Signs on the trinity for health. Feast of the Trinity: customs. Trinity: traditions and rituals. Rites for the Trinity

Trinity is celebrated seven weeks later - on the fiftieth day - after Easter. The holiday is also called the Day of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost.

The celebration of the Trinity, like the feast of Easter, has its roots in the days of the Old Testament. On the 50th day after Easter (the day the Jewish people left Egypt), the prophet Moses at Mount Sinai founded the Old Testament priesthood and gave God's law to his people. This day becomes the founding day of the Old Testament Church.

The Day of the Holy Trinity is also related to the New Testament Easter, since on the 50th day after the resurrection from the dead, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles.

In Rus', the holiday began to be celebrated 300 years after the introduction of Christianity by Prince Vladimir.

In Ukraine, the holiday is closely connected with the meeting of summer and seeing off spring - Green Holidays. The week before the Trinity is called "green", "mermaid" or "klechal", and 3 days before the holiday itself and 3 days after it is called the Green Week. During the Green Holidays, oats bloom, people decorate their houses with flowers and greenery, young girls weave wreaths. According to legend, at this time, mermaids come out of the water and the dead wake up.

The Holy Trinity is one of the important provisions of Christianity. The Orthodox Church on this holiday remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The concept of the Trinity symbolizes the image of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

This great church holiday symbolizes the liberation from everything sinful and bad in the human soul. The Holy Spirit, who descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, endowed them with grace and gave them strength to create the Holy Church on earth, in order to convey God's word to every person.

The Feast of the Trinity is the birthday of the church. On this day, God's chosen disciples were endowed with a special power to help them preach the gospel throughout the world and spread the message of Jesus as Lord and Savior. Today the clergy are the successors of the apostles. They are considered mediators between people and God.

Trinity Celebration: Customs

By the holiday, the housewives clean up the house, decorate the rooms with flowers, using young grass and green branches for this purpose, which symbolize spring, the continuation and prosperity of life. For decoration, branches of oak, birch, maple, mountain ash, mint, calamus grass, lemon balm are most often used.

On the morning of Trinity Day, they go to church for a festive service. Parishioners hold flowers, green branches and fragrant herbs in their hands.

Relatives and friends are invited to holiday dinner, treat with a loaf, pancakes, egg dishes, pies, jelly. On this day, it is customary to give each other funny gifts. Many people prefer to go to nature and organize picnics, because the Trinity is always celebrated on a day off.

From antiquity to the present day, the tradition of folk festivals has been preserved. Concerts are held in the cities, cultural public events, trade fairs.

Trinity: traditions and rituals

In the old days, people, having defended the morning service on the Trinity, began to celebrate the holiday. In cities and villages there were massive festivities, round dances, chants, competitions and active games on outdoors. In the evening unmarried girls danced round dances, and single guys looked after the brides. From herbs and flowers, the girls wove wreaths, carried them to the river and let them float on the water. Also, wreaths could be secretly given to the chosen ones as a sign of sympathy.

Herbs were dried on Trinity, and subsequently they were used as a remedy for various ills and a cure for many diseases. According to popular beliefs, such greenery is able to protect the house from a thunderstorm.

Rusks from a loaf baked for the Trinity were kept until the wedding. They were added to the wedding cake, believing that they would bring happiness to the newlyweds.

Our ancestors used to consecrate “tearful herbs” in the church – herbs that were specially mourned, because tears symbolized rain. After the church, this grass was carried home and hidden behind window frames or icons. Thus, people asked nature for a good and fruitful summer without drought.

Also, in order to have a rich harvest in summer, they inserted behind shutters, platbands, window frames birch branches, and green grass was scattered over the upper room. It was like that in every house.

In the village, any peasant labor was condemned to the Trinity: it was impossible to do anything either in the house or in the field. Only food was allowed. Swimming in the river was also strictly forbidden, because Trinity is the time when mermaids come to the ground and can lure you to the bottom.

Saturday before Trinity - parental. On this day, it is customary to go to the cemetery and commemorate relatives. Our ancestors believed that a person who did not go to the graveyard that day and did not remember the deceased relatives, invites the dead to him, and they, in turn, will take someone from home with them, i.e. someone might die in this house soon. Therefore, before the Trinity, a memorial dinner was held, the clothes of the dead were hung on the fence, thus trying to drive death away from their homes.

On Trinity, old women went to the cemetery and covered the graves with birch wreaths. It was believed that by doing this they drive away evil spirits and delight the dead, who contribute to harmony, peace and wealth of all the inhabitants of the village.

Wooing for the Trinity was a good omen. It was believed that if they marry the Trinity, and marry the Intercession, then these spouses will have a happy and long life, they will live in love and harmony.

If on Trinity it's raining then wait good harvest, warm weather without frost and lots of mushrooms.

Monday after Trinity - Spirits day. On this day, the Earth was considered a birthday girl. They did not work on the ground, but early in the morning they went to search for treasures. It was believed that on her birthday she would open good man something valuable.

Divination for the Trinity

On the Trinity, the girls guessed at the betrothed and fate. One of the most popular fortune-telling was weaving wreaths and "curling" birches. On the eve of the holiday, the girls went to the forest, found young birch trees there, and on their tops they wove a wreath of twigs - “curled”. On Trinity, the girls returned to their birch trees and looked at the wreath, if it developed or withered, then nothing good should be expected. If it remains the same, then this year a wedding with a loved one and wealth in the house are expected.

Another popular custom for Trinity is to weave wreaths. Did it in women's company men were not allowed. It was believed that if a guy sees a wreath, then be in trouble. With ready-made wreaths, they went to the river and lowered them into the water:

  • where the wreath floats - from there and wait for the betrothed;
  • if the wreath is left by the shore, then the girl will not marry;
  • if she drowns, the girl will die soon.

The wreath was not removed from the head with hands, but the head was tilted so that it itself fell.

In order to see the betrothed in a dream, birch twigs were placed under the pillow.

Customs and traditions of the celebration of the Holy Trinity

In late spring and early summer, an Orthodox holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Holy Trinity. Believers know that on this day they need to pray for the health of all the living and repose those who are in the other world. For a long time there have been signs on the Trinity, which indicate that on this day it is impossible to work and clean the house. You need to keep a close eye on the weather. It is also believed that Spirits Day is endowed with a special life-giving energy, so there are many superstitions about what needs to be done to get pregnant.

What kind of holiday is the Trinity - folk traditions and customs

The day of the Holy Trinity has a second name - Pentecost. On this day, the Christian church remembers a special event - the indulgence of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. For the Orthodox Church, this event meant an opportunity to spread the faith of Christ throughout the world. Since ancient times, the Trinity holiday has been especially revered by the people; many traditions and customs have been associated with it. Since the time of paganism, people have believed that all plants on this day are endowed with a special life-giving power, and are able to heal even from the most serious illnesses. On the holiday you can not enter into quarrels, show an unkind attitude towards others. You need to know what the Trinity holiday is, folk traditions and customs on this day in order to preserve well-being throughout the year.

Traditions for the Christian holiday of the Trinity and parents' day

On Saturday before the Trinity, parents' day is celebrated, the deceased relatives are commemorated. It is believed that on this day you need to pray for everyone and not wish harm to anyone. This is especially true for those who themselves can no longer turn to God - dead sinners. On parental day, they also visit cemeteries, putting things in order there. Another memorial day for Christians is the so-called Radonitsa. This day falls on the ninth day after Easter. It is also called the "Easter of the Dead", because it is customary to shed tears at the graves.

Sunday morning on Trinity begins with a solemn service. Temples are decorated with herbs and greenery. According to Orthodoxy, green color- this is the color of the Holy Spirit, so there are a lot of it in the temples, even the priests are dressed in green cassocks. It is believed that you cannot work for the Trinity. The Church really does not recommend spending time on anything other than prayer on Orthodox holidays. However, it does not impose a categorical ban on work. After the service, Vespers is performed, and then - the procession. Each housewife also decorates the house with flowers. After returning home, a gala dinner is held. On a table with a green tablecloth, there are always salads, pastries, honey wines. Then festivities are held, fairs and concerts are organized.

Signs for the church holiday of the Trinity - what not to do and how many days

In order for the whole year to pass safely, you need to know the signs: what not to do and how many days for the church holiday of the Trinity. Since ancient times, many beliefs have come down to us. For example, it was forbidden to work in the field, as well as to cut and wash hair. There were various rituals and divination followed by young girls.

Folk signs and customs on Spirits Day (Trinity)

It has long been believed that according to signs on the Trinity, as well as seven days after that church holiday, you can not do laundry and swim in open water: mermaids can be pulled into the water. To prevent this from happening, they carried wormwood with them, believing that in this way they could scare away evil spirits. In ancient times, girls wove wreaths and floated on the water. If the wreath sailed to the other side - this is for marriage. If he drowned - to trouble. Herbs were collected for the holiday, because just on this Sunday they are most beneficial to health. It is especially important to pick thyme. If you dry it and put it in a pillow, good health and well-being are guaranteed throughout the year. Also, since ancient times, people break bath brooms on this day, because plants have a special life-giving power.

Folk omens for the Trinity (Spirits Day) for the weather

In ancient times, on the Trinity or Spirits Day, they especially listened to the forces of nature, which was reflected in various folk omens about the weather. It was believed that herbs and trees on this day have a special life-giving power and are able to cure many diseases.

Weather tips for Trinity Day

  • Rain on Trinity - to a rich harvest of mushrooms and good weather in summer.
  • A dry hot day is a harbinger of a dry summer.
  • If the birch branches with which the house is decorated stand for more than 3 days - this is an unsuccessful haymaking and rainy weather.
  • Folk signs on the Trinity (Spirits Day) on the weather say that if it is cold on Sunday on Trinity Day, it will be warm on Monday.
  • Abundant morning dew on the grass - to good health. You need to collect this dew and wash yourself with it.

Signs for Trinity Day (Trinity) to get pregnant

Those who want to get pregnant should especially listen to the signs on Trinity Day. It is believed that the energy of this holiday favors the emergence of a new life and fills people with health. It is especially important to collect and dry herbs in order to make tea with them throughout the year. For early conception, healthy pregnancy and childbirth will help thyme, upland uterus.

The collection will take on the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity for those who want to get pregnant

  • Those who want to get pregnant need to donate something to the poor. If you give food or clothes to the poor, conception will not be long in coming.
  • On Saturday evening before Trinity, you need to go into the chicken coop and ask the chickens to tell you what gender the future baby will be. On Sunday morning, collect eggs and count. An even number means that a boy will be born, an odd number that a girl.
  • As the signs on Trinity Day (Trinity) suggest, in order to get pregnant you need to bring birch and willow branches into the house.

What kind of holiday the Trinity was well known to our ancestors. It is from antiquity that various rituals and signs on the Trinity have come down to us. Many beliefs about the weather are still popular today. Knowing what not to do and how many days, you can ensure your health and well-being throughout the year. And to get pregnant you need to carefully listen to yourself.

Holy Trinity Day in 2017 the whole Christian world will celebrate on June 4 - on the fiftieth day after bright resurrection Christ, so the holiday is also called Pentecost.

This is one of the 12 main church holidays - it is dedicated to gospel event- the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the glorification of the Holy Trinity.

What is the essence of the holiday

The Zion Upper Room, in which the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in the form of fiery tongues, became the first Christian temple.

Since ancient times, the Trinity has been considered the day of the founding of the New Testament Church on earth, since the Holy Spirit endowed the apostles with special power so that they could preach the Gospel throughout the world and convey to everyone the message of Jesus as the Savior of all mankind.

In honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the holiday got its name: this event marked the trinity of God. The three hypostases of the Holy Trinity — God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit — exist in unity, creating the world and sanctifying it with divine grace.

The feast in honor of the Holy Trinity was established by the apostles - they annually celebrated the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit and commanded it to all Christians. There is also an indication of this in the Apostolic Constitutions.

But officially the holiday was established at the end of the 4th century after the adoption of the dogma of the Divine Trinity. Over time, the Day of the Holy Trinity has become one of the most beloved and revered holidays among the people.

The roots of the Trinity Day go back to the times when Rus' was still pagan. The week at the beginning of summer marked the final victory of nature over the forces of darkness, the victory of spring over winter, and the beginning of a hot summer.

Therefore, in addition to the church, there were many folk traditions and customs, which are closely intertwined with pagan ones, which have become an integral part of this day.


They prepared ahead of time for the feast of the Holy Trinity - the housewives began a day or two before the feast. general cleaning in the house and in the yard. Get rid of unused things, especially those that can remind you of unpleasant moments in life.

People who have their own garden and vegetable garden try to clear them of various kinds of weeds. They uproot weeds and stick them upside down in the ground, then it is believed that these weeds will no longer litter their land.

By the Trinity, houses and temples are decorated with branches of various trees, grass, flowers, as young plants symbolize prosperity, wealth and the continuation of life.

On Trinity Day, the whole family went to church in the morning, where a festive service was held that day. On this day, you can’t ask the Holy Spirit for anything, it’s only important to thank him for being the savior and faithful protector of human souls.

After the temple, everyone went home and had a festive dinner. The feast was rich and varied: cereals, pancakes, all kinds of pies, kissels and decoctions - the holiday was not a fast day, so everything was allowed.

On this day, they also visited cemeteries and commemorated the dead, leaving treats.

In the villages, in the late afternoon, real festivities began - they arranged round dances, sang songs, danced, and performed ritual ceremonies. Fairs were also often held for the whole week, where there was also a lot of entertainment.

Even today it is customary to visit Trinity and give gifts.

Rituals and beliefs

The celebration of the Trinity in Rus' lasts for several days, but on the first day, which is popularly called Green Sunday, people should be especially careful and careful.

Therefore, it is customary to decorate their homes with various fragrant herbs, and icons with birch branches, in order to protect themselves from various mythical creatures, such as mermaids, mavkas, goblin and other evil spirits.

In the old days, they believed that these days the mermaids went ashore and lured the guys. To avoid this, bonfires were burned along the banks of rivers and lakes for several nights in a row - it was believed that the hot fire was supposed to stop evil spirits.

The symbol of the Trinity was wreaths floating on the river - so the girls guessed at the betrothed and, according to some beliefs, paid off mermaids and mawks, who also want to dress up. Because the wreaths were very handy.

© photo: Sputnik / S. Ivanov

Another ritual for the Trinity was associated with greenery - a girl in love had to weave a wreath for her boyfriend from meadow grass and birch branches. To give it means to confess your love or at least sympathy.

Such a wreath could become not only an ornament and a symbol tender feelings, but also protection from mermaids, who on the night of the Trinity acquired greatest strength and were able to lure any guy to him.

The wreath was supposed to be turned into a talisman by sprigs of wormwood, especially flowering, which, according to legend, repels any evil spirits, including water ones, mermaids, and mawks.

The Trinity was also celebrated in forests, fields, gardens - they sang songs, played funny Games. Unmarried girls used their own wicker wreaths to tell fortunes that day. Wreaths were thrown into the water and songs were sung, if the wreaths converged, then this year the girl would be betrothed.

People believed that on a festive night prophetic dreams are dreamed, which are usually given special significance.

There was also a belief that fair man on this day he could find a treasure, as if hearing his call from the depths of the earth.


A good omen for the Trinity was wooing - it was believed that if they were married to the Trinity, and they got married to the Pokrov, then the life of these spouses would be long, happy, in love and harmony.

Flowers and healing herbs collected on such a day are considered healing and able to cure any ailment, and the collected dew has a special power that can heal and give strength.

The people believed that rain on the Trinity - for the harvest, for mushrooms, for warm weather. bad omen it was, if it was hot that day, it means that the whole summer will be dry.

People believed that after Trinity the weather would stabilize and warm, sunny days would come.

On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to distribute all the little things to the poor, thereby protecting oneself from adversity and illness.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve feasts: these are the twelve most important days after Easter in the Orthodox Christian calendar.

The Holy Trinity has been celebrated since ancient times on the 50th day after Easter, and for this reason the holiday is often called Pentecost. Since the date of Easter changes every year, Holy Trinity Day is always celebrated on different days. So, in 2018, Trinity is celebrated on Sunday, May 27.

The Trinity has always occupied a separate place among our ancestors among other Orthodox holidays, and they were prepared with special attention. After all, the Trinity symbolized for them not only the great miracle of the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth, but also marked the border between spring and summer, thereby becoming a day of joy, beauty and rebirth. The rules and customs of the celebration of the Trinity have been formed for almost seven centuries - since the Day of the Holy Trinity became Orthodox holiday- and have come down to our times in their original form.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Vdovin

Icon "Trinity"

Do's and Don'ts for Trinity

However, where there are customs and norms, there must always be prohibitions - otherwise, traditions will not have power over a person. Likewise, a long list of signs and superstitions was associated with the feast of the Trinity in Rus', which will be discussed further.

So, on the Trinity, as well as on other twelfth holidays, it was forbidden to perform complex work. People believed that on the Day of the Holy Trinity the earth meets its birthday, and on the birthday, as you know, work can wait. Therefore, our ancestors did not chop wood on Trinity, did not work in the garden and, in general, tried not to bother themselves.

Otherwise, those who violated these ancient rules risked a lot: the plowman's cattle could die, and the whole village could be destroyed by hail and rain crops. Similarly, the wool shearer could be robbed of sheep by wolves and other predators, and so on.

And yet, times are changing, and often our work does not depend on our desire, but is simply necessary. For example, a person can work in production, and the order must be submitted on time. In such cases, the prohibitions do not apply.

The essence of this tradition is not that work on the Day of the Holy Trinity is unacceptable in itself, but that on the Trinity a person should think about the spiritual and not allow himself to be distracted by secondary things. And if desired, everyone can find a free minute to break away from worldly life, pray for themselves and ask God for forgiveness.

© Sputnik / Alexey Sazonov

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity

It is not customary to go to the cemetery on the Holy Trinity: you can commemorate the dead before the holiday, on Trinity parent Saturday. The reason is that the feast of the Holy Trinity personifies life, beauty and love, and there is no place for sadness in it. Be sure to visit the church on this day, because the Trinity service is considered the strongest in spiritually and the most beautiful.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity

In Rus', there was a ban on bathing in the Holy Trinity: people believed that everyone who went to swim in a river or lake could drown. What is important, the ban on swimming applies to the entire Trinity week. You can wash in the bath, but only on the fourth day after the Trinity.

Is it possible to get married on the Trinity

Definitely not. The people are convinced that marriages made on the Holy Trinity will never be happy. But marrying the Trinity is not only possible, but even necessary - then family life will be full of love, mutual understanding, and there will be many children in the family.

© Sputnik / Ulyana Solovieva

While observing all these rules, do not forget about the spiritual life. Quarrels, screams and tears on the Trinity are unacceptable and, in general, avoiding negative emotions is also important the rest of the time. You can’t gossip, envy and use obscene language on the Trinity. Try to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted, and the Holy Trinity will surely reward you.

Folk omens for the Trinity

  • If you wash yourself with dew on the Trinity, you can prolong health and preserve beauty.
  • Herbs collected for the Trinity have healing power. They can be boiled and treated with them for the rest of the year.
  • A birch branch cut for the Trinity must be placed on the windowsill as a talisman against evil spirits.
  • An unmarried girl needs to be friendly with everyone in order to get married soon.
  • You can not swim on this day, otherwise the mermaids can drown.
  • If the day turned out to be rainy, there will be a lot of harvest and mushrooms.
  • Sunny weather on Trinity - summer will be hot and dry.
  • Rainbow on the Trinity - there will be happiness in the house.

Divination for the Trinity

It so happened that in Rus', parallel to Orthodoxy, there were their ancient folk rituals. However, before starting the rituals, remember that Orthodox Church equates any divination with witchcraft, which is considered a great sin.

True Christians, celebrating on this day the foundation of a church institution and the consolidation of beliefs in the Triune God, do not forget about the historical roots of this Great and significant church holiday. This does not mean that it is necessary to indulge in folk traditions with fanaticism, but remembering your ancestors and honoring their memory is always a charitable deed.

It was on the fiftieth day from Pascha that the Holy Spirit, as Jesus Christ the Savior promised his apostles, descended to Earth. This appearance was accompanied by noise and flames, and made an indelible impression on the apostles of the Faith, although they knew about his coming Coming.

After the appearance of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were able to speak different languages and went around the world with the great mission of spreading Christianity. Almost all of them suffered great torments and laid their heads on the altar of a great cause. And thanks to their hard work, many nations have found the true religion and celebrate Pentecost on this day.

Trinity Orthodox - a bright holiday

The charter of divine services adopted in Orthodoxy provides for holding on Pentecost (or the Feast of the Holy Trinity) one of the most spectacular, solemn and significant church services, which attracts millions of believers around the world. They are scattered in space, but on such days they are united by a common sacrament and communion with true beliefs, and therefore prayers on this day they offer lengthy, sincere and fiery, containing many requests to God.

But they pray not for their own prosperity and not for worldly blessings, but for the welfare and prosperity of the Holy Church, for the salvation of the souls of all who offer up prayers during these hours (and pray not only in church, but wherever they can, with all possible ardor, both heartfelt and mental), and for all who have rested, no matter where the soul abides, in heaven or hell.

Note! On this day, three lengthy prayers are read in the church, and each of them means a lot to the true believer, so everything must be read. Prayers for the souls of the dead, the souls of those present and the Holy Orthodox Church are church symbols that reflect the Divine Triune Essence: In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Orthodoxy differs from other branches of the Christian religion not only in its kindness and peacefulness, but also in its loyalty to folk traditions. When it came into its own in Rus', it retained and included in the church canons many folk traditions and beliefs. This helped not only to quickly adapt the pagans to the Christian faith, but also to preserve the national mentality, tied to natural cycles, the change of seasons, and the natural cycle.

The identity of the Slavs and their differences from other peoples were preserved by Orthodoxy and enshrined in church canons, because it was in this understanding of life and reverence for nature that the universal meaning of the existence of the surrounding world, in which the pagan peoples lived, was contained.

The Slavic peoples did not go on crusades, but accepted the new faith with all their hearts, because it kept them able to continue to worship the Mother Earth and Generous Nature, work tirelessly to continue the life cycle, have fun on the Holiday and wait for the fruits from their hands, which will help to continue and preserve their kind.

Trinity in Rus' is a cheerful and full-colored holiday called Green Christmastide. A significant milestone of transition from spring to summer, from a difficult and vigilant period of investment, cultivation and fertilization of the land, to a simpler and warmer period of waiting for the harvest. At Green Christmas time they walked and sang, visited colorful and cheerful fairs, but also commemorated the dead kind word, moments of jointly experienced joy, good and blessed days.

The feast of the Holy Trinity does not have a specific date, it is celebrated exactly on the fiftieth day after Easter, and the most significant date per year are counted from the Jewish, which is calculated according to lunar calendar. The Slavs accepted this state of affairs, and began to celebrate the transition from winter to summer, which was previously a certain date, also on the fiftieth day from Easter.

Beliefs and rituals - secular and church

Peace and kindness are the main moral rules of the celebrated happy holiday, and in this paganism and Christianity were united. To commemorate the dead the day before - to pay tribute to their blessed memory, to visit the cemetery, and to turn aloud or silently to the immortal soul - this was done both before green Christmas time and before Holy Trinity Day. On this day, according to tradition, you can neither cry nor grieve. You can remember happy and bright moments.

Fact! There are many symbolic moments in Orthodoxy celebrating the Day of the Holy Trinity. On the main Sunday, three prayers are served. The celebration itself lasts 3 days. Green day is Sunday, Klechalny is Monday, and Tuesday is Bogodukhov or the Day of the Holy Spirit. The vestment of the clergy on the Trinity is green, and symbolizes this rebirth, resurrection, unity with nature and the renewal of natural human strength.

You can't work for the Trinity. No sewing, no knitting, no housekeeping. All this must be done in advance. Food is also prepared in advance, on Saturday, and even better - on Friday. Previously, fish and meat dishes, baked pies with such a filling and dyed eggs green. This can be done now, but there are already some indulgences - for example, cooked food can be reheated.

The main traditions for believers are to attend one of the most beautiful services on this day, read three prayers and distribute food to the poor.

On this day, it is considered especially good to share, distribute and give to those who need it. The Church welcomes this, and believers are sincerely convinced that the more they distribute on the Trinity, the more generously and abundantly all this will return to the house. In order to get a hundredfold for your labors, you should distribute pre-cooked food on Trinity, you can not only the orphans and the poor, but also neighbors and relatives. But in order for this to work, you need to visit the temple in the morning and pray with all your heart.

The Church does not encourage weaving wreaths and divination, especially if young girls do it by the river. It is believed that this is a direct return to paganism, as well as evening running around with birch branches to disperse mermaids and mermen. However, in the Russian outback, over the past few centuries, these traditions have not been abandoned.

Girls on Trinity still weave wreaths, wondering about marriage and betrothed, festivities are held in a birch forest, and in the evening guys with birch branches on the banks of reservoirs try to drive away mermaids and other evil spirits.

Signs and beliefs

On this day, like centuries ago, it is customary to decorate the home with green branches (birch), herbs and wildflowers. They decorate the church in the same way, pouring green grass on the floor. It used to be considered necessary to pick up grass from the floor in the church in order to brew it afterwards for all diseases. The branches and flowers brought from the Temple were used as talismans and amulets - they were put from a fire in the attic, into the house - from mice, and from shrews and spoilage of food they were taken out to utility rooms.

From birch branches, the girls wove wreaths to weave their thoughts with the thoughts of their beloved, older people carried them to the cemetery to fan the graves of their ancestors, or in the field - to beg nature for a generous harvest. You can remember other signs and prohibitions:

  • you should wear the most best outfits, and lay the most on the table beautiful tablecloth(preferably new)
  • there must certainly be pastries on the table (and, preferably, baked in advance);
  • on Trinity you can neither swim nor take a bath, because on this day the mermaids come out of the water;
  • if you break brooms for a bath in the morning, from side branches - when washing, this will bring additional health;
  • it’s good when there are guests in the house and the table is generously laid - this is for prosperity and well-being throughout the year.

Trinity - wonderful holiday in which folk and church beliefs intertwined. It is sad that many people in the vain and worldly have forgotten about existing rules and traditions. But it is gratifying that all this is being revived and remembered. Therefore, the questions that lay people ask true believers and clergymen about what can and cannot be done on this holy day are not idle curiosity, but a return to their origins and ancestors.

The closer a people is to the roots of its history and religion, the more chances it has to preserve its originality and originality and withstand the trials that are sent to it.