It can’t get any worse: real stories from girls about the worst dates. Worst dates of my life

The first date may not be the most comfortable. But working as a waiter on a first date can be a real nightmare.

Of course, it is impossible to confirm one hundred percent the authenticity of each of these stories told by the waiters, but they all turned out to be simply incredible.

“I don’t care what excuse you give, I just want to get out of here.”

“I work in a good Italian restaurant. And one day a man comes up to me, whose table I don’t even serve, and hands me a napkin with a phone number written on it.

He says, “I'm on the worst date of my life right now, this woman is terrible, and I want to leave. Take this $20, go to the nearest phone booth, call this number and tell me I need to come home urgently. I'm done.” no matter what excuse you come up with, I just want to get out of here." I called the guy as soon as I had a free minute.”

“The man ordered a mountain of ribs and refused to take what the girl wanted.”

"It was attractive girl and a rather mediocre man. Everything was going well until it was time to place an order. He ordered a mountain of ribs, but refused to give her the homemade sirloin she asked for. The girl was silent the entire time the man was talking about some crazy party. "He then drank a few cups of ice tea before saying, 'See you on Friday,' calling her an obscene word and walking away, leaving her alone with her unpaid bill."

She later said that the man seemed decent person when they communicated online, but in reality she felt uncomfortable with him and was afraid to say anything. A colleague and I paid her bill, and later she began dating this same colleague, and now they are engaged.”

“I see a guy take out his phone and start browsing Tinder.”

“I served a couple a few months ago. Every time I approached, he spoke, but she was silent, and it was clear that she was not enjoying herself. At the end, when I asked whether to bring them a joint bill or separate ones, she immediately said “Separate!” “I went to get the bill and saw the guy immediately take out his phone and start looking at girls on Tinder.”

“The guy was talking about how special he was and how different his mind was from everyone else.”

“I once saw a date where the guy kept talking about how special he was and how different his mind was from everyone else. The girl nodded politely, but every time she tried to get at least one word in, he cut her off. It was terrible".

“I’ve never seen a customer cry because they couldn’t leave a tip.”

“I work at a country club where there is a lot of money. And one day I was serving a young couple in whom the imbalance was simply incredible. She was the daughter of one of the board members, and all the club employees knew that her account at the club was simply huge. And the guy looked like he was an ordinary poor student. The date went normally, nothing unusual. But at one point she got up and left. I bring the bill (more than $300 due to the cost of the food she ordered) and he meekly takes out his wallet and starts counting out the money, constantly apologizing that he won't be able to leave a tip.

I've never seen a visitor cry over this. As he explained later, he also works as a waiter, and she did not know that he was not rich, and immediately left when the guy told her that he was a student. I was amazed. And he kindly reassured him that this club does not accept any credit cards, nor cash - money is withdrawn from the account. So the girl’s father missed out on a good amount of money that day.”

“He went to the restroom and didn’t come back.”

“I served a couple where the woman was the worst customer I have ever served. She was constantly finding fault with everything and drinking her iced tea as if it was her last day on Earth. He was quiet and never spoke except when ordering his burger. And she kept talking and talking incessantly. And she was also rude. She kept talking about what a loser you had to be to work as a waiter. He eventually went to the restroom and did not return. It turns out that the man slipped into the staff area and gave twenty dollars to be hidden. She waited for him, and ten minutes later she started screaming, knocked over her chair and left. I didn't get a tip, but I had a lot of fun."

“I approached the man and said his girlfriend had passed out.”

“I worked in a small two-story restaurant. A couple came in, a man and a woman, and I sat them down on the second floor. This was their first date as they kept asking standard questions to learn more about each other. After they ordered food, the woman went to the restroom on the first floor. She was going downstairs, tripped and fell, hitting her head. Two of my colleagues immediately ran to her to find out how she was feeling. The woman lost consciousness and was bleeding, so they immediately called an ambulance. I approached the man, who had already begun to eat, and said that his girlfriend had fallen down the stairs, lost consciousness, and ambulance I'm on the road. He walked up to the stairs, looked down and returned to his seat to finish his meal.”

“The girl was a real maniac”

“I was working as a bartender in New York and once watched a couple who met on Tinder date. The girl was a real maniac. She constantly told the guy that he should be happy that she agreed to meet him at all, and that she did not think that he would be so boring. She ordered five or six Long Island ice teas and a few shots, but he only had two beers. She made him pay for both. But my favorite part of this date was when he excused himself to go to the restroom. But in reality he just slipped out of the bar through the fire exit. Simply brilliant!”

“I think, 'Damn, he looks like he's about to...' and at that moment he starts to feel sick.”

“I work in a bar where a couple came one day. They ordered a beer, and then another, and when I brought the next portion, the guy thanked me with difficulty. I realized that he was already drunk. I began to mind my own business and at some point glanced in their direction. The girl disappeared and the guy looked terrible. I thought, "Damn, he looks like he's about to..." and then he started throwing up. I call my assistant and grab the bucket. The assistant starts cleaning, and I hand the guy a bucket, direct him with this bucket to the restroom and advise him to then get out of the establishment. I start looking for his girlfriend and find her at the counter - she is trying to pay the bill. As she said, this was their first date - they were introduced by mutual friends, and she didn’t know him at all before. This conversation was overheard by another bartender and one of our regular customers. Together we paid her bill.”

“She took her purse and just left. The expression on his face was completely lost."

“Once a guy came to my bar who was waiting for a girl - they had a blind date. She came - and it turned out that she was on a completely different level. The girl was incredibly beautiful. She ordered herself a drink and they started talking. When I returned to see if they needed anything, I heard him talk about how much he hated children. He said he hoped never to have them and never have to take care of them. And how he dreams that children will be banned from appearing in in public places. She looked him straight in the eyes and said, “I have a daughter, and I love her very much.” She then took her purse and just walked away. The expression on his face was completely lost.”

In time immemorial there was a period in my life, as there is in the life of any of us, when I was in active search the men of your dreams. Very active. At that time I experienced stress, I had the first breakup in my life with the man I loved at that time. I didn’t have a lot of experience behind me, but I still had experience. Including sexy. Taking my word for it folk wisdom– they knock out a wedge with a wedge, I decided to try.

But it turned out to be not so simple.

Third place

At first, I really assumed that a holy place was never empty and that if I wanted it, someone would take it. As expected, the possibility of a new relationship immediately appeared on the horizon. A friend gave me a phone number young man, explaining that this is the son of our mutual good friend, he really wants to meet me, but is shy.

In general, it’s not in my rules to call first. But since I had no doubts about his sympathy, and psychological condition I didn’t have the best experience, I made up my mind. The response was an immediate invitation to a date. “Well, here it is!” - I thought, and the next day I was fully prepared.

Everything was on the level. He, as I thought, turned out to be a very delicate, romantic person. True, modest. But, well, it happens. I chalked it up to my unearthly beauty, before which even the most experienced would give up. Moreover, his modesty was compensated by rather spectacular external data.

And that's when romantic evening was over, he accompanied me home. I was already imagining where we would go next time, and was thinking: should I pretend to be innocent and allow him to kiss me, or should I ignore all conventions and, on the second date, finally take my mind off the psychosis in a serious way? And then something terrible happened...

He admitted that he was a virgin and had only kissed a girl a couple of times in his life. Could you close your eyes to this? But I didn’t think that he was so modest. He stood looking at me with a hopeful gaze and asked a sacramental question: “You’re already experienced, have you had all this?”

And I, in my then 20s, felt like an insidious woman seducing a poor innocent child. Maybe someone will laugh at me, but I didn’t dare to take on the responsibility of becoming his first. This, however, did not stop us from communicating to this day.

Second place

“Okay,” I decided, “not in real life, but in virtual.” You never know! And I decided to try to find the man of my dreams on the World Wide Web. This was my first experience of meeting through a dating site. And he didn’t keep himself waiting. Immediately, in the first five minutes after registration, he wrote to me very pretty man, athletic build, with charming blue eyes.

After showering us with compliments and telling us a little about himself, he offered to meet. I agreed. Meeting in a cafe, pleasant conversation and the attractive appearance of a new acquaintance relaxed me, and I already thought that I was lucky. After all, he also, apparently, liked me.

But suddenly his conversations were interrupted by a call. He picked up the phone and indicated to me that he needed to come out and talk. Well, you never know, maybe something serious! I nodded and began to look out the window. He was gone for quite a long time. Then he came, somewhat lathered and worried. And he said that he urgently needed to leave, that he was sorry that this had happened, that he would call me tomorrow.

I didn’t try to find out what happened; we didn’t know each other that well. The next day he actually called. And he said: “Sorry, it happened that way. I made peace with my girlfriend. You're awesome, I'm really sorry. And if it weren’t for the circumstances...” and other nonsense. I can't say that I was upset. She even wished him good luck in personal life and no longer quarrel with the girl. I'm done with dating sites.

First place

The hope of meeting at least a more or less adequate man on my way has faded a little. But suddenly, right at work, an unexpected acquaintance occurred. He was the first to approach me, start a conversation and invite me to drink coffee in the evening. I refused. The evening was indeed busy. But I decided to give him my phone number. I wondered whether he would call or not.

He didn’t just call, he wished me already in the morning good morning and said he was looking forward to meeting. I called again in the evening and reminded about myself. Then he called to see if I had changed my mind. “So persistent,” I was surprised, “probably really wants to meet me.” I didn’t refuse, the evening was free anyway.

Right after work, he met me in his car and said that now we would go to a very interesting place where the most delicious coffee was. Naturally, I dressed up that day. Still, I was preparing for a date and was supposed to meet in a cafe over a cup of coffee. But he didn’t take me to a cafe at all. Where to? Guess?

And my new boyfriend brought me straight to the coffee machine at the bus stop, where taxi drivers and minibus operators were crowded. A little dazed, to his question “what to take with coffee,” I answered “to suit your taste.” And what do you think he brought? He came out of the store next to the machine, holding a liter pack of juice in his hands.

Apparently, I created the feeling of a girl who was very thirsty. Then he asked the sacramental question “would you like some cream?” and went to the machine. I could have left right away. But I wondered how it would all end. Events developed rapidly. The gallant gentleman took me to the nearest lake, where, sitting by the water, he told me for a long time the ugly story of his divorce from his wife.

And at the end of the date, when I still insisted on ending it, he made a generous gesture - he handed me a pack of juice with the words “you can drink it at home.” He called the next day and wondered for a very long time why I didn’t want to meet again, because yesterday everything went so well.

These are the stories from life. And this is only a small part of them. Now in my personal life everything is OK. But, I remember with a smile the period when nothing went well in her.
Reznik Christina for the website website

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You should not have any illusions about first meetings; they can be awkward, unpleasant and completely unbearable. If you think the meeting might not be successful, have a backup plan.

1. Endure it

This option is appropriate if your friend is an adequate person, not a rude person. If after a few minutes you realize there won't be a second date, treat the rest of the evening as an experiment. Show interest in your interlocutor, study him as a person, and not as a future partner. What is he interested in, how does he spend free time What have you watched or read recently?

If you get monosyllabic answers, don’t hesitate to discuss: “I ramble on and on. Maybe you want to talk about something?” Speak as honestly and directly as possible, this helps relieve nervousness and enliven the conversation.

2. Make up an excuse and leave

Hope that bad date can be saved, should not overshadow common sense. The reason is safety. Trust your intuition if you have a bad feeling or a new acquaintance gives scary signs - for example, remembering all your posts on Instagram.

If a man seems to be crossing the line and making you uncomfortable, say so.

Think about safety, say you have to go. Do not leave personal information in the form of a residential address, say: “Sorry, I’m not feeling well. I’d rather call a taxi.” If a man acts aggressively, is rude, or otherwise humiliates you, do not tolerate it. If he seems to be crossing a line and making you uncomfortable, say so.

3. Try to sneak away

Tom Hanks's character in the movie Sleepless in Seattle explains to his son: first, invite the girl to have something to drink, and if everything goes well, you can move on to dinner. If not, it’s okay, it was nice to meet you.

If in doubt, keep the first date short: you can go to a cafe for coffee. Meet on site, order an easy-to-prepare dish. If you have not provided for this option in advance, look for loopholes on the spot.

4. Tell the truth

Once you've thought it through, don't be afraid to cut the date short. Say, “I appreciate you making time for me. But I’m afraid it won’t work out.” One bad date doesn't have to ruin your dating life. Dating means you gave someone a chance. Don't quit the game just because you hurt yourself on the sharp edges of a random acquaintance.

Source: The Everygirl.


Tatyana Likhograeva, coach:

First, subconscious beliefs about yourself. Those around us “mirror” what we think about ourselves. If you have low self-esteem, you need to work on recovery self-importance. Another one possible reason– fears related to relationships. You may have had a traumatic experience in the past. You can also work with these mental attitudes by seeking help from a psychologist or coach.

Statistical error may exist. You've just started dating, and unsuitable dates are a natural selection process. Do not despair. Instead of shortcomings, try to celebrate what you liked in men.

A few tips will help you meet men and go on dates.

  1. Lower your expectations for the date. Don't wait for the prince. Without any illusions, go to a meeting with another man and try to find something interesting in him.
  2. Expand your horizons. Don't limit yourself to just one source or method of dating. Register in new applications or dating sites. Try to go to places where a chance meeting can take place.
  3. Decide what kind of partner you need. Describe him: what is important to him in life, what his hobbies are. Think about where you can meet such a man.
  4. Don't focus on relationships. Do what you enjoy, stay positive.

Just now, Tiota Astrel was discussing the worst dates in her life with girls on the Internet. As an avid collector of stories, I have collected the best of trash and happily share them with my beloved readers. Let's enjoy!
A little later I’ll add my two cents to this collection of *Canterbury Tales* of failed dates.
Your stories will be greatly appreciated;)

I met a man on the street. I took him home. In the evening I invited him to a restaurant for dinner. Naturally, I agreed. While we were driving to our destination, he began to tell me about his ex-girlfriend, how he contracted some kind of venereal disease from her, how they were treated together, how they were treated... Then my phone rang just in time, thank God my sister called, I had to play a drama, saying my sister was waiting for me near the apartment, I quarreled with a guy, I need to go home urgently.... Well, he took me, then called me for another week and that’s it...
Once in SZ I corresponded with a guy for a long time, everything seemed fun and easy, we agreed to meet, he said that he had a car and would come pick me up. A guy arrived on a gazelle cargo truck, in a dirty robe, took me to Allegro (if anyone remembers), ate with his hands and smacked his lips)) fortunately, I was snotty then, said that I was feeling very bad and retreated.

I've probably only had one bad date. We met and on the second date he brings me home to meet my mother, shows me OUR room, and begins to talk about our future life together. I ran away.

He spent a long time trying to persuade me to go on a date with this young man. great uncle- the university teacher praised him very much, he says he is a very smart graduate student, economical, he added, I agreed. I come to my uncle all dressed up, and here is an intellectual from “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession” - glasses with thick lenses (I myself am short-sighted and I know that for a long time you can buy lightweight glasses at a reasonable price), a checkered shirt. Well, we went to the cinema with him, we more or less went, although I didn’t like the film, we go back, we talk about this and that, we can’t remain silent. And the topic came up about expensive types of tea, I said that I tried this and that, I liked it very much. And then he said a phrase that put everything in its place: “It’s somehow not Soviet-like to drink tea like that...” Then my friend called me in time, I followed this tune and ran away. She was as angry as hell.

And there were a lot of idiotic stories about dating. Once I went to a restaurant with a guy (we worked together), he got drunk there and his license was taken away along the way and taken away for tests. Well, I waited a bit and took a taxi home, I didn’t even close the window in the car
Once upon a time I came to visit a guy, and his cat, as soon as he saw me, jumped into the front door and no one ever saw him again.
Well, there was an American guy, this guy came to me (we met on the internet). He was as handsome as Apollo! Well, very beautiful. We went with him to Tiflis, ate, drank vodka (oh my God), and he called me to the hotel. Well, I refused (I was embarrassed), and I didn’t want to leave yet. I took him to my place, but I lived with a friend and there were other girls at home. They were so crazy about him, the guy from California!!!
In general, we finished the vodka. I told him how I hated Americans, etc., he turned out to be a Jew, then I fell asleep... I remember we watched the movie "Eggheads" with vodka and discussed something...heroes, probably. When I woke up, I felt so bad that I stayed in the toilet for a while. But he left and I never saw him again. But he called my roommate, like this.... Idiocy of course, but fun to remember.
ZY He was 37 then, and I was 19, terrible...

We met a guy for the first time in Pervomaisky Square. He bought himself a beer (which already made me cringe) and we sat down on a bench to chat. At this time, a patrol arrived and he was taken to the police station for drinking alcohol. That's all for now.

A colleague had a date that we went to a restaurant with MCH, had dinner, when we got into the car he offered to go to his place, when she refused, he began to demand money for dinner! She only had a card with her, so he locked her in the car and drove her to ATM, and only when I gave him the money, he fell behind!

My friends decided to meet a guy, they described him to me, and he had already seen me somewhere, so...
MCH - he arrived in his car, got into the cabin, he warned me to shake off my feet, not touch anything, not use a mirror, and in general the entire interior was covered in plastic - seats, handles, etc.. I ask - is it new? It's been going like this for half a year now. I ask - what if I suddenly spill coffee or get something dirty? Are you going to swear? I thought about the answer for a long time... I said that it was better for us not to meet again...

When I was a student (1st year) I had the following date:
One young man invited me to the cinema. We agreed to meet at the cinema. I'm coming. Waiting at the entrance with a package. We found our seats... and then he takes out beer from the bag (there were 4 cans in the bag), Fanta, chips... something else. I refused everything... and he sat there crunching, drinking, offering it to me from time to time... and wondered why I didn’t want beer... I refused to continue my walk after the movie.

I come on a date, I’m 16, and instead of him, his partner comes on a date, about 30 years old and probably weighing over 100 kg, where is it compared to my 42 kg, I’ve never run so fast in my life, as my school physical education teacher would have seen me that time, he was proud of me!

Once I met a man, we agreed that he would pick me up and we would go somewhere. I’m sitting here, I’ve been spoiled. Doorbell. I open the door and am amazed: he’s standing in sweatpants with a fleece, with drawn-out knees and a dirty T-shirt... leans towards my ear and whispers confidentially: “I told my wife that I went to the garage!!!”
I will remember this date for the rest of my life, apparently.
At one time a young man appeared in our common company. He looked very decent, behaved neutrally, it was known that he was courting one of the girls, unrequitedly. Then he stopped appearing in company, but, by a strange coincidence, he began to meet me. I’ll meet him in one place, then in another) And when at the next meeting he asked me for my phone number, I thought, what if it’s fate?)))
So, date.
Warm summer evening. The gentleman picked me up in a car and immediately offered to go to a cafe - he knows perfect place! In a cafe, so in a cafe.
He studied the menu with particular care. Having asked if I was ready to place an order, he called the waiter (who had been waiting on the sidelines all this time) and, declaring that he was not hungry, ordered himself... tea. I wasn’t exactly hungry at the beginning of the evening and I didn’t perceive going to a cafe as more than a place to start getting acquainted, but such an order put me into a slight stupor. Okay, I think we'll see what happens next and order myself... a glass of water. Needless to say what the waiter’s reaction was. The mood changed, the conversation did not go well, and, leaving the cafe, my companion suggested going to the cinema.
We got into the car and drove, as I thought, to the cinema) But when we drove through all the cinemas I knew, I really tensed up. It turned out that we were not going to an ordinary cinema, but to a cinema on outdoors. This is when you watch a movie from your car, tuning in to a specific radio wave. We pulled into the parking lot in front of the screen without paying, and for about 15 minutes he tried to catch this very wave. It didn't work out, of course. At this point everything became clear to me, I asked him to take me home. On the way, he asks me: maybe we should dance? The first thought is that he will offer to go to some park where they play live music for pensioners, but no! He simply started turning the steering wheel left and right, imitating a car waltzing on the road. Then I just became scared. He didn’t stop “dancing” right away, despite my persistent requests! Finally, we reached the city center. Having mentally crossed myself, I naturally could no longer think about continuing our communication. But the young man did not want to leave, he insistently suggested going to an excellent cafe where they serve simply magical tea...

columnist and blogger

The first date is already a reason for anxiety. And this applies to both girls and boys. True, it seems that for girls all the problems boil down to the fact that there is “nothing to wear” from a full closet. But guys seem to have a harder time: where to invite, what to talk about? How can you make her laugh, after all, when there is not a single thought in your head, and your palms are sweating from her intent, expectant gaze?

It's like that. But, as a rule, the man is in charge of the date, if it is, of course, a man, and not a bag of straw in his pants Tommy Hilfiger. And this is where girls have reasons to worry.

  1. He is late

Of course, there are different ways to be late. IN big city getting into a traffic jam is much easier than not getting caught, and the boss, who unexpectedly decided at the end of the day to confer with the system administrator Vasya about the fate of the company, is unlikely to accept the “date” argument as worthy of attention. But the only thing Vasya can and should do in such a situation is to warn. A girl will be much more willing to wait in a cafe if her counterpart apologizes and informs him of the reasons for being late. What if he is silent? 15 minutes pass, half an hour, an hour... The girl is worried, waits, but does not leave. What if something happened to him? Even if this is so, thank God he is not your husband. And the reason for alarm here is completely different, namely: he doesn’t care about the date. If he was hit by a truck, you will find out about it sooner or later and rehabilitate him in your head later. In the meantime, if he is late and does not warn, just leave.

  1. He doesn't order anything

And he hurriedly thrusts a tea list into your hands before you have time to grab the main menu. Orders himself a glass of packaged juice or a cup of coffee. Perhaps he is on a diet or not hungry, but most likely he is either a beggar, or a miser, or in a terrible hurry, and he just came to look at you with one eye and evaluate whether he will ride or not. In the meantime, until dinner is ordered, you can quickly end the date. Or, conversely, sit for an hour over this unfortunate glass of juice. Then, of course, splitting the bill. You can, of course, order the shank at your own risk and nobly pay for your dinner, but I always adhere to the rule: “A man can allow me to pay for himself. But only once."

  1. He has bad manners

He cannot calmly wait for the waiter, gossips about those around him, and demands the administrator to complain about poor service or the quality of the dishes. But, wait a second, he is not a restaurant critic or a critic at all, he came on a date with you. If he is more interested in paying attention to any little things, and even in a negative way, and not to you, then let him do this alone. Let's not distract him.

  1. He doesn't offer to walk you home

This could be either a consequence of point three, or a sign that he is not enthusiastic about the date. In any case, if he says goodbye to you somewhere in the city and slips away into the night with the words “call you,” it is strictly not recommended for you to call him. Wait for a call from him, however, too.

  1. He drinks compulsively

One day I met a very attractive and wealthy man. Owns a business, travels, is cheerful and loves to live life to the fullest. I thought that he and I agreed on this. But, unlike him, I am not able to drink a bottle of wine in one person in 15 minutes and order a second one without a pause. Perhaps, of course, he was very nervous, which I very much doubt. But getting drunk right after saying “hello” is very alarm bell. And when he announced that he was going to drive, I was finally convinced that the concept of “living to the fullest” may not be the same among people.

  1. He criticizes you

Allows himself to speak contemptuously about your work, even if you are just a call center operator, claims that he doesn’t like cats, reports that he likes blondes... So why then is he sitting here with you, a brunette cat lady? More precisely, why are you sitting with him?

  1. He doesn't come on a date alone

Yes Yes. We were just hanging out with a friend, don’t leave him now. Cool guy Petya. He will sit with us. And then, perhaps, more guys will come. It will be fun. Come with us to the club? Hanging out with the cool guys is always fun, but you have your own cool friends to hang out with, right? And in a club you can always accidentally “lose” you, and while waiting for you to be found, drink a couple of cocktails with that blonde stranger who is his type.

  1. He suffers over his ex

Everything was fine with them, but she left him, or everything was bad, she’s a bitch, and he left her himself. It doesn't matter. It is important that he is still in a relationship with her, and there will be no place for you there. Try to refute my words. Only when you are already preparing dinner for him at his house, she will suddenly open the door with her key, take out her slippers and use them to kick you out into the cold. And he will not interfere with this.

  1. He invites you on a date to a deserted place

This, of course, is stupid paranoia - to be afraid of maniacs. But it’s better to be a living stupid coward than a dead brave girl who loves everything unusual.

  1. He constantly talks about his mother

They have good warm relations, so he bought an apartment in the building next door to hers. Or he didn’t buy anything at all, because living with his mother was better, cozier, more comfortable. He takes care of her and talks in detail about her cooking, housekeeping, and attitude towards his girls. This is all very interesting, but it would be better, really, if he sent her on a date with you instead of himself.