Love. Beautiful phrases about love, aphorisms about love

Love - wonderful feeling, inspiring philosophers, poets and artists to create real masterpieces. But what to do if you don’t have the talent for versification, but you really want to shout about your feelings? How to convey all the colors of emotions to your lover? They come to the rescue beautiful sayings about love.

Thoughtful statements about love and long-distance relationships often help rekindle the dimming flame of affection. Source: Flickr (octavandy)

Quotes about love and relationships

In the age of the Internet, it is not at all difficult to find a romantic text for your lover. There are beautiful sayings about love, relationships and feelings in the public domain. For any occasion and situation. Just open your browser and type the request. Below you can choose the example that most clearly describes the fullness of your feelings:

  • “Love means looking not at each other, but in the same direction.”
  • “If he's the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep is that he is really special!”
  • “Love can change a person beyond recognition.”
  • “To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.”
  • “Love flees from those who chase it. And those who run away are thrown on the neck.”
  • “It’s a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible.”
  • “A man is as young as he can be, a woman as young as they want her.”
  • “We cannot fall in love a second time with those whom we once truly fell out of love.”
  • “Love is like mercury: you can hold it in open palm, but not in a clenched hand."
  • “To love means to see a miracle invisible to others.”
  • “Being loved is more than being rich, because being loved is being happy.”
  • “In dreams and in love, nothing is impossible.”
  • “For lovers, like for birds, not only a nest is needed, but also the sky.”
  • “Lovers invent each other. Those who truly love will know.”
  • “Loved ones inspire, loving ones feed.”
  • “True intimacy usually starts from afar.”
  • “Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you will catch it.”
  • “Women generally remember only those men who made them laugh, and men only remember those women who made them cry.”
  • “There are no people who, having stopped loving, would not begin to be ashamed of their past love.”
  • “All lovers vow to fulfill more than they can, and do not even fulfill what is possible.”
  • “Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love increases, prudence decreases.”
  • “Love is like the wind in my hands. So easy to feel, but so hard to catch.”

About love at a distance

Separation is a real test for lovers. Sometimes feelings begin to fade, and you need to find a way to convey your warmth to your lover. Thoughtful statements about love and long-distance relationships often help rekindle the dimming flame of affection. Some will help you think and better rethink the situation; others, on the contrary, will give strength to bear this difficult burden.

Sayings about love and relationships have a funny feature: they don’t just provide food for thought, but inspire achievements and exploits, new discoveries. Source: Flickr (Erial_Rose)
  • “Separation for love is like the wind for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the big.”
  • “Love is a drug. At first there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. The next day you want more. You haven’t had time to get involved yet, but although you like the sensations, you are sure that you can do without them at any time. You think about your favorite creature for two minutes and forget about it for three hours. But gradually you get used to it and become completely dependent on it. And then you think about it for three hours and forget for two minutes. If he is not around, you experience the same thing as a drug addict who is deprived of his next dose of potion. And in such moments, like a drug addict who, for the sake of a dose, is capable of robbery, murder and any humiliation, you are ready to do anything for the sake of love.”
  • “When you want to cry, call me, I don’t promise to make you laugh, but I can cry with you, if you want to run away one day, call me, I don’t promise to persuade you to stay, but I can run away with you if you don’t want to.” to hear anyone at all - call me, I will sit very quietly, but if one day you call me and I don’t respond, hurry to me, most likely I really need you.”

Thoughts of great people

Not only us simple people, we think about this incomprehensible feeling, whose name is love. For many centuries, scientists and philosophers, commanders-in-chief of troops and presidents, kings and ordinary peasants thought about the same thing. They all rejoiced and suffered, laughed and cried. And just like you and me, we tried to keep this thrill alive long years, trusting paper with your thoughts about love and relationships. But not only love opposite sex disturbed high minds. Love for mother and children, for nature and the Motherland, for freedom and loneliness. All this can be found in their stories, thoughts, stories. In some ways you will recognize yourself, and in others it will give you a reason to think and rethink what is happening. Read and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the sweet torment of our ancestors and contemporaries.

  • “You only need one thing - to be natural, as natural as your breathing. Love your life. Don't live according to any commandments. Don't live according to other people's ideas. Don't live the way people demand of you. Listen to your own heart. Become silent, listen to the small, small voice within you and follow it.”
  • “Love must be of such quality that it brings freedom, not new chains; love gives you wings and encourages you to fly as high as possible.”
  • “It can only be shown to sighted people. Sing the song only to those who hear. Give yourself to someone who will be grateful, who understands, loves and appreciates.”
  • “We are always waiting for someone to take the first step. And this is one of the reasons why people rarely experience love. They are waiting for someone else to love them first.”
  • "How smaller woman we love - the more she likes us.”
  • “Millions of people pass by us, thousands look at us, hundreds of them try to look into our eyes, and dozens want to look into our soul. But only a few have a slim chance of getting into our hearts.”
  • “Only a mother can love without tears... without lies and without deception.”

Sayings about love and relationships have a funny feature: they don’t just provide food for thought, but inspire achievements and exploits, new discoveries. And it is not necessary to open new territories; it is much more interesting to comprehend new horizons of your soul.

Video on the topic

When you are loved it gives you strength. When you love, it gives you courage. Lao Tzu

I choose you. And I will choose you again and again. Without hesitation, without doubt. I will always choose you. Unknown

I swear that I cannot love you more than in this moment, and yet I know that I will - tomorrow. Leo Christopher

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. Albert Camus

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand. . Dorothy Parker

I looked at you for just one minute and saw a thousand things I love about you

I decided that I would choose love. Hatred is too heavy a burden to bear. Martin Luther King

I saw that you were perfection and fell in love with you. Then I saw that you are not perfect, and I loved you even more. Angelita Lim

The heart wants what it wants. There is no logic in such things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's it. Woody Allen

If I know what love is, it's thanks to you. Hermann Hesse

There is only one remedy for love - to love even more . Henry Thoreau

There is no duty to love. There is only freedom to love, and this freedom can be discovered in yourself again and again . Vladimir Levi

When thoughts of you come, I realize that I have woken up. Seeing dreams about you, I understand that I fell asleep. When I see you next to me, I understand that I am alive

And remember what they say: to love someone means to see the face of God. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Everything I understand in life, I understand only because I love. Lev Tolstoy

Nothing can replace great love, which says: “No matter what happens to you, you always have a place at this table.” Tom Hanks

Stop looking at love through the peephole, open the door. Leo Christopher

This is very dangerous condition. Actually, it's not that nice. I don't know who the hell wants to be in a situation where you can't stand even one hour without that person by your side. Colin Firth

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven. Possesses paradise - wants heaven. O lovers, all this is in your love! Just be able to find it. Victor Hugo

A touch of love can make anyone a poet. Plato

When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest of your life to begin as soon as possible. "When Harry Met Sally"

I realized that I was thinking about you, and I began to remember how much time you were in my thoughts. Then I realized: since I met you, you have never left them. Unknown

The pleasure that love brings lasts a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime. Bette Davis

To love means to constantly struggle with thousands of obstacles around us and in ourselves. Jean Anouilh

When love is not madness, then it is not love. Pedro Calderon de la Barca

One word frees us from all the heaviness and pain of life. This word is love. Sophocles

You will know it is love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even if you are not a part of their happiness. Julia Roberts

Where there is love, there is life. Mahatma Gandhi

All you need is love. But a little chocolate won't hurt. Charles Schultz

I hope you know that every time I tell you " Lucky road", or " Have a good day", or " Good night"I'm actually saying I love you. I fucking love you so much that it steals the meaning from all other words. Open-365

Is it necessary to talk about love at all? Not everyone is sure of this. If only because this feeling is uncompromising: either it is there or it is absent. For someone who has experienced love's ups and downs, indescribable puppy delight and terrible shocks, no words are needed. Anyone who has seen love only in TV series will hardly understand the deep meaning of some apt expression. And yet humanity continues to persistently and selflessly search for beautiful phrases about love. It is about love, and not about love - it’s more soulful.

Well, let's look for it too.

Love and folk art

Strange as it may seem, the most accurate ones were invented by the people. What is the famous saying: “Love is evil, you will love a goat!” If we discard the simplicity and rudeness inherent in this expression, then what remains is a meaning that any psychologist will agree with. We choose not with our minds, but with our hearts, and we love our chosen one not for any special merits, but just like that. Love, it must be said frankly, is not the fairest feeling. They love everyone: the evil and the ugly, the sick and the stupid. They also neglect all sorts of people: smart people and beauties, people with a rare soul and a heart of gold. So is it any wonder that the objects of our passionate feelings often do not live up to expectations, and their actions are quite comparable to the mentioned animal? But we desperately love such people: love is truly evil!

A. S. Pushkin about love

As you know, the great Russian poet was a great expert in the field love relationship. It is to his pen that the most famous phrases about love. For example, the famous “All ages are submissive to love.” True, not everyone knows that the generally accepted meaning of these lines clearly diverges from the original. In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, from which this phrase is “pulled out”, the author glorifies only a young, youthful feeling. But we are all much closer to the opera version, when the mentioned words are followed by: “Her impulses are beneficial both to a young man in the prime of life, who has barely seen the light, and to a fighter with a gray head, scorched by fate.” The reason why the original did not catch on is not difficult to understand. The heart of a person at any age is tuned to feelings, so those words that fuel this love fire, rather than trying to extinguish it, become closer and more understandable.

By the way, the poet has other phrases about love, which are also quoted inaccurately. Here is an example: “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” (in the original: “the easier it is for her to like us”). And this inaccuracy did not take root by chance. Pushkin, with his “easier”, probably spoke not so much about love as about flirting, for which lightness, serenity, and the absence of suffering are natural. But the option “the more,” it seems, was invented by a person burned by an unrequited feeling. He loved ardently and passionately, but did not find reciprocity, and he strong feelings for some they turned out to be a burden. Hence the apparent correct conclusion: You can’t love so much, less feelings - or rather results! But is this statement actually true? Who knows!

About love and wisdom

A lot of different and contradictory things have been written about feelings, and yet in this heap of thoughts one comes across something truly about love. Here is one of them: “Never marry a woman with whom you can live. Marry the one you can’t live without.”

It sounds, at first glance, tricky. But after the second, third, tenth reading, the meaning of these words becomes obvious. Contrary to all the talk about the only soul mate destined for a person from above, people on their path in life usually meet several partners with whom they are comfortable, and they can try to build an alliance. But love is not when a person feels good. Love - when it is impossible without it!

Great ones about love

Many famous people known not only for their deeds and achievements. They are the authors of wonderful phrases about life and love, which are perceived by the public with interest and sometimes with delight. Here are just a few of these expressions. “Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased” (T. Gautier). Or: “Love is not an external manifestation, it is always inside us” (L. Hay), “The tragedy of love is indifference” (S. Maugham).

The list of such phrases could take a long time, and not all of them can be easily agreed with. But one thing is certain: all these people understood very well what they were talking about. They knew about deep feelings firsthand!

Many of those who own the most apt expressions clothed their thoughts in a rude, mocking form. "The most stupid woman able to cope with the most smart man, but only the smartest - with a fool." This wonderful phrase belongs to R. Kipling. Well, how can you argue with her? A woman certainly won’t do this!

Faina Ranevskaya on the same topic

The great Soviet actress Ranevskaya is known not only for her bright roles in films, but also for her witty expressions. The actress was not too happy personal life, therefore, the phrases she expressed about love and family are both funny and filled with bitterness. At one of her meetings with the audience young girl asked Ranevskaya: “What is love?” The answer was short: “I forgot.” True, after a moment the actress clarified: “I remember that this is something very pleasant.” Other phrases of the great actress are filled with the same bitter irony. “Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.” Also: “The fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. But it’s true when it’s the other way around.”


Once upon a time, a popular Soviet song stated: “Don’t talk about love - everything has been said about it.” But, apparently, not all the words have been spoken yet. New people come into the world, break their hearts with love, and then turn their own tragedy into some memorable phrase. But is it always worth trusting someone else's love experience? Isn't it better to find your own, truly priceless? It's true: feelings can be bitter. And yet, it is better to experience this bitterness yourself than to judge love only by other people’s phrases.

Strive for love, strive for success - there is power and freedom in words!

Have you fallen in love and seriously? But what can I say dear person You do not know? Then we suggest you choose the most “delicious” love phrases and send them directly to the address! Love phrases will give you joy! Remember these words, that invisible weapon that helps us in any situation. Written words are the same as a love spell. If you don’t believe in all these miracles, then you probably believe in beautiful phrases that attract, seduce and help attract attention. Do you often think about how to express what’s on your mind? There is no need to suffer in doubt for long! Take ready-made words, implant your wishes into them and send them to your loved ones!

All phrases for love.

Hello.. I want to tell you something very important. I really like you. I love you.

You know, today is the most wonderful moment! I'm just crazy about you!

My sunshine... I miss you so much!

Dear, today I had a wonderful dream! I saw you in a dream... you hugged me so tenderly. I adore you so much!

It's so good that I found you (ol)!

My dear tiger (tigress), I fall in love with you more and more every day!

Your kiss was so sweet that I was simply inspired (flowing) with happiness!

My dear, pretty, beloved! You are the light in my window!

My dear, good, beloved, dear! You are the light in my window, you are my love!

I dream about you every day, I think about you at night!

You are my dream! You are reality, my sweet fairy tale!

I remember your hands and lips and with a shudder I dream of feeling them again!

My desired (desired)…

You are my beloved prince, I’ve been waiting for you so much... and now you’re almost here!

Princess, my sweet minx! You are a fairy, a fairy tale for me!

Dreams come true, I fell in love with you so much!

Your touch remembers my body...

You are like a tender fairy-tale magical dream!

I remember you with love and affection!

Let's meet you and merge in fabulous ecstasy!

I believe in unearthly feelings on earth! After all, you exist in the world!

You are the most beautiful in the world!

My long-awaited and dear beloved...

Darling, I've been waiting for you for years!

I kiss you mentally at this hour!

You are my most wonderful prince!

I'm bewitched by you!

You are the most wonderful man!

I want to kiss you so much...

I will plunge you into a sea of ​​love and desires!

I want to enjoy you for years...

From dawn to night I think about you, my dear...

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know who to think about...

My sweetest dear creature!

I melt in your arms...

You are like a passionate and dear angel!

I hug in my dreams and kiss in my dreams!

You are my sunshine, you are my god!

I love you and love you forever!

Thanks to you, I knew the whole paradise of desires!

My gentle, long-awaited darling!

My dear beauty!

I woke up and realized that life is not sweet for me without you!

I want to dissolve completely in your arms!

So good with you, sweet!

Adore you! You are mine! Only mine!

You are only mine! I was born for you!

I want to live for you! I will adore and love you forever!

I won't forget your kisses! I sleep and feel you touching me with your lips.. And this is such a painful and sweet feeling of joy, dear!

I'm only yours…

I am only for you!

I love you forever, I kiss you sweetly in my dreams! You smile carelessly, and there is fondant on my lips!

My cat... MUR MUR MUR!

My favorite kitty! MEOW!

I have so much tenderness and warmth that I can melt your heart with my love!

Words are magical, they will help you attract love!

You need to love with words too! Just a few warm phrases and you will become attractive to any person! What if you already have a soulmate, but you are cold and reserved, but still want to open up to love and words? Take one of the many phrases and send it to your significant other. You'll see how they'll treat you after this! You know that all words are magic! Every day we pronounce millions of words and phrases and they are material! Speak and write only the warmest and most joyful words and phrases and everything will come back to you in full! This is logical and correct!

Happiness is in the power of words, phrases with them are a winner right away!

Give beautiful words, and everything will be fabulous for you! Day after day, routine kills everything sacred and beautiful! Don't let this happen to you! Speak, write the most wonderful and tender words and your life will turn into a fairy tale! Do you want to be happy and loved? Then open yourself to an extravaganza of words, hugs, feelings! Everything is in your hands, words, thoughts! Create magic to surprise all your acquaintances and friends. You are the god of love because love lives within you.

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In addition, if you want to get acquainted, then the first phrases for getting to know each other will be just right for a good start.

Check out our romantic collection for romance and inspiration.

No science can explain the phenomena that love easily explains. Oscar Wilde

You can buy up the entire pharmacy, but you will not be able to destroy the sticky web of loneliness, kill depression or escape from despair. A very special medicine will help... love. Much more people die from its absence than from hunger... Mother Teresa

Love gives the opportunity to be happy simply because she is happy. Gottfried Leibniz

Between mutual and unrequited love the same gap as between a fairy tale and reality. George Sand

Love presupposes unlimited trust. A person deceived in a relationship deserves respect, not sympathy - after all, he is capable of an all-consuming feeling. Andrey Platonov

Loving does not mean looking into each other's eyes. It is enough to look in one direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love is just a duplication good qualities in another person. Ralph Emerson

Some people believe that love is when both look in the same direction. Perhaps... the main thing is that there is no TV on this side... Gilbert Cesbron

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

IN real passion there must be a touch of cruelty. And in love - a little violence. (A. Camus. “Violence”)

From a geometry point of view love triangle is possible only if one of its angles is “obtuse”.

Marry to have beautiful wife, is like paying dearly for a piece of land from which one can contemplate the sky that belongs to the whole world. (Paolo Mantegazza)

When a person falls in love, he begins by deceiving himself, and ends by deceiving others.

In vengeance and love, a woman is more barbaric than a man. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

I do not love you. But in you, somewhere deep inside, there is someone completely different... I love him.

Love is not blind; blind - jealousy. (L. Darrell)

Ideal love is dead, and worse than dead: it has gone out of fashion.

When you find a person with whom you can speak silently, stay forever, believe wholeheartedly and rejoice in your heart, you understand that this is Love.

Since I know that you will come, I can wait for you as long as I like. (A. Camus)

Love is the sun, and desire is just a flash. Desire blinds, but the sun gives life.

Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because if we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

The most strong love– undivided.

Love is Vital energy, giving you the opportunity to improve. This is a sea of ​​tenderness for a loved one, a desire to touch him, with him it is easy, joyful, fun, interesting.

Love comes without asking and goes without warning.

IN family life the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long.

Never ask a person why he loves you: as soon as he thinks about it, it may turn out that there is nothing to love you for.

When love looks like magic, we call it fate.

Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.

No one can ever love a completely unknown thing.

Unrequited, unhappy love is so different from mutual love, happy love how error differs from truth. (J. Sand)

Love has many facets - more than we think.

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame.

Can Don Juan conquer everyone? What childishness! In fact, he is simply not able to refuse a single one. (Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński)

Money cannot buy love. But you can significantly improve your initial trading positions. (L. Peter)

The day I fell in love without memory is the day my lifelong slavery began. (Salman Rushdie. “The Ground Beneath Her Feet”)

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune.

There is a bright shelter on earth. Love and loyalty live there. Everything that we sometimes only dream about has settled there forever!

Love usually looks like a cultural superstructure over the sexual instinct. (M. Weller)

She loved him now in a completely different way - after all, he made her suffer. (S. Maugham)

It doesn’t matter how strong the feelings are in your heart, but if you can’t convey them to another person, it’s all useless.

Lovers suffocate in two cases - when they love and when they fall out of love.

In love there is no word, it seems - love either “is” or “is not”.

To be in love is to be furious in your right mind.

Love is when all the women in the world cease to exist for you, except one.

From love to hate - one step: I love when we are together, I hate when we are apart!

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water and bend it, it will bend.

Love is work and care, work is not for a year, but for a hundred. At first we love for something, then - no matter what.

Love is the victory of imagination over intellect!

No matter how pleasant love is, it is still external manifestations give us more joy than she does herself. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

True love is not between bodies, but between souls.

One day I met a beggar in love on the street. He was wearing an old hat, his coat was frayed at the elbows, his shoes were leaking, and the stars were shining in his soul.

Love is a state when the happiness of another person becomes more important to you than your own.

It would be better for her to cry because I am her husband than for me to die because she is not my wife.

People always think that they are loved because they are so good. And rarely does anyone realize that we love because the person who loves is good. (L.N. Tolstoy)

For most people, the problem of love is to be loved, and not to love, to be able to love.

Of all the lies you told me, “I love you” was my favorite.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

I wanted to see you to see if it would be nice to see you again.

IN last minute before the explosion someone will fall in love and the world will be saved.

Usually this passion (voluptuousness) is denoted by the word Love, meaning by it an indefinite attraction of one sex to another, as natural as hunger.

This is not love, this is a habit. And as they say, bad habits need to be abandoned.

It only took one man to fall in love with a woman for the world to become what it is.

Love is vain and proud from beginning to end.

There is no crime to love several times in life and there is no merit to love only once: reproaching yourself for the first and boasting about the second is equally absurd.

Love is characteristic only of a sane person.

And why are we always like this great importance give first love? After all, in fact, the last one is most important.

Love consists of bodies and words. (J. Carol)

What is love? It is a disease of the soul and heart. And this is bad. This is very bad. This can undermine your health. I need a healthy heart and an equally healthy soul!

It often happens that after a woman has given away the key to her heart, she changes the lock the next day. (Ch. Sainte-Beuve)

Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again because broken knees heal faster than a broken heart.

Love and death cannot be avoided.

Love is the only power in the world, which is capable of making a friend out of an enemy. (M.L. King)

Love has no meaning, it gives meaning to everything else.

People talk a lot about love, while most don't even know what color the eyes of those they sleep with are.

Everyone dreams of receiving the kind of love that they do not deserve. (Leszek Kumor)

No one can win the war between the two sexes - too much brings them together. (Henry Alfred Kissinger)

Love is a trainable organ, like an arm and a leg. If you take care of it and are afraid of wasting it in vain, then it will atrophy from inactivity. And even when the opportunity arises, you take out your love from the far shelf, shake off the dust from it... and there is almost nothing left of it.

With one glance you can kill love, with one glance you can resurrect it. (William Shakespeare)

You never need to look for reasons to hate when there are reasons to love

There are no mysterious women, but there are slow-witted men. (Magdalena the Impostor)

It is much easier to grieve for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. (Jean de La Bruyère)

Love comes on tiptoe and leaves with a loud slam of the door.

Love lives by hope, and dies with it. (Mark Levy)

Nothing interferes with romance more than a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it.

Love is when it's always in the yard good weather, even if there is rain and wind.

When a person falls in love, he begins by deceiving himself and ends by deceiving others.

We will be happy. I will wake up at night and run barefoot to the kitchen. I will wake you up by biting your ear, and you will scream and hit me with a pillow. The neighbors will wake up to our screams and laughter, and we will love each other desperately.

I wonder if he understands that when I write hello to him, this hello means I love him?..

We love both a child and a friend only if we already know how to love. And a man learns this from a woman.

How much does love cost?! Love is worth as much as the person who loves is worth. (R. Rolland)

Of all eternal things, love lasts the shortest. (Jean Baptiste Moliere)

It is much easier to miss someone you love than to live with someone you hate.

Love is a bright creature, but loves a dark corner.

If anyone says that love and peace are a cliché that went away with the sixties, that will be their problem. Love and peace are forever (John Lennon)

To be in love is to be furious in your right mind. (Ovid Publius Naso)

Love, love, love... What's good about it? Absolutely nothing.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Love is a leap. I haven't yet met someone I would jump for.

He who is unfailingly faithful knows only the frivolous sides of love; only those who cheat will know its tragedy.

Anyone who has been happy in love has no idea about it. (J. Anouilh)

“I know what love is,” the cat said sympathetically. - This is when they throw old shoes at you and cold water they pour water from the balconies.

When love comes, everyone becomes a poet (Plato)

The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom. (Anthony Bret)

Love without reverence and delight is only friendship.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it!

Without you, life is not life, and the world is only half of it.

Love is the desire to achieve the friendship of someone who attracts with their beauty.

And to talk about love, we have to talk about hatred. (S. Lukyanenko. “Autumn Visits”)

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first.

We looked into each other's eyes: I saw myself, and she saw herself. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

To understand each other, you need to have something in common; and in order to love each other, you need to be different in some way. (P. Geraldi)

Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth. (George Sand)

Any love is true and beautiful - each in its own way, if, of course, it is in the heart and not in the head. (Belinsky)

To resist love means to provide it with new weapons. (George Sand)

Loving a neighbor is something different from loving a neighbor.

Separations are easy to arrange, but not easy to bear.

I have no idea how I will live without you, but I have no doubt that it will be happy. (T. Polyakova)

The first sign of love: in men - timidity, in women - courage.

How brave and self-confident becomes one who gains the conviction that he is loved.

Lovers either doubt nothing or doubt everything. (Honore de Balzac)

Every love is happiness, even if it is not shared.

What is love like? She has hands to help others, she has legs to rush to the aid of the poor and needy, she has eyes to see grief and need, she has ears to hear people’s sighs and complaints - that’s what looks like love.

The beloved often blinds the lover.

In love, as in everything, experience is a doctor who appears after an illness. (N. Lanclos)

But does love have anything in common with the mind! (I. Goethe)

When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree on trifles. (Don Aminado)

Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding trifle, but giving flowers is already a serious step.

Love lasts long only if each of those who love knows its value. (Frederick Beigbeder)

When you are loved, you don’t doubt anything. When you experience strong feelings yourself, doubts arise on their own!

Love is a beautiful flower, but it takes courage to walk to the edge and pluck it. (Stendhal)

As long as we love, we know how to forgive

I loved and was loved, but it never coincided in time.

To love means to live the life of the one you love. (L.N. Tolstoy)

But love is some kind of illness, pain and suffering. It takes over everything, gives no rest, gives rise to some vague impulses and great sadness.

Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself.

Still, love, even the most carnal one, is a sacrament.

When a person experiences love, he must be prepared to experience hatred.