How to understand that you love a person. Fortune telling on a notebook sheet in a box. The desire to share both sorrows and joys with you

Having lived with a person for several years or even just spent next to him long time, many people ask questions: “Do I really love him/her? Am I confusing love and affection, habit and sympathy? Is this the companion with whom I would like to meet old age? . From a psychological point of view, these are absolutely normal feelings, because gradually emotions fade into the background, and the mind appears in the center. It is he who seeks to cool our ardor by taking care of nervous system and about a heart that can break. So the voice of reason is a good and necessary phenomenon; it testifies to a healthy human psyche.

Signs of love

In general, the very concept of “love” is different for each person, because everyone loves in their own way, but still this feeling also has common features: love is something good, warm, very important and dear for everyone, you just feel good when you and your significant other are nearby.

Let's find out what the symptoms are true love exist:


True love is the most selfless feeling, and if a person tries to find benefits in a relationship or constantly expects that something should be done for him, then there is no way to talk about love here. These are no longer emotions, but use.

Sexual attraction

One of controversial issues– can true love do without sex? It’s hard to say, everyone decides for themselves, but psychologists say that love is always combined with sexual attraction, and this is absolutely natural. But along with the desire to possess the lover, you also want to see and hear your chosen one, to be close, and not only because of “animal” instincts.

Unconditional acceptance

To love means to accept your partner completely, with all his pros and cons. Love does not seek to remake a partner to its own standards and ideas; it values ​​them, no matter what.


This is very important indicator true love. If you can share absolutely everything with your partner - both experiences and joy, without fear of being misunderstood, then you can be congratulated - you have real feelings.


True love differs from falling in love in that it does not succumb to external circumstances, for example, when friends or relatives are against the chosen one, loving person remains unconvinced and continues to build relationships.


True love presupposes that a person will be ready to sacrifice something for the sake of his loved one. Moreover, sacrifice does not imply any exchange; the most important thing is your personal moral satisfaction from the fact that you made a person happy.

How do you know if you really love someone?

Method No. 1 – test

If there has come a time in your life when you just can’t figure out your own feelings, then try taking this test for yourself, answering simple questions sincerely:

  • When you fall asleep, you think about your loved one, you want to wish him have a nice night and expensive mornings?
  • Are you trying and striving to do things to make him happy?
  • Do you feel good and calm around him/her?
  • When you start thinking about him/her, do you smile or worry?
  • Are you rushing the clock and counting the minutes until you meet him?
  • Do you consider him the best in the world?
  • You already know about all his shortcomings, but still continue to love a person and accept him for who he is?
  • Does separation from him/her depress you or worry you?

By answering yes to all the questions, you confirm that your feelings are real, but if among the answers there were hesitations and uncertainty, then perhaps it is worth looking at your relationship deeper and more thoughtfully. But remember, you should answer questions in a calm state - without much euphoria or quarrel.

Method number 2 - classic

One of the most common and effective psychological methods– divide a sheet of paper into two columns, write down all the pros and cons of your partner, so you can see real attitude to him and an assessment of his personality. After analyzing the number of advantages and disadvantages, you will understand what you really feel for him, and, of course, the predominance positive qualities- this is another evidence of your love.

Method number 3 – meditation

This great way relax, get distracted and look inside yourself - to do this, sit in a comfortable easy chair or on a nice carpet, turn off all sources of sound, close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply but slowly through your nose.

Having calmed down and disconnected from extraneous thoughts, imagine your loved one. Remember all your feelings - what did you want? Come up and hug? Or did you get upset and want to run away? Decide on all your feelings - meditation is very good at helping you understand true feelings to your loved one.

Method number 4 - tough but true

The technique is considered one of the most effective - try to imagine for a few minutes that loved one no longer with you, or, conversely, perhaps you have never met at all. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? How do you feel during this, what does it bring you - pain and discomfort? As you know, a person understands the full significance of someone or something only after losing it, so the result of these reflections will be an understanding of what you really feel for your chosen one.

Love or affection?

Another point that worries many is how to distinguish and understand whether love or affection binds you? Take note of a simple condition: true love is, first of all, selfless care, and affection is still a kind of psychological dependence on a person.

And the basis of attachment is not unselfishness and happiness, but dependence and even suffering experienced by the dependent, and if attachment is also accompanied by special feelings, depriving a person of freedom, then we can already talk about psychological obsession.

Of course, understanding your true emotions is not so easy, but now you know exactly what can and should be done. Don't let you have to doubt your choice. Love and be loved!

Before you understand whether you love a person or not, you need to find out what love means to you and what place you give it in your life. Philosophers, writers, psychologists and every person who has encountered this feeling have tried to understand what love is for many centuries.

« He who has not known love is as good as not having lived"- said Jean Baptiste Moliere. And he was absolutely right. It is this feeling that makes our heart beat several times faster, and our soul seems to grow wings.

If you feel attracted to a person, if you want to constantly be with him, hearing his voice is not love, but simply falling in love, which will either disappear after a short period of time or develop into a strong and real feeling.

One famous writer said: " Sex is a way to express love" Perhaps this was the case in ancient times, but nowadays everything is completely different. In addition to love, sex is a way of expressing passion, passing infatuation, and simply satisfying physiological needs. And since we do not live in the times of knights without fear and reproach, sex must be treated with great caution, because not all desires to have sex mean a declaration of love. Therefore, if you madly want this man, this does not mean at all that you love him.

So what does love mean then?

The answer to this question lies much deeper than it might seem at first glance, and its roots go back to primitive society when people were just learning to start families. And they created them on the basis of trust in each other: the woman believed the man, and he believed her, they knew that together it would be easier for them to survive in this world, they believed and trusted their lives to each other - that’s when love based on faith was born and trust. The main essence of love is trust, says Anna Stahl, and one cannot but agree with her.

Therefore, in order to to understand whether you love a person or not, think about whether you can trust him with your life? Can you rely on him and trust him to make decisions for you? If the answers to these questions are positive, then you can be congratulated, your life has been visited by love, sincere and real.

But trust is one side of love, and there is also a second side, which is called self-sacrifice. Ancient Greek philosophers believed if you can give your life for your loved one, it means you truly love him. No matter how trivial it may sound, the ancient Greek philosophers were wise people, so it’s worth listening to them.

So, if you doubt your feelings for a person, imagine a critical situation for a moment and decide whether you can give your life for that person. If “yes,” it means that you really love this person with exactly the love that the poets praised in their works, if “no,” it means that you love yourself more than him, and in such a situation you cannot talk about true love.

If, after the experiments, there are still doubts lurking in your soul about the sincerity of your feelings, let’s turn to the words of the famous philosopher W. Leibniz: “ Love is finding your own happiness in the happiness of another" And, indeed, about the real and sincere love You can only talk when your man’s successes are your successes, and his misfortunes are your misfortunes too.

If you are completely indifferent to his ups and downs, and you are not interested in how he lived today, it means that you do not love him, but are just pursuing some of your own mercantile goals. But if you rise and fall with him, live with his problems and rejoice at his successes more than he does, you can say with complete confidence that you really love your chosen one.

Another irrefutable fact is that loving woman will never criticize her man and try to remake him, but will perceive him as he is. As F. M. Dostoevsky once said: “L to love means to see a person as God created him" If you love him, it means that you are satisfied with his shortcomings, or rather, you simply do not notice them. You love him for who he is, with his character, temperament, habits and everything else.

Falling in love, the bright beginning of a relationship, the time of courtship - hormones play in the body, and the whole world seems kind and joyful. But time passes, and instead of the former delight, fatigue from the relationship appears. Only the shortcomings of the chosen one are striking, and you have to ask not the heart, but the mind: “How can you tell if you love your husband?”

How to make sure whether a wife loves her husband

To understand your attitude towards your husband, you need to understand what you are ready for for him. What troubles and misfortunes will you go through together, shoulder to shoulder? Below are a series of questions that require a yes or no answer:

  • Can you trust this person with your life?
  • Will you allow me to make important decisions for you?
  • If he gets sick, will you be able to give away a kidney or part of his liver so that he can live?
  • Would you give your life for your loved one?
  • Are you ready to be with him if he ends up in wheelchair, care for him and support him in difficult times?
  • Are you ready to see this person every day of your life?
  • After spending time apart (for example, a month), will you miss, yearn for your husband and wait for his return?

If you answered yes to all these questions or most of them, then this is really love, and you should think about connecting your whole life with this person.

Rethinking Relationships

Most often, a woman asks the question: “How can I tell if I love him?” at the moment when the partners' feelings become dull. A person gets used to what surrounds him, and over time begins to see only shortcomings in his partner. In such a situation, you won’t immediately remember why you wanted your husband to always love you. Doubts about feelings can appear in two cases:

  • Selfishness. So, a husband can be a wonderful person and a family man, but instead of love, there is emptiness in his wife’s soul. Then it’s worth thinking about how much effort is put into maintaining relationships. After all, sometimes a woman only expects something from her husband, forgetting that giving her partner attention is even more pleasant than receiving it.
  • Grievances. It happens that the husband accumulates a large number of reasons for apologies, and then doubts arise about the feelings experienced. It's not so easy to love when you expect an apology. In this case, you need to decide for yourself whether your husband deserves your love. And also remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. If he was able to win your feelings, then are his small mistakes and mistakes so important?

How to check if you love your husband

These simple steps will allow you to understand how strong your feelings for your partner are:

  • Understand your emotions. Is the situation really that serious or is it just a short-term moral devastation? We all have bad days when it’s so bad that you don’t want to see anyone around. And you need to understand the difference between momentary annoyance with your husband and serious problems in the relationship.
  • Decide what love means to you. You may have previously thought it was a strong heartbeat and sweaty palms. It happens that by switching to new stage relationship, people mistakenly consider it a cooling off old feelings. But for many married couples love is finding peace and tranquility next to your partner.
  • Remember why you fell in love with your husband. There were reasons for marriage, and now you just need to remember the first dates and the emotions experienced, conversations and plans for the future. This way you can understand what is now missing in your relationship and fix it.
  • Imagine that your husband has disappeared from your life. What would it be like then? Yes, you still have family and friends, you have more time for hobbies and friends, but are you ready to live with emptiness where before he was always there?

What a married woman should remember

If long relationship in marriage began to turn into a routine, then it’s worth thinking about whether it was your fault. A good relationship require effort on the part of both partners, but it happens that a woman lets problems that arise in marriage take their course, and then asks the question: “How can you tell if you love your husband?”

Listen to your partner. Men and women show their emotions differently, so your husband may not understand that you expect him to do something. Or he simply does not voice his opinion about family problems. You need to pay attention to your partner and talk directly about the relationship, improving it together.

He is not you. So, your husband's point of view may differ from yours. Try to look at the problem through your husband's eyes. Perhaps he has no idea that you are asking the question: “How can you tell if you love your husband?” and doubt your own feelings.

Don't live in illusions. Each family has its own ideal marriage, so you don’t need to look at your friends and adapt to their relationships. Start appreciating what you two are creating for your future.

Family is the whole world. By forming a family, you and your husband create your own space where you will be safe. No matter what difficulties befall a person, the mere knowledge that there is a place where they will be supported already gives strength. Therefore, it is worth fighting for your family and finding ways to solve the problem without destroying the already created relationships.

It's not always easy to know if you really love someone. But if you think that you cannot live without him, if he is more expensive than yours own interests, then these are real feelings.

How to understand that a man really loves you? A psychologist’s opinion on this topic cannot be unambiguous, because all people are different and express their feelings in their own way.

Everyone has special characteristics, as well as circumstances in which the interpretation of certain behavioral changes can be truly twofold. On the other hand, there are certain nuances that answer the common women’s question “or not?”

In contact with

The opinion of psychologists regarding certain emotional states cannot be unambiguous. No self-respecting psychologist would dare to put everyone under the same brush. Psychologists do not consider love to be a banal chemistry or an instinct for procreation. Their opinion agrees that love as such is dictated by both internal impulses and social nuances, but is still based on something instinctive. Roughly speaking, a man loves, and society dictates how to love.

Society, psychologists believe, imposes certain behavioral stereotypes on men. This also applies to expressions of love. Let's say a man is supposed to always be the initiator of relationships. And there is also an opinion that he must definitely give the girl flowers if he loves her. And give some stupid toys, again, if he loves you.

Psychologists are of the opinion that the majority act according to this pattern, even if it is against their nature. This is the original problem of understanding male feelings. If socially acceptable ones disgust him, but he forces himself to follow them, it often looks ridiculous and insincere. The result: a man is misunderstood, and a woman intensively asks for advice from friends and psychologists on the topic strange behavior young man.

How do men love?

Differently. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally about how to understand that a man truly loves.

A woman, unfortunately, is quite often interested in some amorphous external manifestations, which usually turn out to be artificial.

Candy, flowers, compliments and invitations to a restaurant are not signs that a man loves you, this is just the most banal and hackneyed type of courtship.

How to tell if a man loves you without knowing him individual characteristics? Psychologists are sure that something truly special is happening inside everyone.

  1. There are men who love it loud. They cannot and do not consider it necessary to keep their feelings inside, so they begin to do truly amazing things. If they love you, they talk a lot and do a lot, for example, they can order car covers for your car with your name. As a rule, these are extroverts.
  2. Some men love silently. They keep the feeling somewhere inside them, it inspires them. They don’t need to notify everyone about what they love; it’s enough for them to just feel it. They will always be able to truly understand and listen to you, and they rarely lie when they love you.

These are just examples, individual opinions. Some are jumping around and are in a euphoric state, while others are quietly radiating warmth from within. If you yourself really know a man, you have a better chance of understanding that he still loves you than psychologists from the outside.

How to understand that this is really love for real?

If you wish, you can find thousands of instructions and opinions from psychologists on how to understand that a man loves you. Do they really work? Psychologists identify three categories of interaction between a man and a woman, by which you can try to understand whether he loves.


Psychologists are sure that this is really the most important point, and not chatter and facial expressions. After all, this is logical.

How can you understand that a man loves you and needs you, if not by what he does towards you? What matters is what he does, not what he says or how.

According to psychologists, the following habits will help you understand that a man truly loves:

  • he keeps his word;
  • he helps when there is a need;
  • he doesn't try to limit you;
  • he really tries to understand you;
  • it supports your endeavors and contributes to your further development as a person.

Nonverbal signs

Body language will not answer the question of how to understand whether your husband loves you or not. He may tentatively make it clear that he is interested in you or that he wants to isolate himself. Or about indifference. But these signs will not give you the opportunity to really understand what is in a man’s soul.

The following signs can really indicate his sympathy:

  • dilated pupils;
  • observing you during some general interaction with society (for example, when someone jokes, he subconsciously looks at your reaction);
  • a sincere smile (with “smiling” eyes - “crow’s feet” appear);
  • hands in the waist area (pockets, belt) - in this case we can really talk about specific sexual interest;
  • an attempt to touch (for example, hug, remove a speck).


The conversation itself, the manner of conducting it and, in fact, its content can make it clear that he loves you only indirectly. Like nonverbal cues, communication can indicate the presence of sympathy and interest in a person rather than the fact that someone really loves someone. that love is serious emotional condition, and not a fleeting surge in the form of butterflies in the stomach.

According to psychologists, a man respects you and is really interested in you if:

  • when speaking he is sincere;
  • the conversation he started concerns your general topics;
  • the man is not trying to derail the conversation that concerns you.

How to check that he needs you?

The opinion of psychologists agrees on one thing: if a person needs someone, then he cannot be called truly self-sufficient. Feeling inferior due to the absence of a person nearby is a sign of lack of independence and inability to occupy yourself with anything.

Therefore, think a hundred times about whether you really want your loved one to need you. young man. The fact that he loves you does not mean that he urgently needs you and cannot live without you.

On the question of how to understand that a man loves you, which women usually don’t like. Why? Because this is not blaming or analyzing someone else, but taking responsibility for yourself. How to check if a man truly loves you?

No way. Surely - really not at all. Since, of all the people around you, you are really only responsible for yourself, psychologists suggest looking at the root.

Psychologists believe that if you are asking this question, there are two options:

  1. You have low self-esteem, which fuels your doubts about your own attractiveness in the eyes of your chosen one.
  2. Somewhere inside you really understand that your actions, actions, attitude itself, in the end, cannot contribute to love.

If we talk about self-confidence, the opinion of psychologists is clear and at the same time banal: if you start to really take care of yourself for yourself, your sense of self will change a lot. There is no need to do this for the sake of a man, for the sake of the same psychologist or for a page on a social network!

If your goal is to improve one or another of your facets, you will feel like a completely different person.

You will understand that there is no point in comparing yourself with others, as well as trying to be good for everyone. And questions like “How can you tell if a man loves you or not?” you don't even want to type it into the search bar. You won't need it. Psychologists believe that there really won’t be any doubts themselves.

The second option deserves a separate lecture from psychologists. The opinions of psychologists agree that women are often thrown into extremes in relation to the stronger sex.

There is an opinion that there are two radical poles, when a woman is truly convinced that she is right, but at the same time behaves extremely destructively for the relationship.

First pole:

  • entertainers from the category “I am a woman, which means I am a goddess”;
  • ladies who believe that everything is owed to them simply because they exist;
  • hysterics who turn any substance into a scandal.

Second pole:

  • ardent connoisseurs of the division of functions in life according to gender;
  • amorphous amoebas who hid their opinion in the deepest and ugliest chest, and now indulge others (including men) in everything;
  • girls who look at their man in love and really see in him the meaning of their whole life.

Psychologists believe that if you have signs of any of these groups, it’s time to really change something about yourself. If you decide to create a new relationship or develop an old one, everything will most likely go according to the usual scenario, where you will find yourself a misunderstood victim and will again be left with nothing.


If you are wondering how to check whether a man truly loves you, the test will not help. Of course, you can lie that you are pregnant and see his reaction. You can flirt with other men in front of him.

But will this reaction be proof that he loves? And will your behavior towards a man be truly honest? If not, then is it really possible to demand decent treatment from him after this?

The opinion of psychologists is that if you are really curious about his feelings, then the optimal “test” would be a human conversation, where you find out everything for yourself. Just for fun, you can study it here. Perhaps she can help you with something else.

Perhaps he's just using it?

Well, yes, it's quite possible. If you look globally, we all use each other. In most cases, of course, psychologists do not deny sincere altruism.

But! Agree, when someone “sacrifices himself,” doesn’t he expect some kind of reaction from the outside? Psychologists believe that this pure water manipulation, which implies obtaining one's own benefit.

Think about it: aren’t you using it too? Psychologists advise not to lie, at least to yourself. If the honest answer to yourself is positive, then don’t be surprised if the use turns out to be reciprocal. There is an opinion that people around us really are mirrors of ourselves, remember this.

If you are diligently searching the Internet for materials on how to understand whether your husband loves you or not, then:

  • or there really are some precedents;
  • or you’re just bored, so you decided to create a problem for yourself out of the blue.

The opinion of psychologists regarding the second option is clear: in this case, you must first of all take care of yourself and your development, and not try to look for a catch in your man’s behavior. So let's talk about the first one.

So how do you understand? If you really want to understand your man, there are approximate signs of his potentially materialistic behavior.

  1. He only turns to you when he needs something.
  2. He is not interested in your personal development, and he will demand that you sacrifice something of your own for his sake.
  3. He doesn’t help you unless you ask him about it a hundred times and, in addition, promise something in return.
  4. If you have any problems that really need to be solved, he doesn't have time.

Useful video

The psychology of men in love and relationships is quite contradictory. On the one hand, he wants independence, and on the other, home comfort and attention. The video below should help you understand this a little:


  1. The opinions of psychologists on this topic cannot be characterized in any specific way, because everyone expresses what is inside them in their own way.
  2. Some recommend paying attention to peculiarities in conversation or body language.
  3. But how can you tell if not by his actions? The way he behaves towards you speaks most eloquently about whether he loves you or not.

Sometimes a person finds himself in a difficult heart situation. He is in some confusion due to uncertainty about his partner’s feelings.

After all, you must admit that it is not always that a worthy and faithful man. People have their own interests and priorities. And not everyone is guided by their conscience.

Sometimes romantic relationship they are started out of boredom, for mercantile reasons, the essence of which the victim of such a complex intrigue does not even know.

Therefore, information on how to use magic to find out whether a person loves you is useful to people. Let's take a look at the common methods.

  1. Choose a time when you are sure that no one will disturb you.
  2. Sit quietly and think.
  3. You should answer the question: why did you decide to look for a way to use magic to find out whether a person loves you? This is in in this case extremely important.

After all, in fact, suspicions do not creep into the soul just like that. They have a serious basis. It should be isolated from the chorus of various thoughts wandering in the head.

Magic rituals are shown only when you understand that you have no self-doubt. Otherwise there is no point in them. And they won't show anything.

You know, different people they want to understand how to use magic to find out if a person loves you. Often their experiences turn out to be far-fetched. They have not yet grown to understand that all personalities are structured differently.

They have their own habits, priorities, dreams. This does not interfere with loving truly and passionately. Think about it, aren’t you one of those alarmists? Chickpeas? Then we begin to cast a spell.

Girls are asked to ask one more question: does your boyfriend give gifts? If not, then leave him immediately.

A loving man strives to give something to his goddess. If such a desire is not visible, it means either there are no feelings, or he is a terrible egoist, or both. If there is a gift, we will begin to cast a spell with it.

  1. You need to put it from your loved one under your pillow on Thursday.
  2. Say this just before going to bed:

“If a snowstorm appears, tomorrow will be a happy day; if a river appears, love will be thrown into the clouds; if sand appears, my friend will deceive.”

After these words, dive under the blanket and don’t talk to anyone.

Basically, just make any wish.

  1. Now make a wish for your partner. Focus on age and hair color. Red cards - blondes, brown-haired. Black – brunettes or older people.
  2. Now you should shuffle the cards and arrange them into four piles, each next to the figure.
  3. Open the stack located next to your form.

If there is a card there indicating your partner, then doubts are in vain. In other cases, they are justified.

method 1:

In addition, you can make a dream for guys. This is only done from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Place it under your pillow. But the conspiracy is the same.

method 2:

There is another method for determining the truth of demonstrated feelings.

  1. To carry it out you need to buy it in the Temple.
  2. Bring them home.
  3. In the evening, scratch names (yours and your lover’s) on the candles.
  4. Place next to it (no more than 3 cm).
  5. Light it with one match.
  6. Watch them carefully.

You need to solve it like this:

How to use the answers received during rituals

It should be noted that magical rituals are not mistaken.

You shouldn’t redo them five times, trying to get desired result. No matter how bitter it is, accept the truth the first time.

But this does not mean that you must put up with it, especially when the answer turned out to be negative. Since you have already begun to cast a spell, then bring the job to the end.

Exist different rituals that can change the situation. For example, arouse sincere feelings, if they are not there yet.

And not all love spells lead to negative consequences. But, it is advisable, before you put your knowledge into practice, to think carefully about whether you need a person who maintains a relationship that is not filled with feelings.

But don't make a decision rashly. Look at your loved one, observe.

After all, there is something that connected you. This reason is hidden deep, perhaps. It's worth digging up. Do you know the expression that marriages are made in heaven? It's not accurate.

In fact, couples are formed there, who then create families. If you get a person who is not yet burning with passion, this does not mean that your choice was wrong. Love will come later. In the meantime, you should understand why this person is next to you. Why higher power it was he who was brought to you.