Colostrum is strongly excreted. What is colostrum and how is it formed? Signs of pathological secretion of colostrum

All future mothers know that immediately after childbirth, a secret begins to stand out from the breast. As a rule, it is a colorless viscous liquid, extremely rich in nutrients, which will soon turn into ordinary breast milk.

During pregnancy Colostrum "comes" milk
After Coming Use
For daily use avent Usage method

But not everyone knows that many women produce colostrum during pregnancy. That is why, when colostrum begins to stand out, many women experience anxiety.

When colostrum appears during gestation, this is a natural physiological process, it is not dangerous for the health of mother and baby.

Could it be a sign of conception?

Colostrum is in itself one of the signs of pregnancy, but not always. You should be careful in the following cases.

  1. Menstruation should begin (but for some reason it has not yet begun), your chest has increased and hurts. Do a test to determine interesting position", but rather donate blood for hCG ( chorionic gonadotropin person) to check whether conception has occurred. If the result is negative, check the level of prolactin in the blood, visit a gynecologist and mammologist.
  2. The secret is released before each menstruation. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a mammologist, he will confirm or exclude inflammation of the mammary glands, as well as other possible diseases.
  3. The secret stood out for the first time, but the test to determine the "interesting position" showed a negative result. Donate blood for hCG, if there is no conception according to the result of the analysis, first of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist to check if there are any malfunctions in the body.

It is wrong to consider secretion secretion as a sure sign of an “interesting situation”, since colostrum can be excreted without pregnancy. An exact answer to the question of a possible conception can be obtained only by passing an analysis for the "pregnancy hormone" hCG. All .

Any, even the most insignificant discharge from the chest, if conception has not occurred, is a reason to make an appointment with a specialist. The norm is only minor highlight colostrum in newborns (both girls and boys), which is associated with the residual presence of maternal hormones in the blood.

Isolation of the secret in the early stages

When colostrum begins during pregnancy, this means one thing: the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, has activated in the woman's body. Everything is natural, the body is actively preparing for upcoming birth.

At what month of pregnancy colostrum appears depends on various reasons:

  1. Heredity. If your mother's colostrum production during pregnancy began on early dates, most likely, and you will have it early.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body, changes in hormonal levels. The higher the level of the hormone prolactin in the body, the sooner the secret will begin to stand out.
  3. Heat, high air temperature with high humidity. It's not news that in the summer early release the secret happens much more often than in winter.
  4. Massage, sexual stimulation of the breast can accelerate the secretion from the chest. The same effect can be from the transferred stress.
  5. Hot showers, drinking hot drinks (tea, coffee) is not necessary, but may affect the secretion during childbearing.
  6. Breast size. A minor factor, however. How larger size breasts, the earlier colostrum production during pregnancy may begin, especially if several points coincide (for example, heredity and heat). As well as vice versa: thin girls with a small breast size usually do not complain about the early appearance of a secret, and the question of at what stage of pregnancy colostrum begins to stand out begins to interest them no earlier than the second trimester of the expectation of the baby.

This is a natural biological process

Thus, at normal flow pregnancy, most likely, colostrum should appear starting from the second trimester. On later dates"Interesting position" (from 32 weeks until the birth of a child), the secret, the prototype of breast milk, stands out in the vast majority of expectant mothers.

Why is this feature dangerous?

The mere appearance of colostrum in early pregnancy is not such a good cause for alarm. This is just a signal that the body of a pregnant woman is preparing for the imminent appearance of the baby. External signs: swelling of the breast and enlargement of the mammary glands.

At a scheduled examination, the gynecologist necessarily conducts an external examination of the breast and performs its palpation. If he did not have a reason for concern, then you, respectively, can sleep peacefully.

You should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible if.

  1. There are colostrum discharges in the first weeks of pregnancy, often pulling in the lower abdomen (as with menstruation). Immediate visit to the doctor this case necessary to confirm or exclude a threat to the life of the fetus.
  2. Isolation of a secret in women who are kept in a hospital - sure sign uterine contractions, which can also pose a threat to the fetus. It is especially dangerous if the sudden release of a secret is accompanied by bloody issues from the vagina.
  3. The chest hurts, you notice purulent and / or spotting on the underwear, seals are felt in the chest. This is not normal and needs treatment.
What color is it?

The color of colostrum during pregnancy, as well as its consistency, depends directly on the period of gestation of the baby.

  1. In the first weeks of the “interesting position”, the released secret can be compared with a thick, yellowish, sticky liquid.
  2. The closer the date of birth, the more transparent and whiter the colostrum during pregnancy, and the more it is similar in texture to breast milk. How these selections look can be seen in the photo.

A leaked secret

Usually, colostrum during childbearing does not interfere with the comfort of a woman, since it is excreted mainly at night. But hot weather, positive or negative stress, breast massage and other factors that have already been mentioned above can provoke increased secretion, regardless of the time of day.

Preventive actions.

  1. A pregnant woman must carefully observe personal hygiene, especially when secreting a secret. This is an indispensable condition for the birth of a healthy baby.
  2. You need to take care of a bra that is suitable in size, which will not squeeze the chest. Best to choose special bras for nursing mothers, they will come in handy even after the baby is born.
  3. If colostrum is secreted so strongly during pregnancy that it stains underwear, you can easily buy special bra inserts in almost any store or pharmacy. You can also use regular cotton pads if the discharge is small. But do not forget to change your bra and liners in a timely manner, as a humid environment creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria.
  4. To prevent infections, be sure to rinse your breasts several times a day (as needed) warm water but without soap.
  5. The most important rule is never to try to express colostrum! This will only increase its output. After all, it is not in vain that mothers who have just given birth are advised to put the baby to the breast as often as possible.
  6. Intense stimulation during pregnancy mammary glands it can also be dangerous, as the release of oxytocin into the blood increases, which provokes uterine contractions, which, with the most unfortunate consequences, can cause a miscarriage.
  7. By stimulating the chest, you can easily introduce an accidental infection through microcracks that are invisible to the eye.

Also find out the whole truth about

In anticipation of the birth of a baby, the happiness of motherhood, a woman already imagines in advance how she will breastfeed her baby. This is a joyful expectation. But at the same time, fear appears: will there be milk, will it be enough for the baby? These questions are of particular concern to women who are expecting their first child.

The woman is anxiously waiting for the first proof that she will still have milk, the child will not remain hungry and will receive the very best from her mother. good nutrition. This first evidence is the appearance of colostrum.

This article will talk about colostrum. You will find out when to wait for its appearance, how many days it arrives before the appearance of mature milk after childbirth, why it is so necessary for the baby.

What is colostrum and what is its significance for the baby?

Colostrum is the secretion of the mammary gland that precedes mature milk. It has pale yellow and has a sticky texture. The first colostrum appears earlier, before childbirth, but begins to actively stand out after childbirth. And 1 to 4 days after birth, it is replaced by mature milk.

This most valuable product is produced in small quantities and has a higher calorie content than regular milk. Therefore, a newborn child does not need so much of it.

And mothers often worry that literally drops of colostrum are released from them after childbirth, that it will not be possible to feed the child with this volume.

Colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins (these are immune proteins that transmit immunity to the child from the mother), proteins, fats.

The mother's immunoglobulins will protect the baby from infections even before the age of six months, while his immunity will be formed. Therefore, early attachment of the baby (immediately after birth) and feeding with colostrum is so important.

It is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. And this is additional support for a weakened immune system of a newborn, who constantly encounters still unfamiliar microorganisms in the first days and weeks of life.

Also, colostrum helps to bind excess bilirubin in the intestines of the crumbs. That is why frequent application and feeding with colostrum is considered a kind of prevention physiological jaundice newborn.

Colostrum contains laxatives that help cleanse the baby's intestines from the original feces (meconium).

Colostrum contains many enzymes that help digest mother's milk. The substances contained in it contribute to the maturation of the enzymatic system of the baby.

It is also rich in lacto- and bifidobacteria, which should first populate the still sterile intestines of the new born baby.

Also, colostrum, due to the content of oligosaccharides, has a prebiotic effect. In other words, it promotes the settlement and growth of beneficial microflora in the baby's intestines.

Also, from a physiological point of view, transitional stage feeding with colostrum during the period of adaptation of the child to a change in the type of nutrition is very necessary. Indeed, in the body of a newborn, all systems are launched gradually.

For example, the kidneys of a newly born baby, due to their immaturity, can cope with a large water load difficult. And there is not as much water in colostrum as in mature milk or formula.

Therefore, colostrum is an ideal food product for a newly born baby. And do not rush to supplement it with a mixture, hoping that it is better than this small amount of colostrum.

When does colostrum begin to be produced?

With the onset of pregnancy, various transformations occur almost immediately with the mammary gland. It increases in volume, becomes more sensitive, sometimes even painful.

A little later, halos of pigmentation appear around the nipple. But few people know that almost immediately a secret begins to be gradually produced in the gland - colostrum.

Colostrum can be released from the breast at any stage of pregnancy. Long-term observations have shown that its release at various times is the absolute norm. And in case of its release very early or, conversely, non-appearance at a later date, there is no need to panic and worry. Everything is considered an individual norm.

It happens that some mothers find out about the onset of pregnancy precisely by the released droplets of this secret on the bra. But these are rather isolated cases.

Still, the release of colostrum in significant quantities in early pregnancy is an undesirable phenomenon. This can be facilitated by various factors, which, as a rule, should be excluded during pregnancy.

These include:

  • taking a hot shower or bath;
  • hot drinks such as coffee, cocoa or tea
  • stressful situations;
  • prolonged stay in a hot stuffy room;
  • stimulation or massage of the mammary glands.

In the middle generally accepted norm colostrum begins to noticeably stand out from the breast only after 15-16 weeks. But this is not necessary, this is not the case for all women. But in the third trimester of pregnancy (from 32-33 weeks), almost all pregnant women notice its release from the mammary gland.

Moreover, this phenomenon cannot be attributed to obvious harbingers of childbirth, since colostrum can stand out from the breast at any stage of pregnancy.

Another thing is that by childbirth it becomes more. Hormonal background, namely an increase in the concentration of the hormone oxytocin before the onset of active labor activity promotes the release of colostrum from the breast. And it is impossible not to notice such a selection of a secret.

The question arises: is the future quantity and quality of milk somehow related to the time of appearance and the amount of colostrum?

The answer is no, not related. Nature has given all women equally the opportunity to breastfeed their offspring. Therefore, colostrum is released or not from the breast before childbirth, it does not matter much for further lactation.

That is, it cannot be said that early appearance colostrum during pregnancy, lactation after childbirth will quickly be established and will be long. It also cannot be said that in the absence of colostrum during pregnancy, a woman will have problems with lactation after childbirth.

So don't listen to the common idle talk of non-specialists about the direct relationship between the period of excretion and the amount of colostrum during pregnancy and the development of good lactation after childbirth.

What should alert a pregnant woman when colostrum is released?

It must be understood that the release of colostrum is always accompanied by certain hormonal changes that have the same stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus.

Therefore, you need to be attentive to your health. For example, a significant amount of colostrum on early stages pregnancy can provoke pulling and spasmodic pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back.

At the first sign of such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate an increase in the tone of the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Normally, women during pregnancy may feel heaviness and slight tingling in the chest. But in a situation where the release of colostrum is accompanied severe pain and fullness in the chest, a woman must definitely see a specialist (gynecologist or mammologist - a specialist in the mammary glands).

Normally, the released secret from the chest should not have a smell. But if you notice any impurities in the colostrum (blood or pus) or feel bad smell this secret, then this is no longer a variant of the norm.

Such situations may indicate an infectious process in the mammary gland. To diagnose and treat such a pathology, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

There are rare cases when colostrum appears in non-pregnant women. This is not a norm, but a pathology. Colostrum can only be produced by increasing the concentration of certain hormones (prolactin and oxytocin).

And if the increase in the level of these hormones is not caused by pregnancy, then it is possible that a neoplasm, that is, a tumor, takes place in the woman's body. Therefore, it is urgent to undergo a complex of examinations by a mammologist, which will help to exclude this terrible diagnosis.

How to care for breasts with colostrum?

First of all, let me remind you that it is forbidden, regardless of the gestational age, to squeeze out or try to express colostrum from the breast.

If colostrum is secreted even before childbirth, you need to follow some rules for breast care.

  • Wear a comfortable and soft (non-wired) bra, such as a nursing bra.
  • When a significant amount of colostrum is excreted from the breast, special disposable breast pads can be used. This will help protect clothing from wet stains.
  • Wash twice or thrice a day with warm water mammary glands, as colostrum is a good breeding ground for various bacteria and fungi.
  • During breast hygiene, it is better not to use soap or shower gels, just wash the breasts with warm water.
  • You need to wipe the chest gently, blotting with a soft towel (do not rub).
  • Do not take a hot shower or be in a hot room (steam room, sauna). This may help to release colostrum.
  • When colostrum is released, itching or irritation may occur in the nipple area. Therefore, for the prevention or treatment of cracks and irritation that have already appeared, you can use special protective or wound healing creams with dexpanthenol (Dexpanthenol, Panthenol, Bepanthen).
  • It is undesirable to massage the mammary glands during pregnancy. After all, this can lead to stimulation of lactation and to an increase muscle tone uterus.

Bottom line: expectant mothers should not worry about whether they will release colostrum during pregnancy, since the process of its formation in the mammary glands is absolutely, absolutely started. And sooner or later you will see it.

The main thing is to try not to miss the slightest opportunity to feed the baby with these valuable products after childbirth. Even if for some reason your cohabitation in the maternity hospital is not yet possible.

You can always express your colostrum and transfer your baby to another room. It is important that you are interested in this. And let you breast-feeding will be a joy!

The breasts of pregnant women begin to prepare for lactation even before delivery. Under the influence of oxytocin, glandular lobules are activated, tubular and flow structures expand. The breast visibly swells, becomes more sensitive and colostrum appears during pregnancy.

So what is colostrum? This is a mammary secretion that begins to be produced shortly before delivery and a couple of days after it, but colostrum may appear in the early stages. In the language of doctors, it is also called colostrum. This secret is called the elixir of life, it has a very complex composition, including:

Due to such a rich composition similar secretions from nipples have a lot of useful qualities. Providing a mild laxative effect, they cleanse the intestinal structures of the newborn from meconium (the first stool), as well as from bilirubin, which prevents the development of jaundice. Also, the secret prevents allergic reactions and populates the intestines with the correct microflora.

In addition, colostrum is an indispensable source of nutrition, protein and vitamin A for the baby in the postpartum period. In terms of calories, content of ascorbic acid, proteins and vitamin E, colostrum bypasses breast milk almost three times. In the first two or three days after delivery, the secret nourishes the child with everything necessary for further development and growth.

Signs of colostrum - the norm and deviations

Externally, colostrum during pregnancy looks like a sticky and thick translucent substance. yellow shade. This is what the discharge looks like on the first day. In the future, closer to childbirth, the secret will become more transparent, colorless and liquid. In some, mammary glandular discharge may contain bloody inclusions, which in the last trimester can be considered as the norm. It is advisable to discuss such issues with a gynecologist in order to clarify what color the discharge should be and exclude pathology.

Usually, colostrum is excreted in scanty droplets, mainly at night. Although sometimes colostrum in pregnant women can leak quite intensively, which is facilitated by a hot bath, bath, mammary gland massage, sex, etc. Therefore, in any situation, it is recommended to discuss the problem with a specialist in order to correctly assess the nature of the discharge.

Abnormal is the discharge from the breast in pregnant women of colostrum, which has an unpleasant odor and purulent impurities. In addition, pathological additional signs like breast pain, increased temperature indicators, vaginal bleeding, pain in the uterus, uneven breast enlargement or its asymmetry in relation to the second mammary gland.

Colostrum at the beginning of pregnancy

When patients have colostrum during pregnancy, they begin to panic, considering this fact to be premature, because the birth has not yet passed. Just the appearance of a secret indicates the activation of the prolactin hormone that responds and controls lactation. This is not surprising, because the body is actively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby.

At what time colostrum appears depends on many factors. In most women, colostrum appears shortly before the upcoming birth. According to statistics, only 20% have breast discharge in early pregnancy. They can be provoked by an increase in temperature against the background various diseases, breast massage, orgasms and sauna, hot showers.

When does colostrum production start?

In fact, discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy begins at about 16 weeks. The mammary glands are actively preparing for the production and promotion of milk. Allocations are scanty, not daily, appear more often at night. This continues until the third trimester, when active phase production of colostrum. The onset of this phase does not depend on the period of pregnancy at which colostrum begins to stand out. Activity continues until delivery, and the amount of secretion is different - some have small droplets on the bra, while others literally run out of secret all night long.

How long before birth does colostrum appear? Such periods are determined by a complex of factors.

  1. Individual organic characteristics and the degree of hormonal changes. If the concentration of prolactin is high, then the secret will begin to stand out early.
  2. hereditary factor. If mothers and grandmothers have colostrum early, then the daughter should also appear early.
  3. Wearing a tight bra, massage, or frequent pressure on the mammary glands can also trigger earlier colostrum production during pregnancy.
  4. Frequent abuse of hot water procedures and a bath, sauna or bath, even just hot weather can indirectly contribute to a more active secretion.
  5. Experts note that in women with a solid breast size, colostrum may begin to appear a little earlier than in mothers with smaller breasts.

In general, if the gestation of the baby proceeds normally, then the release of colostrum during pregnancy is usually activated in the second trimester. And at 32 weeks, the secret stands out in almost all mothers.

What to do with discharge

When a mammary secretion of a pregnant woman appears, it is necessary to pay attention to the consistency of colostrum and related signs. If during pregnancy, discharge from the chest is accompanied by discomfort in the uterus, vaginal discharge or pain in the lower back, these manifestations indicate an active uterine contraction, which is dangerous miscarriage. Therefore, with such symptoms, the help of a doctor is necessary.

breast care

To avoid possible difficulties associated with pregnancy and colostrum, you must follow some rules. Wash your breasts at least twice a day with warm water without soap, use special underwear designed for pregnant women. Dry yourself after a shower with a soft towel in order to avoid unnecessary irritation of the nipples.

If the intensity of discharge from the nipple during pregnancy is quite high, then it is recommended to use special pads. They can be replaced with traditional cotton pads. The main thing is to change the liners regularly, because colostrum is an ideal environment for bacterial infections.

Is it necessary to express

The secret during pregnancy appears in almost all mothers and is generally safe for health and further gestation. The main thing is to follow medical recommendations. Obstetricians warn not to squeeze out colostrum. Any pressure and stimulation of the nipples and breasts activates the production of oxytocin hormone, which tones the uterine muscles and causes them to contract. In other words, such actions will trigger the mechanism of premature delivery, which is why it is impossible to squeeze out the mammary gland secret.

In addition, if you regularly press colostrum from the nipples, the opposite effect will occur, i.e. its production will only increase. Colostrum does not affect future lactation in any way, when the baby is born. Therefore, after its appearance, a pregnant woman must carefully observe the hygiene of her breasts and not subject them to mechanical compression.

Common myths

There are many opinions among the people regarding cases when colostrum appears in pregnant women. But you should not listen to them, and it is better to resolve the issues that have arisen with the doctor.

If colostrum is excreted in non-pregnant women

Since the appearance of colostrum is not a symptom of pregnancy, why does a woman have a secret if she is not pregnant. Firstly, if such a phenomenon occurs, you must immediately make an appointment with a mammologist. A similar phenomenon often indicates the presence of dangerous changes in a woman's body, such as hormonal failure, mastitis, or tumoral mammary gland formations.

Secondly, sometimes the reasons for the appearance of such a secret are not dangerous. For example, some ladies note that before menstruation, a sticky liquid begins to stand out from their nipples, which doctors attribute to an increase in prolactin concentration, which causes the temporary appearance of colostrum. Sometimes such a reaction is a consequence of taking hormonal contraception.

Let's summarize. Isolation of colostrum in pregnant women without pathological symptoms- a normal phenomenon, and in non-pregnant women it requires the attention of a doctor.

As a rule, waiting for the birth of her baby into the world, any mother cares about so many moments. Firstly, so that the birth goes well, that is, safely, so that, of course, God forbid, there are no complications, so that your baby is born truly healthy and naturally on time. And also, of course, so that mommy subsequently had enough of the much-needed baby milk. Each of the normal pregnant women seeks to immediately attach the baby to her breast, and in the very first minutes, hours and, of course, days after childbirth. Agree, because in fact there is nothing better for the baby than the very colostrum.

However, it must be said that the appearance of colostrum immediately before childbirth, say, during the bearing of an unborn child, can very much frighten the expectant mother herself. Is this normal? And in general, what could it be? I know that it’s not time for me to give birth yet, but colostrum is already actively secreted?

Colostrum appearing during pregnancy is quite normal.

We will hasten to reassure you right away - the active release of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon, exactly the same as its own complete absence. Usually, colostrum begins to be actively produced by the body already with, and even if you do not see it, it simply does not flow out. Women's breasts by this time begins natural preparation for the upcoming birth and, accordingly, for feeding your newborn. At first, as a rule, colostrum is thick, yellow and even sticky, but closer to childbirth, it often becomes almost transparent and more liquid.

Moreover, you can often even feel some itching in the chest or tingling in the same place, and even a kind of “movement”. This is also considered to be an absolute norm: after all, your muscles, as it were, push this colostrum to the nipple itself.

And once again we want to note, if you still don’t have colostrum, and, right up to the onset of the birth itself, this is the same quite normal phenomenon. Isolation of the same colostrum even before delivery, believe me, is not at all necessary, this is only one of the options for an absolutely normal and ending pregnancy. And, for example, if you don’t have it, you should not think that your breasts are, as they say, “non-dairy” and that, for example, you specifically will not have much milk. Understand this has nothing to do with one another. It should be noted that often colostrum can begin to stand out right during childbirth or, say, immediately after them. In addition, it does not matter in the slightest, and the amount of colostrum that is secreted during the course of pregnancy and even after it - after all, its amount is strictly individual, and for each particular woman it always varies.

There are sometimes cases when colostrum begins to stand out even in the very early stages of the current pregnancy. In this case, such a phenomenon can be regarded as one of the signs of the onset of pregnancy, along with a sharp increase in the breast and also swelling and bursting of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can begin to be released during a gentle breast massage, or simply sexual stimulation of the breast, and sometimes as a result of severe stress already experienced, less often under conditions that are quite strong. elevated temperature of the body or the air in the room, due to which the ducts in the chest simply expand.

What should be done if colostrum begins to stand out?

In cases where colostrum leaks very strongly, then you will certainly need to use special disposable bra inserts, which will need to be changed in a timely and constant manner. After all, colostrum is the most ideal environment for the active reproduction of various bacteria. And in this regard, do not forget to wash your chest with plain warm water (but preferably without soap).

It must be remembered that in no case should you press on your chest at this time or, even worse, decide to express the secreted colostrum. After all, any stimulation of the breast will definitely entail a powerful release of such a hormone as oxytocin, which causes the contractile activity of the uterus. And this, as you understand, may well lead to a miscarriage or premature birth.

Cases where colostrum can be a dangerous harbinger

It should be noted, however, that the release of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so pleasant and safe. Since colostrum is secreted directly from the breast, and its active stimulation is almost directly related to general condition uterus (after all, when the baby sucks the mother's breasts, the uterus usually contracts), and therefore the release of colostrum can sometimes signal the onset of a threatened abortion.

In cases where you are already on conservation and say along with other signs of a threat spontaneous miscarriage(let's say with pulling pains somewhere in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, as well as with bloody discharge from the vagina) and your breasts suddenly begin to swell and colostrum flows out - you must definitely tell your doctor about this! And, for example, if you are not in the hospital at this time, then you will probably still need to be hospitalized.