Breastfeeding baby weight. Individual calculation of baby weight gain by pediatricians. Why does a baby lose weight after birth

Starting from the moment of his birth and until reaching one year, the baby grows and develops very rapidly. One of the main indicators of health and normal growth a newborn baby is a stable weight gain.

The task of a young mother in the first months of a baby's life is to establish feeding, learn to understand whether the child is full, because his main occupation at this time is nutrition and good rest.

To understand that the baby develops according to age norms, you need to know the norms of weight gain in newborns up to a year by months.

Why monitor your baby's weight gain

Already at birth, the neonatologist weighs the baby, measures his height, chest and head circumference. In the next 3-4 days, the newborn will lose weight. The rate of weight loss in newborns is approximately 10% of birth weight.

They are caused by the loss of fluid, which occurs due to the process of spontaneous respiration outside the mother's womb. In addition, the baby receives colostrum in the first days, which is not very high in calories, it is not enough, and the child himself is only learning to suck.

This is a period of active adaptation of the child to new living conditions. Later, the mother receives milk in sufficient quantities, the baby's nutrition is getting better, and the weight stabilizes. This happens by the time of discharge from the hospital, about 5-6 days. The weight at discharge is also fixed, starting from it, the pediatrician calculates a normal increase in body weight per month.

What determines the weight gain in the baby

And yet, how much a newborn should gain in weight is an individual value. It depends on such factors:

  • health (at healthy baby, as a rule, there are no problems with appetite);
  • type of feeding breastfeeding the baby is gaining weight more slowly, while it may be);
  • feeding on demand promotes the best set weight;
  • , her absence bad habits have a beneficial effect on the weight of the child;
  • an active baby gains weight more slowly due to high energy costs;
  • from about 6 months to a year there is a rapid development motor activity baby, so the rate of weight gain in comparison with the first half of the year is reduced.

The quality of life of the newborn also plays an important role. If they walk with him a lot, develop him physically, then the weight gain of the newborn will be good

How to calculate the proper weight of the child

The rate of weight gain for a newborn in the first six months of life is approximately 800 grams per month. In the second half of the year, it decreases by half due to an increase in motor activity: at this time, the baby already knows how to roll over, sits independently, masters crawling with might and main, tries to get up. Based on these data, you can calculate normal weight newborn.

Formula for the first half of the year:

body weight from 1 month to six months = body weight at discharge + 800 * age in months.
Example: if your baby weighed 3200 grams at discharge from the hospital, and now he is 3 months old, then his weight is 3200 + 800 * 3 = 5600 grams.

Formula for the second half of the year:

body weight from 7 to 12 months = body weight at discharge + increase for six months + 400 * (baby's age in months - 6 months).
Example: the baby weighed 3200 grams at discharge, the increase for six months is 800 grams * 6 months = 4800 grams, if your baby is currently 9 months old, then his weight is 3200 + 4800 + 400 * (9-6) = 9200 grams.

Monthly newborn weight gain chart

The weight of a newborn baby grows by months. Empirically calculated weight gain in each month of a child's life. If it grows and develops normally, then its weight will change according to the table:

What to do if you are underweight or overweight. When a baby reaches the first year of life, its weight triples. If the child develops normally, in the first month he is weighed twice, in the future - once a month at a routine examination by a pediatrician.

A healthy baby should show weight gain every month. If your newborn is not gaining weight or is not gaining weight fast enough, you may need to:

  • to establish lactation: it is better to eat, drink enough liquid;
  • do not neglect night feedings: “night” milk has a lot of calories, it is more fatty;
  • feed the baby on demand;
  • the first to introduce porridge into complementary foods.

If the above measures do not work, contact your doctor for help. Examine the baby, find out the reason for the lack of weight. If, as a result of the examination, it turns out that the baby is healthy, then your milk is simply not enough, you will have to supplement the baby with an adapted milk formula.

Too much weight gain is also a cause for concern. Your child may have work problems endocrine system. It has been observed that children artificial feeding usually have excess weight. Fatties are not very mobile, which will lead to a delay in the development of motor skills.
If the weight is too much:

  • give up night feedings;
  • force the baby to move: arrange swims in an adult bath, do gymnastics and general strengthening massage;
  • start complementary foods with vegetables;
  • in the diet of mothers, the amount of fatty and sweet foods should be reduced.

Weight gain in newborns - video

For information on how important it is to correctly calculate the weight gain of a newborn baby for the first month, see the video. The key point is that the count should be based on the child's body weight at discharge from the hospital. Incorrect calculation can lead to unreasonable introduction of supplementary feeding.

Weight gain in newborns from birth to one year is important indicator health and adequate development baby. Despite the fact that each baby is individual, nevertheless, weight gain should be in every month of the baby's life. However, it should be remembered that overweight is also a cause for concern and a signal to take measures to normalize the baby's weight.

IN Soviet period a table of weight gain norms was created for infants who were artificially fed. Children with this way of eating were larger due to early start complementary foods.

Harsh times for the people of post-war reconstruction, short maternity leave(30-60 days!) did not help scientists to observe the development of breastfed children.

Some pediatricians still adhere to the old indicators without thinking about the root cause of their appearance. How many unnecessary worries evoked similar phrases in young mothers: “You didn’t gain weight! On artificial nutrition immediately!" or “What are you? He will be obese! We need to switch to mixtures, your milk is too fatty!

And on the next weighing, the baby took and restored the norm, without switching to artificial mode nutrition. Why? Yes, because besides the tables, other factors matter! Build, height, weight of parents (genes), physiology and sex of the baby, its weight and height at birth, method of feeding, adaptation to extrauterine life. Enough for the first time?

For complete reassurance of parents World Organization Health Unveiled infant weight gain rates.

Table WHO based on 8000 infants different countries growing in favorable conditions for development: proper care, breastfeeding, correct timing complementary foods, whose mothers are without bad habits ...

Monthly breast weight gain

In the neonatal period (28 days from birth), the baby gains about 1/3 of its original weight

Neonatal period lasts 28 days from the moment of birth of a little man. For all the time he is gaining about 1/3 of the original weight (according to the medical norm - 20 g daily).

The baby is carefully monitored, changes in height, weight, and other indicators are recorded weekly. With each subsequent month, the growth rate will decrease - ¼, 1/5 of the last weighing.

In the first two weeks, a newborn can lose 5-10% of its original weight. It's OK! Getting used to extrauterine life is difficult: adaptation to a new environment, excess fluid is excreted from the body, and even the original feces have come out (physiological losses).

WHO recommends breastfeeding on demand for the entire period of the baby more often than once every 2.5 hours. With this mode, the baby will restore its original weight by the end of the second week (normal) and will learn to regulate a single amount of food, in proportion to its stomach. The frequent demand for food (hourly) only means that the child managed to digest the previous portion, and not malnutrition.

In the second half of the 1st month, the baby will begin to grow rapidly, gain weight (on average - 600 g). In the table below for parents of infants, the average rate of weight gain begins to be counted from the 15th to the 30th day of life. With a lower indicator, the baby is sent for additional examination, the mother is recommended the optimal diet for the baby. A lactating woman should eat well (the quality of milk increases).

Fifth to twelfth weeks life is actively gaining on breastfeeding, and weekly the baby gains about 125-200 grams in weight . The monthly rate of weight gain from the minimum weight is 500 g-2 kg!

From 4 months to six months of age growth decreases due to an increase in the mobility of the child. By weight 500-1000 g is added monthly . The minimum increase is 300 g, but the doctor examines and carefully analyzes the condition of the baby.

During from 6-9 months infants are introduced complementary foods and continue breastfeeding on demand. Children for the specified months gain 600 g - 1.5 kg (200-500 g / month) .

10th - 12th month normal weight gain is considered 300 g - 900 g (100-300 g monthly) .

The food is the same - on demand + 4 additional meals a day.

Modern formula and table of norms for weight gain in infants

Formulas are used to calculate the rate of growth of the baby

For the first year, only artificially fed children will have stable increases. Babies, on the other hand, have no limits: in one month they can gain 1-2 norms, in another - 100-200 grams (conditionally). Doctors evaluate the monthly development of the baby by the ratio of weight and height.

Norms of weight gain for infants, a table of proportionality with growth


monthly increase General increase

Weight (gram)

Height (cm)Weight, kg)
600 3 0,600
800 3 1,400
3 800 2.5 2,200
750 2.5 2,950 11
700 2 3,650 13
650 2 4,300
7 600 2 4,900
550 2 5,450 19
9 500 1.5 5,950
450 1.5 6,400
11 400 1.5 6,800
350 1.5 7,150

Also exists another method for determining the growth rate is a mathematical calculation .

The monthly calculation of the body weight of a growing baby is determined by the formula:

1. 0 to 6: the weight of the child in grams at birth + 800 X the number of completed months.

2. 7 to 12: baby weight for six months (final calculation according to the first formula) + 400 X for the number of full months after six months (the countdown goes from 1 to 6, where 6 indicates the 12th month of life).

Let's translate the formula to human language. So, a girl was born in the family 3 months ago, weighing, for example, 3 kg .

We substitute the data for the first formula:

  • weight at the time of birth - 3000 g;
  • the increase that she must gain in three months is 800 X 3 \u003d 2400 g;
  • by adding, we find out how much she should weigh on the eve of 4 months of age - 3000 g + 2400 g = 5400 g.

The example continues: the girl is growing, she is already 10 months old .

For calculations, they already take another formula:

  • her birthday weight is 3000 g;
  • the rate of weight gain for six months - 800 X 6 \u003d 4800 g;
  • total weight 6 month old girl- 3000 g + 4800 g = 7800 g;
  • the rate of adding weight for the 7th (1), 8th (2), 9th (3) and 10th (4) months - 400 X 4 \u003d 1600 g;
  • total body weight delivers - 7800 g + 1400 g = 9400 g;
  • the total weight of the child per year should grow to the mark of 10200 kg (7800 g + 400 X 6).

Boys are born larger than girls, and their mass figures will differ upwards.

Analyzing the principle of calculation by the formula, it can be seen that the main role is played by the initial weight of the newborn , but it more accurately reflects the norms of weight gain in infants. The table given in the article does not take into account the sex of the child and its initial weight.

The calculation according to the formula displays average indicators and does not take into account individual development factors (genetics, growth, rate of adaptation, etc.).

When the real numbers don't match the norm

In order for the baby to gain weight, it should be fed on demand.

For completeness, breastfed babies are weighed no more than once a week. Daily measurements give inaccurate data, completely confusing young parents.

Reasons for the shortfall:

  • poor diet for baby(according to the instructions of infants, it should be applied to the chest on demand);
  • change in daily routine, an increase in the time gap between feeding (strict 3-hour break);
  • not enough milk(sign: with active sucking, the child suddenly throws the breast, cries, again grabs the nipple with his mouth, starting to draw in the liquid) - the baby is weighed before and after feeding to measure the volume of milk consumed;
  • new people among the environment, a long trip, the appearance of a nanny, the mother got a job (stress causes a decrease in growth);
  • child's physical activity(gymnastics, swimming, massages);
  • long walks, visiting guests, visiting crowded places;
  • grew rapidly or learned a skill(sat down, rolls over, crawls, similar);
  • tired during sucking, periodically rests while eating (tight chest, it is difficult for a child to eat) - the duration of feeding is increased for an indefinite time;
  • dysbacteriosis (food is not digested);
  • past illness.

In the situations described above, children are not transferred to artificial nutrition, but simply eliminate the factors provoking slow growth. Monitor the health of the baby and stick to the daily routine for the baby - the norms of weight gain will quickly recover according to the table.

There are also diametrically opposite cases - the baby is constantly gaining in excess of the norms adopted by WHO.

Reasons for overgrowth:

  • Baby gaining weight according to an individual schedule- it turns out closer to 7-12 months (aligns according to the norms during the year);
  • Mom too much fat milk - review your diet;
  • overfeeding child ( frequent application to the chest) - analyze the diet;
  • possible having an underlying disease- Examine the baby with specialists to whom the pediatrician will refer.

Weight gain schedules according to WHO standards

The behavior of the child should correspond to the lifestyle of a healthy baby : grow mobile, smile, sleep peacefully and eat actively. Restless children, with frequent crying, lack of long sleep, poor appetite, urgently need to be examined for the disease.

Scientists continue to refine the indicators of the table, improving the definition of the norm of weight gain, based on constant monitoring of the development of infants during breastfeeding. Perhaps in the new decade, doctors will please with more accurate growth figures.

Find out now about the most useful preparation Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). From colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

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The birth of a child is a wonderful event in the life of every parent, but there are things that require special attention, For example, rate of weight gain in newborns by months, table provides parents with data on how many kilograms a child should show the normative parameters of weight gain monthly from the moment of birth. Each child is examined by a pediatrician; during the first visit, weighing and measuring growth are carried out. In progress hospital care in the first days of life, doctors check general condition baby.

The rate of weight gain in newborns by months, content:

Norms by weight

All children are individual, and it is not surprising that they are born with different parameters. The standard value of the first parameter is from 2.7 to 3.7 kg.

The initial weight depends on several factors:

  • Features of the development of the child in the womb. How much should a newborn gain in the first month in weight, has a dependence on the conditions provided by parents for full growth.
  • A mother who smokes and abuses alcohol risks giving birth to unhealthy children who do not gain weight well after birth.
  • Heredity factors show that large mothers give birth to large children, and miniature women give birth to small babies.
  • Sex characteristics of the child. In fact, boys are born larger than girls.
  • Principles and proper nutrition of the mother. For example, if during pregnancy a woman's diet is dominated by high-calorie foods, then children will be born larger.
  • If the mother suffers from chronic or acute diseases or often in a state of stress, this, one way or another, is reflected in the weight of the born baby.

weight gain in breastfed newborns by month, and what it depends on, in the article.

Weight parameters at discharge

Initially, after birth, there may be weight loss caused by aspects.

  • Leaving the body of fluid due to the start of the respiratory system.
  • Supply system. In the first days of life, the baby consumes colostrum in small quantities, so it is necessary to wait until he has a well-established nutrition system, and full-fledged milk does not arrive for his mother.
  • Adaptation to typical living conditions. A child at birth changes the environment and, in this regard, faces certain difficulties. The difference in weight can be up to 10%.

Consider what should be the normative values ​​and their dynamics.

Norms of indicators

The baby gradually learns to eat, his digestive system begins to improve, heat and air metabolism normalizes, as a result of which he is gaining weight at a rapid pace. That, how much weight should a newborn baby gain at 1 month and more, depends on a number of factors. For example, to key points include such as the health of the child, his appetite, type of feeding, amount of food consumed, degree of mobility, age.

Summary table of weight gain

Despite the individuality of each baby, there are generalized parameters that are normative for each of them. So, how much should a newborn gain weight by month, table.

Age, months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gain, g 700 700 700 670 670 670 550 550 550 350 350 350
Average height gain cm 3 3 3 2,5 2,5 2,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1 1

So, boys usually gain weight more intensively than girls, but by the age of 1-1.5 years, all indicators become the same.

Let's take a look at what he recommends. how much should a newborn gain weight by months Komarovsky

It is in the first months of life in the world that the child is most actively gaining weight. - around 700

  • First three months. It turns out that at discharge (in the first 4-5 days from the moment of birth), the baby loses weight, and then begins to rapidly gain weight. As for growth, at this stage of life, its rate is also the fastest, on average - 3 cm per month. By three months, the growth rate of the baby reaches 55 cm.
  • For the second three months, the rate of weight gain decreases slightly, in a month the weight can be gained up to 670 kg, sometimes up to 700 kg. By six months of life, a baby can weigh an average of 6.5-7.5 kg, and its height is gaining 2.5 cm per month, and by 6 months it is 65 cm. This normal value absolutely for every kid.
  • The third "trimester" of the baby's life is accompanied by an increase in weight by 550 g per month and an upward change in the growth rate - 1.5 cm.

The baby begins to show a different behavior, interest in everything, and also wants to eat as much as possible and leads a more active and mobile lifestyle.

  • The last three months of the baby's first year of life are the least active in terms of growth and weight gain, however, it can be safely noted that the baby is becoming stronger, digestive system 100% adapted to the conditions environment, he feels good. At 1 year of age healthy child gaining weight up to 10 kg, and the growth rate is 74 cm.

So, we have considered the table, how much weight should a newborn gain in 1 month. It turns out that at first the child grows more rapidly, and approaching the milestone of 1 year, the growth rate slows down. Normal weight values ​​​​depend on a number of factors and are individual for each baby.

Deviations from the norm: is there a reason for excitement?

Often, the development of the child has certain deviations from the above norms and averages. It may be that the baby is quickly gaining weight, or, the opposite phenomenon - when there is a lack of mass and growth. Both cases are not very good, because with insufficiently fast and active recruitment, it is necessary to review the baby's diet and diet, and with a large weight gain, the baby becomes obese, which prevents him from moving and developing normally. So, how much weight does a newborn gain in the first month can be seen in the table. If there are deviations, they can occur for a number of reasons.

  1. The individuality of physiology, which caused the excessive or, conversely, insufficient growth of the baby.
  2. The initial indicators of height and weight affect the dynamics of their set. For example, a baby born with a weight of 3.6 kg is easier to gain weight up to 5 kg than a baby who was born with a weight of 2.5 kg.
  3. The gender of the child is one of key factors. It is often observed that boys gain weight faster than girls.
  4. Type and features of nutrition. A breastfed baby gains weight more slowly than a formula-fed baby.

There are other signs that influence the fact that how much weight should a newborn gain in the first month and for the next time. Providing for the baby normal conditions development contributes to the fact that all of its indicators are normal, this ensures good health child and peace of mind for parents. We wish you success in raising crumbs and Have a good mood every day. Raising a child is happiness.

And you looked and considered monthly weight for your newborn? Did the table match? Share on the forum!

The first thing that happy parents tell relatives and friends about a newborn is the sex of the child, as well as its height and weight. Why are these numbers so important? Yes, because these are one of the first vital signs that can tell about the development and health of the crumbs.

What weight is taken as a basis

At birth, each baby is weighed and measured for height. After three or four days, on the day of discharge, he is again put on the scales. For what? The fact is that it is the weight at discharge that is taken as the basis, and the weight gain is counted from it.

Factors affecting birth weight:

  1. General condition and health of the child.
  2. Heredity. At high and big parents strong men are often born. Conversely, if the parents are short, thin, the children may appear "miniature."
  3. Floor. It has been observed that boys are heavier than girls at birth.
  4. Nutrition during pregnancy. If it was high-calorie, the fetus is also gaining weight.
  5. Physical and mental health mother. This includes possible stresses experienced by a woman during pregnancy.
  6. Bad habits. If a mother smokes, drinks alcohol or takes drugs, the baby is more likely to be born with a low birth weight.

Girls are usually not born as big as boys.

At birth, a weight in the range of 2800 to 3700 g is considered normal, although these figures are conditional and depend on many circumstances. Approximately on the third day, almost all children lose from 5 to 8% of their initial body weight. This is the so-called physiological weight loss. Her reasons are as follows:

  • comes out meconium (original feces);
  • there is a loss of moisture reserves, so necessary to safely pass through the birth canal;
  • the diet is being adjusted: the first days colostrum is the main food of babies. It is produced in small quantities, although in terms of energy indicators it covers the required standards.

Weight gain rates: what to focus on?

Many parents ask the question: what is the rate of weight gain in newborns? The concept of "norm" in this matter is relative enough, but still it cannot be ignored. First of all, it is worth deciding whether the child is breastfed or month old baby they are already supplementing with mixtures, or maybe he is completely on artificial nutrition.

This is important, because artificial babies receive a stable composition and volume in the bottle every time they are fed. Many increase tables were calculated with this in mind, since the past generations, unfortunately, for the most part, grew up on infant formula.

The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted large-scale studies, on the basis of which special tables were compiled on weight gain in children by months of breastfeeding. Below is a table showing the indicators for weight gain in children under two years of age.

weight gain chart

The first 4 months - the most active weight gain

Healthy month old baby gains the most weight. Every week he gains from 90 to 150 grams or more. Therefore, by the end of the first month, babies weigh 400-1200 grams more than at discharge.

A newborn breastfed baby can have a large increase - 1500-1700 g. This is not always bad: infant fat, which makes the baby chubby, is an energy depot, which will be quickly used up in due time. While it is necessary for proper development nervous system, as it participates in the myelination of nerve endings.

However, too rapid weight gain can signal cardiovascular, endocrinological or kidney disease. Therefore, in such a situation, it is important not to lose vigilance and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Be that as it may, by two weeks of life, the baby should restore the original weight recorded at birth. If weight loss of 5-8% is not recovered, action must be taken.

A breastfed baby is not adding well. What to do?

If the baby has gained about 500 g in the first month, this is acceptable, but it is still worth contacting a breastfeeding consultant. It is necessary to analyze the reason why the baby adds little.

Perhaps the problem is in improper application to the chest. In this case infant not getting enough milk. Therefore, make sure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the halo around it.

Experiment with the position, you may need to place a support under the arm so that it is comfortable to hold the child. Feeding should not be painful. Cracked nipples will also tell you that the process is not going quite right.

It is important for nursing mothers to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

If the weight gain is less than 500 g, supplementary feeding is indispensable. Usually such children are lethargic, sleep too much due to lack of strength, often spit up. The pediatrician will tell you how best to supplement and in what volume.

And when the increase was less than 200 g, the baby is hospitalized. You need to react quickly, because in the absence of normal increase weight affects the development of all organs and systems.

How to understand without scales whether the baby is full breast milk? Spend "wet diaper test". If you changed 10-12 diapers per day, everything is in order. If between 6 and 8, consult a breastfeeding specialist. When there are less than 6 wet diapers per day, the baby is definitely malnourished and it is required to introduce complementary foods.

As we get older, we become more active...

From 4 to 6 months, children explore the world with even greater interest, which is expressed in their physical activity. Some of them try to sit on their own and even crawl! Such energy costs displayed on the scales. How much do children add at this time? Normally - approximately from 400 to 600 g per month.

Over time, weight is not gained as rapidly as in the first months of life.

From 6 to 9 months, it is normal if the baby recovers by 300-500 g. And how much are subsequent increases up to a year? About 100-300 g. Needless to say, now is the time to spend the accumulated energy, because the body has completely new tasks: the baby is learning to stand and walk.

Causes of deviations from the norm

If the baby is not gaining weight, it serious occasion for worry. The following reasons may occur:

  1. Unbalanced diet. Sometimes this is due to hypogalactia (reduced milk production). In such cases, lactation is stimulated. If you cannot reach positive result, go to . It also influences the process of nutrition proper attachment to the breast and the child receiving full-fledged milk: both the anterior (thirst-quenching) and hind (more fatty and nutritious).
  2. Poor digestibility of food V gastrointestinal tract. Lactase deficiency, dysbacteriosis, a disease such as celiac disease, lead to poor weight gain. In such cases, there are often problems with the stool (it is frothy, liquid, poorly digested). Treatment is prescribed by a specialist in this field.
  3. Metabolic disease. Hypothyroidism, lack of vitamin D, some amino acids (for example, L-carnitine) lead to poor appetite and consequently weight loss. The change in body weight is here as a symptom. It is necessary to treat the disease itself, for the diagnosis of which they turn to the doctor.
  4. Diseases. Reduced immunity during the period of illness leads to poor appetite, because all the forces the body spends on fighting the infection. Such weight loss is temporary, and after illness, weight gain will continue as before. But if there are endocrine disorders or heart disease, the treatment will be more severe and longer.

Watching the numbers on the scales, do not forget that any tables and norms are relative. They cannot reflect the individual development of each baby. Therefore, parents need balance in this matter. If the child is cheerful, active, and the deviations are insignificant, perhaps this is “your norm”.

On the other hand, do not ignore warning signs, because you saw that a decrease in body weight or a small set of it may indicate malfunctions in the child's body and require the intervention of doctors.