September fast days calendar

September 22, 2017 - Sunday, 265th day of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. September 22 corresponds to September 9 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays September 22, 2017 in Russia

  • There are no holidays on September 22, 2017 in Russia.

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Holidays September 22, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Day of partisan glory. The Day of Partisan Glory of Ukraine (Ukrainian "Day of Partisan Glory") is celebrated in the country annually on September 22. This holiday was established in 2001 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the underground partisan movement in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War, and is celebrated as a tribute of nationwide respect to those who fought against the Nazis in deep wartime. behind enemy lines, sparing neither strength nor life itself. 6200 partisan detachments and underground groups, which numbered about a million people, inflicted significant losses on the Nazi troops in the occupied territory, contributing to the advancement of units and formations Soviet army to the west. For courage and heroism shown in the fight against the enemy, 200 thousand partisans and underground workers were awarded orders and medals, 223 of them received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Traditionally, various solemn and commemorative events are held on this day.

World and international holidays September 22, 2017

  • World Car Free Day. September 22 is World Car Free Day, on which motorists (and motorcyclists) are encouraged to give up fuel-consuming vehicles for at least a day; in some cities and countries there are special organized events. As stated in an article in The Washington Post, the event promotes the idea of ​​walking and cycling, using public transport, as well as the development of communities with walking distance to places of work and leisure. Such events bring to the masses the idea of ​​minimizing the use of personal transport; they spontaneously took place in different cities since the beginning of the 1973 oil crisis, but in October 1994, at the International Ciudades Accesibles conference, Eric Britton in Toledo, Spain, made the first call for the periodic implementation of such projects. In the first two years, Car Free Days were held in Reykjavik (Iceland), Bath (Somerset, UK) and La Rochelle (France); In 1995, the informal World Car Free Days Consortium was created to support such Days. The first national campaign was carried out in 1997 in the UK by the Environmental Transport Association, the second in 1998 in France, called In town, and in 2000 the European Commission extended the campaign to the entire territory of the European Union. In the same year, the European Commission extended the event to a whole week of "European Mobility Week", which is now the main event held under the "new mobility" ideology. In 2000, similar Days began to be held around the world as part of the World Carfree Day program run by Carbusters (now the World Carfree Network); in the same year World Days began to be held in conjunction with the Earth Car Free Day program (Earth Day Network organization).
  • World Elephant Day. "World Elephant Day" was established at the initiative of environmentalists and caring people concerned about the decline in the number of the largest land mammals on the planet. The organizers of the holiday proposed to celebrate it annually on September 22. This initiative has not received wide distribution, but occasionally in various countries around the world on this day organize all sorts of events in order to draw the attention of the world community to the problem of declining elephant populations.

Orthodox holidays September 22, 2017

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Afterfeast of Christmas Holy Mother of God;
  • Memorial Day of the Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Severian of Sebaste;
  • Memorial Day of St. Joseph, hegumen of Volotsky (Volokolamsky), miracle worker;
  • Finding and transferring the relics of St. Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Theophan, confessor and fasting;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyrs Khariton and Strator (Stratonika);
  • Memorial Day of Blessed Nikita in Tsargrad;
  • Remembrance of the III Ecumenical Council;
  • Memorial Day of St. Onufry Voronsky;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyrs Grigory Garyaev, presbyter. and Alexander Ipatov, deacon;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyrs Zechariah (Lobov), Archbishop of Voronezh, Sergius Uklonsky, Joseph Arkharov, Alexy Uspensky, presbyters, Demetrius of Troitsky, deacon, and martyr Vasily Shikalov;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Andronik (Surikov), hieromonk;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Alexander Vinogradov, Presbyter.

Folk holidays September 22, 2017

  • Akim and Anna. The national holiday "Akim and Anna" is celebrated on September 22 (according to the old style - September 9). On this day Orthodox Church remembers the parents of the Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary) - Saints Joachim and Anna. Other names of the holiday: "Presenting Day", "Day of Women in Birth". On September 22, young families invited their neighbors to visit: “To our bread and salt, you are welcome!” They said and treated the guests with round pies. Being the direct ancestors of Jesus Christ, Joachim and Anna were called "Godfathers". Anna came from the family of a priest (the family of Aaron), and Joachim came from the family of David (the house of King David). The couple were childless. But one day an angel appeared to Joachim, who told him about imminent birth daughters. The same angel appeared to Anna, informing her of imminent conception daughter named Mary. After 9 months, they had a baby, who was later given to the temple of Jerusalem for worship. The day of Akim (Joachim) and Anna, which is the afterfeast of the Nativity of the Virgin, in Rus' was also called the Day of Women in Childbirth. Both saints are considered patrons of women in childbirth and childless women. On this day, young mothers were congratulated, and midwives were also honored. To do this, they baked pies, cooked porridge and invited women to a feast. According to legend, if a childless woman prays to the Fathers of God for a child on this day, then her prayers will be heard and will certainly be fulfilled. This holiday was distinguished by ritual porridge, which was called worldly, because it was cooked "by the whole world." Porridge has always been a special dish, because it accompanied a person from birth (the women in labor were fed and special porridge was served at christening) to death (the dead were also commemorated with it). It is also great for household magic - after all, it is ideal for slander, because it carries positive energy summer, sun and rain, and conspiracies on it have a special power, often surpassing many other ways to change reality. If on the Most Pure (September 21) relatives came to visit the newlyweds, then on Akim and Anna it was customary to invite neighbors to visit. The neighbors were playing important role in the life of a peasant family, because it was to them that they turned for help or to share joy. Neighbors "formed public opinion", in modern terms, about the new young family, so treating the neighbors that day was one of the important steps in this direction. Newlyweds in the first year life together tried to demonstrate a good relationship among themselves and the ability to manage a household. In Rus', many rituals were associated with the arrival of guests. The ritual was based on the exchange of greetings between the guest and the host. First of all, the host had to express his joy at the arrival of the guest, then ask about the health and well-being of the family, and ask how the guest got to the house. In response, the guest greeted the host and informed him of the purpose of the visit, although it was already known about him in advance. In ancient times, it was believed that a guest is a representative higher powers. Giving gifts and making toasts, he brings prosperity to the house.

Muslim holidays September 22, 2017

  • New Year by Hijri. On the first day of the holy month of Muharram, the Hijri New Year begins. 1 Muharram is not included in the number of Islamic holidays and, accordingly, in most Muslim countries, the New Year is not celebrated as a holiday in the secular sense. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the move of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 - the starting point of the Muslim lunar calendar. The month of Muharram is the first month of the Muslim calendar. It is believed that as a person spends the first month of the year, so will the rest of the twelve months. Muharram is one of the four months during which Allah specifically forbade conflicts, blood feud, wars and similar feuds. Much is said in the Qur'an about the importance of this month. Muharram is the month of repentance and worship. Every Muslim should try to spend this month in the service of God. One of the sayings of Muhammad says: "Muharram is the best for fasting after the month of Ramadan." Another saying says: "He who fasts one day in the month of Muharram is rewarded as for 30 fasts." A few words about fasting in Islam. As-saum (from Arabic sama - to fast; Persian - Ruze; Turk. - Uraza) - fasting, one of the main obligatory prescriptions of Islam. As-saum consists in complete abstinence during daylight hours from eating, drinking and any drinks, smoking tobacco, bathing, inhaling incense, entertainment, sexual intercourse, that is, from everything that distracts from piety. With the onset of darkness, the prohibitions are lifted, but it is recommended not to indulge in excesses, including gluttony. The post starts from the moment when " white thread can be distinguished from black. But this expression cannot be taken literally, it means the time when white stripe on the horizon can be distinguished from black, that is, some time before sunrise. Only those who cannot observe it due to some temporary circumstances are exempted from fasting ( long trip, war, captivity, illness), who cannot be responsible for their actions (the mentally ill), as well as the elderly at their request, small children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and all those who can be harmed by fasting. Thus, as-saum takes into account and medical indications to absolute starvation. Those who are in a state of ritual impurity are not allowed to fast - criminals who have not served their sentence, who have been defiled, who have not undergone purification. We can say that the possibility of fasting is an honor for a Muslim. Those who break the fast must accidentally make up for the lost days, and those who deliberately break the fast must, in addition to making up for these days, repent and perform expiatory acts. It is forbidden to fast on the days of two great holidays, fasting on Friday (Muslim day off), Saturday (Jewish day) and Sunday (Christian day) is condemned.

Holidays September 22, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Bulgaria September 22, 2017 - Independence Day. Every year on September 22, Bulgaria celebrates National holiday- Independence Day. This day marks the anniversary of the proclamation of the sovereign Bulgarian kingdom in 1908. Until that time, the Bulgarian principality was formally a vassal Ottoman Empire and in all foreign policy acts he asked for the approval of the Turkish Sultan. On September 22, 1908, the Bulgarian prince Ferdinand read out the Manifesto on the Independence of Bulgaria in the city of Veliko Tarnovo. From that moment on, the country changed the form of the principality to the kingdom. Soon Ottoman Türkiye and all the other Great Powers of Europe officially recognized the Kingdom of Bulgaria. A rapid rise began to be noted in the country, which, however, did not last long - after 5 years, the Balkan Wars began, followed by the First World War. These wars brought national catastrophes to Bulgaria. IN recent history countries have been celebrating Independence Day since 1998. The main festivities on the occasion of Independence Day are usually held not in Sofia, but in the city of Veliko Tarnovo near the monument to the Independence of Bulgaria. As a rule, they begin with a solemn reading of the Manifesto, and on the evening of September 22, the Tsarevets city hill is illuminated by thousands of multi-colored spotlights - a light show is being performed under open sky"Sound and Light". Also, festive events and various celebrations are traditionally held throughout the country.
  • Holiday in Latvia September 22, 2017 - Baltic Unity Day. Baltic Unity Day or Baltic Solidarity Day takes place annually on 22 September. This holiday was established in memory of the important for the Baltic region historical event: On September 22, 1236, the Order of the Sword-bearers attacked Lithuania, but thanks to the combined efforts of the Baltic peoples, the attack was repelled. The order was broken. The Order of the Sword-bearers had previously attacked the lands of the Baltic countries. So, in 1207 he captured the territories of the Livs (modern Lithuania), and in 1214 - the territories of the Latgalians (modern Latvia). After the defeat in 1236, the order was no longer able to gather new forces, which made it possible for the inhabitants of the Baltic states to regain their freedom and independence. The Baltic Unity Day became a reminder of the important events of the medieval period, in which the solidarity of the Baltic peoples was manifested. This day also serves as an example for future generations, as if saying that it is possible to defeat any enemy through the joint efforts.
  • Holiday in Lithuania September 22, 2017 - Baltic Unity Day.
  • Holiday in Estonia September 22, 2017 - Baltic Unity Day.
  • Holiday in Norway September 22, 2017 - Birthday of Princess Martha Louise. Like other Scandinavian monarchies, Norway celebrates the birthdays of members royal family. These days are called flag days (holidays and memorable dates, in honor of which the state flag is raised in the places established by law). On September 22, Norway celebrates the birthday of Princess Martha Louise (Märtha Louise, September 22, 1971), the eldest daughter of King Harald V of Norway and Queen Sonja. Martha Louise was the first child in the family crown prince Harald and his wife Princess Sonja (later King Harald V and Queen Sonja). On February 1, 2002, she voluntarily lost her title, thus freeing herself from the need to perform representative functions and losing her royal privileges and possessions. In exchange, she got the opportunity to do business and earn a living on her own. The corresponding decree was signed by King Harald, who fully approved the choice of his daughter. The princess received her first income from filming a children's program, which aired on the Norwegian state television channel. She is also actively involved in charity work. Back in December 2001, she got engaged to Norwegian writer Ari Behn. Their marriage ceremony took place on May 24, 2002. Martha Louise and Ari have three daughters.
  • Holiday in the USA September 22, 2017 - american day business women(Business Woman Day). Since the mid-1990s, every year on September 22, American Business Women's Day has been widely celebrated in the United States in order to emphasize the importance of women's work and the undoubted contribution of women to creating the image of modern America as an economically stable and prosperous state. The creation of this holiday was the organization of American business women, who came to the conclusion that the contribution of its participants to the development of the economy and welfare of the country has not yet been taken into account.In order to correct this injustice, it was decided to establish the Day of American Women in Business.And as the date of the holiday was chosen September 22 because on that day in 1949, Kansas businessman Hilary Bufton and three businesswomen established the American Business Women's Association, which became the national professional association for women . International holiday until he did - for many feminists, he does not seem quite politically correct. However, on September 22, celebrations and holiday receptions take place across America, honoring more than 57 million working women.
  • Holiday in Mali September 22, 2017 - Independence Day. September 22 is National Day of Mali (Independence Day of Mali). This Public Holiday was established to commemorate the anniversary of the Republic's independence from France in 1960. Before declaring its independence, the Republic of Mali was a French colony from the middle of the 19th century. The anti-colonial movement in Mali was led by the Sudanese Union Party, founded in 1946. The result of the activities of this party was the proclamation in 1958 of the French Sudan as an autonomous Sudanese Republic within the French Community. The Sudanese Republic then, together with Senegal, joined the Federation of Mali in 1959, but already in August 1960 withdrew from it. The Sudanese Republic declared itself independent on September 22, 1960 and became known as the Republic of Mali. The celebration of the current Independence Day of Mali, also known as the National Day of Mali, is held very solemnly, magnificently. For example, on this day, festivals are often held in the country, folk groups perform. And in the evening, the sky over Mali usually blooms on this day with fiery flowers of fireworks.

Almost every day a particular holiday is celebrated in Russia. This moment leaves its mark on the consciousness of people who, in search of information about any memorable date trying to find holiday moments.

Today in this regard is no exception to the rule, since September 17, 2017 falls on several holidays at once, which we will discuss in this article. In particular, today there is next holiday: Day of Forest Workers. In turn, the folk and church calendars intertwined and tell us about the feast of the icon of the Mother of God, called the Burning Bush.

More than half of the territory of Russia is occupied by forests, this is an invaluable wealth given to us by nature, it is a source of joy and health. Preservation and enhancement of our forest, its rational use is the duty of every member of society.

But there are people who have devoted their whole lives to this cause. And on September 17 of each year, all people somehow connected with the protection and enhancement of the forest, with its harvesting and processing, celebrate their professional holiday- Day of forest workers. In 1977, on this day, the Forest Legislation was adopted, which regulates issues related to the life of the forest.

The forest is our greatest natural wealth, a guarantee of environmental security, a priority component of the national economic complex and the basis of the country's economic stability. The forest in Russia is an invaluable gift of nature and the greatest national treasure, a source of the spiritual and emotional potential of the nation, its health.

The Day of Forest Workers, this professional holiday is celebrated not only by specialists in forestry, forest protection, logging, pulp and paper, woodworking enterprises, veterans of the timber industry, but also by all those who treat the forest with love and respect.

What church and folk holiday today, 09/17/2017: Burning Bush

This day falls special holiday dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush".

According to legend, from the blazing but not burning thorn bush, the prophet Moses heard the voice of God, calling him to go with the Israelites from Egypt.

Also, the Burning Bush is a prototype of the Mother of God and symbolizes the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. On the most famous miraculous icon, the Virgin Mary with the baby Christ is depicted in the center, and a star with eight rays surrounds them, and it consists of two quadrangles - scarlet, the color of the flame, and green, the color of the bush plant. The holiday began in the 17th century, and Russian icon painting has been familiar with the icon since the sixteenth century.

On this day, they prayed especially fervently for protection from fire and lightning strikes, and the icon itself was revered as a guard, so it was even believed that it could pacify the fire if you walked around the area of ​​​​the burning building with it.

Fires in general were one of the most formidable disasters for our ancestors, along with war, pestilence of livestock and people, crop failure. They were accompanied by many mystical beliefs and rituals. So, if something caught fire from lightning, they believed that pouring beer, kvass or black cow's milk could cope with such a fire. Sometimes it was even tougher - a white live dove was thrown into a hut engulfed in flames.

Cats or black dogs that lived in huts protected from fire during a thunderstorm. Many animals were harbingers of fire - a hare that ran through the village, a cuckoo flying over houses, mice that suddenly ran around the hut. It would seem - be always ready! But they said that if someone has a fire barrel ready, he will tempt God, and a fire will certainly happen.

It was time for the housewives to dig onions, while the owners went with pitchforks to the hayloft - to pierce the hay in order to expel the “shake” and “oppression” - special evil spirits that bring ailments to livestock in the winter. They were not too lazy to poke into the stock of dry moss used in the construction of huts.

Published on 22.09.17 00:13

Today, September 22, 2017, is also the Day autumn equinox, World Car Free Day, Network Day and other holidays.

September 22, 2017 is the national holiday of Akim and Anna. The Church on this day remembers the parents of the Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary) - Saints Joachim and Anna.

Being the direct ancestors of Jesus Christ, they were called "Godfathers". Anna came from the family of a priest (the family of Aaron), and Joachim came from the family of David (the house of King David).

According to legend, the couple was childless, and every day they prayed for the gift of offspring. Once Joachim came to the temple with the aim of offering a sacrifice to God, but was refused by the high priest, who intcbatch justified it by the absence of children from the couple, and in those days in Israel it was considered a punishment from above. Grieving for childlessness, he went to the desert to indulge in prayers for the birth of a child. After spending 40 days in prayer and grief, an angel appeared to him, who told him about the imminent birth of his daughter. Commanding him to return to Jerusalem, he also announced that his offspring would be consecrated to God and become known to the world. The same angel appeared to Anna, telling her about the fulfillment of her prayer and the imminent conception of a daughter named Mary. After 9 months, they had a baby, who was later given to the temple of Jerusalem for worship.

On this day, families renew the fire in their houses, burn old clothes so that they are not overcome by illness, evil eye and damage, and children are put on the threshold and doused with water.

Newlyweds bake round pies and treat relatives, and in families they cover wide tables and invite the midwives to the feast.

Children on this day need to ask for forgiveness from their parents and bow to them. Also on this day, they remember the dead parents and pray to the saints for the conception of a child.

The autumnal equinox in 2017 falls on September 22nd. Every year the date of the celebration of this day changes.

On this day, the center of the Sun passes through the celestial equator. Day and night are 12 hours long. IN next day The sun occupies the southern hemisphere, and the night begins to fall on the day. In the old days, this holiday had two meanings: parting with the old and saluting the dead.

On this day, the Slavs honored the sun. They asked for his help "to drive away the night that is approaching the house and bring back the day."

What holiday is today, 09/22/2017: World Car Free Day

World Car Free Day is celebrated annually on September 22. From 2008 to festive events Russia also joined.

Opinions about in which country this action first took place vary. Some attribute this day to England (1997), others to France (1998). However, it should be mentioned that the first such actions were organized as early as 1973 as part of the oil crisis. And in December 1994, during a conference in Spain, representatives of many countries called for the periodic holding of such events.

If in the first years of the celebration only about 20 cities joined this movement, by 2001 there were more than 1000 of them from 35 states.

Web Day (OneWebDay)

main venue solemn events considered Battery Park (New York, USA). Every year on September 22, many cities (London, Vienna, Taipei, Naples, Belgrade and others) organize online contests with writing best story about interesting use site Graigslist, demonstrations where they teach editing Wikipedia articles and the ability to create and maintain online diaries.

World Elephant Day

On September 22, many countries celebrate World Elephant Day. The initiators of the holiday were environmental organizations, caring people and environmentalists. After all, many are worried about the decline in the number of these animals. Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth. These animals are highly intelligent and self-aware.

Day of Partisan Glory of Ukraine

The holiday takes place in the country every year on September 22. It was installed by order of the President in 2001, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the underground partisan movement in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War. The celebration takes place as a tribute of nationwide respect for those people who fought against the Nazis in a harsh time, sparing no life and strength.

Bulgaria Independence Day

Every year the country celebrates its own day on September 22. On this day, people celebrate the anniversary of the proclamation of the sovereign Bulgarian kingdom in 1908. The Bulgarian kingdom until that moment was formally a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. In 1908, on September 22, the Bulgarian prince Ferdinand read out the Manifesto in the city of Veliko Tarnovo, which spoke about the independence of the country.

Baltic Day of Unity

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia celebrate the Baltic Day of Unity every year on September 22. The Order of the Sword-bearers in 1207 captured the territories of the Livs, and then the lands of the Latgalians in 1214. The order had a goal - to gain military and political control over the Baltics, and then convert all the inhabitants to Christianity. On September 22, 1236, the monks of the Order and the crusaders made a robbery raid on Lithuania.

Alexander, Alexey, Anna, Athanasius, Vasily, Grigory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Joseph, Nikita, Sergey.

  • 1764 - stone milestones were introduced in Russia.
  • 1789 - the victory of the Russian-Austrian troops over the Turkish army in the battle of Rymnik.
  • 1839 - the laying of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow took place in memory of Patriotic war 1812.
  • 1862 - on this day, Abraham Lincoln announced that from January 1, 1863, all slaves "from now and forever will be free."
  • 1935 - in the Armed Forces of the USSR personal military ranks for the personnel of the army and navy and the highest rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union.
  • 1960 - Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Mali.
  • Anna of Cleves 1515 - German duchess.
  • Michael Faraday 1791 - English physicist and chemist.
  • Charlotte Cooper 1870 - British tennis player.
  • Mikalojus Ciurlionis 1875 - Lithuanian artist.
  • Alexei Losev 1893 - Russian philosopher.
  • Sergei Ozhegov 1900 - Soviet linguist.
  • Dean Reed 1938 - American singer.

The Orthodox calendar for September is rich in important events. This month marks one great holiday, two twelfths, as well as one one-day post. Recall which holidays are celebrated by the Orthodox in September and on what dates.

Great holiday in the Orthodox calendar for September

The September holiday, which is one of the great ones, is The Beheading of John the Baptist, which is marked 11 September.

It is clear that the date of the martyrdom of the Baptist John is called a feast rather conventionally. The Church and believers mourn on this day the death of one of the most revered saints. John the Baptist is revered above all other saints, except for the Mother of God. In memory of his death, September 11 is always a short one-day, but very strict fast, just one of three one-day fasts throughout the year.

According to biblical legends, the order to kill John the Baptist was given by King Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who killed many thousands of Bethlehem babies out of a desire to kill the future Savior.

Herod Antipas actually treated John the Baptist quite favorably and with a certain respect. Herod's wife Herodias, who had previously been the wife of Herod's brother, disliked the Baptist. Since the king's brother was alive, and Herodias became the wife of Herod, John the Baptist spoke extremely disapprovingly about this in his sermons, which led to his arrest and imprisonment. Herod Antipas, however, was in no hurry to obey his wife and destroy the Baptist, but with great pleasure communicated with the prisoner and took advice from him.

Herodias got her way during a festive feast in honor of Herod's birthday. The daughter of the queen, the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, came to the feast, who danced so well that the king, impressed by the dance, ordered her to ask for anything she wanted as a reward. The daughter consulted with her mother and asked for the head of John. The king, in order not to go back on his word, gave the order to behead the head of the Baptist. The order was immediately executed, and the head was brought to the feast on a tray...

Orthodox twelfth non-passing holidays in September 2017

As in August, in September two twelfth holidays are celebrated at once, that is, such holidays that are among the 12 most important and significant, celebrating major events the earthly path of Christ and the Mother of God. Both of these September holidays are non-transferable, that is, they are always celebrated on the same dates, without “travelling” along the calendar after Easter.

The first of these holidays in September - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is marked September 21.

The parents of the Virgin, Joachim and Anna, lived to a fairly advanced age by the standards of that time without children. In the then Jewish society, childless families were not only disrespected, but openly despised. Despite the fact that Joachim and Anna were very humble and deeply religious people who gave a lot to other people, at some point Joachim was not allowed to make a sacrifice in the temple due to the fact that he, a descendant of King David, had no children and did not can continue its lineage.

Joachim was so offended, and his sadness for the absence of children increased so much that he went into the wilderness and swore an oath to God not to eat anything until his child was born. Anna, having learned about her husband's deed, also began to pray fervently and promised in her prayers that if she had a child, she would devote his life to serving God. During one of these prayers, angels appeared to Anna, as well as her husband, who was in the desert, saying that their prayer had been heard, and they would have a daughter. The angel commanded to call her daughter Mary, and when Anna had a girl, she was named that way, and when the child grew up, he was brought up in reverence for God. Thus, the future Mother of God was born.

The second twelfth holiday of September - Exaltation of the Holy Cross, it is marked September 27. This holiday is dedicated to the event already in the 4th century AD, when Tsar Constantine not only stopped the centuries-old persecution of Christians, but recognized the Christian faith as the main one. The king's mother, Elena, was very concerned about finding the very cross on which Christ was crucified. Having gone to Jerusalem, she conducted a whole investigation, which led her to a cave in which three crosses were buried, and a pagan temple was erected on top.

Having unearthed the crosses, Elena and Patriarch Macarius, who helped her in the holy cause, began to find out which of them was the same cross. They alternately applied crosses to a seriously ill person, until finally one of them healed him. The same cross even helped the resurrection of the deceased, which finally confirmed Elena and Macarius in the correctness of their find.

Part of the cross was eventually sent to Tsar Constantine, and part remained in Jerusalem, where it still resides in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

September is full of events that any Christian should remember. Thanks to our article, you will be able to keep abreast of the main church holidays and fasts that will take place in September 2017.

However, compared to holidays in church calendar for august september - pretty poor for holiday dates, but still some Orthodox holidays in September 2017, which everyone needs to know, is also in the first month of autumn.

Church holidays in September 2017: calendar by day

September 11, Monday - The Beheading of St. John the Baptist, the greatest prophet, the Baptist of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this great religious holiday people observe a strict fast. And also you can’t eat and cook anything round: bread, cabbage, watermelon, apples, poppy seeds and even potatoes.

September 14, Thursday - Church New Year. The holiday is dedicated to the New Year in the liturgical church calendar. By the beginning of the New Year, many works were completed in the fields, a ceremony was performed to extinguish the old fire in the house and kindle a new one, people prayed to God for a blessing on the new year that had begun.

September 21, Thursday - Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Great twelfth church holiday, dedicated to the birth future Mother of God. In the church they prayed and thanked the Mother of God, who patronizes agriculture, the family and all mothers.

September 27, Wednesday - Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Great Twelveth Feast, which is set to commemorate the finding of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem near Mount Golgotha ​​at the site of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. On this day, a strict fast is observed. The people noticed that all reptiles "shift" to the Exaltation, i.e. begin active movement to the wintering grounds. Also on this day, you should not do any important things, because. all undertakings will be empty and useless.

September 30, Saturday - Day of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Orthodox Christians honor the memory of four saints who were martyred in the name of faith in Christ. Among the people, this day was called the Ecumenical Indian Name Day.

One-day fast days in September 2017:

There are no multi-day posts in September, but there will be several one-day posts: September 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29. These days, you should give up meat and dairy products, as well as eggs, butter, muffins.