A strong conspiracy for big money. Rules for reading home slander. On a church candle

In this article I will talk about the seven most short plots for money that is very different high efficiency. The conspiracies are working, and I can vouch for each of these conspiracies, because I tracked them all. It is clear that not everyone can get help from such conspiracies, some people are sufferers and losers in life, someone has serious problems. karmic debts, someone else may have damage or some other negative. But if you are destined to come to money, then these conspiracies can speed up this process.

All conspiracies should be done only on the growing moon. You need to choose one plot and make it, and then wait for the result. It makes no sense at all to do all the conspiracies together - in the end you will get a vinaigrette, but you will not get any material sense from this.

Conspiracy to always have money

For this conspiracy you need a comb. In the evening, retire, sit down and comb your hair with a comb and say three times:

"Like a comb through my hair, so the money is in my pocket. And so that the money multiplies, but does not end. Amen."

Once done, the comb must be burned (this can be done in the stove or at the stake). The money will come to you in a week or two.

Vanga's conspiracy for money and good luck

This conspiracy is from Vanga herself. For him, you need a spoonful of rice milk porridge. Take porridge (with a spoon) and say to it:

"Just as the Lord ate porridge, but did not live in poverty, so I will eat porridge, but I will not live in poverty. But as soon as I start to get richer, and everything will work out for me, no matter what I think. Let money and good luck go to my house."

And eat the porridge right away. The effect of the conspiracy appears after 4-6 weeks.

Conspiracy to have a lot of money

A conspiracy can only be done on a clear night. You need to go outside to a place where you can clearly see the starry sky (so that the lights do not interfere, but the view is not blocked at home). And start counting the stars. Count to 333 and say the plot right away:

“Like the stars in the sky, so I have money. You can see a little, but once you start counting, you won’t count in life. Amen.”

The conspiracy does not take effect immediately, usually after two to three months. But his action is very good, the money comes big.

Strong conspiracy to attract money

For this conspiracy, you need a little honey and little things. Spread honey on your hands, and wag your hands in trifles. And after the hands raise and conspire against them, whisper three times:

"Keep it and remember it, now it will always be like this. Money will begin to stick to me. Amen, amen, amen."

And wait for money.

Conspiracy to make your money grow

This conspiracy is good to carry out if you have some kind of collected capital, at least a couple of million rubles. You need to put everything in front of you and say to them three times:

“How the money lay idle, but they got tired of lying. And after that they began to call their money. A day goes by - one of their own goes, two days - two of their own, on the third day already three of their own came. And every day more and more. And replenishment of money and I feel good. Amen.

After such a conspiracy, your money will definitely grow in growth (i.e., multiply).

Conspiracy to find money

Do you want to find money? This plot helps in this matter. In the evening, go outside and say to the growing moon:

"The moon from the sky you see everything, teach me, Moon, how to find money. So that any money catches my eye. Amen."

Repeat three times and go home. And then you will see for yourself - you will find money very often, do not miss a single coin or banknote. You need to repeat the plot every month (lunar).

Water conspiracy for money

Pour a glass of water in the evening, and put it at the head of the bed. And in the morning, when you wake up, that water right hand take it and say to it:

"Lord, do not leave me in disfavor, give me infinite wealth, so that I live and rejoice, and the money is not transferred. Amen.

And drink water. Well, then stand up and cross yourself three times.

I can also recommend others

Ritual for money is one of the most common types of magic. It is not surprising that many resort to magic in order to lure them. There are actually effective and not too complicated rituals for attracting money and getting rid of poverty, which anyone can do.

In the article:

Ritual for money - basic rules

All rituals for money and generally for attracting something. Money rituals done when the moon is waxing or on the night of the full moon. Best timenew Moon(not to be confused with the new moon).

To gain wealth, you need to know what you will spend the amount received on and what it should be. The Universe will give you exactly what you asked for - no more and no less.

Do not randomly carry out rituals for money. Choose the one that inspires you the most confidence, do it and forget about it. In order for the result to appear, the desire must be released.

Conflict with monetary energy is a common cause of poverty

Money, like most things modern world have their own energy. The energy of valuable things absorbs emotions well. Simply put, how you feel about money is how it will treat you.

Check if you have a conflict with monetary energy, very simple.

On the night of the full moon, take a handful of copper coins and count them. Put them in one container with a silver coin, and in the morning look at the result. If the silver coin has darkened, you have a personal conflict with financial energy, and you need to reconsider your attitude to material wealth. If a few coins are missing, or the copper ones are slightly blackened, then strangers influence your well-being, and this influence must be fought.

They are very popular.

What does it mean: "to reconsider the attitude towards money"? They don't tolerate disrespect. Money requires an expensive and high-quality wallet and proper storage. It is good when they do not crumple in pockets or a bag. Avoid phrases like, "I don't need money," but don't make it the meaning of your life. Count your funds more often, sprinkle them with "money" plants (mint, oak leaves, ground rice, etc.) - you will immediately notice how your income will increase.

Money rituals - simple and effective

Everyone can make their life a little richer - there are many simple money rites and rituals that can be carried out with little or no long preparation.

The main thing in the process is to believe in yourself and have a strong desire to change your life for the better. However, you should not let everything take its course and just sit back and wait for a miracle - otherwise the situation will turn out, as in a joke about a Jew and a lottery ticket.

money tea

To attract money into your life, you will need a pencil (necessarily a new one!), A transparent glass or mug, natural tea, honey and a small piece of green paper.

So, prepare tea with honey in a mug. Place it on a sheet of green paper and stir the salted tea with a pencil (clockwise). At the same time, be sure to think about the money that you want to receive from the Universe, the things you will spend it on and the emotions that you will experience. It takes at least a minute to stir the tea. Take the prepared leaf and write on it with a pencil:

Tea, there will be money.

Ready tea should be drunk and immediately after that, hide a sheet of paper in your wallet. Throughout the year, he will be your talisman, attracting money, and after this period, the ritual for money is repeated.

money candle

For the next a simple ritual you will need green candle, dried chopped basil (sold in the spice department) and olive oil. With a new needle, draw your name and the desired amount of money on the candle. You can write something like "30,000 for the refrigerator", for example.

Roll the candle in basil olive oil. After that, light it up with the words:

Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket!

Let the candle burn out completely.

money bath

You can take a bath for money. Well, if you do this at least once a month on the growing moon.

For a money bath, boil 1 part cinnamon and 4 parts fresh parsley in five cups of boiling water and let the herbs steep, covered, for about 20 minutes. Then pour this infusion into a bath of water at a temperature comfortable for you with these words:

Money flows like a river of gold and stays with me forever!

Stay in the water for as long as it is acceptable for you, but not less than 10-15 minutes. From time to time, immerse yourself in water completely, with your head, and imagine an improvement in your financial situation. You can not wipe yourself after the bath, the body should dry naturally.

Money spell

It is also possible on the wick from a candle, but this must be done carefully so as not to burn your fingers. Buy a new candle, remove the wick from it, light it on both sides and, as quickly as possible, say:

The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and every good thing. Amen.

Extinguish the wick immediately afterwards, and always carry the rest in your purse or pocket.

bottle mascot

You can make a talisman bottle that will attract money to your home. To do this, you will need, in fact, a bottle (the more the better), gold or silver sparkles, dried ground basil, rice or wheat grains, coins and green beads.

Take the bottle in your hands and lower the ingredients into it, while saying the conspiracy:

So that the house is full and there is always money in it, so that earnings are not transferred and money is brought into the house.

Close the bottle and hide somewhere in the kitchen. From time to time, but not on a waning moon, add a little change to it and shake it so that the coins ring.

Many bring shells from summer holiday, but few people know that ordinary sea shells can contribute to the acquisition of prosperity - what else, if not seaside resorts, is associated with large sums of money?

For money ritual select a lighter shell and put a silver coin in it. Any "cash" is dripped onto the coin essential oil- patchouli, basil, sandalwood or bergamot. Then light a white or green candle and drip the wax onto the coin until the coin is not visible behind the wax. While the wax is dripping, visualize - imagine that you already own the necessary amount and dispose of it as you wish. The talisman should be where you earn money. This workplace- both home and office, or even a bag or folder with papers if you rarely appear in the office. But remember that no outsider should see and, even more so, pick up a sink with wax and a coin.

Simoron rituals for money

It is based on an absolute belief in miracles, and it is known that magical events occur only where they are believed in. Those who read about it for the first time ask questions - how can strange actions of a humorous nature help in something? But, after carrying out several Simoron rituals, doubts about their effectiveness immediately dissipate.

Simoron rituals for money are based on the transformation of familiar things and actions into magical objects filled with magic. In this case, free word forms can be used, and it does not matter at all how they rhyme and whether they rhyme at all. The main thing is that the words of the Simoron conspiracy evoke positive emotions in you, and its theme matches your goals. Speak and act from the heart, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Also, you can do a money-attracting cleaning. To do this, charge the water by dipping gold jewelry into it for a while, and then use it to wash the floors, windows and other surfaces of the apartment.

If you play sports, you can write on dumbbells: "Salary." So you will not only strengthen your health, but also work to improve your financial situation. It is best to do this in the morning. Be sure to imagine how your salary grows, and what you will spend it on. The principle also works well here, which says that the more work is invested in a business, the more profitable its result will be.

You can put your wallet on charge like a laptop or mobile phone. This simple action is guaranteed to lead to unexpected cash receipts.

Throughout the history of existence, mankind has been indifferent to obtaining all kinds of wealth. Indeed, material independence gives people great opportunities, which explains the desire of each person to become rich.

To become the owner material wealth, it is necessary to work a lot and with high quality, but this approach does not always allow you to acquire a large amount of funds as quickly as possible. In such cases, people resort to magical rites that attract money and success. All rituals and rituals for money and wealth are aimed at attracting unexpected financial income. It can be a good bonus, salary increase, winning the lottery, and so on.

Features of rituals to attract money

Rites to attract money cannot be performed without the use of coins and banknotes. Precious metals and stones are also used in rituals.

If for magical rites financial benefits are applied, then these should be coins cleaned to a shine (decorations from precious metals) or new banknotes.

During the ceremony, it is important to the smallest details imagine the desired picture, because without visualization it is impossible to imagine any magical ritual. Since all rituals of magic to attract money are aimed at multiplying, therefore they are usually performed for a growing month.

All magical actions for big money have a short-term effect, so they have to be performed with some frequency. To consolidate the result, you need not only to perform magical rites, but also carry cash talismans.

rituals for wealth

There are a wide variety of rituals aimed at prosperity and increasing money:

Ritual for Monday

The ritual is performed early Monday morning. A man wakes up at dawn front door and inserts a suitable key into her lock. Concentrating on your desires, you need to read the following conspiracy:

A gray wolf will go into the dark forest to look for a white hare. The wolf will catch up with the white hare, and find in it a forged casket, upholstered with gilding and hard blued steel. On that casket the lock weighs heavy, the lock is strong, the lock is silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the dark water, hidden from the eyes of strangers. Only to me, the servant of God (name), was given the key to find in the water surface, honey with water herbs, and old stones. Not a gray wolf, not a passer-by, not a fast fish, that key is intended, it is only for me, the servant of God (name), assigned by fate. Only it was given to me to open that casket, stones, silver, and gold in it to find and collect. I, the servant of God (name), will hide that key so that everything that has been said comes true, which is appointed by fate. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen

After the plot has been read, the key must be hung on a string and worn around the neck as a talisman, but so that no one sees it.

Raising money at sunset

Another ritual to attract material wealth and prosperity must be performed at sunset. To get the desired effect, the ritual must be performed 3 days in a row. They stand so that their gaze is fixed on the western part of the sky and read such a spell:

As the rich king begins to give expensive gifts to people, so I, the servant of God (name), will get a part of those gifts. I, the servant of God (name), will not refuse gifts, I will take all the gifts, but I will say thanks to the king. As the white ball spins around the world, as the damask sword shines in the light, so the gold will always ring in my pockets. I, the servant of God (name), will go to the king naked and barefoot, I will carry a human cup to him, a simple cup. I will not erase my white legs in blood along the way, I will not work my hands in corns. The king will give gifts to people, and I, the servant of God (name), will be the first among those people. I will accept gifts. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

Conspiracy on peas

There is another effective ritual that will easily allow you to attract financial prosperity, good luck and an increase in material wealth into a person’s life.

For the ritual, you need to prepare some peas, a thicket of honey and a handful of oats. Add oats and peas to honey. While mixing the ingredients, you need to whisper the following words:

I am a wild marten, a servant of God (name), sweet ladies porridge, I will appease her with honey gingerbread. That marten will bring me wealth, it will give me fertile lands, it will give me high houses, it will give expensive jewelry, it will bring all gold coins. If a black raven starts to take away honey gingerbread from a marten, I, the servant of God (name), will drive that raven with a stick from a marten. If the bear begins to take away the gingerbread from the marten, I will drive him and scold him with human words. I, the servant of God (name), will receive a great monetary grace from the marten for this. May what has been said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen

Ritual with apples for money

Effectively attract money into a person’s life will help ancient rite with apples. For the ceremony, take 20 fruits. These should be the most beautiful and ripe apples.

It is optimal if a person picks fruits in the garden on his own, since the energy of such fruits will be incredibly strong.

If you can’t harvest the apple tree with your own hands, then you can buy them, but you can’t take change from the seller. This ritual will take several days to complete. First you need to wait for the first day of the phase of the growing month and then treat the poor on the street with 14 apples.

On the second day, 3 apples are given to the needy, and the rest of the fruits are left on the third day, when you need to go with the rest to Orthodox church. In the temple, apples are laid on the memorial table and the following conspiracy is read:

Remember my poverty, servants of God (name), for peace. Let wealth flow to me like a river from this day on. Let wealth stay with me forever. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen

golden rite

There is a very effective rite to attract money, and it is called golden. For magic action take a clay pot and a red church candle.

The pot is placed on the floor near the bedroom door, where a person usually rests and keeps his things there. In the next 6 days, you need to put one coin at exactly 1700. When a person puts the first coin in a pot, you need to read the following plot:

Flow, money, to me. Shine, money, hurry to make me, the servant of God (name), rich

For the rest of the coins, another plot is suitable:

Money, you, money, you are my powerhouse. You, the servant of God (name), do not leave me, do not leave for an hour, do not leave me at a difficult hour. Amen

After the last coin is placed in the pot, you can cover the wooden table with a linen tablecloth and place the pot of money on it.

Each coin must be laid out and laid out all around the pot. The ceremony must be organized so that the last day of the ritual falls on the full moon.

The bowl with coins must be removed from the table, but in the same place put a glass filled with fine salt, in which you need to put a burning candle. Without taking your eyes off the candle, you need to read the following plot:

Immediately after reading the plot, you need to go to bed. The candle must be left to burn out on the table. Just before sunrise, you need to get up and put all the coins back into the bowl. A glass of salt and a candle end should be wrapped in a towel made of natural fabric and take everything to the crossroads.

For the next week, you need to put a coin into the bowl every day. In this case, you need to read the prayer "Our Father". After a week, all the coins need to be put in a column, wrapped in paper and put in a bundle hidden for 3 years.

The most effective ritual for financial well-being

There are rituals financial magic, the effectiveness of which is not even in doubt, and they are performed on Christmas. For example, there is a magic ritual for money, for which you need to prepare 3 large green candles, flower pot and earth.

The container must be brand new. A sufficient amount of earth is poured into the pot, candles are placed in the ground and their wicks are set on fire. A finger is passed along the neck. In this case, it is necessary to read the following words:

Beyond the blue sea, beyond the boundless ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, lies a white stone, a combustible stone - Alatyr. As the dawns on that stone close, as the dawns console themselves on it, and sing songs, so I, the servant of God (name), sang songs on it, consoled the blue-winged falcon, the black crow. Tight sadness has sucked my zealous heart, blackened it with black need. I don’t have the necessary prosperity in my house, that’s why it’s not sweet for me day or night. As I, the servant of God (name), light a candle, put money in, so my money will multiply, as my candle begins to oscillate. The wax on my candle melts and melts, and so my need decreases, and prosperity arrives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

After the plot is read, it is necessary to put the pot in a conspicuous place and set fire to the candles so that they burn continuously for 12 days and burn out by the thirteenth day.

Prayer for money

Not only a magical ritual, but also prayer will help to attract big ones into a person’s life. First you need to buy 5 church candles white color(candles must be consecrated), light them, cross yourself three times and read the prayer:

Jesus Christ is my hope and support, Yes, the Blessed Mother of God, support. Angels walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags opened, and all the money fell out. I, the servant of God (name), walked the earth, found that money, collected it, and took it home. Now I lit the candles, I distributed wealth to my people. Candles burn, money arrive in my house. Forever and ever. Amen

ancient ritual

The most powerful and reliable rituals are considered to attract money, which have come to mankind since ancient times. The ceremony is carried out as follows: they buy dry St. John's wort in a pharmacy, several branches of which are poured into a tea strainer.

The grass is set on fire and a large water container is smoked with smoke. The container is turned over, wax of a lit candle is dripped onto its center and along the sides of the bottom. When the wax hardens, the jar needs to be rotated to the correct position.

They hug the jar as tightly as possible with arms and legs, close their eyes and imagine a picture of wealth. After you need to get 4 coins, one of them needs to be clamped in a fist and say “I want money to (last name, first name, patronymic)!”.

After that, over the stone three times you need to say the name of your favorite gem, which favors the person. The coin is thrown into the bank. Above the second coin, instead of the name of the gem, they say the name of the beloved three times natural fur, above the second - the name of the brand of the desired car, on the third - cherished desire requiring significant financial outlays.

Burnt St. John's wort should be sprinkled with coins in a jar. The jar is closed with palms and a picture of wealth is visualized. The candle must be lit again, sprinkle the edges of the neck with wax so that 4 drops form (in a square). The fifth drop must be placed in the center. The jar itself is hidden in a closet away from prying eyes. Every day you need to invest a coin in the bank.

Talismans to attract money

There are amulets and talismans that allow you to quickly attract money:

  • under the linoleum at the front door you need to put a coin found on the street (but it should not be a coin not from the intersection);
  • it is recommended to carry a large denomination banknote in your wallet, and this should be donated or won money;
  • near the front door you need to put a figure of a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth.

In order not to lose wealth, you need to give up such habits as taking out the garbage in the evening, counting money after sunset, cleaning the house after sunset. You can’t take money from the hands of strangers, as in this way they often spoil poverty.

Rites for wealth will be effective only if a person does something in order to get rich: works hard, improves himself, does not give up the chance to win money.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

In our life, not everything depends on fate. Especially when it comes to wishes. Few people know that fate can be changed on its own, causing certain events with the help of special magical conspiracies. Not in such a distant past, our ancestors used different directions of light magic to attract good luck, love and wealth. One of these is the magic of money, using which people avoided failures in the money field and increased their material wealth. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what magic spells, prayers, rituals and conspiracies for money are that help solve large and small financial problems.

Exists a large number of folk ways lure luck and money into your home. Among them, a special place is occupied by conspiracies for money, with the help of which you can energetically influence the world calling him to help you.

Until today, only a small part of those conspiracies that our ancestors used earlier have come down to us. Strong conspiracies for money were previously performed only by experienced sorcerers and magicians endowed with the forces of nature. Now, at home, you can independently conduct rituals to attract success, love, wealth (money).

In order for the ritual to be effective, and the result is not long in coming, all instructions should be clearly followed. First, you need to carefully read the procedure for performing the ceremony. Secondly, it is worth considering a few key points on which the outcome of the conspiracy will depend.

There are some rules, the implementation of which enhances the effect of any monetary (and not only) conspiracy.

Most important aspect is faith in the success of the event. To do this, you need to let go of unnecessary thoughts and think only that light magic will solve your financial problems.

You also need to remember that the success of the event directly depends on how the sacrament of the ritual will be observed. Such conspiracies for money should be read all alone. In addition, no one should know that you are planning to do the ceremony (or that you have already done it). It is worth recalling that Wednesday is considered the best day to cast a magic spell. Therefore, it is advisable to read a conspiracy for money and special prayers in the evening of this day.

To date, several variants of conspiracies are considered popular. As a rule, the most popular are those that help:

  • attract wealth to the house;
  • return from a trip with a profit;
  • receive a reward;
  • achieve long-term wealth, etc.

How can you improve your financial situation?

To achieve long-term prosperity, and so that money never leaves your home, read the special magical conspiracy for a coin. It is necessary to perform such rituals with old pennies (gold or coins from the times of the USSR).

To always have money in your house, you should take a coin and hold it in the fist of your left hand. Go with this coin to the forest. Find a young pine (spruce) there. Tap the crown of the tree with a coin, saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as young needles grow on a tree, so profit grows to me. Coins are multiplied not on a honey or a pie, but in my wallet.

After repeating this text three times, dig a small hole under the young tree. Put a charmed penny into it. After filling it with earth, leaves and needles, return home. On the way, you can read prayers to yourself (“Our Father”). This conspiracy for money will work in the near future. You will be able to watch how profits begin to increase, and financial problems begin to be quickly resolved.

How to attract wealth to your home?

There is another way to lure wealth into your home. There are many strong magic spells for inviting money, among which one can single out a conspiracy to attract long-term wealth to your home. The rite that accompanies this conspiracy is carried out in the presence of several components.

For the ritual you will need:

  • medium cup;
  • a handful of rice;
  • a handful of sugar;
  • a handful of salt;
  • safety pin.

The pin is placed on the bottom of the bowl, having previously opened it. Then fill it with equal parts of the products. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“God Almighty, help me avoid poverty. Guardian Angel, do not let me know troubles and poverty. I ask you not to leave me, a servant of God (your name), without daily bread, a warm shelter. Pure urges lead me, not selfish ones. Amen".

Having spoken the magic text three times, the bowl with the contents will need to be securely hidden. For those who live in own house and has a garden, the bowl can be buried under a young tree. For those who live in an apartment, the cup can be attached to back side batteries under the windowsill. So that the effect of the ceremony does not “fade away”, people living in the apartment should repeat the ritual and read prayers as the contents become dusty.

A charmed pie will help get rid of financial turmoil

Get rid of lack of money, debts and others financial problems another strong one will help and effective conspiracy. It is quite laborious, but it helps quickly. To perform the ceremony, you will need to prepare the usual dough for the pie.

Using the usual recipe, prepare the dough. Having pinched off a small lump from it, run it around your body. Remember that the body needs to be run in completely so that the lump is in contact with bare skin. After completing this procedure, squeeze a lump of dough in your hands and whisper the words of a magical conspiracy into it three times:

“I will bow to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker so that he fulfills my request. Remove from me, servants of God (say your name), trouble and bad weather, help get rid of poverty. For bread and clothes, so that there is money, so that everyone has enough. Amen".

Saying this strong conspiracy for money, throw the charmed lump into the yard through the window. Bake a pie from the remaining dough. This cake should be treated to people dear to you, to whom you sincerely wish wealth. Thus, the rite will help to establish their financial situation.

Rowan for prosperity

In autumn, you can also speak to attract money to the family of mountain ash. Such a conspiracy is also quite strong. The rite helps to attract wealth and solve big financial problems.

“Mother Rowan, calm down the evil twist. Help me, a servant of God (say your name), to avoid poverty, to know prosperity. As red berries multiply on your branches, so let my money multiply. My word is firm. Amen."

To start making money in your house, bring a bunch of mountain ash into your house. Put it in the corner near the icons. The result of the conspiracy can be seen within a few days.

The financial situation should improve significantly if such conspiracies are pronounced on Wednesdays.

When reading prayers, magic spells to attract money, it is worth remembering that even the strongest money conspiracy will not work if you cast it without faith.

Everyone wants to have good health, love and material well-being. And often people resort to magical rituals hoping to get what you want. known since ancient times and are considered effective method attract material success. The effectiveness of such methods can be explained from an esoteric point of view. As you know, and spoken aloud - doubly material. The energy that is invested in a conspiracy or spell feeds an egregore (a certain energy substance that returns the transformed energy in the form of fulfilled desires), this case monetary. Therefore the strength money conspiracies quite real. But before moving on to specific rituals, it is necessary to learn a few rules, following which, you can prevent the outflow of money.

  • You should always pick up change, for example, you cannot refuse change in a store.
  • On Sunday, all the small coins accumulated in the wallet should be distributed to the poor.
  • You can not lend money on Monday and in the evening.
  • Sweep floors should only be from the threshold.
  • You can’t give animals just like that, you need to take at least a nominal fee.
  • You can not store empty bottles in the house.
  • The broom should always stand with the throwing side down.
  • In the wallet, banknotes should be kept facing the owner and arranged in ascending order.
  • To attract money, the wallet must be black or red, preferably square shape.
  • You cannot transfer money from hand to hand, you need to put it on some surface.
  • Money loves neatness. Do not store crumpled banknotes in your pocket.
  • It is impossible for the wallet to be empty - there must always be at least one bill in it.

In order for money to come, you need to want it. You can not complain about the material lack. The phrase: “If you want to be rich, live like a rich man” has the right to exist. You need to inspire yourself constantly and daily: “I am rich”, “money loves me and comes to me in a continuous stream”. Self-hypnosis is a very strong thing and has been tested on many people.

Now consider the most popular and effective conspiracies for money.

  1. It is believed that the most powerful money plot is a young moon plot. On the first or second day of the lunar cycle, you need to go outside at midnight, pick up banknotes (large ones are better), “show” them to the month and repeat 10 times: “As the moon grows, so do my incomes.”
  2. The most popular church conspiracies for money. Buy 5 church candles, put them on banknotes and hide for 5 days in a secluded place. Before hiding, they say: “Money is coming, money is floating, as the candles burn out, I will become rich.” After 5 days, the candles are taken out and burned one at a time (in the evening), and the charmed bills are not spent.
  3. Conspiracy for quick money. You need to take a bill, roll it up, and oblige it to be red woolen thread. Tying, saying: “how many fish are in the sea, how many leaves are on a tree, how much sand is in the river, so much money will come to me.” A banknote should always be carried with you to attract money luck.
  4. Grain conspiracy. To do this, you need to strip naked and sprinkle yourself with grain, saying: "money for bread, bread for money." Another conspiracy: grain or cereals should be spread out in all corners of the house, saying to each: “as the field is rich in spikelets, so I am in money.”

Conspiracies for money will only work if the person believes in them. Therefore, when conspiring, you need to make an effort, wish wealth with all your heart. It is worth noting that you cannot use several conspiracies at the same time, at least you cannot do more than one ritual during lunar month. You should not engage in attracting money on Monday, the most better days to attract wealth are Thursday, Friday and Saturday.