Decorate champagne with sweets for the new year. How to decorate a bottle of champagne: different ways for different occasions

Strictly speaking, only wine made in the French province of Champagne can be considered champagne. But in many other countries today they produce a drink that is given the same name. In any case, most people associate this wine with a holiday, which means that it should look solemn, so why not decorate it?

Materials and techniques

Many holidays are celebrated in a big way. The most put on the table delicious dishes, and, of course, can not do without alcohol (if we are talking about the celebration for adults). As a rule, the hosts offer guests a choice of drinks, but among them a frequent guest is champagne. It is brought as a gift or bought in advance by the organizers of the event. In any case, a vessel with a drink requires special design.

For decoration, the following materials are usually used:

  • tapes,
  • braid,
  • beads,
  • corrugated paper,
  • acrylic paints,
  • patterned paper napkins,
  • beads,
  • lace, etc.

As aids craftsmen and craftswomen take colorless acrylic lacquer, transparent glue and PVA, small sparkles and confetti. As tools, fan brushes are useful, thin (linear or font) for drawing small parts or for writing text, as well as flat ones to varnish the surface.

Techniques with which a real work of art can be obtained from an ordinary bottle can be used in a variety of ways:

  • decoupage;
  • crackle - coating the pattern with a special composition that creates the effect of cracking over time;
  • aging, or patting - application, and then partial erasure special paint;
  • gilding and silvering;
  • matting, drawing a picture using a stencil, etc.

All these methods are different in degree of complexity, and some of them should not be taken without experience.


Worth stocking up acrylic paint and varnish, patterned napkins, lace, PVA glue and brushes with synthetic bristles:

  1. First, the vessel must be soaked in plain water so that all labels can be easily removed. Wipe dry.
  2. Cover it with paint 2 times to get even layer without "slips". Lacquer is applied on top.
  3. After complete drying varnish must be cut or pulled out of the napkin desired pattern. put it down front side to multifor.
  4. Dampen the cloth by sprinkling water on it. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the thin material.
  5. When the drawing is completely wet, it must be applied to the wall of the vessel, pressed and slowly removed the multifora.
  6. Dilute PVA glue with water 1: 5 or even stronger, gently cover the drawing with it.
  7. After the glue dries, they move on to the decor: wishes are written on the neck with paint using a thin brush, a braid or lace ribbon is glued along the edge of the transferred pattern.

Each next layer of decor is applied only after the previous one has dried. If there is a desire to glue rhinestones or beads, then this should be done at the very end of the whole work.


Champagne is a drink, no doubt, festive. Therefore, it cannot be missed at an event such as a wedding. Of course, decorating all the bottles that were purchased for the celebration is long and expensive. But those that will be placed on the table near the bride and groom should be decorated.

Often they just get by with flowers, beads and bows, but sometimes they take two vessels at once and decorate them as figurines of newlyweds:

With the "groom" everything is much simpler: you can leave a bow tied under the cork or glue a piece of the same ribbon vertically under it and decorate it.

Often, glasses for newlyweds and candles that are lit at the celebration are decorated in the same style. Sometimes as a decoration they use a photo of the bride and groom printed on self-adhesive paper, or their initials.

New Year

New Year is a holiday that everyone associates with something of their own. For some, this is fluffy snow, for others - unbridled fun, still others cannot imagine a fabulous night without the smell of tangerines, and the fourth definitely needs the sound of a sparkling drink opening and bubbles tickling their nose.

The bottle with pictures painted on it looks very nice. thematic pictures. But this can only be done by those who have the talent of an artist and some experience in applying paint with a thin brush on curved surfaces. A simpler option is to decorate with braid and ribbons.

It is best to take 2 tapes different color: blue and silver, green and gold, etc.

Does the bottom look unfinished? You can simply dip it into the glue for about 1-2 cm, and then into small sparkles or confetti. You can also arrange a New Year's drink using the decoupage technique, transferring a pattern with paper napkin, or simply wrap with corrugated paper and decorate with beads, cones and small Christmas decorations.

Some people are so fascinated with decorating bottles that over time they begin to make them to order. Today good masters are highly valued and big holidays the demand for them is great.

For the New Year the pre-holiday fuss is growing, you need to congratulate everyone and prepare present. A handmade gift for the New Year cheers up the recipient and the giver. Universal gift by the New Year will be Christmas tree made do-it-yourself from champagne, sweets and tinsel, it will serve as both a decoration and a treat on the New Year's table.

To turn a bottle of champagne into a Christmas tree you will need: green tinsel 1 meter long, sweets (about 800g), 8-10 sheets of A4 paper, adhesive tape and scissors.

We will fasten all the details of the Christmas tree with tape. You can use glue, but if you don’t have time to look for and buy special glue and wait for it to dry, then tape will do, I think everyone can find it. To glue the parts, a wide adhesive tape must be cut into small ribbons. This can be done simply, just glue the edge wide tape to the edge of the table, cut the free part with scissors into small strips. In the process, tear off the strips from the table one at a time and glue the parts.

First, we will form the basis of the Christmas tree - a paper skirt. It is best to take thick paper, but you can use plain paper for the printer and put together 4-5 leaves. Wrap the paper around the neck of the bottle and seal the edges with tape.

On the other hand, also wrap the bottle with paper and glue the edges with tape. The paper Christmas tree skirt does not need to be glued to the bottle so that it can be removed without tearing.

Now stick the candies to the paper base with strips of adhesive tape, as Christmas decorations. candy circular rows like a garland. It is better to cut lush candy wrappers to make bright balls.

At the end, we decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel. Fasten the beginning at the neck, make a turn along the top, then wrap the tinsel in a spiral between the rows of candies to the bottom. Glue the tip of the tinsel with adhesive tape to the base below.

You can take a Christmas tree made with your own hands from champagne, sweets and tinsel with you on your way to visit, it will take only half an hour of time and the most affordable materials to make it.

The article contains master classes on decorating champagne for the New Year, wedding, anniversary and children's day birth.

Champagne, or sparkling wine, is considered a solemn spirit. It is put on banquet and festive tables, often presented as a gift. It is possible to make champagne not just a consumed product, but a very a beautiful souvenir in which they put their soul. To do this, it should be decorated with one of the methods described in the article.

Decorating champagne with candy flowers. Decorating champagne with corrugated paper

Champagne and sweets - a classic "gentleman's set", a present that will suit both a man and a woman. Unfortunately, this gift is considered unoriginal; you will not surprise anyone with it. A completely different effect will be if you donate sweets not in a box, but make them beautiful flowers, decorate a bottle of champagne with these flowers.
To decorate the bottle with sweets you will need:

  • champagne
  • candies
  • corrugated paper
  • foil
  • colored paper tape
  • teip tape
  • double sided tape
  • wire of different thickness

Candy flower details.

petals from corrugated paper.

Candy rose.

Making a sepal.

Finished rose with stem.

Making a bottle with corrugated paper.

  1. The first step is to cut out blanks for flower petals from corrugated paper. These will be rectangles 9 cm long and 5 cm high. The corners of the rectangles are rounded.
  2. Wrap the candy in petals, up to 7 pcs. for one flower.
  3. The stem of the flower is made of wire thicker. A loop is made at the end of the wire, with which the leg will be attached to the candy.
  4. Petals are wound to the stem with a thin wire. The wire is masked with tape.
  5. The petals of the flower are gently curved so that their shape is natural.
  6. To make candy flowers realistic, you need to make sepals for them. They are also cut out of corrugated paper.
  7. The sepals are attached to the flowers, wrapped first with wire, and then with teip tape.
  8. Several flowers are made, after which they are woven into a wreath. Flowers can be of different colors and different sizes(with different sweets), then the wreath will turn out even more beautiful.
  9. The bottle itself is wrapped with corrugated paper, the edges of the paper are glued with adhesive tape, and from above, where the neck begins to narrow, they are wrapped with colored paper tape.
  10. With the help of adhesive tape, a wreath of sweets is attached to the bottle.

Interesting ideas for decorating champagne with candy compositions can be seen in the photo. It can be not only bouquets, but also costumes, baskets, wreaths and even entire ships.

Champagne with candy poppies.

Beautiful decoration of a bottle of champagne with candy flowers.

Champagne in the form of a lady in a raincoat and a skirt made of flowers and sweets.

Ships of champagne and sweets.

VIDEO: We decorate the bottle with flowers from corrugated paper with sweets

Pineapple champagne decoration

A bottle of champagne can be transformed into an exotic pineapple. Need:

  • champagne
  • Ferrero sweets or others in golden wrappers
  • green crepe paper
  • tissue paper yellow or golden
  • thin canvas thread
  • glue gun
  • scissors

  1. From tissue paper, yellow or golden color cut out squares. Sweets are glued into the center of these squares. The edges of the paper are folded over.
  2. Candies in paper are pasted over the bottle. Put the candies on the glue tightly to each other. But not in lines, but as if in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Pineapple leaves are cut out of green corrugated paper and placed on the neck of the bottle.
  4. Where the neck begins to narrow, wrap the bottle with canvas tape.

VIDEO: "Pineapple": a bottle of champagne

birthday champagne bottle decoration

Usually, champagne is given as a birthday present to women, while men prefer to present stronger drinks. As a gift, for sure, will produce very pleasant impression a bottle decorated to look like a lady in beads and a hat.

  • champagne
  • candies
  • corrugated paper
  • glue gun
  • artificial flowers
  • Christmas tree beads
  • paper ribbons and braid

Birthday champagne: Lady in a hat.

Hat for a bottle of champagne.

  1. A bottle of champagne is covered with corrugated paper so that there is more of it at the bottom, something like a skirt is obtained.
  2. The neck of the bottle is decorated with beads.
  3. They make decor on the dress - any composition of beads, ribbons, braid, artificial flowers and flowers from sweets.
  4. There will be a hat on top of the bottle. The frame for it is cut out of cardboard, the cardboard is covered with corrugated paper on top. Decorate the hat in the style of decoration on the bottle itself.

Another way to decorate a bottle of champagne for a birthday in the form of a lady in a hat is to use nylon tights. Of course, new ones.

  • actual flesh-colored tights
  • champagne
  • metal canning lid
  • scissors
  • thread and needle
  • spray paint
  • decor
  1. Pantyhose are cut so that a stocking is obtained. It is impregnated with PVA glue.
  2. Pull the stocking over a bottle of champagne from the bottom to the neck.
  3. Drape the stocking nicely and let the glue dry.
  4. A fashionable hat is made from tights soaked in glue and canning lids.
  5. From strips cut from tights, rosebuds are formed - decorations for dresses and hats. To do this, these strips are collected with a thread.
  6. They decorate the dress and hat with roses, glue them on silicone glue.
  7. They paint the lady in the hat with aerosol paint.
  8. In conclusion, the decor of champagne bottles is complemented with rhinestones, pebbles, beads, etc.

Children's champagne decoration for a child's birthday

A child will feel like an adult if guests drink children's champagne at the festive table on his birthday. The bottle can be decorated using decoupage technique.

You will need:

  • champagne
  • acrylic paints
  • decoupage napkins for children
  • artificial flowers, bows, ribbons, beads, other decor

  1. Labels are removed from the bottle, after which it is degreased with alcohol or vodka and painted with white acrylic paint.
  2. When the bottle dries, glue a decoupage napkin on it. Now for children they are on any topic: for boys - dinosaurs, cars, fairy-tale heroes, for girls - fairies and princesses, heroines of children's cartoons, etc.
  3. If necessary, tint the background, outline the drawing.
  4. Complement the decor with bows, ribbons, artificial flowers, and other elements.

How to decorate champagne for an anniversary for a man and a woman?

People who know the basics of working in Photoshop can choose the easiest way to decorate champagne for an anniversary for a man or woman - download and process a special congratulatory label on the Internet. She usually:

  • festively decorated
  • contains the name of the hero of the day and words of congratulations to him
  • contains a photo of the hero of the day

Such labels are pre-edited - they enter the data of the hero of the day, his photo, if necessary, adjust the templates to size. Further, they are simply printed out in a photo salon or printing house (there is an opportunity to immediately make them on an adhesive basis). They remove the "native" labels from champagne and change them to festive ones.

Anniversary champagne labels.

Labels for champagne for the anniversary of a woman.

VIDEO: Decoupage champagne bottle

How to decorate champagne for a wedding?

At a wedding, not one, but two bottles of champagne are often decorated - for the bride and groom. For them, glasses are decorated in the same style. To create a wedding composition you need:

  • two bottles of champagne
  • stencil with lace, floral or abstract pattern
  • acrylic relief paste white
  • acrylic paint white
  • glue gun
  • beads, pearls, other decor
  • sponge for washing dishes
  • brush

Decorating champagne for a wedding: stage 1.

Decorating champagne for a wedding: stage 2.

Decorating champagne for a wedding: stage 3.

Decorating champagne for a wedding: stage 4.

Decorating champagne for a wedding: stage 5.

Champagne decoration for a wedding.

  1. Labels are removed from bottles. Then they need to be degreased with alcohol or ammonia.
  2. The sponge is soaked in acrylic paste put the paste on the bottles. As if the top of the bottles gets wet first, they wait until it dries, then the bottom is treated in the same way.
  3. Apply a stencil to the dried bottles, apply the paste again through it.
  4. When the drawing dries, paint over the bottles with white acrylic paint.
  5. With the help of a glue gun, bottles are decorated with miniature flowers, pearls, semi-beads, rhinestones at their discretion.

How to decorate champagne for a wedding with satin ribbons?

Satin ribbons of white and delicate pastel colors perfect for decorating champagne for a wedding. To create a composition for the bride and groom prepare:

  • satin ribbons in several colors, approximately 2 cm wide
  • textile white color
  • frill
  • glue gun
  • acrylic paint
  • alcohol
  • brush
  • colored cardboard and foil
  • decor

A bottle of champagne for the bride: decoration with ribbons.

A frill for the bottom of the bottle.

Biting a bottle of champagne for the bride.

Hat making.

Hat decoration.

  1. As usual, the labels are removed from the bottles. They are degreased. Both bottles are completely painted white. The paint is applied in several layers so that it is not transparent.
  2. They are taken to decorate the bottle for the bride. Ribbons are cut and thrown over the neck of the bottle. Their edges are sealed. On the neck you will get loops on one side and something similar to a pigtail on the other. Alternate ribbons different colors. A frill on rubber is planted down on the bottles. Bottle dress - brides decorate with a ribbon with a bow or a flower.
  3. Make a hat with a veil. The frame is made of cardboard. The decor is made of lace and beads and flowers.
  4. The outfit for the groom's bottle will consist of a frock coat and a shirt. The coat is cut out and sewn from satin fabric. The shirt is made from satin ribbons 2-3 colors.
  5. The groom's hat is a cylinder made of black cardboard.

Decoration of champagne for the wedding for the groom with ribbons.

The hat is a cylinder.

Champagne ribbon decoration for a wedding.

VIDEO: Master class: wedding champagne "Bride and Groom"

Decoration of champagne for the New Year with tinsel and sweets

The symbol of the New Year is the tree. A Christmas tree decorated with toys - sweets can be made from a bottle of champagne, it will decorate the festive table.


  • champagne
  • thin fir-tree rains of green or silver color
  • sweets of various shapes
  • glue gun
  • double sided tape

The bottle should be wrapped in rain. It is wrapped in a circle and put on glue.

Between the “branches” of rain, “toys” are glued in some specific or random order - sweets are round, oblong, in the form of arrows or hearts, in multi-colored covers. Glue candies by the wrapper on double-sided tape.

VIDEO: Making a gift bottle of champagne for the New Year

Champagne decoration for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree

Champagne for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree can be made in other ways:

  1. From candy. You need to buy sweets in bright green or multi-colored covers. They can be glued to the bottle with ordinary tape. They make tiers: the lower one is the densest, the upper ones are rarer. Thanks to this approach and its own shape of the bottle, the Christmas tree will turn out to be fluffy.
  2. Corrugated paper. It is cut into several strips - skirts for a bottle. Each of the strips is cut along the length, without cutting to the end. Thin strips are twisted so that they curl.
  3. Kanzashi technique. The work will be painstaking. But the good news is that the clothes will be worn on the bottle, and not glued to it, that is, it can be used for decoration New Year's table year after year. From satin ribbons cut into squares, kanzashi petals are made with tweezers and a candle. Clothes - a Christmas tree are collected on a cardboard base - a tube, gluing with a glue gun. In the center of all or some of the petals, multi-colored beads are glued - “Christmas toys”.

Champagne decoration for the New Year in the form of a Snow Maiden

Removable clothes for champagne for the New Year can be made in the form of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. There are many production options:

  • from fabric
  • corrugated paper
  • in kanzashi technique
  • from ribbons
  • knitted
  • from felt and foamiran

Let's consider the last option. You will need:

  • blue felt
  • felt yellow
  • lace
  • synthetic winterizer or fur
  • satin ribbon white and blue
  • needle and thread
  • scissors
  • centimeter

Decoration of champagne for the New Year in the form of a Snow Maiden.

  1. A centimeter determines the girth of the bottle and its length from the bottom to the narrowing. According to these dimensions, a rectangle is cut out of felt - the basis for the Snow Maiden's fur coat.
  2. Sew the part along the length with a thread blue color. If necessary, adjust the fur coat to the shape of the bottle with grooves.
  3. The bottom of the coat is trimmed with lace.
  4. An edge for a fur coat is cut out of synthetic winterizer or fur. Sew the edge on the seam in the center of the fur coat.
  5. Also, a coat collar is made of fur or synthetic winterizer. A satin ribbon bow is glued or sewn onto the collar.
  6. A cap will be put on the cork of the bottle. It is cut to size, stitched and trimmed.
  7. From yellow felt or thick knitting threads weave braids to the Snow Maiden. They are sewn under the hat.

Decoration - Snow Maiden's fur coat on a bottle of champagne.

VIDEO: We decorate champagne for the New Year. Father Frost

How to decorate champagne with ribbons for the New Year with your own hands?

Champagne for the New Year can be decorated with ribbons in the form of a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

To make clothes for bottles in the form of costumes of Santa Claus and his granddaughter, you need satin ribbons:

  • red
  • blue or blue
  • white
  • patterned (red or blue on white)

Champagne ribbon decoration for the New Year.

You will also need decor: fur, tinsel, beads, small Christmas decorations, other.

Labels are removed from bottles. The ribbon is cut into segments of 25 cm. The neck is decorated with white loops, the fur coats themselves are red for Santa Claus and blue for the Snow Maiden. Tapes are put on glue. Decorate the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Ideas for decorating New Year's champagne with fiefs can be seen in the photo.

Outfits of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden from champagne ribbons for the New Year.

VIDEO: C removable case for champagne "Snegurochka"

On New Year's Eve, those who come to visit traditionally give champagne and sweets.

And a Christmas tree made with your own hands from a bottle of champagne and decorated with elegant sweets and tinsel can be a very effective New Year's gift.

A sweet Christmas tree is made from champagne and sweets as simply as possible. Even if you go to the party today, you still have time.

From the materials you will need:

  • champagne
  • thick green tinsel
  • hot glue gun (colorless)
  • beautiful, bright, shiny large candies
  • optional - small colored Christmas balls

Hot glue is good for crafts, especially candy bouquets, because it dries very quickly. Available in silicone rods and loaded into a special glue gun. It is connected to the network, when the trigger is pressed, the rod is heated to 200 degrees, the glue softens and begins to flow out of the barrel in droplets. You can buy hot glue in radio engineering stores, in construction markets.

How to make a champagne and candy tree

1. We need to wrap a bottle of champagne in tinsel with sweets. We start pasting with tinsel from the top. To do this, squeeze a circle from the glue over the cork and fix the garland, hiding the tail.

If desired, then you can attach a beautiful crown to this place - a purchased star or a small soft toy in the form of a symbol of the coming year according to the Eastern horoscope.

3. At the bottom, cut off the extra sparkling decor and fix its tip so that it is not visible.

4. We begin to decorate. We spread glue on the candy and, slightly pushing the tinsel apart, we attach it to the bottle.

5. And so we do with all the sweets prepared for this purpose. Dilute the candy decoration sweet christmas tree can be small balls, bows, gift boxes. Glue a star to the top.

The master class on how to make a candy tree from a bottle of champagne is over.

Imagine a laid rich festive table. Of course, it must have a bottle of good champagne on it. And it will look especially great on holiday table a bottle of champagne decorated with sweets. Indeed, in this case, the gift turns out to be double - you will be able to gobble up goodies and drink a sparkling drink with pleasure! How beautiful would such a composition look!

You can decorate the bottle in different ways - with ribbons, with the help of improvised materials, threads or jute, paint it stained glass paints and so on. But in this master class we will talk about decorating with sweets, namely sweets.

We make pineapple

The New Year needs to be approached thoroughly and, in addition to a decorated interior, you can decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets. Therefore, for such a decor, stock up:

  • sweets in beautiful wrappers;
  • glue gun;
  • tinsel;
  • tissue paper green and yellow;
  • scissors;
  • and, of course, a bottle of champagne.

Using these materials, you can decorate champagne bottles in two different ways. The first one is pineapple.

Let's take round candy in yellow wrappers. For example, it can be Ferrero Rosher, they are perfect. Glue each candy with glue or double-sided tape to pre-cut squares of yellow tissue paper. In size, these squares should be slightly larger than candy.

We already glue the squares with sweets to the bottle using a glue gun.

Cut out pineapple leaves from green tissue paper. It is better to cut them more so that the green "tuft" does not look sluggish. Glue them together in several layers, as shown in the photo. And glue the leaves to the neck of the bottle.

To complete the work, you can wrap the top with jute or raffia. Looks great!

Christmas tree for decoration

The next option for decorating a bottle of champagne for the New Year with your own hands is a Christmas tree. Here we need tinsel.

We wrap the entire bottle with green tinsel, before applying glue to the area. Let the glue dry.

If you use hot glue and a hot glue gun, it will take about 2-3 minutes to dry.

Leave the neck of the bottle open. While the glue dries, you can decorate it with red cloth or paper, also gluing it to the bottle. From above, you can make a red star or take finished toy or a piece of wood. Or just glue small pieces of red tinsel.

Now let's start gluing the candy. Here, the color of the wrapper can be any, the main thing is not to overdo it with variegation. We decorate the Christmas tree - we glue sweets like Christmas decorations. And our elegant Christmas tree is ready!

By March 8

Agree, on March 8, girls and women are pleased to receive a bottle of champagne in addition to the gift.

We will need:

  • a bottle of champagne;
  • delicious sweets (it is desirable that they have two tails);
  • threads that match the color of candy wrappers;
  • scissors;
  • wrapping paper, jute or ribbon - to decorate the neck of the bottle;
  • double sided tape or hot glue.

Before you begin, decide whether you want the candies to be glued on or to be easily and painlessly removed from the bottle. If you settled on the first option, feel free to stick sweets to the bottle. And then the presence of two tails for sweets is not at all necessary. If you chose the second option, let's look at this method.

We will tie (or glue, as it suits you) sweets together, collecting them into rings, and then stringing them on a bottle of champagne. Let's get started!

First, in order to understand how many candies will be needed to girth the bottle, just put them around the bottom. Then we start the linking process. We intertwine two candies with tails between each other, tightly tie the tails with a thread. Thus we connect the whole ring. We will make several such rings, not forgetting that the bottle at the top narrows and that fewer candies are needed. We put rings on the bottle. And let's start decorating the throat. Let's wrap it in red wrapping paper, on top we will tie a ribbon or any other wrapping material(jute, raffia, threads and more).