Clubwear for guys. Club Dress Code: The Basics for Men

A gutted closet, heaps of altered clothes, calls to a girlfriend hoping to rent an outfit… If for some girls going to a club is akin to visiting a supermarket, then others panic at the prospect of being in an unfamiliar environment, and even in the wrong outfit. What to choose: another evening on the couch hugging a cat or an incredible atmosphere of nightlife filled with music, drive, fun and emancipation. We are sure that the soul tends to the second option, which means, girls, it's time to get dressed!

Basic club style rules

  1. Never warm up when planning a hike in night club, even if you really want to show off a mink bolero, a floor-length dress or a jumpsuit with long sleeves. Not only will you look a little alien in a free club environment, but you will also sweat in the first minutes of being on the dance floor;
  2. Choose outfits from light and natural fabrics;
  3. As a rule, there is a lack of bright lighting in discos. And if you do not want to go unnoticed, do not try to dress in a dark blouse or dress. Finally decide to “walk” your top in sequins, suit in rhinestones or sequins. But make sure that the finished image does not turn out clumsy;
  4. Expensive accessories, gold and diamonds are good, but a young girl still more suitable high-quality and original jewelry, corresponding to the general style and mood;
  5. Decide on the purpose of visiting an entertainment establishment. If you want to relax for yourself or start long term relationship, you need to dress a little playful, frivolous and tasteful. A girl who needs a partner for one night can experiment with seductive and frank images.

What should be given up?

How to dress for a club, and how - definitely not worth it. Stylish doesn't mean short. With their mini-skirts and dresses, the length of which resembles a T-shirt, girls completely beat off their natural instinct of the conqueror from men. Tight-fitting outfits leave no room for a flight of fancy, serve as a direct allusion to the accessibility and emancipation of their owner. You should not think that sexuality is a skirt the length of a tank top or latex-covered buttocks.

Of course, no one is forcing you to dress like a grandmother in the hope that someone will appreciate your chastity or ingenuity. Keep a balance: if you bare your legs, cover your neck and arms, if you flaunt your bust, let the hem be up to your knees, etc.

While it's rare for a club to close its doors to you, if you decide to wear jeans to a dance, it's best not to. The girl has a great opportunity to operate with many outfits, so why wear everyday things? Moreover, in America, denim is considered a material for tailoring work overalls. You are going to rest, so take a break from the usual vestments!

How to dress in the club: dresses come first!

Thanks to the modern fashion and textile industry, any girl manages to choose a dress according to her figure, wallet and taste. So do not miss this opportunity, especially if you are going to regularly visit a nightclub! The only thing to avoid is too revealing and tight outfits that do not take into account the nature of the institution, its regular audience and your personal natural data.

If you haven't learned how to dress stylishly and clubbing yet, don't be discouraged, start your experience by purchasing a versatile little black dress. Complementing it expensive jewelry or playful jewelry, you can easily go from the image of an inaccessible queen to your girl.

When choosing a dress, you don’t need to try to squeeze everything you dreamed of since childhood into one model. Mixing sequins, embroidery, mesh, beads and other decor, you will only attract the attention of crows, while in men you will cause an ironic smirk.

Using such classic tricks, any girl will be able to create a relevant and memorable night look:

  • A large drapery on a bandage dress will help to veil figure flaws and feel more confident on the dance floor;
  • By diluting plain outfits with bright jewelry, you will avoid the fate of looking faded and uninteresting;
  • Do not combine ultra-short length, deep cut And light tone the material from which the dress is made. Believe me, in a club atmosphere you will seem like a naked girl.

How to dress stylishly in a club - look at the skirts

How long have you been wearing a skirt? The rhythm of life, the desire for convenience and practicality, a little feminism - all this gradually teaches modern girl wear jeans, leggings, jags and anything but skirts.

When going to an entertainment establishment, it will be more than correct to get this particular wardrobe item from the depths of the closet and combine it with airy chiffon blouses, tightly buttoned shirts and, of course, high heels. The latter will emphasize the slimness of the legs, stretch the figure and force you to keep your posture.

As for the skirt itself, the office and everyday option- absolutely not what you need for the dance floor. A young girl better be puzzled by the search custom model, embroidered with feathers, made of tulle, leather and studs, suede and lacing. If the figure allows, be sure to replenish your wardrobe. club skirt with an abundance of rhinestones, sequins and bead embroidery. In the case of a skirt, also keep a balance: the more colorful the bottom, the simpler the top, and vice versa.

How to dress stylishly in a club - no one has canceled trousers!

The girl who finds it hard to give up everyday look with jeans tight trousers or leggings, we can recommend choosing a cloth or leather version of the usual clothes, which favorably emphasizes the ass and slender legs. The set includes a simple cut topic, embroidered with rhinestones or beads, interesting belt and hairpins. Depending on the season or the features of the figure, it is permissible to add a jacket to the image, the main thing is not to become like a guy and not look like a man.

Leather leggings are the choice of real disco divas, only they will suit the owner truly perfect figure. If you don’t have one, but you want to shine, take a closer look at leather shorts, which come not only in a tight fit, but also in looser styles, with draperies, waistbands, fringes and pockets. They pair well with any outerwear: T-shirts, shirts, tops, blouses, etc. The only limitation: shorts should not be worn by a girl with full or uneven legs.

Accessories and shoes

It’s good for a guy: he put on jeans, tucked his shirt into them (or maybe he didn’t do that either) and already a handsome man. The girl also needs to choose the appropriate jewelry for her image: flirty rings, cute bracelets, chains and beads. Moreover, it is permissible for a girl to fasten all this on her ankles, fingers, wrists, ears and neck at the same time and in large quantities.

As mentioned above, gold jewelry is best left for later. They can be liked by dishonest people, just get lost and give you a girl with a minimal flight of fancy, albeit with a tight wallet.

Leisure in the life of every inhabitant should occupy its rightful and full-fledged niche, while it is desirable to make it exciting and diverse.

Of course, the preferences of each of us depend on tastes, age and innate individual characteristics, but the ability to dress for appropriate events should definitely be learned.

At work, we must look as dictated corporate requirements, on the street and at home - according to the laws of the society in which we live, but the recreation area allows you to show your imagination and demonstrate to others our inner convictions.

How to dress a guy in a club to feel confident?

Let's get creative with this! At the same time, one should not forget that every self-respecting club has face control, so I advise you not to get carried away with creativity!

By the way, according to statistics, the most democratic dress code is observed in establishments for sex minorities, where you can come in the most daring and non-standard clothes(this is just for information!).


Trousers with a classic cut are sure to be in the wardrobe of any representative of the strong half of humanity. So, we create an image: black trousers, a silk shirt with a butterfly and a vest. In my opinion the shirt this case should be a bright and bold enough color with wide sleeves at the cuffs.

I think the information that classic shoes and matching socks should be worn under such clothes will be superfluous. This is the default. Perhaps this image may seem too standard, but it has the following advantages: it is accessible to every layman and, characteristically, absolutely win-win.


Guys whose taste preferences differ in restraint, they will feel much more comfortable in classic jeans and a light jumper, a shirt made of natural materials or pullover. Special attention give shoes. no running shoes or sports shoes, only a classic, and in a perfectly clean condition.

bohemian personality

Stylish jeans light colors, pastel polo shirt, suede shoes, a navy blue blazer and a lightweight contrast scarf will help position you as a sophisticated aesthete with an out-of-the-box thinking. Transparent glasses with unobtrusive color coating in a thin aristocratic frame will complete the image of a representative of free bohemia.

By the way, when trying on a similar image for yourself, do not forget about the appropriate behavior. Movements should be unhurried and somewhat imposing, the look should be absent-minded, there should be a slight half-smile on the lips ... And do not try to abuse strong liquor or beer! Only exotic cocktails or expensive liquor!

Your boyfriend

If you are not even 25 yet, “great ideas” are swarming in your head, and there is enough energy for ten, then it is advisable for you to give preference to free sporty style. In the event that a youth party with shades of bright drive is planned in the club, feel free to wear chinos or, if the figure allows it, skinny in combination with a T-shirt decorated with original prints.

Lightweight sports jacket bright color complete your democratic image. It is quite appropriate to wear topsiders or unusual sneakers. You can dance in them all night long and move energetically without feeling tired and stressed.

Theme party look

Perhaps the most easy choice clothes provide theme parties. Here everything is more or less clear: either shocking eighties, or wild West, or emotional Italy! But even a mandatory dress code will not cancel the desire of hardened individualists to stand out from the crowd!

Here, it would seem, in what we traditionally go to cowboy party? It's simple: blue jeans, high leather boots, a checkered bright shirt, a cowboy shirt on his head. Well, some people can still put a gun in their belt or a toy knife in a funny sheath. But no! Bold and resourceful, he will also grab a pole with a horse's head, and not just grab it, but also, at the very climax of the party, will ride it along the perimeter of the hall!

Advice! Wherever you are going, remember that the rules good manners nobody canceled. Even jiving and shocking the public must be done with intelligence and taste. Living in society, it is impossible to be free from it, therefore, when showing a desire to stand out from the crowd, remember moderation.

In the end, even a boring and familiar outfit can be radically transformed with a small bright detail in the form of a scarf, scarf or an unusual accessory. If you are not too sure of your choice, carefully study the photos of stylish club outfits and try to translate them into reality by choosing the most suitable one for yourself.

How guys dress in a club, examples (photo)

Basically, the question of choosing an ensemble for parties and other special occasions torments the beautiful half of humanity. But the guys are no less fans of showing off on the dance floor of some fashionable nightclub. How to dress a man in a club, so that, firstly, he was allowed to go there, and secondly, to be stylish, original and sexy?

How to pass face control?

Almost all self-respecting entertainment establishments install a certain access system. Sometimes even a slight departure from the accepted dress code forces young people to turn around and go home under the stern look of an uncompromising security guard. Everywhere has its own rules. Nevertheless, we will single out the general “taboos”, wearing which you are guaranteed not to get into the club:

  1. Beach ensemble (t-shirt, shorts, slates).
  2. Sports trousers. Unless, of course, they are part of a designer suit from a well-known brand.
  3. Washed, dirty and torn clothes. The exception is trendy.

Before deciding what to wear, ask your friends and acquaintances about the official and unspoken rules of face control adopted in a particular nightclub. This will not only save you time persuading the guard to let you in, but also a lot of nerves.

Choosing clothes

It is advisable to start the selection of the ensemble with the choice of trousers. Keep in mind that you will have to move and dance a lot, so this element of the wardrobe should be comfortable, comfortable and not restricting movement. Great solution will become trendy jeans. Look at the photo of how to dress in a club for a man to understand what shades and styles are in trend. You don't want to look like a "dinosaur" from last year's season in the public eye, do you?

Depending on the weather conditions choose top. Yes, it will certainly be hot in the club itself, but you still need to get to the nightclub. If it's warm outside, limit yourself to a T-shirt, and if it's cool - a fitted shirt. In any case, both of these things are appropriate in any establishments and at any parties. Regarding their color, stylists do not say anything definite, since both an impeccably white top and bright, acid models will look equally good.

  • Stylist tip: Remember that the main criterion for the impeccability of the image is always clean, tidy, well-ironed clothes.

Just try not to be too "full" - stripes, cages, small patterns, paisley, etc. are not the most good choice. It's great if your wardrobe has a T-shirt with a funny large print or funny inscription- wearing it, you are guaranteed to be able to attract the attention of the opposite sex to your creative and extraordinary person. It is good to put on a jacket over it, the shade of which will be in harmony with the rest of the elements of the image. An alternative for those who want to emphasize their bright individuality will be a knitted vest worn over a shirt.

Shoes and accessories

Those who are trying to figure out how to dress in a club for a respectable man should understand that special attention is paid to all elements of the image, in particular shoes. In no case should it be sneakers and sneakers, even if they are the most comfortable. A great option is to put on classic shoes, boots, moccasins or laconic sandals.

Accessorizing your look allows you to be creative and imaginative. Perhaps it is these finishing touches that will give the image a unique and attractive zest. A whole list of gizmos is suitable for the role of attributes, among which we highlight chains, bracelets, rings, glasses, wrist watch, neckerchiefs, belt with decorative buckle.

Try to choose things with taste and focus on the style that you are used to. Imagine how ridiculous you will feel, say, wearing a pendant with a massive skull for the first time in your life. Of course, it is permissible to use things and jewelry that are unusual for you, but only if we are talking About, .

  • Stylist tip: how to dress a respectable man in a club, if he has not been a young guy for a long time, although he also craves fun and attention? The main rule is to avoid multi-colored outfits and colorful ensembles. Stick to your regular style or focus on classic or moderate casual.

Many clubs have a dress code, you will not be allowed into the disco in untidy and dirty clothes, sports suit It is also better to leave in the closet.

Club life flows according to its own rules and has its own standards of appearance.

First of all, clothes should not restrict your movements, be comfortable and, of course, stylish and fashionable. Otherwise, the chances of new pleasant acquaintances can be significantly reduced.

What to wear to the club for a guy

You must always remember your age. They will look equally strange as a young man in a strict suit, and respectable man V ripped jeans and a tight-fitting shirt or multi-colored T-shirt.

Stylish-sized jeans with a shirt can become a universal option; the ensemble can be supplemented with a leather belt, cardigan, pullover or vest. Shoes - sneakers, sneakers or dress shoes.

It all depends on your preferences, age and "landmark" for a certain circle of new acquaintances. The shirt should be selected to match the hair - blondes will face completely white or with a thin strip. On brunettes, multi-colored shirts look better, you can in a wide cage.

However, only stylish clothes It won't help much if you don't know how to present yourself. A guy should always look calm and confident. By the way, a retro-style suit with a fashionable tie looks great, it is better to choose jeans in lighter colors. But the shoes must be polished to a shine!

What to wear to a club for a girl

It is best to choose spectacular, moderately sexy and not constraining clothing. However, certain limits must be observed in everything, the club is a public place, and the public, as you know, is different. You need to understand fashion trends and not try to blindly copy everything on yourself.

It is enough to catch only some common notes and apply them in accordance with your own preferences. It must be remembered that clothes should first of all please you, only then your mood will be excellent, and to happy girl guys are always pushing.

Create your personal fashionable image, do not turn yourself into a "mirror image" of a glossy magazine. Be careful with your choice of shoes.

If you are going to dance all evening, you can put on shoes in a “democratic” style, shoes are very high heels are unlikely to strengthen your positive impressions from a long stay in the club.

What to wear to a nightclub in winter

The club, as a rule, is not the place where you have to freeze and sit in a fur coat. Therefore, the answer to this question is simple - approach clothes in terms of functionality, convenience and relevance.

Don't wear warm sweaters with long sleeves if you are going to dance a lot and have fun. Winter season suggests paying more attention to shoes.

Here you already have to look at the weather, fashion and your temperament. Of course, too long warm boots are unlikely to come in handy, as well as summer shoes, but the original ankle boots are quite.

When choosing clothes, you must firmly decide for yourself why you are going to a nightclub? If the main goal is to have a short affair for one night, the clothes should be in the same style, and if there is a desire to meet a guy, counting on long and serious relationship- the style should be chosen differently, the outfit should not be too frivolous and provocative. This applies to both girls and boys.

It happens that half an hour is left before the exit, but the man continues to calmly sit on the couch in his underwear with a joystick in his hands. The hair is not combed, on the face there is a three-day stubble. To all calls to start training and finally put yourself in order, the sacramental answers: “Yes, yes, I’m going already.”

When the situation becomes truly critical, women's persuasions turn into threats, and the man's behavior looks more like sabotage. Finally, he gets up. Ten, fifteen minutes at most - and before you is quite a decent, clean-shaven, combed and tasteful dressed man. Now he is already saying: “How long do you have to wait? We are late".

Having ten basic things in your wardrobe, you will get ready for any holiday in less than five minutes, and at the same time look fashionable and relevant. For this you need:

1. Stroked p smile

Ideally in men's wardrobe there should be about ten shirts, including some white dress shirts. White shirt - a win-win for any event.

Other shirts can be different shades: from light blue to bright red.

Most importantly, they must be pre-washed and ironed. A wrinkled shirt before going out is a real disaster. Just imagine how long it will take to iron. You run the risk of being late, and then for a few more days to listen from the faithful claims about your sluggishness.

2. Bow tie or tie

Stylish men have several butterflies in their arsenal. When choosing a bow tie, make sure it matches the shirt and don't be afraid to experiment.

If wearing a bow tie is "too trendy" for you, a tie is also a good option - as long as it doesn't look retrograde. The tie should match the color of the shirt and jacket. Ready kits can be selected in advance.

For example, you have a white shirt and a dark tie for it - this is the first option. The second option would be a shirt of a different color and a matching bow tie.

3. Pants

It is better to choose models of trousers that can be worn with both classic shoes, and with sneakers. Give preference to models of dark tones - they are more versatile and practical. Again, don't forget to iron them first.

4. Jeans

This is perhaps the main thing in the men's wardrobe. Classic navy blue jeans are a must have for everyone.

Thus, everything is also simple with pants: they are either trousers or jeans. The main thing is that they fit perfectly on you. Do not save on pants - the material and tailoring must be of very high quality. Cheap fabric and "Chinese assembly" are immediately evident.

5. Well-groomed shoes

It says more about you than all the details of your wardrobe put together. Therefore, do not skimp on the purchase of quality shoes.

First, strict classic boots. Consider black or brown oxfords or derbies. If you don't like messing around with laces - choose monks. Anyone who wants to pass for a real dandy should pay attention to loafers.

Secondly, sport shoes. Sneakers, slip-ons, moccasins or even sneakers. These shoes go great with both trousers and jeans. If you are not sure that you can choose the right color, stop at white.

6. Jacket

You simply need it. Under it, you can even wear a T-shirt with a provocative print, and no one will dare to accuse you of bad taste and irrelevance. What can we say about strict classic shirts that are just made for a jacket.

An ideal option for all occasions would be a casual jacket that goes well with a shirt, t-shirt, turtleneck. It looks good with trousers and jeans.

The choice of jackets is huge. For solemn occasions you need to have a neutral jacket classic color: black, blue, grey, brown. And for events that are less strict according to the dress code, any club option: cell, stripe, bright colors.

7. Turtleneck

Tired of shirts and t-shirts - put on a turtleneck. It matches perfectly with the jacket and adds elegance to the look. Pay special attention to color and material. A black, beige or navy turtleneck looks boring and too formal. A great solution would be to buy dark purple or burgundy.

8. Cardigan, jumper (pullover)

Pullover must have V-neck- thus, it will be possible to wear a shirt, a T-shirt or nothing under it - all options are acceptable. Choose a color that is not too bright. Pay attention to the quality of wool: the higher it is, the longer the thing will last you.

cardigan too great option. Here you can afford to experiment with color. Choose tight, smooth knitwear, it looks great on any figure.

9. T-shirt

A man should have at least three t-shirts in his wardrobe: black, white and printed. Each of them is ideal for a jacket, cardigan, pullover, and in itself, in combination with jeans and sneakers, it will look great.

10. Scarf

For true aesthetes, a scarf will be an excellent addition to the chosen image. Feel free to tie it around your neck in the form of a tie - and close attention you are guaranteed an audience. The main thing is that the manners and the whole image as a whole are combined with such a pretentious element of the wardrobe.

Let's summarize. Even if your wardrobe consists of only ten things that can be combined with each other - no matter how hard you try, you will still look fashionable and relevant.

It becomes clear that five minutes to get ready is more than enough. Four minutes are allotted for thinking about what to wear and scrolling through all the options in your head. And 45 seconds, while the match is burning, - directly to dressing.