Poems with a silver wedding. Silver wedding (25 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms

silver wedding- this is really a significant date in the life of spouses, because not every couple manages to live in love and harmony for 25 years! The name of this anniversary is easily explained: what longer husband and the wife live together, the better they get to know each other, the stronger their relationship becomes.

Of course, metals have been encountered before - a cast-iron, tin, iron wedding, but silver is not only a durable, but also a noble element, and the joint life of spouses is an example for others. On this day, it is customary to give silver items to anniversaries: table sets, anniversary medals, glasses, figurines, vases, jewelry, candlesticks and other decorative elements that will bring comfort and beauty to the house. But at the same time, you should definitely stock up on suitable congratulations coming from the heart. We offer you several congratulations suitable for the occasion on silver wedding prose and verse.

Congratulations on the silver wedding

Dear anniversaries, I want to drink for the fact that for a quarter of a century you have been walking side by side with each other, helping, supporting in Hard time. You have not dropped the high title of husband and wife and added this terrible prefix "ex". We sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary, wish you health, longevity and happiness!

There are many in nature silver color- the silvery surface of the river, jets of rain under the morning sun, light cirrus clouds and crisp snow frost. Silver is the celebration of life and the embodiment of the beginning of nature. A silver wedding is a truly wonderful and precious period, so we want to drink to your well-being and marital happiness and we wish you to celebrate and golden wedding! Bitterly!

Our dear anniversaries (the names of those who celebrate the silver wedding).

Today we have gathered here to celebrate with you one of the brightest and most memorable dates - a silver wedding. And we want to dedicate a little verse to you:

Silver wedding - a wonderful anniversary,

Therefore, the audience should not forget about her,

After all, this is a romantic and colorful rite,

Silver wedding - your love parade.

Silver wedding - the excitement of the moment,

After all, it will embody the wealth of spouses of common years

And we want to celebrate the celebration with your soul,

After all, 25 years of marriage is a step towards gold!

Scientists say that sometimes silver can be valued much more than gold. I want to raise this glass to the value and uniqueness of those years that you lived together and wish you that the flame of your family hearth not only does not fade, but flares up more and more over the years!

Our dear anniversaries!

Today we are gathered around this table to testify significant date- 25th anniversary of your married life. We are glad to see that luck, love and happiness have not left you and we want to wish them to be your constant companions in the future of your path. I also really want to say that we want not only the number of candles on the family cake to grow, but also respect and love for each other, so that you celebrate more than one wedding anniversary together. For you!

In order to live in harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron endurance. Let's drink to the wonderful fusion, thanks to which we are now sitting at this table and congratulate our anniversaries!

Our dear anniversaries!

On this beautiful day, spring blossoms. Now she is blooming in the family - your lasting and happy marriage turned 25 years old. And this means that the relationship is tested not only by time, but with fate itself. We wish you happiness, love, longevity and mutual understanding, and everything else will follow!

Our dear (names of anniversaries)!

Despite the fact that now it is winter (autumn) outside the window, we wish that in your soul there will never be a place for coldness and sadness. May peace, harmony and beauty always reign in your family, and a silver wedding will become only one of the most important steps in your family. For you!

Dear anniversaries!

A silver wedding is a wonderful event and we want to wish you that your paths never diverge, that only good and kind people go hand in hand with you. good people and success at work and at home. You are already united by love, kindness and happiness, and this is a lot, so stay as you are! Today we shout “bitter” to you so that you can live sweetly for the rest of your life!

A silver wedding is an extraordinary event, it is a confirmation that the union is happy and lasting. You have shown us that even for a quarter of a century it is possible to preserve love without losing a single drop of happiness. you exchanged silver rings, and we really want your life to be as beautiful, smooth and durable as this symbol. Live long and happily! We raise this glass to you!

Time is a serious test for love. Only a strong and real feeling can overcome all adversity. And we congratulate you on this victory! We wish you warmth, happiness and harmony, for you!

If you imagine life as a rugged terrain, you can only guess what obstacles you will meet there. And we are sincerely glad that you, dear anniversaries, did not leave the race and with honor overcame all the trials that fell to your lot. A quarter of a century together is a lot, and we, ordinary fans, want to give you a silver prize (note it can be glasses, medals or a vase) to reward your work and efforts and celebrate your undoubted success. And we want to drink this glass for you! Health to you, longevity, many more achievements await you ahead!

You accept our wishes,

Happiness, joy and love,

So that there is no place for despair in life,

Nightingales wake you up at dawn.

To always be there for you

Support each other in difficult times

So that all annoying obstacles,

In this life were not for you.

Year 25 brightly celebrates
Great, beautiful family.
I look and believe - miracles happen.
Love to you, happiness, tenderness, kindness!

Eyes burn, as before, on the day of acquaintance,
It's like we just met yesterday.
All the same thrill, no pretense at all,
And your hearts beat in unison.

I wish you another twenty-five years
To love everything just as hard, just as hard.
I want to take a walk at the golden wedding
And shout the word "Bitter!" 50 times.

Silver wedding!
I congratulate you.
So many years have passed
How the family was born

I wish you happiness again
Consent and love.
Let bad weather go around
They will not meet.

Good health to you
I want to wish
So that kind, smart grandchildren
You still have to educate.

I still want to live
You have been together for many years
For a golden wedding
You don't have a ban.

Congratulations on wonderful date, with the 25th anniversary of family life. May your happiness flow like a silver stream through your life, may your love never become weaker. I wish peace and understanding in the family, harmony and prosperity in the house.

Eye to eye, intertwining hands
And understanding thoughts with a glance ...
It's great to be around
Reliable friend and interlocutor,
Your personal critic and adviser,
Your doctor, cook and mediator,
And sometimes your scout.
Walking this path together
You survived 25 winters.
And if you return again,
You wouldn't change anything.
We wish you to live happily
At least half a century more!
Surround with love, happiness
Native in a person's life!

I look at you and I know for sure
That there is love in this world.
For a quarter of a century your marriage is strong,
And there is no need for extra words.

You unraveled the secret of happiness
For other couples, you are a model.
We wish you not to know sadness
And look in one direction.

Your family is twenty-five today!
How many years have passed since the cherished date,
Today we want to wish you
So that you are rich in life:

You are rich in love and understanding.
Rich in children, grandchildren, friends.
May you have enough tenderness, attention.
You create your own happiness.

Once you were connected by a feeling,
Which everyone calls love.
Since then you have been together. Isn't this art?
Art! And also hard work.

Let a quarter of a century fly by quickly
But we will not count these days.
We wish life to boil again,
Don't let cry and get bored!

silver wedding
Pure as the sound of a stream
Up to a hundred years at least
I wish you to live.

The same strong couple
wonderful family
In love, live to the very
Before the wedding golden!

You with a silver wedding today,
My dears, congratulations!
With admiration, delight, love
I wish you health and happiness!

There was everything in life - and what?
Everything in your soul you will keep holy.
Every year you are somehow younger
Even though they've been married for twenty-five years.

There will be time to go unnoticed
There will be years to fly - you will not catch up.
Has it been many years? No!
Only a quarter of a century for two!

You are the bride and groom, as it was then,
your pure love not subject to the year.
We built a house together and shared our dreams.
Heart with heart over the years forever become related.

And the silver wedding bell rings,
You sing that there is still a lot to live,
So many roads to pass together for many years,
And patience is not the last thing here.

Enough wisdom for you to forgive and understand
Enough power of love to start something again.
So that your family hearth burns forever,
At home - a full bowl and joy in the eyes.

Anniversary shines with silver
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
So that an avalanche covers happiness
I wish you this day!

I wish you patience and tenderness,
So that your love does not grow old,
Health, vivacity, freshness,
So that life seethed, boiled!

Let all worries be forgotten
And your house will be a full bowl.
May it never collapse
A reliable union of your lives!

Silver wedding - 25 years from the date of the wedding. The name of the anniversary is explained by the fact that the spouses appreciate and respect each other, that they are like jewels for each other. Silver is a symbol of durability family union. A life lived together is an example for others. This is a quarter of a century, lived by two hearts in love and harmony, they were able to carry their feelings through long years without letting them crash into daily problems and annoyances. A gift for a silver wedding should be made of silver or include silver-plated elements. Cutlery is traditionally given various decorations, figurines, original silver souvenirs. good and an unusual gift spouses can be a collectible silver commemorative coin, presented for good luck, or a couple of cute spoons or glasses, candlesticks or photo frames that will create coziness and a romantic atmosphere in the house.

Congratulations on your silver wedding
We wish you success, happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Live in peace, love one another,
For 25 years now, you have been husband and wife.
May happiness always smile at you
Let the hearts beat in unison
Let the house be a full bowl
Let love and joy dwell in it.

25 years, as you are one family,
Handsome husband, hostess wife,
The daughter is already marriageable and the son is married,
And hearts, as before, tremulously knock.
With a silver wedding, congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
May your fate be happy
May God grant you health, longevity, kindness.

On this day we met again
To good luck to you, wish you happiness,
Like 25 years ago
Everyone is happy to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live in harmony and love
Always appreciate each other
God forbid that age does not rush for a long time,
And that there was prosperity in the house.

25 years since golden rings are worn,
And there is a seal in the certificate,
At the table you are young again,
We want to wish you happiness and good luck.
Let life give you inspiration
Let luck walk side by side
Let there be many bright impressions
May there be 365 happy days a year.

You live as a friendly family for 25 years,
There is no better and happier couple in the world,
Fun is knocking on your house like silver,
Let fate give you only inspiration.
We wish you prosperity and good luck,
Mutual love for many years in addition,
Good health, good luck and warmth,
Patience, attention, joy, kindness.

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding - the most beautiful rite,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding - an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

Adam donated a rib
To get a wife.
You found each other without a rib,
And your wedding is silver
Already gives - worthy metal:
Pleasant shine does not hurt the eyes,
The color is light, matte-calm..
Let me congratulate you:
Together you know the meaning of life
Love carried through the years
Finding peace and happiness
They became a single, common whole.
We don't know what Adam would say
But would support us, perhaps:
We want you to stay
And continue to be such a wonderful couple!

We watched the fire every day
Which flared up more and more.
And at night and wonderful day
You cherished the fire of love.
And now the long-awaited hour has come,
When we congratulate you,
So turn to us
Your clear and cheerful eyes.
We wishes a whole kilo
We will ship it to you in a beautiful package.
We so want to wish you
So that soon you can again
To those gentle, beautiful days
Add a new, colorful environment.
So that you can never lose each other!

silver wedding- it's whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

For a silver wedding, a husband and wife must exchange silver rings with each other, which will henceforth be worn on the middle finger. right hand, Near wedding ring. Also, in addition to the rings, the spouses exchange bouquets of 5 flowers.

Invited guests are also required to donate silverware, including jewelry and crockery. You need to celebrate the anniversary without skimping on treats. Guests, in turn, should not skimp on gifts. After all, the value of gifts should correspond to the value of a twenty-five-year relationship.
It is recommended to celebrate this celebration in the same place where the spouses first exchanged rings. On this anniversary, in the circle of guests, the spouses remember the best moments of life in marriage.

You have an anniversary today
And a great date.
How many months and days
Gone since you've been married!

Oh, how to scream
Such lovely couple"Bitterly!".
What is "twenty-five"?
A hundred times you live so much.

Today is the Silver Day
And silver is a sacred metal.
Let the head shine
And the feelings will remain the same.

Already the twenty-fifth anniversary
And it seems not so much.
But feelings are stronger and brighter,
The road has already been paved.

We wish you not to break
Those bonds that tightly bound you,
And do not be sad, and do not be bored,
Even if they got tired somewhere.

And there's another stage ahead
Now we must strive for it -
Survive to the golden wedding
And enjoy this moment.

How quickly the years go by
They can not be returned and not caught up.
You have a silver wedding
You are exactly twenty-five together!

You are our role model
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Survive until the golden wedding!

Congratulations, my dear, on a wonderful date - 25 years of happy married life! You have already been through a lot: both good and bad. But these circumstances did not break your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it would be so for more than a dozen years. May everything be fine with your family: incomes increase, love multiplies, trust grows stronger and doubts never arise regarding each other. Many, many positive and bright days, kind tender words. Continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your own hands. Happy silver wedding!

Happy, wonderful anniversary!
You have been together for 25 wonderful years.
May your life be happy
And keep your joy a secret!

As before, walk hand in hand
On the long path of life
Respect each other, adore,
To save love from various storms!

You didn't have time to look back
Haven't lost the passion yet
All of a sudden this week
Marriage happened twenty-five!

Didn't get wrinkles
Still gray hair - no, no,
And the years in a long string
Gone like a weekend.

Or maybe this is great:
That did not have time to grow old,
And the children grew up, and it's clear
What soon can grandchildren sing songs?

Still so young
And everyone is just great.
Wearing a suit and dress, now
Go down the aisle again!

Others should take an example from you,
And we probably will.
Having such friends is a reward
After all, everyone around you is in love!

Health, happiness and from now on
From now on, be so young.
Take care of half
Cherish, cherish and love!

Fate brought you together for a reason,
Led difficult roads.
But if the hand is in the hand and the heart is sweet,
The couple will be together forever!

We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary,
Not a joke - a quarter of a century outside the window.
How important it is to meet a person in life
And share a common home with him.

A silver wedding is a date.
Segment of life as much as twenty-five.
Kiss, hug like once,
Well, turn back the years!

We wish you well, love and respect,
But, the truth is, we know it's all with you.
The key to family comfort is the height of patience.
Today all words are for you!

You lived a quarter of a century
Only in harmony, in love.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
This holiday is for two!

Let the silver wedding
It will give you only peace.
We wish you much happiness
And live to be golden!

It will be useful for everyone to know
That you are all twenty-five
Winters are fierce, very hot years
That vow given to each other
Resolutely kept in their hearts,
And every year only loved
Everything is sincere and stronger.
About your hectic life all
Many books can be written
... but I want to wish you
Keep romance, loving.
You have the main thing - family!

Silver date -
You've been together for a quarter of a century.
Do you remember how once
Did you give the ring to the bride?

Do you remember how once
Did you choose a dress?
And "wedding-wedding-wedding"
It sounded in your soul.

So I want to congratulate
With a wonderful date.
There is nothing to dissemble here:
You are great guys!

Take care of each other
Love, cherish.
And an example for children
As before, you serve!

Silvered the life of whiskey
A silver wedding is coming.
And life is still ahead
You would catch up with the blue bird!

The children are almost adults
They charted their paths
And you guys are still young.
Even younger than ever.

You met your love
Which still excites the blood.
For loyalty and for a friendly home
Fate will give silver.

Let there be a lot of silver
In pockets, in bank accounts.
Health, peace to you, goodness,
Shine of youth in the eyes!

May your children flourish
Let them not have their souls in you.
May you beloved grandchildren
Congratulations on the golden date!

Congratulations to the closest: parents

Parents are the main and most dear people who love just like that, without demanding anything in return. Therefore, on such a beautiful day, they are very important nice words from children. Do not forget to express gratitude for the care, patience and strong family.

25 years is a lot or a little
Before you could just blink your eyes,
Life began to look different
Wisdom is a gift for the path traveled.
WITH silver date we congratulate you
Sincere joy, great happiness

With all my heart, we wish you, parents,
And may your dreams always come true.

My relatives, unsurpassed parents, I hasten to congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of an interesting life together. Now you have a silver medal for family achievements in your arsenal. I wish you, my dears, also confidently, interestingly and cheerfully follow your own path, maintaining the hot flame of the hearth and a happy mood in a cozy home.

Dad and mom, since we didn’t have the opportunity to congratulate you on your wedding day for the first time, now we want to improve by beautifully congratulating you on the 25th anniversary of our family. You again give each other rings as a sign of fidelity and love. Let new stage will become even more vibrant good events and happy. We will be extremely happy to see you hand in hand throughout our family life.

Congratulations on a silver wedding from friends: we express respect and support

Your friends are approaching a silver wedding, and you are still thinking about what words to say? It doesn't matter, use our congratulations to prepare your speech, surprising your friends with sincerity and originality.

Favorite friends! On this magnificent day, I would like to wish you exclusively endless love. Let its shine be as spectacular as new silver. Let love easily overshadow all your difficulties. So that your home is daily filled with mutual understanding. Let the hearth warm not only your hearts, but also fill your souls with happiness and family peace. Live the next quarter of a century even more beautiful and brighter!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on an excellent day - the 25th anniversary of your family. When you decided to weave two destinies into one, two stars in the sky began to burn brighter. Let them continue to guide you through life, bypassing problems and difficulties. Continue to be a support and support for each other. So that the sky above your heads is clean and clear and not a single cloud can overshadow your family happiness. Treat each other with care, because it is difficult to find a couple as first-class as yours. Let a great feeling help you overcome life's hardships, let them be so insignificant that you don't even focus your attention!

Over the years, you have become more beautiful,
It's so great to see you two together.
On your silver wedding day
We send news in poetry.
You have become more valuable to each other,
The bonfire sparkles with passion.
To your family circle
Everyone envies from an early age.
We wish you success, health!
Go ahead with your dream.
Walk together with love
For your golden wedding.

Beautiful congratulations in prose: simple, affordable, from the heart

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on retaining the valuable title of spouses, on the fact that you did not add the useless prefix "ex-" to it and raised it to new level concept of right and happy love. We are incredibly happy for you and wish you well-being, health and longevity. Long live our silver "newlyweds"!

There is a family-patience, capable of relaxing to deprivation of self-awareness, there is a family-competition, leading to rage and exhausting spouses. Now I raise my glass to a happy family, in which spouses understand and forgive each other for 25 years, to a family in which harmony reigns.

Silver is a noble and pure metal, it attracts kings, drives women crazy. Let your family life will be spotless like silver, and bring happiness to everyone around. Bitterly!

Congratulations on a silver wedding in your own words: we speak beautifully

Congratulations on a great date - the 25th anniversary of marriage. May your happiness flow through life like a silvery stream, may your love never become powerless. We wish harmony and mutual support in the family, harmony and prosperity.

Congratulations on your silver wedding! We wish that harmony and understanding always reigned in your relationships. So that nothing in this fickle world unsettles you. Happy waiting for the golden wedding!

Cool congratulations on the 25th anniversary of marriage

Humor will be appropriate in a warm, sincere atmosphere, where relatives and friends have gathered.

There is no family more wonderful than yours,
She is twenty-five long years old,
There is no more beautiful bride in the world
And the husband is handsome, let the grandfather,
We gathered to congratulate you
And wish you good luck
And for a golden wedding
Don't forget to call us.
Let the silver shine
Gives joy and warmth
Congratulations on your anniversary
Stay close to everyone for evil!

Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of strong bonds and magical happiness. We wish you to always live peacefully and brightly, to be for each other a bolt and a nut, a flowerpot and a flower, an attractive depth and a starfish, a crispy bun and delicious tea.

Short congratulations

Congratulations on your 25th anniversary happy life, with a silver wedding. We wish you boundless joy, faithful and true love, well-being and unquenchable delight, friendly atmosphere and joint achievements.

Our beloved anniversaries! On this day, your family celebrates its 25th anniversary. Half of the life path has been passed, and we wish the second half to be even happier and more successful.

For a bright and memorable holiday, we offer you a script for a silver wedding anniversary on our website www.site.