Pregnancy after menstruation (signs, likelihood, is it possible?). Can pregnancy continue after bleeding?

Unfortunately, even with a variety of contraceptives that can prevent 99% unwanted pregnancy, two scarlet lines on the test sometimes cause problems. The only way out in this case is to terminate the pregnancy - abortion. No matter what type of surgery a woman chooses with her gynecologist, there is almost always a risk that the pregnancy will continue.
This happens infrequently - about 1% of cases, but this state extremely dangerous to a woman's health. Pregnancy can continue for several reasons:

  1. Insufficient qualifications of the doctor.
  2. Incomplete examination of the patient before surgery.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy (in this case, a regular abortion will be ineffective, since an ectopic pregnancy is a separate complex case in gynecology).

The point is to determine right place The location of the fertilized egg is possible only with the help of ultrasound using a vaginal sensor. If this research is not carried out, the risk that the abortion will be incomplete increases.

What to do if the pregnancy continues after an abortion?

If the abortion is performed unprofessionally, fragments of the fetus or the entire fetus may remain in the uterine cavity. What to do if the termination of pregnancy was unsuccessful?

Firstly , you need to know what signs indicate that you are still pregnant:
1. Bleeding that began a few hours after surgery. If there is something left on the walls of the uterus, it is not able to contract, which is why bleeding occurs.
2. Cramping pain in the lumbar region.
3. Body temperature may often increase, which is a sign of an additional infection.
Secondly , you need to understand what this condition means for female body:
1. As a result of bleeding, the body loses a lot of blood, so anemia may develop.
2. An infection may develop, which will delay recovery period for an indefinite period.
3. And most importantly, incomplete abortion can cause violations reproductive functions in women, and sometimes leads to infertility.
Third , you need to urgently consult a doctor (preferably the one who performed the abortion):
1. Your doctor will order you for an ultrasound using a vaginal probe.
2. If the study shows that there is still something left in the uterus, the doctor will suggest repeating the abortion procedure in a way convenient for you.
3. It happens that in such cases women decide to keep the child and give birth. There are many risks to consider here:

  • Abortion is a serious intervention in the body. You need to understand that the child who was carried out after incomplete abortion, may be born with serious disabilities and pathologies.
  • After such manipulations, the body experiences enormous stress, so there is a possibility of miscarriage after more than later.
  • Plays a huge role psychological aspect– after an abortion (even an incomplete one), the spiritual connection between mother and child is broken. Therefore, this can cause psychological problems in a woman.

4. Even if reoperation was successful, it is necessary to mandatory perform a repeat ultrasound.
5. After repeated cleaning, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy.
6. If you are unsettled by this situation, it is best to contact female psychologist. It will help you cope with all your fears.

Pregnancy is not only unconditional happiness and patiently waiting for the hour when you can meet your baby, but also constant worry about his well-being. And that's absolutely normal. Of course, you shouldn’t worry in vain and specifically look for a problem where there is none. But sometimes it is impossible not to panic - and this is due, for example, to bleeding that occurred at one time or another. Can pregnancy develop after bleeding or does it always mean a miscarriage? This question worries many women.

Pregnancy after early bleeding

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important and difficult for mother and child. Indeed, during this period, the laying of all vital important organs in the fetus, and many external factors may negatively affect his condition. On the other hand, at this time a woman may well lead her previous lifestyle if she does not experience severe toxicosis– work, exercise, travel, go on business trips. In general, comply with the principle “pregnancy is not a disease.”

However, it is quite possible to overestimate your strengths - for example, allow excessive physical activity, experience a lot of stress, to which the body will react in a certain way. The saddest outcome is, of course, spontaneous interruption pregnancy. But in many cases, pregnancy continues after bleeding if the woman immediately consults a doctor.

Why might bleeding occur early in pregnancy? First of all, spotting at the very beginning may not mean the termination of pregnancy, but, on the contrary, its beginning. This is due to the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. Such bleeding is not profuse and lasts from several hours to one or two days. But let's repeat it again - we're talking about about the earliest date, approximately corresponding to the dates of the next menstruation. In most cases, women do not notice this bleeding and are still unlikely to assume that they are pregnant.

The next option, which plunges inexperienced women into shock, is discharge that resembles menstruation and comes at a similar time (or in the middle of the cycle) after pregnancy is confirmed. These are the so-called breakthrough bleeding, Related abrupt change hormonal background. In this case, pregnancy continues after bleeding, so there is no need to panic and even more so rely “on the will of God” without turning to doctors.

If pregnancy is planned, and such bleeding occurs in the first month, the woman often cannot understand what it means similar discharge- this is another unsuccessful attempt conception and the onset of menstruation, or is it still an early miscarriage? In this case, you need to immediately donate blood for hCG, since its level in the blood does not drop sharply. If there was a pregnancy, the analysis will show it.

Other reasons that can cause early bleeding:

  • Inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • The presence of erosion or polyps of the cervix;
  • Endometritis or endometriosis.

In such cases, bleeding may occur, for example, after sex (mechanical injury) or sports. Pregnancy continues after bleeding, but certain conclusions need to be drawn and treatment, if possible at this time, or reduce the load and give up intimate life for a while.

When bleeding is dangerous

The correct option would be this: a woman should not decide on her own what causes any bleeding during pregnancy. You need to see a doctor in any case, and if the discharge is accompanied by sharp pain, contractions, dizziness, then literally every minute counts.

In the early stages, bleeding can actually mean a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Both of these cases require mandatory medical supervision - and ectopic pregnancy, unfortunately, will inevitably entail surgical intervention. But it also happens that bleeding is caused by a lack of progesterone. In this case, pregnancy can still be maintained if you start taking medications that maintain its required level.

Can pregnancy continue after bleeding with clots? Clots do not always mean a miscarriage, and you need to be aware of this too. But even if a miscarriage does occur, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the uterus using an ultrasound. If clots and particles remain in the uterus membranes, this can cause the development of serious inflammation. Therefore, if necessary, after a miscarriage, curettage of the uterine cavity can be performed. This is necessary so that in the future the woman will be able to bear a child.

Bleeding in later stages also becomes a test for a woman. What could have happened to the child? First of all, this condition can be caused by partial detachment placenta. In this case, you will need to go to the antenatal department for preservation and go through all necessary examinations and treatment. Pregnancy after bleeding can also be maintained if it does not occur complete detachment placenta.

A couple of decades ago, the calendar method was considered a fairly common method. But its unreliability has already been proven many times. On the one hand, if a woman’s body works like a clock, then pregnancy after menstruation is unlikely. On the other hand, poor ecology, stress, some diseases, climate change and many other factors can cause a shift in the cycle. In this case, there is no guarantee that pregnancy will not occur immediately after menstruation unless additional ones are used.

What is the likelihood of pregnancy after menstruation?

If we consider all phases of the cycle, then the probability of pregnancy immediately after menstruation is much higher than before its onset. Very often due to nervous stress, health problems and other reasons, right during menstruation, which means that the body is ready for conception. Therefore, pregnancy after menstruation is possible, even if this probability is lower than in the middle of the cycle.

There is a widespread belief among women that the probability of pregnancy after menstruation in the first week after it, as well as 3 days before it, is zero. But in fact, gynecologists say that conception, although unlikely, is still possible.

There are cases where pregnancy occurred on the last day of menstruation and even during it in the absence of other methods of contraception. Many people use it, but negative test cannot guarantee that pregnancy will not occur after menstruation - any tests and methods for determining safe days are very relative.

Doctors calculated the probability of pregnancy after menstruation. In 17% of women, unprotected sex in the first week after menstruation can lead to conception. Quite a risky figure, if we talk about .

Is pregnancy possible after menstruation in the first 3 days if you use calendar method? Statistically, this figure is lower, but still around 2%. Moreover, young girls under 25 years of age are at risk, since their cycle is less stable.

Signs of pregnancy after menstruation

Despite the fact that the main symptom is still a delay in the cycle, there are signs of pregnancy after menstruation that will help recognize the conception that has occurred.

  • Pain in the chest, enlargement of the glands, the body begins to prepare the breasts for feeding the baby in the first weeks.
  • Even on early stages the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. In later stages, the fetus puts pressure on bladder, over a period of several weeks there may be several reasons, including psychological ones.
  • One of the first signs of pregnancy after menstruation may be changes taste sensations, perception of smells. There may be a desire to eat inedible objects, such as chalk.
  • Fatigue and drowsiness are among the first signs of pregnancy after menstruation.
  • Many people often experience heartburn, nausea and increased gas formation.
  • Even before, signs of pregnancy after menstruation may include swelling of the arms and legs, decreased desire, and high basal temperature.

Many women who have experienced pregnancy claim that the feeling that conception has occurred cannot be confused with anything. For many, the feeling arose already in the first week; they were completely sure that they were carrying a baby under their hearts.

But most often, pregnancy after menstruation becomes known only when a delay occurs. True, exceptions happen and menstruation continues to occur, despite developing fetus, this violation is increasingly common nowadays. To be on the safe side, many women who use it buy a pregnancy test from time to time.

When is a pregnancy test effective after menstruation?

Unfortunately, a post-period pregnancy test may not be effective immediately a few days after sex.
The fact is that the level of the hormone that signals pregnancy reaches a noticeable limit only 10-14 days after conception. Of course, today there are tests with a high sensitivity threshold; they are able to announce conception almost in the first 7-10 days, which makes it possible to find out about pregnancy earlier. But due to their high sensitivity, such tests can give false positive results.

Most often, the most accurate answer is given by tests that are carried out on days 1-3 of the delay, or a maximum of 3 days before the expected start of menstruation. For greater information, it is advisable to do the test in the morning, since it is at this time that the concentration of the desired hormone in the urine is highest.

In general, pregnancy after menstruation is possible. Moreover, in women with a regular cycle, the risk is slightly lower - since they experience spontaneous ovulation less often. But even a standard trip abroad, a change in climate and time zone can violate all the laws of nature, so you should not rely on this if there are no plans for the birth of a baby.

Medical abortion is called the artificial termination of pregnancy with the help of specially designed for this purpose. medical supplies. Of all types of abortions, this is considered the most gentle for a woman’s body. However, even he may have Negative consequences, which, among other things, are expressed in difficulties conceiving or bearing a healthy baby.

That is why, at the very beginning of our article, we want to call on all women not to resort to this greatest sin. If you are just thinking about it, then stop before it’s too late! Absolutely all women regret abortion; the only difference is that in each case it requires different time. Just read the stories and testimonials about the bitter experiences of medical abortions. This is the greatest blow to women’s health, as well as a huge risk of remaining infertile, sick and useless for the rest of their lives.

And now we want to address those who are forced to terminate their pregnancy due to medical indications. Unfortunately, such cases also occur, and here you should heed the advice of doctors. If pregnancy endangers your health and life, then you don't have to choose. However, all is not lost for you. Examples successful conception and bearing children after artificial termination of pregnancy is also quite a lot. Alas, it is impossible to predict whether you will be able to get pregnant in the future. But there are always chances! Moreover, many women become pregnant after medical abortion comes almost immediately.

Each female body has individual abilities and resources. The fact remains indisputable that with the onset of pregnancy, great changes occur in it, mainly at the hormonal level (but not only, of course). Its sudden artificial interruption is a huge stress for the body and does not go away without leaving a trace. Some women can physiologically become pregnant in the next menstrual cycle, but many of them make more than one unsuccessful attempt over the years. It should be said that even the first option is undesirable.

Unplanned pregnancy after medical abortion

To recover from the stress experienced as a result of a medical abortion, the female body needs certain time. Gynecologists say that this period must be at least 6 months. Only after this can a woman begin if she wants to safely carry and give birth healthy child. In addition to a number of restorative measures, the doctor will definitely advise you reliable method contraception. Becoming pregnant immediately or shortly after a medical abortion carries many risks and complications. This could be a threat of miscarriage, low position, delays in the development and growth of the fetus, freezing of the fetal egg, Rh sensitization and others. A weakened maternal body is not able to provide the growing fetus with the necessary substances and become a reliable refuge for it for the next 9 months. Therefore, if you become pregnant immediately after a medical abortion, then it is imperative that you contact a gynecologist as soon as possible for examination and exclusion. ectopic attachment fertilized egg and be under his supervision throughout the entire period of gestation.

Planning a pregnancy after a medical abortion

However, not everyone succeeds in getting pregnant easily after a medical abortion. Many women experience certain difficulties with this in the future. Alas, there are cases when, despite the efforts made and all kinds of examinations and treatments, it is not possible to conceive a baby. Nevertheless, preparation for pregnancy and its competent planning plays an important role.

As we have already said, you can start thinking about this only after six months after a medical abortion. It is necessary, together with the future father, to go through, pass, and examine thyroid gland, give up all bad habits and start leading healthy image life. We will have to cure all chronic diseases and exclude risk factors for the development of any viral and inflammatory diseases. Proper nutrition and acceptance are an essential condition for favorable conception. It is also important not to overexert yourself physically and remain calm mentally. Any stress, depression, nervous disorders can prevent the onset or development of pregnancy.

It's no secret that getting pregnant after a medical abortion can be a pipe dream. But in most cases, with adequate rehabilitation and proper planning, a woman manages to conceive and give birth to a baby. The main thing is don't give up!

Especially for- Elena Kichak