Dress code for female executives. Basic requirements for office clothing, what is the dress code

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 14 minutes


In order to determine all the rules of the dress code at work, let's first talk about the very concept of dress code, what it includes, and the origin of this concept. Read also how to break up a strict dress code.

What is dress code? Dress code is a specific form of clothing and principles for wearing it when visiting various events, activities and offices. In English, dress code means “clothing rules,” where dress is clothing, and code is a code, a rule. This concept was able to gain popularity very quickly and is now used in all countries of the world.

Rules for women's dress code at work

As always, the advantage belongs to business suit . In first place are three-piece suits. You can not only save money, but also always look great at work if you buy one for the season. 2 three-piece suits and you will create a combination of them.

Here are the main rules business dress code for women:

The most office flowers are considered: white, gray, black and, of course, beige . But there are no restrictions on colors as such, the main thing is that the color is not provocative. Suitable for important and business meetings dark shades blue and green – they help to “set up” a positive relationship with employees.


It is forbidden:

Shoes business woman must be very neat, clean, with closed toe and on Not high heels (no more than 5 cm).


It is forbidden: The appearance of a girl at work who is not wearing stockings or tights, even on a hot day, is considered simply unacceptable.

It is forbidden:

You should also remember what to wear in groups trouser models, which tight , is most often considered bad form. A strongly wide pants They don’t make you feel strict and formal.


It is forbidden:

The business dress code for women is considered quite strict in relation to costume jewelry. Flashy and large decorations are not allowed. In this situation, it is welcome small Jewelry from noble metal. Earrings should not jingle, so we recommend avoiding a variety of long hoop earrings or pendant earrings.

According to the Russian business dress code manicure must be in mandatory, but only moderate . Broken, unclean nails and bright scarlet, too long nails are not permitted to the same extent. On short nails French manicure would be an ideal option.


It is forbidden:

Here are a few key rules of men's business dress code:

Blazer men should not be too tight or hang too tight, to the middle thumb the sleeve length should be to the middle of the heel should be the length of the trousers.

The dress code in the office matters to your career, and those who disagree with this are mistaken. Depending on the company, the dress code may vary, but if you work in a reputable organization that is in frequent contact with its clients, then you have to strictly follow the generally accepted rules for selecting an office wardrobe.

If your place of work is a small company, then your clothing style will be more relaxed. However, this does not mean that you do not need to adhere to any rules in choosing business clothes.

What mistakes should you avoid when choosing office clothes?

Deep neckline

Needless to say, an immodest neckline does not produce the most good impression in a business setting.

Tip: Be careful about how much of your neck and chest are exposed. Do you like to wear? You can unbutton two buttons on top, but no more, so as not to draw attention to the chest.

The dress code in the office excludes excessively short or miniskirts.

It is believed that women who wear to work short skirts, they are trying to make up for the lack of skills in the professional field and are not serious.

Tip: The best length for a skirt is one that slightly covers the knees. Before you go to work, do an experiment - sit down.

Does your skirt rise up a lot and expose a significant area of ​​your legs? Put it aside and save it for another occasion - a date or a party.

Taboo - too tight or, conversely, wide clothes

If you wear clothes that fit like a second skin, you risk showing off more than you want to. On the other hand, too wide clothes you will look sloppy.

Tip: Choose clothes according to your body proportions. This applies not only to business suits. Clothes that fit properly will give you a feeling of confidence and comfort in any environment.

Translucent shirts and blouses are prohibited

This is a classic and the main detail of a business suit. However, caution must be exercised here. Often the material from which the shirt is made is so see-through that the bra can be seen through it.

And on hot days, many even show up to work in light dresses and blouses made of almost transparent fabric. Remember, translucent underwear unacceptable in a business setting!

Advice: choose light shirts and blouses made of dense materials, make sure that they do not fit the body too tightly. Leave the light dresses and transparent blouses for going out or dating.

Excessive number of accessories

Fashion accessories are effective method highlight your style and individuality. But if you overdo it, your style will only be remembered in a negative way.

Tip: one noticeable accessory is allowed that attracts attention, while others should be as inconspicuous as possible. For example, if you are wearing a large necklace or chain, choose small earrings and a bracelet that will be invisible but elegantly complement your look.

Ripped jeans and shirts with “interesting” inscriptions

Leave these clothes for walking around the city, and buy clothes that are more suitable for the office. Even on Friday, when many companies allow casual clothing, you should not appear at work in torn jeans and T-shirts with playful slogans.

Tip: Jeans are fine for work, but the right combination. Select classic jeans and wear them with a shirt and vest. Accessorize with high heels.

Besides the right choice business clothes, do not forget about the following things:

A business suit is considered part of a professional image and can say a lot about your ambitions and serious work ethic.

Office dress code It has long ceased to be a duty and has become a pleasant bonus on the path to success. Well, seriously, for many years no one has required men to wear a three-piece suit with a starched shirt to work. You just need to not overstep fine line between “fashionable” and “not respectable”. Golden rules of office style to help you!

Office dress code: hours

A watch with a large dial looks great when shaking hands. And you will never be late for an important meeting.

Classic shoes

Boots do not have to be strictly classic - lace-up or with a buckle. The Chelsea model looks very stylish and presentable.

“I only have a pen...”

The volume of the bag speaks for its owner. What do you choose - “I live in a car and carry everything I own with me” or “I only have a pen and a contract with me. Sign here"?

High quality leather

The postman's bag has long migrated from the shoulders of the newspaper delivery man to the accessories of office dudes. Only in a different version: instead of tarpaulin, high-quality leather.

Crime against men's fashion

Burn your square-toed shoes. Right now, get up and burn it to the ground!

Ready-made option - not suitable

Only a tailored suit will fit perfectly.

French cuffs

French cuffs on the shirt will add an elegant touch to your look.

Shocking ties - no!

You won't pass any office dress code wearing this.

Jeans at work

If you are allowed to wear jeans at work, make sure they are always clean and ironed.


The tie must be strictly wider than the shirt lapel and not hang below the belt.

No to inappropriate logos!

The fewer logos on clothing, the better. Only if it’s your company’s logo, but not your favorite football team.

It's not even about washing...

It is better to save white socks for sports; wear dark ones under trousers.

Shocking is a delicate matter

Fun socks will help you stand out from the crowd. But! Only if the image is strictly thought out and corresponds to such an extraordinary thing.

Shave? No.

The height of the socks is mid-calf. To sitting position hairy legs did not peek out from under the hiked-up trousers.

Sneakers and a suit?

The office dress code now does not exclude even sneakers in combination with a business suit. But, of course, we are not talking about the worn-out sneakers you wear to the gym.

You're not at school

The shirt does not have to be white.

Felt hat

Why not? Strict and extravagant.

Silver buckle

When choosing a belt, choose a model with a classic silver buckle. By the way, engraving initials on belt buckles is now gaining popularity.

Polo shirts

Even polo T-shirts are not prohibited by the modern office dress code. Only plain and without print.

Dirty shoes are... in general...

Never leave home with unclean shoes!

Despite the abundance of information on office dress code clothes, this topic still remains relevant and raises a lot of questions. What does the business best or business casual dress code imply? What to wear to a corporate event? How many things will allow you not to think about what to wear? And most importantly, how to emphasize your individuality while remaining within the requirements of the office dress code?

If you are expecting important official negotiations or other formal meetings or presentations, you should follow the dress code business best. This is the strictest business dress code, which requires a formal business suit with a white blouse, nude tights and shoes in neutral colors, as well as status accessories.

If you have a regular working day ahead or your company does not have a very strict dress code, you are planning meetings with clients, negotiations, meetings, then a regular dress code will do. business suit with a blouse light shades, with or without a dim pattern, formal dresses and skirts to mid-knee. This is the so-called business traditional. Closed shoes with medium heels, nude tights and business accessories will support the image of a high-class professional.

You can afford more on Friday and at informal meetings held in daytime. This is where the rules come in. business casual. You can choose an informal business suit, blazer, fine knitwear, cardigan, trouser-style jeans, low-heeled shoes.

On corporate events It is worth remembering that we still remain within the business dress code and do not allow yourself to wear too sexy outfits. An elegant, laconic dress, an elegant top with a discreet skirt or trousers, elegant accessories and jewelry will do.

Of course, the formality of the company’s dress code and the status held in it will make their own adjustments, but, in general, these are the requirements.

What items of clothing make up the minimum basic wardrobe of a business woman for the summer?

  • 2−3 skirts
  • 2 trousers
  • 4-5 tops or blouses that match skirts and trousers.
  • 2−3 jackets
  • 2−3 dresses
  • Jeans
  • Cardigan
  • Raincoat or summer coat


  • decorations,
  • silk scarf,
  • 2−3 bags,
  • expensive watches,
  • decorations,
  • shoes (pumps, high-heeled evening sandals, low-heeled shoes (macasins, loafers).

This is the number of things that will allow you to create a variety of sets and not get bored. But the style in which these things will be made, their cut, silhouette, finishing, color shades and combinations will largely depend on your personal style. If

Office workers must comply with the dress code - adhere to certain rules regarding the clothing and appearance of specialists. Taking this into account, office clothes must meet certain criteria, which include: appearance and colors. In some companies, an incorrectly selected employee wardrobe is perceived as a violation of work routine and discipline. Therefore, office workers should know what clothes to choose and what things are prohibited from wearing to work.

Every person's life is connected with different rules, requirements and restrictions. They even apply to the business sphere. Therefore, leaders different companies They deliberately introduce a dress code in the office. It is represented by a set of rules related to the clothing and appearance of employees.

The dress code emphasizes form style company, and also maintains a business atmosphere in the office.

Clothes for the office should be chosen correctly not only by women, but also by men. But especially much attention is paid to the appearance of the fair sex. They must select not only optimal wardrobe, but also suitable hairstyle, makeup and manicure. In this case, the formation of a business style is guaranteed.

Corporate dress code in the office must meet certain requirements:

  • strictness in clothing - trouser or skirt suits are suitable. The color scheme should be calm, without bright accents;
  • classic shoes - open sandals and similar models are not allowed. Various accessories and bright inserts are minimized. Pumps in muted colors are suitable for women, and men should purchase shoes;
  • restraint in accessories - jewelry should be discreet and made of noble precious metals. Costume jewelry, gilding and a large number of bracelets, beads and other elements;
  • discreet makeup - this rule applies to women, and makeup should correspond to the office style of clothing for girls. Therefore, extremes or use are not allowed bright colors. It is advisable to choose soft and beige colors of lipstick and eye shadow;
  • neat and well-groomed hairstyle, and in some organizations loose hair is prohibited.

Often, office clothing style for girls and men is prescribed directly in employment contract, signed during the placement of a specialist in a specific company. In this case, deviation from the dress code may be considered a violation of labor discipline. In certain organizations, employees are even given several suits that they must wear to work.

Main models

There are some outfits that are considered most suitable for the office. They are strict, but also comfortable. If at work all people adhere to the same style, this will have a positive effect on work productivity. An effective business atmosphere will be created in the company.

For men

Dressing styles for men that are suitable for the office are considered standard. The main models that can be used for an office include:

  • button-down shirts with long or short sleeves;
  • classic pants;
  • suit jackets;
  • T-shirts with the logo of the company where the man works;
  • Some companies allow you to wear light-colored jeans;
  • For footwear, it is better to choose pumps or leather loafers, but sneakers are prohibited;
  • In a professional style, men should definitely wear socks.

Established office dress codes indicate that men may not wear caps or other head coverings to work, sports trousers, shorts and other clothing items with sports symbols. Often a brand name is specially selected for staff corporate clothing for staff. Clothes may be provided by company management free of charge or for a fee.

For men, jewelry should be minimal. Chains or body jewelry are allowed. When choosing men's clothing for the office, the color scheme is additionally taken into account, since the colors should be discreet.

For women

A business woman's wardrobe should have several types of clothes. The most relevant is considered Casual style, used daily. If the company experiences any significant events, which involve visiting the organization by contractors or senior management, then classic evening dresses which should be elegant and sophisticated.

A manager should always look stylish and strict. Tips for building a wardrobe from experts and designers:

  • It is important not only to create a business style, but also to take into account the need for a woman to remain feminine, so you choose classic clothes, which is accentuated with gold or silver jewelry;
  • clothes made of velvet, cashmere or silk are suitable for the office;
  • The wardrobe must include pencil skirts, blouses, jackets and straight trousers different colors, but they should not be too bright and flashy;
  • For the office, black is best, although light colors are acceptable neutral shades or gray color;
  • It is not recommended to choose shoes with heels higher than 4 cm;
  • Blouses with buttons, cardigans or shirts are a great choice;
  • Clean socks or insoles, as well as an intact heel, are considered a necessary condition;
  • Clothes that have different logos, images or inscriptions are not allowed, but the exception is models that have a trademark of the company where the specialist works.

Some companies allow you to wear clothes made from denim, but it should be light.

What you should absolutely not wear

There are some models that office workers are not allowed to wear. This includes not only women's clothing, but also men's clothing for the office. The main prohibitions for men include:

  • standard jeans, although some companies allow models in light shades;
  • low-waisted pants, since the specialist cannot have his underwear or bare back visible;
  • socks white they will stand out strongly against the background of dark pants, so they need to be matched to the tone of the trousers;
  • short trousers, shorts or breeches, as a man should have his ankle covered;
  • sandals or other shoes that reveal the legs, even with socks;
  • Numerous jewelry, but cufflinks, watches, tie pins and wedding rings are acceptable.

When choosing a women's office uniform clothing will have to give up the following items in the wardrobe:

  • excessively short skirts; a length of no more than 9 cm from the knee is considered relevant;
  • too much Long Dresses or skirts;
  • Transparent clothing is not allowed in office style, since bosses and colleagues should not see lace or underwear straps;
  • deep neckline;
  • T-shirts or tank tops;
  • a large amount of jewelry, which does not include watches;
  • high heels or large platforms.

You can see examples of interesting clothing forms in the photo. There are certain restrictions that apply to both women and men:

  • jeans equipped with different inserts, decorated with beads or other details;
  • T-shirts or shirts with a floral pattern;
  • ripped jeans;
  • tracksuits or some items sportswear represented by sweatshirts, tights or other similar items of clothing;
  • flip-flops or sandals that reveal your toes;
  • stretched or pilling clothing;
  • overly thick sweaters.

Stylish clothes for the office should be truly practical, comfortable and attractive. It should not distract from work with colorful colors or complex designs. If an office worker initially knows how to choose the right outfit, then he will never have disagreements with management or colleagues.

Thus, the choice of office clothes is considered not too simple process, since all dress code requirements must be taken into account. Availability suitable wardrobe is a common requirement of numerous companies. Every office worker should know which outfits are optimal and which things are prohibited from wearing to work. The choice should be based on various criteria, which include the appearance of the clothing, its color and ease of use. If the company takes into account the requirements of the dress code, then a truly working atmosphere is created that is conducive to effective implementation job responsibilities workers.

