Labradorite properties. The magical abilities of labradorite. Rules for wearing a Labrador

A bizarre play of light, mysterious reflections of mother-of-pearl, depth of shades, halftones, this is a Labrador. The alien stone, among other wonders of nature, is one of the most interesting in terms of lithotherapy. A mineral that has absorbed the Moon and the Sun, giving birth to magic, as it was born by it.

Labradorite or labradorite

The volcanic origin of the labradorite breed gives the labradorite stone its unique appearance. In the heat of fiery processes, a combination of quartz, plagioclase, pyroxene, feldspar occurs, this is how a mineral is born, of moderate hardness, 6.5 according to Mohs, of a surprisingly attractive appearance.

The unearthly beauty of the Labrador gave him many names, a peacock eye, a Hyperborean rainbow. The official name comes from the place where the breed was first discovered on the island of Labrador.

Other deposits are known, the north of Europe is rich in rock, considerable accumulations hide the Himalayas. In Australia, large deposits of labradorite are being developed, which, due to its physical and mechanical properties, is subject to cutting.

There are some varieties of Labrador:
  • spectrolite;
  • lynx eye;
  • tavusite;
  • black Moon.

They are classified color shades, a small difference in composition, chemical and physical characteristics, but this is one mineral that has its own unique properties given by nature, the Moon, the Sun.

The popularity of stone has a considerable age, for more than 300 years mankind has been admiring the aesthetics of jewelry, handicrafts, interior inserts, and furniture. Labrador can be seen in the decoration of some stations of the Moscow metro, the Mausoleum.

A properly cut Labrador is mesmerizing. There is something unreal, unearthly, incomprehensible in it.

Description of the Labrador stone

Almost featureless in low light, it flashes with all the colors of the rainbow at the slightest hit of a ray of light. The same feature has ancient Indian diamonds, known for their mystical properties. Labrador too magic stone. He has a huge number of undeniable advantages. reveals the secrets of this magical mineral.

Labrador and its uses

This stone belongs to the category of feldspars from the group of plagioclases of the main composition and is considered calcium and sodium aluminosilicate. Its hardness is 6-6.5, and the density is 2.7 g/cm3, its luster is vitreous to metallic. The mineral crumbles under strong pressure, it is quite brittle - it breaks on impact, and also melts and dissolves in acid. In nature, it is most often found in the form of coarse-grained aggregates, perforated inclusions or boulders; crystals are extremely rare.

Labrador has several names - black moonstone, peacock or tausin stone. Some of its varieties are sometimes referred to as bull's eye, spectrolite and caryatite.

In its raw form, the Labrador looks rather unattractive - it is dark gray or greenish gray, and sometimes black. You can easily pass by him, not even realizing that you missed such a jewel. But after a small cut, it acquires iridescence and begins to sparkle - flashes and glare of red, yellow, blue, lilac, blue appear on it. Sometimes whole landscapes appear on the cut of a Labrador; a variety called labradorite or spectrolite is distinguished by a special artistry.

The stone got its international name in honor of the island of Labrador, where Europeans first “met” it. It happened in the XVIII century. However, in Rus' it has been known since time immemorial - it was found in the decorations of the tombs of kings, it was used in the construction of temples.

Jewelry (rings, bracelets, earrings and pendants) from the Labrador in Russia began to be produced after it became fashionable in Europe. Its iridescence inspired not only goldsmiths, but also fabric makers - the material with flashes was very popular with court beauties and other wealthy ladies.

Nowadays, the Labrador is used as ornamental stone to decorate significant objects. So, for example, it can be found in the decoration of some metro stations, in the pedestals of monuments and monuments, in the altars of churches. How semiprecious stone it is used to create jewelry and precious figurines, prices for which can reach incredible heights.

Australian Labrador and Finnish Spectrolite are most often used for rings, earrings and other items of individual wear, as they are better cut than other types and have an incredibly expressive texture.

Labradors are mined in Ukraine, Australia, Germany, Finland and India, as well as in Greenland, Canada, Mexico, the USA, Brazil and Madagascar. This stone is also found in Russia, at least large boulders were found in the vicinity of Moscow and near St. Petersburg.

The magical properties of the Labrador

Labrador is a unique stone, its mystical properties extend to almost every aspect of our existence. Love, self-knowledge, health - this unusual and wonderful mineral helps in all this.

Labrador is just a godsend for those who are engaged in the occult sciences. It contributes to the development of magical vision, enhances the gift of foresight, sharpens intuition. This stone reveals the hidden potential in a person, helps to determine the true path.

If you have paranormal abilities, a penchant for clairvoyance, telepathy or healing, the Labrador will give you the opportunity to realize this to the fullest. However, if none of the above is inherent in you by nature, a stone is unlikely to be able to make a “wizard” out of you.

In addition, it is better to start wearing things with this mineral after 30 years, that is, when the personality is fully formed, when goals and priorities are defined. The Labrador pushes young individuals on different kind madness, as if testing their psyche for strength and forcing them to involuntarily demonstrate the immaturity of their consciousness.

This stone does not condone evil either. If a person has bad intentions, the Labrador gradually accumulates, accumulates negativity in himself, and then gives it to his owner in a triple amount. And then obscure and poorly explained things begin to happen to the owner of the mineral. Health may deteriorate sharply, a well-established life may collapse, or all meaningful connections. But for those who wish others well, the Labrador helps, in some mystical way creating circumstances that make helping people the most effective.

As already mentioned, the Labrador is able to deliver a lot of trouble to young and unconscious individuals. But only if a person begins to call spirits, get carried away with black magic and use it to achieve selfish goals or to show off. If you do not claim to be a magician and sorcerer, then you can wear jewelry with this stone even before you turn 30.

Just do not wear them all the time: resort to the support of the mineral when you need to learn a large amount of information, for example, before exams - the Labrador sharpens attention, improves memory, and gives extra strength.

As for the astrological "binding" of the stone, it can be worn by representatives of all signs of the Zodiac, but best of all it "gets along" with those who have superbly developed intuition and who can see and hear the prompts of Fate. For materialists, the Labrador is practically useless, at least it does not show its properties to the fullest and can only serve as a beautiful decoration.

As a talisman this stone fit those who are directly related to art - writers, poets, artists, composers and their patrons - philanthropists.

Labrador with his own magical qualities helps not only those who wear it on themselves, but also those who keep it in their home. This stone “protects” the dwelling from thieves and from guests with dark thoughts - put it under the threshold of the apartment, and no “evil spirits” will penetrate into it.

In addition, the Labrador reconciles the household. In a house where there is a figurine made of this stone, there are fewer quarrels, relatives are more attentive to each other. Place the figurine in the room where you most often gather with the whole family, and very soon you will feel positive influence this mineral.

Moreover, the Labrador gives good luck to each tenant. And although this does not manifest itself in the volume, as in the case when it is worn as a talisman, happy coincidences with these people happen more often than usual.

Labrador and attraction of love

It is believed that Labradors come in two sexes: light - "girls", and darker - "boys". And if you want to find family happiness, then get this “couple”, and then mutual love. It is advisable to order a ring with these two stones, which is popularly called a “kiss”, and you will definitely not be left alone.

In addition, two "opposite-sex" stones endow their owner with worldly wisdom, help to competently build relationships with a loved one, teach to avoid conflict situations. It is also surprising that those who wear a double Labrador claim that their outlook on life has changed, previously unpleasant duties began to bring joy, and now things are easier and easier to manage.

Labrador stone - to whom and how to wear

This unique stone can also heal. It successfully relieves insomnia and nightmares, normalizes sleep. By placing a labrador figurine next to the bed, you will not only fall asleep on time, but will also wake up when you need it.

Gizmos with this mineral contribute to the restoration nervous system and increased stress tolerance. The owner of a ring or pendant with a labrador undergoes neurosis and depression, the risk of panic attacks improves mood. The stone relieves pain in the spine and joints, some healers use it in stone massage.

It is believed that the Labrador also affects reproductive organs, gradually restoring potency or eliminating infertility, as well as curing urolithiasis.

However, even if you wear jewelry with this stone, this is not a reason to refuse traditional medicine and the help of qualified doctors. Any mineral only assists, but is not a panacea. And if from psychological problems the labrador will somehow save you or protect you, then it is better to solve the physiological problems in the standard way.

Finally, let me give you some little advice: the Labrador has a powerful energy, so it is advisable to be careful with him. You should not wear it without interruption, pass it on to strangers, wear it with other stones and talismans (amulets). In addition, it is recommended to clean and “recharge” it twice a month. Cleaning is carried out under running water, without letting go of it - so at the same time it will pull the negative out of you; and for charging, the mineral is placed on the windowsill at night on the new moon and on the full moon at night. No wonder the second name of the Labrador is the black moonstone, because it is from the moon that he receives magical nourishment.

Nadezhda POPOVA

The mountainous Labrador Peninsula (Canada) breaks off into the Atlantic with high cliffs above the fjords.

The landscape with sparse vegetation resembles the winding bays-skerries of Norway, laid by the giant emery of disappeared glaciers.

Ancient volcanic granites, rocks, ornamental gabbro minerals, gneisses, feldspars come out of the depths to the surface here.

But there was also something else.

On a fine afternoon in 1770, a priest from the Moravian Catholic mission, who had arrived in Labrador to convert the local Indians of the Innu tribe to the true faith, was walking along the mountain plateau. At that time, the Enlightenment reigned in Europe, the prelate read the Encyclopedia of Denis Diderot and was fond of collecting minerals.

He turned with interest the unusual gray stone he had just picked up in his hands.

With each turn, wavy tints of green and yellowish hues arose on the surface, and a disappearing red border flickered along the edges.

The stone looked familiar. A priest once replenished his collection with a similar gem in Greenland, on the island of St. Paul.

Yet the Labradorite mineral was different.

eminent captain

The peninsula bears the name of the Portuguese captain Fernandes Levradura, who discovered this harsh land (1498). Navigators also named the vast area in the north of the Atlantic the Labrador Sea.

The name of the captain indirectly became famous twice more: in the name of the breed of large rescue dogs, and in the name of the mineral Labrador found on the peninsula, new for geologists of the 18th century.

The illustration clearly shows the layered structure of the mineral. Each ray of light is reflected in these layers twice, creating marvelous overflows of iridescent tones (irization). Stones are highly valued, including several changing shades - bluish-green, yellow, red.

Centuries before the Labrador Discovery

In fact, the Labrador was found in other places on the planet. They just called it differently everywhere.

For many centuries before the discovery of geologists in Labrador, this amazing stone was found by local Aborigines in Australia. There he was known as the totem stone of the crocodile people. Only the Australian Labrador is transparent.

The Aztecs and Mayans mined it in what is now Mexico and Brazil. What these peoples called the stone is unknown.

The Hindus scooped the mineral from their own mines, and called it in Singhalese - monara valigaya (peacock stone).

The Persians also called the peacock stone, but in their language this word sounds like "tavusi".

Sometimes the iridescence comes from the center of the Labrador. Then, in the depths of the mineral, a bull or lynx eye is seen. Such features have a Madagascar Labrador with a deep bluish-blue tint, which has long been in demand for magical practices Malagasy.

A completely unique Labrador with golden and yellow-orange tints is mined in several mines in Oregon (USA). On jewelry market it is known as a very expensive Sun-stone (sun stone).

European Labrador

In Europe, there is also a paradoxical name, which experts consider to be completely wrong: black.

But many mineral scientists are not aware that this is exactly what it is - Niger Moonstone - this strange mineral was called by medieval alchemists, in contrast to the not so rare milky or bluish-blue moon stones having a related feldspar structure.

Black and gray Labradors are still found in Sweden, in northern Germany. Here the mineral is still called spectrolite.

For Finns and Laplanders, the iridescent flashes of the stone resembled the Northern Lights, which was reflected in its local name. The Finnish Labrador is the most multi-colored representative of the varieties of this mineral.

It is interesting that huge boulders of the Finnish Labrador were once discovered (1781) in the swamps through which they laid the road to St. Petersburg, which was then under construction. But there are no mineral deposits there, the stones were brought by a glacier that had once moved up from rocky Scandinavia. The properties of the stone surprised the court stone cutters. Several countertops for the Imperial Hermitage were made from the found blocks.

Inexhaustible deposits of the beautiful Labrador have been developed for more than a thousand years in Ukraine, in the area of ​​ancient Korostyshev (100 km west of Kyiv).

The sarcophagus of the Kyiv prince Mstislav the Udaly (1178) was carved from the shimmering blue-black slabs of a labrador.

Eight hundred years later, a mourning frieze was made from a black Korostyshev Labrador at the Lenin Mausoleum.

Revitalizing eyes

In the surviving fragments of the altar mosaics of the first Christian church in Rus' - the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv (X century) - labrador pebbles were found, neatly split into iridescent cubes.

These rare smalts can be found in the temple mosaics of the Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople (VI century).

The properties of the Labrador shimmer "enlivened" the eyes and lips of the solemn images of saints. It seemed that their eyes were following the observer with a meeting gaze, and their lips were slightly moving in inaudible prayer. The people of Kiev called magical mineral marvelous stone.

Columns and decorations of the interiors of the Volyn Cathedral in Zhytomyr (1852) and the Kyiv Cathedral of St. Prince Vladimir (1883).

But the days of impressive structures made of solid stone are long gone. Now the precious labradorite is used sparingly, in the form of thin finishing slabs. Samples of the highest quality are sent to jewelry factories and muralist workshops.

brittle hardness

Labrador stone is hard but brittle. The Australian mineral is successfully cut, but stones for cutting at other deposits are a rare exception. So that the mineral does not crumble, it is simply polished.

Many samples are not suitable for jewelry processing due to cracking. But collectors are happy with them.

Such specimens of the Labrador adorn the largest natural history museums. The showcases contain specimens from various fields so that visitors can compare their various optical properties.

During processing, the mineral easily splits into plates. Labrador jewelry and amulets must be worn and removed carefully, an awkward sharp blow on hard surface may well crush stones.

In addition, the mineral can be melted. Such a characteristic of the stone is given in one of the chapters “ natural history» by the ancient author Pliny Secundus. It was this feature that gave reason to believe that Pliny described the mineral now known as labradorite. In a colorful narration, the Roman scholar compared the play of the colors of the stone with the multicolored feathers on the neck of a dove. He called it peresterite (from the Greek περιστέρι, which means "dove").

Labrador and labradorite

It should be said that a pure Labrador is rare in nature. More often it contains combinations of mica and other minerals: pyroxene, rutile, olivine. Additional components mixed with a labrador in molten volcanic magma ejected by volcanoes from the bowels of the earth.

Based on the structure of the crystals and the optical properties that the mineral exhibits, geologists distinguish this "impure" variety as labradorite.

But this does not matter for our story, labradorite and labradorite almost do not differ in the properties of interest to us. In popular literature, both names are used interchangeably.

Jewelry and amulets

At the beginning of the last century, the Labrador was in the center of attention of the masters of avant-garde jewelry in the Art Nouveau style. The public, satiated with brilliant brilliance, enthusiastically accepted the amazing properties of the labrador stone - such, at first glance, a modest mineral.

Jewelry designers have discarded the old canons, blindly copying the style of bygone times in mass crafts. The works of modernists most fully revealed the creative genius of the new generation of jewelers. Often they drew stories from observing the graceful creations of nature, embodying them in unusual combinations of the thinnest labrador plates, enamel, ornamental and precious stones.

Fashionable and exclusive amulets were created in French and Belgian jewelry workshops in Assyrian and Egyptian style. Shimmering details from a mysterious Labrador gave a special expressiveness to these jewelry.

Beautiful works of this fleeting period of high modernity, which soon perished in the cataclysms of the First World War, are presented in the Paris Museum of Decorative Arts.

Labrador Magic

Medieval magicians of Northern Europe knew about the magical properties of the Labrador. Mysterious shimmering stone old belief Vikings, was presented to girls on the thirteenth anniversary, as it is able to reflect the possible failures associated with the unfortunate devil's dozen.

This is considered a very valuable magical amulet. blue labrador with eyes that appear after grinding. Magicians grind stones with their own hands, according to ancient technology which is kept secret. This procedure they call "opening the amulet's eyes."

A properly crafted magic stone serves as a third eye for the magician to see the future.

Hindus living in the jungle, attach a "peacock stone" over the entrance to the dwelling. They believe that the cobras are afraid of the look from the "monar waligaya", and will not crawl into the house. Wealthy residents of forest villages have several more of these "monar" to wear on the hunt.

The poorer peasants, unable to buy a talisman, invite a local magician, and he simply writes the name of the stone in Singhalese on the wall by the door - මොනරා වලිගය, accompanying the magic inscription with spells.

Labrador and Zodiac

Astrological schools of East and West differ in recommendations for whom a Labrador can suit. Perhaps the disagreement arises because of the different names for the stone in different cultures. After all, the word for an amulet is material. It affects the horoscope.

According to European tradition, the Labrador is suitable for Scorpions. The zodiac sign Leo also belongs to those chosen by this wayward stone.

Capricorns and Cancers should not wear a Labrador, but you can keep it at home and look at it with pleasure.

Healing colored crystals

Using the Labrador as a healing talisman, lithotherapists first of all pay attention to its color. But in this case What matters is not so much the color as the location in the stone of crystals that reflect a certain color. After studying the horoscope, after listening to the patient's complaints, the healer will select a favorable structure of crystals.

A common independent use of the Labrador is suppression stressful conditions. To do this, without any tension, simply consider the play of light of the mineral, rotating it in your hands. After a while, you will feel relief.

If you don’t have a stone, you can go to the mineralogical museum and stand at the display case with Labrador samples. The result will be the same.

A common property of all varieties of Labrador is to stabilize the nervous system of the patient. The amulet provides good dream, often with vivid fantastic dreams.

This mineral got its name in honor of the Labrador Peninsula, located in North America. These stones were discovered in this place in 1770. Labrador and its varieties also have other names: bull's eye, moon black stone, spectrolite, caryatite.

The stone is a type of tulle spar. Mineral hue - greenish-gray, dark gray. They make a great backdrop for the flashes of green, red, or yellow, blue that run across them as they turn. Luster - glassy, ​​matte.

Mineral colors

The color of the mineral is unattractive: there may be gray and almost black mourning stones. Labrador Gets a Shape precious opal when glittering flashes play on its surface.

Main deposits

There are reports of a find incredibly beautiful minerals in Finland. At the same time, less bright stones are found in Greenland, Germany, India, Ukraine and Tibet. In Australia, there are high gem quality Labradors that are being cut.

Healing properties

IN traditional medicine there is an opinion that the labrador is a stone (its price is low, from 300 rubles), which helps to strengthen the human body. Some healers believe that this mineral eliminates pain in diseases of the joints and spine.

Lithotherapists believe that the stone helps with impotence and infertility, some diseases of the prostate gland and the genitourinary system. Rings and pendants help to improve well-being, help with insomnia, stressful situations also improve sleep. The stone helps to remove stones from the kidneys, improves the functioning of all organs.

Labrador is a stone whose properties also affect mental state. After its improvement, the Labrador begins medical work. Rings (they must be worn strictly on the middle finger), as well as pendants with a mineral, can even help an addict cope with painful addiction. Will remove nervous stress, restore the body after emotional exhaustion, bring it out of depression, and also calm the labrador in case of excessive excitement - the meaning of the stone also lies in this.

A piece of stone or a figurine, located near the head of the bed, will save you from obsessive nightmares, in addition, it will cure insomnia, while stabilizing the natural clock of the human body.

Naturopathy and labradorite

Labrador is a stone whose properties are widely used to treat eye diseases. In addition, the nugget has a positive effect on the health of blood vessels and the heart, and it also helps with memory loss. Ancient healers used it to treat various mental disorders. Because before there were no drugs at all that could treat the human psyche. Due to this, the stone is widely used to relieve excessive stress.

To date, this mineral is used to treat depressive disorders and nervous asthenia. Experts say that these stones are also effective in infertility. Labrador stimulates male potency, it is also used in urology to treat prostatitis.

The mineral helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it perfectly cures inflammation of the joints, in addition, it alleviates the course of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis. Experts say that the stone accelerates the healing of fractures, given property nuggets are especially in demand for fractures in the elderly.

Labrador (stone): magical properties

The magical power of the stone is not fully disclosed, but it is known that it enhances the ability to mystical awareness of the world and foresight, allows you to develop psychic abilities. In addition, it has long been a talisman of sorcerers and healers.

Experts believe that the Labrador is a stone, magical properties which allow to awaken in a person any hidden talents, in addition, it helps to develop them, gives incredibly vivid dreams, makes the owner try to "embrace the immensity", in addition, to accomplish everything that previously seemed unattainable. He is exactly the talisman with which you will make the impossible possible. Probably, it is because of this that the stone should be worn by adults who are already thirty years old.

The mineral can push younger people to adventures. Unfortunately, this can lead to disastrous consequences. The mineral is considered an amulet creative people- poets, writers, artists, musicians; he brings them the ability to "catch the wave", inspiration, and with this the patronage of patrons, recognition and fame. The stone "attaches" to its owner, protecting him from any unpleasant situations, ill-minded people.

He is recommended as a guardian of well-being and tranquility in the house. It is necessary to keep a Labrador crystal or a figurine from it in plain sight, you cannot put it under the threshold, as some sources say. If the gem "sees" the situation every day, then it very actively processes any negative energy into positive vibes.

This mineral draws its power from the moon, therefore, it must be activated by laying it on the windowsill every full moon.

Women's and men's stones

Specialists also distinguish these stones by gender. Men are considered lighter with a bluish-golden tint, and dark with green-brown are considered feminine. It is advisable to buy married couple» stones - they will help to zealously and competently conduct their household in addition, they will protect the family hearth, regularly teach a reverent attitude towards their soulmate.

Labrador (stone): properties, zodiac sign

It must be remembered that this mineral cannot be worn all the time, and also let strangers touch the talisman from it - aimless touches can destroy the friendly energy of this nugget.

Astrologers also did not ignore the labrador (stone). The zodiac sign to which it corresponds cannot be singled out separately - the mineral is recommended to everyone without exception. Although it is especially useful for Scorpions, Leo, Virgo and Aries. The mineral is energetically associated with the throat, sex and heart chakras.

Amulets and talismans

Labrador is an excellent amulet for the inhabitants of the house, it must be kept on the surface so that he can see the house, people and be noticeable himself. As already mentioned, the wrong advice is to remove the stone under the threshold, in which case its positive power is violated.

This is the talisman of all practicing magicians. high level. The mineral "hates" people who strive for evil, although it will not interfere with them, but at some point such people will lead to a very sad end.

The mineral is very "attached" to the owner, "loves" him, and also helps in any, especially unpleasant situations. From this we can conclude that an excellent amulet for those people who have to take a lot of risks is a labrador stone. The sign of the zodiac to which it suits best cannot be singled out separately, as mentioned above. He is a talisman looking for people, while confidently standing on their feet and constantly analyzing situations, their actions, able to make at least minimal forecasts.

The nugget will connect its owner with the past, and also help to feel the connection between the past and the present, to draw the right conclusions. The mineral will also contribute to foresight, although it will only help those people who are naturally inclined to this and do not spend the gift thoughtlessly. Labrador helps a person who seeks to make sense of the world.

From the history

According to legend, the Hyperboreans first demonstrated beauty to people. unique stone, which shimmered with all shades of the rainbow.

In Europe, he became famous since 1770, after these stones were found in northern Canada on the island of Labrador. Labrador soon began to be worn by London and Parisian fashionistas in brooches, earrings and rings.

And in 1781, during the construction of the Hermitage in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, several huge stones with Labrador eyes were suddenly discovered. This provoked a surge in the incredible popularity of the gem in our country. After that, tabletops made of stone appeared in the royal residences, the Petersburg nobility began to acquire golden snuff boxes with it, even ball dresses sewn to match the decorations made of tausin silk (the word "tausin" in the old Russian language meant "peacock").

Other application

In Ukraine, in the middle of the 19th century, a huge deposit of Labrador was found. From that moment on, stone began to be actively used in exterior and interior cladding: for example, it was used in the decoration of Moscow metro stations, the Lenin Mausoleum, as well as many architectural monuments and monumental buildings.

Today, the labrador stone is also actively used. Jewelry with it: bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks - are still very popular today. It is also used to create small items decor and interior sculpture.

The mineral is mined in the same place - as before, the deposits have not disappeared in Ukraine, Burma, Canada, although its availability has again become a thing of the past. At the present moment, only a person with royal wealth can afford a large statue, facing the facade from it.

Over the centuries, few stones and minerals have attracted the attention of people like labradorite. This mysterious natural gem captivates with its unusual coloring and mysterious shimmer.

He is revered not only for his beauty appearance, but also for powerful healing properties and magical energy, which is felt by everyone who has looked at the mystical crystal at least once.

Origin of the stone

In addition, the gem is mined in North America, Africa, China, Australia and the Scandinavian countries. Despite the large reserves of the mineral, its cost is quite high. Often, labradorite is mined in whole pieces, which are used to create sculptures and architectural structures.

Gem varieties

Labradorite contains inclusions of calcium, aluminum, sodium and silicate, and the mineral itself belongs to feldspars. In addition, it contains quartz, pyroxene and plagioclase. Its unique feature is iridescence - the ability to shimmer in the light with a whole range of shades. Few natural stones have such a property.

There are various classifications of labradorite colors, however, they are all based on differences in the glow and play of the stone. There are several types of minerals, depending on the crystallography of each of them.

  1. Spectrolite. A deposit of this type of mineral was discovered in Finland by the end of the 1930s. Mining of the mineral began after the end of World War II. Spectrolite is distinguished by the fact that it reflects the entire spectrum of colors, from which it got its name.
  2. Black moon labradorite. Produced in Madagascar. It is a black stone that shimmers with shades of blue and azure blue.
  3. Sun stone. Crystal bright yellow color with a golden sheen.
  4. Bulls-eye. It has significant differences from other types of labradorite. At its core Brown color with a dark purple tint that gleams red in the light.
  5. Tavusit. The color is similar to the coloring of peacock feathers.
  6. Lynx eye. A green mineral with a bright sheen.
  7. Aventurine labradorite. It is distinguished by a special golden sheen and shimmer, which is due to magnetite in the composition of the mineral.
  8. Belomorit. Extremely rare mineral royal blue.

In addition to the main varieties, there are labradorites of gray, blue, purple, gold, pearl color and even transparent crystals.

Use in medicine

The mineral is very popular among traditional healers, sorcerers and alternative medicine specialists. By using medicinal properties labradorite stones get rid of many diseases of the physical and mental plane. The scope of the gem in medicine is extensive. It helps heal:

In addition, the mineral is recommended and healthy people to strengthen immunity, combat negative thoughts and improve general condition organism. And also the stone is able to stimulate brain activity, which will help before an exam or an important meeting, and with prolonged wear, labradorite can significantly improve memory.

The stone is used in rehabilitation therapy after surgical operations, for getting rid of alcoholism and drug addiction, normalization of metabolism.

magical properties

Sorcerers and shamans for many centuries have used the mysterious mineral for rituals and sacraments. In addition, it is used as a protective and protective talisman, helping its owner to protect himself from the forces of evil and gain the ability to see prophetic dreams.

The peculiarity of labradorite is that it takes the energy to perform its magic from the wearer. Therefore, if a person has malicious intentions, then the mineral will strengthen them and reflect back. In this regard, the gem is not used in dark magic.

The mystical properties of labradorite are quite diverse:

  1. The gem can create an energy cocoon that protects the wearer from evil forces and evil eye.
  2. The crystal enhances the spirituality of a person, harmonizes his internal and outside, combines them into a single whole.
  3. The mineral has a calming effect, relieves fears, obsessive bad thoughts and memories, helps to resolve intrapersonal conflicts.
  4. The stone will help the owner find his work in life and discover the talents of the individual.

Labradorite returns faith, gives strength to rethink your life and find the right way. In addition, it helps to overcome stress and resolve difficult situations in life.

Zodiac signs

Labradorite suits almost all signs of the zodiac. The mineral is especially favorable to representatives of the water and air elements. But it can also be worn by the signs of Earth and Fire, with the exception of a few of them:

Who should wear a crystal

Labradorite - a stone with positive energy and is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of evil people with bad intentions. Experts in the field of esotericism recommend taking a closer look at labradorite:

  • people with undisclosed ambitions;
  • not accepting a different outlook on life;
  • open to new achievements;
  • those who are looking for themselves and their calling;
  • courageous and confident natures.

It is worth wearing mineral jewelry creative people: poets, musicians, painters. It gives inspiration and elation, opens the way for talent and helps the owner to succeed in his field.

When wearing labradorite, it is worth remembering that it must be used with caution. Do not use it for people who received the mineral as a gift. They choose a crystal on their own, because it reads and absorbs a person's energy trace. For the same reason, it is better not to keep the stone in front of everyone, then it will give all its strength to the service of the owner.

Application of labradorite

Basically, labradorite is used in jewelry, as well as in the manufacture of handicrafts, souvenirs and sculptures. After processing, the mineral takes the form of a cabochon, which is later encrusted with rings, earrings and pendants. Crystal looks best in combination with silver.

When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to the quality of the iridescence of the mineral. The crystal is often confused with other gems that tend to shimmer in the light, such as oligoclase, plagioclase and orthoclase.

In addition, the stone is left in the form of plates for further work. Figures are cut out of it and used to decorate architectural structures.

To decorate an apartment, it is best to choose tavusite, a sun stone and a lynx eye. Labradorites of these species have a positive effect on family relationships, smooth out conflicts, help to reconcile after a quarrel and achieve understanding.

To harmonize the homely atmosphere, two labradorite crafts are chosen light tone and brown or green shade. They will symbolize the feminine and masculine.

You need to place jewelry in an inconspicuous corner of the house, away from prying eyes. Once a month, it is advisable to expose them to sunlight and moonlight to fill them with new energy.

Care and storage

A characteristic feature of labradorite is its love in the light. Therefore, do not hide jewelry and stone crafts in dark places. On the contrary, the sun's and moon's rays have a beneficial effect on the mineral and its energy background. So it is simultaneously cleansed of the accumulated negativity and saturated with good vibrations.

In order for the crystal to serve its owner as long as possible, e must be protected from falling and impacts, because the fragile structure of the stone will not withstand such loads. It is worth removing jewelry during water and cosmetic procedures.

To remove dirt and dust, it is enough to wipe the gem with a cloth dipped in soapy water, and then wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Labradorite is one of the most unusual and beautiful minerals in the world. He found recognition both among researchers and among lithotherapists and magicians. A gem can help every person with good heart and good intentions, and change life for the better.