How often is eyelash extensions done? All about the correction of eyelash extensions: features of the process

A few weeks after eyelash extensions, it is advisable to contact the master again to make a correction. This procedure involves the replacement of fallen or damaged artificial eyelashes - instead of them, new hairs are glued. As a result, the eyelash extensions look perfect again, like on the first day after visiting the salon.

Description of the procedure

Natural eyelashes grow constantly and fall out at the end of their life cycle. A few weeks after the extension, some of the artificial eyelashes fall out along with the natural ones; another part moves away from the eyelid during the growth of a natural eyelash, deforms, twists, bends. As a result, the aesthetic effect of the extension is lost. In the process of correction, the master removes regrown and damaged artificial hairs and replaces them with new ones, and also glues the cilia in place of the fallen ones, restoring the original density.

What determines the period of wear of artificial eyelashes?

  • The rate of natural renewal of eyelashes- artificial hairs fall out along with the natural ones to which they were glued.
  • Glue expiration date- each composition has its own rate of destruction.
  • Compliance with the rules of care- artificial eyelashes are easily damaged if you rub your eyes, sleep face down in a pillow; the adhesive they are attached to is sensitive to high temperatures, alcohol and oils, which are contained in some cosmetics Oh.
  • Professionalism of the master who did the extension - if low-quality materials were used or the technology was violated, artificial eyelashes can fall out very quickly.
  • extension method- artificial bundles fall out faster than single hairs.


Depending on the method of initial extension, the correction is:

When do you need to correct?

Natural eyelash "lives" on average from 30 to 40 days. The first correction is recommended to be carried out 2-3 weeks after the extension. The master will assess the condition of the cilia and tell you when to come back. The standard interval between subsequent procedures is 1–1.5 months.

You can see the need for correction yourself, if the eyelashes have thinned and do not look very aesthetically pleasing, then it's time to go to the salon.

Correction is not done if natural eyelashes fall out profusely or noticeably thinner, weakened. In this case, the hair extensions must be removed and the eyes rested.


  • Correction costs significantly less than a new extension.
  • Usually the procedure does not take much time.
  • During the correction, you can slightly change the parameters of the initial extension, make eyes more expressive.


  • floating cost- some masters set the final price based on the amount of work performed, it is impossible to predict it in advance, and therefore evaluate the profitability of the offer.
  • After correction, even very successful, eyelashes quickly lose their neat appearance- as natural hairs grow, with which the master did not work.
  • Frequent corrections can injure natural eyelashes.
  • It is necessary to contact the same salon, the same master, who did the extension - most professionals do not correct other people's work.

If the eyelashes are severely damaged or noticeably grown from the roots, the master most likely won't make a correction, but will offer an overgrowth.

What to choose: correction or new extension?

  • Hygiene - when wearing extended eyelashes, it is not always possible to wash your face with high quality, rinse the space between the eyelashes. After removing all artificial hairs, you can carry out the necessary hygiene procedures.
  • Nutrition - after removing the extension, the eyelashes are impregnated with a restorative nutrient solution, which has a positive effect on their condition.

It does not make sense to make a correction if artificial eyelashes were worn carelessly or for too long. When more than 60% of the hairs are to be replaced, the procedure becomes long and tiring, and after a short time it will be necessary to new correction, for the remaining cilia. In this case, it is easier and more efficient to make a new extension.

When 3D building up, no correction is made.

In the video, the master, using a diagram, shows and tells how eyelashes may look after several weeks of wear, indicates the boundary conditions under which correction is possible and makes sense.

Technique, stages and duration of the procedure

IN general case the procedure takes about 40 minutes. Before the correction, the master talks with the client, is interested in the sensations during the period of wearing artificial eyelashes, gives additional explanations and recommendations for caring for them.

  • Eyelashes are combed and examined, those that require replacement are identified.
  • Master - mechanical or by chemical means– removes all damaged or regrown artificial eyelashes.
  • The inter-eyelash space and the remaining natural eyelashes are degreased.
  • Selected - by color, thickness, length and bend - artificial eyelashes, which will be glued to the vacant places.
  • New eyelashes are glued to the place of the removed ones, as well as to the grown natural eyelashes, which were not involved in the initial extension, as they were still too short.

The master on the client shows how to remove single eyelash extensions in a chemical way - using special means remover.

How often can the procedure be repeated?

Correction should be repeated as necessary, focusing on appearance eyelashes. The duration of the interval between treatments depends on individual features- and can be from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

Can it be done at home?

Eyelash extension correction does not require special equipment and therefore can be carried out at home. The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the materials used (glue, artificial eyelashes). It is recommended to use special cream- remover, it will greatly simplify the procedure. Do not allow the remover to get into the eyes and on those eyelash extensions that are not planned to be removed.

Approximate cost in salons / from private masters

The cost of correction depends on a number of factors, the main of which is the condition of the eyelashes with which the client came to the master. On average, salons charge 2,000 rubles for the procedure.

Prices for correction from private masters - from 1000 rubles.

After a few weeks of wearing, eyelash extensions usually lose their ideal appearance. Correction will help bring it back for a while. Best effect gives the very first procedure; in the future, it all depends on the condition of the eyelashes. Deciding what is best to hold in each specific case- correction or new extension - usually accepted by the master; his opinion must be heeded.

Eyelash extensions are at the peak of popularity today. There is no such girl who would not think about how to transform, making her eyelashes thick and long, like Hollywood star or fashion icons. And every third, without much hesitation, is already enjoying her reflection in the mirror and enchants those around her with an incredible volume of cilia and expressive look. But over time, correction of the extended eyelashes will be necessary.

To maintain the irresistible effect of eyelash extensions, it is important to make timely correction.

Why do eyelashes need correction?

To understand the meaning of correction, you need to know how cilia grow and renew. The average lifespan of each hair is 3 months. After that, they fall out, and after some time new ones grow in their place. This process of eyelash renewal happens all the time.

Number of lashes per upper eyelid varies in the range of 100–250 pieces, and on the lower one they are approximately 2 times less. However, their length is also not the same. Some cilia reach 12–15 mm, others 6 mm. They can be conditionally divided into 3 types:

  1. Cannon (only appeared).
  2. Growing ( middle length).
  3. Long (grown cilia that are at rest).

A competent master visually distinguishes one eyelash from another and knows two important rules extensions:

  • It is impossible to glue artificial hair to young fluffy cilia, as they are not yet able to withstand the weight of a false eyelash and will sag, which will affect their appearance and condition, may slow down growth and lead to loss of cilia.
  • On eyelashes of medium length (which are in the stage active growth) make extensions with the condition that the girl plans to remove the extended cilia or make a correction in 2-4 weeks. The fact is that while continuing to grow, the eyelash moves the glued hair away from the root and through certain period time it looks sloppy, can bend or twist in the other direction.

With eyelash extension, 1-2 weeks after the procedure, part of the eyelashes (about 1/5) falls out along with the artificial hairs glued to them. In their place, new fluffy short cilia will appear in a few days. About 2/3 of the hairs will grow and displace the artificial villi further from the root.

After another 1-2 weeks, the number of fallen and regrown eyelashes increases significantly. This becomes noticeable, the ciliary row is no longer so thick and less accurate, so correction is required.

The master carefully peels off all regrown and crooked eyelashes and glues new ones in their place closer to the base of the eyelashes, selecting them according to length, color and bend. After that, for 3-4 weeks you can forget about cosmetics and not think about correction.

Which is better: new extension or correction?

In each individual case, only the master can determine what is best to do: correction of extended eyelashes or a new one. full extension. The correction has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at all the key points.

  • The cost of the extension procedure depends on the condition of the eyelashes and is approximately 2/3 of the extension amount.
  • After building up, you may not visit the master for 1.5–2 months, and after correction, his help will be needed in 3–4 weeks.
  • In terms of duration, the extension procedure lasts only 30–40 minutes less than the extension itself, since most of the time is spent on carefully peeling off the hairs from the grown and curled eyelashes.
  • When correcting extended eyelashes, it is important to choose new eyelashes that are identical to those already glued to your natural ones in thickness, length, structure, color and bend.
The result of eyelash correction

Given the above, do not argue with the master, if he insists on a new extension, he probably has good reason for this. In some cases, correction is generally undesirable (with either a noticeable weakening and abundant loss of natural eyelashes).

The sooner you come back to the salon after the extension or the next correction, the more likely it is that it will be enough to make only a small correction.

How to identify low-quality building?

Sometimes the master refuses to correct eyelash extensions, explaining this by poor-quality extensions. This often happens when a girl seeks a service from a pseudo-specialist without knowledge and experience in this area, who watched a video on the Internet and practiced on her friends.

To prevent this from happening to you, do extensions from a well-established master in a proven salon and do not look for cheap options. Best Recommendations- this, of course, is the result that you can see on the eyelashes of your girlfriends or work colleagues.

How to distinguish the quality work of a lashmaker from the work of a non-professional? Sometimes this is clear immediately after the extension procedure. A feeling of discomfort, burning in the eyes, glued or falling cilia, an uneven row, large nodules of glue are gross and unacceptable violations. You need to demand that all artificial lashes be neatly peeled off at no cost to you.

Some flaws in the work of the lash maker are noticeable only after a few weeks. The reasons for poor build-up may be associated with poor-quality materials used in the course of work and the lack of experience of the master.

The correction procedure should be carried out by the same specialist who did the extension, since it is extremely important to use the same materials (glue, artificial eyelashes).

Obvious signs of poor quality work

To the most common mistakes can be attributed:

  • gluing several eyelashes together;
  • a large amount of glue applied to the cilia;
  • improperly selected artificial villi in length and thickness;
  • shapeless lash line due to the inconsistent direction of each eyelash;
  • insufficient degreasing of eyelashes before extension;
  • gluing heavy and long hairs on young and fragile fluffy cilia.

The conditions in which he carries out the procedure and his detailed answers to your questions about the upcoming build-up can tell a lot about the master’s approach to his work. So feel free to check it out workplace, make sure that all instruments go through the required sterilization steps or are used once, ask all your questions.

Signs of a good specialist

ABOUT good quality growth can be judged by the following signs:

  • comfortable sensations with renewed cilia without pain, burning and tightness;
  • all eyelashes are separated from each other, that is, all natural eyelashes are autonomous, and one or more artificial eyelashes are located on them (gluing not only spoils the appearance, but also harms your natural eyelashes);
  • high-quality eyelash extensions do not have lumps and roughness, they look natural and smooth to the touch;
  • the entire eyelash row should look natural and neat, for this all cilia are selected according to the length and bend, and when sticking, the master strictly maintains their direction;
  • each artificial hair must be glued with a deviation of 0.7-1 mm from the eyelid and the root of the cilia, the glue should not be in contact with the skin, but with the eyelash, so it is important that you see a straight line of your hairs in the root zone;
  • the correct fit of the artificial eyelash is ensured by its snug fit to the natural one, not in the middle, but at the base, so that there are no free edges that can scratch and prick the eyelid when moving.

Lush eyelashes always pleasing to the eye

Qualitatively performed work of the master to extend the period of wearing extensions. But a lot depends on the nature of your eyelashes, their condition, as well as compliance with the rules for the care of artificial eyelashes.

Types of correction of extended eyelashes

There are 2 main types of eyelash correction after extension. The first and most popular type today is the eyelash correction procedure. Its essence lies in gluing individual artificial cilia to each naturally as they grow or peel off.

The second type - beam correction - is carried out after building up with beams. At the same time, a whole bunch of artificial hairs is glued to the base of the grown cilia. The choice of the type of correction depends on the type of extension.

Eyelash extension technique

The first correction procedure is carried out approximately 4-6 weeks after or 2-3 weeks after. Subsequent procedures are carried out as needed 1-2 times a month. After 3-4 corrections, it is recommended to remove the extended eyelashes, give them time to rest and recover from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Correction steps:

  1. Before starting the correction, the master with a special brush combs your eyelashes to reveal those that will soon fall off.
  2. Each eyelash to be corrected is treated with a solution that dissolves the glue. Then these hairs are degreased.
  3. The master carefully peels off all noticeably grown eyelashes and glues new ones in their place at a distance of no more than 1 mm from the base.
  4. New eyelashes are also glued to those that were too short (fluffy) during extension, and now have grown. Thanks to this, after the correction, the eyelashes will look perfect again, despite the fact that some of your natural eyelashes have already fallen out.

Eyelash care after correction

Pledge of beauty and health of your eyelashes - regular care and taking care of them. Eyelash extensions require special treatment. They can not be rubbed with hands, painted with waterproof mascara. It is not recommended to use oily creams and alcohol-based lotions.

After 3-4 months after several extension and correction procedures, the cilia need rest and proper care. To prevent eyelash loss, use vegetable oils for care.

It is considered especially useful for eyelash growth. Using it 2-3 times a week will strengthen and restore your eyelashes. No less valuable and useful for eyelashes are oil from grape seeds, flax seeds, and, oil solutions of vitamin E and A.

There are many professional cosmetic eyelash care products: fortified mascaras, nourishing and moisturizing balms and masks.

All representatives of the weaker sex want to be beautiful. There are many possibilities for this. For example, you can add expressiveness to your eyes using lengthening or voluminous mascara. And you can grow eyelashes.

Given that cilia tend to fall out over time, it will be necessary to make a correction every 2-3 weeks.

What is eyelash correction

The master can offer correction with beams or Japanese (eyelash). How are they different?

When a bunch of cilia is glued to your own eyelash, which has just begun to grow, then this method is called extension bunches.

The most popular is Japanese method. Eyelash extensions with this method look like natural ones. They are glued to the natural base. The specialist fixes many eyelashes, so the loss of some eyelashes will be almost imperceptible.

How is the procedure

For 2-3 weeks glued eyelashes look just gorgeous. After this period, your own eyelashes begin to fall out, and artificial ones also fall out accordingly. With this method, the eyelashes fall out imperceptibly. The specialist removes regrown eyelashes, builds new ones.

Before starting the procedure, the master will definitely ask if you are comfortable with extended eyelashes, how you take care of it. After that, you will start talking directly about the correction. If necessary, the specialist can suggest some adjustments in the design.

As soon as the eyelashes are combed, the master will remove those that will soon begin to fall out, degrease each eyelash. And only after that will proceed to gluing artificial eyelashes. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

effect time. How often should the procedure be repeated?

The first correction is done in a week. Following procedure it is recommended to repeat once every 2-3 weeks. Do not forget that the correction, made in time, will increase the duration of wearing artificial cilia.

When performing the procedure, the master uses the following tools: a special brush, artificial eyelashes and glue.

Rules for the care of eyelashes after the procedure

Usage natural oils will help slow down the fall of eyelashes. Experts advise to use Castor oil. They can smear eyelashes 1 time in 2 days. After some time, you will notice that it has become strong and silky.

Why is it not recommended to do eyelash correction? - this topical question often arises among regular customers. And, unfortunately, there is some distrust towards the masters who offer to make a new extension instead of correction. The girls think that they got to an inexperienced specialist who does not know how to make a correction or decided to get rich at their expense, inclining them to a more expensive procedure - a new extension. Therefore, today I would like to dwell in more detail on the process of correction and the expediency of its implementation.

Natural growth and renewal of eyelashes

Our eyelashes, like all hair on our body, are renewed: they grow and fall out. Their life is divided into 3 phases: active growth - 2-3 weeks, rest - 4-7 weeks, the rest - rejection (Wikipedia).

One fine day we made ourselves a gift -. At this point, some of our eyelashes were in the growth phase, that is, for 2 next weeks they will grow and then stop (for 4-7 weeks); some were in the dormant phase - that is, their growth was stopped and in the near future they should be updated - fall out.

After 3-4 weeks of wearing extended eyelashes, it turns out that some fall out, new ones appear in their place, and young ones that were in the growth phase grow by a couple of millimeters.
During the correction, part of the extended eyelashes remains, the rest is extended. It must be understood that perfect look, as with a new extension - it is unlikely to be obtained, since the new ones will be attached almost at the base - 0.5 - 1 mm, and the old eyelashes at a distance - 3-5 mm.

All eyelashes will different lengths. Visually, perhaps not everyone will notice this distance, but the girl herself will feel the difference in a couple of days - the old ones, fixed at a distance from the eyelid, are not so elastically fixed and therefore begin to scroll, because of which they can look in different directions.

Glue expiration date

Glue, depending on the type and manufacturer, has its own characteristics and service life. So, for example, a manufacturer of ultra-resistant glue, with an instant hitch speed, guarantees a wear period of 5-8 weeks, while hypoallergenic glue - 2-3 weeks (due to its more gentle formula).
Therefore, when we arrive for correction after 3 weeks, we will find extended eyelashes still holding on, but the life of the glue that holds them is coming to an end. It continues to break down, and the eyelashes crumble, the maximum that they have left is 1-2 weeks.
That is, in some cases, the correction is completely ineffective: you went to the procedure, spent time and money, but at the same time, the eyelashes continue to crumble and after 1-2 weeks you are without 50% of the eyelashes and correction is needed again.


Accordingly, the cost is formed - the correction costs a little cheaper, this attracts clients. But the benefits are questionable. Since the correction assumes that the next time the client will come much earlier - after 2 weeks, and not after 4 - as when building up again.

Time for correction

Unfortunately, the time spent on correction is the same as on a full-fledged new extension. Immediately before the procedure, a number of mandatory preparatory measures are performed - they take up a significant part of the time: removal of regrown eyelashes, combing, thorough cleaning of the space between the eyelashes, drying, degreasing.

allergic reactions

Not only the term of wearing eyelashes, but also the likelihood of irritation and an allergic reaction in the eye area depends on how well the preparatory measures are carried out during the correction. Girls with sensitive eyes, prone to allergic reactions, it is especially recommended to carry out a new extension instead of corrective measures - this significantly reduces the risk of any irritation.

During the wearing of extended eyelashes - and this is almost a month, whether we like it or not, particles of cosmetics, make-up remover, lacrimal gland fluid, and glue remain between the eyelashes. This can cause an allergic reaction. During correction, old eyelashes remain and continue to be a “source of pollution” for new eyelashes. For hygienic reasons, it is recommended to remove all old eyelashes, wash your face and apply a new one on dry, clean eyelashes.

Of course, everything is individual, and depends on the rate of renewal and growth of your eyelashes. Many girls who are familiar with successfully go for corrections for a long time, and some choose a new extension. The choice is yours.

In any case, ours will cope with both tasks.

For girls who start doing extensions, the question arises, and how often do you need to do a correction and why. The need is due to the fact that natural hairs grow back, they are updated every 2.5-3 months - the process is accompanied by a slight loss of cilia. Most often, eyelash extensions are performed on the upper eyelid. If the procedure was done experienced master in compliance with all the rules, then a correction will be required in 20–22 days. When gluing the fibers to the lower cilia, their service life will be no more than a week.

There are several correction methods. At American way all hairs are the same size, but much longer than natural cilia. Japanese technology - thin mink fibers are attached separately, distributing them from short to longer eyelashes. Extended eyelashes begin to fall out after 12-15 days - during this time, natural hairs are renewed, falling off along with artificial fibers. Own cilia, which at the time of the procedure were in the growth stage, increase in length, which leads to a displacement of synthetic fibers far from the root.

An increase in the length of natural cilia, their renewal is very noticeable visually - the density and volume of extended hairs decrease, bald spots appear. To eliminate these defects, eyelash correction is required, during which the master carefully removes old fibers and glues new ones. If this is not done in a timely manner, then all artificial cilia will have to be removed.

How often do you need to contact the master for correction? The optimal period is 2-4 weeks, for girls with bold type skin lashmaker will have to be visited more often. The frequency of the procedure depends on the correct care of the extended eyelashes, the growth rate of natural hairs, the method of fixing the fibers. But it will not be possible to constantly renew the cilia, because when building up, natural hairs become weak, their growth slows down - be sure to give them time to rest and recover every 3 months. If the master is not a beginner, then he knows that it is undesirable to do the correction of 3-D eyelashes or after the beam method of fixing the fibers.

Stages of correction

It is better to carry out the correction in the salon at the same lash maker who did the extension, he will choose the best option for the procedure, depending on the initial method of attaching synthetic fibers. If necessary, pre-color eyelashes. In order not to waste time in vain, while the glue dries, you can cut or pluck your eyebrows - many masters offer this service as a gift to regular customers.

How is the correction process going?

  • It is necessary to remove contact lenses, remove makeup.
  • The master carefully and carefully combs the cilia, notes all the hairs that begin to fall off.
  • Each eyelash is treated with a remover to dissolve the glue, then degreased.
  • Removal of all synthetic fibers that are attached to regrown natural eyelashes. During the correction, about 50% of the extended hairs are changed.
  • Fixing new artificial cilia at a distance of 1 mm from the roots on regrown eyelashes.

When correcting, you can not glue synthetic hairs to fluffy cilia - they are very short and weak, they cannot withstand the weight of extended eyelashes. Not all novice masters follow this rule, which leads to the rapid shedding of artificial fibers.

Is it possible to make a correction at home? This procedure is quite complicated, but with due skill it can be done independently. This will require straight and curved tweezers, a thin needle. Be sure to choose a good and safe remover - the best products are produced by I-Beauty, Dolche Vita, MACY, AG UltraPlus.

The skin is cleaned of makeup and dirt, after which you can proceed with the correction. Near each extended hair, you need to gently push the cilia apart to see the place of detachment. Fibers that begin to fall off must be carefully pulled with tweezers from the base to the edge. Can cotton swab apply remover, wait a few minutes, repeat the procedure. During the correction, make sure that the remover does not get on the extended fibers, which should not be removed. When all exfoliated cilia are removed from both eyes, you can begin to fix new hairs.

How to properly care for eyelashes after correction?

If you take care of the hairs incorrectly, then the correction of extended eyelashes will be required after 10 days. Subject to all the recommendations of the master, it will be possible to visit the salon again in a month. On the first day, you should not wash your face, touch or rub your eyes, use waterproof eye makeup or eye makeup removers.

How to care for lash extensions:

  • do not apply cosmetics on oily and oil based to remove make-up, eyelid skin care;
  • try to touch your eyes and cilia less often;
  • water, especially salty, quickly destroys the adhesive composition;
  • you can not sleep with your face in the pillow, the hairs break, fall off faster;
  • with frequent visits to the pool, sauna, correction will have to be resorted to more often.

In order for your own cilia to be strong, to be able to hold the weight of artificial hairs, they need to be nourished regularly. Castor oil, vitamin E capsules, almond oil and grape seed oil are suitable for this. It is not necessary to use mascara after extensions, for evening make-up you can color the cilia with a product that contains keratin and a vitamin complex.

Apart from oil masks after building up, you can make herbal eye compresses from chamomile or calendula. In 100 ml of boiling water, brew 3 g of raw materials, leave in a closed container for 10 minutes. Soak in warm broth cotton pads, put on the eyelids, hold for half an hour. This procedure nourishes and moisturizes the cilia, strengthens the roots.

Eyelash extensions allow you to give the look depth and expressiveness. To maintain the effect obtained, it is necessary to regularly make a correction, follow the rules of care. All the nuances need to be consulted with the master in order to avoid negative consequences.