How to become a wise wife. Secrets of a Wise Woman

The game of contrasts will not bring anything good for either side or the other. Of course, I want to "recoup" and do "nasty things" - to set the horns with his best friend or call the boss at work and “friendly” tell what kind of “reptile” he took. Relief will come for a while, but the problems will not be solved. In order not to torment yourself and your chosen one, let's figure out which woman is wise for a man.

Women's wisdom in relationships with a man: become a friend to him

Modern women are just crazy: they constantly go to trainings, seminars to increase female power, attractiveness and cultivation of femininity. And in these worries, they simply forget to truly become close to a man. After all, closeness is a multifaceted concept. And it consists not only in borscht, pancakes, clean shirts and sex 2 times a week. If we evaluate it only from these positions, then it is easier and cheaper for a man to have a housekeeper and a mistress. But if he decided to create a family, then he needs one more facet of intimacy - spiritual.
This means that a man wants to have a woman friend, adviser, assistant next to him. Or, in other words, a person you can rely on. You will not only communicate, you will trust each other. Therefore, at this level of intimacy, you do not have to look for the key to yourself, harmony with outside world. You will not use a psychology tutorial that tells you what signs indicate cheating. You won't need it. Agree, he will not hide anything, because you are his friend. It is easy to part with a mistress and a cook, and friends do not change like gloves. (Read also).

Therefore, the main conclusion: wisdom in the male understanding is the ability to be friends and support a partner. And for this you need to learn how to talk to him.

Women's wisdom in relationships with a man: and the chest just opens When women begin to read cards, look into psychology reference books to understand which dress he likes best and what to cook for dinner, men look at this situation easier. “Why guess, let him ask me!” - this is how men reason, assessing the situation. (read more)
"Why ask?" the woman thinks. “It’s better if I carefully, according to the signs read from smart books, will figure it out myself whether to cook borscht or lasagna.” And he begins to look, but the advice of the "luminaries of science" does not always coincide with the real state of affairs. And when with displeased look the husband slurps another portion of “Ukrainian with beets”, the wife starts a tantrum: “You won’t please!”. (Read also).

And the chest just opened, start with the little things. Just ask him what he would like to eat for dinner, for lunch. Or what shirt he will wear tomorrow. Maybe he wants to go to the cinema for a long time, and you show with all your looks that the laundry in the machine has not been washed and is not being washed.

To sum it up: treat a man as if he were your friend. Ask, suggest, find joint business. Don't overdo the romance. And when you really get closer mentally. And the intimate component will unite you even more.

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Surrounding. She is calm, friendly and helpful. And it seems that its out of itself is almost impossible. Such ladies are admired, but few can become the same. Simply because they don’t know how to show this wisdom of theirs in relations with others and, first of all, with their beloved man.

Recipe for success wise woman consists in the fact that she initially selects for herself the right partner. The one who is ready to cooperate and interact with her. After all living together- this is not an eternal holiday, but also compromises, concessions, etc. Moreover, it does not have to be rich or successful man She will make it herself. The main thing is that he be open to his lady soul and heart.

To become a wise woman, you need to understand that what you are building - your home and family - is the most precious thing you have and will have. Appreciate it, and put each "brick" of your happiness with big love. And this will automatically lead you to abandon scandals over trifles and save you from nervous shocks. But it is precisely in this that the role of a woman is hidden - a family hearth.

Do you want to become a wise woman? Then learn to understand, listen and forgive. Do not arrange disassembly and swearing at empty place because of wrongdoings that have already been committed by the husband or children. Otherwise, you will simply destroy your family from the inside. Of course, without quarrels not to do. But wise women even quarrel wisely: rarely, but aptly. It is best to prepare a scene, just one, but what kind. The main thing is to choose a really serious reason. In other cases, keep silent, laugh together, pretend that you did not notice the male misconduct.

So what if you've been living together for the 5th year?! All the same, you should not get personal, humiliate, tease your man. Wise women keep respectful attitude to a life partner from the very first day. To become wise, you need to put yourself in the place of a partner and play the situation in mirror image(estimate, for example, what you would like or would not like to hear from yourself in the place of your spouse), then a lot opens up and becomes obvious.

Learn to set personal and shared family goals. If you are clear about what you want, it will become easier for you to achieve desired results. This is the wisdom of a woman - to set a goal and find the best options for solving it.

A wise woman knows how to trust her companion. She always believes in him, thus giving the man self-confidence. Therefore, husbands of wise women, as a rule, occupy high leadership positions and rarely go to the left.

But do not confuse wisdom with total submission. A wise woman always knows her own worth and positions herself so that others understand this. You should not completely obey your partner or dissolve in him. Better to just stand with him on the same level. This will be the highest female wisdom.

Historically, it is believed that wisdom is a kind of deep understanding of reality, the ability to analyze, but remain impartial in one's judgments.

Ideally, a wise person should have such qualities as moderation, detachment, tolerance and patience, peacefulness, modesty and altruism, integrity, as well as courage and willpower. He must master himself, simply be spiritually perfect.

It is also believed that wisdom comes with age, but is it true? We are not talking about worldly experience, there is no getting away from it, but to be impartial in judgments, to understand others, not to judge?

Why, then, only a few can gain wisdom?

The main enemies of wisdom are emotions and prejudices.

Emotions, because wisdom implies calmness and endurance, as well as great patience, which emotional people by nature lack.

The second enemy of wisdom is the construction of one's point of view into an absolute, which is characteristic of smart people, as well as mature people. They are characterized by template, stereotypical thinking, obsession with their own prejudices,. They refuse to even understand the point of view of others, believing that their experience (mind) automatically puts them higher, and it is their opinion that is the only true one. Being blinded by one's own prejudices makes people aggressive, which is very far from wisdom.

But here are the words of Socrates: "The wisest of people can only be the one who is able to admit that he knows nothing."

  • Have your life philosophy, life credo. But at the same time, be able to understand others, go beyond your usual patterns and stereotypes, thinking and habits.
  • To see the essence of things is not a consequence, but a cause, to understand the relationship between things. Understand what is behind the superficial behavior, emotions, words of other people.
  • Be patient with others, manage your emotions, remain calm in any situation.
  • Be able to apply your knowledge and share it, teach others.
  • Be able to speak, find the right words, to convince without entering into disputes (for example,).
  • To be able to understand and accept all manifestations of life, to forgive.
  • Be above the situation, not in the situation.
  • Be unpretentious, be content with what you have.
  • Be able to find something worthy of study everywhere. Learn a useful lesson for yourself from every seemingly insignificant thing.

“Listen before speaking, find out before judging, understand before deciding, and always remember that every person has both a good and a bad beginning. Here it is, the basis of wisdom” Maurice Druon.

But how do you become a wise person?

Try to stick to these principles and also meet your inner "wise man".

Here's how it's done: in your imagination, you create an image of a certain wise man, presenting it to anyone, the main thing is that you associate it with wisdom. For example, a Buddhist monk or a wise old man. Endow him with the above principles and in difficult situations contact him, imagine how he would act in this or that case. Better yet, project, impose this image on yourself, and perhaps you will achieve the desired wisdom.

Every man is looking for a wise woman, but smart women are most often avoided by men. It's strange, but it's actually true. The difference between a wise woman and a smart woman is much stronger than you might think. To understand this, you need to understand the psychology of men and women.

Many people ask the question - how to become a smart woman? It's as easy as shelling pears, a smart woman for a man is one who knows more than him. For example, if a man is an engineer, then a smart woman for him should be able to create scientific projects on the highest level.

When a woman knows more than a man, then over time it automatically starts to repel. A woman crushes a man with her mind and ideas, he begins to feel stupid and inept. That is why men are often afraid of smart women. They are insidious and make amazing plans, but this is precisely what repels. Therefore, a woman’s mind should stand out exclusively in women's circle among your girlfriends. Men, on the contrary, often like simpler girls, even a little silly ones.

Then the man feels superior, his self-esteem rises, he behaves like the master of the situation, shows the girl his capabilities. Girls often use this and pretend to be simpletons, although in reality they are not. This is a very smart move and often helps to achieve the right man in short time.

A wise woman will never tell a man that she is smart. She would keep this weapon secret and boldly use it at the right moment. And such a person will not tell anyone how to become a wise woman. After all, this is a powerful weapon in the fight for a man.

A wise woman for a man is an ideal. Every man secretly wants to find one. Wisdom usually comes from experience and tradition. A wise woman always knows where to be silent and where to express her opinion. She will not ask a lot of questions to a man, but will choose one important and main one.

Such a woman looks beautiful, well-groomed, and she always has food prepared, the house is clean and tidy. A wise woman has everything thought out, she knows what to talk about with a man, what topics are suitable for conversation, and which ones should not be touched upon. Many men think that such a woman is not easy to find.

But this is absolutely not the case, it’s just that usually such women are modest and do not stand out from the crowd. The brighter girls outshine with their vulgarity and wit, while the wise remain silent in response. But most often, men spend their holidays with bright girls, and marry wise ones. Therefore, a wise woman will never take someone else's man away, will not destroy a marriage. She already knows that the man himself will sooner or later come to her and understand who is who. Bright girls are quickly extinguished, and true wisdom remains with a woman forever.

In the Middle Ages, smart women were considered witches and burned at the stake. If a girl knew too much, then people thought she was possessed devilry. Therefore, the girls pretended to be simpletons, ran the household and did not express smart thoughts. Sometimes it happened that the girl kept a diary. If too smart thoughts about being, astronomy and various sciences were found in him, then this girl was interrogated and tested for witchcraft.

A wise woman must be smart, but smart people are not always wise. The older a woman gets, the more clearly she understands that the mind is not the most important thing. There are things much more expensive. A smart woman has open roads in business, but not always in her personal life.

Now it is not often possible to meet such a quality in the fair sex, as in a relationship with a man. Many girls confuse this trait with the ability to manipulate, deceive and get what they want through tantrums and reproaches. However, they do not become happier because of this.

No matter how beautiful, attractive and smart woman was not, if a man does not feel good next to her, then over time he will begin to look for what he wants in another. Therefore, in order to build strong relationship with a beloved man and become happy, you should understand what female wisdom is and why this quality is very much appreciated among the stronger sex.

What is female wisdom in relationships with a man?

In women, men, first of all, appreciate the state and feelings that they experience when they are near her. Understanding, care and ability to support in Hard time These are the qualities that many lack now.

Every person has his own shortcomings and everyone makes mistakes. Any male representative will appreciate in her beloved her condescending attitude towards these mistakes. Of course here we are talking about those shortcomings that do not humiliate her dignity.

Women's wisdom lies in the ability to build and develop strong relationships in which there is no place for deceit and hypocrisy. Having created a special peaceful state next to her lover, the woman of all will remain beloved and desired for him. And this does not mean at all that you need to allow your partner to become impudent and use good attitude to yourself. Women's wisdom is also manifested in self-respect and self-esteem.

How to learn female wisdom?

Most female wisdom can be identified in conflict situations. In absolutely any relationship, disagreements and contradictions arise. However, whether they develop into a big scandal or not depends largely on the woman. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to control your own, analyze the situation and behavior. Therefore, to prevent or resolve conflicts so as not to infringe on either yourself or the dignity and pride of your man.