How is the circumference of the abdomen measured in the fetus. Amniotic fluid by week of pregnancy. More about the study

How fast does the tummy grow during pregnancy? This question is asked by all expectant mothers. As soon as 2 cherished strips appeared on the test, the woman is in good mood and every day in front of the mirror he looks at his still flat tummy. When will it start growing, and what size will it reach? We will talk about this.

You need to come to the antenatal clinic to register for pregnancy already in the first weeks of the delay in menstruation. During this period, it is too early to measure the circumference of the abdomen, but a woman can be examined and pass necessary tests. The doctor can measure the tummy as early as week 12, although according to the tables, this manipulation can be done starting from the 20th week.

Abdominal circumference during pregnancy

At 11-12 weeks, the tummy of a pregnant woman practically does not differ from the original size before conception. The only thing that can be noted is the size of the abdomen in subsequent pregnancies or multiple pregnancy- then you can note a slight increase in this period.

Why is it too early to hope for a rounded tummy? The fact is that the uterus is still too small and does not go beyond the “pubic” edges. As soon as the period increases, the genital organ will also change in size in positive side. With each week, the tummy will begin to grow faster and faster.

If you compare the belly of a pregnant woman at 11 weeks and at the 14th week of pregnancy, you can already see the difference. The specialist sees this by the height of the state of the uterus, it will rise above pubic bone just a few centimeters.

If you study the table of indicators of the size of the abdomen in the 3rd trimester, you can see big difference and how quickly the tummy increases in volume.

Starting from the 32nd week, the volume of the abdomen will be 80 cm. This figure may vary between + - 5-7 cm and depend on the woman's physique, the number of pregnancies and other factors. If you measure the circumference of the abdomen after a few weeks, for example, after 4 weeks, then it will increase in total by 5 cm! And a month later, another 5 cm.

According to doctors, the stomach normal pregnancy must not exceed 100 cm in circumference. This figure may be more if a woman carries two or more children under her heart, and also if she has polyhydramnios, big baby or obesity.

How to measure the circumference of the abdomen?

You can measure the circumference of the abdomen yourself, but it is better to entrust this process to a specialist. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a centimeter with a printed scale. It must be understood that accurate indicators are obtained when the circumference is measured in the prone position, then the state of the spinal column (for example, curvature) or other indicators will not affect the figure. In addition, it is better to measure on an empty bladder, then you can count on the exact figure without distortion.

As mentioned earlier, to get an accurate figure, you need to use a soft centimeter and pass it through the lower back, under the curve of the back and wrap it around the navel. The woman needs to lie on her back and stretch her legs forward. Only in this position can you count on an exact figure in order to trace the dynamics of an increase in the volume of the abdomen.

The resulting figure (in the table is denoted by the letters OJ) and is present in the formula, with which you can find out the approximate weight of the baby.

Let's try and find out how much a baby weighs in the womb this moment pregnancy. To do this, the coolant figure must be multiplied by the WDM indicator.

How to find out the height of the fundus of the uterus

This indicator can be found starting from the 16th week of pregnancy. Before this period, nothing will work, since the uterine fundus has not yet gone beyond the pubis.

To measure the height of the fundus of the uterus, a woman needs to empty her bladder, lie down on the couch and straighten her legs. Gynecologist, with the help special tool- pelvisometer, will measure the distance between the high point of the uterus and the pubis at the top point. The procedure is very simple and completely painless. Despite the speed of measurement, this figure is an important indicator of the growth of the fetus and its location. In addition, the doctor will thus be able to navigate and find out the approximate amount of amniotic fluid.

If you look at the norm indicators by weeks of pregnancy, you can come to the conclusion:

  • at 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen remains the same, measurements are not taken;
  • the size of the abdomen, starting from the 14th week of pregnancy, will increase by 5 cm (plus or minus 1 cm);
  • starting from the 20th week, the height of the uterine fundus should approach the gestational age. For example, at 22 weeks, the height will be 22 cm, and so on, plus or minus 1 cm.

Now we have 2 numbers: the measurement of the circumference of the abdomen (AC) and the height of the fundus of the uterus (FH). Now you can calculate the approximate weight of the child by multiplying the numbers. The error of the obtained figure is up to 200 g, no more.

Abdominal circumference by week of pregnancy. Table:

And if the indicators differ from the norm?

If the circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy has decreased or increased, this is already a deviation from the norm. A pregnant woman comes for a consultation with a gynecologist every 2 weeks. The specialist conducts a measurement of the circumference of the abdomen at each appointment and is guided by these results. It is bad if the stomach grows too fast and vice versa, the indicators are below normal and do not correspond due date pregnancy.

When the tummy is larger than indicated in the table according to the norm, then the woman is prescribed a number of additional examinations to exclude pathologies of fetal development, intrauterine infection and polyhydramnios. And that's not all, if for a period of 38 or more weeks, the circumference of the tummy of the expectant mother exceeds 100 cm, an urgent examination is necessary. This condition is not pathological, but the risk of complicated childbirth cannot be ruled out, since the child may roll over and take the wrong position (transverse presentation). If the doctor's fears were confirmed after an ultrasound examination, the woman is shown urgent hospitalization in order to choose the optimal tactics for managing childbirth. In such cases, in order to reduce the risk of injury to both the fetus and the mother, a caesarean section is recommended.

What to do if the circumference of the tummy of the expectant mother is below normal? Investigation is needed to rule out serious disease: fetoplacental insufficiency. It leads to the death of the fetus.

In addition, if the tummy has not grown to the established norms, then the cause may be oligohydramnios or a severe form of toxicosis, as well as false or true overgrowth.

In order to exclude severe complications development of the fetus, after the 30th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and measure the circumference of the abdomen. If during the measurement the doctor noted that the fetus is not active enough or there are no movements at all, urgent hospitalization is necessary to prevent the death of the baby. Better to be safe than sorry about what happened later.

What a future mom should not do is take measurements on her own. Even if measuring the circumference of the abdomen is quite simple, it is better not to be nervous about the changing numbers, only qualified specialist will do everything right and reassure the woman.

And if there is a great desire and curiosity overwhelms a woman in interesting position, you can start a separate diary and note in it your indicators of the growth of the abdomen. To do this, it is not necessary to measure the tummy while lying down. A reason for pride will be a rapidly growing belly (starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy) in vertical position. Just at this time, you can arm yourself with a centimeter and take measurements yourself. Just keep in mind that towards the end of the 3rd trimester, the tummy will slightly decrease in volume relative to the navel only due to the fact that the baby will sink closer to the pelvis. This means that labor activity will begin soon.

The norms of the circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy may differ from generally accepted norms up or down if:

  • volume amniotic fluid exceeds the norm or does not reach this mark;
  • when a woman is obese or underweight;
  • with multiple pregnancy;
  • with delayed fetal development.

The same can be said about the indicators of the height of the “standing” of the uterus or the height of the bottom of the uterus. It should also be borne in mind that in general, pregnancy can be successful and without deviations, both from the health of the mother and from the fetus, but the abdominal circumference will be larger. The reason can be found out with an additional examination of a pregnant woman. Perhaps the baby rolled over and took transverse position. Only in this case, the height of the bottom of the uterus greatly exceeds the generally accepted indicators.

Since the circumference of the abdomen by weeks of pregnancy can only be tentative and no one will say exactly the weight of the fetus and its dimensions, guided only by a centimeter tape and a pelvis meter, therefore, specialists, in order to clarify the preliminary diagnosis, prescribe a number of additional examinations to the woman.

Pregnancy diagnostics

The main method of examining a woman in position is ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, you can determine most of the important indicators:

  • the size and development of the fetus;
  • condition and size of the placenta;
  • the presence of amniotic fluid (height of the vertical pocket).

Based on the indicators obtained, certain conclusions can be drawn: is the fetus developing normally, is there a developmental delay, what kind of pregnancy does the expectant mother have (one or more fetuses), as well as the amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios).

An additional examination, namely, weighing a woman at each visit to the gynecologist, plus an assessment of BMI (body mass index), will allow the specialist to compare all indicators and exclude underweight or obesity.

With the help of measurements of the circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy, it is possible to confirm or exclude a preliminary diagnosis. The availability of this method allows you to assess the condition of the woman and the course of pregnancy, and, if necessary, to make an additional ultrasound. Therefore, it is so important to attend a antenatal clinic and measure the circumference of the abdomen. Happy pregnancy and easy delivery!

Some women stay with slim waist almost up to 7 months, while others almost in the first month begin to raise questions from friends and colleagues.

But in general, the pregnant belly begins to round off from 12 weeks.

Once this process has begun, at each appointment, your gynecologist will begin to take out a centimeter tape and measure you, fixing all the gains.

Are you rounding faster, or vice versa - slower than a pregnant sister or friend? It's okay: the growth of the belly depends on many factors. These are: physique, weight, height, bone structure, pelvic width. The main thing is that you “expand” at least 1 cm per week.

Seeing the growth dynamics of your belly, the doctor compares the figures obtained with the "norm". By the way, according to these data, the specialist can even tell what weight your baby is at the moment, as well as when you will give birth!

Why is my belly growing?

Because the baby is growing, you say. And of course, you will be right ... But only in part. Together with the little one they grow and membranes, placenta, and also increases the volume amniotic fluid.

And they do not grow from 12 weeks, but immediately. In the 1st trimester, this is simply not noticeable yet - the uterus has hardly grown and has not yet gone beyond the bosom. But closer to the 2nd trimester, the “baby house” causes the uterus to expand its volumes, and outwardly your pregnancy becomes noticeable.

Average belly growth

It is not worth measuring yourself personally, and then comparing with the table. For example, if you were overweight before giving birth, then your waist will be “wider” than normal. In addition, your bones may be wide ... Therefore, when measuring you for the first time and on subsequent visits, the gynecologist will not look at the “girth” figure of the centimeter tape, but at the weekly increase.

Recall: the belly will grow every week by 1 cm or more, reaching a maximum width in the middle or end of the 3rd trimester.

What numbers will the doctor check?

  • For 20 weeks, a circle from 71 to 75 cm is considered the norm;
  • for 24 weeks - from 75 to 79 cm;
  • for 30 weeks - from 83 to 87 cm;
  • for 34 weeks - from 88 to 92 cm;
  • for 40 weeks - from 95 to 100 cm.

Abdominal circumference by week - table

How to measure your belly correctly?

So that the results do not deceive, do not forget about 2 nuances:

  1. It is always necessary to measure a pregnant woman in a lying position, and it is necessary to lay her not on a soft sofa, but on a hard couch.
  2. So that a complete urinary tract does not distort the results, it is worth visiting the toilet before consulting a doctor.

The doctor will not need any special equipment - a soft centimeter tape is enough. It wraps around the deepest "hole" in the spine, and converges in front at the navel.

Important point! You should not measure yourself at home - you can “lay” the tape in the wrong way at the back and make a mistake, which is fraught with unnecessary “nerves” for you. Still want to personally see the growth of the belly? Take measurements, but do not trust the result very much. The doctor will tell you more accurate data.

What should alert you and the doctor?

A bad sign may be the excessive growth of the "puzodomik". However, his serious lag in growth is also a reason to sound the alarm.

What reasons can cause "abnormal" indicators of the volume of the tummy?

Increased numbers can signal:

  • Double or triple. This is not a pathology, but, on the contrary, a joy: under your heart, two or even three peanuts grow at once!
  • The fact that you are wearing a real hero. If in the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd trimester all embryos are similar, then at the end of the 2nd and in the 3rd trimester each baby develops based on the genetics that you and dad put into it. Is your husband a 2 meter tall man? It is possible that the son or daughter went to daddy! Although, of course, large fruit It's also a reason to get checked out for a couple of illnesses, as well as review your diet. The doctor will tell you about all this in more detail.
  • Polyhydramnios. The child is alone, but the amount of water in his "aqua zone" is above the norm. But this is already a problem that indicates a malformation of a small child or a disease of the mother.
  • Improper nutrition of the expectant mother. Frequent consumption of buns can “thicken” the layer of fat on the tummy…
  • Incorrect position of the fetus, namely horizontal. Until 2 weeks of the 3rd trimester, there is still enough room in your belly for the little one to spin around, making himself comfortable. And if he decides to settle down horizontally, the measurements of the abdomen will increase dramatically. By the way, if he remains in this position further (after 36 weeks), the expectant mother can be admitted to the hospital to avoid complications during childbirth.

Reduced measurement numbers indicate:

  • oligohydramnios. Like excess water, their lack - bad sign. Perhaps the water is leaking, or this phenomenon is caused by a malformation of the child. To eliminate all bad suspicions, the doctor sends pregnant women with suspected oligohydramnios to ultrasound.
  • Insufficient nutrition. Overeating a pregnant woman is dangerous, but starving - even more so! If your tummy is growing slowly only because of insufficient nutrition in the diet, just expand it.
  • Fetal hypertrophy. In unscientific terms: the fetus is too small, and this condition is considered a pathology. Of course, simple genetics can be to blame for everything (if you have short relatives in your family), however, for insurance, you will be sent to analyze the fetal blood flow, as well as to an uzist.

Ultrasound, or Ultrasound- This is a survey method that is widely used during pregnancy at any time. Given diagnostic study relatively simple, highly informative and safe for both mother and child. The main tasks of ultrasound during pregnancy are:

The following tables provide data on fetal biometrics, which are measured at each. They are presented in the 10th, 50th and 95th percentiles. Most often, they are guided by the 50th percentile, and the rest are considered normal fluctuations.

Dimensions of the fetal head by week of pregnancy

Pregnancy period, weeks

Fronto-occipital size (LZR), mm

Biparietal size (BPR), mm

Circumference of the abdomen and fetal head

Pregnancy period, weeks

Abdominal circumference, mm

Head circumference, mm

The length of the bones of the lower leg and femur fetus

Pregnancy period, weeks

Lower leg bones, mm

Femur, mm

The length of the humerus and bones of the forearms of the fetus

Pregnancy period, weeks

Forearm bone length, mm

Humerus length, mm

Norms at the first ultrasound at 10-14 weeks

The first screening ultrasound is performed for a period of 10-14 weeks. Its main tasks are:

  • The study of the thickness of the collar zone(the area between soft tissues covering the spine and inner surface skin filled with fluid). Evaluation of the size of the neck crease is very important, because. is enough exact way timely diagnosis various chromosomal diseases, in particular Down syndrome. In the presence of an enlarged collar space the doctor should refer the pregnant woman for a consultation with a geneticist. A woman is assigned additional methods examinations: a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein and chorionic gonadotropin, invasive diagnostic methods (amniocentesis - the study of amniotic fluid, placentocentesis - the study of placental cells, cordocentesis - the study of blood taken from the umbilical cord of the fetus).

Normal values ​​of the collar space (NTP) in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy period, weeks

Collar space thickness, mm


50th percentile

95th percentile

10 weeks 0 days - 10 weeks 6 days

11 weeks 0 days - 11 weeks 6 days

12 weeks 0 days – 12 weeks 6 days

13 weeks 0 days - 13 weeks 6 days

Values ​​​​of the coccygeal-parietal size by gestational age

Pregnancy period, weeks

KTR percentile values, mm

10 weeks 1 day

10 weeks 2 days

10 weeks 3 days

10 weeks 4 days

10 weeks 5 days

10 weeks 6 days

11 weeks 1 day

11 weeks 2 days

11 weeks 3 days

11 weeks 4 days

11 weeks 5 days

11 weeks 6 days

12 weeks 1 day

12 weeks 2 days

12 weeks 3 days

12 weeks 4 days

12 weeks 5 days

12 weeks 6 days

13 weeks 1 day

13 weeks 2 days

13 weeks 3 days

13 weeks 4 days

13 weeks 5 days

13 weeks 6 days

Normal heart contractions should occur at regular intervals, i.e. be rhythmic. Arrhythmia may indicate the presence birth defect heart or fetal hypoxia. The heartbeat should sound very clear and distinct; in the presence of deaf tones, intrauterine oxygen deficiency can be suspected. An important indicator is the heart rate.

Normal heart rate by gestational age

Tachycardia is an increase in the number of heartbeats more than normal, bradycardia is a decrease in heart rate to 120 beats per minute or less. Most often, such changes in the heartbeat occur during fetal hypoxia as a reaction to a decrease in oxygen in the blood. In such cases, the pregnant woman must be prescribed treatment, which is often carried out in a hospital. A therapy is prescribed aimed at improving uteroplacental blood flow, improving intracellular metabolism.

  • Evaluation of the development and presence of various organs(bladder, kidneys, liver, stomach, heart), spine, and upper and lower extremities of the fetus. If anomalies in the development of organs are detected, a woman is sent to a genetic consultation. The geneticist, after a detailed examination, decides on the viability of the child and possible interruption pregnancy.

Normal second ultrasound at 20-24 weeks

The doctor prescribes the second planned ultrasound at 20-24 weeks. At this time, the following are investigated:

  1. Biometric indicators(biparietal size, fronto-occipital size, length of tubular bones, abdominal and head circumference). These indicators are measured to assess the growth of the fetus and its appropriate size for the gestational age.
  2. Identification of various fetal malformations. Exactly at this period diagnostics will be the most informative, because at the first examination, the child is still too small, and at the third planned ultrasound it will already be too large, in addition, the placenta may interfere with a thorough examination if it is located on the anterior wall of the uterus.
  3. Structure, thickness, location and maturity of the placenta. This the most important body, which delivers to the fetus everything necessary for it normal development nutrients.

Normal thickness of the placenta depending on the gestational age

Pregnancy period, weeks

Permissible fluctuations

Normal values, mm

With an increase in the thickness of the placenta, the doctor may assume the presence (inflammation of the placenta). Making such a diagnosis requires an additional examination for the presence of infection and subsequent treatment in a hospital.

Ultrasound also evaluates maturity of the placenta. This is an important indicator that characterizes the ability children's place" (synonymous with the term "placenta") to provide the fetus with the necessary substances.

Degrees of maturity of the placenta

Late maturation of the placenta is quite rare and is mainly caused by:

  • smoking mother,
  • She has various chronic diseases.

Premature maturation of the placenta occurs more frequently. The reasons for this condition are:

  1. Endocrine diseases of the mother (in particular, diabetes mellitus),
  2. and even less often in the bottom area. Normally, the placenta should be 6 cm or more away from the internal os of the cervix.

    If it is located below and overlaps the internal os of the uterus, they talk about. It's a serious look obstetric pathology threatening the life and health of women and children. Often this anomaly occurs in multiparous women, after inflammatory diseases of the uterus, uterine myoma, after abortions. A pregnant woman is carefully observed in a hospital or at home, where she must observe complete rest and refrain from sexual activity. In the event of bleeding, immediate hospitalization is required.

    Quantity and quality of amniotic fluid

    Medium normal performance amniotic fluid index

    Pregnancy period, weeks

    Possible fluctuations


    When the amount of amniotic fluid changes in one direction or another, they speak of polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios.

    Often seen in women with infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus, with some fetal malformations, Rh sensitization (incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus according to the Rh factor). The condition requires mandatory treatment: antibiotic therapy, drugs that improve uteroplacental blood flow.

    - this is a pathological decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid less than 500 ml. The causes of this condition are still unknown. If there is very little water, this may indicate a severe malformation of the fetus: total absence kidneys. There is practically no treatment for oligohydramnios, all therapy is aimed at supporting the child.

    The ultrasound specialist also evaluates amniotic fluid quality. Normally, they should be transparent. If there is turbidity, mucus, flakes in the amniotic fluid, there is a suspicion of an infectious process. A woman is tested for hidden infections and is being treated.

    1. Cord evaluation. At ultrasound examination you can find the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the cervix of the fetus. But in the second trimester of pregnancy, it does not cause alarm. The baby is in constant motion, and the umbilical cord can unwind.
    2. Grade. Normally, the neck should be at least 3 cm, and only closer to childbirth does it begin to shorten and smooth out. Internal os must be completely closed. Shortening of the neck or opening of the pharynx is a sign. A woman should have her cervix stitched or (a mechanical device in the form of several rings that is inserted into the vagina and protects the cervix from premature opening).

    Third ultrasound at 32-34 weeks

    The third planned ultrasound is carried out for a period of 32-34 weeks. Its tasks are:

    1. Positioning and. At this time, the child is already quite large and its mobility is limited. The position in which he is during the ultrasound will remain until the end of the birth. The definition of these indicators is important for resolving the issue of the method of delivery. Distinguish between longitudinal, transverse and oblique position fetus. At longitudinal arrangement a woman can give birth to a child naturally, transverse and oblique position are relative indications for surgery. natural childbirth also possible with normal cephalic presentation of the fetus, pelvic location is an indication for operative delivery.
    2. Assessment of the size and weight of the fetus. These indicators help to understand how the child develops. If the size of the fetus is behind the average, you can suspect a delay in intrauterine development of the child. Determination of fetal malnutrition requires the start of treatment for a pregnant woman. If the fetus, on the contrary, is ahead of the indicators, then we can talk about. Probably the birth of a child with a large weight (more than 4 kg). This can significantly complicate childbirth, so a woman is often offered an operative delivery.
    3. The study of the placenta, its size, degree of maturity and place of attachment. Migration of the placenta in this period has already been completed, it will occupy the same position for childbirth. It should be borne in mind that natures are possible only through caesarean section. With a low location of the child's place, the birth of a child through the natural birth canal is possible, but this is fraught with high risk bleeding during childbirth.
    4. Assessment of the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid(See topic: normal values ​​for the second planned ultrasound at 20-24 weeks).

    The norm of ultrasound before childbirth

    Ultrasound examination before childbirth is not mandatory for all pregnant women and is carried out selectively according to indications. Its main task is to resolve the issue of the method of delivery. During an ultrasound, the following is determined:

    1. Position and presentation of the child;
    2. Estimated fetal weight at birth;
    3. Cord position for exclusion.

During pregnancy, it is the stomach that is the part of the body that undergoes the greatest changes. When the pregnancy proceeds well, without any complications, then the size of the belly of the expectant mother directly depends on the growth of the baby inside the uterus. What should the belly be like? different terms pregnancy?

The size of the abdomen is determined by two parameters: directly by the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus. Both values ​​are measured by doctors during regular examinations in antenatal clinic. The indicators are compared with the previous ones, and, depending on the observed dynamics, the doctor may assume the presence or absence of pathologies. To exclude pathologies of pregnancy, ultrasound is prescribed.

If the size of the pregnant belly is significant less than normal, this may be a sign of oligohydramnios, which means that the fetus develops too slowly. With polyhydramnios, the stomach will be larger than necessary, in such a situation, nearby organs are infringed, and the woman experiences more discomfort, and in addition, there is a risk premature birth and misplacement of the fetus in the uterus.

What should be the height of the uterine fundus?

The height of the uterine fundus is measured starting at 20 weeks.

20th week - the height of the uterine fundus is 20-21 cm.

22nd week - the height of the uterine fundus is 22-23 cm.

24th week - the height of the uterine fundus is 24-25 cm.

26th week - the height of the fundus of the uterus is 26-27 cm.

28th week - the height of the uterine fundus is 28-29 cm.

30th week - the height of the uterine fundus is 30-31 cm.

32nd week - the height of the uterine fundus is 32-33 cm.

34th week - the height of the uterine fundus is 34-35 cm.

36th week - the height of the uterine fundus is 36-37 cm.

After 36 weeks, the fundus of the uterus reaches the level of the sternum and no longer grows.

The average parameters of the norms for measuring the circumference of the abdomen:

32nd week - the average size abdominal circumference 80-85 cm.

36th week - the average size of the abdominal circumference is 90 cm.

40th week - the average size of the abdominal circumference is 90-95 cm.

Average belly volumes

The belly of a pregnant woman begins to increase in volume from 4-5 months, then at the next consultation the doctor measures the first parameters, according to which the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy will be assessed in the future. In each individual case, of course, the volume of the abdomen is different, because they include not only the growth of the baby itself, but also the size of the uterus, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. By the beginning of the 32nd week of pregnancy, the volume of the abdomen, or rather its circumference, averages 85-90 cm, but by the end of the 36th week, these parameters are at the level of 90-95 cm. When the pregnancy ends, and this is already the fortieth week, the abdominal circumference of the future mother is 95-100 cm.

There is no need to worry if the individual parameters of your tummy are somewhat behind the ideals, because, as already mentioned, these norms are approximate. Yes, and an important role here is played by the physique of the mother, as well as the number of kilograms gained by a certain week of pregnancy.

What if the volumes do not match yut norms?

The rate of increase in the volume of the abdomen and the increase in the uterus should approximately correspond to the parameters described above. If in the early stages the uterus does not match in size a certain period pregnancy, the doctor may refer the expectant mother for an ultrasound to rule out the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

For more later dates pregnancy, the lag of the volume of the abdomen from the estimated size may indicate a retardation of the growth of the fetus, that is, malnutrition. This is dangerous because the fetus is too difficult to adapt to intrauterine development, and after birth, such a child, as a rule, weighs less than 2600 grams. Another reason for a small belly during pregnancy is oligohydramnios, which develops against the background of inflammatory diseases of the mother, lesions excretory system fetus, placental insufficiency and gestosis. Polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancy during pregnancy also affect the volume of the abdomen.

Not the last role in the volume of the abdomen during pregnancy is played by the height of the fundus of the uterus. Its decrease indicates transverse presentation fetus, that is, when the pelvic end and the head of the crumbs are located on the sides. In the end, a large fetus can also provoke an increase in the volume of the abdomen during pregnancy. However, this is not considered a pathology, but rather refers to genetic characteristics or is the result of diabetes at mother.

The tummy, which grows in size along with the calm course of nine magical months, is not only a reason for the joy of the expectant mother. It is also important medical indicator normal development of the unborn child. Despite the fact that the volumes of mothers are individual, there is a clear trend in how the size of the abdomen changes by week of pregnancy.

These parameters are recognized by doctors and can be used for self-control by women in an "interesting position". After all, it is during this period that they are especially prone to various fears and doubts.

A woman can observe a noticeable pleasant roundness from the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. This causes a special thrill and helps to believe in the reality of the baby growing inside. The future mother becomes more attentive to herself and everything that surrounds her. But on early dates pregnancy, many can easily hide the tummy under clothes. Further, it is important to know what determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy, when a deviation from generally accepted norms may indicate complications and risks for the normal development of the fetus.

The size of the abdomen by weeks of pregnancy helps in another important matter: determining the weight of the fetus and the estimated date of the birth of the baby.

Also, the circumference of the abdomen will tell the doctor how much healthy lifestyle the future mother leads her life, whether the fat metabolism in her body is disturbed.

What factors affect the size of the pregnant belly

Although a table of abdominal circumference by weeks of pregnancy has been developed, it is not a strict example that every woman should be guided by. future mom. There are a number of circumstances from which the number of centimeters in the abdomen can "jump":

  1. Features of the structure of the figure. In those inclined to fullness, the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy changes significantly only in last trimester, while in women with a fragile physique, these changes are very pronounced. It also affects the circumference and tone of the abdominals.
  2. Fetal size or multiple pregnancy. For example, a large abdominal circumference is observed during the second pregnancy, since the woman's body is already more ready to the gestation process and the uterus can place a larger fetus. Well, the tummy grows much faster if twins or twins are expected.
  3. Presentation of the fetus. The incorrect position of the baby towards the end of the third trimester not only differs in the characteristic shape of the abdomen of a pregnant woman, but can also become an indicator for the appointment of a caesarean section.
  4. The amount of amniotic fluid. An increase in anatomical fluid (as well as its sharp decrease) is a reason to prepare for a difficult birth or surgical intervention. But this is not a reason to panic. Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios is determined not only by the size of the abdomen, but also necessarily confirmed during ultrasound.
  5. Weight gain during pregnancy. Self-indulgence while expecting a baby can lead to speed dialing excess weight. The mom-to-be should know that after giving birth, it will be more difficult to fix stretched skin in order if she overeats or indulges in snacking desires in the middle of the night.

We make measurements

The size of the abdomen is determined by weeks of pregnancy using a regular centimeter tape. This procedure is done at an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, but you can measure the volume of the abdomen at home. To do this, you must follow some rules:

  1. The expectant mother is placed in an even horizontal position, without bending her legs.
  2. The bladder is emptied before the measurement. If you are worried about bloating, then it is better to transfer the measurements to another day.
  3. The tape must pass over two control points. In front along the umbilical cavity, behind - along the point of maximum deflection of the spine.

When a woman knows how to measure the circumference of the tummy, she can compare the data obtained with generally accepted indicators, starting from the end of the fifth obstetric month:

  • at the 20th week, the centimeter tape will show 70-75 cm;
  • at the 22nd week - 72-78 cm;
  • already on the 30th tummy will grow to 82-87 cm;
  • on the 36th - up to 90-95 cm;
  • The 40th week is the maximum - 95-100 cm.

That is, every 2 weeks, starting from the 20th, with a normal pregnancy, the next 2-3 cm will be added regularly.

If there is a desire to know the weight of the baby, it is necessary to make an additional measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus. It is also made in the horizontal position of the pregnant woman with the most empty bladder. Tape measure stretches from the beginning of the pubis to the protruding point of the bottom of the uterus. highest level the latter is observed by the 38th week, when this organ rises to the level of the costal arches. Before childbirth, he falls closer to the pelvis.

By multiplying the indicators of the circumference and standing height, the specialist fixes the estimated weight of the baby.

Abdominal circumference by week: what deviations from the norm indicate

If the circumference of the abdomen meets the standards, then this sweeps aside unreasonable concerns. But there are options when the gynecologist prescribes additional examinations if he notices a deviation from the standards.

When the norms of the abdominal circumference are increased by weeks, this may indicate:

  • large fruit;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient width of the hips;
  • wrong position of the baby in the tummy.

When the norms of the abdominal circumference are lowered by weeks, this indicates one of the options:

  • oligohydramnios;
  • infectious disease;
  • overwearing;
  • delay in fetal development.

In case of any deviations from the norm, one should not panic. If mommy feels great, has excellent tests, a wonderful picture on ultrasound, then she can calmly wait for her baby to be born.

Care for a growing tummy: clothes and cosmetics

The disappearing waist and the pleasant roundness that appears in its place is a reason to take a closer look at your wardrobe. It’s good if, before pregnancy, the girl preferred oversized clothes. If everything was “according to the figure”, then this is exactly what fashion solution would save family budget. After all, things of a free cut can be worn after pregnancy. Yes, and they will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than buying in specialized stores for expectant mothers.

Particular attention should be paid to the "bottom". To do this, it is advisable to purchase special trousers, jeans and tights that will sit as comfortably as possible on the tummy without squeezing it. So, special belts or elastic bands are added to the pants for pregnant women, which allow you to make the fit on the hips as low as possible, but at the same time close the area of ​​the sides and abdomen is very pleasant for the skin. elastic fabric. The tights also have special inserts for the "pregnant tummy". They allow you not to lose femininity and confidence in your grace during this special period.

Give preference natural fabrics. It is also better to wash clothes with children's phosphate-free products, using hypoallergenic conditioners.

But what your belly will look like after pregnancy also depends on regular and proper care behind the skin in that area of ​​the body.

Noticing the increasing circumference of the abdomen, the expectant mother should take care in advance that she is as hydrated as possible. This will avoid unaesthetic stretch marks and unpleasant itching.

On too chemical cosmetical tools during this period, unexpected allergies may appear. Baby gels are suitable for cleansing the skin, and for moisturizing it - fixed oils. Get the latest, focusing on trusted brands natural cosmetics, but it is better to use the gifts of nature in its purest form.

  • coconut;
  • argans;
  • cocoa;
  • macadamia;
  • sweet almond.

Separately about the bandage

If the expectant mother does not plan to reduce her activity during the period of bearing the baby, she should think about a special supporting underwear. There are several types of bandages that can be worn as soon as the tummy begins to intensively round:

  1. Bandage-panties comfortable to wear, because it differs from the usual underwear only with a special supportive elastic insert in the tummy area. It is very comfortable to wear, but frequent washing wears it out quickly, due to which the main function is lost.
  2. Bandage belt more practical, because it is worn over panties. It looks like a wide elastic band with special valves to adjust the volume.
  3. Combined bandage may differ in price several times higher than the options mentioned, but it will come in handy for mommy both in the prenatal period and after childbirth. It looks like a belt with a wide and narrow part. It is necessary to fasten the bandage on the pregnant tummy so that the narrow part supports the stomach, and the wide part strengthens the back. After childbirth, such a belt is worn in reverse: the wide part supports the abdominal muscles.

You can’t do without a bandage if a woman has multiple or repeated pregnancy with a short break from the previous one, when the muscles have not yet had time to recover. It will also be recommended by a doctor suffering from osteochondrosis, varicose veins veins, or when there is a threat of premature birth of the baby.\

The choice of bandage should be approached carefully, trying on several options. future mommy should be comfortable in it. Pharmacy consultants cannot resist the desire to choose exactly the belt that will perform its functions and will not harm the baby growing in the tummy.

Remember, choosing a bandage, do not be zealous with wearing it. Every three hours there is at least half an hour break. An exception is the testimony of a doctor, in which it should be worn without taking it off.

Wearing a bandage in the last trimester of pregnancy will be special. If the baby suddenly takes the wrong position, the elastic belt will prevent him from rolling over before childbirth. When the child has taken the “right position” with his head down, the bandage, on the contrary, will keep him in this state until the moment of delivery.