How to heal with the power of consciousness. Change is the only course of action. What should be the "first aid kit of self-healing"

we don't find it.

More often than not, consciousness helps us change our lives, our beliefs and established daily rituals. But it's worth asking yourself what else is available to our consciousness? Could we use it to influence our physical state? According to modern research- we could. In our conversation, we will touch on various experiments that prove that our body is in tandem with our consciousness.

So, today we will get acquainted with the following topics:
  • How to control the health of your body with the help of consciousness.
  • How can we speed up our body in the fight against disease.
  • How to delay the aging of our body.

The most important thing is health. A healthy energetic person can reach any heights.

The body is controlled by our mind

Health recovery example

One day, one person, Frank, was diagnosed. One of the types of throat cancer, which, unfortunately, is not curable. At that time he was 61 years old. Frank has lost weight. His weight was 44 kg. It was also very difficult for him to breathe and he could hardly swallow. Doctors determined that radiotherapy gave only a 5% chance that Frank would not die. Such treatment has serious consequences on the human body, the chances of improvement are extremely small.

Nevertheless, the doctors decided on radiotherapy. By a happy coincidence, the director of the Dallas Cancer Center, Dr. Carl Simonton, took part in the treatment.

He was able to influence Frank and convinced him that the disease was subject to Frank's mind, that he could control it. The doctor taught him some exercises to help him relax. They were based on thinking in images.

How to heal with imagination

What should the patient present...

  • It was important for the patient to imagine how many charges of energy, through irradiation, fight cancer cells.
  • It was also important to imagine how cancer cells lost their strength, became weak and could no longer recover. And healthy cells, on the contrary, became stronger, displacing diseased cells.
  • Imagine how white blood cells outlive weak cells, move inside them and thus do not give a chance for the progression of the disease.
  • How internal organs remove dead deadly cells from the body.

What happened in the end, no one expected. It was a stunning result.. Such a result is almost impossible to achieve with conventional radiotherapy, especially after only one course. Radiotherapy did not worsen the patient's condition. The usual phenomena for such therapy - damage to the skin and mucous membranes, Frank was not touched. And 2 months after the course of therapy, Frank returned his pounds, got stronger, and the cancer receded.

Not only Frank was able to heal with the help of visualization. Many cancer patients have been cured or improved in Simonton Cancer Center(

At one of the Silva congresses, Dr. Simonton said: “Regarding the Silva system, I must say that it is single most powerful technique that I offered to my patients." And his wife, Stephanie, who was also present at the congress, mentioned her progress in this area in her clinic. In her words: “Probably the only and most important tool that we have is mental imaging technique". Stephanie Simonton said that each person can be responsible for their well-being, that this is necessary. She says that "It is necessary for us to apply the technique that all of you learned in the Silva courses and apply it regularly."

Today we will learn more about several Silva techniques. They are designed to help us become healthier, speed up the recovery of our body and help fight disease.

The very first term that we will encounter when studying this issue is the placebo effect.

Placebo effect - what is it?

2. You need to create a visual image of the current state of health.

How to create a visual image is written in the article "Can you control 'luck'?" .

You need to create a visual picture of your body. Including you need to imagine your pain points. Everything that worries you. To do this, you do not need to know anatomy and imagine how our body actually looks from the inside. You can simplify everything by representing organs in the form of balls, rectangles, various forms. You need to superimpose your ailments and the emotions that are associated with them on your picture.

3. It is necessary to imagine the process of healing, strengthening the body and general healing.

It is necessary to imagine how the disease gradually disappears. You need to imagine how this happens, the process itself.

Let's say:

  • If you have kidney stones, then just imagine how they turn into a powder that gradually leaves the body;
  • The tumor can be overcome by presenting it as a clumsy defenseless spot, which is constantly attacked by an army represented by your leukocytes;
  • A soft, soothing light can be wrapped around the inflamed muscle, eliminating pain and restoring your muscle to its former functionality.

It is not necessary to accurately reproduce the images of organs, diseases, cells. It doesn't play important role. You can create an image by associations, by familiar and close things. Everything is symbolic. Thus, it is easier for the subconscious to receive the desired signal.

4. The last thing you should imagine is being healthy.

You need to imagine joy, feel the energy that is inherent in a healthy person. You need to realize that you are already healthy.

You can say something nice, like:
“I am perfectly healthy both in body and spirit”

“I am completely cured, this ailment no longer bothers me.”

5. Let the sickness go.

You need to allow the disease to recede and believe that you are able to finally get rid of it. After that, you can go to the alpha level. We must believe that healing has begun.

Your self-treatment with consciousness is by no means a reason not to go to a qualified doctor. Especially if there is serious problems . Mental healing can only be done as an adjunct to your main course of treatment. In no case should it come to the fore. modern medicine reached the incredible, it cannot be neglected.

The program "Live in the rhythm of Silva" complements any kind of medicine. Whether it be traditional medicine, surgery, or alternative methods treatments: yoga, acupuncture, different kinds massages.

“And if the disease receded?”

If your health is normal, you can still meditate. When meditating, you should always imagine yourself as a healthy person without any problems. It never hurts how good remedy additional prevention.

What will the Silva Method Seminar give you?

In addition to the opportunity to self-heal, at the seminar you can master the techniques of self-healing at a more advanced level.

Students form pairs, one of the students is a healer, the other is a guide. The guide says nothing about the person in need of treatment. Except for the name, age and where he is. This person needs to be treated.

The person who will heal must dive into their alpha level. He needs to get information about the patient, about his illness and condition, both mental and physical.

The result of such activity most often exceeds all expectations. Students basically correctly determine the details of the disease, the patient's well-being. Sometimes it is so correct and accurate that you start to doubt that they were just guessed. This exercise is necessary to believe and feel what our consciousness is capable of.

It's called ESP extrasensory perception. It allows you to see through miles. Next time we will talk about the discoveries of Jose Silva, and figure out how you can develop your extrasensory abilities.

Healing in action

In conclusion, I would like to give stories real people who have completed our courses. Some of them went through a program designed for home schooling.

Both the seminars and the program are more extensive, contain more techniques than this program. For good results this program is enough, but in this case you need more practice. Goals must first be set not very difficult. On the path of building your faith, the most important thing is to go slowly but surely.

"Solving Skin Problems"

“I used to suffer from acne. I couldn't get rid of them for 5 whole years. Then I found information that the skin is very easy to treat with consciousness. I began to imagine my skin, how it gradually became perfect. The Silva mental screen technique helped me. After 3 weeks of new acne no longer appeared. For 7 years I no longer know what acne is.

"The Silva Method and Maintaining Health"

“Despite the fact that there is a lot of facts and evidence, I will just say that it works! I use this method for the prevention of health, as well as for obtaining material benefits. I am only a little over 50 years old. And at my age, I can play sports, participate in competitions, even win.”

~ Pakhomov Ivan Vasilyevich, Kursk, Russia

"The most important thing is health"

“The most important thing I have achieved is my health. When I was in the army, I had an accident. Doctors predicted I would have to remain chained to a wheelchair for the rest of my life. The situation was serious - the pelvis was broken and 3 vertebrae were displaced. Despite constant pain, I fought. I was scared. It's scary to take the wrong step, not to turn around correctly. Pain has become my constant companion. I started meditating. Gradually, I came to believe that I had not felt pain for a long time, and that I healthy man. Now I even do aikido and other martial arts. And as you know, martial arts is a constant load on the spine and legs. The pain has been gone for a long time."

~ Alexey, Russia

"Helps in the fight against excess weight"

"I've been sitting on various diets I'm trying to lose weight. Thanks to this, I lost 17.5 kg. And in Lately The weight has stuck and won't go away. I decided to try your method and this morning I found minus 500 grams. It's amazing!"

~ Hope, Almaty, Kazakhstan

"Sleep returned to normal"

“Meditation for balance has helped with insomnia. As a result, I sleep soundly, I don’t even dream. Sometimes, in order to cheer up, you even manage to sleep during the day. And most importantly, thanks to the solution of the problem with sleep, another problem that had been bothering me for a long time was solved quite unexpectedly.

~ Kovalenko Olga, Ukraine

"Spine no longer hurts"

“Recently I had spinal surgery, after which it became difficult to sit. I read the instructions, listened to the meditations. And when I got up, the pain was gone!

~ Natasha, Kazakhstan

"Head never hurt"

“Once, I was on a plane. I had a very bad headache. Then I decided to try this course to get rid of the headache. After all, everyone talks about him so much. The audio recording helped. I listened to it, imagined how headache leaves. It was easy enough. And my head doesn't hurt anymore."

~ Larisa Lukyanova, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

“I do self-medication and treat loved ones”

“I can heal myself and my loved ones in just 2 minutes thanks to the glove anesthesia technique. I used it more than once, I resort to this method quite often. One of my friends suffered from skin disease, more than 2 years doctors could not do anything. The disease was accompanied high temperature. The lab technician helped me. In just 3 sessions, the problem was gone. And I don't get sick anymore colds My head stopped hurting at all.

~ Klyushkin Yuri, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

I sincerely hope you enjoy these stories.

Irina Khlimonenko
and the Silva method team

P.S. Have you managed to cope with any diseases using the Silva method? Share your successes with others - give inspiration with your story!

P.P.S. Perhaps the article made you think about something important, you got interesting information? Let your friends read this useful text - share with them in

HOW TO HEAL FROM ALL ILLNESSES WITH THE HELP OF THE LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST? When evening came, they brought many demoniacs to Him, and He cast out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick, so that what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah would come true, who says: He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. (Matthew 8: 16-17) for The heart of these people is hardened, and they can hardly hear with their ears, and they close their eyes, so that they will not see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and they will not understand with their hearts, and they will not turn so that I heal them. (Matthew 13:15) To turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for healing from all diseases - we must constantly study His Word in the Gospel and constantly pray His prayer Our Father ... this the only way cleanse your soul from the sins of evil spirits and lies and heal it ... The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ is the TRUTH (John 14; 6) living water (John 4; 14) bread descending from Heaven (John 6; 35) verbs of eternal life ( John 6:68) The Lord Jesus Christ says: if you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8:32) When you read or listen to the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ - unclean, bringing you sickness leaves the soul... the soul is healed with the help of the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, and if the soul is healed, then the Lord God heals the human body... I checked it in practice... Theoretically, everything is simple... but on In fact, if you purify your soul with the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prayer of the Our Father, you will have a spiritual warfare with evil spirits ... A year ago I fell into such a spiritual warfare and spent 8 months in it ... it was horror ... not I had peace from evil spirits neither day nor night ... only the unceasing prayer of the Our Father freed me from this spiritual warfare ... since then I have constantly either prayed the prayer of Our Father or listened to the audio Gospel - you must constantly abide in the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ in order to evil spirits did not try to return back to the soul. The Lord Jesus Christ says: When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and does not find it; then he says: I will return to my house from whence I came out. And when he comes, he finds it unoccupied, swept and cleaned; then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits worse than himself, and, having entered, dwell there; and for that person the last is worse than the first. So it will be with this evil generation. Matt 12;43-45) This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting (Matt 17:21) read the Gospel and do not pray the Lord's Prayer - evil spirits are trying to return to the soul of a person ... this manifests itself in spiritual warfare - in thoughts that are not controlled by the mind in the form of swear words and blasphemous thoughts ... these thoughts are sent by demons and the evil one ... Lord Jesus Christ says: you must always pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1) - this is the only way to constantly protect yourself from evil spirits by praying Our Father ... you must fight for your life and for your soul ... there is no other way to expel evil spirits from the soul - only by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ (Mt 8:16) Constant study of the gospel and unceasing prayer Our Father enables you to make your heart pure... The Lord Jesus Christ says: The Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21) The Kingdom Heavenly power It is taken and those who make an effort delight it (Mt 11;12) To constantly study the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray unceasingly only the prayer of Our Father is very difficult at first - it is difficult to force oneself, and the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ "does not fit in us" (John 8:37 ) - the process of cleansing the soul with the Word of God is not very pleasant, but if you force yourself to constantly study the Word of God, do not quit and "use effort" - then you yourself will see that all your illnesses will gradually disappear, spiritual and physical strength will be added .. .the soul will calm down and be healed...with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ... And if you also keep the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, then you have a chance to live on Earth forever...thus says the Lord Jesus Christ: whoever will keep My word , he will not see death forever (John 8:51) with the fulfillment of the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, all Christians have very big problems ... doubt it? - open the Gospel and see what exactly you are doing from what the Lord teaches Jesus Christ and what do you not do? ... but He says: Not everyone who says to Me: “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day: Lord! God! Have we not prophesied in Your name? and did they not cast out demons in your name? and did not many miracles work in your name? And then I will declare to them: I never knew you; depart from Me, you who do iniquity. (Matthew 7:21-23) Sickness is a punishment for sins - for not keeping the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ...begin to study and practice His Word - the Lord Jesus Christ heals from all diseases...Therefore listen only to the Lord Jesus Christ and do what He says, because we all have only one Teacher and Mentor - Christ (Matthew 23; 8-10) Until the age of 47, I lived a worldly life, the concept of "sin" did not exist for me. a result, I fell hopelessly ill - there were a lot of different diseases ... I started going to Church, studying the Gospel, I learned to constantly pray the Lord's Prayer and I try to fulfill the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7 chapter) and the Lord Jesus Christ completely healed me of all diseases... there are no accidents... The easiest way to constantly abide in the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ is to record all 4 Gospels on my voice recorder mobile phone and always and everywhere I listen to him ... and the prayers of the Our Father also wrote down - there is not much difference - you pray yourself or listen to prayers ... The Lord Jesus Christ says: He who hears My Word and believes in Him who sent Me has eternal life and does not come to judgment, but passed from death into life (John 5:24) - that means you can simply LISTEN to the Word of God, thereby driving out evil spirits from the soul and being healed ... A person will not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God "(Mat 4; 4)


The story of the healing of a child. How to heal yourself using imagination and games?

Therefore, today I want to tell the story of the healing of a child from the book of Mirzakarim Norbekov The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment.

I read his book a long time ago, and much was forgotten, but I remembered this story for the rest of my life. That's how she hit me.

Important! The use of the methods described in this article does not cancel the treatment with medicines and other prescriptions of doctors. Methods enhance the effect of traditional treatment. Want to get sustainable results even faster

The article, of course, will include practical material, and in conclusion you will learn how to heal yourself using imagination and ... games.

The story of the healing of a child

Mirzkarim Norbekov:

One day my friend from the newspaper called and said:

- Listen, let's go to the sea. You have time? I speak:

- Eat!

- There is a whole group of psychologists, I - as a journalist. Do you want me to put you on the list, are you a psychologist? Can you imagine? To the Crimea for 35 days, for government money. Sea, wine, barbecue, girls, bush therapy…

I agreed. Who doesn't like a freebie, please tell me?!

This sweet word "ha-la-wa".

I went. And ended up in a sanatorium for disabled orphans preschool age suffering from diabetes.

On the first day, I had such a shock! .. What kind of sea is there?!! What girls?! What bush therapy?!

I began to wonder, for what purpose did we come? Why are psychologists needed here?

It turned out that there were three identical sanatoriums on the same bank.

They receive all medicines from one pharmacy department, they take food from one food warehouse. Air, sea - all the same!

Why is it that only one out of three children recover from diabetes, while the other two do not?

Because of this, commission after commission was repeatedly sent there, which checked everything, but did not establish anything, and ultimately said:

Only psychologists can find the reasons for the recovery of children in this sanatorium.

And I, accidentally finding myself among psychologists for free, doomed my head to suffering.

The Moscow psychologists worked for two weeks, made a reply, rested, and left. And I was stuck there for three months, because I had to get to the bottom of the truth.

Among other things, it turned out that children of four or five years old hung on my ears, on my neck, believing that daddy had arrived. Maybe that's why I later adopted three children.

I had to find the real reasons for the children's recovery. Found. As a result, you will also get better.

recovery games

After about a month and a half of observation, I began to notice that the games of these children were somewhat different from others.

It is in the child's perception, it is in the child's sincerity, it is in the child's imagination that the secret lies.

So how do they get better? How does a child's imagination work? Before we know this, we must know how children feel about illness.

And how?

No way!

They're just through a short time, after ten days, they get used to the disease as to their panties. They adapt to everything.

The only thing that children cannot get used to, to which they have a constant craving by nature, is the instinctive need for parental love and protection. Mother nature arranged it so that the child should be near adults.

Attention key!

What are the characteristics of children? They are always forever hungry for attention, affection, love, especially small children. No matter how much you caress a child, it is still not enough for him. Two minutes later, hungry again stands next to you.

And imagine the situation. The father came home, connected the TV set, the child came up:

- Well? How are you? How was your day? Come here kiss daddy. smack! Now go to mommy, go, don't bother daddy. Go to grandma!

All. The child did not receive what he felt a tremendous need for.

And mother immediately slapped:

Don't go into a hot oven, you'll burn yourself. And the grandmother, instead of caressing, sits and brings up:

Good girls this is how it should be. Good boys I don't behave like that.

And suddenly, when a child gets sick, a miracle happens. Father forgot about his TV, jumping on his hind legs, ready to fulfill any desire.

Mommy, who does not allow her head to be shoved into a hot oven and slaps her ass every time, spins, cares, worries.

Grandmother reads fairy tales, sings songs. And grandfather appeared from somewhere puffing. All over your head.

There is a record: the satisfaction of hunger and thirst for love is associated with illness!

I asked the kids

- My dear, please tell me when you really want to be stroked on the head or something good said, what are you doing?

Two out of three answered:

- I say that the head hurts or the tummy hurts.

It looks like the child is pretending. Do you agree? But…

Baby can't pretend because his thoughts instantly materialize in the body and they start to hurt for real.

Those children who are with their parents, it turns out, perceive the disease as a source of affection, care, attention, love. And orphans also have a huge genetic craving for affection, a natural need to be protected.

These kids come up to the workers of the sanatorium, educators, doctors and ask:

Why does she have parents and I don't? Educators, on the other hand, cannot say: “You have no parents at all” and answer:

- You have too.

– Where are my parents?

“Then why don’t they come and take me away?”

When will my grandmother arrive? When is grandpa?

They are told:

- You're sick now. When you recover, they will come and take you away.

It turns out that those who work there did not themselves know that their deceit would work for recovery! They knew that the disease was incurable.

And children, in order to satisfy their insatiable desire to be needed, loved, intuitively begin to look for ways.

And it turned out that this great inner call is capable of destroying any terrible disease.

A two-three year old child begins to be interested in:

– What is a disease? What is recovery?

They explain to him:

“You have a lot of sugar in your blood, you know? You don't eat sugar!

The kids begin to understand very quickly that some kind of Barmaley, which is called a disease, separates him from the source of love, protection, peace.

By the way, about the Barmaley and other scary heroes of fairy tales that seem so funny to us adults. Well, think of Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy or Goblin. We understand that they are sk-zoch-ny-e.

But the child does not understand. And when moms and dads start to intimidate their kids with horror stories like: “Goblin will drag you away if you don’t obey,” children have a real panic, which sometimes leads to serious consequences. Children withdraw into themselves and stop dreaming.

Did they scare you with Barmaley as a child? Let's check how this affected your ability to realize desires. Will tell us about it

Healing a girl

I made friends there with a chicken, a three-year-old girl, and asked her:

- Tell me, please, what does your illness mean?

She explained:

- I have many, many pieces of sugar inside me walking around one after another. That's why my parents don't come to me.

- And when you really miss your parents, what do you do so that they come sooner?

She, holding my little finger in her fist, led me into the yard.

And there are about seventy multi-colored plastic baths. In the morning, a worker of the sanatorium fills them with sea water from a hose.

The water heats up under the sun, and by lunchtime the children are launched into this paddling pool. They're thrashing about there.

The girl climbed into the bath and began to splash around there, saying some words. I hardly understood. It turns out that she endlessly said: “I am sugar, I am sugar, I am sugar.”

I'm asking:

Why do you say "I'm sugar"?

I still remember half-faced eyes, looking at an idiot. How can such an adult not understand the most understandable! Sugar disappears in water!

Imagination in children works literally.

And they each play in their own way, and this game, it turns out, heals them.

Only later, when I told the teachers about this, they exclaimed in one voice: “ Ah, that's why many of our babies do not climb into the same water a second time.”.

They see, it turns out that the “enemy” has dissolved there, and they are waiting for this water to leave.

Do you understand?

How to Heal Yourself Using Imagination and Games

Communicating with each other, they quickly pass on the experience of recovery, "the technology of getting their parents." I learned from them several ways. I will share one of them with you.

So, today we will fantasize like children.

Try to give free rein to your imagination, see yourself, feel, feel in this fantasy - everything that you consider characteristic of a harmonious person, a perfect person.


So let's go back to childhood.

Why do we need this?

Here pay attention! We communicate with you, I explain something to you, I prove it. And you doubt, do not believe, pretend that you are thinking about something ...

And when I used to work with children, I noticed this feature: one hundred out of a hundred bespectacled people quickly restore their vision.

They come to work. Their attention is enough for a maximum of five minutes, after five minutes they begin to be distracted, fidget, then communicate with each other, talk. They just pretend to listen. But in fact, they don’t understand anything at all, they don’t delve into it, they don’t care.

Whatever I say, they remember only the last couple of phrases, they don’t remember everything else. Because they don't need smart evidence.

The whole paradox is that they do not understand what in question They don't ask, they don't clarify. When I speak:

- Children, go home! – they happily disappear.

But then why is everyone's vision restored? Out of 200 children, 200 have their sight restored. There was no such case that the result was for one hundred and ninety-nine - for everyone!

Out of a hundred deaf children, everyone's ears begin to “open”. They don’t even understand what I’m talking about, but everyone has a 100% result.

Once in class, we said to them:

- You know, children, our adult listeners, your moms, dads, grandparents, remove their scars. You will still work on the scars, do a special exercise.

The next day the child arrives:

And my scar is gone!

They were only told once that adults remove scars themselves, and that's it! This turned out to be enough. They didn't do any exercise. But the scar is gone...

What it is?

Children just think figuratively. Desires, aspirations of children are always embodied as if by themselves. Their second signaling system is not strongly developed, thank God!

The second signal system is words, speech is an intermediary in our perception of the world around us. Spoken language is the easiest, simplest, most primitive form of communication.

It is in this primitive that we adults get stuck. Because when I tell you what to do, how to do it, I tell you through a gas mask:

- Look, what a beautiful, fragrant flower! And you look, sniff through a gas mask and say:

- Didn't understand! Explain to me again!

The second signaling system is, figuratively speaking, a gas mask through which we want to catch the smell.

How to heal from sudden illnesses

In addition to such chronic conditions as Deborah's, Raphael can also save you from some sudden illness such as food poisoning. This is exactly what happened in the case of a man named Michael when he was in Hong Kong preparing for a vital meeting. That day, the man had lunch at a nearby restaurant. He noticed that the dish was not well prepared, but he ate it anyway, as he was very hungry and tired to go eat elsewhere.

Half an hour later, Michael developed symptoms of severe poisoning. The troubles were not limited to stomach pains - he could not afford to get sick, because the next morning he had an important meeting ahead of him, after which he had to return home to London.

Michael lay on the sweat-soaked sheets, feeling more and more pain, and suddenly remembered Raphael. Having no other choice, he surrendered to the mercy of this archangel and at the same moment felt someone's presence next to his bed. Although his eyes were closed, he knew that someone was there.

“I had this feeling,” says Michael, “as if I was surrounded by love. And at the same moment the pain subsided, the trembling subsided and I calmed down.

The next morning the man had good health as if there was no poisoning. And the business meeting went well.

Here is what Michael says:

“This incident confirmed what I have read before: angels really exist and have incredible strength. If we judge what happened from the position of the material world, then this is impossible. The healing that happened strengthened my faith and inspired me to turn to the angels for support in all areas of life.”

Speaking of support, Michael means giving up the desire to personally control this situation. Spiritual guidance is an important ingredient in receiving healing, it's like opening the front door for house cleaners to clean rooms and take out all the rubbish.

I have worked with people who different reasons afraid to rely on God's will(for example, doubts about the power of the Almighty, the need to keep everything under control, fear, unwillingness to receive help). You must know that Heaven cannot help the one who doesn't want get help.

If you think that you may have problems with self-control, that is good idea: ask for help to deal with it. Here is a wonderful prayer:

Dear God, please help me relax, trust You and gain faith in Your miraculous ability to restore my health. I ask for Your help to get off the usual path so that You and Your angels can have full access to my mind, body and spirit in the name of Divine healing. Amen.

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GOALS - to be healed as soon as possible most useful words. It will be useful to any person. Its energy acts like a universal medicine, which acts very gently, but very effectively. Ts? Liti means "heal".

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Human health is exposed to visible and invisible bombardments every day: stress, malnutrition, exposure to negative emotions, climate, etc. There are many reasons. Therefore, each of us constantly in the course of life asks the question: How to cure ourselves of diseases?

Traditional medicine is getting weaker: there are more and more examples of doctors who cannot find the cause of the disease or completely cure the disease.

The cause of all diseases lies in the mental factor. Therefore, I propose to consider methods of healing aimed at working with the disease at a subtle level of the soul.

1) How to cure yourself of diseases: Healing with light

There is a very ancient and at the same time simple way to heal yourself and your loved ones from ailments. This is light healing.

Our body is made up of constantly moving particles. Electromagnetic waves emitted human body, are indicated on the tomograms by multi-colored stripes. Which once again proves: we are woven from light!

When some disease affects an organ, it can be cured simply with the help of light.

Already scientifically proven and used in practice even traditional medicine: certain light ranges heal! For example, blue fluorescent lamps have been successfully used for a long time.

Meaning of colors:

  • purple light cures cancer and destroys viruses;
  • White light heals wounds on the body and in the aura;
  • light blue light has the same cleansing properties as water;
  • the golden light opens the third eye and helps the body to loosen up and open up (after the purple, white and light blue light has cleared it).

You can use the above characteristic for healing. Or use the universal healing color: emerald green. Or simply White color because it is universal.

The first way How to cure yourself of diseases is through meditative visualization.

Retire, relax. To create a certain mood, you can turn on slow music without words, light incense.

Setting before meditation:

It is very important to set yourself up before starting treatment:

1) On the wave of health: no need to think how bad you are, how long you have been sick, how sorry you are for yourself, etc. When doing visualization, you should imagine that at this moment you are absolutely healthy!

2) You must experience Love. Love for yourself, love for life, love for people. All healing comes through love. If during meditation you experience negative emotions or just not experiencing anything, meditation will not be effective. Therefore, try to feel gratitude for life, gratitude for everything that you have, for all the pleasant moments. It is the lightest and fast way be filled with love.

You can do this visualization meditation for yourself and your loved ones who need healing.

2) Appeal to the Archangel Raphael

The second way How to cure yourself of diseases is to turn to the Archangel Raphael for healing. I bring to your attention a magnificent technique from Doreen Virtue.

Archangels are our main guardian angels. They are immensely generous and powerful, they are full of love. Archangels are asexual beings, but their goals and characteristics determine the male or female type everyone's energy.

Archangels do not attach any importance to religious differences and help everyone who turns to them. Time and space boundaries do not exist for them - the archangels can simultaneously stay next to many people. All who ask the archangel for help receive an answer.

The physical health of a person is a reflection of his worldview - what we call the soul or character. The spirit is always bright, but the soul can be burdened with anxieties and worries. Such a soul reflects less Divine light and darkens like a dusty light bulb. The one who calls to the angels feels the lack of light. The light of angels brightens our own light and helps us return to the true path.

Negative energy and despair can provoke illness and even injury. In this case, a cleansing light can cure a person - it will dispel depression and save the patient from negativity. A request to the Angels and Archangels to enter your body and rid it of negative energy akin to calling a chimney sweep or plumber to your house, whom you ask to clean chimneys or communications. Thoughts of love bring light into human consciousness. And when the consciousness is illuminated by the set, the body is filled with strength.

If you need treatment, contact Archangel Raphael. He is an Archangel - a healer who heals any disease.

Method 1: How to cure yourself of diseases with a crystal

Retire, relax. To create a certain mood, you can turn on slow music without words, light incense. Follow the pre-meditation mindset described in point 1 of this article.

Take natural malachite in your hand. Or put malachite next to you. In this method, it is malachite that plays huge role. Since the aura of each Archangel has its own color - depending on the purpose of this archangel. With the help of a certain crystal, you can call each of them or establish a connection with them.

Say aloud an appeal to the Archangel Raphael in any form: call him by name and ask him to heal you or your loved one from a specific ailment.

Then you can imagine how Archangel Raphael envelops you or your loved one in healing emerald green light.

Now imagine being surrounded by emerald green or white light. This light streams from the sky. It is very powerful and bright. Feel it. Feel how it penetrates into every cell of your body. And each cell itself becomes this light. Pure, Divine light heals you of your sickness. This light instantly heals you. Right at this moment. Fast and easy. You are healthy, full of strength and energy.

Stay in this light for as long as you want.

Then thank the light for healing and health.

You can repeat the procedure several times a day as needed. Do this until the disease is completely gone.

Method 2: Light Rendering

The second way of addressing the Archangel Raphael completely duplicates the first, but only DOES NOT require you to have malachite. You simply call on Archangel Raphael and imagine yourself being enveloped in the color of the Archangel's aura - emerald green light.

The emerald green color is associated with the archangel Raphael - the main healer among the archangels. When you call on Raphael, he sends an emerald green light to a sick person. The body absorbs this light like a balm or a fast-acting medicine. You can also imagine emerald light around you or someone else - the effect will be the same. To invoke light is the same as to invoke an archangel, for light is the very essence of angels.

3) Mudra that supports health

How to cure yourself of diseases? Mudras are another wonderful way to maintain your health. IN this case I offer you a mudra that supports health.

On the physical plane, this mudra mobilizes the body's defenses and is used for preventive purposes, as well as as an additional remedy with various diseases.

On the subtle plane, the performance of the mudra harmonizes the work of the Anahata chakra, and on emotionally performing the mudra will support you in a tense period when you can’t relax, and your strength is already running out.

I advise you to perform this mudra not only during illness, but also at the usual time at least once a week, preferably more often. Then it will protect your immunity and prolong health.

Symbolism of the mudra "Supporting Health"

The decisive point in this mudra is the raised index finger. right hand. Any information and energy connection(telepathic, intuitive or simply trusting) is carried out through the channel of the index finger. Through the index finger along the intestinal meridian, our internal energy goes to the intuitive center, helping to achieve concentration of thought.


Turn around to face east. If you are not on the road or in public place, light a candle of red, self-healing, color.

Mudra is performed with two hands folded at the level solar plexus. Tips thumbs and connect the little fingers together.

Press the ring fingers of both hands to the palms. Forefinger place the left hand between the bases of the middle and ring fingers right hand, the middle finger of the right hand - on the index finger of the left hand, and the middle finger of the left hand - on the middle finger of the right hand. Straighten the index finger of the right hand.

4) Medicine Buddha

Another powerful way to get rid of any disease and maintain health is to appeal to the Medicine Buddha.

Medicine Buddha cures absolutely all diseases! There are no barriers for him. so if you need to improve your health, chant his mantra.

Medicine Buddha Mantra:


The mantra can be sung in a cycle: every day at least 108 times per approach until complete healing.

Or periodically to maintain health (at a time, too, recitation at least 108 times).

It is also favorable to have a special medicine buddha image at home.

Look at his image, address him with requests, sing mantras.

Do this as often as possible and be healthy!