Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho. River Energy Management. The essence of the Reiki healing method from its creator Mikao Usui

The memorial plaque erected by the students of Mikao Usui is engraved with the main principles of Reiki that their teacher encouraged them to follow.

As a matter of fact, these instructions were set forth in poetic form by the Japanese emperor Mutsuhito, who made every effort to give his people a truly spiritual orientation.

The wise and subtle poetry of Emperor Mutsuhito was recited daily by members of the society created by Mikao Usui. The basic principles of Reiki have become a guide in life, inexhaustible food for the mind of those who comprehend them. deep meaning.

Agree, these are quite short, but very important instructions for development. After all, it is no coincidence that they were followed by the ancient sages, who never ceased striving for self-improvement.

Mikao Usui believed that it was these five principles that helped him clearly and accurately formulate the purpose of his teaching, as well as find the easiest and most simple ways achieving this goal.

According to the teacher, there is nothing difficult in mastering the Reiki method, anyone can master it. Just need every morning and every evening, sitting in comfortable posture and joining hands in prayer, recite the basic principles of Reiki by Mikao Usui.

In this way, a pure and healthy mind can be developed: this, in fact, is the essence of daily practice.

The 5 Spiritual Principles of Reiki

Let's try to understand the principles of Reiki. Let's start with the words that apply to each of them, and therefore become principles in themselves.

In fact, these words are the key to the mystery. spiritual awakening. This key, which psychologists call "Here and Now", allows us to dissolve in the present and, having broken through the limits of the material world, get into the realm of love and light.

It was this truth that Mikao Usui discovered after 21 days of meditation and fasting on Mount Kurama.

Deep enlightenment, based on knowledge and experience accumulated throughout his life, allowed him to create a "Natural Healing System" and pass it on to people.

So the main message mystical path Reiki can be formulated as follows:

“Let your consciousness be here and now. This the only way come to the Great Divine Light. Mikao Usui's Reiki principles are the only way to change your life for the better and give it more spiritual meaning."

First principle - Don't get angry today

You yourself know how often you are overcome by such feelings as anger, indignation, indignation, resentment and hatred. Experiencing such emotions, we not only destroy ourselves, but also inflict irreparable harm those who surround us. Where does so much hostility and irritation come from? Reiki meditation practices help us understand the true causes of negative emotions get rid of them and harmonize your spiritual life.

The second principle - Don't worry today

The anxiety we experience affects us just as destructively as anger. This state also has certain causes, which meditation, contemplation and intuition help to understand. With Reiki, we can translate basic energy blocked by worry and fear into constructive, meaningful action.

Why do we feel anxious at all? It happens like this: one of the unconscious aspects of our feelings ceases to control important points necessary for survival. In other words, a sense of danger or threat takes root in the subconscious. How to fix the situation is unknown. We can't solve the problem because we don't know what we're afraid of and we start to worry. However, in most cases, after realizing what is happening, the cause of fear turns out to be frivolous and easily eliminated.

The Reiki method is just able to free us from anxiety - both justified and completely far-fetched.

The Third Principle - Just for today, be filled with gratitude

How often do we forget this simple feeling like gratitude! But this is the energy of higher awareness that exists only in humans. Gratitude breeds trust and makes us part of a greater whole. When we forget about gratitude, we seem to lose ourselves. We leave unnoticed the helping hand extended to us by the Creator, because we are striving for some particular kind of happiness and success. Thus we deprive ourselves of all happiness and success. By showing gratitude, we recognize the greatness of the creative force, its divine spark. So let's be attentive to any help given to us, let's rejoice in everything we receive. It is not at all difficult to accept this rule in your heart: you just need to understand that the right things always come to us in right time and don't ask for more.

Fourth principle - Just today, work hard

Performing any work, you should try to maintain a meditative state of mind, to fully immerse yourself in the workflow exactly “here and now”. This, perhaps, will be the best application of the accumulated spirituality in real life.

Fifth principle - Just for today, be kind to others

To be imbued with love for other people, that is, to recognize and honor the Divine in them, is not an easy task. To make it easier, you need to try to feel yourself a part of the Universe, a part of a great whole. This does not in any way detract from personal freedom. On the contrary, only a combination of freedom and participation in the common allows us to acquire the forces of goodness and love. He who is not capable of this is doomed to loneliness.

As you can see, the life principles of Mikao Usui's "System of Natural Healing" are not a rigid set of rules that must be strictly observed, but rather a call for more thorough research own behavior and try to get rid of meaningless habits. The principles of Reiki Mikao Usui encourage us to once again think about our own lives. They can also be perceived as some kind of spiritual riddles that mobilize our rational mind, accustomed to controlling everything up to the smallest details to learn something new in life. Finally, mastering these principles can greatly help in the practical approach to the Reiki method.

The Reiki system has absorbed all the best from the ancient teachings of the East about the path of spiritual development and from energy methods self-healing and self-regulation.

The foundation on which the Reiki technique is based is sacred knowledge, philosophy and traditions. oriental medicine, Shinto, Zen, esoteric Buddhism, Taoist energy practices and other ancient methods of natural healing.

Master Mikao Usui

One does not become a real Master in one year. Mastery in any business is the path of spiritual maturation in devotional service to one's life purpose.

In order for the world to know Reiki, Mikao Usui, the founder of the method, took years of work to accumulate knowledge about human nature and its relationship with the entire manifested and unmanifested world.

Being a descendant ancient family samurai, Mikao Usui, according to tradition, with young years was sent to a Buddhist monastery for study.
By the age of 25, he had reached a high level of mastery in martial arts, preserving and increasing the traditions of the family. In addition, he had extensive knowledge in medicine, physiology, psychology, religious studies, philology, and was also fluent in various energy practices of self-healing and esoteric practices Tendai Buddhism and Shingon. He worked tirelessly all his life, enriching his experience with new knowledge.

The founder of the Reiki method of natural healing, Dr. Mikao Usui, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, was a wise, open and cordial person, unusually gifted person, a tireless inquisitive seeker of truth.

To date, there are many versions of how Mikao Usui had the idea to create a method of natural healing and spiritual development, for the development of which people would not need to spend long years life.
It can be assumed that about true motives who prompted Mikao Usui to search for unique technique Reiki, only he and the Universe knew, which eventually rewarded the Master for years of work and samurai endurance.

The knowledge about using the power of the Universe to create a system of healing and self-awareness, called Mikao Usui Reiki, was received by him during deep meditation and a 21-day fast. According to unverified data, this event took place in 1914.

In 1922, in one of the suburbs of Tokyo, Dr. Usui founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai) Natural Healing Society. Until that moment, he had been proving the viability of his Reiki system in practice for more than 7 years.

The Reiki system of Mikao Usui was officially recognized in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century as a method of healing and spiritual self-knowledge. Clinics were opened in which doctors used the Reiki method for treatment various diseases. And to this day, the school "Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" works based on the traditions, the foundations of which were laid by the Teacher. Thanks to Mikao Usui, Reiki became the property of mankind and spread throughout the world with the help of students and followers of his teachings.

Reiki - the path to your inner God

These days, the Reiki system is often presented as a healing method that supposedly can be mastered quite easily in order to heal other people.

Unfortunately, small misunderstandings sometimes lead to big misunderstandings. Only the one who created the conditions for its formation, the master of his body, his thoughts and beliefs, can get rid of the disease.

Healer- this is the life purpose of the people chosen by God for this mission. Not everyone can reveal the gift of a healer, and not everyone is ready to spend years of their lives on acquiring the necessary knowledge to work with people.

To help others, you yourself need to rise to a sufficiently high spiritual level of self-awareness and openness to sacred knowledge.

Healer is a conduit of wisdom and pure life energy that provides relief and guides the patient on the path to full recovery. And a real healer knows that a person must master this path on his own.

Each of us has been gifted by God with different individual abilities and talents, which, with the help of simple Reiki meditations and practices, can be revealed in ourselves and shared with the world.

Healing can take many forms. You can bring spiritual and physical relief to another person, inspire him to internal transformations, give joy, pull him out of the arms of stupidity and sorrow in different ways. Brilliantly staged performance, show; inspired painting, book, article, music, poem; the cordial and professional attitude of a teacher, doctor, stylist, manager, taxi driver to their clients and colleagues is also a manifestation of the healing energy of life and love. It's good when everyone is in their place and enjoys doing what they love.

The Reiki system is aimed at revealing the unique personal qualities and abilities that are stored in the nature of every adult and child.

Being healthy and cheerful is natural for people. Be cordial and intuitive too. Being talented, successful, loving and loved is more than natural. It is unnatural and not characteristic of human nature to be frail, sick, spiteful, unhappy, lonely. Only by reaching the openness of the heart, inner integrity and awareness of one's destiny, one can learn to receive satisfaction from life, which means to benefit other people.

Healing yourself begins with knowing your unique human nature.

From everyone who wants to become happy, only one thing is required - to learn to listen to his rational body, which will always tell you what he needs in order to be strong and healthy, in order to conscientiously fulfill the mission of a vessel of the spiritual power of the Universe, framed in the life task of the soul of a particular person. And in order to live in harmony with yourself and other people, feeling your material and spiritual nature as a whole, you need to get rid of everything that creates imbalance and tension.

The Reiki system includes a number of practices that reveal the inner potential of life energy in people. They improve the work of all systems of the body's vital activity, help to acquire the skill of a conscious attitude to one's sensations and manifestations, to thoughts and emotions, develop intuition, individual abilities, lead to a harmonious interaction of spiritual and personal tasks.

In the Reiki system at the first levels, the mandatory program includes:

  1. Reiki breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to calm the mind, gain the skill of deep relaxation and develop concentration.
  2. Meditative practices, during which the ability to calm contemplation, observation of thoughts, feelings, emotions is developed without being involved in the observed process.
  3. Reiki exercises that develop sensitivity and open the heart center.
  4. Practices of accumulation, distribution and balancing of energy in bodies and energy centers.

Reiki is a multi-level integral system of human development and improvement. It contains a wide range of areas. From healing and health promotion, successful progress along the road of self-realization in society, to revealing deep talents, abilities, spiritual essence and life purpose. Each person has the opportunity to make his personal choice, realizing himself in one or all directions, but he receives knowledge about the possibilities of the entire Reiki system initially at the first levels of training.

Simple Reiki exercises are attractive for both business and less busy people, as they can be done at any time. convenient time and they do not require a specially equipped place.

The system of the traditional school "Usui Reiki Ryoho" includes the following areas:

1. Reiki and health:

Health promotion. rejuvenation, longevity and activity.

Treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • digestive system;
  • respiratory system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • urinary system;
  • reproductive system;
  • immune system and etc.

Rehabilitation and rapid recovery after:

  • childbirth;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • heart attacks;
  • chemotherapy;
  • nervous exhaustion, depression;
  • anephylactic shock;
  • operations of varying degrees of complexity;
  • traumatic brain injury, etc.

Emotional work:

  • elimination of emotional attachments, blocks, fears, phobias;
  • development of skills of fast and deep relaxation;
  • development of abilities to control the energies of feelings and emotions;
  • formation of a favorable emotional state for solving daily life tasks.

Works with the mental plane:

  • elimination of bad habits, addictions, inferiority complexes, self-doubt, subconscious programs and negative attitudes;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • development of the skill of creating positive thought forms that harmonize and restore the state of mental and physical health;
  • development of skills in working with mental energies.

2. Reiki and human abilities

Development of skills and abilities:

  • intuition, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, etc.;
  • disclosure of natural talents;
  • development of skills in the formation of favorable events and the implementation of harmonious life situations;
  • expansion of consciousness;
  • activation of the work of spiritual centers;
  • awareness of the tasks of the spiritual development of one's personality;
  • maintaining balance in energy system the human body;
  • formation and activation of personal financial flow.

3. Reiki and relationships:

  • harmonization difficult situations and relationships in the family, team, with friends, loved ones, etc .;
  • healing karmic relationships and events;
  • emergency energy support, ambulance» in various stressful situations, during conflicts, with injuries, etc.

4. Reiki and Healing:

  • development of remote healing skills and work with Reiki energy in various situations at a distance outside of time and space.
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Reiki - a non-traditional healing method

If we consider the Reiki technique in an encyclopedic sense, then it is called a non-traditional healing method.

As mentioned above, healing is only one of the directions in the Reiki system, which does not become the life goal of every practitioner.

However, teaching the skills of transmitting Reiki to other people is part of the general training program of the method. And if you are not destined to become a great healer, then you can become a good conductor of the vital energy of the Universe with due diligence and regular practice.

Healer, or Reiki guide, transmits Reiki to another person through his palms according to a certain system. But to start practicing Reiki sessions, I still advise myself. I recommend not earlier than after a year of daily practice with yourself to start working with other people and only if you have the ability to do this and you are asked about it.

Hand positions in Reiki correspond to zones biologically active points on the human body, as well as vital important bodies and centers of consciousness (chakras). In a Reiki session, hand position is not a hard and fast rule to follow. A certain sequence must be observed, but first of all, you need to rely on your intuition and feeling of flow, since the bioenergetic structure of the bodies of each person is individual, and changes in vital systems occur every minute. To be a good conductor means to follow the energy-information flow of Reiki, the positions of the hands during such work can have their own sequence.

For beginner Reiki practitioners, the basic hand positions are a system of sequential actions called "General Reiki Session" or "Healing, harmonizing and restoring Reiki session" .

Expand the diagram of hand positions in a general Reiki session

General Reiki Session - Hand Position

The impact of vital energy on the state of energy-informational structures of the mental, emotional and physical bodies follows a certain pattern.

Each position of the hands in a Reiki session carries an energy-informational “package” or an impulse that restores the harmonious functioning of each organ in the human body, and also balances general state nervous system and carries out the transformation of emotional blocks and mental programs.

Hand positions in Reiki: eyes, temples and ears; occipital part of the head, base of the skull

mental level

Increased clarity and quality of thinking. Calm down thought process, improved memory, good absorption a large number information. The energy intensity of thought increases. The ability to intuitive feeling is enhanced or actively developed.

Emotional level

Removes emotional stress. Various phobias and fears are healed. There is a sense of self-confidence and stress resistance. Harmonized energy potential masculine and feminine principles.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: eyes, brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, nose and sinuses, central nervous system, spine.

Hand positions in Reiki: neck, chest, hypochondrium

mental level

The ability to concentrate attention increases, creative thinking and the ability to accept abstract ideas of the higher spiritual spheres of one's being are manifested. Expanding horizons. Thinking is transformed into positive and socially oriented.

Emotional level

There is a feeling of comfort and harmonious perception of oneself and various life events. Develops cordiality and openness to the outside world and conscious self-respect. Are getting stronger Creative skills and natural talents. Increased capacity for self-actualization various fields life.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: thymus gland, thymus (spiritual heart), heart, immune system, circulatory system, chest, lungs, bronchi. liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen.

Hand positions in Reiki: abdomen, groin

mental level

The mental programs and attitudes of the destructive plan are transformed, the feeling of fear disappears. The ability to self-knowledge and the desire for self-realization increase. The ability to quickly make accurate decisions and to implement new ideas is enhanced.

Emotional level

There is a release from emotional blocks, attachments, from psychological trauma. Increased control of emotional states and the ability to express themselves. Strong-willed qualities and energy potential are being developed to solve vital tasks. Sensuality and the ability to enjoy life in its various manifestations develop.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: digestive and lymphatic systems, small and large intestines, organs of the genitourinary system.

Hand positions in Reiki: knees, ankles, feet

mental level

There is a process of liberation from fears for loved ones and harmonization of relations with them (left leg - relations with women of the clan, right leg - relations with men of the clan). A confident life position and active implementation in society are manifested.

Emotional level

The process of liberation from children's complexes and psycho-emotional trauma is underway. The energy channel of interconnection with the generic structure is restored. The ability to easily communicate with people increases, achieving an excellent emotional state and material prosperity.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration of all internal organs, the projection of which is in the zone of the feet.

Reiki Hand Positions: Shoulders, 7th Spine Area, Back, Lower Back

mental level

Painful memories, experiences about past life events are healed. The ability to positive, creative thinking is enhanced. The ability to fully accept people and the entire manifested world as it is is manifested.

Emotional level

The ability to deep relaxation, emotional liberation is manifested. The level of mental and physical strength. The skill of self-observation and the ability not to get involved in the emotional states of other people are being developed.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: the lower part of the neck, the thoracic region. Kidneys, adrenal glands, lower lobes of the lungs, coccyx, base of the spine, thighs, gluteal muscles, genitals, bladder.

Collapse Chart of Hand Positions in a General Reiki Session

The impact of Reiki, in a very simplified form, is similar to the ancient Chinese method of acupuncture. It contributes to the activation of the work of energy channels and the harmonious flow and distribution of vital energy throughout the entire energy structure of a person.

Techniques in the Reiki system are aimed at the treatment and prevention of various diseases and work at all levels of human existence.

As a rule, the root causes of various diseases, however, as well as failures in business and personal life, are located at the levels of finely material bodies - astral (feelings, emotions), mental (mind, thought forms) and causal or causal (karma). Reiki harmonizes the imbalance that has arisen in the system of human life at first at the levels of subtle bodies, as a result, healing occurs at the physical level as well.

The Reiki method is an affordable way for everyone to rejuvenate, prolong life and maintain excellent physical and mental health for many years. The path of spiritual development, expansion of consciousness and one's abilities must certainly have a material manifestation on Earth.

We learn spiritual practices not in order to hide from reality in monasteries, ashrams, hermits' caves and meditations, but in order to spiritualize the material world, to fill our everyday life with the light of smiles.

Learning the Art of Reiki

The Reiki system also has a training program for anyone who wants to learn this art. Training does not take much time. Reiki exercises are available to every adult and child.

This program involves 4 steps (levels) of mastery. The knowledge and techniques of Reiki are transferred directly from the master to the student in training seminars.

Before the start of training at each level, the master initiates the student into the Reiki channel, and then the training process begins. At the first level, the master conducts several attunements into the Reiki channel for the student.

On 1st and 2nd steps meditation and healing are taught using different techniques Reiki (Reiki) systems of Mikao Usui and more modern techniques of other Masters.

All practices of the first and second levels are aimed at developing sensitivity in a person and activating the ability to “listen to oneself”, feel the needs and various states of the physical body, as well as observe and learn to control one’s thoughts, emotions, feelings. The set of Reiki exercises is aimed at conscious work with energies within oneself and in external space.

Level 3 - Master. This is the level of personal meditation aimed at expanding consciousness and connecting with your higher self. It allows you to gain more inner freedom, and with it comes a period of revealing new abilities and opportunities for self-realization and spiritual growth.

Level 4 - Master Teacher. At this level, they teach the method of initiation into the Reiki flow at all levels of this system.

Each level in Reiki is self-sufficient. Each practitioner after the training course has the opportunity to practice Reiki on their own, choosing any training scheme that is convenient for them.

The decision to move on to the next step is only the inner intention of each person, and it cannot be conditioned by anything else.

The beauty and uniqueness of the Reiki method lies in its accessibility and simplicity.

You just have to open up and trust the beauty of simplicity to realize how little I know about my true self.

The Reiki system, like other systems of spiritual and physical improvement, opens the door to the world of self-knowledge. It helps to reveal those aspects of our being that have long remained unknown to us. This process is delicate, painstaking, consistent, and does not tolerate fuss and haste. This is the sacrament of the birth of the unique individuality that each of us is.

Dear friends!
If you have a desire to learn more about the Reiki system or you have already decided and want to learn Reiki practices, write or call +380 67 507-21-03 (Kyivstar/Viber) or Skype: pmilana70
Head of the studio, Reiki Master Teacher Milana Predrikhovskaya.

REIKI (REIKI) - this is PURE ENERGY, a channel of the Universal Energy of the Universe, perfect, boundless, INTELLIGENT.

From Japanese: Rei - Space, Universe; Ki - Energy.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Japanese Mikao Usui founded the Reiki transmission system. positive energy through the hands. Reiki energy is aimed at restoring the emotional and physical condition body, it allows both to rid the body of somatic diseases, and to harmonize the work of all systems, to establish a spiritual balance, without which the body cannot be considered healthy.

It is believed that when the energy inside the body and around it is subjected to any disturbance, this leads to disease. Reiki energy aims to restore the proper circulation of each person's energy, and as a result, this is what should eventually lead to comprehensive healing. The rail system acts on different types energy - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. At the same time, it is quite natural that some spontaneous outbreaks of ill health are more easily affected by the power of Reiki, while chronic energy imbalances require more time for rehabilitation. In general, everything always depends on the person, on his faith, desire and how his brain will perceive the information transmitted with the healing energy of Reiki.

The power of Reiki is considered highly effective for healing stressful conditions, indigestion, migraines, respiratory diseases, immune system, and for weight loss. Reiki helps restore balance, clear the mind, calm the nerves, relieve excessive tension. Therefore, there is a lot of talk about the use of the system to harmonize the condition of pregnant women suffering from toxicosis, to eliminate epileptic seizures, heart attacks, eye problems and relieve severe headaches.

Reiki heals by transferring vital energy through the hands, and physical contact is not always necessary. In both cases, positive energy passes from the healer to the sick - it slowly flows into his body and displaces negative energy, restoring balance and setting the body on a healthy wave, which will help get rid of all diseases.

With the help of Reiki energy, you can achieve strengthening immunity, eliminate insomnia, increase self-esteem and level mental capacity, improve blood circulation, remove toxins from the body, heal wounds and even promote faster recovery after surgeries.

Thanks to Reiki, a person learns the value of spiritual growth. Having once become Reiki as a conductor, a person passes universal vital energy through his hands, which is interesting: this ability remains with him for life.

Reiki is perhaps the most simple form healing and self-development systems that exist!

Having learned Reiki, you will be able to heal yourself and others with Reiki energy, both in contact and at a distance, using only intention. Also, you will be able to influence the events of your life, purify karma, premises and much, much more.

Working with Reiki to the maximum activates a person's inner life Force, creative abilities and the ability to materialize one's intentions and desires through this Force in the TURBO mode - that is, quickly, safely and practically effortlessly, EASILY.

This process is called CO-CREATIVITY with the boundless energy of the Universe. Since, to materialize his intentions, a person uses here not only and not so much his strength, but becomes a channel, a conductor for the creative creative Force of the Universe. The main goal of this Force is Life, its development and good. Therefore, any goal requested from this Power and created with the help of this Universal Power (Love) will be realized only taking into account the safety for a person, exactly as it will be for his Higher Good.

Tuning is like turning on an antenna that captures the energy of the universe and conducts it to the intentions of a person. We all have such a built-in antenna from birth, but it is turned off. Psychics work with the materialization and healing of themselves and others also not due to such an antenna, but due to their very large innate personal power. But with active work, any reserve of personal strength once ends. After that, problems may arise.

When a person receives attunement to Reiki, i.e. there is a restructuring of his energy in such a way that he can EASILY turn on the Reiki channel and start nourishing himself and his intentions with the boundless Energy of Love of the Universe (Reiki). That is, a person becomes a conductor of energy, and not just a radiator of his life force. This is the fundamental difference between extrasensory perception and Reiki.

Reiki is available to everyone, because it is a natural ability of everyone. Extrasensory perception is already innate quality and not everyone has it (or it takes years to develop these abilities so that they are equally well available at any time - both when you are tired and when you are on the rise).

The only condition for turning on the "antenna" of Reiki is to receive attunement from the Master.

The setting is paid, because in order to gain access to the Higher Forces of the Universe, you need to give some significant part of your lower energies (in this case in the form of money) so as not to be in karmic debt with the Master and so that the Universe does not later take this energy equivalent in another way. (more about energy exchange

Attunement is transmitted by the Reiki Master Teacher, attunement to the Reiki channel includes learning how to work with these techniques.

The setting can be obtained remotely

1 step - 2500 rubles.

2nd stage - 4000 rubles.

3rd stage - 8000 rubles.

with a one-time payment for the entire course - 12.500 rubles!!!


Reiki is the energy of spiritual healing. This energy, filling your consciousness, helps you to wake up, to know and know yourself. As this happens, it is possible that many areas of your life will improve, and effects such as:

treatment of diseases, including chronic ones;

harmonization of relations;

fulfillment of desires and formation of events;

harmonization of life circumstances;

harmonization of space and premises;

healing of emotional traumas and internal blocks;

healing and harmonization of all life around you: people, animals, plants;

healing of emotional states: insults, fears, guilt, etc.;

replenishment of physical and emotional strength;

saturation with energy and raising vitality;

relaxation and stress relief;

deep dive into meditation;

charging things and objects of power.

But that will only happen when there is spiritual healing in that aspect of your life. When there is awareness, letting go, acceptance. Therefore, I will not tell you that with Reiki, your life will change in a blink of an eye. magic wand. No, but Reiki will raise you to awareness and help you recognize and accept what prevents you from being yourself. Be ready for an internal transformation, for changing your stereotypes of thinking, for the fact that everything that is dear to your personality can collapse, that the earth will fall from under your feet and your convictions will have nothing to rely on.

Perhaps you have tried many methods of achieving goals, perhaps you have even achieved a lot, but the feeling of freedom, fullness of life, joy, happiness does not overwhelm you, then you should think about how to look inside yourself and find the source of all this inside you. And the Reiki energy contributes to this process. Working with Reiki energy is a path of spiritual growth, not personal development. You will receive support and assistance along the way in the form of Reiki energy.

The process of healing (restoring integrity) of consciousness cannot take place without your participation, therefore Reiki does not heal, it helps you heal. Only if you want to deal with your separating consciousness, with your beliefs, with those thoughts that lead to diseases, it is possible to heal both the mind and subsequently the body and life in general. Your whole life, all events and people, this is what helps you to realize and know yourself. But often we call it bad, unwanted, grief, problems, we try to avoid it with all our might. But this does not work out, and we continue to suffer and insist that exactly what we want must happen. But it is precisely the acceptance of what is right now in your life that is the key to your spiritual growth, to self-awareness. Only Being yourself, who you really are, can give you real freedom, joy, wealth, abundance, infinity.

The possibilities of Reiki are enormous, it can be a very effective assistant. It will bring out the best in you, enhance your abilities and highlight what exactly in your life is not yet united into a single whole.


The traditional Usui Reiki system consists of 3 steps. It is not at all necessary to go through all three - everyone chooses for himself which stage satisfies his aspirations and needs:

Stage 1 - the primary attunement to the Reiki channel takes place and the initiate gets the opportunity to:

Purification of the body, filling with the energy of Life at all levels

Contact healing of self and others, pain relief, deep healing at all causal levels

Physical and emotional harmonization, harmonization of situations in which a person and the people around him are directly located

The ability to charge the water with the desired information, purify it and raise the vibrations of the food eaten.

Stage 2 - there is an adjustment to the Reiki symbols and a further expansion of the energy channel, along with this, a person gains the ability to:

Contact and non-contact treatment of yourself and others

Healing at a distance (regardless of the range of the distance)

Work with your desires and intentions, as well as with the desires and intentions of other people,

Space cleansing

Working with the past and future (going beyond time - i.e. working with the very cause of the situation, no matter how long ago it was or how far into the future the consequences may be)

Working out undesirable personality traits and acquiring desired qualities

Harmonization of your personal inner and outer space and the space of other people

Creating your own powerful talismans, amulets, charging crystals of protection and help in the implementation of intentions

3rd step Master

There is an adjustment to the master Reiki symbol - powerful remedy for self-development, opening the channel to the maximum. This stage is recommended mainly to those who are seriously engaged in spiritual growth and are ready to become the MASTER of their life with full responsibility.

It gives you the opportunity to initiate other people, i.e. to work for the benefit of the Universe, in order to increase the level of vibrations of ALL THAT IS.

Reiki Initiation

Initiation is an initiation into a spiritual tradition, ancient way transfer of energy and sacred knowledge from one person to another. Since time immemorial, spiritual teachers or masters all over the world have resorted to initiation to transfer energy or fundamental knowledge that cannot be transferred to another person through words. In almost all spiritual traditions for meditation, personal development, treatment and work with energy, symbols and mantras (kotodams) are used.

In the Reiki method, this method is used to transfer energy and knowledge - initiation.

It is quite obvious that the transfer of knowledge from person to person - initiation - is an easier way, requiring less effort.

After initiation into the Reiki method, you can connect with healing energy at any time, heal yourself and others, and improve spiritually. For the further growth of healing abilities, of course, constant practice is necessary.

The Reiki system is built in such a way that growth and improvement occur step by step - the first, second, third. This allows you to calmly and smoothly climb to the top at your own pace.

Initiation is a great sacrament during which there is a complete transformation of the energy and physical body of the student. In the Reiki method of Mikao Usui, the initiation is performed by the Most Universal Reiki Universal Energy in response to the intention of the initiating Master and according to a certain methodology. At the same time, they open energy channels, Heart and Crown chakra, the energy metabolism of the body and the width of the aura field are significantly increased. The student gains the ability to instantly connect with the Healing Energy of Love, the Force and Light of the Universe - Reiki. From this moment begins his gradual spiritual ascent and improvement. Preferences change, awareness of the causes and consequences of events comes, favorable circumstances appear, new opportunities arise.

By performing daily meditation practice and self-healing sessions for 21 days after initiation, the student purifies himself on many levels of existence, becomes a pure and perfect conduit for Reiki energy. A correct understanding of the state of the empty bamboo arises. From that moment on, the danger of mixing the healer's own bioenergetics in healing sessions disappears, and the student can begin to heal others. Twenty-one days of daily practice is very important. Only 30 minutes (15 minutes for 3 meditations - "breathing with white light", "breathing through the hands", "gasse - empty bamboo" and 15 minutes for self-healing) - give a great treasure. The purer the spiritual guide, the greater its throughput, the faster and more effectively Reiki treatment will be performed. Mikao Usui needed a few seconds to complete the healing and this is not something incredible - this is a very real, affordable opportunity for everyone who turns to Reiki.

Receiving additional Reizu (Reiki blessings) from his Master, passing initiations to the 2nd and 3rd levels of Reiki, the student expands his abilities and connection with the Universal Energy more and more. The flow of the Light passing through it grows and the quality of this Flow changes. The first step is touch. At the beginning, the Reiki (Spiritual, Celestial, Cool) or Ki (Earth, Life, Warm) components of Reiki in a student may prevail individually, depending on personal inclinations and working out the connection with Heaven and Earth. At the same time, despite the accents, Reiki healing will still be done by the most the best way, each patient will receive all the energy he needs for treatment. It's just that with such a healer, some diseases will be cured a little faster, some a little slower. Over time, after receiving the 2nd and 3rd levels, the Reiki Flow levels off and begins to be felt not only from Heaven and Earth, but from all sides, from any point in the space of the Universe. The flow becomes very soft, imperceptible and at the same time dense and super-efficient.

The traditional Reiki system was created at the beginning of the 20th century by a Japanese monk, Dr. Mikao Usui. The place of Reiki among spiritual systems cannot be overestimated. Joining the Reiki tradition is the moment of the beginning of a new stage in a person's life, the discovery of a new depth of oneself, a new understanding and self-awareness.

The Reiki tradition consists of 4 main elements:

1. Initiation and spiritual line

Reiki energy is transmitted from one person to another through initiation ritual. The initiation ritual or is the strongest energy process during which the Reiki master, using special technology, transfers Reiki energy and sets up the student to independently receive Reiki energy.

This process can be compared to a radio: a radio will receive a signal if it is connected to a power source and tuned to a certain frequency. Despite the fact that radio waves are all around us all the time, we need a device, energy and frequency to receive a signal.

spiritual transmission line is part of the Reiki tradition. The lineage of spiritual transmission is the Reiki masters, thanks to whom the Reiki energy has reached our days and has become available to you. Without them, we would not have known the method that Dr. Usui discovered over 100 years ago.

Q: Can I learn Reiki on my own?
Answer: Mikao Usui did not receive this energy from anyone, he discovered this ability through many years of practice and meditation. And it is quite logical to assume that each of us is capable of this, with a sufficient amount of effort and time. But why waste time and energy of your life on reproducing what already exists? Applying existing best practices is a smart life practice that gives confidence and promotes rapid progress.

Mikao Usui has created a system with the help of which everyone can easily and simply start using Reiki energy for their own benefit and the benefit of all.

2. Steps of ascent to mastery

The traditional Reiki system is built in such a way that a person gradually raises the level of his inner development and gains experience in interacting with Reiki energy. With each step, your possibilities expand. There are four levels of initiation in the Reiki system.

The first level of Reiki training– Shoden, which is translated from Japanese as “Entering”, is mainly aimed at opening the capabilities of the physical body so that it can receive and pass more energy, to increase vitality. At the first stage, the student learns the initial methods of "laying on of hands" for self-healing and the treatment of other people. The healer's hands should touch the physical body or be a few centimeters away from it to transfer energy.

Some time after passing the first stage, the desire to move on matures - to Reiki second degree- Okuden. Okuden is the doctrine of inner world. During the second level of training, the student is attuned to a higher level of Reiki energy, as well as 3 energy keys or symbols, which are used for distance healing and a more intense form of mental and emotional healing. The possibilities of the second degree of Reiki are really more exciting and the work is much more efficient.

Mastering the second degree also takes some time, after which there is a need for further development and ascent to the third degree of Reiki. It is called Sinpiden - a mystical teaching.
On the third step a master symbol appears and the power of Reiki increases even more, the power and capabilities of your “inner Master” are revealed.

Reiki Fourth Degree- the stage of the Master-teacher. It allows you to transfer Reiki to other people. And if the first three steps of Reiki are a necessary path for every person who wants inner growth, then the fourth step is more of a calling and a profession.

3. Regular practice

Reiki initiation connects us with life-giving energy, and regular practice with Reiki energy allows us to heal from various ailments, increase healing skills and strength, develop intuitive abilities and sensitivity. It is practice that makes us an open and pure conductor of energy, capable of transmitting and passing through a large and strong flow of healing useful energy.

The basis of practice in the tradition of the Reiki system are healing sessions physical body. They have a certain form of conduction at each of the steps and allow a person to gain bodily and spiritual balance.

In addition to healing sessions, each level of Reiki involves special exercises, techniques and meditations. You can read more about them in separate articles on each level of Reiki.

The beauty of Reiki practice is its simplicity. It does not require any special knowledge or skills, or even faith in it. Absolutely everyone can put their hands on their body.

4. The Five Principles of Reiki and the History of Reiki

Spiritual improvement in the Reiki system occurs through understanding and following, as well as the wisdom inherent in the historical legend of Reiki.
Mikao Usui said that daily adherence to the principles of Reiki leads a person to his health and happiness. And in the historical legend about the discovery of Reiki by Dr. Usui, the stages of spiritual development after initiation into Reiki are described in a symbolic form.

These 4 main elements make up basic framework Reiki systems. The Reiki tradition does not declare in any way and does not concern other points, for example, such as, special food or religion.

A conversation with Mikao Usui in which he reveals the essence of his healing method.

What is Usui Reiki Ryoho?

I have kindly received Emperor Meiji's recent order. To comprehend my teachings, improve yourself physically and spiritually, and follow the path that corresponds to the essence of man, the most important thing is to heal your spirit. Then we have only to maintain the health of our body. If our spirit is healthy and righteous, the body will heal itself. The mission of Usui Reiki Ryoho is to lead to a peaceful and happy life, to heal people and bring light into their lives.

Does Usui Reiki Ryoho have anything to do with hypnosis, Kiaijutsu, or religion?

No, Reiki is not like any of these. This is a method of healing the spirit and body with the help of natural energy, which I received after a long and hard journey.

Then, is Reiki a psychic treatment?
(in the original: “psyhic method”. “Psyhic” is also translated from English as “medium”, thus it can be assumed that we are talking not so much about healing through the psyche, but about some supernatural method of healing on some higher (invisible normal eye) plans of our existence. In this light, Usui's answer can be interpreted as confirming this fact, but also saying that all this "supernatural" has an exit to the "ordinary" world through the healer's body. - approx. per.)

Yes, you can say that. But it is also true that Reiki is a physical healing method. True, because the energy comes from the body of the healer, especially from his eyes, mouth and hands. So, if the healer looks, breathes, or strokes the problem area, toothache, colic, stomach pain, neuralgia, bruises, cuts, burns and others pain pass. However, chronic diseases take time to heal. One way or another, the patient will feel improvement after the first session. The facts say more than attempts to explain this phenomenon with the help of modern medicine. If you see the facts, you will understand it. Even those who are prone to sophistry cannot deny them.

Should I believe in Usui Reiki Ryoho to get the best results?

No. Reiki is not like psychological techniques, hypnosis and other methods of influencing consciousness. There is no need to agree or admire the effectiveness of Reiki. It doesn't matter if you doubt it, deny it or reject it. So, for example, Reiki is effective for children and seriously ill people who cannot have any conscious belief about the effectiveness of this treatment. Probably only one in ten believed in my method even before the treatment, the majority believed only after they felt the real benefits.

Any disease can be cured with Usui Reiki Ryoho?

Usui Reiki Ryoho can be used for all diseases caused by both psychological and physical causes.

Usui Reiki Ryoho is used only for the treatment of diseases?

No. Usui Reiki Ryoho helps in cases of mental and psychological problems such as despair, agony, weakness, timidity, indecision, nervousness, and the like. You will be able to lead happy life and spiritually heal others. This is the original and main task.

How does Usui Reiki Ryoho work?

No one taught or showed me this method. I just suddenly realized that I received healing energy when, during the fast, I felt the world around me somehow especially. So it's hard for me to accurately answer this question, despite the fact that I am the founder of the system. Scientists and "men of the mind" have studied this phenomenon, but modern science cannot explain it. I am sure that someday the answer will come by itself.

Does Usui Reiki Ryoho use any medications and what are their side effects?

Reiki does not use anything from medicine. The healer only looks, breathes, puts his hands or lightly strokes the problem area.

Do I have to have medical knowledge to use Usui Reiki Ryoho?

My method is outside of modern science, so you don't need any medical knowledge. When I have a brain disease, I treat my head, if my stomach hurts - my stomach, when I encounter an eye disease - my eyes. No need to take bitter medicines or endure hot moxa treatment (“hot moxa treatment” is a healing method akin to acupuncture, during which needles are inserted into the patient’s body, heated by burning certain plants, or these plants are burned directly on certain points of the patient’s body - approx. per.). It takes only a little time for a session to breathe, look, put hands or lightly stroke the disturbing part of the body. That is why my method is unique.

What do famous medical scientists think about this method?

Their words seem very reasonable. European medical scientists express serious criticism of medicines. Referring to the original source, I will quote the words of Dr. Sen Nagai from Medical University Teikoku: "As physicians, we diagnose, record, and study diseases, but we don't know how to treat them."
Dr. Kondo says: “It is wrong to think that medicine has made great strides forward. The most big mistake modern medicine is that we do not notice the psychological basis.
Dr. Rokura Kuga says, “It is a fact that psychological therapies and other therapies used by non-medical healers sometimes work better than doctors, because their treatments take into account the character, individual characteristics of the patient, and many other factors. Physicians who discount healers without a medical background are very narrow-minded."
Doctors, medical scientists and pharmacists recognize the effect of my method and become students.
(of course, since then medicine has made great progress, so doctors now pay great attention psychological side treatment, and psychology is by far the most popular science. However, everything that is written here, and what the government delegate will say in the next paragraph, remains true to this day. So, for example, there are Reiki clinics in many cities and countries, more nurses and doctors even from traditional hospitals receive the first degree of Reiki, and more recently, the US Department of Health recognized Reiki as the official national healing system - approx. per.)

What is the government's reaction?

On February 6, 1922, at the Standing Committee on the Budget of the House of Representatives, Assemblyman Dr. Teiji Matsushita asked the government's opinion that some people without medical training were treating their patients with psychological or spiritual methods.
Mr. Usio of the government committee replied, “A little over 10 years ago, people thought that hypnosis was the work of long-nosed goblins, but now it has been studied and applied to patients with mental disorders. It is very difficult to comprehend the human mind by science alone. Physicians follow instructions that tell them how to treat patients with medical science, but treatment like electrotherapy or just touching the hands is not part of medicine.” Thus, Usui Reiki Ryoho does not violate the law on medical practice and treatment with acupuncture and reflexology.

People might think that this healing energy available only to the elite, that it cannot be learned.

No, that's not true. Every being can have healing power. Plants, trees, animals, fish and insects, and especially man, as the crown of creation, are endowed with the highest healing power. Usui Reiki Ryoho is a materialized healing power that exists in a person.

So anyone can be initiated into Usui Reiki Ryoho?

Certainly. Man, woman, young or old, educated or uneducated, anyone with common sense, can receive healing power in short term and heal yourself and others. I have taught over a thousand people, and never without success. Everyone can treat diseases, starting from the first stage. You may think that it is incomprehensible to receive healing power in a short time, but it is true. This is the peculiarity of my method - it treats serious illnesses easily.

If I can heal others, can I heal myself?

If you cannot heal yourself, how will you heal others?

How can I get Okuden (second degree)?

Okuden includes several methods: Hatsurei-ho, hand stroking method, hand pressure method, mental healing method, distance healing method. I teach it to people who have studied Shoden (First Degree), are good students, and have decent behavior and enthusiasm.

Is there a level higher than Okuden?

Yes, there is a level called Shinpiden - the highest level.

The exact date of this conversation, as well as the name of the person interviewing Mikao Usui, are unknown, but according to the translators, this conversation took place between 1922 and 1926. The recording was made in Old Japanese.
Interview taken from Richard Riward's book Usui Reiki Guide