The Dark Knight catwoman actress. Catwoman comics

Despite difficult character cats, women, always got along with them, and gave them the most honorable place in the house. This tradition dates back to ancient times. No matter how a cat behaves, a woman has always been much more tolerant of her antics and whims than a man. And the cats pay her back. As French zoologists found out, it turns out that not only women most often choose cats as companions among various pets, but cats also prefer the fair sex. One of the reasons for this mutual attraction is that a woman is much more inclined than a man to tactile contact. And this completely coincides with the needs of most domestic cats. In addition, cats and women are united by love for warmth and comfort. And finally, women often have a much softer and more melodious voice than the opposite sex.

The woman invited the cat to the house

We all remember Rudyard Kipling's fairy tale "The Cat Who Walked on Her Own", not to mention the Soviet cartoon based on this work. According to the writer, it was the woman who invited the first cat to the house, the reason for such a sudden friendship with a wild animal was the banal fear of mice. By the way, this version has a right to exist, because according to scientific research, the inhabitants of ancient settlements kept cats in their homes to fight rodents. A few years ago, during excavations in Quanhucun, Chinese archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a cat that lived 5,300 years ago. After examining her skeleton, scientists found that the cat ate not only meat, but also plant foods. This fact indicates that the person fed the cat. And it is quite possible to assume that a woman was engaged in this. In fact, today it is the world's oldest "domestic" cat found by archaeologists.

By the way, by latest version the domestic cat is the closest relative of the steppe cat, which are not found in China, which means that there is every reason to believe that foreigners brought the domestic cat to the Celestial Empire. If so, then the age of "friendship" of a cat and a woman is even more solid.

Goddess Bast - the favorite cat of the Egyptians

Cats in ancient Egypt were considered divine beings, they were worshiped, sold and bought for fabulous money, and most importantly, a large number of deities were associated with cats in Egyptian mythology - including the god Ra (he was called the Great Cat), but the most important cat was the goddess Bast, a woman. Bast was responsible for love, vitality and hearth - it is not surprising that she was depicted as a cat, because, as you know, a fluffy animal is the personification of softness and home comfort.

In addition, in most of the images, Bast was not alone - four kittens huddled near her feet, as a symbol of fertility. It should be noted that the divinity of cats in ancient Egypt was well combined with the attitude towards female beauty, which also had the character of a cult. And in the future, a woman and a cat walked through life together

In the Middle Ages, women and cats were disliked

Unlike Ancient Egypt in Europe in ancient times, and especially in the Middle Ages, cats, like women, were disliked. It was believed that the beauty and grace inherent in the beautiful half of humanity and the representatives of the cat family is not a gift of nature at all, but a sign of devilry. In addition, the close connection between women and cats did not go unnoticed by the Inquisition: the Church declared a real war against everything a little bit mystical, mysterious and incomprehensible - witches and the devil in the guise of a cat. Like "sorceresses", cats were credited with supernatural powers, the possibility of transformation, demonism, and participation in devilish moonlight covens. Cats completely shared with the unfortunate women, young and old, called witches, a sad fate: they were stoned, hung, quartered ... So, in Paris, cats were publicly burned on the Place Greve.

Cat as a female accessory

In the 17th-18th century, when the epidemic of hatred for cats subsided, another misfortune befell the tailed ones, now they had to become a salon accessory and a favorite female toy. Noble ladies hurried to acquire fluffy pets to keep up with fashion. No self-respecting woman could appear at a social event or in the Salon without a graceful beauty. Representatives of the feline family were groomed and cherished to the point of nausea, fed with delicacies, turning former predators into amorphous, well-fed creatures. Even after death, the cats had no rest - the ashes of their pets were kept in exquisite urns, and their portraits were ordered by eminent medalists and artists.

Women and cats in art history

The union of a woman with a cat was not bypassed by the great painters. Images of a woman surrounded by fluffy beauties first appeared in ancient times. A few years ago, in what is now Turkey, archaeologists discovered figurines depicting women playing with cats. The find dates back to the sixth millennium BC.

Leonardo da Vinci dedicated the painting "Madonna with a Cat" to the cat, which was very bold for those times. Renoir in his works emphasized in cats feminine, depicting them next to the girls in a romantic setting characteristic of his work. Greene, in his engraving "Abbot of the Witches," showed a cat reading a book next to dancing witches.

The cat is an unattainable ideal

So why is the connection between a woman and a cat, which has lasted for millennia, so strong? They say that a woman sees in an animal an unattainable ideal for herself. A cat for a woman is an embodied dream of beauty, independence and freedom, not limited by anything and therefore doubly attractive.

Even if a girl has a "cat-like monster" at home that regularly spoils furniture and does nasty things, she will still love him. Surprisingly, a cat is able at the right time to play the role of "anti-stress" for its mistress, and for this she is forgiven a lot.

Her mother did not care much for her and her sister Maggie, preferring the company of cats and living in dreams; she committed suicide when Selina was six. Six years later, her alcoholic father Brian Kyle, who often beat his children, died. The sisters went to different guardians and did not see each other long years. In the end, Selina found herself in an orphanage. The cruel headmistress was very unhappy with the waywardness of the new ward, and she regularly beat and locked the girl. But Selina did not give up: using her gymnastic skills and natural powers of observation, she learned to open locks and bypass security systems. At first, she simply climbed onto the roof, where she dreamed of a better life.

One night, Selina broke into the headmistress's office and found out that she was embezzling money transferred to the orphanage. Trying to get rid of a dangerous witness, the headmistress drugged the girl and threw her in a bag into the ocean, however cold water brought Selina to her senses and she was able to escape. She blackmailed the headmistress, forcing her to destroy all records about herself, freed all the inhabitants of the shelter and rushed to a new life of thieves, as she considered her the most the right way survive in cruel world while maintaining freedom and independence.

Selina settled in Gotham's East End and took the young prostitute Holly under her wing, whom she cared for like a younger sister. In between robberies, hiding from the police, she pretended to be Holly's colleague for convenience. Having accidentally met a group of ninja trained by an armless sensei, Selina wished to join them. She was the first woman to be trained by the sensei, and soon became the best in the "class", eclipsing the previous student No. 1 - Kai, which earned the sincere hatred of the latter. Kai tried to attack Selina, but received scars on his face as a reward. He called the opponent a “catwoman”, and took the nickname Hellhound (“Russian hellish dog”) for himself. And Selina, inspired by the example of a Man who recently appeared in the city - Bat, made herself a superhero costume and became "Catwoman".

IN early years of her career, Selina could sometimes pretend to be a prostitute in order to easily penetrate into rich houses and take out everything she sees fit from there. In Year One, Selina is shown as an 18-year-old professional prostitute who acts as a dominatrix and offers sadomasochistic entertainment to clients. On his very first night as a crime fighter, Wayne does not use a costume or mask, only make-up; he ends up in Gotham's East End, where he gets into a fight with Selina's pimp, Stan, and her very young colleague Holly Robinson. Deciding that the stranger is hurting Holly, Selina joins in beating him up. Later, when the hero, already in a Batman costume, flees from the police in a burning warehouse, Holly and Selina are watching him in the crowd, immediately drawing attention to the advantages that a disguised person has. She creates a cat costume for herself and becomes a thief.

In later comics, romantic subplots about the Cat and Batman were repeatedly shown. Over time, Selina changed her occupation and retrained from a thief and mercenary to a heroine. As it turned out later, this did not happen without a little brainwashing from Zatanna. During her heroism, the girl managed to shoot the sadistic criminal Black Mask and give birth to a daughter. Fearing for the life of the baby, she gave her up for adoption. Later, she asks Zatanna to erase her memories of Helena and her life as Catwoman.

History in cinema


  • Catwoman appears in the 1966 feature film. She was played by Lee Meriwether.
  • Catwoman also appears in the 1966 television series, where she was played by Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt.

Batman Returns

In film "Batman Returns" the story of Selina Kyle is radically changed: now she is not a thief who grew up on the streets of Gotham, but Max Shrek's secretary and guessed about his criminal activities. He convicted Selina of this, and pushed her out the window. She was resurrected by the yard cats and gained some of their abilities, changing her meek nature and insecurity into feline fury and passion. Having made himself a black lacquered tight-fitting catsuit and armed with a whip and homemade claws from needles from sewing machine, Selina took to the streets of Gotham, whose goal was revenge on her boss. She became a minor villain and partner of the Penguin. She ends up being electrocuted by a broken transformer while holding the cable to her with one hand and hugging Max Shrek with the other. At the end of the film, when Batman's Bat-Signal is visible over Gotham, she is again walking on the rooftops. In the comics, Selina is a brunette, but in the movie she is a blonde.


In film "Catwoman" Selina's story was completely ignored. Now she's Patience Phillips, a modest beauty designer. She accidentally learned a secret about her employers' cream and was flushed down the drain. She was resurrected by yard cats led by domestic cat named Midnight. At first, she acted like a cat only at night when she was out of control, but then she found out about her transformation and became a nighttime superhero. Her costume consists of a black leather bra, black pants covered with holes, black shoes with cut-off toes, black gloves with diamond claws, and a cat mask. According to the film, the Patiences had predecessors since ancient egypt. She defeated the main villain by accident as she didn't want to be the killer. Patience had an affair with police officer Tom Lone in the film.

The Dark Knight Rises

Filming and casting

Before the role was confirmed, Christopher Nolan formed his list of actresses who could also play in the film - Keira Knightley, Jessica Biel, Kate Mara and some others. Anne Hathaway was approved. .

After filming began, Hathaway admitted that the role of Catwoman was the hardest, physically, of her career, especially for the actress to fit into the character's signature skin-tight suit. The actress trained five days a week for the role, including 4 hours. exercise and teaching tricks and an hour and a half of dancing a day.

Role in the plot

In this film, Selina Kyle appears as an anti-heroine. Her past is not revealed, but at the time of the events of the film, she has been stealing for a long time. She is hired by corrupt businessman John Daggett to steal Bruce Wayne's fingerprints in exchange for the " Blank sheet”, which will destroy information about it from all databases. Selina succeeds, in parallel she steals Pearl necklace Bruce's late mother. Wayne notices the theft and exposes the thief, but she goes into hiding. Selina gives the prints to Dagget's people, however, they try to eliminate her, but the girl slips out of the trap by cunning. She attacks Dagget in his house to get what she promised (although she already doubts his existence), but the thief is attacked by Bane's people. Bruce, reverted to Batman, rescues Selina and offers her a "Clean Slate" in exchange for Selina showing Bane's hideout. The girl agrees, but it turns out to be a trap: the villain threatened her, and Selina was forced to lure Batman into a trap of Bane, who beats the hero and reveals his identity to the thief. Five months later, Batman returns to Gotham, taken over by Bane, and once again offers to cooperate with Selina, believing she is actually on the side of justice. The hero gives her a flash drive with the Blank Slate program and asks her to help free the city from the League of Shadows. To do this, Bruce gives her Batpod, and he uses the Bat aircraft. Selina helps get rid of the League soldiers and saves Batman's life by shooting Bane with the Batpod's machine guns. In the finale, when Bruce decides to sacrifice himself and take Bane's bomb to Beth, Selina kisses him passionately goodbye, making clear her feelings. After the explosion, Bruce, who faked his own death, retires from fighting crime, he and Selina leave for Europe and begin to live together. As a gift, Bruce allows her to keep his mother's necklace.

In the film, Selina is never referred to as Catwoman (however, that name appears on the page of a newspaper article about one of her heists that Alfred and Bruce view), although she is named so on various merchandise related to the film. However, her eyepatch mask has safe-cracking scanner goggles attached to it, which, when not in use, stand perpendicular to her head, resembling cat ears. Instead of a whip, Selina is armed with a pistol and the sharp heels of her boots. Some changes were made to the character of Selina. In particular, she easily kills people if she sees fit.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

There is a small reference to Catwoman in the Zack Snyder movie - when Bruce Wayne catches Diana Prince stealing the data drive he was overwriting Luthor's data on, he tells her, " I met people like you". This is a direct nod to the fact that Selina Kyle already exists in the DCEU.

A television

Showcase DC: Catwoman

Short animated film dedicated to Catwoman.

  • He is one of the main villains in the animated film Batman: The Masked Knights Returns.

Computer games

Catwoman appears in many computer games about Batman. Sometimes she is the opponent of the protagonist, sometimes an ally.

The main goal when playing for the Cat is to commit thefts on the territory of Arkham City. To complete the first of them, it is necessary to break into Two-Face's safe. Selina is caught red-handed in the hands of Dent, who wants to publicly execute her, but, fortunately for the girl, she is saved by Batman. For the next theft, the thief needs to get into the vault of Hugo Strange, for which she cannot do without the supervillain Poison Ivy, with whom she will have to fight. Poison Ivy initially refuses Selina's request, but eventually agrees to help her. Cat successfully breaks into the vault and is about to flee Arkham City with the loot, but she gives up on the idea, deciding she must repay Batman and save him from Strange's men.

Two-faced, angry at the Cat for the robbery, decides to catch her again, for which he steals all her jewelry. Selina, of course, plans to steal the jewels again and goes to the museum for a rematch with Two-Face and his men. After his defeat, Dent informs Selina that he only kept half of what he stole from her, and gave the other half away, but Selina eventually finds all her prey.

There is an alternate ending to the game where Selina does not come to Batman's aid, escaping Arkham City with the loot. Batman is found and killed by Strange's men, and all of Gotham City is plunged into chaos.

  • In the game Injustice: Gods Amond Us helps Lex Luthor at the beginning of the game, and in parallel world becomes a supporter of Superman's regime, however, she did so out of love for Batman, as Superman promised to keep him alive.
  • In LEGO Batman the Videogame, Catwoman is one of Penguin's helpers.
  • Selina Kyle attempts to escape from Arkham in LEGO Batman 2 where she must be stopped
  • In the LEGO Batman 3 game, Catwoman appears in some locations where you can complete her additional missions
  • In Batman Arkham knight, Catwoman first appears as a hostage of the Riddler and 9 keys must be found to free her.
  • In Batman: The Telltale Series, Catwoman is one of the main characters.

Criticism and reviews

see also


  1. Catwoman Vol.1 #00
  2. Catwoman Vol.1 Annual #02 (1995)
  3. Batman #404-407
  4. Catwoman Vol.2 #49-52, 62, 71-72
  5. Flashpoint: Batman: Knight of Vengeance 2: Part Two
  6. Batman's bridesmaids
  7. Jensen, Jeff "The Dark Knight Rises" scoop: Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy join cast (indefinite) . Entertainment Weekly(January 19, 2011). Retrieved January 19, 2011. Archived from the original on March 22, 2012.
  8. Ford, Rebecca Anne Hathaway: 5 Things to Know About the New Catwoman (indefinite) . The Hollywood Reporter(August 5, 2011). Archived from the original on May 7, 2012.
  9. Anne Hathaway"s New World: The Interview (indefinite) . Harper's Bazaar(June 27, 2011). Archived from the original on May 7, 2012.
  10. Batman Returns (Mega Drive) 1992 by Sega: Review(English) . Retrieved August 1, 2012. Archived from the original on August 7, 2012.
  11. Catwoman is Number 11
  12. Catwoman is number 20

A character named Catwoman was introduced by Bill Finger and Bob Kane in a Batman comic back in 1940 and was especially inspired by second cousin Kane. Catwoman was supposed to attract girls to "Batman", and the creators dreamed of making her the main character's girlfriend. However, it turned out that Catwoman has her own character and does not want to become white and fluffy.

Five actresses who played the famous cat

Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight

Ann is the latest actress to take on the role of Catwoman. The Oscar-nominated actress added to the galaxy of ladies and stood on a par with Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt, Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry. Hathaway will play Selina Kyle, a cat thief who has spoiled Batman's blood a lot. She said in an interview, “I want to be a better actress than I am now. I want to work with wonderful people and take on the toughest roles. This is my plan, and now he took me to the roofs of Gotham, giving me ears and a tail.

Halle Berry in Catwoman

Halle Berry played Patience Phillips (not Selina Kyle) in 2004. She was already a star, but she disappointed most of those who saw this film - especially Batman fans. People went to the movie because they were hoping to see Catwoman from the Batman comics - but Halle Berry's character wasn't like that (she wasn't anything at all, to be honest). I personally think that the film was a complete failure, and it did not weakly shake the star status of the actress. Although I must admit that she looked pretty sexy.

Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns in 1992

Michelle Pfeiffer played Selina Kyle in the Tim Burton film, where she co-starred with Michael Keaton. She has won two MTV Movie Awards, including Best Kiss (with Keaton as Batman), and has been praised for her toughness and sexiness. Tim Burton's Catwoman, Michelle Pfeiffer talks about casting Anne Hathaway as Catwoman: "I think Anne will be amazing. She has humor and devilry - it's like she was born for this role.

Eartha Kitt in the television version of Batman (1967-68)

Eartha Kitt is known as Catwoman #2 from the Batman series. She was Catwoman for only 3 episodes, but she will forever be remembered as a sexy and sarcastic villainess. Eartha said that playing Catwoman was "fun because I didn't have to think much. I didn't try to be and didn't try to be a cat. I am a cat and I am!

Julie Newmar in Batman

Without a doubt, one of the most popular and memorable tailed villains in Batman. It was Julie Newmar who in 1966 became the first Catwoman. That she was later replaced by Eartha Kitt came as a surprise to her. But for many, despite the latest looks, Julie Newmar is the one true Catwoman who wore the beautiful false ears, tail, whip, and shiny black jumpsuit as if she was born in this outfit.

Real name: Selina Kyle

Nicknames: The Cat, Irena Dubrovna, Elva Barr, Sadie Kelowski, Madame Moderne, Marguerite Tone, Belinda.

Relatives: Father - Brian Kyle (Brian Kyle), Mother - Maria Kyle (Maria Kyle), Sister - Maggie Kyle (Maggie Kyle), Daughter - Helena Kyle (Helena Kyle), Ancestor - Lorna Kyle (Lorna Kyle)

Female gender

Height: 175 cm.

Weight: 60 kg.

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Position: Neutral

Universe: New Earth(new earth)

Location: Gotham City

First Appearance: Batman #1, 1940

Publisher: DC Comics

Creators: Bill Finger, Bob Kane

Description of Catwoman

Catwoman is one of the most popular female characters in the DC Universe. Complex character, extraordinary abilities and sexy appearance make her one of the brightest representatives of superheroes and supervillains.

Catwoman made her debut in 1940 in the first issue of the Batman comic book as a negative character. Inspired by Batman, she leads double life. In the first, she is Selina Kyle, a girl from an orphanage who lives with her friend Holly in a poor area of ​​Gotham and pretends to be a prostitute. In the second, she is a clever thief and a mercenary in a cat costume, cleaning the houses of rich people.

Catwoman's rich arsenal includes razor-sharp glove claws, a whip, bolas, spikes, and sleeping powder. Combined with ninja acrobatic skills and acting skills, Selina becomes a professional house thief, capable of taking on the police and playing cat and mouse with Batman. In the future, these games lead to the plot romantic relationship between characters and the change of occupation of Catwoman.

Even though Catwoman was originally introduced as an equal match for Batman, the character's status is ambiguous. Catwoman has her own moral code, and from time to time teams up with the heroes to confront a common threat.

Over the years, the Cat becomes a positive character and eventually gets a separate comic book series at its disposal.

The character currently has 5 comic book series of his own, is ranked 11th in the "Top 100 Comic Book Villains" and 20th in the "100 best heroes comics".

Biography of Catwoman

Young years

Selina Kyle (Catwoman) was born in one of the poor areas of Gotham. From childhood, her life was full of tragedies and trials. Her mother (Maria Kyle) preferred to spend time with her cats rather than pay attention to her and her sister Maggie. One day, when Selina was 6 years old, she returned from school and found her mother in the bathroom, in a pool of her own blood. Later it became known that Maria committed suicide by cutting her wrist with a razor. Their father was an alcoholic and often allowed himself to raise his hand to Selina. Ultimately, alcoholism led him to severe poisoning and death. The sisters were orphaned, Maggie fell into Orphanage, and Selina decided to live on the street and ran away.

Once on the street, the Cat had to become a petty thief in order to survive. She stole food from stores until one day she was caught and sent to a shelter. Selina's great willfulness did not allow her to establish a good relationship with the director of the shelter, as a result of which she was subjected to periodic violence from her side. One day, using her thieving skills, Selina snuck into the director's office and found out that she was stealing, embezzling the shelter's money for herself. The headmistress, having learned about this event, decided to get rid of the girl and threw her in a bag into the ocean. Fortunately, Selina was able to get out of the bag and swim out. Having made her way to the shelter, Selina decides to take revenge on the headmistress and steals documents confirming her crimes. Having given the documents to the police, Catwoman appropriates all the director's money and goes to live on the streets of Gotham.

Adulthood: the birth of Catwoman

As she grew older, Selina Kyle turned to prostitution and returned to stealing. Possessing good acrobatic skills, she robbed the homes of rich Gotham residents and museums. Once, while committing another crime, Selina was prevented by an unknown ninja. The wayward Cat decided to pursue the unexpected hindrance. After tracking him down, she discovered a secret martial arts academy and decided to stay there for training. The academy sensei was reluctant to accept her, but Selina showed off her acrobatic skills and was honored to be the first female ninja student.

Over time, Selina acquired many skills and became the best student in the class, which earned her the hatred and envy of other male students. Kai was one of those students. He made an attack on Selina, but underestimated his opponent and received several scars on his face. Kai called Selina "Catwoman", and took the nickname "Hellhound" (HellHound) for himself.

In parallel with these events, a fighter against evil under the name Batman appeared in the city. Selina did not expect to meet him, but one day, while walking in the park, she saw the Dark Knight running away from the police. Inspired by Batman's costume, Selina purchases a cat costume with all her savings and uses her new skills to steal. From that moment on, the character Catwoman is born.

Catwoman's abilities

cat friendliness

Catwoman has an excellent relationship with the cat family. They tend to immediately recognize her as a friend, not an enemy. This allows Catwoman to calm lost pets, befriend them, and train them. In the future, this allows you to use the cats at your discretion and rely on their protection in case of danger.

martial arts expert

She trained in boxing and street fighting, as well as learning the art of ninja from an armless sensei. Catwoman is a dangerous, intelligent and resourceful fighter known for her reflexes, flexibility, speed and balance. Catwoman is also proficient in Kung Fu and Karate. Her skills are enough to successfully fend off Batman's attacks, and sometimes even defeat him.

Thief skills

Catwoman has excellent stealing skills. Unrivaled stealth allows Selina to go unnoticed in almost any situation. And her knowledge of hacking allows her to carry the title of the best burglar in Gotham.


Catwoman often resorts to the art of disguise. Frequent dressing up and acting skills allow her to confuse any pursuer.

Equipment Catwoman

Catwoman Costume

The cat wears a tight-fitting suit, with retractable razor-sharp claws. The suit completely fits the heroine, which allows her to move as silently as possible and maintain combat effectiveness. Following Batman's example, the costume includes a mask, which keeps Selina anonymous and accentuates her feline image. All materials used in the suit retain heat and protect against moisture.

Motorcycle Catwoman

Selina also has a motorcycle in her arsenal, allowing her to move around on long distance. In general, the Cat prefers a crouching mode of movement across the rooftops and streets of Gotham on short distances using a motorcycle on rare occasions.

Weapon Catwoman

Catwoman's main weapons are gloves and boots with claws. Such weapons, coupled with the skills of a ninja, allow her to successfully withstand most opponents and move along vertical surfaces. The impact force of this weapon in the hands of Selina has great power and can break through the car door through. In addition to his claws, the Cat constantly uses a black braided leather whip, which is located on the belt. This weapon has become calling card Catwomen are on par with claws. Also in Selina's arsenal is a gun that puts powder and bolas to sleep.

In contact with

Catwoman (Catwoman) her real name Selina Kyle is a villainess that appears in the universe. The character was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger and debuted in a comic book titled Batman#1 (spring 1940), in which she is known simply as "the cat". Catwoman is traditionally portrayed as a supervillain and adversary of Batman. Catwoman is known for having complicated relationship with Batman on the verge of love and hate.

Catwoman was ranked #11 on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Villains" list and #51 on Wizard magazine's "100 Greatest Comic Book Villains of All Time" list. Also ranked 23rd on the Comics Buyer's Guide " " list.


Since her introduction in the comics, there have been many versions of Catwoman's origin. Selina Kyle was born to Brian and Maria Kyle, who lived in the slums of Gotham. Her mother was never close to her daughters Selina and her sister Maggie, she preferred to spend her time with her cats rather than her own children. Her father was a drunkard and rather cruel man who constantly quarreled with his wife Maria. IN free time Selina did gymnastics. One day, when she returned home from school, Selina found her mother lying in a bathtub filled with blood. Apparently, Maria committed suicide by cutting her veins with a blade. Selina's father hated her because she looked like her mother, eventually he drank too much and died of alcohol poisoning. Selina called the police, but as soon as she hung up, she packed her belongings into a bag and ran out of the house.

Selina lived on the streets, while Maggie, after the loss of her parents, was immediately sent to an orphanage. young girl begins to trade in petty theft, stealing food in grocery stores. But in the end she is caught and sent to an orphanage, but due to the fact that she causes a lot of trouble, she is sent to a juvenile colony. When Selina was 13 years old, she was returned back to the orphanage, where she sneaked into the headmistress's office one night and found out that she was embezzling the orphanage's money. At this time, Selina was caught by the headmistress and she decides to get rid of her by putting her in a bag that she throws into the river. However, the girl was able to get out, after which she goes to the shelter, where she steals documentary evidence of the director's guilt, Selina also took money for her new independent living. After that, he sends dirt on the greedy shelter manager to the police.

When Selina grew up, she became a prostitute, but she does not stop stealing, stealing various jewelry and diamonds from museums and rich people's homes. One night, she stole a very valuable totem from a museum when a hooded ninja appears and takes the totem from her. Selina decided not to give up and went after the ninja, who led her to the warehouse. Which, in fact, it turns out not to be a warehouse, but a secret martial arts academy. A ninja named Kai tells her Sensei that she is just a thief and should be held accountable. severe punishment. However, when Sensei saw what kind of sports skills Selina had, he invited her to become a member of their academy and she accepted. There she was trained in various martial arts.

A few weeks later, Selina's fighting skills improved, but her relationship with Kine was very poor and constantly deteriorating. He despised Selina and deliberately hurt her during training. However, Kine didn't like that Sensei singled out Selina more than the other students. A few days later, the news was that he had been seen in Robinson Park. Out of curiosity, Selina went to the park and saw the Dark Knight in action, who disappeared from her sight a few minutes later. Batman became something of an example for her and Selina decided to make herself a costume. With the last of the money, she bought herself a cat costume and returned to stealing using her new suit and abilities. When she was robbing one of the local shops, she was spotted by the guards, one of whom called her "Catwoman". Selina liked the nickname and Catwoman has been around ever since.


Catwoman has excellent athletic and acrobatic training, as well as stamina, agility, flexibility, and stealth. He taught her martial arts himself Wild cat. Catwoman has a certain connection with cats, when they see her they immediately understand that she is their friend, in addition to this, cats often helped her in various situations. In addition, Selina has good looks which she uses to seduce.

She is a first-class thief and is the best burglar in Gotham City.

In the media
Animated series

Catwoman appears in the 1968 Batman and Superman Hour, voiced by Jane Webb.

Catwoman appears in the 1977 animated series The New Batman Adventures, voiced by Melendy Britt.

Catwoman appears in the Batman animated series, voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. Catwoman first meets Batman during a robbery attempt and immediately falls in love with him. Batman also fell in love with Catwoman, but their "profession" prevents them from being together. Batman tries to convince Catwoman to give up her life of crime, but she refuses, one night, he handcuffs her and sends her to the police. She is released from custody a few months later on the condition that she never appear as Catwoman again, and if she violates it, she will receive a prison term. She appears in such episodes as "Cat and Claw: Part 1", "Cat and Claw: Part 2", "Sleep and Dream", "Tiger, Tiger", "Cat Fever", "I Almost Got Him", "Batgirl Returns" and "Cat Walk".

Catwoman appears in The New Batman Adventures, voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. She appears in the episode titled "Will You Scratch My Back?" and "Cult of the Cat". In "Will You Scratch My Back?", she assures Nightwing that she is done with her life of crime and wants to work together on a case.

Catwoman appears in the 2004 Batman animated series, voiced by Gina Gershon. She appears in the episodes "Cat and Mouse", "Cat, Mouse and Ugly", "Ragdoll Gets Rich", "The Laughing Cats" and "The Rumor".

Catwoman appears in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Nika Futterman. This version of the character is most similar to the classic Golden and Silver Age version. In the episode titled "Match Malone's Mask", she is paired with Huntress and Black Canary as the Birds of Prey. She can be seen in the episodes titled "Death Race to Oblivion!", "The Birth and Death of a Tyrant's Tornado", and "The Pranks of the Black Imp".

Catwoman appears in the DC Nation animated series, voiced by Stephanie Sheh.

Catwoman appears in the animated series "School of Super Heroines".

Animated films

Catwoman appears in DC Showcase: Catwoman, voiced by Eliza Dushku.

Catwoman appears in Batman: Year One?, voiced by Eliza Dushku.

Selina Kyle appears in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2, voiced by Tress MacNeill.

Catwoman appears in The Lego Batman Movie, voiced by singer Shakira.

Catwoman appears in Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, voiced by Julie Newmar.


Catwoman in the TV series "Batman" from 1966 to 1968, the role of the character was played by Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt.

Catwoman in the series "Birds of Prey", the role of the character was played by Maggie Baird. Catwoman was adapted for the series as she is an integral part of the story. Her costume design is similar to the one used in 1992's Batman Returns.

Young Selina Kyle in the TV series "Gotham", the role of the character was played by Camren Bicondova. Selina Kyle is shown as a 14-year-old thief and orphan who lives on the streets of Gotham City. In the pilot episode, she witnesses the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne. She forms a brief alliance with Detective Jim Gordon after he rescues her from kidnappers working for the Dollmaker. She promises to help him kill the Waynes if he helps her get out of legal trouble.


Catwoman in "Batman" 1966, the role of the character was played by Lee Meriwether. This version of Catwoman does not appear under the classical name of Selina Kyle, but is a Russian woman named Miss Kitka. She collaborates with all the villains that are included in the film, among them the Joker, the Penguin and the Riddler. Kitka also appears as a love interest for Bruce Wayne.

Michelle Pfeiffer portrayed Catwoman in Batman Returns 1992. A timid secretary who worked for a man named Max Schreck. When Max throws her out the window because she suspects his criminal activities, Selina was resurrected by stray cats. After this incident, she became self-confident but mentally unstable, making herself a latex suit, she wants to take revenge on her former boss.

Catwoman in "Catwoman" released in 2004, the role of the character was played by Halle Berry. This Catwoman bears little resemblance to the comic book version. Her name is Patience Phillips, an artist and designer who works for a cosmetics company. Which is preparing to release a new cream called Bulin, capable of reversing the aging process. When Phillips learns that this product has lethal side effects. Lauren Heather, wife CEO company, orders her to be killed. Heather's henchmen successfully complete the task, but Phillips was resurrected by the yard cats and gains some powers as well. Ultimately, she decides to take revenge on her boss.

Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises 2012, played by Anne Hathaway?. She is a scammer and an excellent thief who wants to find a way to erase her criminal records. At the beginning of the movie, she steals from Bruce Wayne and then betrays Batman by turning him in to Bane. But after she finds out that Bruce Wayne is Batman, she decides to help him when Bruce returns to Gotham City. He gives her a program to erase his past. After Bane is defeated and the city is saved, Alfred sees her with Bruce in Florence, Italy, while Bruce is presumed dead.

video games

Catwoman in Batman Returns.

Catwoman in "Catwoman".

Catwoman in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.

Catwoman in "Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame".

Catwoman in "DC Universe Online".

Catwoman in Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Catwoman in "Infinite Crisis".

Catwoman in Batman: The Telltale Series.

Catwoman in Lego Batman: The Video Game.

Catwoman in Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.

Catwoman in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham City.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham Knight.