How to make your lover's life unbearable. Magic to eliminate a rival

Not that hard to find information about how to get rid of a mistress for your wife, because this is competition. But sometimes a man doesn’t know what to do if the relationship with his mistress has outlived its usefulness, and she continues to show signs of attention and insists on meetings.

Some men They just disappear at a certain moment or use harsh statements to notify that the relationship is over. It all depends on how you want to treat this person and how clear your conscience is. That is why you need to know how to act correctly and how to treat your mistress so that she herself wants to leave you. Put the following tips into practice and you will quickly solve your problem.

Limit your lover's freedom

No matter how much a woman loved a man, she values ​​her personal space and does not want to be limited. For her to want to leave you, she needs to be oversaturated with you. Start acting like jealous husband, and she will stop perceiving you as a person with whom it is easy and simple.

- Forbid your mistress to go out with her friends. Every woman has a certain social circle consisting of friends. Often jealous husbands forbid their beloved wives to spend time with their friends, because there is a high probability that she will cheat, or among her friends there will be one who is looking for men. As a result, evenings in a cafe can smoothly flow into night events. Therefore, start telling your lover that she should not spend so much time with her friends, constantly reproach her and blame her.

- Call her and text her constantly. There is nothing more unpleasant than constant control. Women love when they are treated with trepidation and tenderness, but if they constantly call and pester you with questions, the love gradually passes. Today, with the help of a mobile phone and the Internet, you can keep in touch with a person who is far away from you. These should not be words of love and tenderness, but specific questions about where she is now, with whom, and what she is doing. Do this several times a day to completely tire her. But in this case, you must play the role not of a tyrant, but of a jealous person who is in despair and does not know where his beloved disappears.

- Show your lover your jealousy. If you want to get rid of your mistress, it means you absolutely don’t care who she spends time with or whether she has a man. But force yourself to remember those feelings when you were jealous. Embellish your emotions and start terrorizing your mistress with or without reason. Ask about every man from her work, follow her and openly express your dissatisfaction. She should feel ashamed of you a couple of times, so that she thinks about whether it’s even worth continuing the relationship with you. Jealousy is destructive for relationships, so learn to show your feelings and constantly put pressure on your lover.

- Quarrel with your mistress, and then make up. Learn to provoke her into scandals and start quarrels yourself. What does that require? Lack of conscience and tactlessness. Ideally, if her relatives take part in these quarrels, because then there will also be those who are in Once again will convince her that she does not need such a relationship. After a fight, blame her for everything. It is her fault that some disagreements arose between you, it was she who caused aggression in you and provoked a scandal.

Pull excuses out of her and apologies. She needs to understand that you are the person who made her feel uncomfortable. Tell your lover that she owes you an apology, make her feel guilty. After a few scandals, her opinion of you will change, and she will wonder if the game is worth the candle.

Every woman, having learned about the existence of another no less beloved person with her life partner, will experience a lot negative feelings. The first desire to take revenge will be quite natural. But after a while, the woman begins to understand that emotions only interfere with making the right decision. Sometimes it is better to survive betrayal and stay with your loved one. However, you also need to win new girlfriend. How to get rid of your husband's mistress forever and still respect yourself and your partner?

First, you need to be absolutely sure that your partner has someone. You must be armed with facts, not speculation, and the betrayal must be permanent, not just a random one-off. You also need to understand whether you want to be with him after what happened, whether you can sincerely and completely forgive. Anyway living together will never be the same again. But if you are sure of cheating and want your partner to leave the other woman and come back to you, our recommendations will come in handy.

Don’t tell anyone about this, don’t try to ask anyone for advice, this is a family matter, and nothing more. It’s better to figure this out on your own: the situation will be resolved sooner or later, but all initiates will be left with a bad feeling.

Take care of yourself. Change something in your appearance, in your behavior, become attractive, smart, well-groomed. To do this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money; many things can be done within the walls of your home: play sports, do manicures, pedicures, masks, etc. Interested men's views will instantly affect your self-esteem, your posture will become better, your look will become more confident. Next to this the woman will disappear desire to look for someone on the side.

Introduce intrigue into your daily communication with your partner, make him jealous, but in doses so as not to go too far. When you become mysterious, you will want to understand you. Occupy your thoughts with yourself and only yourself.

Don't sort things out, don't make scandals. Remain completely calm. Such behavior should only pleasantly surprise, but not strain or disappoint. Don't try to date someone else and try to figure it out. Keep calm and cool head.

Become yourself for your chosen one desirable woman so that your husband leaves the other one and returns to you consciously. If you know someone who crossed your path, study her features that could attract a partner. Appearance, habits, behavior - any fact can be used to update your image.

If your life partner is owner and loves weak women, quit your job and become a housewife, seek help and support, show the power over you.

Stop thinking about cheating, get busy with other, completely unrelated things: renovations, a dacha, children, find yourself a new hobby, go meet old friends, find yourself new friends.

Heal full life, surround yourself positive emotions, smile more often.

Give romantic evening, turning into unforgettable night so that everyone except you is forgotten.

If you and your partner have always had stable, confidential communication, discuss with him an affair on the side. Try not to act overly emotional or aggressive.

How to beat another

Which ones exist? effective ways How to make your husband leave his mistress once and for all? We offer short tips psychologist, recommendations on how to get rid of an annoying lover:

  • Don't think about her as a living person, think only about the reasons that made your spouse leave for her. Think about how to eliminate the reasons for the trip, and not the person herself.
  • Try to get to know your other half from scratch. Imagine that your husband is a complete stranger to you. Discover new features in him, study his habits, admire him as if for the first time. Admiration for the stronger sex is very important.
  • Relax somewhere alone. A sense of ownership will awaken in him, he will want to understand what is happening, to catch up with you.
  • Load it to full capacity. Let him repair the taps, change the light bulbs, start raising children intensively, start chopping wood - anything so that at the end of the day he will be so exhausted that there will be no desire to go anywhere. But I just wanted to stay at home and relax. However, do not overdo it - otherwise he will rarely appear at home.

  • If your partner does not know that you know all the adventures, and you know the other lady by sight, try to develop in him disgust towards her: tell him something unpleasant, repulsive about her. Or about her untidiness, uncleanliness, or any diseases (most effectively, sexually transmitted diseases). About promiscuous behavior or strange habits.
  • If your new beloved turns out to be a friend, break off all relations with her, even if she convincingly explains her behavior to you. Guerrilla wars are of no use to you.
  • Let your loved one go to the lady of your heart for a few days. Usually they are not ready to tolerate a man in everyday life.
  • If you have influence on your rival’s life, try to send your mistress away from her husband as far as possible. A business trip, an internship, a transfer to a neighboring branch, a tighter work schedule - any means to ensure that meetings are as rare as possible.

3 main choices

  1. Give an ultimatum - so that the husband makes the decision. This step is usually taken out of despair and in the hearts, and emotions are a bad helper. A man can tell you that it's already over, and at the same time go to her, but in a more hidden way.
  2. Give the man the right to choose. If you are willing to stay with him and forgive any wrongdoing, this path is possible.
  3. Show that you feel good yourself. This step is good only if you really feel this way, otherwise the falseness will be visible. Don't start looking for a quick replacement spouse in a panic.

How to understand that you are still able to restore and preserve your family happy life? If the faithful does not talk to you about what is happening, then he values ​​​​the marriage and is not going to destroy the family. If he told you everything openly, without hiding anything, he may have already made a decision, and not for your benefit.

If, after all the attempts, how to make your loved one hate his mistress and return to you, you have not achieved desired result, do not rush to resort to the services of magic. If the husband does not leave his mistress, this may indicate the seriousness of feelings.

Sometimes it happens that a man himself would be glad for his mistress to leave behind, but this will not happen. And he is ready to happily remove the other one from his life, but his girlfriend holds on tenaciously and does not let go of her hands.

Light magic and conspiracies help many people solve problems not only in everyday life, but also in love. For example, rituals with the help of which you can attract your betrothed, bring marriage closer, etc. are very effective. Many people turn to magic when other methods no longer help. So, for example, in situations where the spouse began to walk “to the left,” special rituals help. With their help, you can return your husband by breaking him up with his mistress, so that the family is not left without a breadwinner. And today we will tell you how a conspiracy for a mistress “works”. We will give several options for rituals on how to keep your spouse in the family.

Every woman is afraid to imagine that her husband will leave for another. Noticing that the spouse is becoming withdrawn, secretive and irritable, most immediately resort to magical texts to solve the problem and ward off their mistress.

If you are faced with a situation where your husband started visiting his mistress, first of all you need to understand why this happened. Without hiding even minor details from yourself, face the truth. Perhaps we shouldn't resort to magic. Perhaps it will be enough to change something in yourself. Sometimes cardinal change appearance or looseness in bed can improve the situation.

However, if you are within long period When you observe your husband’s unusual behavior, you should act more decisively. Usually a sign of cheating is the spouse's secrecy. It is suspicious that the lover begins to stay late at work, often turns off the phone or hides messages on the phone. And to prevent your husband from leaving for his mistress for good, use a special spell.

Precisely targeted magical texts are very effective in similar situations. Using a spell, you can:

  • to quarrel between a spouse and his mistress;
  • hold the beloved;
  • return him to the family if he left;
  • punish your husband for cheating, etc.

Previously, these problems were addressed to light magicians, sorcerers and witches. Nowadays, you can solve such problems yourself.

Below we offer several options for rituals. Each plot has a precise focus, and therefore you can choose exactly what is most suitable for your situation.

It is advisable to act immediately when you notice changes. Especially if they found evidence of infidelity. The main thing is to be patient and strictly follow the instructions. Only if you follow the recommendations will the plot work - you will be able to get rid of your mistress and return your beloved.

Ritual to neutralize a rival

This plot can be used at the first sign of your husband’s infidelity. Using it, you can neutralize the spell of your mistress and keep your husband in the family. For the ritual to be effective, it is advisable to know the name of the other woman.

This ritual is simple. To carry it out you will need:

  • church candle;
  • incense;
  • a handful of salt.

The magical text is read in salt. Before pronouncing the text, you should light a candle and incense. Then you can say the following words:

“From the intrigues of my mistress (her name) and her bonds, I charm my beloved husband (his name). I free him from her thoughts, deeds, desires, body. I’m saving my beloved husband (his name) from a terrible mistake, and myself from pain, evil people’s rumors, and the loss of my family. I block his mistress’s path to her sweetheart. I block peace from her in my family and home. I love my husband, and he loves me, and he doesn’t need anyone else. We walk hand in hand through life, but our rival has a different path. The heavenly forces support me, protect my family, protect me, help me get rid of misfortunes. May we live together until the end of our days in happiness, love and joy. Amen".

After you read the plot, you need to blow out the candle. After the ceremony, the salt must be taken outside and poured onto the ground. The effect can be expected in the near future.

Ritual to pacify a walking husband

Perhaps many are familiar with the situation when an exemplary man and family man suddenly begins to go out for walks. In such situations, a different conspiracy will be required. A magical text that will help pacify the husband, turn him away from his mistress and return him to the family must be pronounced during a special ceremony.

For this ritual you will need:

On the day when you plan to carry out a ritual to pacify your wandering husband, you need to buy a new lock. When you bring it into the house, open it. Light a candle and read the plot:

“There are three stars shining in the sky. One of them is the Moon. Whoever guesses the other two stars will break my plot. And I conjure the yellow moon. Find, bring, put to bed with me the servant of God (spouse’s name). So that as soon as he crosses the threshold at home, he will forget about other women forever. So that his thoughts were only about me, so that his flesh only desired me. I, the servant of God (say your name), lock it with a lock and close the lock with a key. Language, lock, key. Amen".

After these words, close the lock with the key. Put it at front door, and put the key in a secret place.

Ritual for a quarrel between husband and rival

This ritual will help to quarrel between your husband and his mistress, so that he returns to you and does not leave the family. A ritual will help to ward off your opponent, for which you will need:

  • a piece of dark fabric;
  • white Blank sheet paper;
  • pen;
  • two church candles;
  • broken glass;
  • a handful of earth from the churchyard;
  • a scrap of dog and cat hair;
  • mortar and pestle for grinding herbs;
  • a handful of salt;
  • a little vinegar.

The ritual for a quarrel between a mistress and a spouse must be carried out during the waning moon. In order for the plot to be effective and the husband not to leave the family for another, the ritual must be performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Having planned your day, close the curtains at night and open the window. Spread a piece of cloth on a clean table. Place a mortar and pestle and candles on it. After lighting the candles, begin to immerse glass shards, animal hair, soil, as well as salt and vinegar into the mortar. Then place a piece of paper next to it. Armed with a pen, write down the magic spell text on it:

“Just as dogs and cats fight all their lives, so should my husband, the servant of God (husband’s name), fight with his mistress (her name). I conjure them to quarrel, fight and finally separate. I conjure them to become angry with each other, so that their feelings turn into glass shards!”

After writing down the words, read the plot three times in a row. After this, burn the piece of paper by lighting it with a candle flame. After this ritual, pour the ashes from the paper into a mortar with the rest of the ingredients. After thoroughly grinding everything with a pestle and mortar, wrap it in a cloth. After this, it can be moved to the windowsill. Place candles nearby without blowing them out. The conspiracy will take effect as soon as church candles will burn out.

After reading this magical text, you will be able to separate your spouse from your mistress. You will be able to keep your lover in the family by causing a quarrel with your rival. Such remedies are effective until the relationship between the other woman and your husband becomes stronger. Therefore, if you notice a change in your husband’s usual behavior, read this plot to bring the man home.

All sorts of incidents happen in people's lives, for example, sometimes not only women make efforts to get rid of their husband's mistress, sometimes men themselves are looking for methods to get rid of obsessive lovers, which they themselves tamed. And all because old feelings have lost their power, the mistress does not understand this and continues to be guided by the principles of life to which she is accustomed. As before, she insists on meetings, shows signs of attention, and sometimes even threatens to tell her everything.

Some men do not invent anything, and at the right moment they disappear without any explanation. As a rule, on the eve of this event there are serious quarrels, in which phrases are repeatedly heard that relationships must be put to rest. A man’s behavior when divorcing his mistress determines how clear his conscience is and what kind of relationship he wants to preserve after that. Yes, it happens when ex-lovers become good friends, this time without communication through the bed.

Men need to know special technique, which will tell you what to do with your mistress, how to treat her, in order to force her to initiate the breakup. The following tips will help you quickly solve the problem.

"Cross" on the freedom of a mistress

Every woman loves freedom, she values ​​her personal space and does not tolerate it when her beloved man limits it. And here the degree of love fades into the background, the woman will do everything to eliminate all the invisible frames that suddenly touched her. In order for a mistress to show a desire to leave a man, there must be too much of him in her life. We suggest you start behaving like a jealous husband, then your mistress will no longer perceive you as a person with whom the relationship does not have any obligations.

No going out with friends

Any woman is part of a certain social circle, which includes her closest friends. Jealous men the question “Darling, let’s not meet today, because I want to go out with my girlfriends” is categorically negative. At their core, men are possessive, and jealous men are doubly possessive.

They prohibit a woman from killing time in this way, arguing that talking with her girlfriends about men will incline her to cheat, especially if there is one in the company who is in search of a companion. After heart-to-heart conversations, there is a high probability that the evening will continue in a nightclub, where unexpected acquaintances occur under the influence of alcohol. Don’t be afraid to convey your thoughts to her, let her listen to everything, reproach her, blame her.

Constant calls and SMS

Don’t be lazy to call and text her almost every half hour. This is a direct invasion of a woman’s freedom; being under constant control is very unpleasant thing. The woman they love is treated completely differently, they experience awe, tenderness, affection, trust, and are not pestered with constant questions. Today, in the age of information technology, it is not difficult to impose provocative calls and messages on a person.

It is important that their content does not contain a hint of love and tenderness, but only direct phrases like “where are you”, “who are you with”, “why are you there”, “why not at home”, etc. In just a week, with such diligence, the girl will be able to lose her temper. But even after this, do not stop playing the role of a desperate jealous person who always strives to know where and with whom his beloved is.

True demonstration of jealousy

When communicating with your lover, constantly demonstrate your jealousy to her. If you need to get rid of her, then you probably don’t care who she hangs out with, whether she has male admirers, etc. But it’s not yet time to show this with your attitude; remember those feelings, probably in the first months after you met, when there was jealousy.

Gather all your emotions and start terrorizing your lover for no reason. Take an interest in each man from the woman's work, openly and persistently express your dissatisfaction with them. Take extreme measures, ask her to quit her job and find another one where it will be strictly women's team. Let shame for you awaken in her mind, let her seriously think about whether to continue the relationship. Any woman knows deep down that jealousy of this degree in a relationship is destructive, so if you don’t stop pressing, she will definitely leave you.


First, quarrel with your mistress, and then you yourself strive to make peace. The more often this happens, the more likely it is that she will leave you. You must learn to respond to provocations and start quarrels on level ground yourself. This is necessary so that your beloved sees that you have little conscience, only tactlessness remains. If outsiders take part in these skirmishes, it's doubly better. Relatives and friends will once again ask her the question “What did you find in him?”

Remember, only she is to blame for all quarrels, it was she who provoked the conflict and forced you to show aggression. Therefore, she should apologize to you, and not vice versa. Cause her to suffer from conscience, do not speak to her until she asks for forgiveness. After several such scandals, a woman will understand that you are the man who forces her to experience regular awkward feelings. Most likely, the opinion about you will change, and not in better side, she will think again whether the game is worth such sacrifices.

Night is not the time to relax

A lover should not feel peace even at night. In any case, she has acquaintances, friends with whom she likes to while away time. To make her feel in control, start calling her in the middle of the night, just call her, not text her. How can you explain such a late call? It's simple, you want to ask where she is and with whom, what she's doing. If she does not live on her own, perhaps with a child or parents, “night worries” will greatly disturb her and drive her crazy.

Normal man, of course, would feel sorry for those around you, but this is not the case here - your goal is not to care about others, but to get rid of an obsessive personality. Set your alarm clock for quiet time, especially to call your lover who is not around. In a commanding voice, ask where she is “having a living” now.

Gifts long forgotten

Gifts for a woman are like the elixir of life; a man’s constant attention in this form is highly valued. Therefore, if you want to get rid of your mistress, forget about flowers and pleasant little things. At the same time, do not say that you are now going through a difficult financial period; on the contrary, you will evoke sympathy and understanding. Say that it was your birthday the day before real wife, and you had to sacrifice a considerable amount of money.

Without hiding it, buy yourself new phone, clothes, citing no need to refresh your image. Accidentally “throw in her eyes” a receipt from the store, which indicates the monetary amount of the family shopping. After this, any woman will understand that you no longer want to pamper her or spend money on her.

Let her be jealous

Not only should you be jealous, you should also give your lover a chance to show jealousy. Most women, when they feel the breath of their rival and at the same time see that their man reciprocates, prefer to press the “stop” button on the relationship remote control. How to do it? Just ask your sister or close friend make a sudden call during your date with your mistress. Let them sound in the phone sweet words, hints about a date. Accordingly, try to answer with the right phrases. And when your mistress asks, “Who called?”, say it’s for work.

If you say it was the wife, it's unlikely to play for her great importance. But another woman, besides the wife, is already an urgent problem. There is a high probability that she will consider you a gigolo, a “male” and will understand the danger of further relationships. After all, as women think, if a man cheated once, he will do it constantly.

Accidentally forget a receipt from a women's store in your trouser pocket underwear, change the names of several contacts (from whom you often receive calls) in mobile phone on female names. Seeing how often unexpected callers, and even female ones, appear in your inbox, your mistress will quickly lose balance and will definitely cause a scandal.


In principle, as you can see for yourself, getting rid of your mistress is not so difficult. Using the above tricks, ensure positive result It will be possible in a week or two. The most important thing is to understand that you no longer need another woman. This way, your emotions and actions will not be controlled by the feelings of the past.

Has your beloved man begun to look to the left? It's time to neutralize the enemy! Read our article “How to get rid of your husband’s mistress”

Lover... There is no word sweeter for a man and more hateful for his wife. But, if there is a smell of betrayal in the house, there is no need to throw tantrums or threaten suicide - what happened, happened. You need to look for where mistakes were made in relationships or everyday life, correct and fight. And the mistress herself needs to be... no, not killed - neutralized. Moreover, it is safe and competent. A little cunning and knowledge of psychology - and the husband himself will refuse it.

Best friend

When it really hurts, it’s when you become your loved one’s mistress. best friend. After all, this is a double betrayal: one betrayed love, the second betrayed many years of friendship...

But getting rid of this type of mistress is easy. After all, you already know everything about her - all her habits, dreams and problems. Everything had already been discussed more than once, all the secrets were revealed in moments of emotional impulse. So now use everything you hear against your unfaithful friend. And the most powerful weapon in this case is disgust. Yes, men are very squeamish, and as soon as they find out that their mistress either suffers from some unpleasant sore of the genital organs, or rarely washes herself, or something else inappropriate, they can easily break off any ties.

Therefore, this is what you need to do. When your loved one comes home from work, as if by chance, general conversation, tell him the most terrible secret to a friend, which will definitely scare the man away. Or at extreme case, tell your husband “in confidence” that Olya (Masha, Natasha) has such a nasty sore that she, poor thing, is constantly itching, especially in intimate places, so when she comes to visit, next to her on the sofa better nearby don't sit - it's easy to get infected.

And you can forget about the problem of how to get rid of your husband’s mistress.

Girl "to order"

But if a beloved man has a mistress who is more interested in his money, it means that he somehow has a lot of this money.

After all, girls who are financially limited are always circling around more or less wealthy men in flocks, and they try to solve their problems at the expense of “rich Pinocchios”: buy me this dress, then those boots, or this sexy mega-expensive underwear, “ You don’t feel sorry for it, baby?” And it’s so nice to dine not at home with cheap dumplings, but in a chic restaurant, where, by the way, a smart girl and other wallets will be able to look after themselves. Two birds with one stone, as they say.

Solving the problem of how to get rid of your husband’s mistress will be more difficult here. But first, it will be enough to limit or begin to unobtrusively control your husband’s income. If this may infuriate him, you can take a more cunning route. For example, think about a serious purchase, like a summer house or a new car, and everyone will make a serious contribution to this acquisition. This is where the girl’s source of support will inevitably be covered up, and she, pouting her lips, will go to the more generous dad Carlo.


The typical image of a mistress is a long-legged blonde with gorgeous figure, empty-minded and ready to do anything for money or a promotion at work. In fact, this is more of a common myth than the truth. Very often, women are simply amazed to find out who exactly their husbands choose as their mistress. For example, plain-looking, plump girls without special characteristics or social status. But why? One of the options for this behavior is a man’s need for affection and care, which he has not seen at home for a long time.

While his wife earns money and rocks corporate parties, he goes to his mistress, who will always feed him delicious homemade borscht and tender pies, warm him, caress him - replace his mother, in general. And her home is always clean and very comfortable. Such a lover is needed not for sex, but for the soul. But, of course, we also need to fight it. After all, one day, in the heat of a quarrel with his wife, a hungry man may go to his wife for good.

Here's what you need to do. If the house is messy, don’t be shy and hire a housekeeper for two days a week. Invite an interior designer and transform your home so that it is truly comfortable to live in. And be sure to learn how to cook. Even if it’s something simple, but tasty. And most importantly, demonstrate to your husband with all your might that all this comes easily to you - cooking, cleaning, everything as if by magic. magic wand. It’s not like the many whores who don’t even have hairstyles because they even cook borscht all day long, while you can do it just as well in half an hour. Surround your loved one with care and love, become more tolerant and warmer, and the man will surrender. After all, one’s own wife is still dearer.


One of the “safest” mistresses is a careerist. She will play at love, advance in her career thanks to your husband, and, as soon as he becomes useless, she will leave him for the next “step”, along which she will reach the top. But there is one “but”: a career woman can get carried away, and a man can fall in love - according to statistics, 4 out of 10 office romances ends with a wedding. That’s why it’s still worth acting without starting the situation itself.

It’s great if your husband’s mistress works in the same company where he and you work. Then everything will be simple: tell your husband one evening how this girl laughed at some boss she was sleeping with during her lunch break. Like, he’s so bad in bed that she then has nightmares and something like that. The main thing is to use some real flaw of a man in the legend, and only slightly change it. The man will be horrified, and very soon the relationship with the career woman will come to naught.


The most difficult case of neutralizing a rival is when a man has truly fallen in love. This is where you have to rack your brains about how to get rid of your husband’s mistress, because she has no visible selfish motives. Well, he was struck by boyish feelings, and this is probably his wife’s fault: everyday life, quarrels, boredom in relationships. If there were such mistakes, then all is not lost; at least there is something to correct. And you need to start with yourself. Perhaps it’s time to change your image, hairstyle, how to refresh your image in the eyes of your husband. Remember more often how you met, buy a disk with striptease training and amaze your husband with your grace, surprise and ignite passion...

And at the same time, you need to work on breaking up the husband’s relationship with his mistress. No matter how much he is in love, there is a wonderful way to take that famous step from love to hate for him - to convince him that his mistress has bewitched him. And men really don’t like being a puppet in someone’s hands. But, of course, you shouldn’t talk about it directly, or even show that you know something. It’s much better to casually talk about a program you watched or just an incident with a friend’s husband, who was secretly bewitched with the help of food, and now he wants to leave the family. Like, what can’t you do? If he leaves, he’ll immediately burn out from some illness or become drunk. And tell us the signs of a love spell - a man cannot think about anything other than the object, is ready to leave his wife and children, is drying up in some kind of fog. All in all, usual signs Think of falling in love as a love spell. Men are very suspicious, and this method works great in most cases.

But when the hated rival will be neutralized, give all your strength and attention to the prodigal husband– if he rushes into the arms of others, it means that he is missing something at home. Have a heart-to-heart talk, eventually go to a psychologist - it’s even fashionable today. The main thing is to rekindle love, refresh your feelings, admit your mistakes and work on them.