What outfit to wear for men in the year of the rooster. What to wear to a meeting with the Red Cockerel? Advice from astrologers

Well, girls and boys, it's just around the corner and New Year. This year we will be met by the Fire Rooster, with its magnificent plumage. In order for everything to work out next year, it is advisable to make friends with a handsome red bird. And who, if not astrologers, will tell us - What to wear for the New Year 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac.

And it is better to celebrate the New Year in that outfit and in the color that the owner of the year likes. New Year's Eve for every woman should be unusual, and on this day the lady looks "like a needle".

What color is fashionable in 2017 for the New Year - what color should you wear?

If not live, then in the pictures and photos, everyone saw exactly who a rooster is and what it looks like. Now we are focusing your attention on the color and color of the main character of the coming year.

Here he is handsome:

  • red scallop
  • orange and yellow feathers
  • Black, blued tail

But 2017 is Eastern calendar year of red Fire Rooster- it means that a palette of all red colors prevails in taste: orange, yellow, gold (they say cockerel, golden comb), purple, terracotta, scarlet, watermelon, pink, pomegranate, raspberry, maybe even fuchsia.

But still, what color to wear a dress, what will be fashionable for the New Year of the Cock? We would advise you not to go strictly to the red color, but to dilute it with white or yellow. In any case, at least one of the accessories of the New Year's outfit should combine shades of red.

What accessories and jewelry to choose for fashionable New Year's dresses for the New Year of the Rooster 2017?

The cockerel is an important bird, it always walks with its head held high - a dude, in a word. For nothing, the more bright and gold the better. Therefore, we advise you to choose clothes according to the fashion trend of the coming year. bright color. As mentioned above, shades of red.

Gold, rhinestones, large stones will also be in fashion in 2017. Complement your fashionable New Year's dresses with gold jewelry, but by no means silver - leave the silver for next time.

Large bracelets and jewelry cuffs that were once worn by the Maya Indians. Golden rings in the form of washers with precious stones, large earrings. Massive earrings will especially emphasize a bare neck. A long earrings- expressive with flowing dresses.

In addition to clothing and accessories, new year holidays you will need to transform yourself, how to “make a marathon”: put your hands and face in order, apply makeup, make a fashionable New Year's manicure and hair for the new year.

Fashionable manicure for the New Year 2017: photo of nails

Well, christmas dress chose, picked up accessories for it. It's time to take on ourselves - let's start with nail design: a fashionable New Year's manicure for the New Year of the Rooster.

First of all, you should pay attention that a manicure is needed for a holiday. That is, it must be strong and resistant to New Year's festivities. And also to look like a New Year's outfit - combined with those colors.

Nail design masters say that the design of nails for the New Year 2017 should consist of two colors. As you probably guessed, the main color is red. But the second is gold or shades of yellow and orange. But this is ideal.

But in fact, you can do whatever you want with your nails, not only with red, but in combination with an outfit. Boldly, but with taste, use glitter varnishes - you get a beautiful and unsurpassed manicure.

What about the safety of nails on new year party, then take on board gel polish. Just the same, he will help you ensure maximum strength and reliability of the nail coating.

New Year's drawing on nails - will distinguish you from plain ones, cheer you up and make you proud beautiful manicure. What women just don’t come up with: draw snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees and christmas balls. Without a brush, they use stickers.

The hands were brought into proper form, the matter stood behind the hair - New Year's hairstyle.

Fashionable hairstyle for the New Year 2017 of the fiery Rooster

In the current and next season 2016-2017 in fashion " ponytail and its forms. This hairstyle fit for women and girls with average and long hair. What do you want to do when your hair is short?

It's simple, for the New Year for short hair you can create a glam rock look. In general, a fashionable New Year's hairstyle depends on your outfit, party and mood.

With long hair, you can do whatever you want - nothing is forbidden: pigtails, curls, a bun, a tail.

For holiday makeup for the New Year is more than relevant for 2017 - bright red lipstick. And if you put on a dress and make a manicure of the same color - you will become stunning for this holiday - the woman-Fire.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster according to the signs of the zodiac

And now we will describe what to meet each sign of the zodiac:

  • What outfit to choose Aries?

    It is best for women of the fire sign to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in red clothes. You can shine at a party or corporate party in any of the shades of red. But in no case do not pick up a dress or any other outfit with an open chest. The neckline is contraindicated, otherwise you will call trouble on the love front. Be very careful in getting to know each other, do not trust your feelings random people take care of your state of mind.

  • How to celebrate the New Year Taurus?

    People born under the sign of Taurus should not bother much. But the stars are not expecting everyday decisions from you. Be extraordinary and extravagant - dress original accessories, do an unusual manicure, but do not overdo it. The most unexpected and reckless notes are seen in clothes. In general, to make you lucky in the coming year - blow up the world its abnormality and unnaturalness.

  • How to dress for New Year's Eve Gemini?

    In order for the "golden cockerel" to be favorable to you next year, you should become the hero of the party. To do this, put on what you like best and complement the outfit with a small red accessory: a wide bracelet, a scarlet rim, burgundy beads. Keep your mood on the festive pulse.

  • How to look for the New Year to people under the sign of Cancer?

    Fantasize freely, listening to your heart. Create whatever your heart desires. Wear what you like, wear what you like. It turns out that in the year of the Rooster you can do everything, well, or almost everything. On other sites they say - it's better if you put on a carnival costume and put on a mask. Something like that.

  • What to wear for the New Year 2017 Lions?

    Cockerel Leo is not a hindrance - the king of beasts does not need help. Even ate and there will be no New Year's outfit until the holiday itself, Leo will still remain irresistible. His manners and majestic nature will win.

  • What dress should Virgo choose for New Year's Eve?

    Virgo is modest and femininely sweet. On new Year's Eve not worth wearing bright clothes and non-defiant accessories. Simple, but tasteful - without sparkles, but with plumage.

  • What New Year's outfit to choose Libra?

    Red dress, red lipstick, red manicure - you are ready to meet the Rooster. He will definitely like it and he will be indulgent to you for a whole year.

  • How to dress Scorpions on New Year's Eve?

    Like Gemini - find some zest: a red brooch on golden dress, a red flower-shaped hair clip, a burgundy belt or scarlet-rimmed glasses.

  • What to wear Sagittarius for the New Year?

    In the "bitch", and that's it. Take a mini, dress with a neckline, bright thing, bright makeup, glamorous shoes - this is for you. Charm under a glass of playful champagne will not interfere with you at all. You yourself know about it.

  • How to celebrate New Year's Eve for Capricorns?

    To successfully meet and start the year, Capricorns need to first of all pay attention to their hands. The stars say: use juicy glitters and stones, neat manicure and well-groomed hands. Choose your outfit whatever comes to your mind.

  • Dress or costume for the New Year to wear to Aquarius?

    Aquarius choose an outfit that will protect you from adversity and indecent looks. Maxi skirt or pantsuit- for you. Protect yourself and your energy under the "veil". Modest makeup and inconspicuous, natural manicure.

  • What New Year's image to come up with Pisces?

    The stars believe that before the start of the holiday you need to buy a new dress pastel color. If you buy an outfit on the eve of the New Year, then good luck and prosperity will come to the house.

It's time to get ready for important holiday, which is celebrated on a special scale in Russia - New Year 2017. 2017 will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster and promises good luck to purposeful people.

From the very first winter day the air begins to smell like a holiday. We all expect something unusual and very magical on this day. New Year's Eve means it's time to prepare for the holiday. You need to decide what to cook for the New Year 2017, decide on the menu. Not less than important aspect good and happy holiday is clothing.

This question is asked by many girls and women. In this article, we will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible. We will tell you what colors to wear in the year of the Rooster, what to wear for overweight women, show photos and videos. Get your notebook and pen ready!

It should immediately be noted that the rooster is a very cheerful and aggressive bird in temperament, which can rush into battle in the presence of danger. The rooster will not tolerate boredom and dullness, he likes to stand out from everyone. This year must be welcomed with style. You should wear very nice and an expensive dress, wear earrings, brooches, rings - all the jewelry that you have.

For the New Year 2017, it is advisable to wear a dress. It should be from expensive fabrics. The style of clothing should embody grace and beauty.

What colors to wear in the Year of the Rooster?

If you believe the Eastern calendar, then in 2017 the year of the Fiery Red Rooster begins. This year promises to be very difficult, but very memorable. In order for 2017 to be successful for you, you need to please the symbol of the year. To do this, you need to know some of the nuances when choosing clothes in new year's eve.

What colors to wear in the Year of the Rooster 2017? This question is the main one when choosing an outfit. Rooster is a very bright and extravagant bird. You should dress appropriately. Rooster's favorite colors are red, orange, yellow, green and their shades.

What colors can not be worn for the New Year 2017? The rooster is afraid of predators from the cat family. Therefore, in no case should you wear leopard, tiger, etc. outfits. This will only anger the symbol of the year.

It is highly desirable that the clothes for the New Year be red. You can get by with just one item of clothing in red.

All clothes, accessories and makeup should radiate passion, rage, wildness and even sexuality with their color.

Very strong emotions can cause dress colors such as red; scarlet; burgundy; orange; coral (namely dark shade coral); rich bright yellow; orange; brown and brown-gold; gold; black. When choosing a dress, be guided by the colors and shades of the flame.

On New Year's Eve 2017, you should forget about modesty and complexes about excess weight.

Unfortunately, the problems of excess weight are relevant for many. However, this does not mean at all that you need to complex about this. In the year of the Rooster, you need to forget about it. There are many collections for obese women and girls.

For full women and girls for the New Year 2017, it is also advisable to wear a dress. All selection principles remain the same. You just need to decide on the style.

Before buying a dress, it is advisable for you to purchase special corrective underwear that will remove ugly folds on the body. It is advisable to choose a semi-fitting style with an interesting cut. Do not use any ruffles and frills in your outfit, they only make you heavier.

To create a waist, dark inserts on the sides are very suitable. They will hide the flaws and emphasize the merits.

Almost all plump women have large and lush breasts. It must be emphasized. Choose a dress with a neckline or at least a V-neck.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac?

Many people trust the horoscope and stick to it throughout life. Let's talk about what is better to wear for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac.

Aries. On New Year's Eve, you should avoid low-cut outfits. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the upcoming changes in your personal life in 2017.

Calf. What to wear calves for the New Year 2017? Weighted and cold-blooded bodies can afford to wear any outfit for the holiday. It is not recommended to only experiment with accessories and makeup. It will be enough to come to the New Year in everyday makeup. It would be enough.

Crayfish. What to wear crayfish for the New Year 2017? Cancers can fully turn on fantasy. The brighter you dress, the better.

Lions. Listen to your heart and be irresistible on New Year's Eve!

Virgo. Stick in moderation bright colors when choosing clothes for the New Year.

Scales. Red must be present in your clothes.

Scorpion. Scorpio on New Year's Eve should stand out among others. Think in advance about what item of clothing will make you stand out from the rest.

Sagittarius. Dress with neckline - best clothes new year for you!

Capricorn. Be sure to wear a ring with a stone - it will bring good luck.

Aquarius. Bright decorations and maxi skirts. It will be the best.

Fish. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear. Most importantly, it must be new. Buy it on New Year's Eve, sparing no expense. Emphasize the color in the direction of red.

Photo: Fashionable outfits for the New Year 2017.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 photo

New year 2017


As usual, in the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, we do not notice how quickly time flies. We won't be able to meet golden autumn and already knocking on the door white winter. You can prepare for winter, namely for its main holiday - New Year 2017, right now. Drawing up a menu, choosing gifts and outfits in the summer will significantly relieve your New Year's Eve days, because on the eve of the holiday you will have to solve many more issues. What can you meet the year of the Fire Rooster in, and what do they offer fashion designers already today.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 will be the year of the reign of the Fire Rooster. This person loves bright, extraordinary and outrageous outfits. On this New Year's Eve, you can heartily experiment with your image. The trend colors are red, gold, white and yellow. From unwanted colors, which must be abandoned, black, blue, green and brown can be distinguished.

In addition to the bright color, the dress in the new year 2017 should be unusual. When deciding which dress to celebrate the Year of the Rooster in, do not be afraid to purchase outfits of non-standard styles, unusual cuts and shocking finishes.

Beware of outfits with prints of predatory animals. If you decide to wear a leopard print dress, it is better to refuse it.

Of course, it is impossible for all women to wear red dresses on New Year's Eve. For those who want to stand out, the designers offer magnificent shining dresses made of silk and satin, decorated with lace and rhinestones. The color of such a dress can be gold, silver or burgundy.

Choosing a dress according to the sign of the zodiac

Astrology is becoming more and more popular these days. Many fans of this mysterious science believe that if you follow the advice of astrologers, all troubles and troubles will surely bypass them. However, even inveterate skeptics regularly listen to their horoscope on the radio, which means that the vast majority of our citizens listen to the advice of astrologers to one degree or another. So, what do astrologers advise to wear? different signs zodiac.

Aries. Aries are representatives of the fire element, and therefore, like no one else, they need to celebrate the New Year 2017 in red. If you want to choose a different color of the dress, be sure to pick up red accessories. From fabrics, give preference to silk and satin. You should look luxurious and rich, in which case the Rooster will definitely notice you and will be favorable to you throughout the year. It is preferable for you that the dress is new.

Calf. People of this sign can afford to choose for festive attire clothing in burgundy or gold. Accessories should be the main focus in the outfit of the calf. They should be catchy and noticeable. For jewelry, it is better to take massive gold earrings and bracelets or sets of solar amber.

Twins. Fuchsia or raspberry outfits are perfect for twins. But the main thing in the image of twins is paired jewelry. They must be present. These can be earrings or identical bracelets, as long as they are either red or with red stones. Men can use red cufflinks in their outfit.

Crayfish. Cancers are encouraged to celebrate the New Year in dresses with enchanting accessories and a mask. From jewelry, you can choose feathers or boas, the mask should be mysterious and elegant. Perfect combinations colors for crayfish in 2017 will be red - gold and burgundy - silver.

Lions. The king of beasts can afford a crown for the new year. A diadem of shiny stones will be quite in place. It is better to choose clothes in yellow or orange tones. Give up aggressive prints, all the same, this night the Rooster will be the host of the holiday.

Virgin. No need to change yourself and give up the tenderness and mystery inherent in this sign. Virgos are advised to choose gentle dresses beige shades with gold accessories. Complete your outfit with a luxurious hat, and you will conquer the Rooster.

Scales. Libra astrologers recommend to celebrate the holiday in furs. Ideally, it should be fur of bright colors. Red, orange or yellow. Of course, in a fur coat at the festive table you will be extremely uncomfortable, so you can just pick up fur accessories, for example, a handbag.

Scorpions. Very sexy sign. You don't have to change yourself. Ladies should definitely look stunning in dresses with a deep neckline and high heels. This look is perfect for accessories with natural expensive stones. The color of the dress should be deep, the style is classic with an unusual cut.

Sagittarius. Women of this sign have a natural charm. Therefore, they do not have to choose unusual and outrageous outfits. They can celebrate the holiday in clothes of a comfortable cut from natural materials. Perhaps this is the only sign that a classic boiler dress can afford this New Year's Eve.

Capricorns. For women - Capricorns, astrologers recommend for the new year 2017 to wear dresses with floral motifs. The ideal option may become a red dress with golden flowers. Jewelry should be modest.

Aquarius. Women born under the sign of Aquarius need to surprise the Rooster with brightness and sparkle. Dresses embroidered with rhinestones and sequins, sparkling shoes and iridescent handbags - that's what Aquarius should pay attention to when choosing a New Year's outfit.

Fish. According to astrologers, tight flowing dresses made of silk and satin are perfect for Pisces in the new year 2017. Do not be afraid to look grandiose, it always suits you. Be chic, this night and the owner of the year will definitely turn his attention to you.

What to wear to your husband

Dear ladies, when choosing a festive dress for yourself, do not forget to pick up a new outfit for your spouse. Men are encouraged to celebrate the holiday in strict classical costumes. You can experiment with the color of the shirt. It can be burgundy, crimson or red. Men are also advised to choose good expensive accessories. It can be branded watches, gold or silver cufflinks or stylish rings.


Hairstyle on New Year's Eve 2017 should be easy and relaxed. Stop using a large number hairspray and gels. Hairpins with feathers or bows can be used as decorations.

If you have short haircut, style it in chaos style, as if you were just blown by a fresh spring wind. If the hair is long, you can weave an intricate braid out of it or just wind curls. In the year of the Rooster, the hairstyle should be as natural as possible. Accessories in the form of hats of various types are welcome.

What makeup do you need

Makeup for the new year should, of course, be festive. However, in the pursuit of individuality, it is important not to overdo it with cosmetics.

Shade can choose light golden hues, lipstick can be bright enough, but only if it suits your look.

Art makeup is gaining more and more popularity. New Year's Eve 2017 can become great occasion to try this kind of makeup. Artistic painting of the face can be decorated with rhinestones and sparkles, which will surely please the symbol of the year.

What you need to refuse in the New Year's outfit

Astrologers advise to give up on this night from boring, prim and uninteresting outfits. The rooster, although he appreciates diligence, diligence and restraint, but this only applies to work. The symbol of the year prefers to relax and have fun brightly. It is also not recommended to use something aggressive in the image, this applies not only to clothing with prints of predators, but also to long dangerous nails, sharp accessories and menacing makeup.

And of course your outfit should be in harmony with your appearance. Swarthy brunettes better choose dresses and makeup more light colors, A fair-skinned blondes, on the contrary, it is necessary to choose images in saturated deep colors. Remember that the main quality that the Rooster appreciates is a sense of proportion and taste. Vulgarity has no place on this holiday!

When preparing for the meeting of the New Year 2017, it is important to remember that this holiday should bring all the brightest and most joyful. Leave aside all the problems and worries and spend the night in good mood, in this case, luck will certainly be favorable to you and to your home. But do not forget that the Rooster really does not like laziness and idleness, and therefore, after celebrating the new year, you need to get to work. Do not be afraid to start new business next year, those who go to their goal will definitely succeed!

Time is running out, the celebration of the new year 2017 is just around the corner. How to celebrate the holiday in order to please the Fiery Rooster and fulfill your cherished desires? Let's try to figure it out.

The fiery rooster is preparing to come into its own. His reign will begin on January 28, but he will certainly visit us all on New Year's Eve, and therefore you should thoroughly prepare for the holiday. What to wear for the New Year 2017 to please the lively bird and not part with love, good luck and health throughout the entire period of her reign?

General trends

Both stylists and astrologers agree that the predominant colors of festive dresses will be red, gold, black and green. The fabric for the dress should be expensive: silk, velvet, organza or brocade. This will certainly attract good luck and wealth in the new year. Outfits made from fabrics with prints imitating the skin of a predatory animal can upset the symbol of the year, so you should not opt ​​for them. Well, the most important requirement for a New Year's dress is to decorate and delight its owner, to give a festive mood.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 for each zodiac sign?

The choice of costume for the New Year also depends on when you were born.

fire signs

How to celebrate the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster for representatives of the fire element? Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be irresistible in bright bold outfits:

  • Aries should definitely choose red and all its shades for their festive attire. It can be chic too. Evening Dress to the floor, and a suit consisting of a blouse and wide trousers. The main thing is that the neckline is not too deep.
  • Lions, choosing an outfit for a holiday, should be guided by their own impeccable taste and the principle of balance. Screaming details that draw all attention to themselves are useless in Lviv's New Year's outfit.
  • Astrologers offer Sagittarius not to be shy when choosing the style of a festive dress. and deep neckline, And Short skirt, and a form-fitting silhouette. Long narrow skirt, equipped with a deep cut, is also welcome.

Earth Signs

Representatives of the earth element are distinguished by practicality and homeliness. To each of them, astrologers recommend their own festive image:

  • Taurus on New Year's Eve can afford such an outfit, which in a normal situation they would never have decided on. They are allowed to literally shock others with their appearance.
  • Lovely tender Virgins, choosing a festive dress, the main emphasis should be on softness and femininity. They should not consider outfits of bright flashy colors, mini-skirts and daring necklines. Accessories should also not stand out from the chosen image.
  • The subtle flair and impeccable taste of Capricorns give them the right to experiment with a festive outfit at their own discretion, they decide what to wear for the New Year 2017. The outfit and jewelry are designed to amaze others to the very heart. It is not forbidden to decorate the dress with sparkling rhinestones, and hands with rings with bright stones.

Air Signs

Highly intelligent children of the Air will wisely approach the problem of choosing a New Year's dress. Astrologers recommend the following:

  • Gemini New Year 2017 will meet in the shadow of their constellation. Who, if not them, to shine this night in all its glory! A bright, eye-catching outfit will make Gemini the center of everyone's attention. To please the Fire Rooster, it will be enough for them to decorate their hair with some kind of red accessory.
  • Libra is no stranger to balancing everything in the world, so it will not be a problem for them to build their festive look on contrasts. Loved by the Firebird, red can be paired with black for a touch of mystery and sexiness, or with gold for a royally luxurious look.
  • Aquarians are optimists by nature, they are given to find positive moments in any situation. They are recommended holiday attire that covers the knees. It can be a luxurious long evening dress or a chic silk pantsuit. Bright accents in the form of jewelry and accessories will help to attract the attention and favor of the Fiery Rooster.

Water Signs

Children of Water are especially emotional, they do not hide their feelings from others. Attention to detail is another distinguishing feature representatives of the water element.

  • Cancers are incorrigible romantics with a vulnerable soul, they like carnivals and masquerades. Under the mask, these children of Water feel protected. New year's night - right time in order to put on the carnival costume of the Beautiful Shepherdess or the mysterious lady in dominoes. Cancers are recommended to wear comfortable, stable shoes, and pick up such a pair for carnival costume much lighter than for an evening dress.
  • Scorpios should take care of their New Year's outfit in advance, because in order to attract the favorable attention of the Fire Rooster, they need to decorate holiday costume interesting and unusual details. A skirt with feather tails, accessories decorated with feathers or a feather as a detail of a festive hairstyle - all this will certainly please the winged symbol of the year.
  • Pisces recommended new year outfit V pastel colors. It must certainly be new and necessarily - comfortable, causing its owner to exclusively positive emotions. This will help Pisces overcome their natural shyness and become more relaxed and self-confident.

With love for details

The fiery rooster is, on the one hand, a bright bird, and on the other, it is domestic, and therefore zealous and thrifty. The symbol of the year does not like empty waste. When choosing jewelry for the New Year's outfit, preference should be given to gold, natural stones and pearls, but avoid excesses. Another nod to the Fire Rooster, with a hint of his luxurious comb, will be hair ornaments, hats and veils, matched in the same style with a festive dress. It all depends on personal preferences, but it's good if the hat is decorated with feathers. Since it is recommended to choose a festive outfit from expensive fabrics, Special attention should be given to decorative details. Belts, fasteners and buttons should be in perfect harmony with the material of the dress.

For representatives of the strong half of humanity

We talked in detail about the outfit in which it is best to celebrate the holiday for lovely ladies. And what to wear for the New Year 2017 for a man? Certainly, classic suit! You can experiment with color: golden or maroon are perfect. great attention should be given to a shirt and tie. The first should be perfectly ironed, and the second should be sewn from natural silk and matched to the shirt and suit. To please the Fire Rooster, a man must be stylishly trimmed and clean-shaven, and his shoes polished to a shine.

Energy of color

On New Year's Eve, people believe that their most cherished dreams and all desires will be fulfilled. The right color of a festive outfit can help with this:

  • Red symbolizes not only love, but also material well-being. A desire related to finances will be fulfilled sooner if you wear a red dress on New Year's Eve.
  • Decide family problems and get rid of loneliness Blue colour. He awakens worldly wisdom.
  • Yellow or gold color will help to fulfill desires related to strengthening health and getting rid of diseases.

The choice is yours

We hope that the photo and our detailed story will help you decide on the choice of a festive outfit for. There is still time to prepare. Be always beautiful and happy!

Unbeknownst to ourselves, very soon we will be preparing for the New Year 2017. Starting from the very first day of winter and until January 31, the spirit of the approaching holiday begins to soar in the air more and more clearly. And lovely ladies more and more often think about the age-old question - what outfit to choose to celebrate the best, most desired holiday for many children and adults.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 will be. This sign, which replaces the bright Fire Monkey, promises to be even more extraordinary and memorable. You need to make friends with the skittish master of the coming year right away, on New Year's Eve. Despite being officially Fiery

The rooster comes into its own only on January 28, he will definitely look at the New Year's light, which means that you need to meet this guest in accordance with all the rules. To the whole next year took place under the auspices of the Fire Rooster and under his protection, you need to know some of the nuances of the New Year 2017: how to cover festive table how to decorate the house, what dishes should be served for the New Year and, which especially excites the minds of all women - what to wear for new year 2017?

Now we will discuss in more detail the issue of New Year's attire.

Outfit for the New Year 2017 - what should it be?

First of all, it is worth noting that you need to celebrate the New Year with chic, the dress and jewelry should be perfectly matched. It's just wonderful if you have jewelry on New Year's Eve. And the dress will be made of natural expensive fabrics - organza, silk, satin, velvet, brocade, leather, etc. Such luxury will only attract wealth and good luck into your life.

As for the style of dresses, it is safe to say that all outfits should embody grace and beauty.

Cocktail dresses, evening dresses, with slits, floor-length dresses, romantic dresses, high-waisted dresses, off-the-shoulder dresses, etc. - they all need to attract attention, so you just need to decorate your New Year's outfit with all kinds of accessories (openwork collars, or collars from beads, belts, embroidery, brooches, excellent, if it is a brooch with a cockerel, feather decorations, etc., will not be superfluous). It should be remembered that the Fire Rooster loves chic, extravagance.

The perfect color scheme for a dress for the New Year

The upcoming 2017 Year of the Fiery Red Rooster leaves little choice for fashionistas - the dress simply has to be red or have a shade of one of its derivatives. All outfits, all accessories and makeup, in particular, should radiate fire, passion, rage, wildness, danger, luxury and even sexuality with their color.

The strongest fiery emotions can cause the following colors:

  • red;
  • scarlet;
  • burgundy;
  • orange;
  • coral (precisely a dark shade of coral);
  • rich bright yellow;
  • orange;
  • brown and brown-gold;
  • gold;
  • black.

In general, you can focus on the color of the playing flame when choosing a dress. It is best to try to combine all the colors of the dress specifically in fiery harmony, then the New Year's dress will amaze everyone around, imitating the dances of a raging fire.


When choosing a red dress for the New Year, it should be borne in mind that at least two or three more ladies may appear in the same color. Even if the cut and style of the dresses differ, the same color will make your dresses look similar. If you adamantly decide to appear in a red outfit, remember that the red color itself is quite bright and noticeable, therefore, catchy accessories will look superfluous.


The coral color is very beautiful and juicy, in a dress of this color you will feel truly irresistible, extraordinary and elegant. However, there are some "pitfalls" here as well. Despite its magnificence, Coral color- a very complex and insidious color, choosing this color scheme, you need to carefully select the shade according to the color of your skin.


No wonder the saying goes: "Cockerel, cockerel - a golden comb." in a dress golden color You will feel like the queen of New Year's Eve. Yes, and please the owner of 2017. Fashion trends say: golden color is the bomb of the coming year!

Brown and golden brown

Perfectly combined with golden shiny jewelry brown outfit. And if you add a little golden gloss to the dress, then everyone's attention to your person is guaranteed.

Bright yellow

If you chose a yellow dress for New Year's Eve 2017, then keep in mind that yellow should be rich, catchy. The dull, faded light yellow color of the Cockerel will not tolerate it on his holiday.


An orange dress would be an excellent choice. After all, orange is the color of luxury, the color of positive and joy. Wearing such an outfit for the celebration of the New Year, you will find yourself in the thick of fun.


The scarlet color symbolizes the dawn, the beginning of something new, bright. The symbol of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will definitely like the scarlet outfit and he will more than give you gifts throughout the year.


If you want to look elegant and sophisticated on, then a burgundy outfit is what you need. Add a few eye-catching accessories to it (a gold belt, a brooch or a massive pendant) and you will be irresistible.


As Mademoiselle Chanel used to say: “In the wardrobe of every woman there should be a small black dress". You won't go wrong with this outfit. Adding to strict dress long tiered beads, you will be smart and elegant at the same time.

What to wear a man on New Year's Eve 2017

By choosing yourself festive dress You should also take care of your man. For the stronger sex fit classic dark or golden suit. Do not mind the symbol of the coming year and the maroon color of your man's outfit. A shirt or a T-shirt must be ironed, the Rooster will not tolerate a sloppy attitude to his holiday. Also in without fail Overgrown beard should be neatly trimmed or completely shaved. Haircut should be stylish.