Strong conspiracies from jealousy. To relieve jealousy

Often at the beginning love relationships, jealousy is seen as a manifestation of feelings. But over time, a person begins to realize that not only does it not strengthen relationships, but rather, on the contrary, it acts destructively.

By itself, this emotion is based on a sense of possessiveness and selfishness, and such a negative will not bring good to the relationship. If heart-to-heart talk and oaths in eternal love they do not have a positive effect, conspiracies from jealousy will come to the rescue.

In this article:

Conspiracies from the jealousy of a husband or wife

Sometimes one of the spouses (most often the husband), without realizing it, begins to be very jealous of his soulmate. If this was not noticed before him, then the matter may be in the evil eye (). Whether it was done out of envy, anger, or negligence, it doesn't matter. A special ritual with a conspiracy on a husband or wife will help get rid of this induced negativity.

It is necessary to perform the ceremony on the full moon exactly at midnight. It is desirable that the moonlight slightly illuminates the space of the room in which the ritual will be performed. A candle is placed in front of the mirror, it is better if it is a church one, and a glass with cold water. The following words are spoken:

“As the fire of a candle goes out, so the anger of the servant of God (name) fades away. As the water is filled with my love, so in the heart of the servant of God (name), faith in the wife (husband) of his servant of God (name) wakes up. Amen!"

You need to repeat the plot exactly three times. After that, put out the candle and put a glass of charmed water on the windowsill. It is also not bad if, after the ceremony, any prayer for love will be said over the water. Water saturated with moonlight and prayer will have much greater power.

During next day the jealous must certainly drink the charmed water. At the same time, it does not matter whether he drinks it raw or you make tea from it - the miraculous effect of the conspiracy will certainly manifest itself. The negative will subside gradually, but you will no longer see any significant outbreaks of aggression from your half. For greater efficiency, every evening for a week, before going to bed, it is advisable to briefly light the candle with which the ritual was performed.

Ritual to calm your own emotions

Sometimes a person himself cannot cope with such an unpleasant feeling as jealousy. It seems that a loved one does not give reasons and relationships develop in better side, and merciless emotions do not give rest and eats from the inside. Jealousy is a mixture of anger, fear and feelings of inferiority. Such an agonizing mixture cannot benefit lovers. Undoubtedly, you need to get rid of it. A conspiracy using own hair.

It is believed that hair absorbs all the energy of a person. Even a recently cut strand of hair is able to convey all the emotions experienced by a person. Therefore, conspiracies using hair are considered strong rituals(even ).

magical action must be carried out at midnight on a waning moon. Turn off all the lights in the house and light a candle, preferably from a church. Over the fire of a candle, a knife or scissors should be red-hot, and then cut off a small strand of their own hair with them, while saying:

"I cut, I cut jealousy, I kill."

A cut strand of hair should be burned over a flame and read the following slander:

“As the flame burns my hair, so my jealousy disappears, turns into ashes and the soul is freed. Forever and ever. Amen!"

All ashes must be collected and scattered in the wind, this can be done through a window or standing on a balcony. Keeping it in the house is highly discouraged, so this should be done immediately after the ritual.

Rite and conspiracy to awaken jealousy

Sometimes complete absence jealousy in a relationship between a husband or wife is regarded as indifference to oneself. Feeling such coldness, the partner simply ceases to feel that he is valued and afraid of losing him. In this case, there is also a certain ritual that will help return the "peppercorn" and make a person worry. In order to evoke this feeling in your partner, you will need:

  • three church candles;
  • photo of a loved one in full face. A picture for documents is ideal, if there is none, then the object in the image should be alone, without friends, children and animals;
  • red cloth, large enough to wrap a photo in;
  • a coin of a small denomination, ideally if it is a “penny”;
  • a piece of red woolen thread, about a meter in size.

The ritual should be performed at home in dark time days with the lights off and other electrical appliances. Three candles in a row should be placed and lit on an empty table. A photograph of a loved one, wrapped in red cloth along with a coin. A rag with a photograph must be carefully wound with a red woolen thread and speak:

“As I close this photo, I generate jealousy in my heart. As I pay off with a coin, so I settle in the soul of God's servant (God's servant) (name). Amen!"

Read three times, holding both hands tightly, wrapped in cloth in the photo. After that, the bundle must be hidden so that no one but you can find it. This ritual is also good because if there comes a moment when you get tired of this feeling with your partner, then you can simply burn the bundle.

Techniques for improving love relationships

It must be admitted that conspiracies against jealousy should be used only in extreme cases. The fact is that although they are effective, they are sometimes very short and their action occurs unconsciously.

In order not to delve into more and more complex rituals and rituals, it is better to first understand the reasons for this behavior, and at least try to talk with your loved one. Indeed, often a woman and a man spoil their relationship themselves, and the reason for this is a banal misunderstanding and unwillingness to hear each other. In this case, no ritual can help. Try to establish confidential communication, sometimes it is much more effective than any conspiracies.

A folk conspiracy for jealousy helps get rid of this oppressive feeling that you cannot cope with on your own. Also, this rite helps to destroy the baseless jealousy of a loved one, which annoys you and spoils the relationship.

A conspiracy from jealousy is quite simple, and anyone can perform such a rite. No complicated manipulations are required - just create the right environment, tune in and clearly follow all the rules.

In order for the rite to work accurately, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The ideal time to read a conspiracy from jealousy is the full moon, when the clock is midnight
  2. Make sure that the room in which you will read the plot is slightly illuminated by moonlight. Lunar energy promotes better action rite
  3. Use only church wax candles. They are a good conductor of energy and enhance the effect of the conspiracy.
  4. Your intentions must be pure. The conspiracy must be done only for good purposes, do not expect to harm anyone with the help of the rite - all the negativity will return to you in this case three times
  5. It is advisable to read the text three times. Three is the magic number properly affects energy flow and amplifies the effect of your request

Follow these rules, and the conspiracy will definitely work. But it is very important that you sincerely believe in magic power conspiracy. Doubts weaken his strength and prevent him from fulfilling his desires.

A simple conspiracy from jealousy

If your lover suddenly began to experience baseless jealousy and harasses you with reproaches, this conspiracy will help. It is quite simple.

Wait until midnight and sit by the window, throwing it open. Moonlight should penetrate the room. Put a mirror in front of you. Light the candle and position it so that the flame is reflected in the glossy surface.

By right hand place a glass of clear glass with cold water away from you. Take a glass in your hand and read the plot directly into the water:

Don't forget to say the magic text three times. Then wait until the candle burns out and the flame goes out. Leave the water on the windowsill so that it absorbs the lunar energy.

If you want to strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, read an additional prayer, referring to the saints who patronize lovers. Then go to bed immediately.

By morning, the water will be fully charged - it needs to drink the chosen one. You can add the charmed liquid to the drinks or food of your beloved man. Gradually, his jealousy will begin to subside. Do not expect an instant effect - negative emotions will go away slowly but surely.

Conspiracy from your own jealousy

If jealousy overcomes you, although you understand that visible reasons no worries, this plot will help. For it to work, you must really want to get rid of the oppressive feeling. And you need to understand that you are jealous for no reason.

To let go of negative emotions and let the soul calm down, a conspiracy is applied to the hair. They are a reflection of human energy, especially female. Therefore, the rite will be incredibly effective.

You need to cut off a small section of your own hair and wait until midnight. Unlike other conspiracies for jealousy, this rite must be performed during the waning moon.

Light the wax candle, take the cut hair and the knife. It must be heated over a candle flame. Then draw the tip over the stripes and read the text of the plot:

After that, gently burn your hair with a candle and say the following words:

After the ceremony, it is necessary to carefully collect the ashes formed after the burning of the hair. Go outside or onto a balcony and blow it into the wind. This must be done immediately.

You should immediately feel a strong relief. And over time, you will understand that jealousy has subsided and no longer interferes with your love.

Conspiracy to cause jealousy

Sometimes the lack of jealousy is regarded as a lack of feelings. Therefore, such a conspiracy will help to check whether your chosen one really loves you. If the rite works, there is no need to doubt love. If not, there is no reason for jealousy, because the person is indifferent to you.

To perform the ceremony, prepare the following items:

  • Wax candles. It is best to buy them at the church shop on Friday afternoon
  • Photo of the chosen one. Clear and good quality. Eyes must be clearly visible in the image
  • Fabric from natural material Red
  • small coin
  • Long thread of wool. Definitely red

Wait until midnight, turn off the lights in the room where the ceremony will take place. All electrical appliances must also be turned off.

Sit at the table and light the candles, placing them in a straight line. Put a coin on the photo of the chosen one and wrap both objects with a cloth. Then tie everything with woolen thread.

When you tie a photo, read the following plot:

Do not forget that the magic text must be pronounced three times. After the ceremony, hide the photograph wrapped in cloth in a secluded place, where no one will definitely find it.

Gradually, your chosen one will begin to be jealous of you. Be careful - if you feel that jealousy is too strong and bothers you, immediately burn the bundle with the photo. This action will cancel the action of the conspiracy and everything will return to normal.

Very important: use conspiracies and others magical rites to get rid of jealousy only in the most extreme cases. First you need to try to solve the problem in traditional ways.

Talk to the chosen one, try to solve the problem of jealousy together, contact a psychologist. And only if all these methods do not help, resort to the help of magic.

Conspiracies so that husband and wife are not jealous

Two lovers want their halves to belong only to them. It is from this desire that human jealousy is born. If the degree of jealousy in a relationship is low, if it is God's providence, then it can only add sharpness and passion. But, if jealousy prevails, then this already leads to problems in the relationship. What to do if you are very jealous. Can you fix it in a magical way, a plot from jealousy will help.

A conspiracy from the jealousy of a husband or wife

How does the jealousy spell work?

They say that the one who is not confident in his partner is desperately jealous. And from this position, we can say that it is to blame, causing this destructive feeling. But it is not so. The fact is that, if we consider this situation more deeply, then in fact jealousy is the self-doubt of the one who admits that he is being cheated on. This means that in his worldview there is a view that people can cheat on each other. Such a person either doubts himself, as in enough good partner or he secretly or clearly wants to cheat on his soul mate.

But you can stop being jealous if you correctly apply strong conspiracies against jealousy. If you see that your husband or wife is very jealous of you, then such magical rituals must be applied. In this case, a conspiracy from the jealousy of the husband is necessary in order to heal his wounds and bring him to integrity, harmony. Strong rituals conspiracies for groundless jealousy against this destructive feeling - this will be care from the outside loving partner. Thus, you will be able to calm him down and build up self-esteem.

When can you use a conspiracy for jealousy?

Conspiracies for jealousy will come in handy for every couple in the following cases

  • If a woman or a man is tired of the jealousy of his soul mate and this feeling begins to provoke scandals and distrust in the relationship. That is, if jealous close person starts in such a way that he simply cannot control himself, loses his temper. It is possible that your soul mate even suffers from this and asks to rid him of this feeling.
  • If you understand that you yourself are jealous of a man or woman too much. If it is not possible to remove the tide of this emotion with reasonable words. Or maybe you try to control yourself for a while, but after a while you still break down.
  • If you understand that a zealous attitude hinders your development. For example, your job involves travel. But expressing my unreasonable jealousy a loved one sets a condition for you that you don’t go anywhere at all, otherwise he will part with you.
  • If you think that jealousy manifests itself only between a man and a woman, then this is not so. The mother of a child, a friend of a friend, even the boss of a subordinate who behaves too freely can be jealous. In all these cases, you can also apply the following conspiracies against this feeling. If this is the reason for the discord in the relationship, then desired conspiracy will definitely help fix it.

Conspiracy for a knife

If you have ever experienced a jealous feeling at least once, then you can roughly imagine what bodily sensations a person experiences at the same time. No wonder there is such an expression among the people as "an injection of jealousy." This is a kind of stabbing sensation, as if something sharp is piercing into your insides, your soul. Symbolically, it could also be a knife. So, if you suffer from such feelings in a relationship, then perform the following ritual.

On the day of the waning moon, go to the store or market and buy a knife. It is important not to take change with such a purchase. Go home and wait for the evening. In the evening, it is better in the light of a lit candle to wrap a new purchased knife with white thread and at the same time pronounce such a magical text strong conspiracy to stupid jealousy:

“In the fact that there is not to blame, he is alone in that feeling. Ardent demons prick, knives drive into his soul. Demons rage, and man suffers. He defends his good, the purest will come out. I take the pain from you with my love. I give myself to you. I heal your piercing wounds with my soul and kindness. I put bandages on them, I drive out demons with my courage. You don’t suffer anymore (name), don’t stab yourself with the knives of demons, you heal yourself with the kindness of your own wounds. No more itching, no more pain."

This plot must be read again and again until the white thread completely covers the knife blade. Do not be too lazy to go through the ritual completely, it will take enough time to complete everything. Then you need to put the charmed knife in a place where no one will see it, only you should know about such a place. This knife will be a talisman against jealousy. It does not need to be thrown out after a while. Keep it.

And changes in relations will occur in about two weeks. You will notice that a loved one reacts much less painfully to what previously caused him strong destructive feelings.

Conspiracy on the bed

Some couples even seek to arouse jealousy in each other, because back side this emotion is passion. So, many couples have passionate sex on jealousy. But sometimes it comes to an extreme, when, except for a zealous attitude, it is no longer possible to evoke passion. If this reflects your state of affairs in a couple, and if you miss sensual and gentle sex, then you can spend the next magical ritual. On the evening of the waning moon, when your half will not be at home yet, you need to spread the bed, lie on the sheets. Close your eyes, remember your date in bed, and then imagine how you would like it to be. When the soul is full of desired feelings, then read this magical plot:

“Our bed saw our strength, heard our passion. And she does not want to hear pain and destruction. And I don't want to, and you don't want to. I speak myself, my man for affection and love, for passion without destruction. We love, we love, we love. No injections are hidden in the souls, no injections are reflected on the bed. We remain loving. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

After that, make the bed. Such a magical ritual will help to speak yourself and a man to a manifestation of greater tenderness, love. It's like a way to find alternative sources passion on which your sex will develop. Your husband will be happy too. The ritual is very simple, so it can be repeated periodically on the waning moon. It can be done by a husband for his wife.


Removal of curses and damage. Prayer from Holy Martyr K

Jealousy poisons the lives of millions of people. And few people

From mother's jealousy

Mothers are very jealous. And this feeling interferes with both the mother herself and her adult child, who has long wanted to live his own life and not report to his mother at every step. To reduce mother's jealousy, you can perform such a ritual on the waning moon.

For the ceremony, you will need some kind of mom's thing. It can be a piece of clothing, a book, anything even hair. Get a glass of water. Put a thing that belongs to your mother in front of you, fill your mouth with water, then splash water from your mouth onto the thing and say the text:

“I cool your strong love. I bring you back to you. You turn away from me in yourself, your jealousy decreases, but love remains in place. You believe me, you love me, but you leave me alone. Strength in you increases, you improve your life.

After you need to sprinkle all the water from the glass on the thing. Then this thing must be returned to mom. After that, mom will let go of the reins a little, and you can live more. independent life. After that, a prayer is also read so that the mother is healthy and has good nerves.

Powerful conspiracies to get rid of jealousy

Often, at the beginning of a love relationship, jealousy is seen as a manifestation of feelings. But over time, a person begins to realize that not only does it not strengthen relationships, but rather, on the contrary, it acts destructively.

By itself, this emotion is based on a sense of possessiveness and selfishness, and such a negative will not bring good to a relationship. If heart-to-heart talks and vows of eternal love do not have a positive effect, conspiracies from jealousy will come to the rescue.

Conspiracies from the jealousy of a husband or wife

Sometimes one of the spouses (most often the husband), without realizing it, begins to be very jealous of his soulmate. If this has not been noticed before, then it may be the evil eye (symptoms of the evil eye here). Whether it was done out of envy, anger, or negligence, it doesn't matter. A special ritual with a conspiracy on a husband or wife will help get rid of this induced negativity.

It is necessary to perform the ceremony on the full moon exactly at midnight. It is desirable that the moonlight slightly illuminates the space of the room in which the ritual will be performed. A candle is placed in front of the mirror, it is better if it is a church one, and a glass of cold water. The following words are spoken:

You need to repeat the plot exactly three times. After that, put out the candle and put a glass of charmed water on the windowsill. It is also not bad if, after the ceremony, any prayer for love will be said over the water. Water saturated with moonlight and prayer will have much greater power.

Over the next day, the jealous man must certainly drink the charmed water. At the same time, it does not matter whether he drinks it raw or you make tea from it - the miraculous effect of the conspiracy will certainly manifest itself. The negative will subside gradually, but you will no longer see any significant outbreaks of aggression from your half. For greater efficiency, every evening for a week, before going to bed, it is advisable to briefly light the candle with which the ritual was performed.

Ritual to calm your own emotions

Sometimes a person himself cannot cope with such an unpleasant feeling as jealousy. It seems that a loved one does not give reasons and relationships develop for the better, and merciless emotions do not give rest and eat from the inside. Jealousy is a mixture of anger, fear and feelings of inferiority. Such an agonizing mixture cannot benefit lovers. Undoubtedly, you need to get rid of it. A conspiracy using your own hair will help to do this.

It is believed that hair absorbs all the energy of a person. Even a recently cut strand of hair is able to convey all the emotions experienced by a person. Therefore, conspiracies using hair are considered strong rituals (even bewitched on hair).

The magical action must be carried out at midnight on the waning moon. Turn off all the lights in the house and light a candle, preferably from a church. Over the fire of a candle, a knife or scissors should be red-hot, and then cut off a small strand of their own hair with them, while saying:

A cut strand of hair should be burned over a flame and read the following slander:

All ashes must be collected and scattered in the wind, this can be done through a window or standing on a balcony. Keeping it in the house is highly discouraged, so this should be done immediately after the ritual.

Rite and conspiracy to awaken jealousy

Sometimes the complete absence of jealousy in the relationship of a husband or wife is regarded as indifference to oneself. Feeling such coldness, the partner simply ceases to feel that he is valued and afraid of losing him. In this case, there is also a certain ritual that will help return the "peppercorn" and make a person worry. In order to evoke this feeling in your partner, you will need:
  • three church candles;
  • photo of a loved one in full face. A picture for documents is ideal, if there is none, then the object in the image should be alone, without friends, children and animals;
  • red cloth, large enough to wrap a photo in;
  • a coin of a small denomination, ideally if it is a “penny”;
  • a piece of red woolen thread, about a meter in size.

The ritual should be carried out at home at night with the lights and other electrical appliances turned off. Three candles in a row should be placed and lit on an empty table. A photograph of a loved one, wrapped in red cloth along with a coin. A rag with a photograph must be carefully wound with a red woolen thread and speak:

Read three times, holding both hands tightly, wrapped in cloth in the photo. After that, the bundle must be hidden so that no one but you can find it. This ritual is also good because if there comes a moment when you get tired of this feeling with your partner, then you can simply burn the bundle.

Techniques for improving love relationships

It must be admitted that conspiracies against jealousy should be used only in extreme cases. The fact is that although they are effective, they are sometimes very short and their action occurs unconsciously.

In order not to delve into more and more complex rituals and rituals, it is better to first understand the reasons for this behavior, and at least try to talk with your loved one. Indeed, often a woman and a man spoil their relationship themselves, and the reason for this is a banal misunderstanding and unwillingness to hear each other. In this case, no ritual can help. Try to establish confidential communication, sometimes it is much more effective than any conspiracies.

Conspiracy from jealousy - 3 effective ways

A folk conspiracy for jealousy helps get rid of this oppressive feeling that you cannot cope with on your own. Also, this rite helps to destroy the baseless jealousy of a loved one, which annoys you and spoils the relationship.

A conspiracy from jealousy is quite simple, and anyone can perform such a rite. No complicated manipulations are required - just create the right environment, tune in and clearly follow all the rules.

In order for the rite to work accurately, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The ideal time to read a conspiracy from jealousy is the full moon, when the clock is midnight
  2. Make sure that the room in which you will read the plot is slightly illuminated by moonlight. Lunar energy contributes to the best effect of the rite
  3. Use only church wax candles. They are a good conductor of energy and enhance the effect of the conspiracy.
  4. Your intentions must be pure. The conspiracy must be done only for good purposes, do not expect to harm anyone with the help of the rite - all the negativity will return to you in this case three times
  5. It is advisable to read the text three times. Three is a magic number that affects the energy flow in the right way and enhances the effect of your request.

Follow these rules, and the conspiracy will definitely work. But it is very important that you sincerely believe in the magical power of the conspiracy. Doubts weaken his strength and prevent him from fulfilling his desires.

A simple conspiracy from jealousy

If your lover suddenly began to experience baseless jealousy and harasses you with reproaches, this conspiracy will help. It is quite simple.

Wait until midnight and sit by the window, throwing it open. Moonlight should penetrate the room. Put a mirror in front of you. Light the candle and position it so that the flame is reflected in the glossy surface.

On your right hand, place a glass of transparent glass with cold water. Take a glass in your hand and read the plot directly into the water:

Don't forget to say the magic text three times. Then wait until the candle burns out and the flame goes out. Leave the water on the windowsill so that it absorbs the lunar energy.

If you want to strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, read an additional prayer, referring to the saints who patronize lovers. Then go to bed immediately.

By morning, the water will be fully charged - it needs to drink the chosen one. You can add the charmed liquid to the drinks or food of your beloved man. Gradually, his jealousy will begin to subside. Do not expect an instant effect - negative emotions will go away slowly but surely.

Conspiracy from your own jealousy

If jealousy overcomes you, although you understand that there are no visible reasons for concern, this conspiracy will help. For it to work, you must really want to get rid of the oppressive feeling. And you need to understand that you are jealous for no reason.

To let go of negative emotions and let the soul calm down, a conspiracy is applied to the hair. They are a reflection of human energy, especially female. Therefore, the rite will be incredibly effective.

You need to cut off a small section of your own hair and wait until midnight. Unlike other conspiracies for jealousy, this rite must be performed during the waning moon.

Light the wax candle, take the cut hair and the knife. It must be heated over a candle flame. Then draw the tip over the stripes and read the text of the plot:

After that, gently burn your hair with a candle and say the following words:

After the ceremony, it is necessary to carefully collect the ashes formed after the burning of the hair. Go outside or onto a balcony and blow it into the wind. This must be done immediately.

You should immediately feel a strong relief. And over time, you will understand that jealousy has subsided and no longer interferes with your love.

Conspiracy to cause jealousy

Sometimes the lack of jealousy is regarded as a lack of feelings. Therefore, such a conspiracy will help to check whether your chosen one really loves you. If the rite works, there is no need to doubt love. If not, there is no reason for jealousy, because the person is indifferent to you.

To perform the ceremony, prepare the following items:

  • Wax candles. It is best to buy them at the church shop on Friday afternoon
  • Photo of the chosen one. Clear and good quality. Eyes must be clearly visible in the image
  • Natural red fabric
  • small coin
  • Long thread of wool. Definitely red

Wait until midnight, turn off the lights in the room where the ceremony will take place. All electrical appliances must also be turned off.

Sit at the table and light the candles, placing them in a straight line. Put a coin on the photo of the chosen one and wrap both objects with a cloth. Then tie everything with woolen thread.

When you tie a photo, read the following plot:

Do not forget that the magic text must be pronounced three times. After the ceremony, hide the photograph wrapped in cloth in a secluded place, where no one will definitely find it.

Gradually, your chosen one will begin to be jealous of you. Be careful - if you feel that jealousy is too strong and bothers you, immediately burn the bundle with the photo. This action will cancel the action of the conspiracy and everything will return to normal.

Very important: use conspiracies and other magical rites to get rid of jealousy only in the most extreme cases. First you need to try to solve the problem in traditional ways.

Talk to the chosen one, try to solve the problem of jealousy together, contact a psychologist. And only if all these methods do not help, resort to the help of magic.

I didn't even know there was a conspiracy for jealousy. My husband is terribly jealous. I will definitely do this trick.

Too bad I didn't know about this conspiracy before. I think it should only be useful. In fact, jealousy is just not self-confidence.

I think jealousy is genetic pathology, and if a person is initially jealous, then no conspiracies will fix this ...

Indeed, there are such jealous people, sometimes it seems that a conspiracy will not help them. My husband is terribly jealous of me, I want to try a conspiracy, since it’s impossible to go anywhere alone!

But to some extent, I have such a conspiracy turned out. Now I believe in magic.

So that the husband is not jealous - do not give reasons. I don't know, I don't really believe in conspiracies. I believe in conversations between people and in trust.

Jealousy (for no reason) is a disease. Treated with psychotropic drugs. Haven't tried the conspiracy yet, what is it?

If a person is very jealous, then this conspiracy is worth applying.

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Unexplored world of magic and esotericism

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Jealousy refers to the negative emotions inherent in a person. Sometimes it can be beneficial, and sometimes it can cause a very serious problems, depending on the situation. It is common for people to experience it in relation to a loved one and dear person, which in one way or another they do not want to share with someone else. This emotion is very strong, its roots are so deep that to explain the origin this phenomenon happens to be ineffective. It is difficult to summon and overcome, but can be controlled in every sense with the help of magic.

Ritual to cause jealousy in a person

This feeling often leads to certain actions. In a relationship between a man and a woman, jealousy suggests that they are not indifferent to each other. Often, partners specifically use cunning tricks to make their soul mate a little jealous. Spouses most often resort to such manipulations to add a “spark” to the relationship.

It is not necessary to twist intrigues in front of the chosen one, because you can use conspiracies for jealousy to achieve the desired goal. Sometimes this is very useful if a man does not dare to propose, for example. People with strong emotions are easier to control, and jealousy is an unusually strong emotion.

In order to feel possessive and jealous, a man must be in love or very interested. Therefore, in addition to getting what you want, a ritual to incite jealousy will help determine it. true feelings. If the young lady young man doesn't matter, it just won't work.

You need to prepare first. For the ceremony you will need the following items:

  1. Red long woolen thread.
  2. Coin.
  3. Red cotton fabric. Small cut.
  4. Printed photo of the object. It is desirable that it be a clear image in full height or a portrait photo. It should be alone on it.
  5. Church wax candles 2 pieces.

The ritual is carried out in solitude, nothing should be distracting. Do it at midnight, on men at men's days, on women in women's. Put the candles one opposite the other, put a photograph on the fabric, and cover the coin on top of it and cover it with the same piece of fabric. Wrap the bundle with a thread, while reading the plot:

"How your face covered with cloth

Jealousy is born in the heart.

How to pay off with a coin,

In the heart (name of the object) settled "(three times)."

Hide the bundle in a safe place where no one can find it. If the jealousy of the partner begins to bring discomfort, the photo needs to be burned. This action will cancel the conspiracy and everything will fall into place.

Get rid of your own jealousy

When feelings for the chosen one are strong, especially if the relationship is not entirely stable, then jealousy may arise, which should not be. For example, to a married person or stupid suspicions out of the blue. Constant negative emotions and thoughts poison life, not only can they cause a mental disorder, but they can also cause very real physical health disorders.

Conspiracy from jealousy on the hair

For the ceremony, you will need a small lock of hair of a person suffering from annoying thoughts about the infidelity of the chosen one, a knife and a church wax candle. Around midnight, when the moon is waning, you need to retire to private room. Sit in front of a lit candle, draw a knife away from you over the flame, then attach it to the cut strand and say:

“I remove jealousy, I return harmony, love and family happiness.”

Important! The text of the words can be changed according to the situation. But the main formulation should be preserved that now a ritual will be performed for the good with such and such a goal.

After these words, the lock should be burned on the flame of this candle. Then you should read the plot from jealousy:

“As the fire of a candle burns this hair, so let the burning jealousy disappear, which eats me (the name of the object of the ritual) from the inside. Let it turn to dust, and the soul will find freedom. To be, in my opinion! As she said, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Blow the ashes from the hair into open window. Allow the candle to burn out on its own.

On a scarf

You can rid yourself of unreasonable jealousy, calm tense nerves and soul with the help of a new handkerchief made of white cotton. On it you need to make a stitch with threads of red and of blue color. They symbolize the two sides in a pair and will help protect against betrayal. You need to speak a scarf on the waning moon, which brings stability and harmony at this time.

Holding the handkerchief in your left hand, in a calm and quiet voice, looking at it, read these words:

“All evil go into the distance - distant and irrevocable.

Troubles and betrayals do not happen near and do not come close. This is my will.

Jealousy and anger will not come into my heart,

Only calmness and harmony, peace, and love.

A charmed handkerchief is a talisman of relationships from betrayal and jealousy. It must be carried everywhere with you. And when there is a suspicion of infidelity of the second half, it should be taken out and deployed. Then the emotions will recede, calmness will come, and thoughts will become clear again.

Get rid of your husband's jealousy

The fact that women are more likely to suffer from jealousy is a well-known fact. Nevertheless, men are obviously more inclined to commit rash acts in this state, and are more categorical in their judgments. To prove something to a jealous person and to make excuses is useless, and sometimes even dangerous.

Water is a powerful energy conductor. Not in vain knowledgeable people, giving a glass of water, they politely say “to health”, thus programming the liquid to give strength and vigor to a person.

Cup clean water will help to rid her husband of unreasonable jealousy forever. Before going to bed, you need to draw some water into a cup and read a plot on it:

“Deliver the water of my husband (name), from jealousy. Let the unbearable burden and the fear of betrayal leave his heart and soul forever. Amen!".

Drink water in three small sips on your own, the rest should be drunk by the jealous.

Ritual with a knife

The knife in the ritual symbolizes the sharpness of the feeling experienced by the one suffering from jealousy. It feels so painful, as if a sharp blade had pierced the heart. What could be worse than betrayal and deceit by a loved one?

So that your loved one is not jealous, you need to buy a knife without change on the waning moon. Still need a skein of white thread and church wax candle. Late in the evening, light a candle and wrap the knife blade with thread, reading the plot from stupid jealousy:

“It is not his fault that he is happening, feelings guide his consciousness. Ardent demons prick, knives drive into his soul. He will defend his good, he will remain the purest. I remove the pain from you with the power of my love. I give myself to you. I heal the wounds of your piercing souls with my own strength, kindness and devotion. I put bandages on them, I drive out demons with my courage. Do not suffer for you anymore (name), do not stab yourself with demonic knives, heal your wounds with your own kindness. No more itching, no more pain."

Repeat the words in a circle until all the threads from the skein are wound around the knife. Then hide it in the house in a secluded place so that no one can find it. The ritual begins to act gradually, and over time, the husband will no longer experience baseless suspicions about his wife.

Conspiracy on the bed

Many people like jealousy in their own couple. They deliberately provoke and provoke each other, so that after a heated showdown, an equally hot night will come with caresses and kisses. However, jealousy is still negative emotion. When people in love deliberately kindle negativity in the hearts of partners, then over time the relationship becomes unhealthy and painful, and love fades away.

A special ritual will help return passionate feelings to a couple. On the waning moon, in the absence of a partner, you need to lie on the bed, close your eyes and remember what the relationship was like at its peak. When you manage to tune in to the right wave, read the plot:

“Our bed, I saw the power of our love, I heard the passion of our feelings. But she does not want to see pain and destruction. And I don't want to, and you don't want to. I speak myself, my man for affection and love, for passion without destruction. Our love exists, we are sure of it. No injections are hidden in the souls, no injections will be reflected in the bed. We remain loving. As said, so be it. Otherwise, it shouldn't be."

Repeat reading the plot as many times as necessary.

From maternal jealousy

Parental love for their children is stronger than all the feelings that exist in the universe. But, unfortunately, often, it is mothers who spoil the life of their adult children. They constantly criticize their friends and loved ones. Sometimes an adult son or daughter is simply forced to hide their other half from their mother, fearing an inadequate reaction from a jealous parent.

To tame maternal jealousy, it is desirable to conduct a special ceremony on the waning moon. Take a thing of the mother, any and a cup of water. Take water in your mouth and sprinkle from your mouth on a thing with the words:

“I cool your strong love. Come back from me to yourself. When you turn your back on me, your jealousy will decrease, and your love for me will remain the same as it was. Love me, cherish, and leave me alone! Strength in you is growing, your life is getting better.

Then spray all the water in the same way. Gradually, the mother will become calmer to respond to the independence of her daughter or son.

“I will become, God's servant (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the door to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate. I will go out into the open field, to the east side. On the eastern side there is a hut, in the middle of the hut lies a board, and under the board there is longing. Anguish cries, sobs, white light waiting! So it would be for me, the servant of God (name), my dear (name of the chosen one) would wait, rejoice and have fun, looking at me. And without me he could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat; neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening. Like a fish without water, like a baby without a mother, they cannot live, so the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) without me could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor in an ordinary day, neither on holidays, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars. Drink in, longing, eat, longing, in the chest, in the heart, in the whole belly of God's servant (name of the chosen one), grow in all veins, in all bones with aching and dryness for me, God's servant (name). Amen".

A strong conspiracy on the jealousy of a guy

Not all witchcraft rites providing strong impact on, difficult to perform. This simple conspiracy to make a loved one jealous, which I offer you, is very strong and helps both boys and girls. Of course, provided it is done correctly.

Take a clean, transparent decanter made of crystal or glass. A decanter made of colored glass is also suitable, but nevertheless, transparent is better. Sprinkle it with holy water, wrap it in seven layers of paper, then in a linen towel and hide it. Nobody should pick up this decanter, your task is to follow this. Packed in this way and stored until the right time, the decanter should lie in a secret place, and it should be used when there is big celebration, will gather a lot of people - friends and relatives. The girl who wants to get rid of love longing, should take care of all the preparations for the holiday. When everything is ready, you need to get the decanter and pour red wine into it. While the wine is pouring into the decanter, the girl must have time to pronounce an independent spell of jealousy men by woman:

“Pour, sweet wine, into a transparent decanter, be you my sadness. Whoever sips this wine will forget about his sorrows, along with his sorrows, my longing will also go away, it will grow like a swan grass, it will flow into the ocean with water. I’ll pour wine for everyone, I’ll satisfy all misfortunes. I should be happy again and forget all my sorrows. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

During the feast, make sure that none of the guests themselves pour wine from this decanter on which you made independent conspiracy to jealousy. Only you yourself should treat friends and relatives. How many people drink from this decanter, the maiden's sadness will be broken into so many parts. It is important that by the end of the meal not a drop remains in the decanter. But you yourself must definitely drink wine from your decanter. After the feast, wash the decanter yourself, and then pour water purified with silver. decanter with silver water you need to leave it in a closet for seven nights, and then smash it, hitting it with all your might on the ground. So you will symbolically break all your sorrows and grief. Collect and bury glass fragments near your house, and plant any plant in that place, but I recommend a pumpkin, since it is the pumpkin that absorbs all the residual negativity. Burying the fragments of the decanter, read the Our Father nine times.