Card file on the topic "conversations for the whole year". Morning conversations in the senior group

Olesya Kosheleva
Card file of conversations in the senior group

Card index of conversations

V senior group.


"Road alphabet"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road movements: the carriageway of the street for the movement of cars, and the sidewalk for pedestrians. Encourage children to follow their

do not play on the roadway, ride a bike in the yard or on the playground. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of a traffic light; to learn to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, informational and indicative, intended for pedestrians.

To form the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life.


"Striped Zebra"

Target: expand children's knowledge of the rules of the road (the street can be crossed in special places - ground and underground crossings, recall the meaning of the sign "Crosswalk". Give an idea about road sign "No Pedestrians". To form sustainable skills of conscious, safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city. Teach children to apply their knowledge in practice. Develop attention, skills of orientation in space.


"Planet Earth is in danger"

Target: to promote the formation of children's ideas that the planet Earth is a huge ball (most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas, in addition to water there are continents - solid land, land where people live). Contribute to the generalization of knowledge that there are many living beings on planet Earth, that they all need clean water, clean air, clean land. To form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that the planet Earth is now in danger. To cultivate love for nature, proper communication with it, the desire to study it.


"Moscow is the capital of our Fatherland"

Target: to give children an idea that Moscow is the most Big city in our country; lead to the understanding that this is the main city of our Motherland, the capital. Bring up respectful attitude to state symbols, traditions and customs of their people. To cultivate love for Moscow and Russia as a whole, broaden one's horizons, transfer knowledge about history, sights. Cultivate a sense of pride in your people, patriotic feelings. Raise interest in the history of the city and country, love for their homeland, evoke in children a sense of admiration for beauty native nature, the talent of the Russian people.


"Knowledge Day"

Target: to clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about the holiday - Knowledge Day, September 1. Explain to the children that this holiday is the beginning school year not only in schools, but also in kindergarten. To expand children's understanding of the profession of a teacher, educator, about educational institutions (kindergarten, school, college, university). To form friendly, benevolent relations between children. Develop aesthetic feelings, cause the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in group, Location on. Raise respect for the work of employees kindergarten.


"Mothers Day"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the public holiday "Mother's Day". Teach a kind, attentive attitude towards the mother. To form warm feelings for the dearest person to mom. Cultivate a sense of kindness, respect, responsiveness, love. Teaching children to be supportive conversation express positive emotions.


« New Year»

Target: expand children's ideas about new year holiday and traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Continue to acquaint with the history of origin fairy tale characters Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Tell about the traditions of the New Year's Eve; to cultivate love for the history of Russia, national pride; to cultivate love for Russian folk art. Develop the ability to support conversation.



Target: explain to children the meaning of Baptism, tell how Christianity came to Rus'. To form feelings of patriotism and respect for the past of one's Motherland, to form an idea of ​​the significance of baptism, the adoption of Orthodoxy, to develop the ability to perceive, analyze literary works, the ability to express one's feelings.



Target: continue to acquaint children with the holiday - Maslenitsa. To develop interest in Russian folk holidays, to introduce them to the traditions of Russian and Kuban culture. Raise a sense of respect for the folk traditions of Russian culture.


"Our Army".

Target: to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the military branches, about the defenders of the Fatherland. Introduce children to military equipment. To cultivate love for the motherland, a sense of pride in one's army. Cultivate the desire to be like the strong Russian soldiers.


Target: draw children's attention to the holiday "March 8" and develop their interest in the tradition of its celebration. Cultivate a respectful, gentle and noble attitude towards mothers and grandmothers. Careful and sensitive attitude to everything female gender, the need to please loved ones good deeds. To deepen children's knowledge about the role of mother and grandmother in their life; help children develop positive emotional experiences and joyful mood from the holiday. Develop the ability to support conversation. Encourage attempts to express their point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.


"First cosmonaut"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the feat of Yu. A. Gagarin, its significance for mankind. To enrich children's ideas about space, astronauts, space equipment, the use of space in the interests of people. Develop cognitive interest to space as an object of the surrounding world. Initiate the activity of children, the desire to learn new things about space. Cultivate a sense of pride in your country. Develop the ability to support conversation. Improve the dialogic form of speech.


Conversation with children of the middle group"Our cats".

Target: introduce children to the habits and characteristics of a cat; cultivate interest and love for this pet.

The course of the conversation.

caregiver: Guys, do you have a cat at home? What is her name? What color is she?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Do you know that a long time ago a cat did not live with a person. She was wild, lived in the forest. The man liked this small, fluffy animal and he tamed it. The cat began to catch mice in the barns with grain.

Many sayings, proverbs, signs were associated with a cat in Rus'. And now there is such a custom - the owner let the cat into the new house first, so that it would be cozy and good in it. When a cat washes, they say that she calls guests. If the cat curled up in a ball - in the cold, near the stove - to bad weather, and if it lies upside down - to warmth.

The cat is very attached to the person. Houses in the yard trying to be around. In the wild, this is an experienced, independent predator - self-confident and cautious. A loyal and obedient dog is taken out for a walk, a self-willed cat "walks by itself". Have you noticed that when you return home after a long trip, the cat runs to you, meows merrily, purrs, rubs against your legs. She missed you and now she's glad you came.

The cat has its own characteristics. Since she is a night hunter, she sees well in the dark. And if the darkness is very black, then the cat feels objects with its whiskers. Cats have movable ears. She sits, dozing, but if a sound is heard somewhere, the ear turns in this direction. The cat hears very quiet sounds, so it eavesdrops at a great distance "talks" mice and looks for their mink.

The cat expresses its mood tail: if the tail moves restlessly, the animal is unhappy; the tail is fluffy - she is angry and will soon use her claws. When she is calm, she has a peaceful mood - the tail is wrapped around her body.

The cat needs to be looked after. Do you take care of your cat? How? What do cats eat? What does she eat besides what you give her? Do you love your cats and cats? Don't hate them? Then let's play a game "Cat and Kittens".

Card - 14.

Help for the Elders.


Three sisters.

In the morning, collect the mother for work.

Girls, she said to her daughters, clean the room.

I cleaned yesterday, - answered older. She combed her hair in front of the mirror.

I'll clean it up later, - said the middle one.

The younger one did not say anything, cleaned the room, and then cooked dinner. In the evening mother came and brought three apples.

Mom brought apples! the sisters shouted and rushed to meet her.

Hold on, mother said eldest daughter- you already ate yesterday. And you, - she said to the middle one, then eat

Mom called the youngest daughter:

Come here, honey. You worked for three today.

All three apples for you.

What did you answer eldest daughter?

How did the little sister do?

What did mother bring and what did she say older daughters?

As mother affectionately called youngest daughter? And what did she say to her?

Did the mother do the right thing and what were they punished for? older daughters?

Do these proverbs fit this story?

What you sow, you will reap.

See the tree in fruit, and man in deeds. (to deeds senior girls like this saying)

If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove.

You came from a walk. Your mittens are wet. What will you do? Who will you ask for help? How will you ask? You have a toothache, who will you tell about it? (At home in group) .

The attendants didn't give you a spoon, what will you do? You want to have a second course added to you. Whom and how do you ask about it?

You do not want to eat fish, how should you tell the teacher about this?

№4 Conversation: What does it mean to be kind and caring.


Contribute to the formation in children of ideas about friendship, generosity;

Develop the ability to distinguish good from bad in a fairy tale and in life;

To form the ability to live together.

Ears are dumb.

Dad came home from work, asks daughter:

Give me slippers, please, Anyuta?

But I can’t hear, - Anyuta answers, - I have naughty ears!

Anyuta, - mom calls from the kitchen, - please take the bread box to the table, daughter!

Where did I put my glasses? - says grandmother Anyuta, - You can't look, Anyutochka!

But I don’t hear, - Anyuta answers, - I have ears - naughty!

Grandpa put down the newspaper and sighed.

After all, here's the annoyance, I was going to ask what to give you for the holiday- big doll or winding machine? Or a book?

Doll, doll! - Anyuta was delighted - And so that her eyes were closed! And in the prettiest dress!

Grandpa put his hand to his ear.

What--- he says I can’t hear. I don't understand...

I say kuk-lu! - Anyuta screamed with all her strength. And so that the eyes ...

But grandfather only threw up his hands.

I do not hear, - says - nothing at all!

Ears are stuffed up like cotton wool. Must have blown in the wind. Here's the trouble! He sighed and began to read the paper again.

So Anyuta was left alone for the holiday without a gift.

And her ears are now obedient!

Listen to a poem about a caring, good, kind girl.

I'm flying a doll.

In a white coat

I'm at the bed.

I can't sleep:

The doll is sick.

Lena has a cough.

Rattling in the throat.

Maybe Angina?

Maybe the flu?

Tea with raspberries I sing a doll.

I will cure Liina

My doll.

P. Samples.

How do you understand being kind and caring?

Card 15

Conversation"Traffic Light Day"

Target: teaching to introduce the meaning of a traffic light and its signals;

fix the name of red, yellow, green colors, learn to draw round objects; developing - to develop visual perception, fine motor skills, interest in traffic rules; educating to educate the culture of children's behavior on the roads.

Conversation with children about traffic lights.

We introduce children to traffic lights. Describe what a traffic light looks like; explain what it is for.

Questions for conversations:

What is a traffic light for?

At what traffic light should you cross the street?

What traffic light should you not cross the road?

What does a yellow traffic light mean?

A game "Light the traffic lights"

Children should insert the lights of the desired color into the windows on the traffic light models in the right order, choosing them from those offered.

consideration paintings: "City Street"

who is drawn on picture?

Where are the cars going?

Where are people going?

What are people who drive cars called?

How should both pedestrians and drivers behave? Why?

Card -16

Conversation"Device of the roadway"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about transport.

In front of you is the street of a big city. There is a road in the middle of the street. On both sides of the road there are special paths for pedestrians.

What are the walkways called? (sidewalks)

The sidewalk is "road for pedestrians".

What are the people who walk on the sidewalk called? (pedestrians)

(Children put on a model of pedestrians)

And people were walking along the sidewalks.

Standing along the street multi-story houses, shops, bus stops, newsstands, etc. Trees grow in front of the houses, lawns and flower beds are laid out.

Now look carefully at the street, what else is missing on it? (Lack of transport).

What types of transport do you know? (Cargo, passenger, passenger, special purpose vehicles)

What vehicles are classified as trucks? Passenger? Passenger?

Name the special purpose vehicles. (Ambulance, fire truck, police).

What are special purpose vehicles equipped with? (visual and sound siren).

What traffic light can they go to? (for any).

№ 7 Conversation“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy” V senior group of kindergarten.

Target: Teach your child to take care of their health.

A conversation about vitamins:

Yesterday Doll-mom said that her children began to get sick more often, they lacked vitamins. Vitamins are very necessary for children to strengthen the body. Her children love them very much. Vitamins are very helpful.

Have you guys tried vitamins? Of course, vitamins are not only in tablets, but also in many products. What foods contain vitamins? You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D.

What products contain them and why are they needed.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for heart).

Vitamin C - citrus, cabbage, onion, radish, currant (from a cold).

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

(For better memorization, use an artistic word).

1. I never lose heart 2. It is very important early in the morning,

And a smile on his face, There is oatmeal for breakfast.

Because I accept Black bread is good for us

Vitamins A, B, C. And not only in the morning.

3. From colds and sore throats

Oranges help, 4. Remember the simple truth

And it's good to eat lemon. The only one who sees better

Although it is very sour. Who chews raw carrots

Or drink carrot juice.

I will read quatrains about products. If they say useful things, then you are all together. speak: "Right, right, absolutely right!". And if about what is harmful to health, you are silent.

1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.

2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets

Eat candy, chew taffy, get fit, become like a cypress.

3. To eat right, you will remember advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

4. No healthier than products- Delicious vegetables and fruits.

Both Serezha and Irina benefit from vitamins.

5. Our Lyuba ate rolls and got terribly fat.

Wants to visit us to come, the door can not crawl.

6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

Eat more vitamins, do not know about diseases.

Well done, I will definitely tell your mothers that you know how to choose healthy foods.

Guys, I invite you to become "health gardeners", let's grow a miracle tree (on the table product cards, children choose the right ones, hang them on a tree).

Why did carrots grow on the tree?

Why is milk useful?

What vitamin is in beets?

What vegetables and fruits protect against harmful microbes?

We will remember forever, for health we need vitamin food!

Card index of conversations
in the senior group
"Road alphabet"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road
traffic: the carriageway of the street for the movement of cars, and the sidewalk
for pedestrians. Encourage children to comply
do not play on the road, ride a bike in the yard or
At the playground. Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of
the appointment of a traffic light; learn to recognize road signs
(warning, prohibiting, information-indicating),
intended for pedestrians.
To form the ability to independently use the received
knowledge in everyday life.
"Striped Zebra"
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of the rules of the road (street
you can cross in special places - ground and underground
crossings, recall the meaning of the sign "Pedestrian crossing".
Give an idea of ​​the road sign "Movement of pedestrians
forbidden". form
sustainable skills of awareness,
safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city. Teach children
put your knowledge into practice. Develop attention skills
orientation in space.
"Planet Earth is in danger"
Purpose: to help children develop ideas about
that the planet Earth is a huge ball (most of the earth
the ball is covered with water - oceans and seas, in addition to water there is
continents are solid land, dry land where people live). Contribute
generalization of knowledge that a lot of people live on planet Earth
living beings that they all need clean water, clean air,
clean land. Form children's idea that the planet
The earth is now in danger. Cultivate love for nature
correct communication with her, the desire to study her.

"Moscow is the capital of our Fatherland"
Purpose: to give children an idea that Moscow is the most
big city in our country; lead to an understanding of what
this is the main city of our Motherland, the capital. Educate
respect for government
symbols, traditions and customs of their people.
Cultivate love for Moscow and Russia in general,
broaden horizons, transfer knowledge about history,
attractions. Nurture a feeling
pride in their people, patriotic feelings.
Raise interest in the history of the city and country,
love for their homeland, evoke in children a feeling
admiration for the beauty of native nature, talent
Russian people.
"Knowledge Day"
Purpose: to clarify and systematize children's knowledge about the holiday
Knowledge Day, September 1st. Explain to the children that this holiday is
the beginning of the school year, not only in schools, but also in kindergarten.
To expand children's understanding of the teaching profession,
educator, about educational institutions (kindergarten, school, college,
university). Build friendly, positive relationships
between children. Develop aesthetic feelings, arouse desire
maintain cleanliness and order in the group, on the site. Bring up
respect for the work of kindergarten staff.
"Mothers Day"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the public holiday "Day
mothers." Teach a kind, attentive attitude towards the mother.
To form warm feelings for the dearest person to mom.
Cultivate a sense of kindness, respect, responsiveness, love.
Teach children to maintain a conversation, express positive
"New Year"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the New Year holiday and
traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Continue

to acquaint with the history of the origin of the fairy-tale characters of Grandfather
Frost and Snow Maiden. Tell about the traditions of the New Year's Eve;
cultivate love for the history of Russia, national pride;
to cultivate love for Russian folk art. Develop
the ability to keep up a conversation.
Purpose: to explain to children the meaning of Baptism, to tell how
Christianity came to Rus'. Build a sense of patriotism and
respect for the past of their homeland, to form an idea of
the importance of baptism, the adoption of Orthodoxy, to develop
ability to perceive, analyze literary
works, the ability to express their feelings.
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the holiday - Maslenitsa.
To develop interest in Russian folk holidays, to attach them to
traditions of Russian and Kuban culture. Cultivate a feeling
respect for the folk traditions of Russian culture.
"Our Army".
Purpose: to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first
ideas about the types of troops, about the defenders of the Fatherland. introduce
children with military equipment. Cultivate love for the Motherland, feelings
pride in your army. Cultivate the desire to be like
strong Russian soldiers.
"March 8"
Purpose: to draw the attention of children to the holiday "March 8" and develop
they have an interest in the tradition of celebrating it. Bring up
respectful, gentle and noble attitude towards mothers,
grandmothers. Careful and sensitive attitude towards the entire female sex,
the need to please loved ones with good deeds. deepen
children's knowledge about the role of mothers and grandmothers in their lives; contribute
creating positive emotional experiences in children and
joyful mood from the holiday. Develop skill

keep up the conversation. Encourage attempts to express your point
point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.
"First cosmonaut"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the feat of Yu. A. Gagarin, his
significance for humanity. Enrich children's ideas about
space, astronauts, space equipment, use
space for the benefit of people. Develop an interest in
space as an object of the surrounding world. Initiate Activity
children, the desire to learn new things about space. Nurture a feeling
pride in your country. Develop conversational skills.
Improve the dialogic form of speech.
"Victory Day"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the history of their country, with
defenders of the Fatherland. Strengthen children's knowledge of how
Russian people defended their Motherland during the Great
Patriotic War. To develop the speech and thinking of children,
ability to justify their statements. Bring up
a sense of respect for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War,
desire to take care of them.
Purpose: to introduce children to folk ritual holiday ­
Easter, its customs, traditions, new words and their meaning;
with the Orthodox tradition of the Easter egg as a symbol
resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday. Enrich
children's vocabulary; to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian
people. Learn to see beauty, originality and originality
products of folk art.
"KubanOur Motherland"
Purpose: to continue to introduce children to history native land V
war years 1941-1945 Bring up careful attitude To
people's memory, a sense of gratitude to the veterans of the Great
Patriotic war. To form awareness of the essence of the concept of Motherland

as the place where a person was born. Raising love for the motherland,
interest in her heroic history; building a sense of pride
for warriors - defenders.
"Cossacks - defenders of the Fatherland"
Purpose: To form in children an interest in the heroic past and
the present of their Fatherland. Build the qualities you need
future defenders of the Fatherland. Cultivate love for your little one
Motherland, the desire to learn more about the life of their ancestors. Develop
interest in art. Continue to introduce
folklore and musical heritage of the Kuban folk
creativity. To instill in children the desire to carry the title with honor
Cossack and be the defender of their homeland.
"Funny Matryoshkas"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size.
Invite children to remember the rules:
1. Never run away from a dog. She may take you for a game and
2. If you want to pet the dog, ask the owner for permission.
Stroke her carefully, do not make sudden movements.
3.Do not feed or touch other people's dogs during meals and during
4. Do not approach a dog on a leash.
5. Stay away from guard dogs. They are often taught to throw
to people who come close.
6. Do not touch the puppies and do not try to take away the object with which
the dog is playing.
7. Cats can be dangerous too. They can scratch you a lot
and bite.
"Vitamins strengthen the body"
Goal: to continue to reinforce children's knowledge of the benefits of vitamins for
our body. Introduce the concept of "vitamins of group" A,
B, C, D, E ”and the products in which they are contained. Pin
children's knowledge about the need for vitamins in the body

about the benefits of foods containing vitamins.
Cultivate the desire to be healthy.
"Daily routine: what is it for?"
Purpose: to develop healthy lifestyle habits in children,
associated with the regime of the day; ability to take action
corresponding to the regime of the day (exercises, hygiene procedures,
walk). Cultivate a love of work physical education And
desire to lead healthy lifestyle life.
"Clean health"
Purpose: to educate children in the habit of washing themselves,
wash hands with soap before eating, when dirty, after
toilet use; to consolidate the ability to use a comb,
handkerchief; teach children to cough and sneeze
turn away, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.
Ensure that children consciously observe the rules of personal
hygiene, understood their importance. Cultivate meticulousness
neatness. Teach the basics of aesthetic attitude to your
appearance; make it clear to children that the appearance of a person plays
important role in life continue to consolidate knowledge culturally
hygiene rules.
"Dangerous Items at Home"
Purpose: to reinforce in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife-threatening and
health items, about the rules for using piercing, cutting
it is strictly forbidden to use (matches, gas stove,
stove, electrical sockets, included electrical appliances); O
items that adults should keep out of reach
places (household chemicals, medicines, cutting tools).
To form knowledge that for safety all items are necessary
put in place. Strengthen knowledge about what
If necessary, adults call "01", "02", "03".
"If you walk alone"
Consolidate knowledge of subjects

what is a flower.
Purpose: to develop in children the concept of the need to comply
safety rules while walking without adults. form
skills of behavior in relations with strangers. fasten
rule "Do not touch unfamiliar objects on the street." "Never!
Nowhere! Never go with a stranger!
Purpose: to give an idea
Teach children
classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field,
house). Mark the meaning, the role of flowers for life and activity
humans, animals, insects. Learn to recognize garden flowers
from field, forest flowers. Deepen children's knowledge and understanding
about flowers, their appearance, places of growth.
"Garden Flowers"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with a variety of flowering
garden plants. Describe the life cycle of a plant.
To promote the formation of respect for flowers,
desire to take care of plants.
"Indoor plant"
Goal: continue to reinforce elementary skills in children
ideas about indoor plants: the plant has a stem,
leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with earth and
drainage; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to
distinguish indoor plants from garden plants.
To consolidate the ability to care for indoor plants: water,
loosen the earth in a pot, wipe the leaves; do everything by
need. Introduce children to methods of reproduction
indoor plants (cuttings, bulbs, tubers,
aerial and basal processes, stem cuttings,
division of rhizomes, cut leaves).
"Meadow Flowers"

Purpose: to introduce meadow plants (chamomile,
bell, carnation); learn to name them and recognize them by
color, shape of leaves, flowers, stem; complete the dictionary
counting words denoting the name of plants and their characteristics.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards the plants of the meadow. Formation
a holistic picture of the world, expanding horizons, familiarization with
nature. Introduction to elementary norms and rules
behavior in nature.
"Wintering Birds"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about wintering birds.
Learn to distinguish wintering birds by their voices and appearance;
lead to the understanding that wintering birds can be helped,
hanging feeders.
Consolidate children's knowledge about food that can be used in
bird feeding.
Cultivate interest and respect for birds.
"Migratory birds"
Purpose: to form a generalized idea of ​​migratory
birds, to learn to distinguish by an essential feature: the ability
meet the need for food. Deepen your understanding of
reasons for the departure of birds (disappearance of the main food, freezing
reservoirs, land), (swallow, rook, duck, starling, heron, crane,
cuckoo, nightingale, swan) based on establishing a connection between
the nature of the food and the possibility of obtaining it.

Purpose: to consolidate, clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the life of birds, about
how birds adapt to winter. Know wintering and
migratory birds. Give an idea of ​​some nomads
birds that come from the north and live with us until spring (finches,
bullfinches, waxwings, crossbills). Cultivate respect for
birds, the desire to feed them. Develop the ability to support


"Protect nature"
Objectives: to expand children's ideas about plant and animal
world, to develop the ability to observe, analyze, develop
logical thinking. Cultivate love for the native land and
the ability to behave properly in nature. Give the kids a show
about how people care about nature, love it. Bring up
respect for the forest, the desire to do good deeds.
"Be Polite"
Purpose: to cultivate a culture of communication between boys and girls.
To instill in boys the desire to protect girls, to help them,
and the girls thank the boys for the service rendered.
To develop in children the understanding that politeness is
person. Encourage attempts to express their point of view,
agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.
"Our kindergarten is a big family"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about kindergarten employees,
the ability to call them by name and patronymic, the habit of greeting and
say goodbye to them. Cultivate modesty, the ability to show
caring for others, be grateful for help and
signs of attention.
"Countries of Friendship"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about what it means to "be able to
make friends” the ability to play together, share toys. Teach
comprehend and evaluate the situation, independently understand
motives of behavior and correlate these motives with existing norms
behavior. Introduce proverbs and sayings about
friendship. Cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor, not to be afraid
express your point of view, clearly answer the questions
questions. Continue to develop dialogic speech.
"Rules of conduct at the table at home and in kindergarten"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table.
Learn how to use a fork and knife
simultaneously. Leaving the table, quietly push the chair, thank
adults. Cultivate accuracy. Teaching kids the right way
answer the questions asked, ask your own questions
Purpose: to systematize children's ideas about winter phenomena
in winter, learn to establish a relationship between air temperature,
the state of water, land, plants, animal life, birds. Learn
to notice and give an aesthetic assessment of winter landscapes.
To form a poetic perception of nature. Develop memory,
thinking, imagination. Cultivate a caring attitude
nature of the native land.
Purpose: to generalize and expand ideas about spring, signs
the onset of spring. Learn to appreciate the beauty of nature
expressiveness of the image, mood.
Cultivate caring
relation to the nature of the native land. Encourage attempts to express
your point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about characteristics
autumn; learn to find them in nature; clarifying ideas about
autumn changes in plant life. Learn
to establish relationships between the length of the day, temperature
air, the condition of plants, the availability of food for
animals. Cultivate cognitive interest, careful and
aesthetic attitude to nature, sensitivity to the perception of beauty
autumn landscape.
Purpose: to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​summer, about
summer plants and animal life at this time of the year;

to clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural
labor in the summer. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly;
nurture the desire to share their knowledge and memories
with peers.
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with insects - a butterfly,
ant, bee (appearance, habits, reproduction) and give
ideas about the relationship of any living organism with the environment
a habitat. Activate vocabulary (notches, pollen, nectar, cells,
honeycombs). Cultivate love and respect for all living things;
develop logical thinking.
"About the profession of a fireman"
Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a firefighter.
Activate children's interest in various professions. Pin
fire safety rules. Cultivate respect for people
courageous and heroic professions.
"On the profession of builders"
Purpose: to expand ideas about the profession of builders. Summarize
knowledge about construction professions; show the importance of the profession
builders. Cultivate respect for people
labor. Expand the idea that their work is collective,
that quality depends on the conscientious work of one person
the labor of another.
Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the profession of a postman, about
the need and usefulness of his work. Expand the overall
awareness of the world around
children. To form in children the elementary experience of professional
actions. Improve dialogical speech: teach
participate in the conversation, understandably for others to answer questions and
ask them.

“Acquaintance with the work of the artist - illustrator Yu. A.
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the work of Yu. Vasnetsov, to form
interest in him. Show like an artist with tools
expressiveness (shape, color, decor, movements) conveys different
emotional states and mood of the characters. Bring up
respect for the work of artists, the desire to understand beauty,
poetry, decorativeness of the images they create.
"Wild Animals of the North"
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the appearance of wild
animals. Give the concept that all animals have a thick, dense
wool, so they are warm even in severe frost. Tell children about
the habits of the animals of the North, and what they eat.
Instill a love for animals.
" Pets"
Purpose: to consolidate the concept of "pets". Learn to compose
descriptive stories about pets using models.
Develop creative imagination. Develop logical thinking
children, to educate a kind and sensitive attitude towards animals.
« folk culture and traditions"
Objective: to continue to introduce children to folk traditions And
customs, with folk decorative applied arts
(Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel). Expand your understanding of folk
toys (matryoshka, Gorodets, Bogorodskaya, spillikins).
Encourage children to develop a sustainable interest in
folk art and art. Build respect for work
and the talent of the masters. To develop a sense of belonging in children
legacy of the past.
"My Favorite Kindergarten"
Purpose: to cultivate love for your kindergarten,
friendly attitude towards peers. Bring up

respect for kindergarten staff, the ability to call them by
name and patronymic, the habit of greeting and saying goodbye to
them. Cultivate modesty and respect.
"Our Motherland Russia".
Purpose: to cultivate love and respect for the Motherland, to acquaint with
State symbols of Russia, continue to acquaint children
with native land. To instill in children a sense of patriotism,
respect for their country.
"My favorite toys"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about toys: their meaning, rules
use. Learn to use nouns with a generalizing
value. To form the habit of children to put toys in place.
Cultivate respect for toys, mutual assistance,
desire to work. We continue to teach children to answer questions
a detailed answer, without interrupting each other; express your
point of view to justify it.
Purpose: to form in children an interest in the theater. Expand knowledge
children about the theater as a kind of art.
introduce theatrical terminology (actor, director,
illuminator, dresser, make-up artist). Teach children basic skills
areas of theatrical art (the use of facial expressions, gestures,
voices, puppetry). Develop the ability to support children


Conversation “Rules for duty officers” Purpose:remind children how to set the table, teach them to act consistently and accurately, discuss the importance of the work being done. Continue to develop the labor skills necessary for duty.

Conversation "How did I spend my summer?" Target:invite children to talk about family photos based on summer holiday, teaches to answer the questions of the teacher. To develop coherent speech in children, to form coherent speech in children, to form communication skills.

Ethical conversation "Polite request" Purpose:help children understand the meaning of polite words when communicating with someone with a request. To teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions, events, to understand their essence.

Conversation, analysis of situations "Etiquette in kindergarten" Purpose: continue to form cultural hygiene skills in children. Introduce the concept of "etiquette", form ideas about the rules of etiquette that must be observed in kindergarten, learn to compare their actions with the prescriptions of etiquette. Consider different situations, explain how to act in them.

OBJ Conversation "On the way to kindergarten" Purpose: to form in children ideas about a safe route from home to kindergarten. To develop observation, attention, coherent speech, memory, to form the ability to remember the sequence of events, to convey information and impressions in words.

Ethical conversation "Fairy teaches politeness" Purpose:Together with the children, remember the rules of polite communication. To give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images of fiction and other types of art.

Conversation on the topic "Vegetable store is ...?" Target:clarify children's ideas about the vegetable store, activate in speech: the names of vegetables and fruits, verbs denoting the actions of sellers and buyers; quality adjectives.

Conversation on the topic "Moscow - the capital of Russia." Target:to update and supplement knowledge about the capital of our Motherland, Moscow. Arouse a desire to learn more about this city, its history.

Conversation "Families big and small" Purpose:to give the children an idea that, regardless of the number of relatives, the seed is a home for the child, where he is loved and taken care of. Show children how grandparents take care of their family. It is important that children understand that older people need help, that they need to be taken care of.

Conversation "Close together, but boring apart" Purpose: tell children how to avoid a quarrel, how to make peace, teach them to see the moral side of this or that situation, learn to evaluate their own actions and the actions of other people.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation "I am a pedestrian." Target:continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on the street, invite the children to tell how pedestrians should act in various situations.

Conversation “Our country is Russia. nature of our country. Target:update, systematize and supplement children's knowledge about the nature of our country, its diversity. Encourage children to want to know more about it.

Conversation on the topic "What grows is alive!" Target:invite children to tell about why plants should be treated with care, how to take care of them. To form ideas about the diversity of nature and the relationship of its objects. Enrich the vocabulary with figurative words and expressions.

Conversation "We ride in public transport" Purpose:to form the basis of safe behavior, to consider various situations with children, to discuss the rules of behavior in in public places, in transport. Offer to tell why it is important to be polite, show respect for adults and peers.

Conversation “Food is tasty and healthy - What grows in the garden” Purpose: to teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, arrange events in a certain sequence, lead to an understanding of how to eat right.

Ethical conversation "Cultural man". Target:invite children to talk about what a cultured person should be like, to generalize, supplement and concretize their ideas. Teach children to analyze and draw conclusions using the example of various situations.

Conversation "What I think about myself and about others." Target:to develop in children the ability to analyze their actions and deeds, to correlate them with social norms of behavior. Develop coherent speech, learn to arbitrarily build sentences of different grammatical structures.

Conversation "My favorite animal". Target:activation of relevant concepts in the speech of children, the formation of the ability to compose a coherent story, to participate in a dialogue.

Ethical conversation "Ethical and unethical actions." Target:consider various situations with the children, discuss which of the people did the right thing and who broke the rules. To teach children to compare their desires and actions with ethical and moral standards, accepted rules of conduct.

Conversation "The city in which I live." Target:to consolidate the knowledge of children about the sights of their favorite city; learn to recognize protected places in photographs and name them. Develop coherent speech, imagination, the ability to select adjectives, coordinate words in sentences.

Conversation about the rights of the child "Name, patronymic and surname". Target:tell the children why it is important to know their rights and obligations, that a person receives a first name, patronymic and last name at birth by agreement of the parents.

Conversation about the rules of behavior at the table. Target:Invite the children to remember the most important rules of behavior at the table, to depict them with the help of symbols (eat, slowly, chew food thoroughly; remember that all troubles occur due to haste or due to pampering; you can’t talk, laugh at food; you need to clean up after yourself, etc.). Teach children to follow the rules when eating.

Conversation "Who built a kindergarten." Target:To give children an idea of ​​the importance of the work of builders, to tell about different construction specialties, instill respect for their profession.

Conversation "Bread is the head of everything" Purpose:will consolidate in children knowledge about bread and about the work of people who grow bread. Enrich the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives. Activate the use of figurative expressions in speech (“Work in the sweat of your brow”, “What you sow, you will reap”). To consolidate knowledge of the rites associated with the harvest


Conversation "How plants prepare for winter" Purpose:to form primary ideas about the signs of autumn, the cyclical nature of changes, to learn to observe and summarize the results of observations: according to changes in the weather, the appearance of plants, to establish the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

Conversation “Chickens are counted in the fall” Purpose:explain to children the meaning of idiomatic expressions. To develop the cognitive sphere of children, to form the ability to generalize knowledge, highlight similarities and differences.

Conversation "Transport" Purpose:teach children to correctly name the types of transport and machine parts. Exercise in the formation of prefixed verbs and adjectives from nouns. Encourage the use of comparisons, definitions in speech.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation "Let's save the house from fire" Purpose: to acquaint children with fire safety rules, tell how you can make drawings at home with your parents - “reminders” about what is needed, turning off gas, electrical appliances, and light when leaving.

Conversation "Weather and health" Purpose:generalize and supplement children's ideas about the features autumn weather about the health hazards it poses. Learn to dress for the weather and follow basic safety rules.

Ethical conversation "Stupid people quarrel, but smart people negotiate" Purpose:help children understand that quarrels can lead to trouble. How to avoid a quarrel and what ways children know for reconciliation. Learn to observe ethical standards of behavior.

Conversation “If the family is together, the soul is in place” Purpose:to form a value attitude towards the family, as moral basis education. To systematize and deepen children's knowledge about the family and within family relationships. To form in children a sense of love and respect for the closest and dearest people - family members, pride in their family, spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to home, family. To deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior and norms of relationships in the family, family traditions.

Conversation on the topic: "How did I spend my day off?" Target:to form the ability to compose stories from experience, conveying well-known events; with the help of a teacher, build a story in accordance with the requirements for the structure of the plot narrative (exposition - a description of the characters, time and place of action; plot - the cause of the event, the development of the event, the denouement).

Conversation with children on the topic "The best." Target:invite children to tell about why they love their mother, what she is, to help them understand that mother needs care, help, she needs to be protected, try not to upset.

Conversation "How people equipped their home before." Target:to expand children's ideas about the life of our ancestors, their way of life. Awaken children's interest in the history, cultural heritage of their people, develop their imagination.

Conversation on the topic "Customs and occupations of our ancestors." Target:expand and systematize children's ideas about the customs of our ancestors, the traditions of their native land. To help understand the meaning of the various traditions of the past. To instill a sense of pride in the rich heritage of our ancestors.

Conversation on life safety "When you are left alone at home." Target:discuss with the children what rules to follow if the child is left at home alone. Ask to explain what rules the goats violated - the characters of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Goats". Tell how to act in a similar situation in real life.

Conversation "Who is called humble" Purpose:bring to the attention of the children various situations, discuss which of the participants behaves modestly and who is defiant. Learn to evaluate behavior and its consequences.

Conversation "Lesson of friendship" Purpose:discuss with children what children know about friendship, friends. What does it mean to be friends. To form the ability to reasonably evaluate their actions and the actions of friends. Update and clarify children's ideas about friendship, about the forms of relationships in the team. Invite them to recall various situations and qualify the actions of their participants as friendly or not friendly.

Conversation “How health is taken care of in our family” Purpose:invite children to talk about family traditions associated with a healthy lifestyle, about how they take care of their health, about their close family members. Contribute to the formation of a conscious attitude to health.

Conversation "Colorful mood". Target:to form in children the ability to pay attention to their actions, experiences, attitudes towards others, to teach the simplest methods of self-regulation of behavior and mood.

A conversation about matches. Target:Tell the children about what matches are for, how they are arranged, what they are used for. Discuss the dangers of trying to use them yourself.


Conversation "How animals prepare for winter" Purpose:form ideas about seasonal changes in the life of animals and the variety of options for their preparation for winter; to cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds, the desire to feed them; to give the first ideas about the adaptation of animals to changes in nature.

Don't Be Greedy Conversation Purpose:continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards greed. To teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions, events, to understand their essence. To give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children.

Conversation " Beautiful places our city." Target:to consolidate children's ideas about the iconic places of their native city, to teach them to recognize them from photographs. Develop interest in your hometown.

OBZH Conversation "Don't play with fire!" Target:explain to children the danger of playing with fire, tell about the rules of behavior in case of a fire.

Conversation " Good Habits". Target:to form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, to consolidate ideas about what is useful and what is harmful to health. To form the foundations of health-saving competencies: possession of elementary ways of physical self-improvement, emotional self-regulation and self-control, the ability to apply personal hygiene practices, take care of one's own health and safety.

Conversation "I am among the people." Target:To form sociocultural competencies in children: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles (son-daughter, brother-sister, grandson-granddaughter, friend-girlfriend); the ability to act in everyday situations of the family and household sphere, in effective ways
we organize free time. Determine your place and role in the world around you, in the family, in the team.

Conversation "In the thirtieth kingdom" Purpose:bring to the attention of children excerpts from familiar fairy tales, teach to evaluate actions fairytale heroes with the help of the TRIZ method “Good - bad”, to teach to see their ambiguity. To learn to express in speech sympathy, empathy for the heroes of fairy tales, empathy.

Conversation on the topic "The street on which you live." Target:arouse in children a desire to learn about the history of the streets on which they live, to form informational competencies (learn to work with various sources information, search and select the necessary information).

Conversation on the topic "Coat of arms of the native city." Target:Tell the children about the functional meaning of the coat of arms, give an idea of ​​its history, tell about what is depicted on the coat of arms of the city.

OBZH Conversation "What can happen if you get your feet wet on the street." Target:tell children about preventive measures contributing to the prevention of various colds during late autumn. Learn to choose clothes and shoes according to the weather, follow the rules of safety on the street.

Conversation "In the world of polite words." Target:bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss which polite words are appropriate and necessary in each specific case what is the meaning and purpose of polite words.

Conversation "What good can be done for friends." Target:Introduce children to various situations, enrich the experience of showing a friendly disposition. Stimulate the desire to do something good for friends.

Conversation "My friend, girlfriend." Target:to develop coherent speech of children, to form the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Cultivate friendly feelings.

Conversation "Kindergarten - a second home." Purpose:invite children to compare kindergarten and home, say what is common, what are the differences. Tell about the work of many people who are trying to make the kindergarten cozy, and the stay of children in it comfortable. To educate the children in a caring attitude to everything that surrounds them in the garden.

life safety fundamentals Conversation "What do teeth like?" Target:teach children to take care of dental health, discuss what is good and what is harmful to teeth. Learn how to take good care of your teeth.

Conversation "Globe". Target:to expand children's ideas about our Motherland, about its place on planet Earth. Introduce the concepts of the North and South Poles, the Arctic and Antarctic. Develop curiosity.

Ethical conversation "My strengths and weaknesses". Target:to acquaint children with the concepts of “dignity” and “disadvantage”, to talk about the fact that, if desired, you can overcome any shortcomings in yourself. Make a table with the children in which you need to write down what each child wants to achieve or learn. In front of each desire, put a “-.” sign, which may soon turn into a “+”.

Conversation "Kapitoshka". Target:update children's ideas about the water cycle in nature, talk about how it happens this process in winter. Develop connected speech.

Conversation “My best friend is mom” Purpose:to develop coherent speech of children, to form the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. master the first initial views social character based on the formation of family affiliation.

Conversation "How I meet my mother" Purpose:activate in the speech of children sweet words and expressions, to offer to remember how the characters of various cartoons, fairy tales addressed each other. Discuss how a person's mood changes when kind words are used.

Ethical conversation "The bunny who helped everyone" Purpose:to introduce children to such a concept as mutual assistance, with the help of E. Bekhlerov's fairy tale "Cabbage Leaf" to explain to children that helping others can bring joy to those who provide it. Explain that real help disinterested.

Ethical conversation "Be able to see those who need help" Purpose:explain to children that all people need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

Ethical conversation "Good deeds" Purpose:reveal the meaning of the word "goodwill", talk about the need for a benevolent attitude towards other people, explain to children that a good deed brings joy to those who do it


Conversation "How did you spend your weekend?" Target:to teach children to accurately name the place where they were, to form the ability to talk about what they saw using accurate spatial designations, to activate ideas and vocabulary.

Conversation "Winter" Purpose:to consolidate knowledge about the seasons (especially about winter) and related natural phenomena and changes in the lives of people and animals.

OBJ Conversation "Meeting a stranger on the street" Purpose:educate children with caution in relation to strangers, consider behavior options in various situations, formulate general rules. To form in children caution, prudence, to teach to see potential danger avoid problematic situations.

Ethical conversation "The truth is always known" Purpose:help children understand that any lie is always revealed, that a person who lied feels guilty not only for his act, but also for telling a lie. Help to master such concepts as: "truth", "honesty", and their opposites: "untruth", "dishonesty", "falsehood", "deceit".

Ethical conversation "The lazy Fedorka always has excuses" Purpose:remember with children the rules that exist in every family: be attentive to each other, help relatives, take care of them, fulfill the requests of elders. Explain the essence of the proverb. Talk about the importance of work in human life, about its usefulness and significance.

OBZh Conversation “How not to get sick in winter” Purpose:to update children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior, health protection in winter period. To form a conscious attitude to health, to learn to take care of it, to form good habits.

Conversation "Our planet". Target:Introduce children to the names of various ecosystems, clarify the concepts: steppe, ocean, sea, lake, learn to name various objects of nature correctly.

OBZH Conversation on the topic "Safety when using electrical appliances." Target:tell children about the complexity of the device and the rules for using electrical appliances, explain why children should not independently turn on some electrical appliances (stove, iron, microwave, etc.), why you need to seek help from adults.

Conversation on the topic "If you are good." Target:to form children's ideas about justice (in a group all children are equal, one must be able to kindly distribute toys, roles in games, follow the rules of the game, not shift one's responsibility to a friend), learn to act in various situations. Enrich positive communication experience.

Presentation on theme: "Boys and Girls" Target:Invite the children to be divided into two teams - boys and girls. Each team needs to answer similar questions: “What do you like to play?”, “What dishes do you like?”, “What cartoon and fairy tale characters have become your favorite?” Discuss with the children what are the similarities and what are the differences in the preferences of boys and girls, what other gender differences are known to children.

OBJ Conversation "Safe outfit for the Christmas tree" Purpose: to acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. To form a positive attitude towards family and public holidays. Introduce children to safe garlands, enrich ideas about the dangers of pyrotechnics. To form ideas about safe ways of behavior of people.

to form communicative competencies in children: to teach various ways of interacting with people around them, to conduct a dialogue, to master the methods of joint activity in a group, methods of action in communication situations, to form the ability to seek and find compromises. Enrich positive communication experience.

Conversation on the topic "My family". Target:deepen children's ideas about family relationships (brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandson, granddaughter). To form socio-cultural competencies: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles; the ability to act in everyday situations of the family and household sphere, to determine one's place and role in the world around, in the family, in the team. Introduce children to cultural norms and traditions.

Conversation on the topic "My name". Target:Introduce children to the history of the origin of people's names, tell how people's names sound on different languages how our ancestors treated the name of a person. Discuss the terms "patronymic" and "surname". Expand vocabulary, introduce word-formation techniques.

Conversation "Let's meet!" Target:to teach children the rules of speech behavior during acquaintance: to update and supplement the ideas of children, to learn to use various models behavior and their corresponding speech constructions, Enrich the experience of communication, develop coherent speech.

Conversation with children on the topic "What can happen if ..." Purpose:to teach children to predict the consequences of events, to build a reasoning about the development of events, based on knowledge and personal experience. (What happens if you don't brush your teeth every day, if you get your feet wet outside?)

Conversation "Streets of our city". Target:Continue to acquaint children with the concepts of "street", "lane", "square", "square", with the streets of their native city. To form the idea of ​​​​children about themselves, as about the inhabitants of a certain city (village, village, town). To cultivate love for the native city, the desire to see it beautiful, clean.

Conversation on the topic "New Year's Moscow". Target:tell the children about main tree country is located in the capital of our Motherland, tell about new year events traditionally held in Moscow. To update and supplement children's ideas about new year traditions which are observed in the family of each of the children.

Conversation - analysis of situations "Home Alone" Purpose:invite children to consider plot pictures, make short stories based on them, explain the essence and reasons for what is happening. Discuss the relevant situations with the children. Learn to identify the source of danger, determine the category of a dangerous situation, choose a program of action based on previously mastered behavior patterns.

Conversation "Holiday in my family" Purpose:invite children to talk about the traditions and customs of celebrating the holiday in their family. To deepen children's ideas about kinship relationships, to acquaint them with cultural norms and traditions, to form socio-cultural competencies.

Conversation "Santa Claus is coming to us" Purpose:to teach children the rules of speech behavior while communicating with Santa Claus, to update the communication skills of children, to teach them to use various behaviors and their corresponding speech constructions. Enrich communication experience, develop coherent speech.

Conversation "Who to be" Purpose:continue to introduce children to various professions. To systematize and consolidate children's ideas about people of different professions, their business and professional qualities, about the significance of their work for society.

Conversation “We need to clean things up - we don’t have to look for them” Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of careful attitude to things; Remind them to save their time. To bring to the consciousness of children the idea that the attitude towards people is manifested through the attitude towards things, work.


Conversation "We are going to visit" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the rules of conduct at a party, offer to consider various situations, discuss how to act. Enrich the positive experience of communication, expand ideas about behavior patterns in certain situations.

OBJ Conversation - analysis of the situation “If you called by phone stranger" Target:to tell children about the need to be careful when communicating with strangers, to acquaint them with the relevant rules of personal safety. To teach children to act in various situations, taking into account these rules, to enrich the communicative experience of children.

Conversation "Winter morning" Purpose:to teach children, based on the results of observation, to answer questions, to activate in speech concepts related to natural phenomena, objects of nature, and the actions of people. Develop observation, coherent speech.

Conversation "Weather in January" Purpose:invite the children to describe the weather and answer the questions: “Is it always frosty on a sunny day?” or "Is it always cloudy when it snows?" Discuss with the children how to check if their guesses are correct. Develop observation, learn to convey what you see in speech, enrich your vocabulary.

Conversation "How do forest animals winter?" Target:continue to acquaint children with wild animals, enrich ideas about the features of their life in the winter. Talk about how they warm their homes for the winter, how they get food in the cold season and prepare for hibernation.

Conversation with children on the topic "Our Friendly family" Target:invite children to talk about their families, about relationships in the family, about their favorite holidays. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

Ethical conversation "My attitude towards other people." Target:to teach children to choose the right line of behavior in relation to people in various situations, to show by examples that the same model of behavior in one case will be ideal, and in another - unacceptable.

Conversation "Our heart - with a fist!" Target:To acquaint children with the purpose and work of the heart, with elementary rules to strengthen and protect the heart.

Conversation "Do not pronounce all tongue twisters." Target:continue to acquaint children with the types of oral folk art: proverbs, tongue twisters and sayings; pay attention to the ability of the Russian people to notice and accurately, vividly express in words what is noticed. Raise interest in the work of the Russian people.

Ethical conversation "How to handle a book" Purpose:Invite the children to tell what can happen to a book if it is handled carelessly, drawing on their experience in a book repair shop. Organize a drawing competition on the theme "Illustrations for favorite fairy tales."

Conversation "We know everything, we can do everything." Target:to teach children to formulate rules of behavior in certain situations, to analyze their own actions for their compliance with accepted rules, to explain their thoughts and conclusions.

Conversation "What good deed have I done?" Target:to consider with the children various situations that have taken place in the life of the group, to invite the children to name the good deeds they have done. Teach children to find a place for good deeds, to be proud of them.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation "Traffic signals". Target:Discuss with the children what the traffic light is for, why you need to cross the road only at the green traffic light. Invite the children to consider various situations and answer the question “What can happen if in this situation you don’t “listen” to the traffic light?”

Conversation "Why do we need rules?" Target:bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss the rules that must be observed. Offer to imagine what will happen if everyone does not act according to the rules, but as he wants. Help to draw a conclusion about what the rules are for.

Conversation "Magic words". Target:Invite children to choose polite - "magic" words necessary in various situations. Enrich vocabulary, the desire to be polite.

Conversation "My dream". Target:to develop in children creative imagination, fantasy, logical thinking, coherent speech.

Ethical conversation "Power is not right." Target:invite children to consider various situations from the life of the group, from cartoons and fairy tales beloved by children. To teach to single out actions committed from a position of strength, without taking into account the interests of the other side, to show the negative consequences of these actions.

Conversation "Unintentionally and intentionally." Target:Tell the children about the motives behind different actions. To show, using examples, how actions are sometimes performed out of good motives that seem bad to others, and vice versa. Learn to see not only the act, but also what caused it.

Conversation "Animals near us" Purpose:to draw the attention of children to the fact that living creatures live next to them, which require attention and care, to give an idea that each animal is adapted to certain conditions accommodation and food. Cultivate a caring, respectful attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for it


Conversation “Weather conditions in February” Purpose:to acquaint children with the peculiarities of February weather conditions, with natural phenomena characteristic of this month (blizzards, ice, the formation of icicles, massive snow “caps” on roofs). Familiarize yourself with dangerous situations that may arise in data weather conditions learn to identify the source of danger, to avoid it.

Conversation "Caution, ice" Purpose:to acquaint children with the basic rules of movement on a slippery surface, to form the skills of a careful and prudent attitude towards their health. To form ideas about potentially dangerous situations for a person, to learn how to avoid them.

Conversation "Means of hygiene for the oral cavity" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with oral hygiene products, talk about the purpose of such products as dental floss, tongue brush, toothbrush, paste, mouthwash. To form a conscious attitude to health, the desire to properly care for the teeth.

Conversation "The benefits and harms of chewing gum" Purpose:introduce children to useful and harmful properties chewing gum, talk about life situations where adult-supervised chewing gum is beneficial. To consolidate knowledge about hygiene products.

OBZH Conversation "Stranger" Purpose: to teach children to act correctly in various situations, to find solutions on their own, to accurately express their thoughts. Learn to apply the previously mastered rules of safe behavior, follow the rules of behavior when communicating with a stranger.

OBZH Conversation "For closed door" Target:during the discussion, lead the children to formulate the rules of behavior if they are alone at home (under no circumstances should you open the door to strangers, you should not leave the door open ...). Develop safe behavior skills in various situations.

Conversation "Polite request" Purpose:to acquaint children with speech structures of a request addressed to different people(to an older stranger, older close person, peer). Learn to choose suitable options expressions of request in various situations.

Conversation "Forests of Russia". Target:expand children's ideas about the types of forests (deciduous: birch grove, oak forest; coniferous: pine forest, spruce forest; mixed forests). Learn to name the forest according to the predominant plant species, introduce the inhabitants of various forests.

OBZH Conversation "The danger of talking at the table." Target:to acquaint children with the purpose, structure and work of the digestive system, tell why a person eats. Teach children to take care of their health, observe the rules of etiquette and safety at the table.

Conversation on the topic "Russian matryoshka" Purpose:to intensify the interest of children in the life of their ancestors, products of folk arts and crafts, folklore of Russia. To acquaint with oral, folk art dedicated to the Russian matryoshka.

Conversation "The World of Adults" Purpose:to expand children's ideas about the variety of roles of adults in society, to teach them to "try on" various roles, to identify the personal qualities that are necessary for their performance.

Conversation "Let's put up" Purpose:To develop in children the ability to understand other people, to teach them to see motives, not to be offended over trifles. Encourage peace, responsiveness.

Conversation "Winter - winter - winter!" Target:show the children on the examples of the works of Russian poets, glorifying the winter, the beauty and grandeur of the Russian winter. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Conversation about the culture of behavior "Behavior in public in transport."

Tasks. Tell children how to behave in public transport, consider various situations, compare the compliance of participants' behavior with the rules; learn to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation about the culture of behavior "Behavior in public transport" Purpose:Tell children how to behave in public transport, consider various situations, compare the compliance of participants' behavior with the rules; learn to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Purpose:to update, systematize and supplement the knowledge of children about how animals adapt to adverse living conditions in winter. Offer to consider a cat, analyze its behavior in winter and other periods of the year, draw appropriate conclusions.

Conversation "On Compliance" Purpose:explore different situations with children. Discuss what qualities their participants show (mutual respect, kindness, mutual assistance, compassion, pity, empathy). Help children understand why it is important to be able to give in.

Conversation "The house in which you live" Purpose:To update and supplement the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in the entrance, in the house, in the yard. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to maintain order where the children live.

Conversation " Wide carnival" Target:continue to acquaint children with Russian traditions of hospitality, with the Maslenitsa holiday, and with its characteristic rituals. Awaken interest in the history of the Russian people.

Conversation "Birthday Gift" Purpose:to teach children to focus on the interests of the person to whom it is addressed when choosing a gift, to discuss how you can find out about the interests of a friend.

Conversation "Kind words" Purpose:to teach children to use kind "magic" words in speech, to consider various situations in which they are needed. Discuss how the attitude towards the person using these words changes.

Conversation "In healthy body healthy mind Goal:to expand children's ideas about the components of a healthy lifestyle; proper nutrition, movement, hardening.

Conversation "Beautiful, but dangerous" Purpose:to supplement children's knowledge about the formation of icicles, to clarify what natural factors contribute to their occurrence. Tell what safety signs are installed in places where icicles can collapse.

Conversation “Winter lived in a hut by the forest at the edge” Purpose:to consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter, about the life of animals in winter, about folk signs. To intensify the use of adjectives, figurative words and expressions in the speech of children. Cultivate a caring attitude in children.


Conversation "Spring" Purpose:consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring. Exercise in the use of words denoting signs, actions of objects, and phenomena. Develop creative thinking, children's fantasy. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

Ethical conversation "Conversation with the younger" Purpose:to form in children the skills of cultural behavior when communicating with kids, to learn to understand age characteristics younger children, to build relationships with them correctly, to play the role of elders, to take responsibility.

Conversation "Russia is our Motherland" Purpose:consolidate children's knowledge about nature, about Russian national costume, about Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes. To instill in children love for their Motherland, to arouse admiration for the beauty of Russian nature, the creativity of the Russian people.

Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior on the topic "Bread" Purpose:to update and supplement the ideas of children about how bread is grown, about the work of grain growers. To instill in children respect for the bread and work of these people.

Conversation "My city" Purpose:to update and supplement the knowledge of children about the history of the emergence of their native city, important events and famous countrymen. Raise a sense of pride in your city and responsibility for its future.

Conversation "How I help my mother" Purpose:discuss with children why it is important to help elders, teach them to talk about their responsibilities. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, to encourage independence.

Conversation "Our mothers" Purpose:discuss with children who their mothers are by profession, form ideas about social roles performed by each person. Learn to write a short story - a riddle about the profession. Develop fantasy, verbal imagination.

Conversation "Shrovetide" Purpose:to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone of the most fun folk holidays, about how they spent Shrovetide week. To acquaint with the rituals, with the symbolism of the holiday, talk about the purpose of songs, invocations, sentences. Raise interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Conversation " family competition" Target:invite children to invite their family members to participate in the competition for the best pancake recipe and the most interesting " Shrovetide story". Discuss what is required to enter the competition. To instill in children an interest in family traditions, to promote the formation of productive child-parent relationships.

Conversation "Seed - seedling - tomato" goal:to consolidate children's knowledge of how a plant can be grown from seeds, to clarify ideas about vegetable crops and their seeds (tomatoes and cucumbers). To acquaint with the methods of planting seeds, tell how to grow seedlings.

Conversation "Poetry Day" Purpose: tell children that World Poetry Day is celebrated in March, invite them to remember and tell poems that each of the children likes. Continue to explain based on what you have read. genre features poems. Read out excerpts with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets, learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

Ethical conversation "Help a friend everywhere, leave him nowhere" Purpose:continue to develop figurative speech. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate a sense of friendship, mutual assistance.

Conversation on the topic "Old - old woman" Purpose:to teach children to compare how the corners of the city looked, various items in the past and today, to teach to use historical names in speech, to activate and supplement children's ideas about the life of our ancestors.

Conversation on the topic "Library" Purpose:tell children how books are created and by whom, continue to acquaint them with the work of the library. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, to activate the dictionary.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything” Purpose:continue to acquaint children with various professions, talk about the profession of a grain grower, its significance. To develop interest in various professions, to cultivate respect for working people, a careful attitude to bread.

Conversation "Bouncer - who is this?" Target:to teach children to distinguish between boasting and a joke, exaggeration, to see the negative in boasting. Offer to consider various situations, see how others perceive boasting, how they treat boasters.

Conversation "Sorceress water" Purpose:Invite the children to tell about the importance of water in our life, to summarize, specify and supplement the answers of the children. Describe where and in what form water exists.

Conversation "Our capital" Purpose:to update, clarify and supplement children's knowledge about Moscow. Learn to talk about familiar historical places, monuments and other sights.

Conversation "My rights" Purpose:update and supplement the previously acquired knowledge of children about the rights of the child. Form ideas in the ratio of desires, needs and human rights.


Conversation "Day of Smiles" Purpose:tell the children about the holiday, which is celebrated on April 1, about the role of humor, Have a good mood in people's lives. Discuss why a person's mood changes, how to improve it. Develop a sense of humor and communication skills.

Acquaintance with art: conversation "Bogorodsk toy" Purpose:To summarize the knowledge of children about clay toys - Dymkovo and Filimonovo; to acquaint with the history of the Bogorodsk craft; to deepen knowledge about folk art.

OBZH Conversation "Home address" Purpose:find out if all children remember their home address; discuss why it is important to know your address, in what situations it may come in handy. Tell how to avoid unpleasant situations, how to act if lost.

Conversation "Power is not right" Purpose:Invite the children to consider various situations whose heroes act from a position of strength, evaluate their actions, suggest what other people feel in these situations, what they think about those who resolve issues by force. To teach a sensitive, benevolent attitude towards comrades, to encourage moral deeds.

Conversation "Journey to the land of road signs" Purpose:to teach children to use their knowledge in the game about the rules for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians along the streets of the city, about road signs, to systematize the ideas of children on this topic. Develop attention, visual perception, form the ability to compare.

Ethical conversation "My attitude towards other people" Purpose:consider different situations with children, teach them to choose right line behavior, tactfully express their thoughts and feelings.

Conversation "Who will praise me?" Target:to teach children to see in the external appearance a reflection of the internal state of a person, to focus on it when building interaction. Learn to use polite words according to the situation.

Conversation "Can you make friends?" Target:to acquaint children with sayings about friendship and friends, urging us to be tolerant of people, to show indulgence to the small shortcomings of our friends, but not to recognize people who do bad things as friends.

Conversation "How the love of loved ones helps babies grow" Purpose:to help children comprehend the meaning of love for the life of the family, each of its members; learn to distinguish between such qualities as love, respect, friendship.

Conversation "I am brave" Purpose:invite the children to talk about what worries each of the children, to show that there is a way out of any situation. Consider various problem situations with the children, find options for getting out of them, help them master the appropriate speech constructions. To develop in children a sense of security, self-confidence.

Conversation about animals. Target:talk with children about animals, talk about their habits, attitude towards a person, the role of a person in his life. Nurture a feelingcompassion for homeless animals, to teach to show a kind attitude towards them.

Conversation "How we breathe" Purpose:to introduce children to the structure of the respiratory system, the work of the lungs, to tell what role the nose plays for breathing. Teach children to take care of the health of the respiratory system.

Conversation "Art of the native land" Purpose:introduce children to the paintings of contemporary artists; learn to name familiar places, monuments, city streets. To form interest in inventive art, to teach to perceive the content of works.

OBJ Conversation “Learning to follow the rules of the road” Purpose:Discuss with the children why a traffic light is needed, a pedestrian crossing sign, offer to explain why it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, cross the road in the places designated for this.

Conversation "Who is an architect?" Target:To acquaint children with the profession of an architect, to talk about the significance of his activities, about the tools of labor. Raise interest and respect for this profession.

Conversation "My favorite dishes" Purpose:help children write a story about their food preferences, talk about their favorite dishes. To learn to use concepts related to the time of day in speech, to distinguish between dishes traditionally served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Conversation "I'm going to the theater" Purpose:consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of conduct in public places, consider various situations that may arise in the theater, choose with children optimal models behavior. Stimulate in children the desire to behave culturally. Help to master the appropriate speech constructions.

Conversation "The most daring" Purpose:to continue to acquaint children with the life of the first cosmonaut of the planet, to form the desire to be like a hero, to educate purposefulness, perseverance in achieving goals. Invite the children to tell about what qualities they like in the character of astronauts, what they want to become.

OBZH Conversation “Safety at water bodies” Purpose:to acquaint children with such phenomena as ice drift, river flooding, to teach them to see the beauty of natural phenomena and their destructive force. Develop the ability to avoid dangerous situations. To update and supplement children's knowledge about the rules of behavior near water bodies.

Conversation "Take care of the plants" Purpose:tell children about rare plants, about the reasons that led to the appearance of endangered species. Cultivate a caring attitude, teach to see the consequences of irresponsible actions.

OBZh Conversation "On the road" Purpose:to form in children ideas about situations that are dangerous for a person and how to behave in them. To learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between one's own safety and knowledge and use of traffic rules. Contribute to the improvement of dialogic speech, stimulate participation in the conversation.


Conversation "Learning to be kind" Purpose:consider various situations with children, discuss how you can show your disposition towards a person in each of them. To contribute to the enrichment of the experience of communication, the development of various models of behavior by children. Encourage the desire to be friendly towards people; learn how to properly express your emotional state in behavior.

Conversation "Who made the book?" Target:to form in children an interest in the work of people involved in the production of books, ideas about their work. Encourage them to take good care of books.

OBZh Conversation "I'm on the street" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in public places, offer to consider various situations, discuss how to act in each of them, and help children learn appropriate behaviors.

Conversation "The river of our region" Purpose:invite children to tell about the rivers they know, to consider photo and video materials dedicated to the rivers of their native land. Describe rivers, tell what their significance in life and economic activity of people.

Conversation "How to deal with stubbornness in yourself?" Target:Discuss with the children the differences between firmness of position on any issue, the ability to defend one's opinion and stubbornness. Explain why stubbornness is a bad character trait. To develop in children the skills of self-regulation and behavior control.

Conversation "Victory Day" Purpose:tell the children about the Great Patriotic War, about the cost of victory over fascism. To cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude for all those who defended the Motherland.

Conversation "What is heroism?" Target:form children's ideas about best qualities person, talk about heroism, cause the desire to imitate the heroes. To educate children in an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers.

Conversation "We are part of nature" Purpose:to form natural history and health-saving competencies in children: to expand the experience of orientation and environmental activities in the natural environment (in the forest, in the field, on water bodies, etc.).

Conversation "The Great Patriotic War" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with historical events, to cultivate respect for people who defended their homeland.

Ethical conversation "Behavior at the table" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the rules of etiquette, behavior patterns and speech structures of a polite expression of an invitation, gratitude, apology. Contribute to the development of patterns of behavior at the table, enriching the communicative experience of children.

Conversation "My phone rang" Purpose:teach children to observe speech etiquette when talking on the phone; to help them master the patterns of behavior in various situations and the corresponding speech constructions.

Conversation "I Empathize" Purpose:to teach children to be attentive to each other, to understand the mood and emotional state of their comrades, to express empathy, sympathy, to provide all possible assistance.

Conversation "The word "Hello" Purpose:consider different situations with the children, discuss what words of greeting are appropriate in each of them. To help master various behavior patterns and speech constructions used when meeting people of different ages, relatives, acquaintances and strangers. Enrich the vocabulary and communication experience of children.

OBZH Conversation "Safety in the forest" Purpose:introduce children to the rules of behavior in the forest, discuss them, explain the meaning. Invite the children to tell what will happen if this or that rule is violated.

Conversation "Matches are not a toy" Purpose:discuss with the children why in no case should you take matches, try to light them. Consider several problematic situations caused by the use of matches by children. Discuss what to do in the event of a fire.

Conversation "Teeth and care for them" Purpose:tell children about how teeth “work”, why it is very important to chew food thoroughly. Invite the children to tell how to take care of their teeth, summarize and supplement the children's answers, talk about the problems that may arise if the rules for caring for the teeth and oral cavity are violated.

Conversation "Our Names" Purpose:Tell the children about the meaning of the different names. Offer to tell how the children are affectionately called at home, learn to address each other by name, discuss how you can show your disposition towards a person in a conversation. To encourage the desire to show friendliness towards people, to teach to express an emotional state in behavior.

Conversation "History of the fire service in Russia" Purpose:to acquaint children with the history of the fire service, to cultivate interest and respect for the profession of a firefighter. Continue to form ideas about the role of work in people's lives.

OBZH Conversation "You and the fire" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the causes of a fire, teach them how to avoid fire hazards. To form a conscious attitude to personal safety, to bring up responsibility for the safety of others.

Conversation - analysis of the situation "At the holiday" Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the rules and models of safe behavior in public places. Learn to follow the rules of personal safety and cultural norms of behavior in various situations, to exercise caution and foresight in potentially dangerous places.

Conversation "Morning greeting" Purpose:remind children of the need to greet adults, peers, younger preschoolers, talk about the rules of etiquette associated with greetings. Work out behavior patterns in various situations, learn to use appropriate speech constructions.

Conversation "Who helps animals?" Target:continue to introduce children to different professions: a veterinarian, clinics where they help animals. Invite the children to make up stories personal experience about how veterinarians treat animals.

OBJ Conversation "You and water" Purpose:to update and systematize children's ideas about the rules of behavior near and in water, to acquaint them with potentially dangerous situations, ways to avoid and overcome them. To promote the assimilation of ideas about safe behavior.

Target: Continue to introduce children to the kindergarten, groups, and facilities in the buildingc. To cultivate love for children, respect for its employees, their work. To form the concept "I am a pupil of a nursery school", "children's house is my home."

    "Our Beloved Teacher"

Target: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of the educator, his caring attitude towards children, towards work. Show that the products of the work of the educator reflect his feelings, personal qualities, interests.

    "Me and my friends"

Target: Teaching children to recognize positive signs friendship, characteristics of friends.

    "Hobbies of friends"

Target : Expand children's knowledge about different types activities, hobbies.

    “Our kindergarten is so good - better than a garden you won't find"

Target : Clarify children's knowledge about d / s. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergartens.


    « My family»

Target: Introduce the term "family". Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

    « Family is me!

Target: To consolidate knowledge of their first name, last name and age, the name of their parents. To form a positive self-esteem, an image of I. (to help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).

    « What is a street»

Target: Form elementary ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalk, roadway. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the d / s is located; the house where the children live; explain the importance of knowing your address.

    « What distinguishes the city from the village»

Target: To form elementary ideas about the differences between the city and the village. Instill love for the native land. Cultivate a sense of pride in your city.

    « My city»

Target: To continue to fix the name of the native city, to acquaint with its sights.


    « Child and adults»

Purpose: To deepen ideas about people: to understand the difference between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothes, shoes, occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions.

    « What do you know about yourself?»

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of some organs (ears - to hear, eyes - to see, etc.). Awareness of some of your skills (the ability to draw, etc.)

    « Family»

Target: To consolidate knowledge about family members and next of kin. To understand that everyone in the family takes care of each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

    « A good word heals, and a bad one cripples»

Target: To form in children the need for a benevolent treatment of others, to educate children in a good attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for forgiveness.

Target: Raising a sense of love and affection for the closest and native person- mother; develop a desire to take care of your closest people


    "Our Hardworking Janitor"

Target: Introduce children to labor activity janitor, to show the importance of labor; educate the desire to maintain cleanliness, to help adults.

    "Educator Assistant"

Target : Draw the attention of children to the most characteristic labor operations and the result of the work of an assistant teacher. Cultivate respect for his work.

    "Visiting a laundress worker"

Target : To develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress's work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate positive emotional attitude to the laundress.

    "Wonderful doctor"

Target: To form a concept of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional benevolent attitude towards them.

    "Visiting the music director"

Target: Get to know business and personal qualities musical director. Develop an emotional, benevolent attitude towards him.


    « child and book» Target : Cultivate love for the book, the desire for a second meeting with her. Sympathize and empathize with the characters in the story. Experience the pleasure of meeting with poetry.


Target : To educate emotionally - aesthetic feelings. To form figurative representations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Develop artistic perception of works of art. Bringing children to an understanding of the unity of content (what the work is about) and some means of expression (like an image) in different types of art.

    "Child and Music"

Target: To develop the musical horizons of children by introducing them to musical works (folk, classical and modern) To develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200belementary genres of music.

    "We dance and sing"

Target : To form skills about all kinds musical activity, to bring children to the independent use of the learned musical works. To develop song and dance creativity of children.

Acquaintance with the professions of an artist, artist, composer»

Target: Introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, paintings (reproduction), sculpture (image), building and construction (architecture).

    What has autumn brought us?

Target : Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Explain the benefits of natural vitamins.


    "Sky in Autumn"

Target: Be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. To acquaint children with the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

    "Water and precipitation"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Describe the characteristics of autumn rain.

    "Autumn is a good sorceress"

Target : Develop creative imagination; to attach to beauty, art, creativity.

    "At the flower bed"

Target: Introduction to autumn colors. Show the structure of a plant. Fix the concept of high, low (flower), long, short (stem).

    "Leaf fall"

Target: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. To develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations.


    "Plant World in Autumn"

Target: Expand understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

    "Birds in Autumn"

Target: Acquaintance with seasonal changes in the life of animals in autumn period. Learn to identify and name birds by outward signs. To form a desire to observe the behavior of birds.


Target: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Learn how to behave in windy weather.

    “A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Formation of ideas about the plants of the forest: mushrooms and berries. Expand understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

Target: To give children an idea about decorative birds. Show the features of keeping decorative birds. To form a desire to observe and care for living objects.


    "Pet Conversation"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in winter time of the year. Formation of desire to take care of pets.


    "A Conversation about Migratory Birds"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Describe migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external signs. To form a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

    "Gloomy Autumn"

Target: Introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, swimming.

    "My home, my city"

Target : Consolidate knowledge of the home address, street. Get to know your hometown.


    "My native land"

Target: To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for the native land.

    "Transport of my city"


    "Watch out for the car"


    "How to Avoid Trouble"

Target: Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior with strangers. To form the basis for the safety of their own life.


Target: To form an idea about public holidays.



Purpose: To introduce some of the outstanding people who glorified Russia.

    "I love Russian birch"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the Russian beauty - birch. Introduce children to beautiful poems about birch. To expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

    "Introduction to the Russian Folk Doll"

Target: To acquaint with Russian folk crafts and traditions. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and needlework.

    "My motherland"

Target: To acquaint children with the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

    "Journey to the land of Nosaria"

Target: To acquaint with the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. To expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.


    "Morning joyful meetings with Dr. Aibolit.

Target : To develop cultural and hygienic skills. Education of practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

    "I will grow up healthy."

Target: Introduce the concept of healthy eating. Engage in a healthy lifestyle.

    “If you want to be healthy, temper yourself”

Target: Introduce the concepts of "hardening". To expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

    "Our Favorite Doctor"

Target: Expand the understanding of the profession of a doctor (pediatrician, dentist, oculist)

    "Why does a person have two eyes"

Target : To form an idea about a person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about how to care for them.


    "Why do your teeth hurt?"

Target: To form cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills. To expand the understanding of the profession of a dentist.

    "Cleanliness is the key to health"

Target: Encourage children to love cleanliness.

    "Emergency Phones"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the ambulance service.


    "I will grow up healthy!"

Target: To consolidate the concepts of "proper nutrition", "daily regimen". Engage in a healthy lifestyle.


    "Microbes in human life"

Target: To form children's ideas about the dangers and benefits of microorganisms on human health. Educate the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

    "Hooray! Winter!"

Target: Expand children's ideas about winter phenomena in nature. To give elementary concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

    "First snow"

Target: To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature.

    "Winter sport"

Target: Introduce winter sports.

    "Winter Injuries"

Target : To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.


    "Why did the Snow Maiden melt?"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the properties of water, snow and ice.

    How wild animals prepare for winter

Target: To acquaint children with the preparation of wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

    "Wintering Birds"

Target: To fix the concept of "wintering" birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food wintering birds. To form a desire to take care of wintering birds.

    "Pet Conversation"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. To form a desire to take care of pets.

    "Winter phenomena in nature"

Target : Expand your understanding of winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, frost, frost).


    "Zimushka - winter"

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

    "The New Year will bring joy to children"

Target : Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

    "New Year at the gate!"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of the New Year. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, surprise.

    . "New Year's Eve Journey"

Target: Tell the children that each year starts on January 1st. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

    . "We are friends of nature"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature. Learn to be careful and good attitude to nature and to each other. Clarify children's knowledge about spruce, as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.


    .“Who feels good in winter”

Target : Engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

    "Patterns on glass"

Purpose: To develop creativity, imagination.

    "How they visit"

Target : Reinforce the rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of celebrating the New Year.

    "Forest fairy tale"

Target : To consolidate the knowledge of children about the forest, its inhabitants. To form the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale in a drawing.

    How is the New Year celebrated in other countries?

Target: Expand children's knowledge about various ways congratulations. To acquaint with the customs of celebrating the New Year in other countries.


    "Soon, soon, New Year!"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Get to know the symbols different years, Chinese calendar.

    "How to know winter?"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge of typical winter phenomena. To cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to admire nature.

    "Who's in charge in the forest"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest and animals.

    "Zimushka - crystal"

Target: Expand your understanding of winter. To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature.

    "Winter Games"

Target: Introduce winter sports, winter fun, entertainment.


    "Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Purpose: To expand ideas about places where it is always winter, about the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.

    "Beware the ice!"

Target : To form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

    "A flock of bullfinches"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the diversity of birds. Learn to highlight characteristics bullfinch.

    "Plant World in Winter"

Target: Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance.

    "Phenomena of inanimate nature"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the properties of water. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature.


    "How we take care of animals and birds in winter"

Target: Expand your understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Form a desire to take care of them.

    "Hello fairy tale"

Purpose: To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to form the ability to empathize with the characters.

    "Our theater"

Target: Introduce children to the world of theater. Engage in creativity and play.

    "Signs of fairy tales"

Target: Expand ideas about the characteristic features of the fairy tale genre.

    Which fairy tale character do I look like?

Target : To cultivate the ability to identify yourself with your favorite hero.


    "Visit the book"

Target: Cultivate a love for the book, develop literary speech. Cultivate respect for the book.

    "Ground transport"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of land transport and its purpose.

    "Water transport"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose.

    "Air Transport"

Target: Expand views air transport and his appointment.

    "School of the Pedestrian"

Purpose: To expand understanding of elementary rules road traffic.


    "Machines are helpers"

Target: Expand understanding of the types of special transport and its purpose.

    "All professions are important"

Target: Expand your understanding of professions related to transport.

Target : To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    "Road signs"

Target: Introduce children to basic road signs.

    "Why does a person need a car"

Target: To improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life.


    "The Road from Horse to Car"

Target : Talk about the development of the car.

    "Our Army"

Target: To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

    "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Target : Continue introducing "military" professions.

    "Military equipment"

Target: Continue to acquaint with military equipment.

    "Future Defenders"

Target: Cultivate patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland.


    How our grandfathers fought

Target: To expand our understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and defended from enemies during the war years.

    "Mom is the most precious person in the world"

Target: To cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

    "What does my mom do"

Target : Cultivate interest in various professions by giving Special attention mother's profession and place of work.

    "International Women's Day"

Target : Expand knowledge about the history of the holiday on March 8.

    "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Target : To consolidate the idea of ​​a family. To develop a conscious attitude to the manifestation of love, respect, sympathy for a loved one, grandmother.



    « Congratulations to our mothers on the holiday of spring»

Target : Read poems about mother, grandmother and sister. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people.

    "Why give flowers"

Target : Cultivate the idea that flowers are a sign love and attention.

    "Mom's Favorite Flowers"

Target : Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity to mom.

    "My mom loves..."

Target : To consolidate the knowledge of children about the hobbies of their mothers.


    "Why I love my mom and grandma"

Target : Develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

    What is the Russian people like?


    "How Shrovetide is Celebrated"

Target: Introduce the Carnival holiday. Expand knowledge of folk traditions.

    "Folk toy"


    "Russian folk holidays"

Target: To expand children's understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people.


    "Russian folk tales"

Target : To teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, to develop creative imagination.

    "Proverbs and sayings"

Target : Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings. To attach to Russian folk art.

    "Children's Folklore"



Target : introduce, remember counters.

    "Lullaby Songs"

Target: Introduce a variety of lullabies. Recall lullabies with children.


    "Sentences - peace"

Target: To acquaint with a variety of sentences - mirilki. Learn with children a few sentences - myrilok.

    "Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Target: Expand your understanding of spring. To develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

    Why did the snowman melt?

Target : Expand children's understanding of the properties of snow and ice. Learn to install elementary causal connections.

    "Journey of the Brook"

Target : Clarify children's understanding of different states water, natural water sources.

    "How We Celebrate Spring"

Target : Expand knowledge about seasonal types of work.


    "Visiting the Mistress of the Meadow"

Purpose: To develop respect for nature. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.

    "Signs of Spring"

Target : To generalize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

    "The Birds Have Arrived"

Target : Expand knowledge of migratory birds.

    "Spring on the Water"

Target: Fix the rules of behavior in the spring on water bodies, warn of possible dangers.

    "Enter the Forest with a Friend"

Target: To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.

    "International Earth Day"

Target: To expand children's understanding of environmental holidays.

    "Child and book"

Target: Cultivate love for the book, the desire to re-encounter with it. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.


    "We are friends with the book"

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary.

    "The book is a source of knowledge"


    "Hello fairy tale!"

Target: To develop the skills of dramatization and theatrical activities.

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction. Form the need for daily reading.

    "In the world of glass"



    "In the world of plastics"

Target : To acquaint with the properties and qualities of plastic objects.

Target : Expand children's understanding of the history of clothing.

    "Journey to the Past of the Armchair"

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items.

    "In the World of Trees"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of a tree. Learn to make connections between the material and the way it is used.

    « The magic power of the theater»

Target : Develop children's artistic ability. Introduce children to the world of theater.


    "Theatrical Professions"

Target : To give an idea to children about the professions related to the theater.

    "Jester Puppet Theatre"

Target : To expand knowledge about the native city, to cultivate interest in the theater.

    What do we know about theater?

Target : Expand children's knowledge about various types theater.

    "Theatrical Game"

Target : Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Encourage children to role play.

    "Our flowerbed"

Target : Expand children's knowledge about planting plants, the need to care for them.


    « Fruit trees spring"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about fruit trees. Build a positive relationship with nature.

    "The Sun in Plant Life"

Target : To form concepts that plants need the sun for life. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

Target : Expand ideas about the change in the world of plants in the spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by their appearance.

    "Wild and Cultivated Plants"

Target : Clarify and expand ideas about wild and cultivated plants. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

    "Forest Perils"

Target : Expand children's ideas about poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance.


    "Blossoming Spring"

Target: To arouse interest in the world of plants. To consolidate ideas about the habitat of plants.

    "World of indoor plants"

Target : Expand children's ideas about indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance.


Target : Expand children's ideas about vegetable crops. Describe the work of a person in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits.

    "When Lilac Blooms"

Target : Cultivate love for nature. Arouse the desire to admire the beauty of spring.

    "Butterflies and beetles woke up"

Target: Learn to distinguish insects in appearance and name them. To form a desire to observe insects.


    "Visiting the Mistress of the Meadow"

Target : Expand children's ideas about the diversity of insects. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of insects.

    "Dangerous Insects"

Target: Expand children's ideas about dangerous insects. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance.

    "Our Little Friends"

Target : Expand children's ideas about insects, their characteristics, habitats. Form the foundations of ecological culture.

    "Insects of other countries"

Target : To acquaint with the diversity of insects of other continents.

    « Summer is coming»

Target : Expand children's ideas about summer, seasonal changes in nature.



Target : To form elementary ideas about garden and garden plants. To form ideas about seasonal work in the garden and garden. Instill a love of work.


Target : Arouse interest in plant life. Expand your understanding of the variety of colors.

    The sun - friend or foe

Target : Expand ideas about the benefits and harms of the sun (heat and sunstroke). Build the foundations of your own life.


Target : To form a positive-emotional attitude to the beauty of summer nature.

    "Why do they say 'hello'?

Purpose: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Learn how to greet. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using "kind words" in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.


    "My Good Deeds"

Target : to deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills

    "What is Kindness"

Target : To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds.

    "Hurry to do good"

Target: Continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior.

    "If you are kind..."

Target: To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show sympathy and do good deeds.

    "Polite Words"

Target : To teach children the rules of etiquette, the forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting.


    "Accidentally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.

    "Learning to forgive our friends"

Target: develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy".

    Why are there fights?

Target : to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; Cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

    "Dreamers and Liars"

Target : to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop the desire for truthfulness and tact.

    " Let's make it up"

Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


    « Good friend known in trouble"

Target : form an idea of ​​what a true friend able to empathize and help difficult moments; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

    "How to behave during a conversation"

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

    "Kind angry"

Target : To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, to cultivate a desire to be kind and humane.


Target : Form ideas about moral concept"truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's act, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.

    "What a friend should be"

Target : Form ideas about positive character traits and moral deeds, deepen ideas about friendship


    "Be neat and tidy"

Target : Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help to understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.

    "Truth is not true"

Target: Explain to children that one should not deceive others, that one should always tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are very much appreciated in a person, that they praise for truth.


Target: continue to educate in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also harms himself.

    "Games Without Quarrels"

Target: Explain to the children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at a loss, do not tease the loser.


Target : To teach children to use polite words, to develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, to observe the rules of etiquette.



Target : Teach children to treat things carefully and carefully, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance, become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.

    "Mutual Aid"

Target : Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

    "Desire to Help"

Target : Develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing sympathy.

    "Generosity and Greed"

Target: To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.

    "Why you need to be able to give in"

Target : to teach children to avoid quarrels, to yield and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.


    "Stairs of Kindness"

Target : based on Russian content folk tales to form in children an idea of ​​​​justice, courage, modesty and kindness.

    "It's better to be kind"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of an emotional state.

    "What does my mom do"

Target: Raise interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

    How to please teachers

Target : To cultivate respect for educators, to form the need to please others with good deeds.

    What is the Russian people like?

Target: Expand your understanding of the customs of the Russian people.


    "Folk toy"

Target: Expand the idea of ​​folk toys. To form the ability to express aesthetic feelings. To expand the idea of ​​the diversity of folk art.

    "Proverbs and sayings"

Target: Introduction to proverbs and sayings. To attach to Russian folk art.

    "Children's Folklore"

Target : To acquaint with invocations, song appeals to the forces of nature.


Target: Introduce, remember counting rhymes.

    "Enter the Forest as a Friend"

Target : To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.


    "Child and book"

Target : Cultivate love for the book, the desire for a second meeting with her. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.

    "We are friends with the book"

Target: Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary

    "The book is a source of knowledge"

Target : to form interest and need for reading (perception of books).

    "Hello fairy tale!"

Target : To form the skills of dramatization and theatrical activities.

    "You and I are best friends with a book"

Target : Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction. Form the need for daily reading


    "In the world of glass"

Target : Help reveal the properties of glass. Cultivate respect for things.

    "In the world of plastics"

Target : Introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects

    "In the World of Trees"

Target: Identify the properties and qualities of a tree. Learn to make connections between the material and the way it is used

    "Journey into the past of clothes"

Target: Expand children's understanding of the history of clothing.

    "Forest Perils"

Target : Expand children's ideas about poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance



Target: Cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. To form figurative representations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

    "Introduction to decorative birds"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​decorative birds. Show the features of keeping decorative birds. To form a desire to observe and care for living objects

    "Pet Conversation"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Formation of desire to take care of pets.

    "A Conversation about Wild Animals in the Forest"

Target: To give children an idea about the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the environment. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

    "Transport of my city"

Target: Expand understanding of modes of transport and its purpose. To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.


    "Watch out for the car"

Target : Expand your understanding of the rules of conduct in the city, the elementary rules of the road.

    "How to Avoid Trouble"

Target : Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the basis for the safety of their own life

    "Cleanliness is the key to health"

Target : To instill in children a love of cleanliness

    "Emergency Phones"

Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the ambulance service

    "How to keep healthy?"

Target : Provide basic information about medicines and diseases, disease prevention, and the benefits of vitamins.


    "School of the Pedestrian"

Purpose: To expand ideas about the elementary rules of the road

    "All professions are important"

Purpose: To expand ideas about professions

    "Rules of conduct in public transport"

Purpose: To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    "The Sun in Plant Life"

Purpose: To form concepts that plants need the sun for life. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

    "Trees, Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants"

Purpose: To expand ideas about the change in the world of plants in the spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by their appearance.

Card index of conversations

in the senior group

"Road alphabet"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road: the carriageway of the street for the movement of cars, and the sidewalk for pedestrians. Encourage children to follow their

do not play on the roadway, ride a bike in the yard or on the playground. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of a traffic light; learn to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibition, informational and indicative) intended for pedestrians.

To form the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

"Striped Zebra"

Target: expand children's knowledge of the rules of the road (the street can be crossed in special places - ground and underground crossings, recall the meaning of the sign "Pedestrian crossing." Give an idea of ​​the road sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited." To form stable skills of conscious, safe behavior on the streets and city roads. Teach children to apply their knowledge in practice. Develop attention, skills of orientation in space.

"Planet Earth is in danger"

Target: to promote the formation of children's ideas that the planet Earth is a huge ball (most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas, in addition to water there are continents - solid land, land where people live). Contribute to the generalization of knowledge that there are many living beings on planet Earth, that they all need clean water, clean air, clean land. To form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that the planet Earth is now in danger. To cultivate love for nature, proper communication with it, the desire to study it.

"Moscow is the capital of our Fatherland"

Target: to give children an idea that Moscow is the largest city in our country; lead to the understanding that this is the main city of our Motherland, the capital. Cultivate a respectful attitude to state symbols, traditions and customs of their people. To cultivate love for Moscow and Russia as a whole, broaden one's horizons, transfer knowledge about history, sights. Cultivate a sense of pride in their people, patriotic feelings. Raise interest in the history of the city and the country, love for their homeland, evoke in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of their native nature, the talent of the Russian people.

"Knowledge Day"

Target: to clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about the holiday - Knowledge Day, September 1. Explain to the children that this holiday is the beginning of the school year, not only in schools, but also in kindergarten. To expand the understanding of children about the profession of a teacher, educator, about educational institutions (kindergarten, school, college, university). To form friendly, benevolent relations between children. Develop aesthetic feelings, cause the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the group, on the site. Raise respect for the work of kindergarten staff.

"Mothers Day"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the public holiday "Mother's Day". Teach a kind, attentive attitude towards the mother. To form warm feelings for the dearest person to mom. Cultivate a sense of kindness, respect, responsiveness, love. Teach children to maintain a conversation, express positive emotions.

"New Year"

Target: Rto expand children's ideas about the New Year holiday and the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country.Continue to acquaint with the history of the origin of the fairy-tale characters Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Tell about the traditions of the New Year's Eve; to cultivate love for the history of Russia, national pride; to cultivate love for Russian folk art. Develop conversational skills.


Target: explain to children the meaning of Baptism, tell how Christianity came to Rus'. To form feelings of patriotism and respect for the past of one's Motherland, to form an idea of ​​the significance of baptism, the adoption of Orthodoxy, to develop the ability to perceive, analyze literary works, the ability to express one's feelings.


Target: continue to acquaint children with the holiday - Maslenitsa. To develop interest in Russian folk holidays, to introduce them to the traditions of Russian and Kuban culture. Raise a sense of respect for the folk traditions of Russian culture.

"Our Army".

Target: to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the military branches, about the defenders of the Fatherland. To acquaint children with military equipment. To cultivate love for the motherland, a sense of pride in one's army. Raise the desire to be like strong Russian warriors.

Target: draw the attention of children to the holiday "March 8" and develop their interest in the tradition of its celebration. Cultivate a respectful, gentle and noble attitude towards mothers and grandmothers. Careful and sensitive attitude towards the entire female sex, the need to please loved ones with good deeds. To deepen children's knowledge about the role of mother and grandmother in their life; contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences and a joyful mood from the holiday in children. Develop conversational skills. Encourage attempts to express their point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.

"First cosmonaut"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the feat of Yu. A. Gagarin, its significance for mankind. To enrich children's ideas about space, astronauts, space equipment, the use of space in the interests of people. To develop a cognitive interest in space as an object of the surrounding world. Initiate the activity of children, the desire to learn new things about space. Cultivate a sense of pride in your country. Develop conversational skills. Improve the dialogic form of speech.

"Victory Day"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the history of their country, with the defenders of the Fatherland. To consolidate the knowledge of children about how the Russian people defended their homeland during the Great Patriotic War. To develop the speech and thinking of children, the ability to argue their statements. To instill a sense of respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a desire to take care of them.


Target: to introduce children to the folk ritual holiday - Easter, its customs, traditions, new words and their meaning; with the Orthodox tradition of the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday. Enrich children's vocabulary; to cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people. To teach to see the beauty, originality and originality of folk art products.

"Kuban is our Motherland"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the history of their native land during the war years of 1941-1945. To cultivate a caring attitude to the people's memory, a sense of gratitude to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. To form awareness of the essence of the concept of Motherland as the place where a person was born. Education of love for the Motherland, interest in its heroic history; the formation of a sense of pride for the warriors - defenders.

"Cossacks - defenders of the Fatherland"

Target: To form in children an interest in the heroic past and present of their Fatherland. To form the qualities necessary for future defenders of the Fatherland. To cultivate love for one's small Motherland, the desire to learn more about the life of one's ancestors. Develop an interest in art. Continue to acquaint with the folklore and musical heritage of the Kuban folk art. To instill in children the desire to bear the title of Cossack with honor and to be the defender of their homeland.

"Can You Handle Animals"

Target: to give children knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting with various pets and when communicating with them. Teach children to understand the condition and behavior of animals.

Invite children to remember the rules:
1. Never run away from a dog. She may take you for a game and hunt.
2. If you want to pet the dog, ask the owner for permission. Stroke her carefully, do not make sudden movements.
3. Do not feed or touch other people's dogs while eating or sleeping.
4. Do not approach a dog on a leash.
5. Stay away from guard dogs. They are often taught to charge at people who come close.
6. Do not touch the puppies and do not try to take away the object with which the dog is playing.
7. Cats can be dangerous too. They can scratch and bite you a lot.

"Vitamins strengthen the body"

Target: continue to consolidate children's knowledge of the benefits of vitamins for our body. Introduce the concept of “vitamins of the group“ A, B, C, D, E ”and the products in which they are contained. To consolidate children's knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about the benefits of foods that contain vitamins. Cultivate the desire to be healthy.

"Daily routine: what is it for?"

Target: to form healthy lifestyle skills in children related to the daily routine; the ability to perform actions corresponding to the daily routine (exercises, hygiene procedures, a walk). To cultivate a love for physical education and the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

"Cleanliness is the key to health"

Target: to instill in children the habit of washing themselves, washing their hands with soap before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet; consolidate the ability to use a comb, handkerchief; teach children to turn away when coughing and sneezing, cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief. To ensure that children consciously observe the rules of personal hygiene, understand their significance. Cultivate neatness, neatness. Teach the basics of aesthetic attitude to your appearance; make it clear to children that the appearance of a person plays an important role in life; continue to consolidate knowledge of cultural and hygienic rules.

"Dangerous Items at Home"

Target: to consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthings dangerous to life and health, the rules for using piercing, cutting objects. To consolidate knowledge about items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stove, stove, electrical sockets, electrical appliances included); about items that adults should store in inaccessible places (household chemicals, medicines, cutting and stabbing tools). To form the knowledge that for safety all items must be put away in their places. To consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call "01", "02", "03".

"If you walk alone"

Target: to develop in children the concept of the need to comply with safety rules while walking without adults. Develop skills in dealing with strangers. To consolidate the rule - "Do not touch unfamiliar objects on the street." "Never! Nowhere! Never go with a stranger!


Target: to give the concept of what a flower is. To teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house). Note the importance, the role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals, insects. Learn to recognize garden flowers from wild, forest flowers. To deepen the knowledge and ideas of children about flowers, their appearance, places of growth.

"Garden Flowers"

Target: continue to introduce children to a variety of flowering garden plants. Describe the life cycle of a plant. To promote the formation of a careful attitude to flowers, the desire to take care of plants.

"Indoor plant"

Target: continue to consolidate elementary ideas about indoor plants in children: a plant has a stem, leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with earth and drainage; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden plants.

To consolidate the ability to care for indoor plants: water, loosen the earth in a pot, wipe the leaves; do whatever is necessary. To acquaint children with the methods of propagation of indoor plants (cuttings, bulbs, tubers, aerial and basal processes, stem cuttings, division of rhizomes, cut leaves).

"Meadow Flowers"

Target: introduce meadow plants (chamomile, bell, carnation); learn to name them and recognize them by color, shape of leaves, flowers, stem; replenish the dictionary with words denoting the name of plants and their characteristics. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the plants of the meadow. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons.

"Wintering Birds»

Target: expand children's ideas about wintering birds.
Learn to distinguish wintering birds by their voices and appearance;
lead to the understanding that wintering birds can be helped by hanging feeders.
To consolidate children's knowledge about food that can be used in feeding birds.
Cultivate interest and respect for birds.

"Migratory birds"

Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​migratory birds, to learn to distinguish on an essential basis: the ability to satisfy the need for food. Deepen understanding of the reasons for the flight of birds (disappearance of the main food, freezing of water bodies, land), (swallow, rook, duck, starling, heron, crane, cuckoo, nightingale, swan) based on establishing a connection between the nature of the food and the possibility of obtaining it.


Target: to consolidate, clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the life of birds, about how birds adapt to winter. Know wintering and migratory birds. To give an idea of ​​some nomadic birds that arrive from the north and live with us until spring (finches, bullfinches, waxwings, crossbills). To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, the desire to feed them. Develop conversational skills.

"Protect nature"

Goals: expand children's ideas about the flora and fauna, develop the ability to observe, analyze, develop logical thinking. To cultivate love for the native land and the ability to behave correctly in nature. To give children an idea of ​​how people care about nature, love it. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the forest, the desire to do good deeds.

"Be Polite"

Target: educate the culture of communication between boys and girls. To instill in boys a desire to protect girls, help them, and girls to thank the boys for the service rendered. To form in children the understanding that politeness is an important component of quality well-mannered person. Encourage attempts to express their point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.

"Ourkindergarten - bigfamily"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the employees of the kindergarten, the ability to call them by name and patronymic, the habit of greeting and saying goodbye to them. To cultivate modesty, the ability to take care of others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention.

« Friendship countries»

Target: to clarify children's ideas about what it means to "be able to be friends" - the ability to play together, share toys. To teach to comprehend and evaluate the situation, independently understand the motives of behavior and correlate these motives with the existing norms of behavior. Introduce proverbs and sayings about friendship. To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor, not to be afraid to express their point of view, to clearly answer the questions posed. Continue to develop dialogic speech.


Target: to systematize children's ideas about winter phenomena in winter, to learn to establish a relationship between air temperature, the state of water, land, plants, animal life, birds. Learn to notice and give an aesthetic assessment of winter landscapes. To form a poetic perception of nature. Develop memory, thinking, imagination. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the nature of the native land.


Target: generalize and expand ideas about spring, signs of the onset of spring. Learn to perceive the beauty of nature, to notice the expressiveness of the image, mood. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the nature of the native land. Encourage attempts to express their point of view, agreement or disagreement with the response of a friend.

« Autumn"

Target: expand children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn; learn to find them in nature; clarifying the ideas about the changes that occur in autumn in the life of plants. Learn to establish relationships between the length of the day, air temperature, the condition of plants, the availability of food for animals. To cultivate cognitive interest, careful and aesthetic attitude to nature, sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the autumn landscape.


Target: to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​summer, summer plants and animal life at this time of the year; clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural labor in the summer. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly; nurture the desire to share their knowledge and memories with peers.

Target : continue to acquaint children with insects - a butterfly, an ant, a bee (appearance, habits, reproduction) and give an idea of ​​the relationship of any living organism with the environment. Activate vocabulary (notches, pollen, nectar, cells, honeycombs). Cultivate love and respect for all living things; develop logical thinking.
"About the profession of a fireman"

Target: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of a firefighter. Activate children's interest in various professions. Fix fire safety rules. To cultivate respect for people of courageous and heroic professions.

"On the profession of builders"

Target: expand understanding of the profession of builders. To generalize knowledge about construction professions; show the importance of the profession of builders. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the worker. To expand the idea that their work is collective, that the quality of the work of another depends on the conscientious work of one person.


Target: to expand children's understanding of the profession of a postman, the necessity and benefits of his work. To expand the general awareness of the world around us, the horizons of children. To form in children an elementary experience of professional actions. Improve dialogical speech: learn to participate in a conversation, understandably for others to answer questions and ask them.

"Acquaintance with the work of the artist - illustrator Yu. A. Vasnetsov."

Target: to give an idea about the work of Yu. Vasnetsov, to form interest in him. Show how the artist conveys different emotional states and moods of the characters with the help of expressive means (shapes, colors, decor, movements). To cultivate respect for the work of artists, the desire to understand the beauty, poetry, decorativeness of the images they create.

"Wild Animals of the North"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the appearance of wild animals. Give the concept that all animals have thick, dense hair, so they are warm even in severe frost. Tell the children about the habits of the animals of the North, and what they eat.
Instill a love for animals.

" Pets"

Target: to consolidate the concept of "pets". Learn to write descriptive stories about pets using models. Develop creative imagination. To develop the logical thinking of children, to cultivate a kind and sensitive attitude towards animals.

"Folk Culture and Traditions"

Target: continue to acquaint children with folk traditions and customs, with folk arts and crafts (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel). Expand your understanding of folk toys(matryoshka, Gorodets, Bogorodskaya, spillikins). Contribute to the formation in children of a sustainable interest in folk art and art. To form respect for the work and talent of masters. Raise children's sense of belonging to the heritage of the past.

"My Favorite Kindergarten"

Target: to cultivate love for your kindergarten, a friendly attitude towards peers. To cultivate respect for the employees of the kindergarten, the ability to call them by name and patronymic, the habit of greeting and saying goodbye to them. Cultivate modesty and respect.

"Our Motherland-Russia".

Purpose: to cultivate love and respect for the Motherland, to introduce the State symbols of Russia, to continue to acquaint children with their native land. To instill in children a sense of patriotism, respect for their homeland.

"My favorite toys"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about toys: their meaning, rules of use. Learn to use nouns with a general meaning. To form the habit of children to put toys in place. To cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, mutual assistance, a desire to work. We continue to teach children to answer questions with a detailed answer, without interrupting each other; express your point of view, justify it.


Target: to form in children an interest in the theater. To expand the knowledge of children about the theater as a kind of art. Continue to acquaint with theatrical terminology (actor, director, illuminator, costume designer, make-up artist). To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, puppetry). To develop the ability of children to maintain a conversation.