Reiki, hands-on healing technique. Hand positions during healing. Divine Life Energy

At every Reiki presentation I am asked the question: “Reiki energy, what is it?” Usually I think for a while, and for each new group people come with their answer. The uniqueness of our personalities creates individuality of perception, therefore the explanation of what Reiki is each time acquires its own verbal pattern.

But, frankly speaking, it is quite difficult to describe in words the state that the Reiki Light awakens in you. This is equivalent to the task of finding expressions that can convey the range of feelings that arise when a woman carries a desired child, when a man takes his first-born in his arms, when we look into the eyes of our loved ones. No matter what words we describe these sensations, the most important thing will always remain beyond the unsaid.

Reiki is the sacrament of gaining personal deep knowledge about God, about yourself, about life, about love.

The infinity and multi-level nature of personal discoveries in Reiki has much in common with the discoveries of other people, but still, for each person, Reiki energy in due time reveals a personal secret.

It is impossible to know everything about Reiki. One day it comes into your life, transforms your pragmatism or selfishness, pain or loss, becomes your way of life, moral code and code of honor. Every day you gain new experience and discover new knowledge about what Reiki energy is.

The deeper you dive into the teachings of Reiki, the more often the thought comes to you that you still don’t know anything about yourself or about the world as a whole. No matter how many years you practice in the flow of Reiki life energy, you only feel more clearly like an innocent baby, whom someone tenderly loves and carefully leads along the path of growing up, teaching simple rules on how to be happy in all the known and unknown senses of this word.

All currents have one source

Studying various religions, philosophies and concepts about the world order, you can find a lot in common, namely: the fundamental model of all things is a single creative and creative force (God, Tao, the Mother Universe, the Absolute, Emptiness), which generates a unit or unity created from two energies of complementary and opposite properties (feminine and masculine, yin and yang, purusha and prakti...).

Man is the manifested nature of divine power, whose goal is to maintain cosmic harmony and achieve equilibrium, balance in the process of interaction of constantly moving and opposing energies. The meaning of human life is to achieve a state of integrity, love within oneself and a feeling of unity with everything that exists, with the entire manifested and unmanifested world. Awareness of the trinity of Spirit, Soul, Body and Light, Love, Strength.

In the dogma of Orthodoxy, this idea is reflected in the Trinity of the Consubstantial - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

All religions and spiritual movements originate from one Sacred spring of knowledge, from the life energy of the Universe. Only the Ego separates us.

Reiki is based on the idea of ​​unity of the spiritual and material worlds, embodied in the word “Reiki”.

Hieroglyphs "Rei" and "Ki"

In Japanese, Reiki or Reiki are two characters. "Rey" means: holy spirit, soul of nature, gift, inspiration, mystery, divine heavenly, source, prayer. It can also be interpreted as: sacrament, miracle, working of miracles, washing or cleansing with light.

The hieroglyph “Rey” means something that relates to the spiritual, heavenly world.

The character "Ki" means: energy, feeling, individuality, strength of character, talent, a natural phenomenon . It has another definition: updraft of earth, earth magnetism, air, evaporation.

The hieroglyph “Ki” reflects the image of the world of matter, the space of Mother Earth.

Who studied Japanese or Chinese, knows that a whole philosophy follows from the outline of a hieroglyph. You can write a small treatise about one hieroglyph, so for Westerners it is customary to use a simplified form of definition.

In its most primitive translation, Reiki means Divine or Universal Life Energy.

But for an inquisitive person, the Reiki symbol can open up many worlds, properties and states.

Immerse yourself in the creative process of drawing this divine symbol and see for yourself its power.

Divine Life Energy

Reiki energy is the energy of divine creative power, which is the root cause of all processes in the universe.

Reiki life energy is the creative and transformative spiritual energy that is the essence of everything we call living and inanimate nature- God, Tao, Supreme Mind.

Man is a manifested reflection (microcosm) of the divine universe (macrocosm), that is, life energy - Reiki. We are in it constantly, from moment to moment, but we are not aware of it.

Reiki and life are one. We inhale it, with its help we create thought forms and mental images, and experience different emotional states. Everything around us and within ourselves is a continuous movement of energy.

Life energy can be divided into many streams, each with its own “character”, “individuality”, “properties”, its own peculiarity and its own name: Prana, Qi, Ki, Reiki and many others.

Reiki Light is the power of love, it is the driving impulse to manifest awareness of one's humanity and personal purpose.

Teacher's Mission

IN different eras Teachers came to the world of people who, with the love and patience of caring parents, brought to humanity knowledge about the laws of the universe, healed souls and bodies with words, with a loving look, touch of the hand. They sought to awaken in people faith and a desire to know themselves, their spiritual nature and their unlimited creative possibilities. They taught people to gain freedom from their own ignorance, greed, malice, and selfishness.

At the end of the 19th century, a man was born in Japan who had his own mission on this Earth - to teach people to feel the vital energy within themselves, to improve themselves in it and to direct this energy to help other people. This Teacher's name is Mikao Usui.

His selfless service to the idea of ​​finding a simple method of self-healing that would be accessible to every adult and child was one day rewarded with the spiritual energy of the Universe.

After long meditations and a 21-day fast, Mikao Usui gained knowledge, and based on it he created a method, calling it "Teaching Usui Reiki Riojo for improvement".

This method is unique, unlike any other in the world. Reiki meditations are simple and accessible, like the entire system of knowledge collected by the Teacher for posterity, and the fundamental principles of Reiki are relevant at all times and on all continents.

Features of the Reiki method

The foundations of Reiki are based on the basic knowledge of Taoist energy practices and other natural healing methods.

In fairness, I would like to note that Slavic, African, Chinese, Tibetan, Australian, Indian and other healing traditions are in many ways similar and intertwined, since they are based on the same ancient knowledge about the unity of man with the Universe, which is reflected in the culture of each nation in its own way.

The basics of the Reiki technique, as well as many other self-healing methods, are breathing exercises, practices for concentration and deep relaxation, energy practices, as well as the exercise system includes Reiki meditation.

The difference between Reiki teachings from many others is that, relatively speaking, a person gains access to the source of Reiki - the energy of life through initiation. A master who possesses knowledge, using a certain technique, which is called differently - initiation, attunement, dedication, “introduces” the student into the channel of universal vital energy.

From the first day of training, a person becomes a “conductor”, and his palms become a “tool” for transmitting Reiki energy. In the flow of Reiki Light he can conduct meditations, as well as different techniques harmonization and filling with vitality. Cleanse yourself and your living space, learn to transmit healing energy to all living beings.

Receiving and transmitting Reiki healing energy to others does not require years of practice to achieve specific skills. However, you should not simplify everything; only with regular practice can you develop mastery and become a good conductor of Reiki - the energy of life.

The healing sacrament of Reiki is meditation.

Reiki meditation is the practice of focusing on breathing and working with energy, which manifests itself in the sensations of the body.

Reiki meditation is simple, but in order to... long years maintain youth, good spirits, maintain yourself in beautiful physical fitness, deepen and expand your natural talents and abilities, it is necessary to carry it out regularly.

Reiki Basics - this is ingenious simplicity and accessibility for all adults and children.

Regardless of gender, age or religion, you can become a conductor of Reiki life energy. She's like sunlight, like air, like water, is not subject to religions, beliefs, traditions, philosophies, etc.

Reiki light transforms in us that which is not characteristic of the natural healthy and harmonious state of a person living on Earth. Be healthy, beautiful and creative personalities- it `s naturally. It is unnatural to be sick and unhappy.

Reiki is a multi-level holistic system of human development and improvement. It contains a wide range of directions. From healing and health promotion, successful progress along the path of self-realization in society, to the discovery of deep talents, abilities, spiritual essence and life purpose. Each person has the opportunity to make his own personal choice, realizing himself in one or all directions, but he initially receives knowledge about the capabilities of the entire Reiki system at the first levels of training.

The Usui Reiki Rioho traditional school system includes the following areas:

1. Reiki and health:

Health promotion. rejuvenation, longevity and activity.

Treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • digestive system;
  • respiratory system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • urinary system;
  • reproductive system;
  • immune system, etc.

Rehabilitation and rapid recovery after:

  • childbirth;
  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • heart attacks;
  • chemotherapy;
  • nervous exhaustion, depression;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • operations of varying degrees of complexity;
  • traumatic brain injuries, etc.

Work with the emotional plane:

  • elimination of emotional attachments, blocks, fears, phobias;
  • development of quick and deep relaxation skills;
  • development of abilities to manage the energies of feelings and emotions;
  • formation of favorable emotional state to solve daily life problems.

Work with the mental plan:

  • elimination bad habits, addictions, inferiority complexes, self-doubt, subconscious programs and negative attitudes;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • developing the skill of creating positive thought forms that harmonize and restore mental and physical health;
  • development of skills in working with mental energies.

2. Reiki and human abilities

Development of skills and abilities:

  • intuition, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, etc.;
  • revealing natural talents;
  • developing the skill of creating favorable events and implementing harmonious life situations;
  • expansion of consciousness;
  • activation of the work of spiritual centers;
  • awareness of the tasks of spiritual development of one’s personality;
  • maintaining balance in the energy system of the human body;
  • formation and activation of personal financial flow.

3. Reiki and relationships:

  • harmonization difficult situations and relationships in the family, team, with friends, loved ones, etc.;
  • healing of karmic relationships and events;
  • emergency energy support, " ambulance" in different stressful situations, during conflicts, during injuries, etc.

4. Reiki and Healing:

  • developing skills in remote healing and working with Reiki energy in various situations at a distance outside of time and space.
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From self-healing to healing

The Reiki teaching is, first of all, a path of self-knowledge, spiritual development, and as a result, in the process of self-awareness comes an understanding of the problems of other people and a desire to help them.

Reiki healing is one component of the system, although not all practitioners become healers. It opens up opportunities for development for everyone. You need to approach working with other people very carefully and responsibly. It is necessary to understand that healing requires deep knowledge, experience and enormous spiritual maturity.

The intention to help people can arise as a result daily work above oneself. When a person is imbued with love and respect for himself, for his divine spiritual essence, and knows how to heal himself, this opens up in him the ability to sympathize without feeling pity for other people, understanding their problems, respecting their feelings and desires.

Reiki Principles:

  1. It is today that I rejoice.
  2. Today I expect all the best.
  3. I am grateful to my parents and teachers.
  4. I earn my living honestly.
  5. I have a heart for all life in the universe.

The principles of Reiki include simple truths on which our entire spiritual and material world rests. By living by these principles, we create for ourselves a space of love and success. These simple affirmations contain enormous energy, but each person has to independently reveal the secret mechanisms of their action.

Self-knowledge and self-improvement, love and self-respect, mercy, acceptance and understanding - these are the life-affirming foundations of Reiki teachings.

The Art of Reiki

The art of Reiki is similar to Japanese poetry. It has the same beauty of simplicity, associativity, understatement and incompleteness. Reiki is meditation in the flow of life. It, like any real art, is limitless, the light of Reiki is everywhere. Filling ourselves with knowledge from the experience of communicating with the Teachings of Reiki, we receive spiritual experience, which changes our whole lives.

But the depth of these changes depends only on ourselves. You can be a brilliant poet, or you can become an admirer of his talent, but the life of both is filled with poetry.

A hundred times nobler is he
Who does not say at the flash of lightning:
“This is our life.”
Matsuo Basho

For those who are in a creative search, who want to discover new facets of their personality, take a journey into the secrets of Eastern energy practices, learn everything about Reiki and learn this amazing art, I will be happy to answer questions and conduct necessary consultation.
Write or call: +380 67 507-21-03 (Kyivstar/Viber) or Skype: pmilana70
Head of the studio, Reiki Master Teacher Milana Predrikhovskaya.

Reiki is a wonderful system, immersing yourself in which you encounter ancient healing practices, which have been used by people for many millennia. Remember, if you hit yourself or something hurts, you put your hands on this place, and the pain subsides. Remember when your child fell and got hurt, you put your hands on the injured area and the pain went away. You intuitively do what in the Reiki system Teacher Mikao Usui brought into a working system for healing the body. Why exactly Reiki, how does it differ from other similar systems of the peoples of the east. The revolutionary nature of this system is that it is initiation(connection with Rei-ki - the energy of life, the energy where you connect with the power of the Earth and Sky) and here the healer does not need to accumulate energy for a long time to work, there is no need for long special training and knowledge of anatomy or the U-Xing system.

The founder of this method, Mikao Usui, thought out in detail the scheme of laying on hands in the order in which Reiki energy will most optimally work out problems in the energy of your physical body. Already on initial stage, using Reiki practices, you will receive positive results: Sleep will improve, mood swings will go away, and fatigue will decrease. By following the five principles of Reiki, which, if you look closely, are broadcast by all religions of the world, you will harmonize your events in life. Having completed Reiki training and received initiation, following the proven scheme, you will be able to simply perform the recommended techniques and techniques at the first stage. You will use the energy of the Universe not only to improve your own health and improve the health of your loved ones, but also to harmonize relationships and life situations.

This harmonization will benefit all parties involved in any event and people will be grateful that everything was resolved for them the best way. After all, this energy is aimed at harmonizing you with rhythms of the Universe, bearing the divine principle. Reiki is a method of healing everything that your gaze may fall on, that you constantly encounter in ordinary life. As a Reiki conductor, you fill your life with the energy of Higher, more subtle vibrations and Divine Love. Accepting the Love sent to us from the Supreme Source, connecting ourselves with the rhythm and consciousness of the Universe, getting rid of low-vibration energies that destroy not only subtle fields, but also the physical body. You work on yourself so that you can then transfer energy into the world the way the Teacher received it. This is also an opportunity to feel the flow of energy in your body, develop intuition and fine sensitivity hands at the initial stage, and subsequently others psychic abilities. You will feel the flow of energy in a person’s body, the configuration of his field, negative penetrations into his fields, see the aura and much more.

Reiki is an amazing energy that comes to us from the Highest spheres of the Universe. She has her own consciousness and knows exactly where to go and what to do. She is multidimensional and removes the causes of problems for everyone possible levels– body, mind or soul. (Richard Rivard) Reiki levels exist for the gradual development of mastery in this system. You cannot immediately dismantle all the rubble in a person’s energy structure; this is done layer by layer so that the body gets used to the changes. Even in the teachings of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to rearrange the entire apartment at once; too big changes in life will begin and not everyone can adequately respond to them. Severe stress is harmful to any system.

Reiki Practices (Reiki)

Our center operates “ reiki club”, where classes are given additional techniques, the Wu Xing system is explained, work is given
with sound vibrations - kotodamas or Buddhist mantras, working with affirmations, classical and additional characters. Acquaintance with the metaphysics of the Sonten direction, which was practiced by the monks of the temples of Mount Kurama.

This enhances the ability of students and masters to achieve specific results in realizing their own goals, combating specific ailments and mastering the levels of Reiki. This increases the range of tools and the ability creative approach to solving the problem. Reiki energy, in combination with healing practices and work with karma, gives excellent results. At the seminars you encounter new concepts - kotodamas, mudras, creation of states.

Topics of club activities

Zero level (for everyone)

« Open Reiki lesson» h an introduction to the system, for those who want to get to know it better and start practicing it

"Reiki Circle"Collective wellness session, club assistance in working through problems

Reiki 1st level

"Reiki - working with energy meridians in the light of Wu Xing theory " - introduction to the basics of healing oriental techniques, their principles and possibility of use.

"Meditative practices in the Reiki system. Visualization and concentration" – the ability to meditate and concentrate, one of the fundamentals of the Reiki system. The absence of these practices will make further promotion ineffective.

"Reiki and sound vibrations, working with kotodamas and healing sounds" Kotodamas are where the Reiki symbols subsequently came from, this is the spiritual basis of the system.

"Additional Healing Techniques"- they will enhance the effectiveness of your Reiki sessions.

“Breathing practices, cleansing techniques and energy gain.” – own energy fullness, energetic force, the fact of strengthening opportunities in any area of ​​​​life

Reiki Secrets (something not taught by Hawayo Takata, but used by Mikao Usui)

Reiki 2 degrees

"Reiki and Japanese traditions yamabushi"Energy practices of "mountain manahs" used in Reiki practices

“Reiki meditative practices for working with negative emotional blocks and childhood fears” - energy blockages are what interfere with the flow of energy, create illnesses and prevent adequate perception life situations By parting with them, we change our lives for the better

"Reiki symbols - working with situations of the past and creating the future" – expanding the possibilities of working with Reiki symbols, correct setting of programs

"Solution financial problems through the Reiki system" . Part 1 and 2 – consideration of psychological and energy problems, interfering with the flow of money energy and their elaboration

« Energy protection in the Reiki system." - the ability to protect yourself from energy impacts different types

"Kinesiology to help Reiki practitioners" - diagrams of projections of organs onto the muscular frame, removing muscle blockages, restoring the flow of energy, blood flow, nerve impulses. eiki

Reiki - the universal energy of life

Throughout human history, there have been healing methods based on the use of the universal energy that permeates the entire cosmos, the force that gives birth and sustains all life in the Universe.

Reiki is an ancient energy system, which came to us from Tibet. The sacrament of natural healing was available to a few initiates and was kept in strict secrecy. This ancient knowledge was almost lost over time and was rediscovered at the end of the 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan.

Reiki is the energy of the cosmos, as well as the universal Force, creative, vital, creative. This is what is everywhere and everywhere, from which everything that exists is created. ThisDivine energy.

The Japanese word Reiki or Reiki consists of two parts - "rei" and "ki". Syllable "ray" describes the universal, limitless aspect of this energy. It is the Holy Spirit, the mystery, the gift, the spirit of nature, the invisible spirit.The syllable "ki" is part of "rei" life force, flowing through all living things, energy, natural phenomenon, talent, feeling.

In the Reiki Usui Shiki Rioho tradition, this sacrament is transmitted through initiation from a Reiki teacher to a person. And this makes it possible for anyone to receive Reiki, regardless of their personal qualities, skills and abilities.

The effect of Reiki on a person

Reiki gives everyone exactly what they need most in this moment. This energy helps solve the following problems:

  • increase in life energy level and improving human well-being
  • finding the joy of life, peace of mind and self-confidence
  • improving the quality of attention and performance
  • healing diseases of the physical body and subtle bodies
  • solution psychological problems(fears, depression, anxiety, addictions)
  • resolution of internal conflicts
  • personal and spiritual development
  • mystical experience
  • fulfillment of desires
  • resolution of unpleasant situations
  • harmonization of relationships with other people
  • development of innate human abilities
  • cleaning of premises
  • personal protection
  • protection of housing and property
  • cleansing karma
  • relaxation

The Five Principles of Reiki, formulated by Dr. Mikao Usui:

1. Just today, don’t worry.

2. Expect the best today.

3. Be kind to all living things.

4. Earn your living honestly.

5. Express gratitude to everything.

Reiki and magic

Some Reiki teachers state that Reiki energy is not magic. Such a statement only indicates their limited knowledge and misunderstanding of the laws of the structure of our world, since everything that happens on the subtle planes and manifests itself in the physical world, everything invisible but effective, can be attributed to magic. The Power of Reiki is just one of the Powers of our Universe. The help of the Reiki Power to a person - the speed of his healing, like the help of all other Powers of the Universe, depends to a large extent on how this Power relates to the person personally. Her attitude is influenced by many different factors, including his words, thoughts, actions, karma , pay .

Reiki and religion

The Reiki system is not a religion and does not belong to any religious movement, denomination, sect or denomination. People who practice Reiki may be members of any religion, or they may be atheists. The only important thing is to understand that everything in the Universe is interconnected, everything consists of energy of varying degrees of density, and everything is part of a single whole.

Reiki- This divine energy, which is given to people for their physical and spiritual healing.

It got its name from the merger of the words “Rei”, which means “divine” and “ki” - “energy”.

Reiki is an ancient energy that each of us has used many times throughout our lives without even knowing it. What is the first thing a person does when something hurts? Places hands on the sore spot.

Every person on earth has an open channel of Reiki energy. The only difference is that ordinary people this channel is very narrow and allows a small flow of energy. And for Reiki healers this flow is much wider. It's like comparing how much water can be passed through a drinking straw for juice and through a main water pipe.

How Reiki energy can help a person

It fills him with strength and energy, harmonizes a person, relaxes him, calms him down.

Relieves stress, dissolves nervous disorders.

Restores the biofield, relieves pain symptoms.

In just a few sessions, Reiki can heal many diseases and restore damaged tissue.

The process of interaction with Reiki energy occurs as follows. The Reiki healer taps into the Reiki energy and it begins to flow through him. The flow of energy enters the crown of a person, passes through the head, neck, and exits through the palms of the hands. And the healer places his palms on those places of the person being healed where help is needed. Thus, the function of a Reiki healer is to connect to Reiki and conduct it to the person being healed. The healer does not use his own energy. Its functions are similar to those mobile phone when transmitting a conversation, it serves only as a transmitter, a conductor of energy.

During a healing session, the Reiki guide moves his hands over the body of the person being healed, conducting energy directly into each organ. But the most surprising thing is different. Reiki energy is smart energy. She herself knows where her influence is most needed. If the healer places his hands on the shoulders of the person being healed, the energy itself will go to where healing is needed.

This is especially useful when you cannot place your hands directly on sore spot, as, for example, with burns.

To receive Reiki energy, the person being healed only needs to relax, remove all extraneous thoughts from his head, and be ready for a miraculous healing.

Who can become a Reiki healer?

Anyone can become a Reiki healer. In order to connect a person to the Reiki energy channel, remove interfering internal blocks and expand the conducting channel, the Reiki Master carries out a process called initiation. This procedure is purely spiritual in nature without physical intervention.

How does healing work with Reiki energy?

How does a person get sick? First, under the influence of wrong thoughts or emotions, the energy of a certain organ is disrupted. Then, under the changed energy, the physical body begins to change and illness appears.

The principle of healing with Reiki energy is the opposite. It restores the disturbed energy of the damaged organ and imbues it with healing energy. And with the restored energy of the organ, the physical body begins to recover. Reiki restores damaged tissue, accelerates healing and recovery processes, and relieves pain.

In addition, with the help of Reiki energy you can smooth out conflict situations, harmonize relationships, energetically cleanse rooms, treat animals and much more.

Reiki Principles

They were developed by the founder of this system, the Japanese Mikao Yusui.

1. Just today, don’t be angry (rejoice)

2. Just today, don’t worry (expect the best)

3. Respect your parents, teachers and elders

4. Earn your living honestly

5. Express gratitude to everything

Their implementation is important, not only for healers, but also for ordinary people. Remember them and apply them in Everyday life. Behind in simple words there is a deep meaning.

Reiki Mastery Levels

There are many schools and directions of Reiki. In traditional Reiki schools, there are three main levels of mastery: 1st level, 2nd level and Reiki Master.

1st stage

Absolutely anyone who understands the need for Reiki energy in their life can receive the first level of Reiki. This does not require any special preparation. Even a child can receive the first stage. Reiki will serve the elderly additional source energy, so necessary for them in old age.

There are many different energies in space. Upon initiation to the 1st level of Reiki, the Master attunes the future healer specifically to the Reiki energy. This is similar to how a TV technician tunes a TV to a specific channel. In addition, initiation includes the removal of internal energy blocks and the expansion of the channel through which Reiki will flow.

After the adjustments are made, the human biofield noticeably expands. It becomes energetically more powerful. Its energy resources are growing.

Already after initiation to the 1st stage, a simple person becomes a Healer. He can conduct Reiki energy to himself and other people, but only through personal contact. He gets the opportunity to be filled with Reiki energy, harmonize, and heal illnesses.

The energy channel can and should be developed, i.e. practice constantly. The more practice, the wider and more powerful the energy will flow through the healer.

What if a person does not practice? Those. Doesn’t want to perform Reiki on yourself or other people? What will happen to the channel then? Nothing will happen to him. Once the Reiki channel has been opened by the Master, no one will ever be able to block it. It will simply remain at the same level as after its opening.

And for those who believe in reincarnation, we can add that having received initiation in this life, the open Reiki channel will go to the healer in all future ones. After death, you will not be able to take anything material into “that” world. But such a spiritual gift as Reiki will always be with you now!

2nd stage

After training and initiation by the Master to the 2nd stage, the healer receives Reiki symbols, and with them additional features. Its biofield increases even more.

With the help of Reiki symbols, it becomes possible to heal at a distance and over time, cleanse rooms of “dirt,” work with situations and many other miracles.

For ordinary person The 2nd level of Reiki is quite enough in everyday life. Having received the 2nd stage, he becomes a powerful healer - an energy specialist, capable of healing himself and other people.

Workshop stage

The master level can only be obtained by people who want to carry information about Reiki further. Who will be ready to teach other people the art of Reiki.

Master initiation gives the new Master the right and opportunity to connect and attune other people to the Reiki energy, to make them Healers.

Those who are accustomed to “finishing everything to the end” also receive the Master level. Those. those who want to go through the entire training cycle of Reiki practice.

Hand positions for various types of bioenergy sessions:

Reiki energy is wise energy, which itself knows where and to which organ it needs to flow. Therefore, you can simply put your hands anywhere in your body, turn to Reiki energy, and it will help you. But it would be more effective to conduct energy to everyone important points bodies. For this purpose, recommendations were developed for hand positions when various types conducting sessions.

If you have time and convenience, it is better to spend full session, giving maximum effect.

(Click on any of the links below and you will download hand positions for various types of sessions in a convenient format):

Watch a video about hand positions during Reiki sessions:

Energy needs to be brought to all organs of the body, which is why there are so many positions.

In order to properly channel Reiki energy,except for hand positions during the session,
you need to know the entire process from start to finish.

Sequence of a Reiki session:

1. Remove all metal objects from yourself and the person being healed.

2. Wash your hands.

3. Make an appeal to Reiki energy.

4. Conduct a Reiki session.

5. Thank you for the Reiki session.

6. Wash your hands.
Appeal to Reiki energy before the session:

Reiki energy, Reiki energy, Reiki energy!

I ask the Reiki energy, the Reiki Energy Guides, the Creator to come and conduct the much-needed Reiki session for __________ (name) here and now. I ask you to give him so much Reiki energy, in that amount
and quality, as much as he needs. I ask this of my own and his free will for the benefit of all life on earth. I thank everyone for their help, as if it had already been provided.

Gratitude after the session:

I thank the Reiki energy, the Reiki Guides, the Creator and everyone who helped me with the session.

Music for Reiki sessions and meditations you can listen and download here:

Briefly - the main points:

  1. Reiki is smart energy; it will find the sore spots and go where it is most needed.
  2. The law of free will is to give Reiki only to those who want it.
  3. Follow the 5 principles of Reiki.
  4. Safety precautions: wash your hands before and after the session.
  5. There should be no one around during the session.
  6. The person being healed and the healer must remove all metal objects from themselves: earrings, rings, chains around the neck so that the metal does not restrict the free passage of energy.
  7. The session is accompanied by silence or calm music, aroma sticks, candles.
  8. The healer is an empty conductor who must only administer Reiki so as not to interfere with the energy flowing freely.
  9. Reiki is activated by addressing it.
  10. Gratitude after a Reiki session is mandatory.
  11. It doesn’t matter which hand is on top - left or right.
  12. After the session, give the person the opportunity to come to his senses and return to his body. Give a glass of clean water.
  13. Reiki guides - contact them - they will help.
  14. Possible sensations in the hands of the healer and in the body of the recipient - vibrations, heat, cold.
  15. The healer's yawning and snotting during the session is normal.
  16. After the session, the recipient must be warned that spiritual and physical cleansing will occur - possibly more frequent visits to the toilet, emotional imbalance.
  17. By performing Reiki, the healer also cleanses, expands, and develops the channel.
  18. It is not the healer who heals, but Reiki.
  19. If you don’t feel well, then you can and should give yourself Reiki. But for others it’s not worth it. Get yourself in order first, and then help others.
  20. Reiki should not be given to drunk people, people under the influence of drugs, or unconscious people.
  21. Do not give Reiki on unreduced fractures, otherwise they may not heal properly.
  22. For burns, Reiki should be given without placing your hands on the affected areas of the skin. Can be given to a healthy symmetrical limb or side.
  23. With the help of Reiki, you can cleanse food of emotions and charge water.
  24. Having already received the first stage, the ability for clairvoyance and instinct begins to develop.
  25. Reiki helps traditional medicine.
  26. You cannot include your own emotions or desire to help into the session.
  27. It is necessary to understand and eliminate the causes of diseases - there is literature.
  28. Animals and children love Reiki, but they often need less of it than adults.
  29. Meat and Reiki - eating meat is undesirable, because... it interferes with the conduction of energy.
  30. To connect to Reiki energy you definitely need initiation.
  31. What happens during the initiation process: attunement to energy is made, blocks are removed, chakras are opened, Reiki symbols are placed in the aura, and the process of internal cleansing begins.
  32. A person who has received initiation will now constantly have the opportunity to interact with energy - no one will be able to close this channel.
  33. For the first month after initiation, be sure to conduct sessions for yourself every day. And preferably to others (family, friends).

Books on Reiki and healing:

3. Add me on Skype.

My Skype: aleks_toman(Saint Petersburg)

4. By Skype or e-mail We will agree on a time convenient for both of us for personal initiation via Skype.

5. I will conduct final training with you, answer all questions and conduct initiation.

Take action!


Alexey Alef
(Alex Toman)

Second level education

The page with training for the second level of Reiki is password-protected so that only those who are really ready to seriously practice Reiki receive the information.

Both traditional and new Reiki symbols are given there. If you are interested, please write to me by email:[email protected] and I will send you the password for the page and you can undergo training completely free of charge

Is it possible to stop “for a minute” when “everything is enough”

Treatment and healing, self-development and self-knowledge, peace and harmony, correctness and gratitude, spirit and energy, strength and mind - all these words can to some extent describe what Reiki energy is. Why in some? Because a sufficiently complete and accurately reflecting the concept of reiki in nature does not exist. The definition “absolutely everything that exists” is very suitable, but it sounds too vague.

In Japanese, reiki is written as two characters: "rei" and "ki". Each of these words can be translated in dozens of ways, depending on the context. In our case, we can use the translation " cosmic energy- universal, filled with goodness, love and correctness."

About technology

With the help of Reiki energy, you can adjust your body to harmony with the world and yourself, cure diseases of varying degrees of complexity (with long-term practice), free your life from unnecessary people and activities, to attract truly necessary events, and in the end - to find the meaning of life. How? By laying hands on the body, focusing on them and transferring reiki energy into a person and his life.

The practice we are considering is not something newfangled; it is already more than a hundred years old, and maybe more.

There is no exact information about when exactly reiki appeared in our world. It is known for sure that with its help they were healed in Ancient Japan.

Reiki is not the only technique based on the laying on of hands. It is the fact of the simplicity of the practice that makes it possible to initiate anyone and everyone, regardless of personal qualities, education, age, gender, nationality, religion, the presence of diseases or their absence.

Reiki is a healing practice, which is a pseudoscience, and in our country is not subject to licensing and is not equated to medical practice. However, it is recognized by the International Standard as folk method treatment and in many medical institutions in Japan and a number of other countries it is used as additional view therapy. Consider reiki as the main method of treatment for serious illnesses It’s not possible, but it can be used as an auxiliary health tool.

Reiki school

Society practicing this method, called the Reiki school, which is widespread throughout almost the entire globe. Founded in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. The founder himself, during a difficult period of misunderstanding of life for himself (Mikao believed that our existence has no meaning), went on a pilgrimage to holy places to practice Buddhism and gain the necessary knowledge. The pilgrimage lasted quite a long time and ended on Mount Kurame, in one of the temples. A long meditation followed. Reiki was the end of it. Mikao could not explain what exactly happened then, but he returned from the mountain as a Reiki Master, clearly knowing what was now in his body and how he could pass it on to people.

The first reiki school was opened seven years after Mikao returned home. All this time he conducted sessions to prove to people that reiki is harmless, fruitful and has a right to exist. After all this was confirmed, the Japanese government allowed the master to open a school and teach people.

Mikao Usui's last student is Chujiro Hayashi, who became a Reiki Master. Chujiro, a doctor by profession, modified the purpose of his practice, making it more commercial, that is, he practiced sessions on his patients. It was he who introduced the now famous laying on of hands positions that every practitioner uses.

During his life, Chujiro Hayashi trained about twenty students, among whom was Hawayo Takata, a woman with an almost incurable illness, on whom several doctors worked simultaneously, alternating traditional procedures and slats. After a couple of months of such continuous treatment, she felt much better, and most of her diseases disappeared without a trace, Hawayo decided that she needed reiki. Hawayo's training was questionable for a long time: Japan is a country of harsh morals, where a woman did not occupy such a position in society to heal. It was just funny. And yet, Chujiro Hayashi carried out the initiations during which Hawayo Takato became a Master.

Thanks to her, Reiki became widespread in America and Europe, although with minor modifications that were necessary for the practice to be accepted without disturbance in the Christian world. Thus, the school has been successfully existing since 1922 and is expanding, accepting everyone into its ranks, and its name contains the names of the first Masters: Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Lei Furumoto - the granddaughter of Hawayo, who was trained shortly before the death of her grandmother, in early childhood.


Let's say a person wanted to join the secrets of Reiki. Learning is not an easy process and requires certain knowledge. Initiation traditionally begins with telling the history of the school and short biography the first Masters. This is necessary so that every practitioner knows how reiki originated, as well as for the purpose of further transferring knowledge about it.

After the story comes the reiki initiation. What it is? The process during which the Master transfers attunements to the student, preparing the body for practice. The initiation itself does not last long, on average 10-15 minutes.

All this time, the Master is behind the student, drawing symbols above his head, and then above his palms. Healing Reiki music helps you tune in to the desired meditative wave, but this is not necessary: ​​you can do without music, performing the ritual in complete silence.

When the initiation is completed, the Master shows the student how to activate the energy channels that are located in the center of the palms. To do this, you need to say out loud or mentally “Reiki energy, I am open (open)” or simply tune in to the session - and the energy will “flow” from the palms. Less frequently, the channels in the center of the feet are activated (this is also possible).

Lath steps

There are three stages in reiki:

  • the first is a simple laying on of hands, conducting sessions for oneself, other people, animals and objects;
  • the second is an introduction to such concepts as Reiki symbols, working with the past and future, as well as sessions with a simple laying on of hands;
  • the third is a workshop, the opportunity to teach and conduct initiation, study of symbols for initiation, as well as simple sessions with or without symbols.

Some people, in the presence of the Master, begin to feel emanating warmth from their hands, crowns and feet. Such bodily sensations indicate that the body is ready to receive energy. A rare phenomenon found in reiki. What this is and why this happens is not completely clear, but if you pay attention to this, you can ask the Master to carry out initiation.

There is an opinion that reiki is present to a small extent in every person: the warmth of our hands, hugs, touches - all these actions are in some way healing. Reiki in the presence of the Master comes to new level and is more pronounced.

You can study either from a familiar Master or from an unknown one by contacting any representative of the school via the Internet. This is not a pyramid system. It doesn't matter who has more students, or whether there are any at all. The master does not receive any bonuses from the school for initiating a new student. The only thing that matters to him is practice and learning experience.

Like almost any training in our world, reiki is a paid technique. Initially, when the school was first founded, Mikao Usui wanted the sessions to be free of charge, but after much practice he realized that people could not respect what they did not pay for. This is the philosophy.


At the initial stage of mastering the practice and using the acquired skills to the fullest, only Reiki initiation is needed, and starting from the second stage, students move on to studying the symbols. Most often this Japanese characters, consisting of several parts and necessary for sessions of different directions. Let's briefly look at the main ones.

Cho Ku Rei

Symbol of a coiled snake with its head raised. This sign is the first and simplest. Its use is possible almost everywhere: you can charge objects as a talisman, “hang” it on corners in rooms for prosperity in the house, and use it to attract energy into own body. It cannot be said that the use of this symbol is limited only to these areas. You can also use the phrase “Cho Ku Rei” at the beginning of the session.

Sei He Ki

A symbol of two hieroglyphs: a “heart” sign and an image of distance. Their meaning is impressive: harmony, health, tranquility, life, merging with inner god, healing reiki music, harmonization of consciousness. Sei He Ki can be used to conduct a session at a distance, to send energy into the past or into the future, in order to influence some event, etc. Sei He Ki is also used for a powerful healing session by “drawing” it over the chest or the patient's head. Very often, the use of this symbol can change the life of a practitioner or patient in a different direction, so you need to “project” this symbol carefully and set clear goals before drawing it.

Hong Sha Ze Sho Nen

The tree of life, consisting of five characters (in the Japanese writing system - kanji). These reiki symbols have no boundaries of time or distance. They are often used together with Sei He Ki, sending energy to any place and time, to any situation, to any thought and deed. Drawing these symbols is a kind of meditation. Reiki at this moment seems to envelop the person completely, immersing him in relaxation and calm.

Dai Ko Myo

A symbol of transferring master settings to a student upon initiation to any level. It changes the frequency of vibration of the body to the one at which reiki becomes available. What is it - transferring settings and changing frequency using Dai Ko Myo? This is the invisible process when meditation occurs by itself, putting the student into a trance for better acceptance of the technique. This is why Dai Ko Myo is used in many meditative practices for better relaxation and freedom from thoughts. It is not recommended to use Dai Ko Myo for a healing session, because the very essence of this symbol is initiation in all its variants. This hieroglyph can often be found in various Japanese practices, but it is needed to convey settings.

5 principles of reiki. What it is?

Any practice is based on some dogma, on some postulates, the implementation of which is equally necessary for everyone. Reiki is no exception. This system, which currently exists, contains 5 principles that were formulated by Mikao Usui. They were not invented by him, he realized them during a long meditation, when reiki passed into his body. He introduced these rules to all his students, pointing out that they were mandatory. So, 5 principles of reiki:

  1. Just today, don't worry. This principle says that every day should be filled with peace and spiritual harmony. You cannot say that “today is a day for vanity.” At every moment you need to gain sobriety of mind and put aside worries.
  2. Just today, don't be angry. The meaning of the principle is that now is the day when you cannot be angry, grumpy and gloomy. And given that we say “today” every day, it means there is no need to be angry at all.
  3. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. This is Japanese wisdom. As you know, in Japan special respect is shown to the listed categories of people. The principle says that no matter what happens, you should keep respect in your heart.
  4. Earn your living honestly. The essence of the principle is that reiki is needed for health, joy, love and goodness, and dishonest earnings do not fit into these frameworks. Anyone who has even a little knowledge of technology simply cannot engage in dishonest work - Reiki will not allow this, changing the type of activity in the opposite direction.
  5. Be grateful to all living things. To be respectful is one thing, but to be grateful is another. This Reiki principle is the most difficult to implement, because it is difficult to bow to all living things and pour out words of sincere gratitude to the whole world.

All these principles are simple and complex at the same time. Everything here is clear and at the same time incomprehensible. Awareness and fulfillment of the laws comes with experience, when the healing music of Reiki embraces the entire nature of the practitioner.