We make a magic wand with our own hands. How to make a Harry Potter wand

The incomprehensible, but such bewitching words that Harry Potter uttered in moments of danger and in witchcraft lessons are memorized by many schoolchildren. Joan Rowling's book has long become a desktop, and the young magician's magic wand has become a talisman.

The uniqueness of the Potter wand

When Harry first learned that he was to be trained in the school of great wizards, he was a little confused. All famous magicians, in addition to knowledge and experience, had a personal wand that suited their temperament. Thanks to the generosity and kindness of Hagrid - guide and mentor - the newcomer got his own tool for spells.

Harry's wand is made of holly, and in the core is the feather of a Phoenix rising from the ashes. This product is unique as it has a twin brother. A boy from a kind of good magicians becomes the owner of a powerful thing. But her abilities more than once protected the owner from mortal danger and bailed out of trouble.

What do you need to create Harry's artifact?

Recreating a rare relic, for the possession of which many sorcerers fought, is truly an exciting activity. You can make a similar stick with your child, connecting him to the process of decorating and choosing color design basic materials. Of course, it is unlikely to be able to make exactly the same wand, since it is impossible to find the feathers of a resurrecting bird, but any master can bring a copy as close as possible to the original.

To do this, it is not necessary to look into Diagon Alley, you can get by with improvised means or inexpensive parts from the nearest hardware store. The design of the wand assumes the presence of:

It will take only four tools to fit the stick to a specific size and give it symmetry - a ruler, a saw, sandpaper, a glue gun. As decorative elements fit small beads dark tones. It will give the product nobility and elegance.

If desired, LEDs can be placed in such a stick. Then the wooden base will need to be sawn and the backlight placed inside the workpiece. Install a switch invisibly on the surface.

Step-by-step algorithm for creating a stick

To make a magical inventory, you do not need to invent or invent anything. A series of master classes in video and printed versions is posted on the Internet, following which it is very easy to make magic wand.

The most popular way is to manually process the branch. If its length is more than 11 centimeters, you should shorten the workpiece, and then grind the wood and bring the surface to optimal smoothness without roughness. Next, proceed to the formation of the relief at the end with a glue gun. The handle of the weapon that does the will of the magician should be slightly thickened with smooth bending lines. Small decorative fittings are subsequently mounted on it.

It is desirable to paint the product in brown or another dark color under the imitation of natural wood. After painting, the stick should be fixed with a colorless varnish and allowed to dry.

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Our world is amazing in itself, but sometimes you want to bring a little more magic and magic into it! Few people know that you can make a real magic wand yourself !!! Well, how? Do you want to learn how to make a magic wand, observing everything magic rules and the secrets of how to handle and store it? Follow our instructions exactly, and you will have a personal magic wand that will certainly cheer you up, serve as a beauty and make you feel like Harry Potter or an excellent Hermione.

A real magic wand should be exclusive and individual! Since she herself chooses her own, so to speak, owner and copyright holder. It acts as a conduit for the energy of magic and wonder.

Material selection

Few rules, but they are. Mr Ollivander confirms!

Firstly, the stick must be natural, i.e. made from wood. It must be chosen in the forest, since city trees are weak when it comes to vitality tree. Such trees have a broken connection with the elements.

You need to go to the forest or park for a branch with positive attitude and complete harmony in the soul. At this moment, you should have the desire to merge with nature. Also time your trip and making a magic wand with the growing phase of the moon.

In addition, the tree itself must give you a twig. To do this, you must mentally sincerely turn to the tree with a request.

Then you must take a twig in your hand and feel exactly your wand. Close your eyes and listen to your feelings: has the branch become, as it were, an extension of your hand ...

Do not forget to thank the tree and give it some of your positive energy. So the wand will retain its connection with the forest and will generate its energy in itself.

Since ancient times, it was believed that elder and hazel are endowed with magical qualities.

Cut the branch carefully and quickly with a sharp knife. The size of the wand should be equal to the length from your middle finger on your hand to your elbow. It is better to hide the selected branch from prying eyes and bring it home. In the house, she should be nourished by your energy.

Manufacturing technology

Making a wand is a whole sacrament, so it must be hidden from prying eyes.

Clear the branch of your choice of bark and knots. Handle carefully sandpaper to make your stick smooth. At the same time, you need to say the magic words to yourself:

“I conjure you, O almighty branch (oak, maple, etc.) by the forces of the four elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire! Embrace their strength and power. Be my faithful assistant!

Next, at the base of the branch, you need to make a hole. It can be done with a screwdriver, screw, nail or drill. Do it especially carefully so that the stick does not crack. A magic core must be placed in the hole made. But what kind of core it will be, you need to determine yourself.

If you want to be helped AIR energy, then you can put it in a stick bird feather but not a black crow or a rooster.

Crystal or pebble give your wand energy of the EARTH. Perhaps you will choose a stone that has certain properties or suits your horoscope.

You can also use field herbs. For example, rosemary symbolizes long memory, sage wisdom, lavender devotion, laurel glory.

Attention! Under no circumstances should curry powder be used to create sticks.

Small ember fill the wand energy of FIRE.

WATER the most complex element, it is unchanging in its variability, therefore it can be symbolized wire, spring washed ashore amber or small soldered flask with water from the source of your choice.

After you have placed the core in the stick, you need to seal the hole in the stick. It is necessary to seal the wand on consecrated water. Draw on the print initial letter selected element. different schools the occult have various options writing the four great elements, choose the one that is closest to you.


Some magicians cover the wand with varnish. It's not forbidden, but it's not encouraged either. It is better to cover it with natural, pleasantly smelling oil, wrap it in a scarf and leave it like that until the next full moon.

However, it all depends on the magician, so you can decorate the wand with beads, stones, or give it the necessary shape with hot glue and paint it with paint. This is more clearly presented in the master class. igrateshka for beginner wizards:

Also, the stick can be decorated with feathers.

Wrap with magic twine and add a magic crystal.

Acorns, elements of marine fauna - all this can be useful in the decor of your wand.

Copper wire will also help with this.

If you own art, then perhaps you can create a magical masterpiece.

Rite of passage

This is the final stage in the creation of the wand, one might say, the launch of its magic to life. It is recommended to dedicate the wand on Beltane or Walpurgis Night (May 1) or You Saiman (October 31). To do this, at midnight, the magic wand is placed on a clean white cloth. A lit candle is placed nearby.

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following words: “Become a guide, helper and keeper!” Next, the candle must be extinguished in water and buried in the ground. The ritual must be done completely.

In this case, the owner of the magic wand must remember:

Wishing and doing evil - the wizard will lose his power. It will happen suddenly and irrevocably!

Don't hurt anyone with your wand. Better wish well-being, health, prosperity and joy to your loved ones and friends!

Do not throw it anywhere and do not point it at anyone! This important rules while using it!

Magic wand for a little fairy

Little fairies also need a real magic wand. You don’t need to do it according to all the rules, because children have the power to change the world with the help of fantasies, so the wand should only help you feel like a fairy fairy!

Take a piece of ribbon or fabric and cut it into narrow strips. It will be more interesting to look if the stripes are different colors. The more there are, the more magnificent the magic wand will be, or rather its top. Gather the cut strips into a fluffy pom-pom. It can be complemented with beads and satin or silk ribbons. We wrap the stick itself with tape or paint it in desired color. We assemble our stick by attaching our pom-pom to it! The wand is ready, even a child can make this!

Watch the master class TullnieShtuchki how to make a fancy magic wand:

In the same way, you can make an astrologer's wand:

In company with a stick, you can make a small or, with or.

Lace is also relevant in the magical theme!

Beads, rhinestones and feathers will also come in handy.

Do not forget about, perhaps the wand belongs to the flower fairy.

We turn a simple pencil into a real magic wand!

This is the easiest way to make a stick at home. First, do not look for a branch on a tree. Secondly, it is easy and simple, and there is a pencil in every home.

We take a pencil, it is better to pick it up with a stiffness index “T” or “T2” and sharpen it, and then decorate the stick with a satin ribbon or other dense fabric.

You can combine ribbons of different colors. Fasten the ends of the tapes with glue.

We cut out stars from felt or felt paper that match the color of our stick.

We fasten it all to our stick.

The wand is ready, you can go to conjure!

The simplest magic wand is made of paper

A magic wand can also be made from plain sheet A4 paper. In addition, you will need: PVA glue, glue gun, scissors, acrylic paints, brush and sparkles.

We take landscape sheet A4, about 2/3 of it is coated with PVA glue and we begin to carefully twist diagonally into a tube. In this case, the tube should acquire a conical shape, tapering towards the bottom. We give our future stick to dry and cut off the excess edges with scissors.

We take a glue gun and fill the void of the stick from the side of the wider edge. Instead of glue, it can be filled with cotton wool or paper, which is more convenient for you to work with.

After the glue has hardened, you can start decorating the stick. To do this, we use a glue gun to make monograms and intricate patterns on a stick. We are waiting for the pattern to dry.

We cover the top of the stick with acrylic paint, decorate the bulges of the pattern with sparkles.

Paper magic wand is ready!

You can see this process in more detail and clearly in the master class. lusciousbus:

How to make different magic wands from sushi sticks and old brushes, see the master class children's channel Veta and Harry:

Every day, the well-known and beloved hero Harry Potter wins more and more hearts of young children, as well as children adolescence who are already fully immersed in learning magical skills and various ancient spells.

Today, it is important to have a magic wand with you. It is possible to perform it with home methods, without resorting to magical theory. To make it, a person needs a small branch of wood, scissors, foil, glue, a combination with neon and a knife.

Where is it possible to find a branch for a future magic branch? That's right, in the forest or in the nearest park. We find there a branch of a tree that is suitable, in your opinion, with the help of a knife we ​​will clean it of unnecessary wood and make it in round shape with a thin tip.

Next, wrap the handle with foil and secure with glue. We use a tube of neon to cover the wand up to the handle. Give it some time to dry and see what color your wand takes on at night. That's it, the magic wand, like Harry Potter's, is ready!

Helpful Hints

In order for the stick to glow in the sun, wrap it completely with foil or varnish it, and sprinkle with simple sparkles.

It also takes a quality of imagination to end up with a wonderful magical tool, even better than Harry Potter himself, in this kind of activity, such as making a wand with your own hands.

Dedication of the Magical Instrument

The final stage is considered by many people to be the initiation of a magic wand. This procedure is best performed at one of the fire festivals, the number of which magical communities give out in great numbers every year.

Most people from magical communities dedicate their magical tools to Beltane or Samhain. If you do not want to dedicate your wand to these heroes, then such a procedure can be done at night on a full moon.

To initiate your wand at night, you need to take it outside your home, put it on the material in the moonlight, put a lighted candle at its two ends. At this time, with the help of our thoughts, we dedicate a magic instrument full moon and we swear that we will not do evil to all living beings. This completes the initiation process, now you have become a full-fledged owner of a magic wand.

All children adore fairy tales about wizards and sorceresses, and the worldwide popularity of the saga of the boy with a scar is only a confirmation of this. Starting from the very early age, kids listen to fairy tales about a magic wand that can fulfill any desire, and then arrange games, imagining themselves as sorcerers. Of course, during the game, both a simple knot from a tree and a pencil from school pencil case, and a violin bow. But the game will be much more interesting if you use a wand that looks "like a real one." In addition, this magical accessory can become part of fancy dress on New Year or Halloween. Let's try to help little wizards and make a toy magic wand quickly and easily with our own hands.

As a basis for the simplest magic wand, an ordinary pencil is used, which can be found in every home. To believe that this is not just a subject for writing, but a real magical artifact, you will have to do some manipulations with it.

How to make a magic wand with your own hands from a pencil

1) We take a new pencil of any color and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator for half an hour. New pencil must be taken so that the wand is longer and more beautiful, and the cold will help to clean the future wand from " negative energy and charge it with "magic".

2) After half an hour, we take out the pencil from the freezer and carefully sharpen its tip. On a piece of paper you need to write something like "Wand, work!". Wrap a pencil in paper and place it next to your TV or computer to recharge.

3) Now it's time to move on to the design of the stick. You can wrap it in bright paper with sparkles, and fix an asterisk on the crown - you get a pencil wand designed for a magician. Instead of paper, you can use silver foil, and attach shiny “rain” threads to the star.

4) Our magic wand is ready, you can start small miracles!

All little girls are in the soul of a sorceress and princess. That is why elven outfits with tiny wings, toy tiaras with rhinestones and fairy tales about good people are so popular. magical characters. A gift in this theme will appeal to almost any little lover of miracles and adventures.

For a fairy it is better to make a wand in tender pastel colors and decorate it with glitter. At the top, not only an asterisk can be fixed as a decoration, but also any other small figure, for example, a tiny toy unicorn. Also very impressive will look narrow satin ribbons, which must be fixed to the top of the stick. With each stroke, they will flutter, creating a spectacular train.

We make a magic wand using the kanzashi technique

Kanzashi magic wands require a little more patience and time to make, but the result is worth it. Since the elements for kanzashi are made of satin and rep tapes, then it is recommended to wrap the base for the stick with a material of the corresponding color (you can use universal glue). Next, proceed to the manufacture of the top for the stick. For example, it can be a flower of five two-layer kanzashi petals. In the center, you need to fix a bead or rhinestone.

To make the flower on a stick look more voluminous, you need to attach a base of ribbons collected with loops under it. For creating full image using a similar technique, you can make other magical accessories for children, for example, a diadem.

For Harry Potter fans.

The wand options listed above are suitable for young children who do not associate this artifact with any particular fairy tale. However, older children clearly associate wands with the world of wizards from Hogwarts. IN this case with a simple pencil, decorated with glitter is indispensable.

Each character from the world of Harry Potter had a personal magic wand made of a certain wood. Some magical element must be hidden in its center, which gives it magic power(unicorn hair, phoenix feather, etc.). For example, the first wand of Harry Potter himself contained a phoenix feather, and the wand of the villainous sorceress Bellatrix Lestrange was made of wood. walnut and dragon veins. Of course, to find these magical ingredients in real world difficult, but you can try to use exactly the tree that was mentioned in the book to make your favorite character's wand.

Video on the topic of the article

Even more original ideas on making toy wands that look “almost like real ones”, you can peep in the following video tutorials.

Every young wizard dreams of getting his own wand and going to Hogwarts. Still think your owl just got lost somewhere along the way? Do not worry! You can get a nice wand anyway without going to Ollivander's. Of course, she won't be able to choose you properly, but she will be a great addition to a brand new robe!


Stick made from a wooden nail or branch

    Buy a wooden nail about 25-30 cm long. You can find one at a craft supply store, where they usually come in packs of several. You can buy a longer nail and then cut off the excess with a hacksaw.

    • You can also use a branch you found on the street. Choose one that is no thicker than your finger, about the length you want, and almost no kinks.
  1. Sand one end of the stick so that it becomes rounded. This will be the tip of the stick. You can even give the wand a tapered shape so that it tapers a bit towards the tip like in the movies. Start with coarse grit sandpaper and finish polishing the stick with fine grit sandpaper.

    • If you are working with a branch, it is better to remove all sharp and jagged growths with sandpaper. You can leave the bark and knobby growths on the branch, but if desired, they can be cut or sanded.
  2. If you want, you can use hot glue to form a handle. Usually this part of the stick is approximately the length of the finger. Cover the entire handle of your wand with hot glue. Let the glue harden, and then, if desired, apply 2-3 more layers of glue in the same way.

    • Not all sticks require a handle. For example, Hermione's wand does not have a handle.
    • Once the hot glue has hardened, you can cut patterns into it with the hot nozzle of the glue gun.
  3. You can glue a bead or button to the base of your wand handle. Some sticks have a convex part at the end of the handle. You can make the same by gluing a convex bead or button to the base of the stick with hot glue. Find something about the same width as the base of your wand so it's not too big.

    • Don't worry if the color doesn't match, you can color your wand later.
  4. If desired, using hot glue, you can apply a pattern to the rest of the stick. This material is ideal for making a spiral pattern on a wand, like Hermione Granger. This can be done by rotating the wand with the fingers of one hand, and applying the pattern with hot glue with the other hand. And if you don't have hot glue, you can wrap the handle with duct tape, or use polymer clay to make a good handle without a glue gun.

    Paint the workpiece in the main color with acrylic paint and leave to dry. Most wands are in shades of brown, but you can make a black wand or even a white wand. To add texture and depth to the color, paint the wand several shades of the same color. For example, you can paint the wand brown, using light and dark brown shades.

    • Try thinning the acrylic paint with water to show the wood texture in some places.
  5. Try to achieve the effect of "aging". Mix more dark shade base color paints and fill in all the cracks and chips on the stick with it. Then make a lighter shade of the main color paint and emphasize all the prominent parts on the stick with it. For this work, take a small, pointed brush.

    Let the paint dry, then apply a fixing emulsion to the paint layer to make it stick better. When outside, place your wand on a sheet of newspaper. Apply a colorless fixative to it acrylic paints and let dry. Then turn the stick over and fix the other side with a fixer. Let the fixative dry and repeat the procedure if necessary.

    • It is not necessary to apply a fixing emulsion to the stick, but it will prevent the paint from coming off too quickly. You can use a glossy or matte fixer.

    chopstick product

    Buy chopsticks. If you are making a chopstick for a child, a simple chopstick will do just fine. If you are making a wand for a teenager or adult, look for bamboo stick for cooking, which is approximately 38 cm long.

    • Don't worry if the color doesn't match, you can color the blank later.
    • Can't find chopsticks anywhere? Instead, you can take a long wooden art brush. Simply remove the lint part along with the metal nozzle. You can also break off this part or saw it off with a hacksaw.
  6. Using hot glue, form the handle and stick. The handle should be about the length of your finger. Cover the part of the workpiece where the handle will be with hot glue, let it harden. If desired, you can add 2-3 more layers.

    Glue a bead or button to the base of the stick. Some sticks have a more intricate hilt base. If you want your wand to have one, try gluing a small bead or raised button to the base of the handle. The fittings should be the same width as the base of your stick, that is, do not go beyond the edges of the base too much.

    • Choose a bead or button according to your design and don't worry about the color, because it can be painted.
    • You can always leave a button or bead unpainted, especially if it looks like a crystal!
  7. Most of the wands are done in shades of brown, but there were also white and black wands in the Harry Potter films. You can even paint your wand several shades of the same color to make it look more like wood.

    • If your chopsticks are made from bamboo, try thinning your acrylic paint with water. With this technique, you can show the texture of the wood, which will shine through the paint.
  8. A little "age" your wand with darker and lighter shades of the base color. With a darker shade of base color paint, fill in all the cracks and chips on the stick. Using a cotton swab or a pointed brush, you can fill in such hard-to-reach places on a stick with paint. Then make a lighter shade of the main color paint and emphasize all the prominent parts on the stick with it.

  9. Treat the stick with a clear emulsion to set the acrylic paint to make it last longer. Take the wand outside and place it on a sheet of newspaper. Apply acrylic paint fixer and let dry, then turn the stick over and work on the other side. Repeat these steps if necessary.

    • It is not necessary to apply a fixer, but this way the paint on the product will last longer.
    • You can choose between matte or glossy finish.
  10. Paper magic wand

    1. Roll up a sheet of paper into a small, thin, tight roll. Start on the left bottom corner sheet and roll it towards the upper right corner. Stop when you pass the widest part of the leaf.

      Apply some liquid glue to the remaining third of the sheet. To prevent the paper from getting too wet, apply glue with a brush. thin layer. At this stage, you can hide the core in the stick. Here is what wizards usually use:

      • Phoenix Feather: Red, orange or yellow feather.
      • Dragon Heartstring: A piece of red yarn.
      • Unicorn Hair: Silvery or iridescent hair of tinsel.
    2. Roll up the paper to the end and hold until the glue dries. This will take 20 to 30 minutes. If you find it inconvenient to hold the stick for so long, you can secure it with a thread. The glue must be completely dry before you move on to the next step.

      Cut off the ends straight. The ends of rolled paper tend to have sharp edges. Use scissors or a utility knife to cut off both sharp ends. Trim one end more than the other: this will make it wider, just enough to make a handle.

      Apply some hot glue to both ends of the stick. Thus, you additionally secure the roll, and it will not unfold. As a finishing touch, hot glue a small raised button or bead to the base of the stick with hot glue. Make sure that the width of the fittings matches the diameter of the base of your stick: the bead or button should not protrude too much from the edges of the base.

      Using hot glue, draw patterns on the stick. You can use hot glue to form the handle of the wand (usually the handle is as long as your finger). You can also use hot glue to draw curled patterns on the rest of the stick.

      • If desired, you can glue cute beads or buttons on the handle to decorate it with a raised pattern.
    3. Fix the design of the stick with a primer. It is best to use a paint primer, gesso (gypsum primer), or even decoupage glue (such as Mod Podge brands). Let the primer dry before continuing. This will prevent the paper from getting too wet when you start painting it, otherwise it may tear.

      Paint the stick in the main color with acrylic paint. Most of the wands are done in shades of brown, but there were also white and black wands in the movies. You can paint the whole stick in one color, or you can use several shades of the same color. For example, you can paint the wand brown by adding strokes of light and dark brown shades to make it look more like wood.

    4. A little "age" the wand and let the paint dry. In this way, you will emphasize the raised patterns on the stick. The darker shade of the paint you are using, apply cotton swab or with a pointed brush on all the cracks and hollows of the pattern on the stick. Then more light shade paint underline all the protruding edges on the stick.

      • If your sticks are black, you will need to emphasize only the protruding parts, if white, then you need to draw only the shadows.
      • A glue gun can overheat and burn, even one that is operated at low temperatures Therefore, while working with it, do not leave children unattended by adults.

      What will you need

      For a stick made from a wooden nail or branch

      • Short, thin wooden nail
      • glue gun
      • glue stick
      • Acrylic paints

      For chopstick product

      • chopstick
      • glue gun
      • glue stick
      • Foam rubber or regular brushes
      • Acrylic paints
      • Small beads or raised buttons (optional)
      • Acrylic fixing emulsion can (recommended)

      For paper stick

      • Sheet paper or printer paper
      • PVA glue
      • glue gun
      • glue stick
      • Foam rubber or regular brushes
      • Acrylic paints
      • Small beads or raised buttons (optional)
      • Acrylic fixing emulsion can (recommended)