabbage, apples, citrus fruits.

How to get rid of facial puffiness for women old age? Be sure to wash off cosmetics at night, use only suitable creams, gels, etc. Do not rub active preparations into the skin that help remove fluid from the dermis. Sleep should be at least seven hours a day. Do not use protective creams in cold or hot weather.

Removal of edema quickly

How to remove puffiness from the face quickly? If the reason is not serious illness, then you can make lotions with ice. Strong brewing of black tea helps to remove puffiness. A napkin soaked in it is applied to the face for a couple of minutes. This procedure is repeated several times.

A salt compress is very effective, but it is used only in the most extreme cases. In 2 l hot water dissolves 4 tbsp. l. salt. A small towel is wetted in the solution and applied to the face so that you can breathe. From above, the compress is covered with a dry cloth and kept until it cools. The procedure is repeated three times, then the skin is thoroughly washed and a nourishing cream is applied to it.

No less effective will be a contrast compress. To do this, take two containers into which hot and ice water is poured. A towel is wetted in boiling water and applied to the face. Holds until completely cool. Then the same towel is soaked in ice water and applied to the skin for forty seconds. The procedure is repeated four times.

Frozen decoctions of chamomile, plantain and birch buds relieve swelling very well. Helps and green tea. It brews hard and cools down. Then a napkin is wetted in tea and applied to the face. The procedure is repeated several times.

How to get rid of puffiness?

How to remove swelling of the face at home? This can be done with masks. In any house there is always a potato on hand. It is boiled in uniforms, then kneaded with a fork and applied to the face in the form of a warm puree for fifteen minutes. If time is running out, then you can use a raw vegetable. It is cut into circles or rubbed on a coarse grater and applied to the swollen area.

If there is a fresh cucumber in the house, it is rubbed, and the resulting mass is applied to the face for twenty minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times. Puffiness can be partially removed in beauty salons. For this they have professional masks and procedures: mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, etc.

Pharmacies sell special forms for collecting water. It is convenient to keep such a mask in the refrigerator all the time. Pharmacies sell and ready-made masks from edema, and you can pick them up for any type of skin. Purchased funds are applied to the face, for twenty minutes, along the massage lines. After the time has elapsed, they are washed off with a non-alcoholic lotion or plain water.

Very comfortable masks, made on fabric basis. They are pre-soaked medicinal herbs. Used at least twice. The holding time of such masks on the face is from fifteen to twenty minutes.


How to quickly remove puffiness from the face in the morning? For this you can do self massage. It includes stroking and pinching the skin and tapping the face. The procedure is performed only with the fingertips, strictly according to special massage lines.

It is important to follow the right direction. First, the cheeks are processed - from the cheekbones to the lower jaw. Then the forehead to the superciliary arches. Under the eyes, massage is done only on the bone both on the upper and lower eyelids. In the cheekbones - from the wings of the nose along the bone towards the ear.

How to remove puffiness from the face at home with ice? Massage is carried out according to the technology described above. Ice cubes can be made from plain water, or from decoctions of chamomile and parsley. Also used for freezing mineral water and cucumber juice. During the massage, the tone of tissues and blood vessels increases, blood flow improves. are declining congestion increases lymphatic drainage.

If swelling occurs, it is still better to consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the cause of pastosity and prescribe proper treatment. For example, sometimes diuretics can only do harm. Since the liquid will not be washed out of the tissues, but from the vessels. And this can lead to thrombosis. As a preventive measure, you can always use herbal ice cubes in the morning instead of washing your face.

Video - The easiest way to get rid of edema and fluid retention in the body

The pathogenesis of edema and pastosity is similar in many respects. Endocrine and nervous influences are important, the permeability of the surface layers of cell membranes and the membranes themselves is increased, violations of the colloid-osmotic tissue turgor, lymph, blood pressure, changes in metabolism (in particular fat and protein). As a result, there is a violation of the circulation of the lymph, the peripheral mechanism of water exchange. IN this case tissue fluid is retained, forming a swelling of tissue elements, primarily muscle and connective.

Pastosity of the face may be the result of a disorder of the endocrine or cardiovascular system, as well as the liver and kidneys. For example, if swelling on the face appears along with shortness of breath, the most likely cause is heart problems. A sure sign vascular disease will be pale blue tint skin. Significant swelling of the lower eyelids will signal a malfunction of the kidneys.

The reason for the pastiness of the face will burn to hide in an elementary lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body. Also, edema may appear in quite healthy person who adheres to a strict diet for a certain period or incorrectly organizes a diet. Violations of regular sleep and the optimal daily routine can also cause the formation of facial pastosity.

In any case, the appearance of pastosity of the face is an alarming signal. This issue should be addressed immediately qualified specialist. He examined the symptoms and general state the patient, will establish the true cause of the appearance of edema on the surface of the skin. Having passed full examination, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

There are a number of useful people's councils and recommendations that will help remove the pastosity of the face. For example, a variety of herbal infusions which are effective diuretics.

Bear ears decoction is not only an excellent diuretic, but also has an excellent antiseptic property. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of herbs must be poured with a glass of boiling water. The container is tightly covered with a lid. After 20-30 minutes, the infusion is filtered. This tool It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

A simple potato mask will also help remove facial swelling. To do this, boiled potatoes are ground with a small amount of sour cream. The resulting product is applied in a thin layer on the face. After 10-12 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water. Such a tool perfectly stimulates blood circulation, removing the main signs of pastosity of the skin.