Misdiagnosis of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages. Can a missed pregnancy be an ultrasound error?

Sometimes, such desired pregnancy for a woman, it is unexpectedly interrupted by the death of the fetus. The expectant mother for a long time does not even suspect that her baby's heart is no longer beating, because the signs may appear too late. The diagnosis of "missed pregnancy" is almost always established by ultrasound and, fortunately, is sometimes a mistake.

This is due to the fact that up to 5-6 weeks, only the most modern ultrasound diagnostic devices can recognize the fetal heartbeat. In addition, the exact diagnosis also depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor. If a cardiac arrest of the unborn child is suspected, ultrasound diagnostics should be repeated in 1-2 weeks.

In this article, we will talk about the appearance of what symptoms should alert the expectant mother, what to do if you suspect a missed pregnancy, and also whether the test will show two strips in case of fetal death.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy?

Of course, if the death of a child occurred in the second half of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be primarily alerted by the absence of baby movements. But what signs can a woman feel if the fetus froze in the first three months of expecting a baby?

In order not to worry about whether the baby's heart is beating, it is recommended that the expectant mother take a weekly test to determine pregnancy during the first trimester. Level hCG hormone with a frozen pregnancy, it drops rapidly, and the test shows a negative result.

In addition, the appearance of sanious discharge from the vagina may indicate a stop in the life of the child. Sudden cessation of toxicosis and disappearance pain in the chest can also indicate the fading of pregnancy at an early stage. If for a long time, and the woman did not suspect about it, she can feel severe pain in the abdomen like contractions, a sharp increase in body temperature and discomfort in the lumbar region. All these signs may indicate that the body is trying to get rid of a child who is no longer developing. In such a situation, an immediate visit to a doctor can save a woman from the most severe consequences - intoxication of the body, inflammation of the uterus, severe blood loss.

The appearance of one strip on the test, of course, does not always indicate a frozen pregnancy, because such a result may turn out to be a mistake. A woman should urgently consult a doctor who may suspect a fetal stoppage due to a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will definitely prescribe an unscheduled ultrasound diagnostics.

What to do when confirming the diagnosis of a missed pregnancy?

In case of fetal fading, depending on the duration of pregnancy, the doctor may suggest that the expectant mother undergo a medical abortion, curettage operation, or stimulate the onset of preterm labor.

After a frozen pregnancy, a woman needs to pass a set of tests to try to identify and eliminate all possible reasons death of the fetus. Do not despair, because making such a diagnosis is not a sentence, and in most cases, it ends successfully.

A strange premonition. Treasured two stripes. Inexplicable excitement before the first ultrasound. Joyful anticipation before listening to the heartbeat. The incomprehensible coldness of the uzist doctor. Terrible diagnosis "frozen pregnancy" Direction for cleaning. A curtain.

This soul destroyer life scenario experienced by many women who cherish the hope of one day becoming a mother. Each of them told herself that this was a stupid mistake and in a few months she, nevertheless, would take her happiness in her hands. Error… Just a mistake?

uzist error

Placing colossal hopes on ultrasound, many trust this device as if they were themselves. And they completely do not take into account that, although very smart, but already outdated machine can crash. And that a person “translates her language”. A common person with a medical education: tired, with sometimes dubious professional skills.

He can "oversight", take one "point" for something completely different, but! this point is actually a future baby, and now it is a tiny fetal egg, the heartbeat of which is not yet heard, but the dynamics of development is obvious.

And it will be possible to assert that the pregnancy is frozen only if the disappointing results of an ultrasound examination are confirmed by a series of tests and an examination by a gynecologist.

6 weeks pregnant

6 weeks pregnant is the one "breaking" time, the development of which largely depends on future mother and nature itself.

Many women who have experienced a miscarriage, missed pregnancy and anembryony will remember that 5-6 weeks from conception also appear in their anamnesis. Why is that? The answer is very simple. A fertilized egg at this time is the size of a peppercorn - 2-5 mm. It has only recently attached itself and a pregnant woman may not even know about her condition.

But, an experienced uzist will be able to see it on the monitor screen immediately. True, he will not rush with a diagnosis, sending the expectant mother for preservation. After all main factor- heartbeat, at this time the "weak" device will not yet fix. And that means there is hope.

7 weeks pregnant

Another week has passed. Peppercorn has become a pea with an "impressive" size 8-12 mm. The embryo is actively developing: the foundations of many internal organs, the hemispheres of the brain are formed, the head visually acquires facial features.

All this, with a clear already heartbeat of about 150 beats per minute, the ultrasound doctor will record during the examination and show the happy mother.

In case of non-compliance of the embryo with the declared parameters and the expected 7 weeks, a next ultrasound in a week, vitamin complex And bed rest pregnant woman. And also taking additional progesterone, which, perhaps, is not enough in the body.

8 weeks pregnant

We can say that 2 months of pregnancy is behind us. Mom is already "knowing" her situation, in last resort, the body is already hinting at it in every possible way ( early toxicosis , emotional jumps, the first ailments). The embryo proudly passes into the status of a fetus, and such a tiny little man will already be watching from the monitor screen, the size up to 2 cm.

And not just watch. And actively move, somersault, clench your fists. His internal organs are improving more and more every day. The makings of all of them already exist, so it's all about development.

If it is not observed, the expectant mother will have to a number of analyzes and a second ultrasound examination (it is better to do this on other equipment from a trusted doctor).

9 weeks pregnant

The beginning of the third month of the "special state" is connected with the first physical changes pregnant woman. The tummy is not yet visible, but your favorite jeans are no longer fastened.

The fetus is also actively developing. The brain section and the growth of muscle tissue are especially progressing. On the monitor screen, the baby will already be able to show you his tiny palm and more or less “even” posture.

If during the ultrasound examination the fetus is motionless and there is no heartbeat, this is already a reason for panic. But not yet for a referral for cleaning! Only after an additional examination on another device and testing.

10 weeks pregnant

Surprisingly, the fruit is 35-40 mm. already acquiring individual external features. He looks so much like little man I don't want to call it fruit anymore.

In addition, mother and her baby have already crossed the most dangerous period pregnancy because all internal organs are already laid, the placenta began to function and their susceptibility to infections and diseases decreased significantly. And the very reason for the ultrasound at this time should not be. But, if a woman is worried about something, it is better not to wait until 12 weeks.

11 weeks pregnant

The baby continues to develop and grow rapidly: a 6-centimeter man is already coordinating his movements, turning his head, trying to grab the umbilical cord, responding to the ultrasound sensor of the machine.

The aim of this research is to first screening(possible, but may not yet be informative enough), suspicions of multiple pregnancy and complaints of the expectant mother. She already feels more and more “in position”. But a sudden improvement or worsening of her condition should put her on her guard.

12 weeks pregnant

This is a special period. First screening. Baby's first birthday. The first rounding of the tummy.

It is during this week that an ultrasound is mandatory and, ideally, should be the first. The baby has "grown up" already up to 10 cm., knows how to grimace, swallow amniotic fluid and urinate. His internal organs are improving more and more and are less and less "afraid" of drugs, infections and diseases.

If at this time the uzist does not reveal any deviations, the expectant mother will already be able to dedicate her closest loved ones to her secret and begin to enjoy pregnancy.

20 weeks pregnant

Half the way has already been passed and the woman has to second screening- anatomical. He will not only “tell” about the new possibilities of the baby, but also determine his gender, describe in detail the structure of all internal organs and fix possible deviations, diseases and intrauterine retardation in development.

The pregnant woman is already much calmer: she feels the movements of the crumbs, thus noting his mood to herself. And it is their long absence that will force the expectant mother to quickly seek medical help.

Warning signs that "something is wrong"

Not only does a pregnant woman live in constant fear and her intuition continually “shouts” about dangers, these “forebodings” are also justified.

The following common reasons will be the reason to rush for an ultrasound scan:

  • bloody issues(especially scarlet and brown discharges are dangerous);
  • fever, chills, severe weakness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • abrupt stop of toxicosis;
  • cessation of fetal movements.

If ultrasonography will supplement this list with the absence of a heartbeat, the discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the expected period, or even “emptiness” inside gestational sac, unfortunately, the woman is waiting for cleaning.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Since this pathological phenomenon is possible from 1 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, there are actually many reasons for a tragic outcome. The most common ones (up to 12 weeks):

  • genetic failure;
  • violation of the hormonal background of a woman;
  • reception medicines incompatible with pregnancy;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • infections and diseases.

In the second trimester:

  • infectious diseases (chickenpox, rubella);
  • injuries and blows to the abdomen, falls;
  • intrauterine pathologies and anomalies incompatible with life;
  • bad habits (uncontrolled alcohol intake, malnutrition, lack of walks in the fresh air);
  • wearing too tight clothes.

In the third trimester, the phenomenon of missed pregnancy is not so common, since the fetus is theoretically already viable and can survive after a premature or induced birth. The main thing is to notice deviations from the norm in time and not let the most expensive die.

Experts call it a frozen pregnancy. Such a nuisance can happen to a woman of any age. Most often, the fetus freezes for up to 12 weeks. For a number of reasons, pregnancy can be interrupted for more than later dates. To protect her life and save her unborn baby, a woman must be aware of the main risks.

What are the reasons for the fading of pregnancy?

Various factors can provoke a halt in fetal development. Genetic or chromosomal abnormalities can be caused by an ultrasound error in this case is not possible. A woman's body is programmed to bear healthy offspring. If the fetus has abnormalities, most likely, pregnancy will terminate at an early date. Many women are not even aware that they were pregnant. A miscarriage can be confused with another menstruation.

If a woman cannot bear healthy child, it makes sense to explore hormonal background the future mother herself. Because of hormonal disorders a missed pregnancy, miscarriage may also occur. An ultrasound error is possible only for up to 7 weeks of pregnancy. At a later date, the doctor can easily diagnose fetal fading.

Bad habits against pregnancy

If a woman leads healthy lifestyle life, chances of bearing healthy baby increase several times. But alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances can be considered serious enemies of full-fledged offspring. You can meet a lot of women who do not give up their bad habits and at the same time give birth to healthy children at first glance. In fact, problems in babies can appear only in adulthood.

Proper nutrition is also a guarantee healthy pregnancy. Overeating and overeating fast food leads to excessive weight gain. Quite often, obese women experience missed pregnancy. An ultrasound error is not possible in this case. Excessive weight can be called a risk factor on the way to the birth of full-fledged offspring.

During pregnancy, special attention must be paid to your health. It is no coincidence that women, before registering with women's consultation, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination by all specialists and pass basic tests. Thus, you can find out what health problems are at this stage. Some have to limit themselves not only in junk food, but also in the use of smoked meats, spicy foods, sweets and coffee.

Main focus on age

Despite the fact that the optimal age for having children is considered to be from 18 to 30 years, all more women do not seek to have children too early. Initially, they want to build a career, travel the world. It is not uncommon today for cases when for the first time mothers become after 40 years. Meanwhile, at this age, a frozen pregnancy is not uncommon. An ultrasound error is possible in very rare cases.

If a woman decides to have a child in late age, she should take care of her health with special attention. In most cases, such future mothers are under the supervision of doctors almost around the clock. Childbirth in women after 40 years is also usually more difficult.

Often a miscarriage also occurs in those expectant mothers who have experienced it. Many people succeed in getting pregnant only on the second or third attempt.

Frozen pregnancy or ultrasound error?

The ultrasound machine facilitates the work of doctors in many industries. Obstetrics and gynecology is no exception. Ultrasound examination helps to determine whether the fetus is developing correctly, as well as its gender. But sometimes there are still errors in the diagnosis.

At an early stage, errors in the diagnosis of missed pregnancy are quite common. The fact is that up to five weeks it is quite difficult to consider using an ultrasound machine. Errors in the diagnosis of a missed pregnancy for a period of more than 7 weeks almost never occur. If the doctor diagnoses a frozen pregnancy for a period of 5-6 weeks, the question of a forced abortion is not worth it. An additional examination will be scheduled in a week. There is hope that the fetus is alive, and the doctor mistakenly set the wrong gestational age.

More dangerous can be called a mistake in the diagnosis ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the doctor can see a false fetal egg, which outwardly resembles a normally developing pregnancy. In fact, the fetus is not in the uterus, but in the tube. Such a mistake can cost a woman's life. To avoid such mistakes, when registering with a antenatal clinic, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations, and also do not forget to listen to your well-being.

Fetal ultrasound errors

In most cases, if the fetus develops incorrectly, spontaneous miscarriage occurs at an early stage. But a frozen pregnancy is not always observed. An ultrasound error may be related to the position of the fetus in the uterus. In this case, the child continues to develop, and the doctor does not notice the pathology. If certain deviations are detected, I recommend that the expectant mother terminate the pregnancy.

Incorrect ultrasound diagnosis can cause many problems. IN best case there will be problems during childbirth and the obstetrician will do everything to save the life of the mother and child. In the worst case, the child may be born with developmental disabilities. The reason for an erroneous diagnosis may be the poor quality of the equipment or the low qualification of the doctor. Therefore, it is better to entrust an ultrasound examination to an experienced specialist with high-quality equipment.

How to bring out a frozen pregnancy?

Not only an ultrasound machine can determine the stoppage of fetal development. A frozen pregnancy can also be pre-diagnosed by the pregnant woman herself. There are a number of symptoms that you should immediately pay attention to.

It may not be noticeable at all. A woman may even rejoice at the sudden receding toxicosis and excellent health. In fact, manifestations of toxicosis can become a guarantee of normal developing pregnancy. About any changes in well-being, even in better side, a woman should tell her gynecologist.

A symptom of a missed pregnancy may be a slight increase in body temperature. In this case, the woman will also feel absolutely normal. Only a doctor at the next examination can diagnose the fading of pregnancy. The diagnosis will need to be confirmed with an ultrasound. Frozen pregnancy is diagnosed only when total absence fetal heart rate for more than 5 weeks.

Frozen late pregnancy

Unfortunately, the fetus can also stop developing in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. anxiety symptoms in this case, there may be a lack of movement, drawing pains lower abdomen, as well as spotting. A woman should keep a schedule of her baby's movements, and also constantly listen to her well-being.

In the later stages of the expectant mother, you should visit the antenatal clinic every two to three weeks. At the next examination, the doctor will first of all feel the location of the fetus, and also listen to its heartbeat. In case of occurrence bad symptoms an ultrasound may be ordered. This is necessary in order to completely exclude a frozen pregnancy. Whether a mistake is possible, only a qualified specialist can tell.

Consequences of non-developing pregnancy

If the fetus freezes at an early stage, in most cases it begins spontaneous abortion. This is bleeding that resembles another menstruation. But by no means should you let him go. Even if the miscarriage occurred early and the woman feels absolutely normal, it is worth seeking the advice of a doctor. If the uterus does not clear itself, surgery will be required.

On early dates Quite often there is a non-developing pregnancy. Whether a mistake is possible, only a doctor can tell. This is especially true for the fading of the fetus already in the later stages. If the pregnancy is interrupted in the second or third trimester, the doctor should prescribe as soon as possible. serious problems with health.

When can you get pregnant again?

A miscarriage or missed pregnancy is a serious stress for female body. The longer the pregnancy lasted, the more time the expectant mother will need to restore the body.

If a miscarriage occurs before 10 weeks, pregnancy can begin to be planned after two to three months. Those who have lost a child at a later date will have to wait at least a year.

Frozen pregnancy (non-developing, ZB) is the death of the fetus in the womb. This trouble can happen at any stage of gestation, although it is most common in the early stages. The first 8 weeks of gestation are critical, because during this period the process of laying the main organs and systems is underway, and any negative factor can be fatal for the unborn baby.

A frozen pregnancy in the early stages has less deplorable consequences for the mother's body, both psycho-emotional and physical, than the death of a child after she felt him move. This moment must be experienced and be sure to decide on a new conception.

Causes of intrauterine fetal death

There are a number of reasons why a failure could occur, leading to a missed pregnancy. At the beginning of the gestation period, the expectant mother does not even always know that she is carrying a child and sometimes, consciously or not, is exposed to harmful factors. Therefore, it is conceived by nature in such a way that the embryo either tolerates their effects and develops normally in the future, or dies. The main causes of missed pregnancy are:

  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus;
  • infectious diseases of the mother during gestation;
  • immunological pathologies of the mother;
  • endocrine problems of the mother's body;
  • bad habits;
  • environmental hazard of the area of ​​residence and work;
  • physical and mental trauma.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the fetus is not yet well fixed in the uterus, so there is a threat of pregnancy fading. The reason for this sad event may be the flu and SARS of the expectant mother

Most common cause the death of the embryo is its non-viability, caused genetic abnormalities. The second most important factor is TORCH infections, as well as STDs (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonococcal infection), SARS, FLU, etc. These diseases lead to disruption of the mechanism of cell division and death of the embryo.

Immunological incompatibility of sexual partners can cause the death of their fetus (up to 12 weeks, as a rule). Diseases immune system a pregnant woman can lead to the cessation of the development of the fetus. Lack or excess of hormones (progesterone, testosterone, prolactin) can lead to impaired fetal development and death. Hormone imbalance thyroid gland is also a risk factor. Chemical poisoning, smoking, alcohol intake, radioactive radiation, ongoing stressful situations have a significant impact on the development of the fetus, cause developmental anomalies and death.

Symptoms of the cessation of fetal development

The symptoms of a missed pregnancy do not have a bright pronounced character. For several weeks, a woman may not even be aware of the cessation of fetal development. Therefore, you should be attentive to such manifestations as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen (a sign of myometrial hypertonicity);
  • discharge containing blood from the vagina (even in small amounts);
  • decline subjective feelings inherent in pregnant women (hypersensitivity to odors, changes eating habits, drowsiness, toxicosis);
  • reduction of swelling of the mammary glands.

Firstly, not every pregnant woman experiences the whole complex of subjective sensations in a pronounced form. Secondly, their intensity decreases with the progression of gestational processes. Therefore, if a woman has not responded to changes in well-being and has not undergone an ultrasound procedure in the early stages, fetal death can be diagnosed after the onset of rejection (in a few weeks) and the appearance of spotting vaginal discharge.

If a woman does not undergo an ultrasound scan at an early stage, she may not even be aware of the fading life of the fetus for some time. A woman should listen very sensitively to the reactions of her own body: pain, discharge, fever or chills.

Methods for diagnosing an undeveloped pregnancy

The first two methods are the main ones. The last two are auxiliary. As a rule, an ultrasound examination is prescribed after an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist. If fetal death is suspected, the woman is urgently sent for an ultrasound scan. If this happens in the early stages, it is better to confirm the results of ultrasound by other methods, including laboratory ones.

Ultrasound signs of a missed pregnancy and the possibility of a diagnostic error

Are there possible errors in diagnosing the ST? Yes, they are possible, because up to 5 weeks, it is very difficult to see the heartbeat of the embryo. But starting from 7 weeks, diagnostic errors are practically excluded, because. An ultrasound clearly shows the fetal heartbeat.

If the death of the embryo is diagnosed at a period of 5-6 weeks, a medical abortion is not prescribed until a second ultrasound. Because there is a chance that the vital functions of the fetus were not detected, for example, an error was made when setting the gestation period.

The main signs of the termination of the development of the embryo during the procedure of ultrasound diagnostics are:

  1. in the early stages- damage to the embryonic egg, its location (in the lower part of the uterus), uneven contours;
  2. in the late period- inconsistency of data on the gestation period obtained during ultrasound diagnostics and calculated from the last menstruation, as well as the absence of a fetal heartbeat.

These are mandatory, but insufficient justifications for the diagnosis of "missed pregnancy", since the development of the embryo does not always correspond to the gestational period calculated from the last menstruation. The reasons for this may be cycle disorders, ovarian cysts, hormonal pathologies, extreme psycho-emotional stress, etc. The difference can be about 4 weeks. In this case, after 1-2 weeks, the ultrasound procedure should be repeated. If there is no change in the size of the fetal egg, and there is no way to see the embryo, therefore, it is dead.

Gynecological examination allows you to identify a suspicion of pregnancy fading, however, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis before ultrasound diagnosis. Only ultrasound visualizes the embryo and provides its characteristics to determine the exact picture.

Manifestations of fetal death during examination by a gynecologist

When examining a woman carrying a baby, the doctor evaluates the size of the cervix, cervical canal, uterus, assesses their condition and compliance with the expected gestation period. If he finds any inconsistencies, he prescribes an ultrasound scan to confirm / refute the diagnosis of a miscarriage.

ultrasound - necessary element diagnosis, since in some women a smaller uterine volume is an aspect physiological norm, or there are violations that caused discrepancies in the gestation period for the embryo and the billing period for menstruation.

Additional studies (hCG, basal temperature)

In the early stages, a blood test for hCG is an informatively significant procedure. Considering that up to 5 weeks it is still impossible to determine the fetal heartbeat using ultrasound, and up to 7 weeks there is a significant risk diagnostic error, a blood test for hCG in dynamics is able to resolve doubts about the preservation of the vital functions of the embryo. Since at normal development the baby's hormone level per day increases almost 2 times.

Measuring your basal body temperature (BT) is just helper method. Not an accurate instrument as results are subject to both internal and external influences. external factors. BT is measured in the morning, immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, at the same time for several days in a row. The thermometer is placed rectally. Under the influence of the hormone that preserves gestation (progesterone), the temperature will be slightly elevated (37.2-37.5 C). In case of fetal fading, progesterone is not maintained at elevated level, and the basal temperature will be lower by 0.3-0.5 C.

Non-developing pregnancy in late gestation

If the embryo survived the first 7-8 weeks, unfortunately, this is not a guarantee of its viability in the future. The fetus may stop developing in any trimester. Symptoms largely coincide with the manifestations of a missed pregnancy in the early stages (painful, pulling sensations lower abdomen, bleeding). They are joined by the lack of movement of the baby. In this case, you can not wait 1-2 days until the situation clears up, you need to urgently visit a antenatal clinic. The obstetrician-gynecologist will examine the woman and listen to the movement and heartbeat of the baby in her womb. In case of suspicion of cessation of fetal development, the woman is sent for an ultrasound scan.

Unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy can manifest itself not only in the first trimester, but also later. As soon as a woman notices sensations or pain that are atypical for herself, she urgently needs to visit a specialist.

Therapeutic and rehabilitation measures with a confirmed diagnosis

First of all, the woman is sent to the hospital. With the death of the embryo at the beginning of gestation, one-stage extraction of the fetal egg (embryo and its membranes) is possible. If little time has passed since conception, as a rule, the procedure is carried out by vacuum aspiration. This is the most sparing method for a woman's body. In a later period, this method is not applicable, in which case curettage is performed, with preliminary preparation of the cervix. Both procedures are most often performed under general anesthesia. In the early stages, the waiting method is also practiced using medical abortion. It is also a gentle method of interrupting gestation.

After the abortion medical indication both the body and the psyche of a woman need rehabilitation measures. Firstly, this is the use of oral contraceptives for at least 3 months, in case of detection of pathology of the genital organs and infectious lesions, as well as hormonal disorders, their treatment and recovery. Secondly, this is a change of scenery, avoidance of a stressful environment, in case of difficult experiences - a consultation with a psychologist. At correct selection rehabilitation activities implications for childbearing functions the female body is minimal.

What to expect with the next pregnancy?

In most cases (up to 90%), women who had obstetric history a missed pregnancy is capable of re-conception and a normal baby. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • plan conception no earlier than 6 months;
  • identify and treat existing diseases;
  • prepare psychologically for bearing a baby.

If a repeated case of a missed pregnancy occurs, a deep examination should be carried out to identify the causes of this phenomenon, since only serious pathology leads to recurring problems with gestation.

Fading of the fetus (its death) is possible until the 20th week of pregnancy. What is the essence of a missed pregnancy? The answer is simple: "By various reasons embryonic death occurs. Usually, a frozen pregnancy becomes a prerequisite for a miscarriage. The dead fetus is rejected by the body (but this is not in all cases).

When making this diagnosis, specialists should conduct repeated diagnostics. Initially, when symptoms of this pathology appear, doctors refer the pregnant woman for additional ultrasound examination.

Every woman in a position hopes that the diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy is an ultrasound error and no more. Naturally, expectant mothers are concerned about the accuracy of ultrasound and the possibility of making mistakes in ultrasound. Can ultrasound make a mistake in determining the fading of the embryo?

Causes of fetal fading

The cause of a missed pregnancy may be:

  • Chromosomal error;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome, which consists in a complex of disorders in which antibodies are formed in the body with its own phospholipids.
  • Anembryony;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Bad habits, including not only smoking or alcohol, but also coffee;
  • Over/underweight;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Pathology of the uterus;
  • Pregnancy with IVF.

According to statistics, the most common cause of fetal fading in early pregnancy is a genetic failure that affects the development of the embryo. Given the fact that the most important processes associated with the formation of the main systems, as well as internal organs, occur in the early stages of pregnancy, it is chromosomal errors that become fatal for the child at this time.

Unfortunately, gene pathologies can occur in the embryo even when the parents are absolutely healthy. Most often, for this reason, fetal fading occurs during the period from 2 to 8 weeks. A frozen pregnancy is less common after the 13th week.

What are the signs of a missed pregnancy?

Women who are at risk of fetal fading are concerned about how to determine the death of the embryo. After all, very often this pathology is completely asymptomatic. A woman may not feel pain or any change in well-being. A miscarriage can occur after several days or weeks after the death of the embryo.

Suspicion of a stop in the development of pregnancy may occur in the following cases:

  • The beginning of bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, back;
  • Abrupt cessation of the symptoms of toxicosis present (not in all cases);
  • An increase in temperature above 37.5 0 С (only with the development of an inflammatory process);
  • The disappearance of soreness of the chest.

However, do not immediately panic if you find one or more of the above symptoms. They can also occur when normal flow pregnancy. The main thing is to let the obstetrician-gynecologist observing you know about the appearance of complaints.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester

First trimester

In different semesters, fetal freezing has distinctive symptoms. In the first trimester, toxicosis may suddenly stop (in about a day).

There is softening of the mammary glands. This symptom is noticeable to a woman, because from the moment the baby is conceived, there is an increase, soreness of the mammary glands. At the same time, this symptom remains doubtful, like any other (except for ultrasound, blood for hCG).

Decrease in basal temperature as a result of a decrease in the amount of progesterone. An error in the results occurs in the case of illness, taking hormonal drugs.

The absence of an embryo during an ultrasound examination. But ultrasound can also be wrong. It is recommended to undergo it after 5-6 weeks, because at this time the fetal heartbeat is clearly visible. Experts advise to wait with the cleaning of the uterus and conduct a diagnosis in 1-2 weeks.

Second trimester

The main feature non-developing pregnancy there is a cessation of the movements of the baby. Of course, you should not worry if the child does not move for a day or a day. If they have not been observed for a longer time, go to the doctor. So you get rid of unnecessary worries. The resolution of your worries is to check the baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope.

The allocation of a significant amount of colostrum, and after a while, milk. These symptoms appear for more than 25 weeks. But if apart from given symptom others do not have to worry. In the presence of fetal movements, this is simply the preparation of the body for breastfeeding.

Stopping the growth of the uterus.

Ultrasound diagnostics for suspected miscarriage

A missed pregnancy is never diagnosed by a specialist only by the presence of the above symptoms in a pregnant woman. A woman must be prescribed an additional examination. Since the most effective way diagnosis of embryonic developmental arrest is considered ultrasound diagnostics, it is her who is recommended to go through a pregnant woman.

Ultrasound will allow not only to determine / refute a frozen pregnancy, but also in case of fetal death, to establish the period of its fading. Doctors prescribe diagnostics only after 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. When examined for more early stages development of the embryo, information obtained through ultrasound may be unreliable.

The detection of a missed pregnancy at a very early date is true in the following cases:

  • The embryo was not found, although the size of the fetal egg is more than 20 mm. In this case, the diagnosis of anembryony is made. In the normal course of pregnancy, already at the 7th week, the size of the embryo reaches 20 mm;
  • The absence of cardiac activity of the embryo, the size of which reaches 16 mm (with transvaginal examination) or 25 mm (with transabdominal examination).

There are times when the doctor doubts the accuracy of the results. Then the specialist prescribes a second examination after a week or two. The quality of the results is influenced both by the qualifications of the examiner and the quality of the technique. On older ultrasound machines can be supplied misdiagnosis for the reason that he may not catch the heartbeat of the embryo.

Ultrasound errors

Very often, a woman is not even aware of the fading of the embryo. Coming to the next scheduled ultrasound examination, a pregnant woman can be shocked by such a diagnosis. There are times when the diagnosis was made erroneously. Of course, for doctors, this is another diagnosis, but for a woman who is expecting a child, this is just a disaster.

If the doctor, after fixing the complaints of a pregnant woman, characteristic of a missed pregnancy, makes a hasty diagnosis, do not rush to clean. An experienced specialist will definitely prescribe an ultrasound to confirm the death of the fetus. In the early stages, everything is much more difficult, but thanks to modern technology and qualifications of gynecologists confirmation/denial of fading is real.

If your health allows you to wait - do not rush to clean the uterus. There were cases when doctors were wrong, and women gave birth to healthy children, without any pathologies. The most accurate information about the probable death of the fetus can be found on an ultrasound scan performed at 6-7 weeks of embryo development. At this time, its size is large enough and the heartbeat is clearly audible.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination on new equipment, since old ultrasound machines may not notice the work of the heart of the embryo. Such an error can cost the life of your baby.