Good morning beloved man in prose. Good morning, beloved - in your own words for a guy, in prose, poetry, at a distance, short SMS

Many people know the common phrase that women love with their ears, and men with their eyes. And yet this statement is not entirely true. Strong half of humanity Same needs tender words and sincere compliments. Even the most brutal men want to feel loved and needed.

Gentle words to cheer up for the whole day!

There are many affectionate expressions and beautiful phrases with which you can please a man. But it is worth remembering that each specific situation requires a certain approach, otherwise, apart from bewilderment, a compliment said inappropriately will not cause.

What affectionate words are better to say to your beloved man in the morning

Morning is the main time of day for a person. In what mood he will meet a new day, so he will spend it. Therefore, it is very important to wish your beloved a good morning in your own words, intended personally for him.

Male psychology slightly different from women's, so do not weave multi-layered verbal lace, rather simple and heartfelt confessions.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character of a man, his lifestyle. Someone likes lisping, and they annoy someone. Someone is proud of their mental faculties, and someone - an athletic physique.

couples, for a long time living together, knowing each other's habits and preferences well, have their own special tender words and funny nicknames. For those who are just entering love relationship, you have to come up with new and new affectionate phrases so that they reach the goal.

Among the options joke words, said to your beloved in the morning, you can highlight the main ones:

  • the name of the animal, used in a diminutive version: tiger cub, hare, cat (the most common option, therefore, banal);
  • nouns baby, sun, angel, heart (also quite familiar and often used);
  • adjectives the only, dear, gentle, best, sexy, desired, unique (but the adjective expensive is not very popular with men, because, in their opinion, it is faceless and cold);
  • affectionate derivatives of the name: Olezhek, Dimulya, Lyoshik (the name of a person is his property, so a man is pleased when he is called by name, and even with tenderness);
  • adding a personal pronoun: you are my love, you are my happiness, you are my fortress, you are my support, you are my protector (but comparative words should be abandoned: best of all, most tender, etc.);
  • rarely used words: superman, male, brutal, macho (usually such characteristics surprise a man, but at the same time they are pleasant).

The main thing in a relationship is sincere feelings, tenderness and care.

There are a great many magical phrases spoken in your own words that diversify the usual wish of good morning to your loved one:

  • I am happy with you;
  • so nice to wake up next to you;
  • I feel calm and comfortable when you are near;
  • I rejoice in a new day, because I will see you again ...

The list of affectionate words is endless. In addition, you can add more and more epithets to it and affectionate nicknames that will delight your loved one. You just need to show imagination, emphasizing at the same time best qualities his chosen one.

Good morning wishes to your beloved in prose

« Good morning, beloved ”in its own words does not require special literary skills and poetic tendencies.

It is important that sweet words and invigorating compliments sounded natural, came from pure heart even if they are simple and naive.

Men have a good sense of falsehood and insincerity. Just a few gentle phrases can paint a nascent day with bright colors with a romantic touch.

Gentle words for a guy at the beginning of the day

Newly minted love couples differ in emotionality, passion, desire to constantly be near. That's why it's so important for them to talk to each other tender words and arrange little surprises.

A guy in love does not need so much, he will be pleasantly surprised and delighted by simple but touching lines.

There are templates that will help a girl set her beloved in the right way immediately after waking up:

  1. « Good morning, Dear! Let the state of health be excellent, the spirit - vigorous, the day - successful. Let the crystal morning charge with positive and bestow solar energy. My love will help you gain wings and inspire you to exploits. Go confidently to where ringing victories, boundless happiness and the fulfillment of innermost desires await you!
  2. « My love, wake up! A sparkling day awaits you, full of magic and the coming fulfillment of desires. Today and constantly, the tasks set by you will have worthy solutions, the dream will have an indispensable fulfillment. Know that you are invulnerable and brave, you can do everything, because my love gives you strength!
  3. « Gentle dawn, like my love for you: the gentle rays of the morning sun give the soul goodness and peace. Feel the happiness awaken. May the new day be a great start for you in a happy future.
  4. « Darling! I know that the coming day will be successful and enjoyable in every way. Remember: I love you and I want to constantly talk about my overwhelming feelings for you. In your arms I feel happy. Your kisses and secret confessions are necessary for me every second!
  5. « My dear, with Good morning! Look, you woke up, and the whole world trembled and sparkled with iridescent colors. This morning will be for us a happy start to a new life in which there will be prosperity and success. I believe in you and in our love!

Affectionate words for a husband in the morning

If married couple dragged out life and there is no former romance in the relationship, you need to try to return the wonderful feelings of love and understanding to each other. This can be done by showing sensuality and romantic deeds.

Love prose will help ignite the spark, show that the spouse is still loved and desired.

Can you think of original wishes according to the following templates:

  1. « Dear husband, good morning! May your awakening become bright and light, like our kisses. Dawn will illuminate the upcoming day with a fabulous light, which will give energy for bold searches and promising actions. Seeing you cheerful and happy is a real joy for me!
  2. « My feelings for you are so strong and bright, which can give inspiration, warm you on the most rainy day and support you in Hard time. My tenderness will envelop you, and you will spend the whole day in pleasant dreams about the upcoming evening. creative ideas, positive mood will accompany you. I will always be with you".
  3. « You slept so soundly and smiled sweetly in a dream. You must have had wonderful dreams. Wake up, love! The morning is no less beautiful, look, it gives you wonderful colors and a joyful mood. Feel the charge of energy, see the magical rays of the sun. All day you will be accompanied by success and good luck in all matters.
  4. « Time to wake up my dear husband. The dark night was replaced by a crystal dawn, which brought purity and freshness, cheerfulness and positive. Such a magical morning means that today you will be successful and lucky, believe in it. And my love will support you and envelop you with tenderness.
  5. « Open your eyes, honey. Meet with me a stunning sunrise. Do you remember how we met him when our feelings were just born? Nothing has changed since then, I still love you and want you to succeed in any business. I want to see you smile, treat you to strong coffee, as hot as my love for you.

Good morning wishes to a loved one from a distance

Words take on special significance if the lovers are far from each other, have not met for a long time, or simply live separately for now.

Waking up and finding in the phone nice sms from his beloved, the young man will surely spend the day in good mood. A positive attitude and the feeling of one's uniqueness and necessity affects many things: working capacity, success, well-being.

Tender feelings will evoke in a man SMS written from the heart and with sincere love feelings.

Beautiful sms "good morning" to your beloved

There are several types of SMS to wish good morning and Have a good day to your beloved. Long text messages are preferable when the couple has not seen each other for a long time and is in different cities or even countries. Indeed, during the time of separation, so many unspent feelings have accumulated that they cannot be expressed in 2-3 sentences.

Templates come to the rescue, which can be changed somewhat, based on a specific situation:

  • « My gentle kisses fly to your distant city. The crystal morning embraces you with the gentlest coolness. Feel the gentle breeze carrying my boundless love."
  • « Let my love bring magic light and give you a feeling of happiness. Our date is inevitable, I'm waiting for you and dreaming of the days and nights that we will spend together, never parting again.
  • « The coming day brings our meeting closer. I do not notice the long nights, they pass quickly in anticipation of a new morning, when I will hear your native voice again.
  • « May the new day bring you something special so start with a smile. We are together and this world is beautiful. It brings happiness, light and warmth. Adore you. My boundless, like the ocean, love is always with you!
  • « I dream of waking up from your sleepy whisper, affectionate kisses and warm hugs. But while we are apart, I can only wish you, my only, glorious morning with the tart aroma of coffee and the bright rays of the sun. I love!".

Short and tender SMS from the second half

How nice it is to wake up in the morning to see a pleasant SMS on your phone with a good morning wish from your loved one. There are many options short messages, in which loving woman invest all your love and tenderness.

You can color the message with emoticons, they will add lightness and playfulness to phrases. Short SMS are not full of ornateness, but they contain no less lyrical feelings and manifestations of care.

Examples of such SMS to a loved one:

  • “Good morning, dear! A new day has begun. May it bring magical moments and pleasant surprises.”
  • “I dreamed of you, very clearly, very real. You are not here now, but our love will overcome separation and distance.
  • “I got up in a good mood, because I will soon see my unique one. The morning is beautiful, and the day is magical, because I have you!
  • “I look forward to it, my love, I miss you terribly, our apartment is empty without your laughter. You are my joy, my heart, my love."
  • “Let the coffee in the morning be as sweet as my kisses. Our meeting is approaching, and I'm counting the hours and minutes. I love and wait for you!

There are absolutely short phrases operating without fail:

  • "I miss you very much";
  • “I miss your hugs” (kisses, lips, touches, etc.);
  • "I miss you so much";
  • "Lonely without you";
  • "I dream of waking up with you every morning" ...

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in verse

Girls and women who are “on you” with poetry will easily compose a short couplet or even a quatrain for a loved one. The rest of the ladies will have to work hard or turn to the classics.

Writing poetry is not as difficult as it seems. All it takes is a little imagination, a sense of love, and maybe a little humor...

But don't panic love poems can be quite simple and without strict rhyme. The main thing is sincere feelings, tenderness and care.

Here are examples of simple verses:

  • “I need you, my golden one. I want to hug you by the shoulders. I will surround you with care and look forward to meeting you.”
  • “There are no more like them in the world. And I don't try to look. You give light to your love, I want to tell you “I love you!”.
  • “I wish you happiness, sun and warmth, and good morning always! I love you with all my heart and I will give you laughter and joy!

Affectionate words will give the chosen one most pleasant emotions and charge with positive for the coming day.

A woman should not hold back her emotions, because her true purpose is to create and give love and tenderness. Therefore, do not skimp on affection and manifestation of feelings for a loved one.

Video - videos with good morning wishes to your beloved

Gentle wishes for the second half:

Beautiful Wishes:

If you want to wish a good morning to your dear man, this is a wonderful idea that will cheer you up and him, and he will remember for a long time during the day nice words that you sent to him.

A good morning wish costs nothing, but it gives a lot, often warm words are of more value than other giftsgiven formally and without a soul. important words, said from the heart, will be a wonderful start to a new day for any man.

Do you really want to say some kind words in the morning to a man who means a lot to you, but you do not know how best to formulate them? We will tell you how best to put your thoughts into words, what exactly you can say to a man in the morning to give him good emotions and cheerful mood!

First of all, when formulating your wish with a good morning to a man in prose, you must understand what kind of relationship you have. Agree, the wishes for your beloved dad, dear brother or close brother-in-law will be very different from the warm words that you will reward your loved one. Dad may be pleased with the words that the daughter is proud of him, that she wants to be like him. The brother will be happy to see in your wish a mention of how you are interconnected, how similar you are always on his side and support him in everything.

And of course, any man will be inspired by the belief that he is strong, smart and today he will have many achievements. Without exaggeration, such a wish from loved one can set you up for success in the morning, and lead to very real victories at work, and in any other area of ​​\u200b\u200bman's activity.

Scientists have long proven that men “love with their ears” - this means that words have a very large semantic load for them, they are literally energized when they hear that their loved ones believe in them, love them and appreciate them.

If you want to send warm words with good morning wishes to a man who is not yet very close to you, but you would really like him to enter your life, you should act decisively, but gently. Indicate in your wish how pleasant his company is for you, how much communication with him means to you.

At the beginning of a relationship, we usually bombard each other with a ton of sweet messages filled with love and passionate promises. Using all possible means of communication, we write to a man close to us about all the experiences, about all the thoughts that have visited us, and they are usually associated with him. Try to be a little more restrained, because an overabundance of good things leads to satiety, and often men can simply get tired of overly emotional manifestations of feelings. One warm and fulfilled sincere feelings a message wishing him a good day will really cheer him up and leave your image in his thoughts for the whole future day.

Words of love on a piece of paper attached to the refrigerator, or a message sent can be an effective medicine in case of long term relationship, in which the routine began to overshadow the passions that were seething at the beginning of your story. It will be unexpectedly pleasant for a husband to find a message from his beloved wife, especially when your emotional life has long entered a calm rut.

Many people find it difficult to put their innermost thoughts into words; doing it on paper is often much easier. Use this way of expressing your emotions and your relationship will remain strong and loving for a long time. long years!

Art is eternal, it is beautiful and relevant in any era. Regardless of gender, age, life position and views on the world, almost every person, one way or another, experiences the most pleasant feelings, contemplating or listening to the beautiful. And is it really possible to say that beautiful good morning wishes to a man in prose are not one of the many manifestations of beauty? Of course not. That is why we support your decision, and we support it not only in word, but also in deed.

The morning of any person will become much more pleasant and kind in the truest sense of the word, if it begins with reading beautiful prose. Not even just prose, but prose dedicated to specific person. Agree, you would be very pleased if your loved one called you early in the morning and read beautiful wishes. What feelings would you experience? tenderness? Heartfelt warmth? Gratitude? One way or another, the man to whom you are going to give such words will also experience all these emotions.

Beautiful in sufficient quantities are presented in the section in which you are now. Vlio made sure you always had something to say. And that these words were not empty and gray, but beautiful and sincere. The rest is up to you. Take action!

Good morning - these are familiar to everyone and such short two words, but when I say them to you, my love, even my voice sounds different. A new day begins, which means our love story continues. My dearest and dearest person, I would like to wish you this morning a wonderful mood, as sunny as your smile, good luck in all your plans. If you quickly resolve all your planned issues, then you will quickly return to me, and I will be looking forward to you. Even nature will help you, I'm just sure of it. Be attentive, patient and, of course, think of me more often. But in fact, I really want us to have as many such morning meetings as possible, because I love you very much.

Congratulations on mobile

First Sun Ray I looked into your window, it's time to get up, my beloved. May this morning bring you much joy and good mood. Let it be good start day. I wish you, my dear, great luck, luck and success. May your dream come true, may everything turn out great for you. I so want to see you happy, and let this morning give you the keys to this wonderful feeling. Let today be the most pleasant moment.

Today is wonderful morning so I just can't leave my beloved man without beautiful wishes. My dear, I want to wish you well and good morning. Let it please you with positive events, words. I want you to set yourself up for a productive work day, so that everything that you have in mind will definitely work out. Beloved, may your every morning be kind and pleasant. I will definitely try my best to do so. You know that I'm ready for anything for you. My beloved, this morning is also good for me, because I woke up next to you. I don't even know how I used to live without you. I have the best man in the world, next to whom I feel the happiest and most loved. I wish you the very best morning and a productive day. My unreal man should have the most unreal day, and you need to start it with have a nice morning.

My happiness is still sleeping sweetly under a warm blanket, completely unaware that today I will replace his alarm clock. Good morning, my dear, it's time to wake up and start performing feats in the name of our love. Charge yourself with positive, energy, strength, because you still don’t know what surprises the coming day has prepared for you. You are very strong, courageous, dexterous and smart, which means that no matter what surprise awaits you at the next door, you will definitely cope with it successfully. I wish you perseverance, which will not allow you to take a single step back from your intended goal, but this morning, unfortunately, you need to take steps towards a new day, and not stay basking in bed. Positive emotions, my love and support is always with you, remember this!

My one and only, I wish you good morning. May this morning give you new idea. Let the bird of happiness fly after you. Let the morning invite you to a beautiful day. I wish you Have a good mood for the whole day, may all your dreams come true. May everything work out great for you. May this morning bring you joy, faith and hope. I wish you all the very best. Let everything go like clockwork for you today. Good luck and success to you in everything, my love.

Morning should start with nice words then the whole day will pursue a good mood. My beloved, I want to wish you the most pleasant and good morning. I know how much you hate waking up so early, but I hope that the company of your favorite girl will make this morning pleasant. I have already prepared breakfast for you, so you can safely get up and head to the kitchen. You will have a hard day today, but you won't even notice how quickly the time will fly by and you will be at home again. But for now, let's talk about how wonderful it is to start your morning with such pleasant conversations and with the good mood that I am trying to convey to you. You will see that energy will beat out of you all day, because you received the missing part from me. I think that every morning should start like this, because it will definitely benefit both of us.

I am grateful to fate that in the morning I can kiss you, say good morning and just be there. In fact, such little things are simply priceless and it is from them that all the warmest memories are made. Outside the window there is bad weather and autumn coolness with light rain, but I want it to always be warm and sunny around you. Let there be clouds only in the sky, and bad weather only in the forecast, and in your life and all things there was a stable plus and silence. Of course, luck will not interfere with you, because every day you try to build the foundation of our new happy life. It is for these qualities that I love you. So let this day be successful for you, fulfill all your plans, conquer the planned peaks and return to me as soon as possible.

My beloved, tender and sweetest person on the whole planet, I wish you good morning. Let it be the happiest, the luckiest, and just the most, the most. May this morning give you good mood let it be a continuation of a good day. May all your plans turn into reality, may all problems be solved easily and simply. May fate be kind to you. I wish you good morning and all the best. I love you.

I believe that any day should begin with a smile, then the day itself will reciprocate. So get up quickly, love, because such a beautiful sunny morning is waiting for you. Just look what a clear morning, it portends both of us today a good and productive day. But besides that, you and I will also have a delicious breakfast, because this is what cheers you up. Darling, think of something nice to make you smile a little. After all, just imagine that our dream will come true very soon, we will go on vacation with you. Therefore, up your nose, the morning should not be bad. I believe that the morning is good. And we ourselves will arrange such a morning. That's it, it's time for you to get up, otherwise you've already been lying for too long. Breakfast is waiting for you best man in the world, so don't let him or me down. Good and pleasant morning to you!

Missing At breakup Goodnight Apologies Confessions Funny For girls

My sweetest, only, best and always desired. From the bottom of my heart, I want to whisper "Good morning" to you! My angel, I wish this bright sunny morning will bring you many smiles, love and hope. Let the coming day take away all longing, sadness or any problems. May this morning light a smile on your face and make your soul soar under heaven. May your heart be filled with joy, hope and love.
Best wishes!

Good morning - it seems quite simple and short expression, but it contains a very deep and true meaning. My sweet, the only, always desired and unique, I want to say in your ear "Good morning." I want the coming morning to shine in your window bright sun. I want any sadness or sadness to leave you instantly. I wish you the best unforgettable sensations from the coming day!
With love…

Now the sun rises higher and gently looks into your window. Its first rays rush into your room, and after a few seconds your Beautiful face starts to shine like the sun. The coming morning brings a lot of hope and pleasant expectations into your life. May all your cherished dreams come true in at its best. Let this unique morning become the morning of new discoveries and pleasant sensations for you. May every second of your life that this morning brings bring you a smile, joy and good luck!
Good morning!

Morning ... perhaps the most beautiful moment of the new day, which brings many hopes and expectations to the life of every person. With the advent of morning, all problems or difficulties disappear. Morning fills with its irresistible power the hearts of all the inhabitants of the planet. So let this morning, which you are in a hurry to meet, bring you all the best that you wish. May the most cherished dreams that you have ever dreamed of come true at the moment of this beautiful morning.
May your soul be filled with joy, hope and love! Best wishes! With love.

Good morning my angel! With all my heart and with all my soul I want to wish you a good morning. May this irresistible, fabulously beautiful and bright morning give you a smile, hope and light. May eternal, always living and never ceasing love settle in your heart. Let all the problems or difficulties in your life disappear instantly. Let the soul be filled with hope and happiness!
Good morning!

The sky will smile - only you, the sun will wink playfully, you look - a dream in the window, your day will start beautifully!
Morning will fill your world with freshness, bring joy, fulfill all desires, dear, let only happiness await you! Good morning!

good morning, my beloved, gentle and dear little man. That night I couldn't sleep for a long time because I couldn't feel your breath on my skin. Without you, I feel very lonely sleeping, as if an important part of my heart is now far away from me. I hope that the day that we are now meeting will give you and me such long-awaited meeting, and the sun, peeping through your window, will hug me with the same warm rays along with your strong, but gentle palms. Let your morning coffee be as sweet as my lips, let the warm mug in your hand remind you of the warmth of my cheek when you stroke me in a kiss. There are only a few hours left before our meeting, I will count the minutes and seconds in the hope that they will fly by unnoticed. I love you so much.

The gentle sun meets you with this cool fresh morning and I'm madly jealous of him. It strokes your hands, your cheeks, I know that opening the curtains, you, as always, playfully squint, smiling at the coming day. Every morning I have only one thought in my head, and that thought is about you. I live by you and breathe only your love. Today I had a dream in which you and I sailed together on a big ship in the endless blue of the sea, you hugged me, gave me your tender look and the sweetest kisses that could be. When I woke up and realized that this was just a dream, my grief cannot be expressed in words. And even if this dream is not from Thursday to Friday, but I believe that it will come true, and that someday we will also run away from the whole world on a ship so that only me, you and our endless love are on it.

Good morning, my infinitely beloved little man. Every morning I envy your pillow, you give her your hugs, she draws colorful dreams for you, and touches your hair, gently touching. I envy your blanket, it hugs you every night, gives you its warmth, warms you from the cold, kissing every millimeter of such a strong, such a desired body. I would really like to be in their place, just like them, wake you up in the morning tender kisses put your head on your knees and drive for a long time short strands hair, going down with fingers to the neck, back, and again to the hair. I would wrap you in my tenderness better than the warmest blanket, and when winter comes, I would warm you from the cold with my love alone. I really look forward to the moment when we wake up together. I love you.

Good morning, my beloved beloved husband. Now you are already at work, I did not have time to tell you what I wanted at home, so I am writing. Know that you are the most precious thing in my life. I enjoy every second spent with you. You do not feel, but when you fall asleep at night, I stroke your face, tracing lips and eyes with fingers, experiencing painfully tender love to every millimeter of you, who gave me the infinite happiness of a person. I'm scared to think that one day I'll wake up and not feel your head on the next pillow with my hand. You are a part of me and I can't even imagine how I could live without you before. I send an air kiss to the sun, let it return it to your lips with a warm ray. Looking forward to tonight...

Good morning, the meaning of my life. You know, every morning I desperately fight the desire to rush to you at the first ray of the sun on the other side of the city, jump under your covers and stay there with you for a week, at least. You are very little for me, even though we are together every evening. You are like a breath of cool air in the hot desert of my life, I want to breathe you endlessly. I will always miss you, I suffer from this. You and I are like one soul, divided into 2 bodies, forced to live at a distance from itself. I look forward to the moment when we will have the opportunity to fall asleep in the same bed every evening, holding hands, and wake up with the first ray of the sun, smiling at the coming day, and realizing that our love has infinity ahead.

Good morning, my most dear and beloved. Now you are reading this and smiling, a warm ray of sunshine is walking around your room, sharing the joy of a newborn day. We have a lot of new things to do today, and I hope that in the worries of the coming day you will not forget about me for a second. Before you, I did not understand how all happiness and the meaning of life can lie in one person. But now I have you, and every morning I wake up with the thought “Thank you for having me.” And even if there is a distance between me and you now, but a piece of my soul has settled in you forever, and wherever you are, I feel you. Today I wish you the fulfillment of all your plans, may the ray that illuminates your window now give you all my love, which will warm your heart until we meet. I love and miss you terribly.

The dark night fades into mist, leaving behind all dreams and bad memories. Light appeared in the east - the same light that appears at the unexpected completion of affairs. They also say that the night is dark before dawn and it does not matter if you are already awake - it means that you are ready to accept her cosmic message. Let the morning be good for you, because you have long crossed the line of trouble that took the night away, even if it was beautiful, sexy and hot. The fire of passion will wait for you the next evening, and another night will come - the night of love and passion. In the meantime, a new, beautiful and joyful day is born, which gives you hope for the best. Use it to bring you joy during the day, after which the night will be even hotter. Good morning, honey!

Do you remember our first sunrise with you? When did a new beautiful day begin in the golden cloud of dawn, beckoning with the aroma of black coffee and the first breakfast that we spent with you? Then all this became a little boring, it became familiar, and already romance began to gradually fade into the past. And now you can remember the past again, changing it a little to enjoy the romance of the first breakfast together. For example, drink coffee with a croissant or ice cream, have breakfast with such familiar and such new scrambled eggs, say gentle words to each other and go on business with a joyful mood - a mood that can convey love and tenderness, romanticism and expectation of a miracle. Good morning, my dear beloved person!

The dusty dawn came again after a hot night. The cool aroma of flowers and herbs, autumn dew and a breath of wind mixed with the bright colors of dawn. They all promise you a lot of joy and tenderness to tell you about my love for you. The coolness of the night is my unearthly message and wish beautiful dreams and bright dawns delicate aromas night flowers, petals autumn roses and chrysanthemums promised to tell you about my love and gratitude for your wonderful attitude towards female gender. The wind promised to give you inspiration and tenderness in love, which any day can end on a holiday. May the golden colors of dawn burn in the sky for as long as possible, beautifully enlivening ours with you. morning conversation so that the kiss before going to work is light, gentle and cool. Good morning darling, it's coffee time!

Dear my boyfriend! You may not believe in love when there are a lot of lies and deceit around you, you may not believe in the sincerity of women's feelings when there are so many betrayals and cheap entertainment around, but you cannot help but believe in the dawn or the sunset that is blazing outside your window, even if it is covered with a thick brown curtain. Just lift it up and let the golden rays penetrate your room to enjoy their beauty and tenderness. So my love, which you do not see, is able to illuminate your life, covered with a thick curtain of betrayal, other people's ugly and treacherous deeds, broken destinies. After all, it is impossible to cook a ruddy morning omelet without breaking an egg. Therefore, just believe, just open your soul of love to see for yourself whether it exists or not. Good morning, beloved, I wish you not to miss the rare moments of the beautiful golden dawn of your life!

Gold and chocolate chocolate candies in a golden wrap. How beautiful they are, like foil in gold dawn. So are kind holidays beautifully illuminate even the most boring and gray everyday life. Therefore, sometimes it is worth allowing yourself a glass of ruddy beer, or an extra portion of ice cream, foolishness and spontaneity, love and all sorts of nonsense, without thinking too much about what awaits you ahead. For this, childhood, youth and even stupidity were invented in order to throw off emotions, the shackles that bind us daily, interfering with simple human happiness, as well as simply great art - the art of love, which cannot be understood or calculated - you can just feel it. After all, we will always define deceit and insincerity in love without words. So it’s worth starting the morning not with the usual breakfast, but with a chocolate candy that you could not afford for many years or with a glass of Coca-Cola. Who says breakfast doesn't start like this? Good morning, honey!