Is it possible to give a guy a watch: tips and traditions. How to pack a wrist and wall clock as a gift in an original way

Sometimes the way we present a gift makes a stronger impression than the gift itself. Packaging, words of congratulations or an unusual manner of presentation will easily save a not-too-successful present and multiply it many times over. pleasant experience from a long-awaited surprise. Today we will talk about gifts for men. We will share with you the most creative ideas delivery for any situation and celebration.

original packaging

Unusual packaging - the simplest and at the same time original way present a gift. When decorating, it is best to use male attributes: tie, bow tie, suspenders, paper mustache, bowler hat, pince-nez, etc.

With the help of paper origami art, you can fold a shirt or suitcase. But alcohol should be put on the sleeve of the same shirt or sweater, bandaging the neck with a strict bow.

Kind with healthy

If you do not want to deal with complicated decoration, then pack your surprise in a box of socks or mittens. If your friend or loved one is into football, then buy tickets for a match or a certificate for a master class for him and put them in the goalkeeper's gloves. Thus, you will present useful present, which, for sure, will come in handy for your favorite hobby, and give unforgettable emotions!

pirate treasure

Men at any age love to play pirates and look for treasures! Right in the morning, give the hero of the occasion an encrypted treasure map adapted to your apartment.

Let the secret path not lead immediately to the main gift, but only intrigue with its secret messages. Parts of the main puzzle will be hidden in the top drawer of the chest of drawers, behind the picture, in the bathroom cabinet ... It all depends on your imagination!

romantic path

If you are preparing a surprise for your husband or young man, then try to create a romantic mood and wrap the hero of the occasion with care and love. One of the warmest and most memorable ways to give a gift is a path from paper hearts, laid out from the bed (or threshold) to the very present. Ideally, if along the way you will hear poems of your own composition or your favorite song.

air surprise

An equally romantic way to give a gift is to send it by air directly into the hands of the hero of the occasion. Buy a few helium balloons and tie a surprise to them (the number of balloons depends on its weight), and then hide the bundle in the closet. Most likely, your man or brother opens the treasured door every morning, so original plan should succeed. We offer especially brave ladies to tie the balloons outside the window, but only very securely so that the gift does not fly away from the birthday man.

Crossword about love

Another a good option for the game of "hide and seek" - this is a crossword puzzle, the questions of which are related to your relationship: date of acquaintance, place of the first kiss, affectionate nickname etc. Try to make the process of solving as interesting as possible: cheer nice words, turn on the video sequence, show photos. As a result, the hero of the occasion should receive a keyword - the name of the gift or the place where it is hidden.

In the bag

If hidden acting abilities are dormant in you, then be sure to please your loved one with them. Under New Year dress up as a snow maiden, on February 23, put on military uniform, and on your birthday, choose a hobby theme. What is your husband's hobby? Cowboys, Middle Ages, fantasy worlds, etc. In any case, the costume should only cause positive emotions, and a small congratulatory program to include original congratulations and presenting the gift.

My best present is you!

Yes, yes, now we need to remember the finals of the famous bachelor parties, when beautiful girl crawls out of the cake in one bathing suit. We only propose to take this classic idea as a basis, and its implementation will depend entirely on your imagination and capabilities. Instead of a huge cake, make a beautiful one with your own hands big box and fill it with notes with compliments or declarations of love, and then climb into it yourself.

Now you know how to originally and simply congratulate your loved one, friend or relative. Show more imagination, and this holiday will become unforgettable!

Here's a watch for you
To live without delay!
To the question: "What time is it?"
You can definitely answer!
Know that the clock will be able to help
Don't waste time
Appreciate every minute
Without difficulty they will teach!

I give you a watch as a gift,
I want to be on time everywhere.
The clock will always help you
To be here today and there tomorrow.

I give a great watch
You, unseen beauty!
Now you're even on a date
Come almost without delay!

But we decided to give them to you:
Sometimes a minute is not enough
When you can't appreciate the time!

Watches are a mystical gift.
Not time has power over you,
And you are above it - let it be bright
Your every day and every hour!
The clock does not tolerate inattention,
And in happiness, be a little close to the clock.
They are wealth and recognition
They bring it to us at the appointed hour.

Though time is not subject to man,
But we can follow its course.
And to make it great
We want to give a watch as a keepsake.

I give you a watch
Wear with pleasure!
Let them show the time
They are correct all the time!
Don't waste a minute
And accept poetry as a gift!

Let Eternity Libra not be false,
They alone know the price of Life.
We give you a watch for happiness on this day,
Although happy hour are not watching.

Happy hours do not watch
And don't look at them too much.
Just wear them on your wrists -
Let me remind you.

In order not to waste time in vain,
Carry your watch with you at all times.
Let them not fall behind
They give you solidity!
Poems attached to the gift
And I wish you success everywhere!

measure of time for you
We give with all our hearts.
Be in right place at the right time
And we want to succeed everywhere.

Our life is too fast
And so I want to live forever!
And we give you this watch,
So that you can manage your time.

Wristwatch - accurate, silent,
Stylish and fashionable,
Moderately fast.
You will have time for everything,
Punctuality is your forte!

My friend, close and beloved,
I give you a watch
After all, like time, constant,
You can be the only one.
So they suit you
I am directly touched
And they will call you
When it's time to get up.

We wish you joy and happiness
From dream to action is just a step!
Great to take part
You give time - it means Mage!
Strap, bracelet - it doesn't matter anymore
But the arrows are already running!
Everything around is changing, but everyone
He will tell about the clock: “This is GUT!”
When all the gifts are forgotten
... and stuffed on the shelves ...
The hours will continue to please you
There will be a lot of happy moments!

Happy moments are coming
But still they say:
"Happy hours do not watch";
And I'm sad giving my gift:
Always with you, on your hand,
Today, tomorrow, and everywhere in the world,
With me here, near and far,
It will be completely invisible!

I prepared a surprise for you
And finally the day has come
Hold the gift, my (Name),
Open it, it's yours now.
Gave you a watch
I hope you liked it
And then, we are all so good,
About the gift soared for so long.

I give you this watch.
Wear them, remembering me, wear them.
But here's what I want to ask:
Is the clock running or not?
Show donated watches
Date, night, dawn?
Will time show you love
And the time of your luck?
They will show you when to wait in fate
Poems and new tasks?
Of course, they will show that lunch,
What's soon is my favorite movie.
But the main thing is to show the dawn
Our love with you.

All people are divided into two categories: some believe in signs, others flatly refuse. Someone symbolically perceives the signs, while someone does not pay attention to them. Signs and superstitions concern various areas of our life, including the rules for presenting gifts.

Watch as a gift

The tradition of excluding watches as a gift is used in the East. It is customary among the local population that a donated watch is viewed as a mystical accessory in a negative aspect. Their unspoken laws are opposed to the maintenance of clocks in the house as such. In some apartments, the clock is specially stopped so that it does not count the time.

It is difficult to give an objective sound assessment to such superstitions. After all, a well-chosen watch, as for home use, and for wearing on the hand or in the pocket, on the contrary, emphasize special treatment giving. When choosing an accessory as a gift, we try to take into account all the wishes of the future watch owner, we select a chronometer taking into account lifestyle, style and taste preferences hero of the occasion.

Presentation of good wrist watch, for example, as a present is also a reasonable step aimed at strengthening business or personal relationships. In this case, both cost and specifications products that need to be chosen carefully.

How to give a watch

If you decide to opt for a gift in the form of a watch, for a birthday or, for example, a wedding, just play the situation. This should be done in the case when the person receiving the gift is superstitious. Ask for a coin or some small change in return. Thus, you will not give watches, but "sell" them.

picking up Digital Watch as a gift, look for models with a calendar and other necessary functions: an alarm clock, a timer, etc. So, you can present a calendar with a built-in clock function, which in itself already changes the direction of the presentation.

For hours, as a gift, you can express your love and heartfelt friendship. This can be symbolized by picking up a mechanical model. The steady ticking of the clock symbolizes the beating of the heart; a strap that fits snugly around the wrist in the pulse area indicates a desire to always be near dear person. Such a gift in the form of a wristwatch will not only not cause superstitious suspicions, but on the contrary, will tell about sincere feelings to the object of the donation.

Where did Bad sign about giving watches to loved ones is not known for certain. Certainly, many superstitious people try to bypass such a gift. If you still have doubts and fears, just ask the birthday man to give you a penny in return, that is, to pay for the present.

With a little imagination, and from a banal gift giving, you can organize a memorable holiday. How to give a watch for a birthday in an original way:

We give watches to children

For this group, such a gift is associated with adult life. Children will be happy to take part in various games and competitions. Enjoy with the whole family, do not deprive your child of the opportunity to have fun. Options:

  • Treasure search (wristwatches) in game room. Minimum investment money, the full delight of the little seeker;
  • Life-size puppet with home delivery. Let the huge bear from the fairy tale give the birthday man a watch after holding a thematic quiz. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time;
  • Balloons remain relevant at any age. whole room colorful balloons, in one of them a gift is hidden.

Every parent has the power to make their baby's birthday enchanting, funny and exciting.

How to give a watch to the elderly

Modern youth often turn to mobile phones when grandparents habitually look at the dial. Care and attention, what you need . How to give a watch as a gift:

  • Hours have long been awarded as a badge of distinction. Invite a person (you can ask friends) dressed as an employee of the executive committee, for example, for solemn presentation hours with diploma. A little humor in the congratulatory part, dilute business tone and set in a festive mood.
  • All family members (both adults and children) must draw an object in some way related to wrist watch(for example, a hand or watch brand logo). The birthday boy must guess what is hidden under the associative series of pictures.

Watch as a gift for a man

Hours are the status, style, presentability. Not all representatives of the stronger sex like to wear watches, however famous designers claim that this niche of buyers simply did not find their dream.

  • Quest with all sorts of tasks. Hang stickers around your apartment with directions and tips on where to look for the main gift. It is not necessary to offer tasks for logic, offer an endurance exercise.
  • Optical illusion. Wrap your socks nicely in a festive box. Put a clock inside, just make sure that they do not fall out, if the birthday boy breaks the gift, such a congratulation will definitely be remembered.

For woman

The fashion industry has long made watches not only a useful attribute, but also an independent fashion unit. How nice gift watch:

  • Give a romantic gift to a girl soft toy, on the paw of which a gift will flaunt.
  • The so-called matryoshka. Place several smaller boxes in the large box. In the smallest, hide the clock under the tinsel. Everyone loves when there are a lot of gifts. Divert attention and invest in every box little surprise(For example, chewing gum Love is with obligatory reading, what is love, etc.).
  • Without explaining anything, put the woman in the car and take her to a picnic, taking fruit and champagne. Put a watch in a box with fresh flowers and present it with the words, as they don’t notice a watch with a loved one.

You need to approach the ideas of congratulating a person close to you with passion, imagination and love, and then not only a gift, but also unusual surprise will be remembered for years to come.

Did you think it was enough just to buy a gift and wrap it in beautiful packaging? But no!

The moment when a present is presented can become truly unforgettable for both the donor and the donee.

Do you want to please your man, make him real surprise? In this article I will talk about the options for presenting a gift.

How to give a birthday present to your loved one

Again I will say a banal truth, but the method of delivery should be such that the donee likes it. That is, if your lover does not tolerate loud sounds, then you do not need to meet him with crackers and confetti. Lack of love for sweets should warn you that you should not jump out of the cake either. So choose the option that the man will like, and not you.

Here are some ideas for congratulations if solemn event not planned:

  • Phone call from favorite actor/singer/politician. Of course, you obviously won’t have enough money for a real star, but on entertainment portals you can order a call from a parodist. The text of the congratulation is typed by the sender, and at the appointed time your chosen one will be called. You just need to know for sure that at this moment he will be glad to call. Some are so busy even on a holiday that they simply have no time to listen to congratulations. Or order then for the evening time, so that it is free for sure.
  • Toast. If you are celebrating an event together, then you need original toast. This method of congratulations does not require cash costs, but you will need imagination. Come up with an interesting text, add a touch of romance to it and a little bit of humor that only you two can understand.
  • Unusual packaging. It's nice to find a gift where you don't expect to see it. I know a case when friends gave a girl golden decoration putting cabbage in forks. They solemnly handed over the vegetable, and after a couple of minutes they explained what the catch was. It’s good that they had time to warn, otherwise the cabbage would have flown into one of them. This is what I am for. By the same principle, if the gift is small, you can give it to a man. It seems that something insignificant is being handed over, but the donee will remember the joy and surprise from what was found inside for a long time.

My main advice: do only what you are good at. Are you moving well? Dance an erotic dance and then give a gift if you are celebrating in the evening and alone. Are you good at cooking? Prepare the livers and put the word "congratulations" on the table for them.

How to present a gift to a loved one in an original way

Most best surprise for a man - a party with friends. This applies to lovers of noisy campaigns, who will never give up spending time with relatives and friends.

Can arrange theme night: Pirate get-togethers, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix or any other favorite movie of your soul mate.

Another one funny idea- dress up the man's friends as gypsies who will sing and dance. Noisy and cheerful, they will surround your chosen one, offer him to tell fortunes, sell / buy something, beg for a pretty penny, and then you go to the center with the main gift. Fun, funny, enjoyable.

Fans of quests and detectives will appreciate the game where using hints to find a gift. The main thing here is not to delay the finale, that is, all searches should not take more than an hour. Otherwise, the game will bore not only the man, but also the guests.

And you don’t have to ask questions like: “The next clue lies where we first kissed.”

Seriously? Most guys don’t remember what happened yesterday, and they certainly don’t remember such little things.

Now, if you guess: “The next envelope is where your car was hit by a lady in a Renault last summer,” then yes. He will remember. After all, he then sued the insurance compensation for so long. And you should not send the birthday boy far for these very tips. It gets tiresome quickly.

Another way to surprise a man- send a gift by mail. This method of gift delivery is rarely used, but there is always a pleasant aftertaste from receiving a parcel. If you are not sure about the postal service, order delivery by courier to work or to your beloved home.

There are a huge number of services that can originally congratulate the birthday man. If funds allow, you can order a song about the chosen one, and if you have good vocal abilities, then why not sing it yourself?

And finally, as an option, if you give jewelry:

  • watch,
  • golden chain,
  • bracelet,
  • ring,

you can discreetly put it on your lover at night. He will be very surprised when he wakes up.

All the best gifts!