Synopsis of the didactic game: "We dress the Katya doll" for children of the younger group. Didactic game "Let's dress the doll for a walk"

Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Clothes, shoes, headgear."

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Description of work: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Clothes, shoes, headgear." This material will help educators, children and their parents to consolidate children's knowledge about clothes, shoes and hats in a playful way.

Didactic game: lotto "Clothes".

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the variety of clothes, the ability to distinguish and find the right clothes.
Didactic material: Playing field (4 pcs.), divided into 6 squares with images of various clothes corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).

Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The host pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or host names the clothes shown on the card. Whoever found the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
Didactic game: lotto "Shoes and hats."

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the variety of shoes and hats, the ability to distinguish and find the right shoes and a headdress.
Didactic material: Playing field (4 pcs.), Divided into 6 squares with images various shoes and hats corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).

Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The host pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or host names the headdress or shoes shown on the card. Whoever found the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
Didactic game "Dress Tanya and Vanya according to the season."
Target: Formation of children's ideas about clothes, hats and shoes, their connection with the season and weather.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats 30 pieces and four playing fields with the image of Vanya, Tanya and the season.

Game progress: Lay out cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats in accordance with the season and gender (for the girl Tanya to the right of the playing field, and for the boy Vanya to the left).
Didactic game "Guess the clothes, shoes or headgear"
Target: Developing the ability to describe clothes, headgear or shoes and recognize them from the description.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats.
Game progress: The teacher gives the children cards with the image of clothes, shoes and hats. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The teacher offers one child to describe what is shown in his picture, or to make a riddle. The other children must guess what is in the picture.
For example: This is the headdress that girls wear in the summer. It is made from straw. (Straw hat).
These are the shoes worn by boys and girls in spring or autumn after rain. It is tall and made of rubber. (Rubber boots).
Didactic game "Collect a picture"
Target: Development logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: Cards showing clothes, shoes and hats cut into several pieces.
Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. Children are given playing cards cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (according to the age and abilities of the child). Having collected the picture, the child tells what he has collected.
For example: Dress Green colour- it's clothes.
Boots yellow color, rubber are shoes.
Hat with ear flaps gray color- This is a headdress.
Didactic game "The fifth extra"
Target: The development of skills to classify clothes, shoes and hats according to essential features.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of 5 types of clothes, shoes and hats, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to another group.
Game progress: The children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is shown on them and determine which image is superfluous. Remaining, name the images in one word. Each participant eliminates the extra image in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correctly completed task, they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins.
For example: The card shows sandals, a raincoat, sneakers, flip flops and boots. An extra coat because it's clothes, and the rest is shoes.

Synopsis of the didactic game:

"We dress the doll Katya"

for children junior group

Conducted by: Mergenova.Yu.V.

Troitskoye village, 2017

Target: Be able to select items of clothing for their intended purpose.

1. Learn to memorize the sequence of dressing for a walk.

2.Activate the dictionary in speech.

3. Cultivate a caring attitude.

Dictionary: spring, warm.
Material (equipment): doll; clothing items, dressing algorithm.

Lesson progress:
Surprise moment. The Katya doll in a dress and shoes sits in front of the children. Near - beautiful box.
caregiver: She tells the children that Katya is going for a walk. He asks: “Is it possible to go for a walk in a dress now? Specifies what time of year, what weather. “In the box,” the teacher says and shows, “the picture is clothes.” Offers to help the doll get ready for a walk.
Children: Show interest, consider. They call the season. They agree to help the doll get dressed for a walk.
Shows the dressing algorithm.
Children: Name items of clothing according to the algorithm. Remember the sequence of dressing.
Dictionary: spring, warm.
Children: repeat the words - spring, warm.
Educator: Offers to get out of the box clothes that should be worn in the spring. What clothes did you choose? Asks to start dressing Katya doll. He asks what to wear first. The teacher consistently puts on Katya: socks, trousers, boots, jacket, hat, coat, scarf.
Children: Observe the actions of the teacher, pronounce the names of clothes. They choose clothes, tell the doll and the teacher what to wear, what to wear.
Educator:- The doll is dressed and can go for a walk. Let's show you how we will dress.

"Dressing Song"
We are on chubby little hands, we put on a shirt.
Repeat after me the words: pen - one, and pen - two!
Fasten the fasteners on your clothes:
Buttons and buttons, various rivets.
We will put panties on my baby.

And now on the legs - socks and boots!
Repeat after me the words: leg - one, and leg - two!
Although we are tired of dressing, we will not be indignant!
What's left - the head? Here is the cap - one, two! Irina Gurina
Children: Perform movements according to the text.

The teacher invites the children to a joint walk with the Katya doll.

Municipal pre-school educational state institution "Kindergarten "Harada"

Synopsis of the didactic game:

"Dirty Doll"

for children of the younger group

Conducted by: Uchurova. S.V.

Troitskoye village, 2017


    Educational - to educate cultural and hygienic skills.

    Educational: to learn to name the names of objects, actions, to introduce personal hygiene items, to form an active dictionary.

    Developing: to develop attention, observation, memory, speech, the ability to answer simple questions.

Materials and equipment:

A doll, a bowl of water, personal hygiene items, paintings depicting washing.

Methods and techniques:

    Verbal - questions of the educator, artistic word.

    Visual - showing pictures, showing washing the doll.

    Game - putting the doll to sleep.

    Surprise moment.

Lesson progress .

Knock on the door.

Hey guys, who's here? - (they open the door, look: Masha doll is standing)

This doll is Masha. How dirty she is! She guys says something.

Guys, Masha was walking on the street and got dirty. What needs to be done to make Masha clean?

The children's answer is to wash. That's right, Masha needs to wash herself. And for this we need the items that are in this wonderful bag. Let's see what's inside. The teacher takes out soap, a towel, a soap dish and a bath from the bag. Asks each child what it is and explains why they are needed.

Well done boys! And now we will remember the poem about water.

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

Look, there are two basins of water on my table. In one bowl hot water, in another cold. I mix hot and cold water and the water will be warm. We will bathe Masha with this water.

The soap will foam

And the dirt is going somewhere.

We pour warm water on our Masha.

Long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel

And thick scallop.

And tooth powder!

Children follow the actions of the teacher, help to lather, name parts of the body, pour water on the doll.

Guys, look, Masha has become clean, beautiful. Let's dry her with a towel, wrap her in a clean diaper and put her to bed Let's sing a song to her:

Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye,

Bunnies in the garden!

Bunnies eat grass

Masha is ordered to sleep.

Here Masha fell asleep. And the water in the bath is dirty and soapy, it must be poured out. Soap should be put in the soap dish, and the towel should be hung in place and dried.

So Masha fell asleep, and it's time for us, guys.


Guys, what did we do today? That's right, they bathed the Masha doll. What else did they do? (put to sleep). And what was in the wonderful bag? (children name hygiene items)

To teach children to distinguish the gender of a person (boy or girl), to find similarities and differences between them;

Choosing the right clothes depending on the gender of the person;

Fix the name of the clothes and its purpose;

Learn to play with your dolls.

The game is played by two children. Each of the children chooses their doll, names its gender and comes up with a name. The teacher says: "Dolls want to walk, dress them." (Clothes can be chosen for each season.)

Children dress up dolls and start playing.

You can turn this didactic game into a game-lesson. Hang in a group on a wall cut out of cardboard big man. And with the help of special attributes (clothes, bow) turn him into a boy or a girl. Clothes are fastened with Velcro.

And with the help of such a didactic toy, you can fix the studied human organs (ears, mouth, nose, eyes).

A flannel is glued in place of the doll's face. Separate organs are attached to it.

And also I suggest using this toy to study the feelings and emotions of a person. Pre-drawn ovals with emotions (sad, cheerful, angry, etc.) are attached to the place of the face with the help of Velcro.

Most simple exercises:

1. Checkbox. Connect four fingers together, lower the thumb down. Backside palms facing you.

2. Glasses. Connect in a ring large and index fingers each hand. Attach the rings to each other, bring to the eyes.

3. Binoculars. The thumb of each hand, together with the rest, form a ring. Look through binoculars.

4. Bunny. Index and middle fingers spread apart, the rest are pressed to the palm of your hand. "Hare" wiggles its ears.

5. Goat. The index finger and little finger are spread apart, the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm. The goat is butting.

With the help of fingers, you can stage rhyming stories, nursery rhymes.

You are a duck, not food,

Better mom look.

(Squeezing and unclenching the fingers.)

Water, water,

wash my face...

(Performing movements in accordance with the text.)

The birds have flown

Little birds.

(Fingers are interlaced, palms are clenched.)

The birds sat down. We sat.

They flew again.

(Raise and lower fingers in accordance with the rhythm.)

Finger massage.

The mouse washed the paws of mice -

Each finger in order.

Here I lathered a big one,

After rinsing with water.

I did not forget the pointer -

Wash off dirt and paint.

Average lathered diligently -

Probably the dirtiest one.

Nameless rubbed with paste -

The skin immediately turned red.

And the little finger quickly washed -

He was very afraid of soap ...

Fingers say hello

I greet everywhere -

At home and on the street.

I even say hello

I'm the neighbor's chicken.

(tip thumb right hand alternately touch the tips of the other fingers.)


Bunny took his drum

And hit: tram-tram-tram.

(The fingers are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers are extended upwards and pressed against each other. Ring finger and with the little finger we knock on the thumb.)


I'll go out on the porch

I'll take out the ring.

I am him instead of a toy

I want to give to Valyushka.

(Thumb and forefinger join in a ring, put the rest aside.)

All exercises are done at a slow pace and are accompanied by a display and a clear pronunciation of the text. Need to add exercises fine motor skills hands, actions with plasticine, construction from cubes, collecting various pyramids, throwing pencils, buttons, matches from one pile to another, rolling a hexagonal pencil.

Riddles on the topic "Man" O.P. Vlasenko

Two legs, two arms, and one head.

And that one is full of thoughts.


They grow on the head

Braids all of them weave.

And the boys do not go braids,

That's why they cut them so often.

Here's a riddle about you

About you and about myself:

The palisade surrounds them,

It saves from the specks.

open in the morning,

They are closed at night.

It is worn by a person

And does not get tired all the time.

From the casket, from the casket

Thirty-two guys.

We are together when we go

We are also together at night.

Let's sit down - we are together again,

Who is always together everywhere?

Here are two holes in the mountain,

The smell is everywhere.

Five on each hand

Five on each leg.

Knock-Knock! The motor is knocking

The pulse tells us to listen.

You sleep with him, you go with him,

You talk and sing.

Which of you doesn't have it

He cannot answer.

What are we breathing? What is the organ?

Answer, children, in chorus ...

The main mind gives the organ,

Who will call us?

What are people talking about:

“Some are afraid, others strive to do everything”?

(About eyes and hands)

At the transfusion stations again

The call is thrown: surrender urgently …(blood).

Nothing is more important than the articulatory apparatus.

What's in it guys? (Lips, teeth, tongue, palate)

Poems, songs, games

(According to the book by V.A. Petrova.)

Ears and tongue.

They once asked Kondrat's grandfather

Cheerful, chatty guys:

Why - we have already thought more than once -

One tongue, but two ears?

Grandfather answered: “I can explain to you -

To listen more, talk less!

E. Bahdurenko


Dirty hand washed,

I didn't go to the bath for a month.

How much dirt

How many abrasions!

We will plant a bow on the neck,

Turnip - on the palms,

On the cheeks - potatoes,

Carrots will rise on the nose! -

There will be a whole garden!

I. Demyanov


An oak pole stands by a pole,

The ram rested its forehead on it.

At least I don’t feel sorry for the sheep’s forehead.

But his forehead does not bring down a pillar to him.

V. Viktorov


Kolya, little lazy,

Clean up after yourself.

Your hands are lazy

Under the table - a belt and trousers,

On the floor is a shirt

Nikolay - Sloppy!

My more often, Kolya, hands

For cleanliness, not for boredom!

Card file

didactic games

on the formation of cultural hygiene skills


Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the items necessary for the work of a doctor, cook, seller.

Material: a circle divided into sectors, in each of them there are pictures depicting items necessary for the work of a doctor, a cook, a seller, in the middle of the circle there are arrows, they depict a doctor, a cook, a seller.

Game progress: the educator offers the child to find an object necessary for the work of a doctor (cook, seller).



Material: pictures depicting the moments of the daily routine

Game progress: the teacher says that the wizard Confusion mixed up the pictures of the daily routine, and suggests putting the pictures in order.

The teacher summarizes the statements of the children.

Every morning, to be healthy, we start with exercises.

In order to grow strong, dexterous and courageous, we do exercises every morning.

The teacher invites everyone to remember their own favorite exercise, show and all together to execute it.


Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about clothes, to form the ability of children to dress a doll according to the season of the year, the weather,systematize children's ideas about health,develop children's attention, memory, logical thinking.

Material: paper doll with various clothes

Game progress: the teacher says that the doll is going for a walk, but does not know what to wear, it is winter and it is very cold outside (various situations).

Children “dress” the doll and explain their choice.


Target: to acquaint children with the rules of personal hygiene and proper, careful attitude to your health; develop speech, attention, memory in children.

Material: fields divided into squares, in the center of the field there is a negative and positive picture, pictures with different situations.

Game progress: 1st option children are given fields, in the center of the field a negative or positive picture is depicted. Children are invited to play loto, showing and accompanying their actions with explanations - “what is good and what is bad”

2nd option. Showpictures can be accompanied motor activity children. For example, children react to a positive picture by jumping, and when a negative picture is shown, they sit on the floor.

3rd option The teacher offers to choose the pictures that they liked the most, and ask them to explain why they made this choice. Or the teacher offers to choose pictures that they did not like, and ask them to explain why.


Target: systematize children's ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, develop speech, attention, memory.

Material: illustrations

Game progress: play from 1 to ... person.The teacher calls the rule, and the child finds a card - an illustration of this rule. Or the teacher shows a card, the child says what needs to be done in this situation.


Target: contribute to the formation of the habit of using a handkerchief,fixknowing to cover your mouth when sneezing and coughing handkerchief, andif somebodyis nearby, turning awayto be

Material: handkerchief

Game progress: the teacher asks: why do people needhandkerchief?

And then he offers the children various situations that are played together with the kids:

What should you do if you want to sneeze? Etc.


Target: fixskillscarefor hair, clarify namesneed-
smoke for this
Oobjects, to form the concept of "tidy appearance»

Material: dolls, combs, hairpins.

Game progress: educatorinvites children to comb dolls.


Target: consolidate knowledge aboutsubjectspersonalhygienefor washing and washing,followvalidityaction,promote the formation of habits of cleanliness.

Material: various items anditemspersonalhygienefor washing and washing, dolls.

Game progress: 2 people play. First, they are invited to choose from a variety of items those that “help” wash (wash) the doll. And then they wash it. The winner is the one who correctly selects the items.personalhygiene and correctly consistentlywash (wash) the doll.


Target: to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, brushing teeth, combing, bathing), to form the ability to show these movements with the help of facial expressions and gestures and guess by showing.

Game progress: The teacher asks the children, using facial expressions and gestures, to show how they wash (dress, brush their teeth, etc.), observing the sequence of performing these skills. Or the teacher shows with the help of facial expressions and gestures what he is doing, and the children guess.


Target: clarify children's ideasOsubjectspersonalhygiene,build skills healthy lifestyle life

Material: Pictures various items, pictures depictingitemspersonalhygiene

Game progress: the teacher asks to choose only pictures with the imageitems that help care for the body (face, teeth, hair)

GAME "LET'S PUT THE BEAR TO SLEEP" Target: to acquaint the child with object-game actions with a bear, the functional purpose of the bed, to form imitative actions.
Equipment: soft toy- teddy bear, crib.
Game progress : an adult shows a child a toy - a bear, beats it: the bear stomps, dances, rides in a car. The adult reports that the bear is tired, wants to rest: "Let's put the bear to bed!" An adult demonstrates how you can caress a toy bear (squeeze it to yourself, stroke its head) and put it in bed, cover it with a blanket, sing a song: "Bye-bye, bye-bye." The game can be repeated, giving the child more independence.

GAME "LET'S TEA DOLLS" Target: to acquaint the child with the purpose of dishes, to teach them to perform object-game actions (arranging cups, saucers, laying out spoons).
Equipment: dolls, children's furniture and dishes (two cups, two saucers, two spoons, a teapot).
Game progress: the adult says to the baby: "Dolls came to visit us, they should be seated at the table, treated with tea. Let's arrange the cups and saucers. Now put the spoons in the cups. Pour the tea into the cups. Give tea to our guests." If the child is having difficulty, show how to act. At the end of the game, the adult sums up: "We poured tea into cups, the dolls drank tea", says a nursery rhyme:

Put the kettle on the table
Saucers, cups we will arrange,
We will welcome guests
Give tea to dolls!

GAME "ENGINE" Target: arouse interest in a child in a toy - a train, teach a child object-game actions with him.
Equipment: locomotive, rails.
Game progress : an adult shows a child a toy - a train, beats it: "Choo-choo, tu-tu! Be careful, a train is traveling along the rails!"
An adult demonstrates how to act with a toy so that the train does not stop.
The game can be repeated by attaching wagons to the train, giving the child the opportunity to carry it along the rails.

THE GAME "THE DOLL GOES FOR A WALK" Target: the formation of the child's ideas about clothes, the ability to perform object-game actions.
Equipment: doll.
Game progress: the adult says that the doll is going for a walk: "Let's help the doll get dressed, it's cold outside," invites the child to get clothes from the locker: a hat, jacket, shoes. Then the adult takes each item in turn, shows it to the child, slowly saying:
We put on a jacket, we put our hands in the sleeves,
Let's fasten the buttons. Here, put on your coat!
We put on shoes on the legs,
Here are the laces, I'll help you tie
Here, the shoes are put on the legs
We put a hat on our heads.
So, put on your hat
The doll is going for a walk, she can go for a walk. In order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another doll, the child is given the opportunity to act independently.

GAME "MEET THE CAT" Target: teach the child to perceive and isolate from environment live - a cat.
Equipment : cat toy, pictures of pets.
Game progress: an adult organizes the observation of a child by a cat, draws attention to the fact that she walks, meows, laps, waving her tail, she has a head, torso (body), tail and paws. After observations, the adult shows the cat toy, gives the opportunity to play with it, sings a song about the cat "Gray cat", and then the child looks for the image of the cat in the picture, highlighting it among others: "Here she is - a cat, she can meow - meow-meow."

GAME "BEAUTIFUL FLOWER" " Target to teach a child to perceive and isolate a plant - a flower from the environment.
Equipment: a vase for flowers, indoor plant, pictures depicting flowers.
Lesson progress : an adult organizes a child’s observation of a flower plant on a walk, draws attention to the fact that the flower grows on the ground, blooms, smells, decorates the clearing. An adult offers to bring the flower home and put it in a vase. After observing the flowers on a walk, an adult shows the baby a houseplant, offers to water it, smell it. Then he looks with the child for an image of a flower in the picture.

GAME "WATER, WATER!" Target: to cultivate the desire for independence in the implementation of self-service skills.
Equipment: two dolls.
Game progress: an adult shows two dolls to the children and says that the dolls want to have dinner, but they dirty hands and face. An adult asks: "What should be done? - We need to wash the hands of the dolls! Let's ask for some water: Vodichka, some water, wash my face so that the eyes sparkle, so that the cheeks turn red, so that the tooth bites, so that the mouth laughs!" Shows and tells the children how to wash the hands and face of the dolls before dinner. Then he invites the children to wash their hands and face, while the adult repeats the nursery rhyme "Water, water!"

Target: teach your child to wash their hands.
Equipment: rubber hare.
The course of the lesson: an adult addresses the child: "We came from a walk, we need to wash our hands. The bunny will watch how we wash our hands." An adult puts the toy on the edge of the washbasin and shows the child to move his hands under running water. At the end of the procedure, an adult praises the child on behalf of the bunny.

GAME "MAKE BOATS" Target: teach the child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, imitate the actions of an adult.
Course of the lesson: an adult draws the child's attention to the fact that when washing hands, the sequence of actions must be followed:

roll up your sleeves (an adult says a nursery rhyme: "Whoever doesn't roll up his sleeve won't get some water!");
open the faucet;
fold the palms of the hands "boat";
put your hands under a stream of water;
Close the tap;
dry your hands with a towel.
Then the child is asked to perform actions, imitating an adult who draws the child's attention to the position of the hands.

GAME "SOAP GLOVES" Target: teach your child to lather their hands from the outside and inside.
Equipment: baby soap, towel.
Course of the lesson: an adult brings the child to the washbasin, stands behind him, picks up soap and shows circular motions hands when lathering. Then he gives the child a piece of soap and asks him to repeat the soaping movements.
Movements must be done until it forms white foam. The attention of the child is drawn to the white pens, the adult says: "Here, what kind of gloves we have - white!" Next, the adult helps the child wash off the foam under running water, while saying one of the nursery rhymes:
For example:

Sweeties, sweeties, wash my sweets with soap,
Clean palms, here's bread for you, and spoons!
Water gurgles in the faucet. Very cool!
Masha Yegorova herself washes her hands
(adult says the name of the child).
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding?

At the end of the game, the adult praises the child, draws attention to his clean hands. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.

GAME "WASH" Target: teach the child to wash.
Equipment: mirror, towel.
Course of the lesson: an adult brings the child (after sleep) to the bathroom, asks to look at himself in the mirror, draws his attention to the eyes, mouth, cheeks, etc. Invites the child to wash with him, while showing how to do it. An adult says a joke:

Come out, Voditsa, we've come to wash!
Lean on the palm, in it-knife-ku ...
No, not a little - dare,
Let's have fun washing!

At the end of washing, the adult teaches the baby to wipe his face dry with a towel, asks him to look at himself in the mirror, says: "Ai, what a clean child, look at yourself in the mirror!"

Target: teach the child to hold a comb in his hand and comb his hair with movements from top to bottom.
Equipment: a mirror, a hairbrush, an elegant doll.
Game progress: an adult shows a doll to a child and draws attention to her hairstyle: "Look, the doll has a beautiful hairstyle: long, straight hair, bow. Beautiful doll! Let's do it for you beautiful hairstyle!" The adult combs the child's hair in front of the mirror, then asks the baby to try to do it himself: he gives the comb to the child's hands while helping to hold it, to lead the hand with the comb from top to bottom. At the end of combing, he asks the child to look in the mirror, draws his attention to the fact that he has become as beautiful as a doll.

GAME "BRUSH YOUR TEETH" Target: teach your child to brush their teeth.
Equipment: two toothbrushes, a glass of water, a mirror.
The course of the lesson: an adult asks the child to look in the mirror and smile, while drawing his attention to his teeth. Then he says that the teeth should not hurt, you need to brush them. An adult takes out two brushes: he gives one to the child’s hands, and the other shows how to brush the teeth with a brush, while saying a nursery rhyme:

Roth, mouth! Where are you mouth?
Teeth, teeth! Where are your teeth?
Cheek, cheek! Where are you bitch?
There will be a clean daughter!

At the end of the game, the adult and the child look in the mirror and smile, showing clean teeth. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.

Target: teach your child to rinse their mouth.
Equipment: glass.
The course of the lesson: an adult brings the child to the mirror in the bathroom and offers to start fountains, says a nursery rhyme:
Let's put some water in our mouths, let the fountain come to life! An adult takes water into his mouth and shows how to release water from his mouth, then how to rinse his mouth. The child is asked to do the same. At the end of the lesson, the adult praises the child.

THE GAME "THE DOLL IS ILL" Purpose: to teach the child to use a handkerchief.
Equipment: doll, handkerchiefs.
Game progress: an adult shows the doll to the children and says: "Here is the Masha doll, she is sick, she has a runny nose, it is difficult for her to breathe through her nose. She has a handkerchief in her pocket. Let's help Masha clean her nose!" Adult say a joke:

Masha got sick, it's hard for her to breathe,
We will wipe our nose with a handkerchief!

An adult shows the children how to properly use a handkerchief by demonstrating it on a doll. Invites children to repeat the action.

Purpose: to teach the child to use an individual handkerchief.
Equipment: individual handkerchiefs.
The course of the lesson: an adult says a nursery rhyme, demonstrating each action:

Handkerchief in pocket (takes handkerchief out of pocket)
We will wipe our nose with them (shows the action with a handkerchief),
So that the spout, our snub, is clean again (puts the handkerchief in his pocket).

An adult asks each child to show how he knows how to use a handkerchief.

The teacher reads a poem to the children and suggests using movements to depict what it says. Then the teacher and the child read the poem in roles.
Teacher, let's get dressed.
Child. I myself! I myself! (Child gets dressed.)
Teacher. Come on, let's wash up...
Child. I myself! I myself! (Washes off.)
Teacher. Well, let's go, at least I'll comb my hair.
Child. I myself! I myself! (Combs her hair.)
Teacher. Well, let me feed you.
Child. I myself! I myself! (Pretends to chew.)
Questions for children
Is the girl doing the right thing? Why did you decide so? What do you do when someone offers you help?

GAME-SKETCH "BATHING" The teacher brings in a pig toy, a small trough, a large basin, a washcloth, a children's bucket, and a ladle. Reads a poem and invites children to use facial expressions to depict emotional condition heroes. The teacher and children write the poem together using a checker and gestures.
Teacher. Piglet squeals...
Piglet (child with a doll). Save! (Eyes wide open., Mouth half open, waving his hands sharply.)
They bathe him in a trough.
He is not averse to washing in a puddle,
And afraid of soapy water.
And Olya is bathed in the kitchen.
The waters were warmed up for her.
But Olya screams...
Get away!
Do not rub me with a washcloth!
I won't wash my hair!
I won't take a bath! (Forehead wrinkled, underlip protruding, head down, angry look.)
Here they are both washed, Inflated, slightly angry, Spots washed off their knees. Swimming was nice...
Child. What are you, Olya, shouting?
Teacher. And Olenka answered ...
Piglet Toshka screamed, And I helped a little!
Questions for children
Why was Olya screaming? Did she do the right thing? And how it was necessary9 Who will show how it was necessary to act?

GAME-SKETCH "DELICIOUS porridge" The teacher brings thick hats, chickens, tits, dogs and cats. Reads the poem "Delicious porridge" 3. Alexandrova. "Then the teacher and the children act it out together.
Buckwheat porridge! In the oven. Boiled, chimed, So that Olenka ate, Praised porridge, Divided it for everyone. (Kind smile, affectionate look.)
Got a spoonful
Geese on the path
Chickens in a basket
Tits in the window.
Enough for a spoon
Dog and cat. (With unhurried movements, she distributes porridge from an imaginary cast-iron pot to geese, chickens, tits, a dog and a cat, and eats herself.)
And Olya finished her last crumbs!

GAME-SKETCH "MITI AND THE SHIRT" The teacher brings in Mitya's shirt and shows it to the children.
Teacher. Children, what do you think, whose shirt is this? How can you call such a boy9 Why do you think the shirt became like this9 Listen to E. Moshkovskaya's poem "Mitya and the Shirt".
The teacher reads a poem. Then he invites the children to act it out.
Teacher. This is Mitya's shirt.
Child. On, shirt, simple-your!
She ate butter. She ate millet porridge AND lamb gravy ... (Expressive movements: the child examines his dirty hands, wipes them on his clothes.)
Child. Are you full, my shirt? Questions for children
How should you eat at the table?
Who will show Mitya how to eat?

The boy Petya got up late - It's hard to wake up. He didn't wash his face - He's a mess. The teacher asks the children to express their attitude to Petya's behavior.

He asks: “Are there such messes among you?” Children speak out; then, with the help of movements and facial expressions, Petya is depicted.
(Expressive movements: a capricious grimace on the face, eyebrows lowered and shifted, head tilted down, examining his hands.)

GAME-SKETCH "U SHI" The teacher brings in the doctor's coat, reads E. Moshkovskaya's poem "Ears" and offers to depict the emotional state of children with the help of facial expressions, gestures and intonation. The teacher and children act out the poem together.
1st child.
Doctor, doctor, How should we be: Wash your ears Or not wash?
2nd child
If washed,
How can we be:
wash often
Or less often9 Teacher. The doctor answers... Doctor EZhE.. Teacher. The doctor answers ... Doctor EZhE
Teacher. The doctor answers angrily... Doctor
ELI-EVER-DAILY! (Expressive movements of children: an attentive look is fixed on the doctor, they look at the doctor with interest.
The expressive movements of the doctor: furrowed eyebrows, an angry look, a frightening tone of voice.)

GAME-SKETCH "COME, LOOK" The teacher brings in a children's apron, a toy broom. Reads the poem "Come, have a look" by E. Blaginina. Offers to determine the character of a literary character and depict him with the help of facial expressions, gestures, movements and intonation.

I took the broom
And swept the yard.
Everywhere the broom stuck its nose, But I did not lag behind - From the barn to the porch I danced endlessly. Come, have a look, At least find a speck. (Expressive movements: confident swings of the broom, kind expression, smile.)

GAME-SKETCH "TANYA-MISTRESS" The teacher contributes soft bunny toy, an apron, a scarf for Tanya the hostess, a basin, a rag. Reads the poem "Tanya the Mistress" by N. Glazkova and proposes to determine what Tanya feels at the beginning and at the end of the poem. When the children name the emotions that Tanya is experiencing, the teacher invites them to portray the mood of the heroine with the help of facial expressions, gestures, movements, and expressive intonation.
Today Tanechka is the hostess
And busy day-to-day.
She put the bunny in the corner
And said... Tanya. Sleep, oblique! teacher
He pulls a rag from the chest of drawers, drags a basin from the pantry. Dipping a rag into the water, Inadvertently doused herself.
Don't laugh, you stupid bunny!
Wait for your lunch...
Oh, and it's hard to be a mistress,
If mom is not at home! (Expressive movements: 1 - focused look, confident movements, affectionate speech intonation; 2 - an angry look, sharp gestures, displeased intonation.)

GAME-SKETCH "LIKE OUR IRKA" The teacher reads the poem “Like our Irka” by E. Blaginina and proposes to determine the characters of the girls. Children express their attitude to the actions of the characters in the poem and depict them with the help of facial expressions and gestures.
Like our Irka
Hole in stockings!
Hole in stockings?
1st child
Because reluctance Darn our Irka. (Sloppy appearance: buttons are undone, hair is disheveled, stockings are in holes, sandals are not fastened. Facial expression is bewildered.)
Like our Natka
Darn on the heel!
Darn on the heel?
2nd child
Because it's reluctant to be a slut Natka. (The girl’s clothes are neat, she is neatly combed; there is a smile on her face, a confident look.)
The rest of the games-etudes based on literary material are organized in a similar way.
Classes with children within the framework of a specially organized educational activities are also organized on a game basis.
It must be emphasized that the development modern preschooler is such that he seeks to combine several activities that attract him. This suggests the growing role of occupation and joint activities with children of an integrated nature, which combines a variety of children's activities, and specific activities, and a variety of topics that are presented in the child's experience.